Atal Bihari Vajpayee

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Atal Bihari Vajpayee

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Atal Bihari Vajpayee was an Indian politician and poet who served three term
as the 10th prime minister of India, first for a term of 13 days in 1996, then for a
period of 13 month from 1998 to 1999, followed by a full term from 1999 to
Vajpayee was one of the co-founders and a senior leader of BJP. He was
member of the RSS, a Hindu nationalist volunteer organization. He was the first
Indian prime minster not of the INC to serve a full term in office. He was also a
renowned poet and a writer.
He was a member of the Indian Parliament for over five decades, having been
elected ten time to the Lok Sabha, the lower house, and twice to the MP(LS)
for Lucknow, retiring from active politics in 2009 due to health concern.
He was among the founding member of the BJS, of which he was president
from 1968 to 1972. The BJS merged with several other parties to from the JP,
which won 1977 general election. In 1977, Vajpayee became the Minister of
external affairs in the cabinet of Prime minister Morarji Desai. He resigned in
1979, and the Janata alliance collapsed soon after. Former member of the BJS
formed the BJS in1980, with Vajpayee its first president.
During his tenure as prime minster, India carried out the Pokhran-II nuclear
tests in 1998. Vajpayee sought to improve diplomatic relation with Pakistan,
travelling to Lahore by bus to mete with prime minister Nawaz Sharif.
The administration of Narender Modi declared in 2014 that Vajpayee’s
birthday,25 December, would be marked as good governance Day. In 2015, he
was conferred India’s highest civilian honour, the Bharat Ratna, by the
President of India, Pranab Mukherjee. He died in 2018 of age- related illness.

 Life and education

Vajpayee was born into a Kanyakubja Brahmin family on 25 December 1924 in
Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. His mother was Krishna Devi and his father was a
school teacher in their home town.

Vajpayee did his schooling at the Saraswati Shishu Mandir in 1934,
he was admitted to the Anglo-Vernacular Middle (AVM) school in Barnagar,
Ujjain district, after his father joined as Headmaster. He subsequently attends
Gwalior’s Victoria College, Agra University where he graduated with a bachelor
of Art in Hindi, English and Sanskrit. He completed his post-graduation with a
Master of Arts in political Science from DAV college, Kanpur, Agra University.
Work as activist
His activism started in Gwalior with Arya Kumar Sabha, the youth wing of the
Arya Samaj movement, of which he became the general secretary in 1944. He
also join the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in 1939 as a Swayamsevak, or
volunteer. Influenced by Babasaheb Apte, he attended the officers Training
Camp of the RSS during 1940 to 1944, becoming a pracharak in 1947. He gave
up studying law due to the partition riots.
By 1942, at the of 16 years, Vajpayee became an activity member of the
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Although the RSS had chosen not to
participate in the Quit India Movement, in August 1942, Vajpayee and his elder
brother prem were arrested for 24 days during the quit India movement. He
was released after giving a written statement that while he was apart of the
crowd, he did not participate in the militant event in Bateshwar on 27 august
1942 throughout his life, including after he became prime minister, Vajpayee
has labelled the allegation of participation in the Quit India movement to be
false rumour.
 What lessons can we learn from Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Atal Bihari Vajpayee was a renowned figure in Indian politics who advocated
and initiated a variety of changes and ushered in anew era in technological
milestones for the country amidst intense pressure from all sides. He was
successful politician and well respected and honorable prime minister of India
due to virtues he possessed. There are many life lessons to be learned from
such a figure who commanded the respect of not only his comrades but also
the opposition. Here are some lessons that can be learned from him:

 Being calm and composed: Atal Bihari Vajpayee was one of those
extraordinary men who exuded eloquence even in silence. One of the
most valuable virtues he possessed was that of cool character and
immense patience. Being an eloquent speaker who commanded the ears
and respect of everyone including the opposition, he knew when to
listen and when exactly to stay silent while being addressed.
 Leadership: Atal Bihari Vajpayee showed exceptional leadership qualities
even in the face of extreme odds and persisted promoting the
administration of prominent Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan who
rightfully personified him as a star in the sky of politics who outshone
 Have competitors, not enemies: Atal Bihari Vajpayee believed in having
competitors, not enemies. He was known for his ability to maintain
cordial relations with the political opponents.
 Be prepared to pay the cost for your choices: He faced three major crisis
situations, in May 1998 the sanctions applied by US in wake of the
nuclear tests conducted, in May 1999 the Kargil War and in Dec 1999 the
hijacking of the Air India flight to secure the release of militants. Observe
the three situations -the first one was when he walked into it with full
knowledge of the consequences, the second when he could pick his
reactions and the third where his actions were forced.
In all the situations he paid a heavy price but did not hesitate in doing
what was right. It would have been easy to remain a non-nuclear power
or concede territory and play Geo-politics. I reckon, the most difficult
choice was between losing innocent lives in the hijack or risking future
militant action by the terrorists released.
 Start young: While most 20 years olds are still wondering what to do in
life, Atalji was very clear about the path he would tread upon. He
jumped into the freedom struggle when he was in his early 20s. He
joined the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) in 1939 and used to
arrange meetings, coin slogans, and spread awareness about the
organization. Never one to waste time complaining or wait for others to
act, Atalji used every opportunity to work hard and get closer to his goal.
He became the general secretary of Arya Kumar Sabha, a youth branch
of Arya Samaj, in 1944, which was his first step towards activism. He
believed in starting young.
 Stand up for your beliefs: He began his journey in the politics by taking
part in the freedom struggle. He participated in the Quit India
Movement when he was in his 20s and was sent to prison. This was an
important milestone in his life. He was not afraid of taking on authority,
as he believed in fighting for what was right.
 Stay productive: Along with being a distinguished and respected
politician, Atalji wore many hats. He was also known as poet. In fact,
Atalji continued to write poems even when admitted in the hospital. Ill-
health did not prevent him from contemplating and putting his thoughts
together in the form of poems. He made the best use of his time and
was always productive.
 Effective communication: His prowess in effective communication left an
incredible mark on India’s political landscape. His speeches were a blend
of eloquence, clarity, and emotional resonance, capable of transcending
barriers. One of the most notable instances of effective communication
was during the Kargil war in 1999.
With his resounding address “Kargil war is not a matter of politics but of
our nation,” he united the entire nation in a common spirit, transcending
political differences.

 Success and patience go hand in hand: During the 1984 elections, BJP
was reduced to a party with two seats but Vajpayee did not let the
failure weigh him down. He accepted the defeat and worked hard and
later in 1995 he was named as BJP’s Ministerial Candidate.
Leadership style
 Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s leadership style was marked by inclusivity, tolerance,
integrity, and statesmanship. He believed in the idea of a pluralistic India
where diverse cultures and perspectives could thrive.
 He never indulged in self praise nor compelled situation where other do it
for him. If one listens to his political speeches closely, he never hardly
positioned his leadership personally. It was always a consensual, natural
outcome of his efforts and contribution. Such was the ease.
 He understood the fundamental role of a leader is to have a collective vision
and achieve it through collective collaboration. He also exhibited
throughout his life that he needed no one to watch his back, se he did not
believe that anyone can stab him stab him from behind. His life was an open
book and he had nothing to hide.
 His leadership style clearly established that the measure of a great leader is
building a generation of leaders for the nation and then institution. He
strongly believed that the responsibility of a leader is to produce many
more of his ilk.
 His definition of political leadership seemed nothing different from the
above. Through his objective ideological stands, zero pettiness, delayed
gratification, justified, Vajpayee lived through his political leadership role
with ease and elan.
 He did nit turn his mind into a liability. He di not carry grudges, vengeance,
anger, jealous and many other negative, overbearing memory loads. His
clam mental and physical composure in private and in public was a
reflection of his clean, positive and free mind. He lived in a single
personality inside & outside.
 He enjoyed the finer nuances of life with children, pet dogs, poems, music,
humor, food and entertainment. He experienced natural progression of his
life without mental blocks and without over indulgence in a singular focus
area, despite being a national leader. He lived a complete and well balanced
 He lived as if he could die any day, and died as if he could live forever. Only
those who understand that life is much bigger than and beyond a mere
phase of popularity and power can live that well.

 He was man with mindfulness, lived his life in every moment as if it’s a great
opportunity. Naturally, he was never a man in a hurry. He paced through
life, like a long walk in a beautiful garden.
 Forget & forgive greatness is earned throughout one’s life not just in a single
phase. Vajpayee was a grand human being across all phase of life. Being a
prime minister did not elevate him to any higher level. He was much bigger
that that role as a ‘great human being’.
 Emotionally intelligent in a world torn by hatred, division and contempt,
Vajpayee was like a fresh breeze. As a leader he was tough in making
courageous decision for the nation, but gentle in dealing with human
emotion. He used this approach in every role and phase of his life, his
patience and respect to deal with a people of all level of competence and
him endearing to everyone he worked with.
 He never under estimated the capability of people to assess the
genuineness of emotion expression throughout his life.
 Vajpayee leadership was characterized by his unwavering commitment to
truth, ability to stand firmly for his principle leads, and exceptional
statesmanship, which showcased his adeptness at coalition politics and
bridging divided.
 His leadership style can be associated with transformational leadership
theory, which emphasizes building trust, motivation, and flexibility in rule
and regulation.
 Vajpayee’s exemplary leadership qualities, including his clam and composed
demeanor, strength of character, and perseverance, continue to inspire
leader in various domains
 Sumitra Mahajan, Lok Sabha Speaker, describes Vajpayee as “a star in the
sky politics, which shone brightly,” highlight his exceptional leadership
 Transformational Leadership theory: Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the former prime Minster of India, was known for his
inclusive and consensus-based leadership style. This aligns with element of the
transformational Leadership theory, emphasizing inspiration, motivation, and
Transformational leadership theory is a style focused on effecting revolutionary
change in organizations through a commitment to the organization’s vision this
leadership style is characterized by high level of communication, motivation,
trust and flexibility. In this context, Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s leadership style can
be related to transformation leadership theory in the following ways.
1. Vision and Goal-setting: Vajpayee was known for his clear and distinct
ideological vision, which he effectively communicated to his followers
and the nation. He set and followed a common agenda for every
participant in the coalition government, demonstration his ability to lead
and inspire other.
2. Motivation and inspiration:- Vajpayee’s speeches and actions were often
inspiring and motivation. As he believed in the power of values and
capabilities of his party member and the nation. He encouraged and
supported them in achieving their goal, fostering a sense of trust and
belonging among his followers.
3. Leadership by example:-Vajpayee practiced what he preached, leading
by example and demonstration his commitment to his principles and
value. He was known for his integrity, statesmanship, and vision for India,
which he showcased through his political career.
4. Decisiveness and Consensus- building:- Vajpayee was a decisive leader
who navigated big issues and made meaningful choices. He was also a
consensus-seeker, demonstration his ability to bridge differences and
foster unity among diverse group.
5. Flexibility and adaptability:- Vajpayee’s leader style allowed for flexibility
and adaptability, as he was able to delegate tasks and focus on the big
picture within an organization .he was also known for his ability to
accommodate diverse perspectives and work towards collective

 Life lessons the young generation should learn from Atal Bihari Vajpayee
Atal Bihari Vajpayee was successful politician and a well- respected and honorable prime
minster of our country due to the virtues he possessed. There are many life lessons to be
learned from such a figure who commanded the respect of not only his comrades but
also the opposition.

He showed exceptional leadership qualities even in the face of extreme odds and
persisted promoting the admiration of prominent Lok Sabha speaker Sumitra Mahajan
who rightfully personified him as a star in the sky of politics who outshone everyone.

Following are the life lesson that we believe the young generation should definitely learn
from such a prominent figure which will pave the way for their success ahead:

Being clam and composed:- Atal Bihari Vajpayee was one of those extraordinary men
who exuded eloquence even in silence. One of the most valuable virtues he possessed
was that of a cool character and immense patience. Being an eloquent speaker who
commanded the ears and respect of every one including the opposition, he knew when
to listen and

when exactly to stay silent while being addressed. Instead of flinging back insult, he
calmly chose to demolish accusation for hishnorable code of conduct from all spheres,
such code of conduct and cool-headed nature is something that the young should learn
from Vajpayee.

Leadership: - Due to the unique skill of statement, Atal Bihari Vajpayee was considered a
great leader and inspired many from the field of politics and beyond. Industrialist like
Ratan tata and many other attest to this fact and claim to have benefited from the
example of his immense character. In today’s world, leadership skill are a necessary asset
for the adolescent minds which Atal Bihari Vajpayee has proven with golden examples.

The Strength of character and perseverance: - Atal Bihari Vajpayee throughout his
lifestood as a pillar of strength and integrity and even after his demise continues to
inspire many. The fact that he did not budge in the midst of the Kargil was and went on
to conduct nuclear tests later despite opposition prove just that. If not for his
perseverance, India would never have been able to recapture lost territory or gain the
status of a nuclear state, and even after his demise, he still continues to set example for
the young on the value of life.

Success in patience: - the political career of Atal Bihari Vajpayee was not always filled
with instant success. He, in fact, faced massive defeats in the beginning years. He even
lost his mentor to unfortunate circumstance but none of those deterred him from his
path. He rose up to the pinnacle through his sheer dedication and patience in spite of
substantial opposition. The quote ‘nothing is impossible’ has been time and again proven
by Atal Bihari Vajpayee to be accurate and is a valuable lesson for the young generation.

Taking bold decisions:-Life is not always as seen through a rose-tinted glass and
sometimes situations may demand bold action in making vital decisions. It is therefore
imperative that our young be aware and prepared for such cases. Late shri Atal Bihari
Vajpayee has demonstrated this fact quite successfully showing extreme never and
boldness during the second nuclear test at Pokhran which was done amidst secrecy.

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