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Ascension Cycle Dynamics 415-Chakras and 15-Star Crystal Seals Anatomical Placement Chart ‘Seven Primary Chakras ( ¢) C1 Base 2 Sacral C3 Solar Plexus C4 Heart C5 Throat-Thyroid C6 3rd Eye-Pituitary CT Crovm-Pineal Eight Morphogentic (MC) Chakras MC8 Thymus MC9 Thalamus MC10 Galactic 1 MCtt Galactic 2 MC12 Earth Star MC 13 Earth Core MC14 Universal 1 MC15. Universal 2 15 Star Crystal Seals(s) S1 Red Star 'S2 Orange Star ‘$3 Yellow Star $4 Green Star ‘$5 Blue Star-Heart Star ‘86 Indigo Star-Soul Seat S7 Violet Star ‘88 Gold Star-Earth Star $9 Silver Star-Core Star“ S10 Blue-Black Star $11 Silver-Black Sta ~ fo Saar S12 White Star = 813 Universal Star 1 =~. _ S14 Universal Star 2 $15 Universal Star 3 2 Bape Soe 12 Star Crystal Seals: keep human morph felé and identity 3 Universal Merkaba Fields: ink 12, dimensionally seperated by controlling the angle of the dimensional human morph. field to Dimensional Merkaba Fields axes in relation to the Universal planetary, galactic & Universal morph Merkaba Fields. Regulates the Angular Rotation of Particle field, A. Universal Merkaba: NC'st4 ‘Spin between dimensions Corespond tothe Fire Codes. «815. B. Galactic Merkaba -MC'S11& ‘Activation Codes between DNA strands Energy Flow: MCs 8-15 draiv energy from the Universal Unified Field & Dimensional Unified Fields 8-15, through the Universal Merkaba Fields & into the @ Outer Auric Levels via the Morphogenetic Seed Crystal Seals in MCs 8-15 Cs 1-7 draw energy from Dimensional Unified Fields 1-7 & from corresponding MCs 8-16 into the 7 Inner Aurie Levels via Seed Crystal Seals in Cs-1-7 Once in the Seed Crystal the tonal pattern ofthe incoming energy manifests itself inthe DNA blueprint enters the Dimensional Merkaba Fields and dimensional auric capsules cof the body The energy is then dravin in through the lower Cs, into the Nadial Capsule & Nadi, ‘Nadis channels lik fo the nervous system, Energy passes through the nervous system into the Endocrine system, blood, cellular structure & manifest form. Biological form is created and sustained ‘through this continual process of energy flow from the mult-dimensional Unified Field ©2002 Ashayana Deane 488

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