Eng W5Q2

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GRADES 1 to 12
Teaching Dates and Time W5Q2 Quarter SECOND

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises and remedial
I. OBJECTIVES activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning of content and competencies and
enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.

A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of processes in sight word recognition or phonic analysis to read and understand words

Use word recognition techniques to read and understand words that contain complex letter combinations, affixes and contractions
B. Performance Standards
through theme-based activities
Read words with initial and
final consonant blends Read words with initial and final consonant blends
C. Learning Competencies / Objectives
Write the LC code for each (l, r, s blends) (final blends) HOLIDAY
EN3PWR-IIa-b-22 EN3PWR-IIa-b-22

Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in
a week or two.
Reading Words with
II. CONTENT Initial Consonant Reading Words with Final Blends
Consonant Blends
Blends (bl, cr, pl, tr, (-st, -lt, -nd, -nt, -ft)
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and manipulative materials as well as
III. LEARNING RESOURCES paper-based materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
English – Grade 3 English – Grade 3 English – Grade 3
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Mode
English – Grade 3
Alternative Delivery Mode
(LP) portal Quarter 2 – Module 7:
Quarter 2 Quarter 2 Quarter 2

B. Other Learning Resources

These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from
IV. PROCEDURES formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions
about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge, indicate the time allotment for each step.
Match the picture to its initial s What initial consonant Read the words. Encircle the word with the
blend blend matches the black, crab, practice, school, final (-st, -lt, -nd, nt, -ft)
pictutre? skate blend
in each number.
What are the consonant 1. money mall built
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting blends? 2. proved friend succeed
the new lesson Where we find the 3. harvest toilet sweat
consonant blend? 4. leg flower left
5. important lookout repeat

Do you like reading fairy tales? WORD HUNT Have you visited other
What fairy tales do you like the Look for words in the places with your family
most? puzzle during
If yes, where is that place
and how did you spend your
time together?
B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson WORD HUNT

Read the selection Have the pupils read the We are going to read a short Read the riddles. Take note
The Prince in the Castle words they found in the passage. of the words with
puzzle. Are you now consonant blends. The
jump ready to read it? picture will guide you.
drink 1. Where the child sleeps
next while mother
C. Presenting examples/ instances of the
friend is away?
new lesson camp 2. What planet is not a
plastic and has
plants on it?
3. What insect flaps its
wings, flies and
flits on flowers?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing Who walked in the garden? Do these words have 1. Who went to Thailand on Answer the following
new skills #1 What did he see in the garden? consonant blend? a business trip? questions:
How did the prince feel while in Where can we find the 2. What was the purpose of 1. From the riddle write are
the garden? consonant blends? his business trip in Thailand? the words with consonant
What did he see in the pond? 3. What did he see while blends?
After going to the garden where waiting in the taxi stand? _______________
did he go next? 4. Why did he knock on the ________________
taxi’s door? ________________
2. How many consonant
blends in each word?
3. Do they sound as one?
Look for words with initial Read and copy the words in Here are the words from the The cr, pl, and fl consonant
consonant blends in the story. the table below according passage we have read. Let us blends in the riddle is found
to their final consonant read them one by one. at the beginning of a word,
What have you noticed in the blends. went just would Thailand they are called initial
words? assignment first could spend consonant blends.
All the words that we read begin Some consonant blend
with consonant blends What have you noticed with sound at the end of a word.
E. Discussing new concepts and practicing the words in Group A? How They are called ending
new skills #2 A consonant blend is a sound about the words in the other consonant blends. Some of
when two or more consonant groups? the ending consonant
letters are blended together. They end with -nt, -st, -ld, blends are st, lt, nd, and ft.
Initial consonant blends on the and -nd. They are final
other hand are found at the consonant
beginning of each word. The blends. Let’s read more
most common beginning words with final blends.
consonant blends include: bl, cr,
pl, tr, and others.
F. Developing mastery Pick out the word with initial Name each picture. Supply Encircle the word with the Supply the missing letter of
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) consonant blends in each the missing final blend. final (-st, -lt, -nd, nt, -ft) the pictures below
sentence. blend
1. Kaye drinks milk before going in each number.
to bed. 1. money mall built
2. The little boy likes his toy 2. proved friend succeed
truck. 3. harvest toilet sweat
3. I love to see the colorful 4. leg flower left
flowers in the garden. 5. important lookout repeat
4. We need trees to save our
5. Plants get their food from
Choose the correct initial Read the words inside the Identify if the underlined Select a word from the box
consonant blends from inside . Then check (√) the word word in each sentence has to complete the sentence
the box to with final consonant blend. initial blend or final blend. frog crab play hunt
complete the words. Choose one word to Put your thumbs up if the Salt cross nest sand
bl cr cl pl tr complete the sentence. underlined word has final 1. __________ makes a lot
blend and put your thumbs of noise on rainy days.
down if the underlined word 2. Mark the wrong answer
has initial blend. with a _______________.
G. Finding practical application of concepts 1. Her eldest child is a 3. The Negritos
and skills in daily living teacher. ___________ for food.
2. Bea plays with her dog 4. ______________ has
every afternoon hard
3. The children see ducks 5. The children
waddle down the pond. ___________ in the rain.
4. My father works hard for
5. Uncle Tony is a member of
the fire brigade.
H. Making generalizations and abstractions What is consonant blend? What is consonant blend? Identify the final blends of Fill in the blanks with
about the lesson the following words to sum correct words.
We have learned how to read We have learned how to up our lesson for today. 1. Consonant blends are
words with initial consonant read words with initial Write the answer on the ____ consonant letters
blends. We can say that consonant blends. We can blank. sounded as
consonant blends are two say that consonant blends 1. first, last and fast end with ______________.
consonants blended together. are two consonants ___ 2. Consonant blends can be
Initial consonant blends are blended together. Initial 2. soft, raft, lift end with ___ found at the __________ or
found at the beginning of a word consonant blends are found 3. sand, pond and land end at the ________________
like, bl, cr, pl, tr, and others at the beginning of a word with ___ of a word.
like, bl, cr, pl, tr, and others 4. salt, belt and mold end 3.
with ___ 4. Some of the consonant
5. plant, tent, want end with blends are found at the
___ ____________ like tw for
twin and pl for plants.
5. ___________ consonant
blends sound at the end of
a word.
Give the initial consonant blend Search for words with final Choose the best final blend Write the correct
for the word used in consonant blends. to complete the word in consonant blends to
each sentence. Encircle the letter each complete each word in the
of the correct answer. sentence. Write the letter of sentence.
1. The leaves of the tall _ _ ees the correct answer. 1. The boy __ __ays a ball.
are swaying. ______1. She spe___ A. cr B. gl C. pl
A. pr B. cr C. tr ₱500.00 on her new bag. 2. Chuzzy loves her new __
2. My sister waters the _ _ ant A. ft B. nt C. lt __ess.
every day. ______2. I received a gi__ on A. br B. dr C. gr
A. br B. pl C. gr my birthday. 3. My __ __andmother uses
I. Evaluating learning 3. Uncle Steve harvest _ _ uits A. ft B. st C. nd a walking stick.
from the backyard. ______3. Jake won fir___ A. br B. gr C. fr
A. fr B. cr C. dr place in the singing contest. 4. The chi__ __ drinks
4. Marrah _ _ ows the candle on A. nd B. nt C. st kalamansi juice.
her birthday cake. ______4. My uncle bui___ a A. ld B. st C. wn
A. gl B. cl C. bl new house in the province. 5. I like to catch fish in the
5. Mother bought some _ _ead A. lt B. nt C. ft po__ __ .
from the bakery. ______5. Can you help me A. mt B. nd C. st
A. tr B. fr C. br fi___ my English book?
A. nd B. st C. lt
Read and check the box if you Write the missing final In column A are pictures Write the missing initial
read the phrases, the consonant blends. with final blends. Find the and final consonant
sentences and the rhyme 1. I ___________ corresponding blends using the picture
correctly. to play with word in column B that clues and form the word.
1. twenty black face masks my classmates. matches with the picture.
2. green grass near the 2. My mother
garden __________ me that I
3. Why is the sky blue? could
4. I see a brown snail on the play with them soon.
J. Additional activities for application or
plant’s leaf. 3. So, I _________ all my
remediation 5. Eat balanced meals every toys and
day to keep you strong and arrange them by myself.
healthy 4. After that, I turned on
the TV using
my __________ hand.
5. So funny, I watched
the ducklings
swimming in the
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students learn?
VI. REFLECTION Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them you can ask them relevant questions.

A. No of learners who earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other

The Prince in the Castle

One day a little Prince was walking in the garden. He wore
a crown over his head. While walking along the green grass, he
saw how beautiful the trees, the flowers and the plants were.
With gloves in his hand, he picked one flower and smell its sweet
fragrance. How happy was the prince. He continued walking
along the vast garden. Near the pond he saw a frog. The prince
smiled and touched the frog but it hopped and hopped away
from him. The little prince breathed fresh air and told himself,
indeed it is a lovely day. And then he walked back home to his
-Joy Lavina-Vasallo
It was a Wednesday when Alfred went to Thailand on a
business trip. Although Christmas was just five days away, he knew
this assignment would not make him spend Christmas in a foreign
country. (This year’s International Interior Designer’s Conference is
a three-day affair.) A seasoned traveler, Alfred walked down
airport aisles. He read all the signs that led him to the taxi stand.
While still a few feet away from the first taxi in the line, Alfred saw
that the driver’s eyes were closed. He lightly knocked on the taxi’s
door to get the driver’s attention. The driver opened his eyes and
gave Alfred a polite smile. He then proceeded to help load the
luggage. Alfred climbed into the taxi. He could not wait to get to
the hotel. His knees and leg muscles were still aching from the
previous day’s ten -mile hike.
(Pangilinan Merboy V., Elementary English Adventures 4,
Missionbook Publishing Inc. 2018 p. 99)

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