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Gratitude Write Up

Your Name: Sean Benesh Date: 9/27/2023

1. At the close of participating with four weeks of gratitude assignments on D2L, what have you

These four weeks of gratitude assignments have really emphasized and reminded me of the
importance of practicing gratitude. It is so easy to get caught up in the challenges of life and it can be
easy to forget about everything we have to be thankful for. There were several of the reflections that I
took a step further such as when I wrote a letter to my dad, I actually sent it to him afterward.

2. At the close of participating with four weeks of gratitude assignments on D2L, what activities
did you find most meaningful and why?

The most meaningful activities for me were the walks were I got to explore some of my favorite places
around campus and my neighborhood that I don’t usually spend much time at. I also appreciated the
letter where I got to write something that I in a way have wanted to tell my dad in the past.

3. Have you noticed any common themes after reviewing your gratitude posts? Please

The main themes I saw recurring throughout the activities was that most of the things I am thankful
for in my life are my family, friends, or in some way related to them. I also noticed that a lot of people
remarked how they don’t often reflect on what they are grateful for, me included. These assignments
were helpful to all of us in reminding us to be grateful.

4. What have you learned from reviewing and responding to other’s posts?

I noticed that a lot of others also were very thankful for their families and friends as well. Some of my
friends also had very similar inspirations for why they went to nursing school, such as how I was
inspired by my mother being a nurse and another person was inspired by their sister.

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