Emotional Body Healing - Manual

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Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2.- Healing the Wounds of Time Healing the Wounds of Time Sarasota, Florida Presented by the Kathara Team The MCEO Freedom Teachings® Series Presented by Adashi MCEO LLC in Association with Azurite Press MCEO Inc Copyright A & A Deane, 2010, All Rights Reserved DISCLAIMER: The materials presented in this presentation reflect the dynamics of the ‘emerging MCEO materials anc the realty that the detailed understanding of major topics is under continuous development; therefore, the contents, and level of detail heroin, aro ac advanced as possible UP TO the date of publication of the source materials. ‘Copyright A&A Dean 1909-2011 Part of the Froedem Teachigns (R) Series Page 10111 Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2- Healing the Wounds of Time In Part 4 of this Emotional Body Healing series, we explored Fetal Body Integration and releasing emotional body imprints that we took on as we integrated inio the fetal pattern. We explored emotional body imprints of abandonment and separation anxiety, the terror imprint of not feeling loved, and the fear of losing control as the free-fall occurred—there was no turning back. We discovered how these emotional body imprints were replicating in our holograms and crying out for healing. In Part 1, we also discussed the Imprint of Final impact, and at the time we did not have the opportunity to journey back in time to Flip the Miasmic Kathara Grid and release the Pleiadian Seal. In Part 2, we will be journeying back in time to flip the miasmic grid and recode the past as if it never happened. We will do so through a technique called “Entering the Harmonic” from the Beyond the Veils workshop. Dial UP and Eckasha Quick Seal 1) Imprint of Final impact / Oraphim Guilt Complex 2) Fall of Breneaul / Templar Wars 3) Releasing the Pleiadian Seal 4) KEi’-Sa Ah’-RA Clearing Copyright AUA Deane 19¢0-2011 Pat of ne Freedom Teachigns (R) Series Page? of 1 ——— Emotional Body Healing at the Gru:Al Part 2 -Healing the Wounds of Time Imprint of Final Impact Oraphim Guilt Complex Th 208,216BC we lost control of our temples to the Nephedim Losing control of Temples to Nephedim Guardians had to come and destroy the temples because the Nephedim could control the Star Gates with them Losing contrat of Star Gates ‘Oraphim were offered a choice + Leave and evacuate with the Guardians «. Stey with partner that was taken ‘over by the Nephedim. Losing control of Self as @ Liquid Light Avatar and getting stuck in the densities for cover 200,000 years Ships came and we saw the destruction of ‘our temples and our bodies and we entered the cycles of reincarnation « Aerial attack + Phaser-type technology + Temples blown up and vaporized and anything and anyone that was in them + Final parting party - you knew that you would never be the same + Terror Pattern of coming unglued at the seams as you were conscious. and fully aware, while your morphogenetic fields literally blew apart. The Fall of Breneaui occurred at the Gru-Al in'Sarasota Florida in 208,216 BC. Knowing that the Mission had falled We came in too late © Deep frustration * Deep personal blame Created a tremendously thick Karmic Pattern, «Need to be overly rigid «Need to be overly perfect + Need to be absolutely sure that you get everything right all the time. Created Imprint of never being satisfied with self «No matter how well you do, it is never good enough «+ Someone else always did it better + Cannot secept compliments very well If we did not fully believe that humans were capable of fulfiling the role for which they were reeled, the role of Earth guardian and conscious co-creators of realty, we would not labor to bring you information you will need in your journey to success. Unlike those who attempt to hold you back, we do not underestimate your nteligence, your fortitude and your abiity to become responsible forthe direction in which your destiny unfolds. We believe in your innate goodness and honor you for the noble beings that, in truth, you are. Let uss remind you of that nobility so that you may rediscover the boeuty of your raze and allow that beauty to burst forth info the universe ronewing all that it touches. May you, yourselves, be renewed in resurrecting the majesty of your mutidimensional being. (Voyagor 1, p. 61) ‘Copyright ABA Doane 1900-2011 Part ofthe Freedom Teachigns(F) Series Page Soft Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 - Healing the Wounde of Time Releasing the Pleiadian Seal Flipping the Miasmic Grid This is very important because in reversing our hologram as ifit never took place, putting ina dffeent series of events into our morphogenetic nolographe template, we are recoding the past, literally, We are calling to the fore a different probabilty which wil be in ine with a different probable future, and it will release the karmic mess thal's between here and there, Between the past and the present. wll realign your vector of consciousness fo ahigter level of evolution from this pont for, the point wiere you changed it You can change the past If tis all a hologram, itis just a series of pictures that aren't even pictures. ‘They'te energy signatures. You can shift your fecus and orientation to them. It comes down to remembering the separation between the lower spiral end the higher spiral—the frequencies that fee! higher and those that fel lower in any tie moment-point. We've been held prisoner here for 200,000 years—prisoners, psychological prisoners. {fue reverse the original trauma-drema in our porsonal imprint, we will also pieoe-by-plece, each one of us that wete there, begin to do this, aegin to reverse tin the Oraphim race experiential line which wil ‘each otal mass and then affect the Human race experiential ine, Plece-by-piece, by restoring the broper way it should have cone through each of our personal incemational core histories, we can bring the Earth grid back into i “as ifthat never happened” The transmissions within the Entering the Harmonic jourrey are meant to release the Pleiadian Seal. It \wibe a joumey back into your own incarnatonel matrix, your own Incarmational hologram. Trough tis experience you will be able to begin relaasing the hologram and its hold on you. When you came in, you experienced something that no Oraphim should ever have to experience. itis bad enough to lose one's Temples, and itis bad enough tolose control of the Star Gates; but what is very bad Indeed is to lose control of oneself when one is a Liquid Light Avatar and get yourself lost and ‘rapped within densities for over 200,009 years. This has been a blow to all of you that you carry at the core of your Karmic entry point. You will have Cycles of Karma that you entord from kefore, and then went back and bask-and-brth. But your ofginal Point of coming down from Harmonic 4, that has a trauma imprint that has been repeating tse over and ver and over. Ths is how the asic drama of he race Karma—c the forces of Dark and Light connecting and doing the Armagedtion Scenarios—this stated back then and is been hologaphicaly recreating itself through race experience and through your experience of being part ofthis race, You can lear ‘o free yourself from this situation. You can leam by reversing the core of the miasmic ati. 1998-2011 Part ofthe Freedom Teachigns (R) Series Page tor tt Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 Healingthe Wounds of Time The “1 AM Free” Linguistic Template Reprogramming Power Grid 1am loved, honored and protected safe within the Etornal Arms of Divine Grace. Jam safe, secure and provided for by the Eternal Living God-Source and Inner Christos. | am beloved, appreciated and cherished. 1am free from Karma Now. 1 am free from Phantom's Shadow Dancers. J am totally secure and at ease in my world. Jam no longer afraid of life’s many dramas. 1 am no longer afraid to love; 1AM Love. Hive in a safe, supporting and loving universe. There is enough of everything for everyone. I give myself permission to live that life that! desire. Jam at peace within; | am a peace without. 1AM Peace. 1AM FREE to be all that is MEI And SoIT Is! Thah-A’-Jha In ‘ta Do A Copyright ABA Deane 19992011 Pert ofthe Frovdom Taachigns (3) Series Page 5 of-1 Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 Healing the Wounds of Time Floating Buddhas Elemental Command SLIDE Team nce you open a connection with your Buddhas, it will last 48 hours. Once this techniaue s run, from this point on you have a Slide Family; a farily that wil stay with you until they cuccecefully help you get to Median Earth, one way or the other. These are your Slide Fomily sand if the shield is ever pulled, they can get you out really fast and help you to maintain your light quotient. “They suggest calling them in frequently, as frequently as you need but atleast once a week, i not more. Call them in before you go to sleep and do the comfort touch, the Love Touch Return to Trust and let them hold you and run the love though you and you willfind that it will Teally shift alot of things. It wll take off layers of your own Karmic Imprint from ths life that comes up, because as DNA activates stuff kicks up on the garoche [distorted Spirit quantum embedded in the atoms] side as well. we are with you and if you like, we will be with vou in the dream state and will teach you things.” They will start teaching you things about healing things in your body as well as adjustments you can make in things you are doing such as; exercising, eating etc... “You can amplify the Sparkle Current.” The Sparkle current will run the spine and the bones so that the biote [attach to spine] cannot re-attech, If you feel it dwindling, activate your Krystar Vehicle, call on the KEI’-Sa AN-RA Healers and the Elemental Orb Call such as: Rasha Eira Krystar NOW 3x KEV-SaAh’RA Ah-ShA’-2h NE’Ra- O’cha- Sal repeat 3x5 You can call them in and askthem to recharge the protection field that is running in the bones. Ccopyight ABA Doane 1909-2011 Part f the Freedom Teachigns (F) Series Pages of 1 Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 - Healing the Wounds of Time Conceptualization ONLY The Floating Buddhas will switch positions from time to time KA’-VO SE-A’-Ta (Coryrignt AKA Deare 1899-2011 Pat of he Freedom Teachigns (A) Serioe Page of: ee Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 - Healing the Wounds of Time Meeting Your Healers The KEi'-Sa are the Sparkle People from the Shala-3 Eiradhani Healing Temples and specialize in Resurrection-Healing. They are Master Councilors. The Ah’-RA are from the Ashalum Edonic Healing Temples and are Biological Healing Specialists. KEi’-Sa Ah’-RA Clearing Clearing the Va-Ba-TE False Homing Seed & Healing the Wounds of Time 1. Activating your Homing Seed: This specific clearing can release waves of crying and then laughing and it can be very, very, healing, It removes stuff and rebalances your whole Telluric Emotional Body Systems. Your Homing Seed is a part of your Karanadial Complex In your body that links to your Aah-hA Hydro-Acoustic Body, that actually holds the Core Encryption Patterns of what arids on planet Earth that your body was actually supposed to be born on, but wasn’t because of the distortion in the Va-Ba-TE Cell. 2. Love Touch-Return to Trust: Your Healers will send a wave of Love-Light that will release the Karmic Core Imprint for your Density-1 Probable Selves as well as Density-2 and Density-3 selves) It will clear the Core Imprint and it will assist you 30 that you are not taking on ‘stuff’ from your other incarnate selves. it will also clear more of this lifetime, like the Fetal Imprint and the pain associated with childhood and those types of things. When you do these healings at home, one of the Healers holds you from behind and one of ‘them holds you from the front. If teers come, let them because behind the tears there isa release of Joy. With this, any person that comes to mind that is connected to the pain that you are feeling now.. if they are from this lifetime say, “I accept forgiveness now, | will forgive, | will give away the pain. Itis gone. It is done. Irelease it. ‘The KEi'-Sa Ah’-RA Healers are willing to come and comfort you, if you ask. This also activates your Unigenetic Underlay (UGU = the Fternal-life “Living-Water Web" within the cellular structure of the physical body) ‘Copyright ABA Deane 1909-2011 Part ofthe Freedom Teachigns (R) Series Page 8111 ee Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 - Healing the Wounds of Time Affirmation of Divine Love Ah-Bhin’ a-DO’r en-Na’-Sa True Love is not blind... Yah-NA’s-A-DO’-rA _Um-es-ta’-A God-Love embraces all Jha-wha-n_ oost’-Ta-A With heart resolute REa-ha’ Bhen TO’Ra, TO’RA, Principle Firm Im’-Sa_E’-DA, And eyes wide open. Morraco 2005 ‘Copyright A&A Deans 1999-2011 Pat ofthe Freedom Teachigns(R) Serio Pages of 1 Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-Al Part 2 - Healing the Wounds of time Eternal Light is the only True Light and the other lights will grow brightly and dim. Eternal Light goes always from the darkness to the dim to the bright, and then cycles back again and goes into the velvet darkness and returns again to Eternity. It is a still light that just stays. It is a light that moves and breathes like the Soul of Source. Azara FOL 2008 It is like words are the picture frame around a picture and the Love is the ever-moving picture. Azara FOL2006 Copyright ABA Deane 1999-2011 Partof te Freedom Teachigns (R) Series Page 10611 Emotional Body Healing at the Gru-AlPart 2 - Healing the Wounds of Time Source Material Beyond the Veils; Embracing the Eternal Self Workshop filmed in NYC 2/12/2000 Item Order Code BV/2DVD+H8 Festival of Light (FOL) 2009 Workshop: “Brave New World & the Floating Buddhas” Recorded Live: January 1-3, 2009 Phoenlx, Arizona +] Item Order Code FOL2009/5DVvD/cDT/S All things of leser form shall pass... The KRYST Eternal here ENDURES! ‘Copyright ABA Deane 1999-2011 Partof te Freedom Teactigns (R) Series Page 110811

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