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Question: in Europe there is no rule on ai yet besides one or a few more

regulations. It was also said during the QnA session that the use of ai and the rules
on ai will probably depend on what type of risk or danger these technologies
might pose. (the type of danger, the person or entity effected by the technology
was not specified) And my question is how do we know if it is not too late to act
and make an effective law on the new developments against the dangers by that
time they have done, do, could or will most probably cause?

- It was said that technology is developing faster than law, thus I would say
that technological developments are faster than most could comprehend it
to be.  and I wonder if that means that it is not technology that should
follow the law but laws that follow the technology.
o But if its law that follows the technology how do we know if it is
not too late to act?
o Or should law be one step behind technology to not hinder its
development, acting as a guide for further development?
 Because it was said and implied during the lecture and the
QnA session that technological development should not be
hindered, in other words it should not be held back (I am not
sure if it was meant to not hold it back at all or not that
 But if technological developments are faster than law how do
we know if its not too late to act and what to act. I think that
it would be very efficient if there would be laws, or much
rather general principle, that would serve as guidance for
development. Since it was said that development cannot or
much rather should not really put into struggle and be bound
by laws (especially old laws) I think it would be an
interesting idea for law to develop together with technology.
However for I think some new rules and general principles
should be put in place. I think that first adopting new or more
technology oriented general principles or customary law
would be great. Because these 2 could best evolve together
with the quickly changing and evolving technology that
surrounds us.
 Why cant development be slowed down or hindered?
Because so far it is hard to figure out where we are headed as
a society. Probably the developers and decision makers could
have some clue or a plan for what should happe in the future
more or less. But why cant development be slowed down so
that proper law can be made on the too quickly developing
technology?  At the moment I can only identify 1 or 2
issues as to why tech development would be hard and risky
to slow down: tech development can be better understood as
a type of international competion where a lot of money and
power is and will continue to be at stake. Thus if we cannot
slow down development, does that mean that lawmakers
have to adapt to it? Thus make new laws, general principles
and customs.
 But than again how do we know if we are going the rigt way
in the development of new rules to guide and improve tech
development? I would say it is and will be very important to
experiment with both old and new ideas to ensure that
society will go in the right direction, if there is one which
can be found.
In exam we will focus on eu and international case law or slides (uk or tasks from

We will get a lit of most relevant cases

Nwoledge questions, to transfer the knowledge application questions, concrete

situation to which we have to apply our knwoledge

Obligatory reading:

Andrew Murray (2019) Information Technology law, pp. 3-21, 22-54 (that is,
Part 1 – Chapter 1-3)


Open Internet Regulation (EU 2015/2120)

WG structure
 Disruptive innovation
 Legal advice
 Define and discuss
 Internet
 Conclusion


 Criminal law is hevier for crime soffline than online because eof the
scale (friends)

Prepare the tasks below for discussion in class.

Task 1 – Disruptive innovation

We are surrounded by technology. Find information and present in class some of

the newest technologies that are developed (to illustrate your discussion you
might also think of sharing pictures/links, etc.). List the areas of life and the
fields of law that these technologies are likely to effect and briefly explain why.
- Open AI: open ais are technologies that have direct access to the internet
and can use the information as the see it fit based on the commends put into
the search bar.
o Between ope ai technologies there are
 Chat gpt can hold artificial conversation with people
 DALL E & DALL E 2 create images on commend from text,
 Whisper is an application which recognizes speech and
transcribes it and can translate many languages to English
- AI generating videos (aka text to video) whre one is basically making a
video out of text than u can add special effects and berolls next to it, and u
can also add a voice print which will make the text that u want to be said
heard in the voice tone that u put into the ei application
- There is also ai which recreates voice  with about a 3 minute long voice
record u an recreate a voiceover and make text being said in tehvoice and
tone and maybe style of that person this is tried out ow with tehvoice of
artists, celebrities and other famous people

In general AI can very well be used to create artificial content and deep fakes

- Self driving cars which are still in progress, data is put into them through
the internet as well : Image recognition, in the context of machine vision, is the ability
of software to identify objects, places, people, writing and actions in digital images.
Face recognition technology, image recognition technology

Areas of life and law that technology can affect:

- In a way ai and new technologies might and probably will improve our lives and can aid humans
to do a better job in what they are doing to solve comple problems. Those problems might be
solved faster with these technologies with a higher rate of success thn without those
- However, relying on ai and technologies with data will most probably make most people lazier
and less creative. I think that people will think less and do more.
o Study life: tech can help to get bewtter grades, maybe it can also help students to
understand the material more, but in general most kids don’t like to study so they will
try to get better grades, making better assignments while doing less.
o Work life: office work, doctors job, lawyers, …
o Art world is already affected by it and it will be affected even more by time (actors,
singers, movie and video making)
o Maybe it could also affect politics, political life
 Scandals will be more easy to create, make deepfakes

Fields of law:
- Private law
- Copyright law
- Tort and maybe contract law
- Criminal law
Task 2 – Define and discuss

What do you understand with the following terms:


o Technology law it is about rules and laws on information

technology that is developing very fas at the moment.
o Information society info has value , which is collected stored and
used by companies and those who have access to the data, te data can be used for
further development and get money
o Big data processing of big collction of information: to identify

o Internet of things describes network of physical objects, these
objects have sensors or other technologies which enable them to join or connect to
the internet

What are the differences between the following terms:


o Goods v Informational goods information goods

includes books, journals, computer software, music and videos.
Information goods can be copied, shared, resold or rented. Information
goods are durable and thus, will not be destroyed through
o Rivalrous goods v Non rivalrous goods 1st is tangible and limited
amount of people can use it in 1 time, the 2nd one cn be used by undertermined
amount of people at the same time without hindering each other
o Tangible goods v Intangible goods. 1st is physical, 2nd is not physical
thus it ca be virtual or data itself
o Internet v World Wide Web internet is bigger the network of
networks, WWW is system that interconne ts ublic web ages
a. Sattelites
b. Sea cables

Net neutrality

Task 3 - FRIENDS

Lisa Brown is a computer wizard that loves watching TV series. As her friends
define her, she is a binge watcher. Once she starts watching a new series, she
cannot help but seat in front of her TV or computer and watch as many episodes
as she can in a sequel.

As long as she was a student, Lisa had a very flexible schedule but, when she
started to look for a job she realized that many job positions in her field require a
lot of travelling. Lisa is very concerned. What if when travelling to places she
would not have access to the next episode of her beloved TV show? To avoid that
the end of the world materializes, Lisa came up with an idea. She created her own
platform with the ability of the users to make available TV series that they owned
as well as to interface directly with the computer of another user and
download from his or her PC video files. To avoid potential problems with
internet connections, Lisa added to the platform the possibility to download
programs for watching them offline. Since at the time she did not yet have a job,
she came up also with a business idea that would benefit many of the users of the
platform. If a user wants to watch a program offline, he can download an episode
for only 1 euro (these are equally shared between Lisa and the other user that
made the episode available).
She called her online platform “FRIENDS” and it was an instant success. Many
TV lovers from all over the world joined the platform and became regular users.
For registering, they needed to give their name, email address and credit card
data in case they wanted to benefit from the offline watching service. Thanks to
the automatic translating software that Lisa installed in the platform, the
spreading of the platform did not have any border limits. From China to India,
from Africa to Latin America, everyone can enjoy and share TV series.

During the time FRIENDS flourished, the platform was hacked at least three
times and all the data of the users were stolen, but Lisa kept the problem for
herself. At the end, with the great success of the platform she was most likely not
needing a job at all.

When talking with some friends about her successful enterprise Lisa heard about
potential legal and ethical implications of her platform. It could have been just
jealousy, but since she wants to avoid any encounter with the law, she turns to
you to ask about potential legal problems that FRIENDS might face.

Please compile for Lisa a list of potential legal problems that you can identify in
her story and present them for discussion in class.

- its wrong that she kept the heck for herself that was lack of transparency

 Copyright, privacy and data protection

 Intellectual property (friends is also a wellknown tv show)
 Jurisdictional issues

Task 4 – D(president that Elon Musk does not support) v G (aka: Elon Musk)

G is a very successful businessman with very clear political ideas. Because of his
philanthropic activities, he often appears in written and visual media. Lately, in
his comments and interviews it is clear that he does not support the politics that
president D is carrying out in country S.

Among many other enterprises, G owns also the biggest internet provider
company in country M. Andrasz lives in M and he is a user of the internet
services offered by the company of G. Andrasz has a passion for the world’s
politics. He spends many hours searching for news on international politics
online and especially he enjoys reading the press releases in the official pages of
Heads of State. Lately he has noticed that his internet becomes very slow when
he wants to read press releases from the official page of president D. Often the
page is not even opening and as a result, Andrasz is skipping his weekly update
from the president’s D webpage. Suppose that M is a EU Member State and
answer to the following questions:

o What are the basic open internet rules?

a. Velocity of access to internet cannot be hindered,

the traffic cannot be hindered (regulation article 3)
o Do you think it might be possible that the internet
provider company of G is not complying with one or more of
a. Yes it might be possible as there is sign of
personal preference as what type of information
the head of company would prefer to be
consumed by the users
o If it is proven that the company of G is not complying
with the internet rules, are there any laws in the EU that
provide for remedies?
a. Yes I guess
d. Legal advice:
o Non democratic laces bloc more, authoritarian regimes eg ideas that
are not in line with

Task 5 – Computer says no

Automated decision-making is the process of making a decision by automated

means without any human involvement. These decisions can be based on factual
data, as well as on digitally created profiles or inferred data. It can lead to quicker
and more consistent decisions, particularly in cases where a very large volume of
data needs to be analyzed and decisions made very quickly.
- Digital decision makig will profile people, similarly to Chinese monitoring system with the
social credits for example
- The decisions will be based on facts and digital data: aka: actions taken in the physical world
and actions taken in the virtual world (eg: searches conducted, posts made, videos made public,
o Quicker and more consistent decisions (this sounds like the scene from back to the
future 3 where a kid was sentenced in half an hour or one hour right after he has
committed a crime. There were no lawyers as there was no need for one because the
court system was automatized.
o Especially wehere lot of data needs to be analyzed

In your opinion: does an over-reliance on technology in decision- making

processes potentially lead to injustice?
- One of the best examples I can come up with for over-reliance on technology in decision-
making process would be a scene from back to the future 3:
o There people could get sentenced in less than an hour
o There was o need for lawyers to represent any side because eonly a decision needed to
be made on the data available to the system
 This type of over reliance ca be dangerous as there are many loop holes
 What if some key information that would have changed the judgement
is not in the system, its not connected to the internet  I mean a
information or defece or ustification, or clear evidence of crime
 Furthermore if we were to over rely on technology in the decision
making processes it would be inevitable to profile people similarly to
china or the us, eg: types of profiling methods could be social credit
scores, racial profiling, and maybe even the coversations and
publicatipons on social media could be profiled than we could jump
profiling those who hav ecliked on the post or liked it
o The main thing is that what can be put under survallience can
be profiled, and the digital footprints left behind can also be
collected and profiled

- Over relying on this technology will absolutely lead to many mistakes and unjust decisions
o The first question would be: Whose justice or what type of justice would the system
uphold? In theory an automatized system should still be a system that can be controlled
by the programmers and the coders, but the programs and codes put into the system
might not fit every situation put to trial.
 Because I think that human life and the situations that people can get into are
more versatile than what can be recorded and systemized.
 Furthermore we cannot forget about the human hand behind the system put in
place.  The programming and the data that the system would have access to
would be of maor importance. Because if the people were to automatize certain
legal decisokn making a lot o legal ideas should eared in mind:
 Innocent until proven gulty (how can you stay innocent till proven
otherwise if all the data has already been gathered of you way before
the trial, that would mean that there will be clear bias in the decion
making) eg back to the future 3
 Right for lawyer would one even need a lawyer(human lawyer) if
the decion is automatic and all the data has already been collected.
 Right for privacy mass survalliance is already a thing (eg:
survalliance cameras on the streets, big cities have them almost
everywhereI), but I ould suppose that the big technology companies
would also need to hand over certain information to the judiciary, or be
connected to the automatized decision making. How much would right
for privacy and family life still be respected on technological devices?
I think that over reliance on technology is bad or much rather very dangerous, because it is very inhuman
and can go bad very fast without people even realizing it.
- That is why I think that legal decion making should not be automatized but, instead of that, new
technologies should aid the people in their work, not do their work.
- Tech can make the work more precise, but we need people in the decision making because we
need humanity in the decion making. Technology can only imitate humans but it will never be

Humans have bias on tech about overreliance on technology

Overreliance on tech in decision making would otentially lead to injustice
 Social aid being assigned through algorithm profiling
o Algorithm need to be fair

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