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Vũ Hoài Nam

Java Developer
Dob: 26/06/2002

Gender: Male

Phone: 0335070287


Address: Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi


I am a Java Developer, I have two Java Spring Boot projects to showcase the technologies I've worked. My goal is to learn and
advance my career in the software development field, while actively contributing to the company's products.


2020 - Now Hanoi University of Civil Engineering (HUCE)

Major: Software Development


Programming language Java (Spring Boot), PHP (Laravel), C# (ASP.NET).

Database SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle database.

English Basic.

Others Redis, Docker, RabbitMq, Git, Gitlab.


Market management
( 11/2022 - 3/2023 )

Name of customer Teacher

Warehouse management, product tracking, statistics, and financial analysis.I used MVC
Description project Module Architecture (Model-View-Controller) for implementation. In this project, I handle
the logic of functionalities and communication with the database.

Your team size 3

Your position in project Leader, coder

Technology description Java, Spring boot, Spring Security, Thymeleaf, MySQL, HTML, CSS.

Project link

( 8/2023 - 11/2023 )
Name of customer Vu Hoai Nam

In this project, I am responsible for the Backend development. Designing an API for an e-
Description project commerce website. Manage product administration, implemented a hierarchical category
structure, and handled order management.

Your team size 1

Your position in project coder, tester

Technology description Java, Spring boot, MySQL or Oracle, Redis.

Project link


8/2022 - 2/2023 RDSIC

Programming Collaborator
Participated in web development, using PHP language and Laravel framework, learning and
developing MVC models using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap. Learned Git and GitHub for collaborative
team work.
Projects I have contributed to:

2/2023 - 8/2023 XAYDUNGSO

PHP Developer
Use CakePHP, Laravel framework, optimized SQL query functionalities and utilized Redis for
enhanced performance.
Projects I have contributed to:

8/2023 - 11/2023 WEBSOSANH

ASP.NET Intern

I am haved opportunities to explore microservices, Docker, and RabbitMQ. I am participate in

developing Solr Search, resolving the search issues on the website.


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