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Teacher: Dimple B. Bongcawil S.Y.: 2023-2024

Date: Quarter 1- Week 4 Intended Learners: Grade 7-Students

Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial

Philippine literature as a means of connection to the past; various reading styles;
ways of determining word meaning; the sounds of English and the prosodic
features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.

Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by: showing

appreciation for the literature of the past; comprehending texts using appropriate
reading styles; participating in conversations using appropriate context-
dependent expressions; producing English sounds correctly and using the
prosodic features of speech effectively in various situations; and observing
correct subject-verb agreement.

Learning Competency: Identify the genre of a material viewed such and

movie clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based program, documentary, video, etc.

Code: EN7VC-I-d-6:

I. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify and differentiate between Newsflash,
Weather Report, and Infomercial genre
b. analyze the key elements and characteristics of
each genre.; and
c. create their own newsflash, weather report or
infomercial utilizing the genre-specific features.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Genres of a Material Viewed
Materials: Laptop, worksheets, markers, and multimedia resources
(computer, projector, and internet access)
Examples of Newsflash, Weather Report, and Infomercial videos
Worksheets and handouts
References: Dalimson, J. (2018). English Grade 7 Modules [Vol.1]. A
Scribd Company.
III. Preliminary Activities:
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

 Prayer
To fully start our lesson, class. Let Heavenly Father, We thank You and praise
us have a prayer first. May we call You! You are the everlasting God. Please
Kathryn to proceed here in front and prepare our hearts and minds to learn. To
lead the prayer. the best of our ability today. Please bless
us as we study. Please help us to grow.
May Your protection be upon us as we go
about our day. Amen

 Greetings Good morning, Ma’am Dimple. Good

Amen. Good morning, class! morning, classmates. We are glad to see
you today. Mabuhay!

 Classroom Structuring
Before you all sit, kindly arrange Thank you, Ma’am Dimple!
your chairs properly. Pick some
pieces of paper in your area. Now,
take your seat.

 Checking of Attendance
Class, listen. I will check your
attendance for today. Please make
any kind of “SOUND” if your
surname is called. RAWR
Let us have, Ando, Balili, ARF
Degamo DARNA

 Motivation/ Energizer
I'm pleased that we've all gathered
here to delve into more topics and
lessons, class. But before we dive in,
let's kick things off with an
energizing activity. Please stand and
join this dance.
Ready? Let's get started!" Yes, ma’am!
 Review
Everyone, please find your seats
and relax. I can see that our
energizer activity has certainly filled
the class with energy. At this
moment, I believe we already
discussed about the Introduction to Last time, we have discussed the genres of
Genres of Viewing, right? Can viewing and when we say viewing, it is a
someone give some recap about the macro skill that you need to develop to be
discussion last time? Yes, Ms. more aware of the latest trends, issues,
Pamaybay. news and events.

Yes, that is correct. Viewing helps to

keep us updated of what is The different genres of viewing is,
happening to our world today, also Newsflash, Weather Report, Infomercial,
it develops the knowledge and skills Movie Clip, Trailer, Variety Show, Internet-
to analyze what we see. Now, can based program, Documentary and
somebody recall the different genres Educational ma’am.
of viewing? Yes, can we have Ms.

 Presentation of the Lesson

Objectives Objectives:
At this moment, we will discuss At the end of this lesson, the students are
about genres. Now, who wants to expected to:
read the objectives? Okay, we have a. identify and differentiate between
Ignacio. Newsflash, Weather Report, and
Infomercial genres.
b. analyze the key elements and
characteristics of each genre in small
groups; and
c. create their own weather report or
infomercial with at least 90% accuracy
utilizing the genre-specific features.
Thank you, Ignacio. These are our
objectives class that we need to
attain at the end of the lesson.
IV. Lesson Proper
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

 Activity
(Create your own!)
Class, for your activity. I will divide
you into three groups. The first two
rows will be group 1, the third and
fourth row will be group then fifth
and sixth row will be the last group.

Listen, class! Ms. Bataan, can you Instructions:

please read the instructions of the 1. The students will be divided into 3
activity. groups.
2. Each group will be Assign in one genre
(Newsflash, Weather Report, or
3. In your group, create your own report
or presentation and perform it based on
the assigned genre. Be creative.
4. The group should incorporate the
specific features and characteristics of
the genres.
5. The group will be given 30minutes to
rehearse their presentation.
6. Choose a secretary and list down the
members of the group then submit it to
7. The first group who can submit will be
Questions or clarifications, class? If the last presenter.
none. You may now start.

Time is up, everyone. The last

Group who submitted to me is Good morning, Ma’am Dimple and
Group 1, Now Group 1 choose your Classmates! I am Dorry Mahinay and I am
presenters and let them take the Clarissa Sabay the reporters of Group 1.
floor. The assigned genre to us is Newsflash.

News Anchor Dorry: Good afternoon. We

are interrupting our regular programming
to bring you a breaking news story. In a
stunning turn of events, a massive wildfire
has broken out in the forests of California,
engulfing over 10,000 acres of land in

Reporter Clarissa: The fire started earlier

today near the city of Los Angeles, and has
since spread quickly across the region,
fueled by strong winds and dry conditions.
Firefighters and emergency responders are
currently on the scene, working to contain
the blaze and evacuate residents from
nearby communities.

News Anchor Dorry: The fire has already

destroyed several homes and other
structures, and several more are still at
risk. Local authorities are urging residents
in affected areas to evacuate immediately,
and to follow all safety guidelines.

Reporter Clarissa: The cause of the fire is

still under investigation, and it is unclear
how long it will take to fully bring the blaze
under control. But one thing is for sure -
this is a crisis situation, and officials are
asking everyone to stay vigilant and
informed as the situation continues to

News Anchor Dorry: We will continue to

bring you updates on this breaking story as
more information becomes available. Stay
safe, and tune in for further developments.

Wow! Good job, Group 1! And now Good morning, ma’am. I am Jenny Pearl
let us hear our next presenter, we Balili the presenter of Group 2. The
have the Group 2. assigned genre to us Weather report.

Weather Reporter Jen: Good morning!

Let's take a look at the weather forecast
for the upcoming week. Today it is
currently partly cloudy with a high of 85F.

Starting from tomorrow, the weather is

expected to get even hotter. Tomorrow
and the day after tomorrow, get ready to
experience scorching hot temperatures
with a high of 90F and 92F respectively.
You may want to stay indoors during the
peak afternoon hours!

Thursday and Friday are expected to be

sunny and dry with highs of 88F and 87F
respectively. A cool breeze in the evening
will add some respite from the heat.

Moving on to the weekend, it might get a

bit cloudy but that means the temperatures
are also expected to cool down slightly.
There may be scattered showers over the
weekend with temperatures ranging from
85F to 87F.

That's all folks, stay cool and hydrated this


Amazing presentation Group 2! Now

let us proceed to the last presenter, Hi everyone! Good morning, Ma’am. My
Group 3. name is Vernielyn Ando, the presenter of
Group 3 and the assigned genre to us is

Host Vern: Welcome to our infomercial and

I'm excited to introduce our new kitchen
appliance - The Nutri-Mixer! This blender is
designed to change your life with a fresh
and healthy way to approach meal prep.

Have you ever wanted to make delicious

and nutritious meals, but dreaded the
time-consuming prep work? With the Nutri-
Mixer, you can chop, blend and mix your
favorite fruits, vegetables, nuts, and
legumes, and create instant smoothies,
soups and sauces, all in one go!

But wait, there's more! When you buy this

amazing Nutri-Mixer, you also get a free
cookbook with more than 50 nutritious and
easy-to-make recipes. Now you'll be able
to start every day with a delicious and
healthy meal!

Now say goodbye to unhealthy takeout and

make a change for the better with The
I am amazed on your presentations, Nutri-Mixer! Order now and live your best
class! You have perfectly presented life!
the assigned genres of your groups.
Give yourselves a round of applause
Thank You Ma’am!
 Analysis (Q&A: Hot Seat)
I have these following questions,
class. Raise your hand if you want
to answer or I will just call
somebody to answer.

What genre did your group work on,

and how did you approach the Hello Ma’am Dimple! Our group worked on
creation process? Yes, Ms. Aiko. the Infomercial genre. We approached the
creation process by brainstorming product
ideas, designing a persuasive sales pitch,
and rehearsing our presentation.

Great job! It's awesome to hear that

your group approached the creation
process by brainstorming ideas, and
rehearsing your presentation. This
shows that you took the time to
plan and prepare for your
Infomercial, which is essential in
creating an impactful media content.
Now, who would like to share how
did your group work collaboratively Good Morning Everyone, In our group, We
to achieve the goals of the task? successfully collaborated by assigning
Yes, Mr. Germano. different roles to each member, like Scrip-
writing, and editing the background music
for the presentation.

Wonderful team effort! Assigning

different roles to each member and
overcoming scheduling conflicts
shows that your group has excellent
teamwork skills. For the last
question, what did you learn about
the importance of understanding
and utilizing genres when creating We learned that understanding and
media content? utilizing genres is vital in creating media
content that effectively communicates with
the intended audience. By being aware of
genre-specific features and characteristics,
we can tailor our content, style, and
presentation to attract and engage
viewers. In future projects, we will
consider genres as a framework to make
informed decisions about our media
creations and maximize their impact.

Excellent takeaway! By learning

about and utilizing genres as a
framework, you can make informed
decisions about your media
creations and maximize their
impact. It's great that you
understood how genres are crucial
in creating media content that
effectively communicates with the
intended audience. I’m so glad that
each group has a clear
understanding of the importance of
considering genres in creating Thank You Ma’am!
effective media content. Good job Thank You Ma’am Dimple!

 Abstraction
Class, the things you performed
earlier is an introduction to our
lesson for today, because we will be
talking about the types of genres of For me ma’am, I enjoy watching movies
viewing. Who would like to share with my family and discuss some relevant
their experiences in watching issues of what’s happening to our society.
different types of material viewed? Also, I have a preference for
Yes, Ms. Iligan. documentaries and share insights after to
gained learnings about real-life events or
exploring specific issues. Additionally, some
people may enjoy watching TV series or
shows to stay updated.

Alright! thank you Ms. Iligan, for

sharing your ideas and experiences
towards the material viewed.
Now class, let us dive in to our topic
for today which is the types of Yes ma’am!
genres of viewing. Are you ready to Yes, Ma’am Dimple!
listen? Let’s start!

1. 1.
LASH- These
shows shown
regularly to Yes ma’am!

I think the news is all about the crucial

bring measure in ensuring public health and

containing the spread of the virus. So The
Philippine government issued some
relevant guidelines regarding the testing protocols
for returning OFWs.

information on
the current
situation and
updates in the
country and
around the

1 NEWS/NEWSFLASH. - These Yes ma’am!

are informative shows shown
regularly to bring relevant We can still see that this kind of program is
information on the current situation relevant today in helping us to know or use
and updates in the community, weather forecasts to predict what’s
country and around the world. It is coming. I believe that these platforms
an important piece of news that is often provide more detailed and up-to-date
shown, delivered or broadcast information, enhancing the overall impact
quickly at the middle of a TV of weather forecasts on daily life and
program. decision-making.

Are you familiar with this one? Ms.


Can you tell me what’s the news all

Yes, perfectly said! Let us continue
to the next one.

2. WEATHER REPORT- These are

part of an entire news program that
updates and foretells weather
conditions on a specific area. Yes ma’am!

-weather forecasts are made by

collecting data about the current I think the benefits of this kind of platform
state of the atmosphere at a given is that it provides product awareness, in-
place. when you wanted to know depth information of what of the product
the weather for the next day, you that interest you and of course the
could watch the news program's Demonstration, many products are best
weather report to be updated. understood when demonstrated.
Infomercials often feature live
demonstrations or detailed videos showing
the product in action. And that would be
all, thank you.

How about this one? Can you still

see this in your televisions? Can I Thank You ma’am Dimple!
hear from Ms. Doreen? (claps)

3. INFOMERCIAL- is a longer-form
video or television advertisement
that acts as a stand-alone program
to pitch a good or service with a call
to action. Infomercials are different
from regular commercials because
they last longer and have no breaks Yes ma’am!
in the program.

As a result, infomercials are able to

present more details about a Yes ma’am!
product or service. The purpose of
infomercials is to prompt the viewer
to call a toll-free number or visit a
website to make a purchase. Ma’am are we going to provide a hardcopy
of the output?

Acknowledge ma’am!
Yes ma’am!

I believe that you already have an

idea about this one, right?

Now, can you tell me the benefits of

this kind of programs or platforms?
Can I call on Mr. Blue?

Very well said! Mr. blue. Its true

that this kind of programs helps us
to be aware of the things we want
or be aware of things that surround

Thank You class! for your

participation, let us clap ourselves
for a job well done!
 Application
(Ready. Set. Go!)

For your application class, same

groupings. Each group will
document their findings or research
about the types of genres of
viewing. Make sure everyone in
your group actively participates, and
encourage discussions to gather as
many distinctive features as
possible." You will be assigned with
the same genre that we have
discussed earlier.

The class will present this next

week, November 03, 2023. Are we

Do you have any questions or

clarifications class?

Oh yes, please provide a hardcopy

for me to check it thoroughly.
V. Assessment

Excellent! You are now on the last stage of this lesson. Let us see how well you
digested everything discussed. Be ready with a paper and pen.

Write True if you agree with statement below and False if you disagree.

1. Everyone Newsflashes are usually lengthy programs that provide in-depth analysis of
recent events.
2. Weather forecasts provide localized information about upcoming weather conditions.
3. Infomercials are primarily designed to entertain viewers with engaging stories.
4. Newsflashes often have a serious and objective tone, aiming to provide accurate
information about breaking news.
5. Weather forecasts include predictions about temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and
atmospheric pressure.
6. Infomercials typically include customer testimonials and demonstrations to persuade
viewers to buy the promoted product or service.
7. Newsflashes are repeated multiple times a day on television to ensure viewers stay
updated on recent events.
8. Weather forecasts use visual elements like maps, charts, and animations to represent
weather patterns.
9. Infomercials do not contain a call-to-action; they simply provide information about the
10.Newsflashes often feature live reporting from journalists on the scene of the event being

Answer Key:

1. False
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. True
8. True
9. False
10. True
Prepared by:

Dimple Kayl B. Bongcawil

Student Teacher

Reviewed and checked by:

Maiko Hilay Anicoy


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