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AmalytiC functions X

Def: Lt S bbe am ohem et. A funclio f(3)

is Acud do be alykic im s f he
ckercivatie of f(3) eniils at ea da
aimt im S.

Def" ( Amaleyticik af a þaimt 3.) A fmetiom fl:)

Aaid o be omalyAat of a oimt 3.
i f i i s ottferetsable al each beunt
mA me meco beo hooed of:3,

N ole An amalytit An ction i also Calleol

aregular tmtii dn or aalomovblut

Def" (Entire funcki on) A fumclion flz)

usnsh is amalustat at eue þoit

of e innik compler plare i s Caulleol

am emtire Pemcta' m.

Analyti ciky D ffertmteabilika

meed mat be tone.
Co uene
FoY anble, P(3) = | 312 is olilf

Only a 3- O amd mo uoe else

TLefove f(3)=1312 mat amalitic
Enanple: f(3) = 3", neN, iolffenentsable
at all boimls. Tetfore 3 i
amalytl at evey poiml of e
innnke Compkerr blare
3 ewtire funclitn.

Emaple: Lt P(3) = ao +a 3 023r+ an, nem,

ai, is0, 1, 2, -*, W
Cre conplen

Cestouks, be a boleymOun al ,
As te derivalive of a þalyhommal
eninbs at erey boimt i n h e finnk

Cenpler blae Cbsoe As), so

it Aom entire fmcki m.

Reslt tt f(3 and 903) be aaleytic im a

d moum D. em
also amaleytit in D
Ci f(3) t9(3) ane

Ch) P(3) /3) is alo oualtit ist D

Cini) f3) s amalyt at alu baints

im D s t ¬ g(3) # 0.

Cw) Cempo iili O of two cmatytiC

funtti m is a l cLnah4EAC
Enanpe: Le f() =3 ] . stouo tuet c A
eu's ane scdis lieel at 3-0 bt fn thi
i net amaleytic hert
S olutiem: L f(3) Ccnn be dkem e u+i0.T

uln) = O

Lt Compwe e derivati es
Ulo.o) im lo+0%, o) -
u lo,0)

y (o.o) = o, U (o.o) = 0, Ug(O,o)

Thore fre, CR e auati oA a

Cly =- Un
Bedisfieak at 3 O

Neo, Let us chech he oleffexemteabilka o f(3)

Lim f3)-f(o)
9 )

Alon - , 'lo) = im
t n

AAot 2
C l = lim 2
C aud C2), wt o j r e lzt Linnl ane oli Perck
ad u detHer eut bouts 7Ferefore, f(a) is nat oliHere
aud demte nat
analytkt cut 3=
Enaple: shoo uat Ae fnehion
t i ) -* (1-i)
S() +y 3t0
Alstied te CR eu's at 3=o, but f'(o) does
Mat euitt

Salutio: L f(3) Com be wrilen o f(3) =U+i u

Te 3
u ln.y) = u C1,9) = +9
+ 2

u (O,0) 0 , (00) = 0.

L cauute he \derivatays at =o

U (0)=(0,0)
U im im


Tereto CA eu"s ^ealis ivd et 3= o.

NG, Lt w c h e olt HerekiabiAa at 3=o

'l)= lim f(3)- im n3-3 ti(3+43)

30 C + ) (uti 9)

Alom , 'o )
f'lo)= lim 2 n
2.n(1+i) 1tA

Alog f (o) = Jim 2 3

2 )
Tee fore, e ooserve tuat algue ole/fer eut patus,
u t one
gedlinq de fferent limniks. So, f(3) is
a odtfex ediable at 3 =o. Thus, we tOniluele
hat f(3) is nst amalestic a o
Enaple: sheuw hect fl3)= in is entire
Solution: Lt 3nti. Tem f(3) Com be wuife a

An =
Co Coah ,
U imn Aamu4,

we obsee hut R 6qu"s Un= Uy , tuy=-0,

C Aalis feol fev at e e n peint e AA
inikt Gouple plare. ALLo u bd c
Coutimu@s e qere. Ts Arom Auffiu exet
Comolition of le Plerenttoubilita, we Concinole
tuat f(3) is dH** o Aa hele innke Ce-tplen
Ploone, anod enle analytit nety eR.
Tieefoe, P(3) = im 3 s a n C l i r e fucto
Enerire 6)
Ci) uig polar fom ol cA eq hoo Aut

C) uet
f(3)= |31 a oncelstC at cn þoiant

Cb) fl3)=3 is not aualrtic al ay þotnt

Ce fl3)- }3 (3-) onalytt ab eaclh non-u


C) SAaw ut ci) Co 3 cii) es cone entirt fnclien

C4) Lt fl3) =
- 2ay +i (bn- c4) au

valured fh, fimel he Comtanb a, b, ard C

Aneh a t f erd g art analeytic. Einally,
Cnpre l3) im emnA of
C5) Dis us4 he analuytseiky of t e fo.eloaing f's.

ci (Im) Ci) 7CRe 3) Cii ar (?) , 3E0

C1) 3(o9 3), 3 #0, Cv 1312 Cvi) O.
Re 3

Cvu) 312 3#0,

3#0, Cvun) 3 +2 ,

Ci C i/a) E 4o. Cx)e(im -C I)

Cxi e ( cn 2ny +i im 2n4) .

Cxi) im 3 Cxm) CoAhz Cxiv) 3"

Amaltic Functions continued)
Enaple: C) sldo Hiect Log 3 mat Cnunudu
On e me gouk've Teal cnis im cluolam he


C2). Slhaw tat he fumetin Log ? i Omalylac

for a lenteht te megakive re cal
dncluoliny he balnnt 0.

S alki n Ci) B delimikion,

Log =
ln 131 + Arg(3)
en u= s13), u h (3)
Log 3
At u+iu,

af a
Recall: f(3) = u+it i coutimu dus p
fnckins u aued u
it Coup ouent
e Ctimuous af hat koinnt.

Conli nudus e
As heseal lo4 n 131 is

Cowtinuit of Lo 3 olebeucls o te cenlinuu

of Ag (3).
Comider a pCtm u Ae neqwti ve veal
e, 3 0

A (3) T f ot

9 (3) -TAf 0
Thus, Arg (3) hasunp disconlinnly
alro e meg-alive real onis There forre

Log is also diAc omli muauon hnegakivt

tal annis Alo, af 3=0, Leg 3 i nel delin
So, ant ci) AA bsoved

Cin) Lo9 3 nl13)+i 4 (3)

( n ) ttrrui'(7r)


Let ws compute e .d


akis fitc
nte CR euati n ane

and b.ol ane ContiMu dus at all he
oAmt enctpt he poimts ou Ae megalive
Lo3is amalykic
e e Ae enctpt on t neqative
Eanle Lt f(3) be am amalbstst fmcki n.

f(3) s ComAA
Ci) Re fl3) iAcowstk
Cii) Im f(3) iA coWA ) f(3) i co

S oluti o : Lt f(3) = uC4) + uln.9).

Re f(3) = Contl ul(n, (n.n) =

Ci (real t e i t t )
oe u = o
Un = 0
wwnn' CA EAA"4, re qet
d U 0
xeal Curtt.
u (,) iu a

Cmpten Cr!.

Cii) Left a am emrCie.

analylt Pimti on
tnample Let f(3) be an

tunt |f(3D| iA a men-3ere

in a domaim DJucd

Hn h &w Mut P(3) i Gonytt

COutt im D,


Solution Let f(3) =

TfC3= u2+u =c (neoul coubt).
diPfex erticakin twrt O dy , e get (40)

uwy CR e qu"a Un U Uye -Un in

C) amd Ce), e qet


aA U u
u + u ° # 0 . The abavt eyikn

na i q e oluli on, A, Ornby 3ertal"

Thws, U 0, and U Cs)

=) s a s e al tOnstk R2

www A 6AA, we qet

n = 0 , nd Ug=
u i a real coml Å,

TLerefoe, l3) = uriV = A, +ikz

compkon CotA).
ehaw lhat e
3 Cnalytt at 3

f(3) i aualytit af z
amaliytic at 3

Ne PV3)= Vs/3t 1+3

uhnth analeytiC
a u a l y t i c =
TLeefoe f(3)

Harmnnt Fwncti s

ATeal valued Pmctidu HC1, 9) of hvs vou etes

ontl Mhut has secoud ordr þaniea
derivakires inm a domain D a d salis li es

paAid d feretial equ"

H 2y2H
han m nC DD.
iA Aaid o be

icalled te Laplabe eu
E qmatsOu C)

Eranple: haw luat H 9 ) =é nn

S olutM Han O
D Man + Hgy
M e im
Theosem If a fencli Ovi f(3) = u (n.9) +A u(n,4)
isanaluytic i m a dOmaiM D Htm iAA
Cmponent fmcti e s u a n d o oe

inD, i.e., he atis ty

Unn + U4y 0

Pooof: cmaliyts af
Result: I! fl3) =Uti ia

hat carti mu
beint, n u auel
af all he
oxkxel dirivakive
ak At beist.

imle f(3)= U+iv culeslit, Aoliatiy

e c A equn4 ,

-Um C2)
olelt C wrt , we et

Unn Uyn (3)

o H Cos wrt , et
Uuy -Un

AA Uny Uyn C .d ane conki mudus)

C3 anl C4), u hare

CAnn + ugy =0

ueCa sAew Mnt Umn

+ Uqy =
Def" f(3)= u (a,9) +i vln.9) M malufie.
em u(n. 9) is called e con4uqa
tatm gnal. fncda n of u (n, 4) im D.

N Ot I u (x, 9) ancd (M, 9) ane kwo
U meed
funckss i n D, e n f(3)= U +
Mot be am amalylit fncta n .
for emanmsle, U n'-y, U 3ny - 3

C e h a s mwnt but f(3)= u+iuiA

1of Aalis fied en cept a
a oru

aple: Let uln,9) 2n + 3 - 3 n . An Cu

hat u is ku m e i t anel ind iA Cnuqak

hmon fh
Souutim' Un= 2- (m4, Uy= 39°-3n
Unns - 64, uyy-6

wing CA eq"
U n = 2- 6n
Twe osalimy w rt ,
U 2 -3 +(n)
drH C4D

3 t'(7) C5)
fo on cA equ"A, (44
- dg -3 y+3n
On ( s) and C), e 9et
393 -3+¢'(n)
n) = 3 *

(4) hae
There foe, Ps m we

U(n,9) = 2 - 3 y + s +C .

Ts, f(3) =
2 + -3 + 24 -3 9 +n+c)

Ce Ha
EnercieA Let f(3) = u ( ) +i u(7,0) be Cm

Cunalut Pmcli 8n. sluoeo r e t u (o) and

U(Y e) Jakisty e Lapblace equadi Dnia
aler form:

ad +
EnerciM-2 If f(3) = u+A®

nctidn n hew lut-

+ 4 |'(

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