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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

in English 7


At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students will be able to:

a) Define intensive reading;

b) Read and locate information to find answers to specific questions; and
c) Use comprehension strategies effectively to enhance their reading skills.


Topic: Read intensively to find answers to specific questions

● Reading Intensively to Find Answers to Specific Questions

Materials: Worksheets, whiteboard, markers, visual aids, and timer.


A. Preparation
• The teacher will call the class mayor to lead the prayer. After the prayer, she will ask the
students to arrange their chairs and pick up garbage on the floor.
• The teacher will greet the class. She will also ask the class secretary whether there are
students who are absent.

• Motivation (Simon Says)

The teacher will play a game called Simon Says. In this game, the teacher will pretend to
as Simon and tell students to do things like "Clap your hands" or "Touch your nose."
Students need to do these actions only if the teacher says "Simon says" before. If a
student can't follow the command, they will share to class why they love reading books
and why reading is important to them.

• Review
The teacher will ask questions about the previous topic.

B. Presentation of Objective

(Let the class read your objective and use Slide presentation in presenting your objectives.)

At the end of the lesson, 90% of the students will be able to:
a) Define intensive reading;

b) Read and locate information to find answers to specific questions; and

c) Use comprehension strategies effectively to enhance their reading skills.

A. Activity

Word Puzzle

● The teacher will divide the class into teams of 3-4 students.
● The teacher will give the students a handout of a word puzzles incorporating
scrambled words or phrases that students will need to unscramble.
● The teacher will ask the students to positioned at a designated starting point. The
first team member is provided with a word puzzle and has a set time (1 minute) to
unscramble the word or phrase.
● The student will skim or scan the text to find the answer. Once the student finds
the answer, they will run to the whiteboard and the team that writes it first gets

B. Analysis
• How did you find the words in the puzzle?
• What techniques did you use to find the words?
• Does the technique you used help in locating the words?

C. Abstraction
What is Skimming and Scanning?

Skimming serves as an effective reading strategy for optimizing time while comprehending
the core concepts. It involves selectively seeking out general or main ideas within the text.
To employ skimming, focus on reading introductory sections, chapter summaries, the first
and last sentences of paragraphs, and any highlighted or bolded terms. This approach
facilitates a rapid understanding of the overall content without immersing oneself in
exhaustive detail. Skimming allows one to swiftly identify crucial information and grasp key
points, even if not every word is read.

How to Skim?

1. Read the first few paragraphs.

2. Read only the first sentence of each paragraph, also called a "topic sentence."
3. Look for important information (names, dates, or events).
4. Stop skimming in conclusion or summary. Read it in detail.
If you feel you are grasping the main ideas, then you are skimming correctly.

Scanning is like a search tool when you're reading. It helps you find particular details like
dates, names, or places in a text. You look for important things like numbers, bold words,
symbols, short forms, and quotes. Scanning is handy when you need specific information
without reading everything. It's like a quick search to spot the details you're looking for.

How to Scan?
1. Alphabetical (A-Z)
2. Chronological (time or numerical order)
3. Non-alphabetical (such as television listing)
4. Category
5. Textual
Keep the concept of key words in mind while scanning.

Things to remember:
 Look at Titles: Check the main titles to know what the text is about.
 Read First and Last Parts: Get key info from the start and end of paragraphs.
 Check Bold Words: Important words might be in bold
 See Pictures and Charts: They can give you a quick idea.

 Know What You Need: Have a clear idea of what info you're looking for.
 Find Key Words: Look for specific words related to your search.
 Use Your Finger: Point to guide your eyes and stay focused.
 Check Numbers: Pay attention to dates or numerical info.
 Notice Important Words: Words in bold or all caps could be crucial.

D. Application

Direction: The teacher will distribute a short passage to each student or pair of
students. It contains a series of events that are not in chronological order. The students
should read the text intensively and put the events in the correct chronological order.

o John and Maria go on a hike and take pictures along the way.
o They stop at a lake and have a picnic lunch.
o As they continue their hike, it starts raining heavily and they get soaked.
o Back at home, John and Maria look through their pictures and reminisce about
their fun day.


Direction: let the students determine which of the statements are true (√) and which
ones are false (X) based on the information presented in the passage:
1. Yoga only focuses on physical exercise.
2. Yoga is not suitable for people of all ages.
3. Yoga can help reduce anxiety and depression.
4. Yoga is just a fad and not a sustainable practice.
5. The physical postures in yoga are called asanas.
6. Yoga has a significant impact on cardiovascular health.
7. The word "yoga" comes from the Sanskrit word "yuj", meaning "to unite".
8. Yoga can improve sleep quality and quantity.
9. Yoga requires expensive equipment and clothing.
10.Yoga can help with weight loss.


Multiple Choice
Identify whether the statement/s is correct or incorrect. Choose your answer among the

1) Before reading quickly to find the section of text containing the answer you need, you will
need to read intensively to locate the specific information required to answer the question.
2) Intensive reading is done at a slower pace and more carefully.

A. Only statement 1 is correct.

B. Only statement 2 is correct.
C. Both statements are correct.
D. Both statements are incorrect.

1) Before reading quickly to find the section of text containing the answer you need, you will
need to read intensively to locate the specific information required to answer the question.
2) Intensive reading is done at a slower pace and more carefully.

A. Only statement 1 is correct.

B. Only statement 2 is correct.
C. Both statements are correct.
D. Both statements are incorrect.




A. No. of learners who earned 90% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities

for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners
who have caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to require

E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

Dimple Kayl Bolotaolo Bongcawil

Reviewed and checked by:

Gladys P. Guzman

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