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CTE-BEED NSTP 1 - 1107

Cite 3 problems existing in your hometown or place of residence and provide specific
actions that you can do to help solve or address the problems.

1. The first problem that is currently existing in my hometown is power shortage,

due to this problem people get an “overpriced” payable for their electricity
because they make it on and off which can cause a big “bayarin” on the
consumer side. The only solution I can see to solve this problem is for the
Government in our hometown to take action about this matter. They should also
give a promissory note for those people that need to pay for their bills so that
they’ll be able to continue to have electricity. Lastly I suggest the clearing of wire
and changes of wire, because we always experience sparks on the electricity
2. This problem is very common in my hometown, lacking Education. Most of the
kids in our hometown are unable to attend or go to school because of financial
problems or mainly because they’re parents don't want them to. I can suggest as
a former youth member in my hometown to have a weekly class session, with
this the parents wont have problem about the expenses because this action is
gonna be solicited or have an agreement of saving everyday for the school
supply, food and any essential needs for the children and the teacher itself. We
can have a fundraising and donation program for books that can still be used,
notebooks, and lastly any writing essential. I believe with this action we can still
give hope for those children that really want to learn and with this we can guide
them to continue dreaming.
3. Garbage everywhere can be seen, in the canals, sidewalks, roads, and this can
cause blockage to the drainage and can cause floods in our place. This problem
is a serious one so I suggest having at least once a week clean up drive in each
barangay where everyone is required to help clean the surroundings. Also with
this we can help the people to be more responsible of their own waste to lessen
any garbage seen, have an orientation about waste segregation lastly have trash
bins in every barangay or compound for the children to throw their trash in there.

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