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A Monica.

Hi Toño

B toño . Hello cousin

A . tell me about your daily routine

B. ok

A what time do you get up

B. I get up five o clock every morning on weekdays. I take a shower and get dressed

A . do you have breakfast early?

B. I dont have breakfast early . I have breakfast at 10 : 15 because go to work at 6 o clock

A. what time do you have lunch

B I have lunch at eight past two with my family always after take a break for an hour and
then I leave the house .I usually finish work at about 8pm

A very Good

B what time do you cook

A i usually cook at 11 am oclock .because my children come home from school . we also have
as a family. what time do you arrive home

B I get home about an hour after and have dinner with my family .In the evening. I help my
wife with the washing dishes after that watch tv with my son Mateo.

A do you go to bed at 10pm

B no . I dont . I finally go to bed at about 11 oclock

A what do you do on your weekends

B On weekends . i do my homework,clean , help my wife ,clean the Windows after that .We go
to a nice restaurante and relax as a family .late in the afternoon .I have my face to face classes
that are 50/50 are in the afternoons . and you
A On Saturdays my family and i usually go to the supermarket and do the shopping .And in the
afternoons .We take a walk in the park with our pets . We dont go to the movies because .We
dont like to leave ours pets alone .And after that at night .We went our to dinner at 8pm
oriental food.

B very well cousin . see you tomorrow

A Good night .good luck

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