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Code Course Title Sec Instructor

INTA 203 Interior Architecture Studio III 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
INTA 203A Design Theories II 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
ARCH 316 History of Architecture II 1 Fatemeh Khozaei Ravari
ENGR 105 Engineering Graphics 1 Farooq Ahmed
ENGR 105 Engineering Graphics 2 Farooq Ahmed
ENGR 110 Engineering Workshop 1 Md. Saiful Islam
ENGR 110 Engineering Workshop 50 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 270L Solid Mechanics Laboratory 1 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 444L Fuel Cell Laboratory 50 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 413L HVAC and Refrigeration Laboratory 50 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 280 Machine Drawing 50 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 274L Mechanical Dynamics Laboratory 50 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 279 CAD/CAM and CNC Machines 1 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 380 Dynamics of Machines 50 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 372 Control Systems 1 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 413 Air Conditioning 1 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 376 Kinematics of Mechanical Systems 50 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 401 Final Year Project I 2 Paul Okonkwo
CHEE 441L Biotechnology labortratory 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 311L Reactive Process Engineering Laboratory 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 411L Separation Processes Laboratory 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 208 Instrumentation 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 490 Renewable Energy 1 Shaukat Khan

EECE 311 Data Structures and Algorithms 1 Imran Baig
EECE344 Electromagnetic Field Theory II 1 Manaf Zghaibeh
EECE 220L Digital Systems Laboratory 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 130 Computers and Programming I 1 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 130 Computers and Programming I 50 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 130 Computers and Programming I 51 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 210 Electric Circuits I 1 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 230 Computers and Programming II 1 Imran Baig
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 9 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 498 Special Topics in Electrical and Computer Engineer 50 Manaf Zghaibeh
EECE 221 Microprocessor Systems 1 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 470 Computer Networks 50 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 231 Data Structures and Algorithms 1 Imran Baig
EECE 212L Basic Electronics Laboratory 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 212L Basic Electronics Laboratory 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 342L Communication System Laboratory 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 342L Communication System Laboratory 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 343 Electromagnetic Field Theory 1 Manaf Zghaibeh
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 1 Imran Baig
EECE 210L Electric Circuits Laboratory I 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 210L Electric Circuits Laboratory I 50 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 210L Electric Circuits Laboratory I 51 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 341 Electromagnetic Field Theory I 1 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 211L Electric Circuits Laboratory II 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 211L Electric Circuits Laboratory II 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 130L Computers and Programing Laboratory 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 130L Computers and Programing Laboratory 50 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 130L Computers and Programing Laboratory 51 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 130L Computers and Programing Laboratory 52 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 340 Signals and Systems 1 Manaf Zghaibeh
EECE 210L Electric Circuits Laboratory I 2 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 350 Fundamentals of Electric Power Engineering 50 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 221L Microprocessor Laboratory 50 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 221L Microprocessor Laboratory 51 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 220L Digital Systems Laboratory 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 361L Power Systems Simulation Laboratory 50 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
CHEE 495 Wastewater Treatment 1 Mohammed Tabouk
MECH 272 Mechanical Statics 1 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 454 Artificial Intelligence 50 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 431 Mechanical Vibrations 50 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
ARCH 211 Architectural Design II 1 Yasser Arab
ARCH 111 Architectural Drawing II 1 Fatemeh Khozaei Ravari
ARCH 102 Introduction to the Architectural Building Sci. & E 1 Yasser Arab
INTA 120 Basic Drawing for Interior Architects 1 Fatemeh Khozaei Ravari
INTA 131 Architectural Drawing II 1 Fatemeh Khozaei Ravari
INTA 232 Visual Presentation Techniques 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
INTA 305 Interior Architecture Advanced Studio V 1 Yasser Arab
INTA 305A Design Theories IV 1 Yasser Arab
INTA 335 Modern Practices in Interior Design 1 Basma Ahmed
CIVE 210A Mechanical Ststics for Architectural Engineers 1 Md. Saiful Islam
CIVE 470 Highway Design 1 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 361 Transportation Engineering 1 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 210 Statics 1 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 400 Practical Training 1 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 470L Highway Engineering Laboratory 50 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 470L Highway Engineering Laboratory 51 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 340 Engineering Hydrology 1 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 451 Water and Wastewater Treatment 50 Mohammed Tabouk
CIVE 241L Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 241 Fluid Mechanics 50 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 350 Environmental Engineering 50 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 215 Engineering Geology 50 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 250 Structural Analysis I 50 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 401 Final Year Project I 1 Mahaad Shamas
CIVE 230L Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 1 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 361L Transportation Engineering Laboratory 1 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 361L Transportation Engineering Laboratory 2 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 420 Concrete II 50 Ali Rafeet
CIVE 331 Steel Design 1 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 430 Foundation Engineering 50 Mohammed Tabouk
CIVE 250L Structural Analysis Laboratory 1 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 250L Structural Analysis Laboratory 2 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 480 Construction Management 1 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 265L Surveying and GPS Laboratory 1 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 265L Surveying and GPS Laboratory 2 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 561 Urban Transportation Planning I 50 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 451L Water and Wastewater Treatment Laboratory 50 Mahaad Shamas

INTA 240 Interior Construction 1 Abbas Hassan
INTA 235 Color and Light 1 Abbas Hassan
ARCH 408 Working Drawings 1 Abbas Hassan
ARCH 421 Special Toics in Interior Architecture 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
ARCH 212 Introduction to Building Information Modeling for 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
ARCH 405 Ecology & Building Environmental Control Systems 1 Onaiz Shaikh
MECH 450 Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering 1 Furqan Ahmad
MECH 415 Steam Turbines 1 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 371 Heat Transfer 50 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 442 Capstone Design 50 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 374 Instrumentation & Measurement 50 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 315L Thermal Laboratory 50 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 402 Final Year Project II 3 Paul Okonkwo
MECH 402 Final Year Project II 3 Paul Okonkwo
CHEE 410 Separation Processes 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 280 Mass Transfer 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 270L Fluid Mechanics Laboratory 1 Mohd Shariq Khan
CHEE 270 Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers 1 Mohd Shariq Khan
CHEE 300 Computational Methods in Chemical Engineering 1 Mohd Shariq Khan
EECE 342 Communication Systems 1 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 212 Basic Electronics 50 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 222 Discrete Mathematics for Engineers 1 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 5 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 361 Power Systems I 1 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 211 Electric Circuits II 1 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 6 El Manaa Barhoumi
EECE 461 Instrumentation 50 Farooq Ahmed

INTA 221 Introduction to Building information Modeling 1 Maryam Mohammed Saeed
ARCH 415 Building Lighting & Acoustical Design 1 Abbas Hassan
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 1 Imran Baig
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 3 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 4 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 5 Najam UL Hasan
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 6 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 7 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 8 Imran Baig
EECE 402 Final Year Project II 11 Imran Baig
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 2 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 3 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 401 Final Year Project I 4 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 320 Computer Organization and Architecture 1 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 362 Introduction to Electric Machines 50 Mohammad Maroof Siddiqui
EECE 360 Control Systems 1 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 330 Software Engineering 1 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 361L Power Systems Simulation Laboratory 51 Prajoona Valsalan
EECE 220 Digital Systems Design 1 Imran Baig

ENGR 300 Engineering Economy 1 Md. Saiful Islam
ENGR 300 Engineering Economy 2 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
ENGR 300 Engineering Economy 50 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 299 Practical Training for Dip. Students 1 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 373 Mechanical Design I 1 Furqan Ahmad
MECH 385 Mechanical Design 1 Furqan Ahmad
MECH 401 Final Year Project I 3 Farooq Ahmed
MECH 402 Final Year Project II 2 Md. Saiful Islam

CHEE 201 Principles of Chemical Engineering 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 299 Diploma Practical Training 1 Mohd Shariq Khan
CHEE 310 Reactive Process Engineering 1 Mohammad Wasi Ahmad
CHEE 330 Materials Science 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 340 Introduction to Biotechnology 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 401 Final Year Project I 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 402 Final Year Project II 1 Mohammad Wasi Ahmad
CHEE 402 Final Year Project II 2 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 420 Chemical Engineering Process Design 1 Mohd Shariq Khan
CHEE 430 Materials Science 1 Shaukat Khan
CHEE 440 Introduction to Biotechnology 1 Mazhar UL-Islam
CHEE 487 Polymer Engineering 1 Mohammad Wasi Ahmad

CIVE 213 Strength of Materials 1 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 213A Strength of Materials for Architectural Engineers 1 Wesam Beitelmal
CIVE 221 Construction Materials 1 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 221A Construction Materials for Architectural Engineers 1 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 221L Construction Materials Laboratory 1 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 221L Construction Materials Laboratory 2 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 230 Geotechnical Engineering 50 Khalid AL Kaaf
CIVE 325 Concrete I 50 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 401 Final Year Project I 5 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 401 Final Year Project I 6 MD Akter Hosen
CIVE 401 Final Year Project I 7 Khalid AL Kaaf

ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 2 Farooq Ahmed
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 3 Israr Ul Hassan
ENGR 100 Introduction to Engineering 50 Mohamed Ba Omar
MECH 400 Practical Training 1 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 401 Final Year Project I 1 Muhammad Wajid Saleem
MECH 270 Properties of Materials 50 Mohamed Ba Omar
MECH 270 Properties of Materials 1 Mohamed Ba Omar
MECH 402 Final Year Project II 1 Furqan Ahmad
MECH 402 Final Year Project II 2 Md. Saiful Islam
MECH 270A Properties of Material for Architectural Engineers 1 Mohamed Ba Omar
CHEE 450 Materials Engineering 1 Mohamed Ba Omar

CIVE 485 Specifications and Cost Estimation 50 Wesam Beitelmal

ARCH 506 Construction Projects Specification and Quantities 1 Wesam Beitelmal

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