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July 11, 2022

This season is even more aim heavy than the last. It is therefore essential to be good with
aim dueling and movement skills with the combat SMG. I highly suggest that you aim duel
daily for 10-15min. You can play the usual Cone SMG one + Flying Room. Basically, play
scenarios that reward movement skills, so avoid the react ones in aim duel.
The first part of this routine is using an idea of mine that I apply for personalized coaching
sessions for games like Overwatch and Apex mostly. Still, for this season, it makes a lot of
sense to try it for Fortnite. To play this routine properly, you start with the keyboard skill
training and then follow by either routine A (on even days) or routine B (on odd days). If
the keyboard skill training becomes too boring after a while, drop it and replace it with an
aim duel session of 20 min at the end of routine A or B, not before.
1.1. Keyboard Skill Training.
• Pole Extreme Short Dodge 2 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity. To warmup
your keyboard skills first, play this one WITHOUT shooting at the bot (you can
move and aim at the bot still but if it’s too hard, forget the mouse completely). Try
to maximize score at first by switching left/right only as symmetrically as possible, and
faster and faster if you can. You want the speed bar to move at all times but do not
let it go full green or it means you’re too slow to change direction. If it stops moving,
it means that you fucked up some keyboard switches and are actually pressing the
two keys at once for a short time, or are too late on the 2nd key press. Fix that. Feel
free to use some diagonals switches too if you’re good enough, still without moving
the mouse (or if you do, do not shoot the bot). Try to avoid drifting, if you do, it
means you’re not symmetric enough
• Pole Extreme Short Dodge 4 min.: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity. This time,
move the mouse and aim/shoot at the bot. You should be warmed up, so try to
maximize score, look at movement score too,
• Pole Short Dodge OW 3 min. total: fov 103 ow, hipfire sensitivity. Play one
minute of each of the following patterns, in challenge mode to have movement score,
do NOT shoot at the bot (you can move the mouse/aim at the bot if you want). Red
arrows indicate the first direction, then blue one. For the triangles, you can do 3
triangles in one direction before chaining them in the other as in the drawing, or do
more if you want (4 or 5). When you’re super clean, try to switch faster and faster,
but do not sacrifice cleanness for speed. 4 change of direction a second that are super
clean is a good start, if you can reach 6 it’s very good, 7+ is top tier if it’s clean

Figure 1. Pole Short Dodge OW

• Pole Short Dodge OW 4 min. total: exactly the same as above. 1 minute of
each. This is much harder, btw


Figure 2. Pole Short Dodge OW

• Pole Med Dodge OW 4 min. total: fov 90 ow, hipfire sens. Aim at the bot
at all times, but try to be creative with your movement and train some motion like
above, involving some usual left/right, and other unconventional movement switches
like backward followed by forward+right, etc. Try to chain them properly too. What
can work too, and is very useful in a real game too, is to be asymmetric with your
movement: you can for example press the left strafe for 350 ms, then the right key
for 150 ms, and left strafe for 350 ms again. This makes you move globally to the
left, and it works with every direction of course. Try to train that in Fortnite too
when you aim duel or even in game when you push diagonally. You can train those
without moving the mouse too if you want, but it’s generally easier to perform than
the exercises I gave you above,
• Close Mid AD Very Long Strafe Dodge Anti-Mirror 4 min. total: fov 100
ow, hipfire sens. Go close range, and try to short dodge left/right only relatively
quickly (do NOT strafe aim!) and aim at the bot at the same time. You can also
try to do the long dodge triangle (3rd exercise of the first picture) while aiming, close
range too. Moving asymmetrically works very well there too if you want to vary,
1.2. Routine A.
• Close FS Easy Dodge Invincible Blink (FN Shotgun 1x1 Cone REACT Aim
Duel) 10 min.: fov 105 ow, hipfire sens. Two sick scenarios, one where you teleport
and have to flick with shotgun, the other where the enemy teleports with SMG, so
you have to read properly. You need to move on the SMG one, do not strafe aim (you
can’t anyway), but try to push with diagonal generally,
• Close Flick TPS Dodge (Pasu Dodge Close TPS) 10 min.: On Close Flick TPS
Dodge, fov 100 ow, hipfire sens. Here, I want you to actually NOT short strafes. Try
to mid dodge, and to almost always fill the bar. Take care to shoot regardless of your
change of direction, as in, avoid shooting ONLY when you change direction (so you
have to flick and shoot while going in the same direction sometimes, which is a sick
training). Same on Pasu dodge. Here, you can actually strafe aim btw (with diagonals
but not only), so you don’t shake your mouse around
• FN Vertical Click 360 Dodge (Close FS Dodge Shotgun) 10 min.: On FN Ver-
tical Click 360 Dodge, fov 110 ow, hipfire sens. Very good scenario, especially if you
don’t cheese movement. Fov 100 ow, hipfire sens on Close FS Dodge Shotgun. Push
diagonally here, and aim at the head if possible, it’s not easy,
• Glider Fallen v2 Extra Thin (Skeet Pistol Small Faster) 10 min.: fov 80 ow, ads
sensitivity. this one is hard. If extra thin is too hard, go thin version, do not play the
normal one it’s too easy for this season. Fov 95 ow, ads sens on Skeet. Great scenario
for FSA.
• Bounce 180 Tracking Small High Ground (Smoothbot Unvincible Goated) 10
min.: fov 95 ow, ads sens on both. Two usual scenarios that you probably already
know, but they are great for this meta and you should grind them a lot. If Smoothbot
is too easy, go small version (this is hard!).
1.3. Routine B.
• PF TPS Close S CE Small Track (FN Shotgun Fast Strafes 1x1 Cone Aim Duel)
10 min.: fov 105 ow, hipfire sens on PF TPS. It’s just an upgrade for this meta of
psalmflick strafing. Great scenario i think for the combat SMG. fov 95 ow, hipfire sens

on FN Shotgun. This one is very good to aim at controller movement. It’s a bit like
pump duel GOATED Fixed, but better for this meta and no HS only.
• Overhead Jumps Incline Hard (Bounce 180 Dodge Tracking) 10 min.: fov 100
ow, hipfire sens on Overhead. On Bounce, fov 90 ow, mean sensitivity (average of
hipfire and ads). Try to focus on smoothness here and to STRAFE AIM (so you don’t
start shaking your mouse around) with diagonals or to long dodge, and do not neglect
the target switch,
• Fountain Tracking Small (Surge Tags Training Clicking) 10 min.: fov 90 ow
on Fountain, ads sensitivity (average of hipfire and ads). On Surge Tags Training
Clicking, fov 90 ow, ads sens. This one is great for reading purposes, as the map is
• Popcorn Goated TI easy (Vertical Hell) 10 min.: fov 95 ow, ads sens on both.
Try to aim at all times, and do not neglect the target switch on Vertical Hell. If you’re
bored of those, feel free to play the usual Fountain scenarios (Tracking, ClickTiming,
• R6S TinyMovingSpheres (Wide Wall 10 Extra Small Moving)10 min.: fov 90
ow, ads sens on both. Great scenarios for surge with the AK. You can also play the
usual Fortnite Gliders Infantry 360 and aim at the heads only, but it’s a bit different,

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