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IB Business Management New Syllabus 2022

The New external Assessment

The new external assessments (Papers 1, 2, and 3)

External assessments

The external assessment will account for 70% of the weighting for SL students, and 80% for HL
students. This means the Internal Assessment (IA) for SL students carries 30% weighting, and 20%
for HL students. The most noticeable change to the external assessment is the addition of a new
Paper 3 exam. The information below comes from the January 2021 publication "DP Business
management - Curriculum review: Final summary report to teachers" (pages 2 - 3), which is
available from My IB. The aim of Paper 1 and Paper 2 is to assess students’ knowledge of the IB
Business Management syllabus.

Paper 1

(Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes for SL and HL)

Paper 1 is based on a pre-released statement that specifies the context and background for an
unseen case study. Paper 1 is the same for SL and HL students (i.e. there are no HL extension
topics examined in this paper). The topics in the pre-released statement are not in the syllabus (to
account for the dynamic and contemporary nature of business but will be linked to the syllabus itself.

Around 3 months prior to the external exam, the IB will release a statement with two parts:
1. A small number of topics that provide context to the Paper 1 case study. These topics
will not be topics that are in the guide but ones that students are asked to research for
approximately 5 hours. These topics do, however, build on topics contained in the
syllabus. The aim is to assess students’ knowledge around important contemporary
business topics that could not have been anticipated when the guide was written.
2. The first 200 words or so of the case study itself. The release of this portion of the case
study will provide additional context and will reduce the number of words to be read
during the examination period. The examination will contain one case study, of
approximately 800 to 1200 words, that students do not see before the examination. Most
questions will be qualitative, although some minor calculations could be part of the

There are two sections in Paper 1:

● Section A - Students answer all structured questions in this section based on the case
study (20 marks). All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, excluding HL extension
● Section B - Students answer one out of two extended response questions based on the
case study (10 marks). All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, excluding HL
extension topics.

Hence, the total number of marks for Paper 1 (SL and HL) = 30 marks.

The overall weighting of Paper 1 for SL is 35% and 25% for HL.

Paper 2

(Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes for SL, and 1 hour and 45 minutes for HL)

Paper 2 will be based on stimulus material within the exam paper. It is based on unseen stimulus
material with a quantitative focus. Questions for SL and HL students will be different, but the format
and intent are similar.

Most questions will be quantitative but some qualitative will be included. The stimulus material will be
presented in parts. Each part has a question, so students need to read each part and answer the
question before reading the next part and answering the question and so on. The stimulus material
will be a combination of written and diagrammatic stimulus such as charts and infographics. For SL
only, one of the stimulus options in Section B of Paper 2 may be on a social enterprise. HL students
will be assessed on a social enterprise separately in Paper 3.

There are two sections in Paper 2 for SL students:

● Section A - Students answer all structured questions in this section based on the unseen
stimulus material (20 marks). All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed (excluding HL
extension topics, of course).
● Section B - Students answer one out of two questions comprised of some structured
questions and an extended response question based on the unseen stimulus material.
(20 marks)

Hence, the total number of marks for Paper 2 (SL) = 40 marks.

There are two sections in Paper 2 for HL students:

● Section A - Students answer all structured questions in this section based on the unseen
stimulus material (30 marks). All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, including HL
extension topics.
● Section B - Students answer one out of two questions comprised of some structured
questions and an extended response question based on the unseen stimulus material,
which includes HL extension topics (20 marks).

Hence, the total number of marks for Paper 2 (HL) = 50 marks.

The overall weighting of Paper 2 for SL is 35% and 30% for HL.

Paper 3

(Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes)

Paper 3 (HL only) is based on unseen stimulus material about a social enterprise. The Paper 3
examination also requires students to identify and describe a human need and the potential
organizational challenges facing the social entrepreneur wanting to meet this need. The stimulus
material will consist of a short introduction to an organization, supported by a visual representation of
a product, and five or six excerpts from various documents (such as, emails, Twitter feeds,
newspaper articles, and so on). Students are also required to write a decision-making document that
includes a business recommendation.

HL students answer the one compulsory question based on the unseen stimulus material (25
marks). All 5 units of the syllabus can be assessed, including HL extension topics.

The total number of marks for Paper 3 (HL only) is 25 marks.

The overall weighting of Paper 3 (HL only) is 25%.

Summary of the new assessments

Component Time Weight Time Weight

Paper 1 1 hour and 35% 1 hour and 25%

30 30
Based on a pre-released minutes minutes
statement that specifies
the context and
background for the
unseen case study

Paper 2 1 hour and 35% 1 hour and 30%

30 45
Based on unseen minutes minutes
stimulus material with a
quantitative focus

Paper 3 - - 1 hour and 25%

Based on unseen minutes
stimulus material with a
social entrepreneurship

Internal assessment 20 hours 30% 20 hours 20%

Business research project

of up to 1,800 words

Summary of external assessments

Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3

Based on pre-released Unseen stimulus material Unseen stimulus material

statement of around 200 with quantitative focus about a social enterprise
Common paper for both Separate paper for SL Requires explanation of
SL and HL, with and HL human needs and
qualitative focus organizational challenges

Recommended 5 hours Application of the Includes an extended

of research time business management response question, worth
toolkit (BMT) 17-marks based on a “plan of

The Internal Assessment

The new Internal Assessment (SL and HL)

The Internal assessment (IA), first assessment May 2024

The new IA is a business research project that requires students to produce a research project about
a real business issue or problem facing a particular organization using one of the key concepts
(conceptual lens): creativity, ethics, sustainability, or change. The IA also requires students to apply
their knowledge of appropriate Business Management tools and theories.

The most noticeable change to the IA is that the assessment becomes common for both HL and SL.

The maximum marks for the IA is 25 marks, and the word count limit is 1,800 words.

Students will be required to:

● Select a real business issue or problem for their research project that relates to any part of
the IB syllabus.
● Refer directly to a single business organization, but may consider industry-wide issues that
impact on that organization.
● Provide a research question for the business research project. This can be either forward
looking or backward looking.
● Base their research on primary and/or secondary research. These must be selected for
suitability, depth, and breadth.
● Use only one of the four key concepts* (change, creativity, ethics, or sustainability) as a
conceptual lens through which to analyse the research project.
● Attach to the business research project 3 to 5 supporting documents from which the
majority of the information for the project has been obtained.
● Produce a business research project that does not exceed 1,800 words.#
● Fully reference all supporting documents and additional sources (such as textbooks for
supporting tools and theories) and include these in a bibliography.

The IA is marked by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB at the end of the two-year

The recommended time allocation for the internal assessment is 20 hours.

* Students must be able to demonstrate a deep understanding of the key concept if they are to
achieve highly on the internal assessment.

# Note that headings (subheadings used to structure the IA) continue to be part of the word count.

Importance of the key concepts

The internal assessment must use only one of the four key concepts (change, creativity, ethics, or
sustainability) as a conceptual lens through which to analyse the contents of the research project.

This key concept can, but does not have to, be stated in the research question. However, it must be
clearly indicated on the title page, by stating which key concept has been used in the IA.

There are 5 marks available for the clear identification and use of a relevant key concept. However,
for these marks to be awarded, students must be explicit in their use of the chosen conceptual len by
applying this appropriately throughout the research project.
Note: Using any other concept beyond the prescribed concepts (e.g., culture, globalization, or
innovation) will result in zero marks for Criterion A (the integration of key concept).

Suitable IA research questions (from the Guide) include:

● Should Company Y change its manufacturing to outsourcing?

This research project could examine operations management or HRM using change as
the conceptual lens.
● How can Airline A successfully target segment X?
This research project could examine market segmentation, promotional strategies,
targeting, positioning, and measures of financial success using sustainability as the
conceptual lens.

Top tips!

● Going beyond the syllabus should not be encouraged.

● Using more than one key concept should not be encouraged. It is worthwhile doing a word
search/check to ensure only the chosen key concept appears in the document before
submission of the IA.
● Using a non key concept beyond the prescribed concepts (e.g., culture, globalization,
strategy, or innovation) will result in zero marks for assessment criterion A (integration of key
● There is greater flexibility with the new IA - students can choose:
● A small or large business to research
● Primary and/or secondary sources for their 3 - 5 supporting documents.

The new IA vs the old SL IA

The new SL IA The old SL IA

A key concept is required and must The use of a key concept is not required nor is
be integrated throughout the IA it expected
(worth up to 5 marks)
Can be based on primary and/or Use of secondary research sources must be
secondary research the main focus of the supporting documents

Word count limit = 1,800 Word count limit = 1,500

20 hours 15 hours

Analysis and evaluation part of same Analysis and evaluation marked separately
assessment criterion (worth up to 5 (worth up to 5 marks and 4 marks respectively)

Weighting = 30% Weighting = 25%

The new IA vs the Extended Essay

Internal Assessment Extended Essay

A key concept is required and must The use of a key concept is not required
be integrated throughout the IA

Can be based on primary and/or Use of secondary research sources must be

secondary research, so the IA can be the basis of the EE but this can be
solely based on primary research if supplemented by primary research if it adds
appropriate value

Sources can be based on news Sources are mainly of an academic nature,

media articles and journalistic such as academic journals and scholarly
sources articles
3 – 5 Supporting documents must be Supporting documents are not required, and
used and attached to the IA there is no quantitative limit number of sources

Word count limit = 1,800 Word count limit = 4,000

Reflections are not required nor Reflections (RPPF) are compulsory, and worth
expected up to 6 marks

Time allocation = 20 hours Time allocation = 40 hours

Summary of the new assessments

Component Time Weight Time Weight

Paper 1 1 hour and 35% 1 hour and 25%

30 30
Based on a pre-released minutes minutes
statement that specifies
the context and
background for the
unseen case study

Paper 2 1 hour and 35% 1 hour and 30%

30 45
Based on unseen minutes minutes
stimulus material with a
quantitative focus
Paper 3 - - 1 hour and 25%
Based on unseen minutes
stimulus material with a
social entrepreneurship

Internal assessment 20 hours 30% 20 hours 20%

Business research project

of up to 1,800 words

The Key Concepts

The four key concepts in Business Management

The new syllabus sees a revised conceptual framework consisting of four interdisciplinary concepts:

● Creativity
● Ethics
● Sustainability
● Change
These four key concepts enable students to explore the content of the new syllabus from multiple
lenses or perspectives. Each unit in the new course begins with statements about conceptual
understandings that include the four key concepts and summarizes important ideas and core
processes that are central to the unit of the syllabus. Inquiry statements are also included for each
unit to support teachers and students.


Creativity is the process of generating new ideas and considering existing ideas from new
perspectives. Creativity includes the ability to recognize the value of ideas when developing
innovative responses to problems; it may be evident in the process as well as outcomes, products or
solutions. The creation of ideas and solutions involves a process of synthesizing and evaluating in
response to surrounding changes.

Read more about creativity as a key concept by clicking the link here.


Ethics refers to moral principles, code or morals that govern the behaviour of a person or group of
people. In understanding ethics, it is important to note that every business decision has moral
implications. These decision-making processes are based on moral philosophies or guidelines that
influence the way a business conducts itself. The consequences of these implications can be
significant for internal and external stakeholders and the natural environment.

Read more about ethics as a key concept by clicking the link here.


Sustainability is "meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs" (UN 1987). Sustainability can be enhanced by conserving
resources or finding more efficient ways to produce or discover new resources. Business decisions
should consider the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit and their resulting impacts.

Read more about sustainability as a key concept by clicking the link here.

Change is explored from several perspectives since businesses operate in a dynamic world that is
subject to constant change. Change may be a conversion, transformation, or movement from one
form, state or value to another. Inquiry into the concept of change involves understanding and
evaluating causes, processes and consequences. Due to increasing competition, new technologies
and markets as well as changing trends in consumer behaviour, business organizations need to
adapt their objectives, strategies and operations if they are to succeed. This success emerges from
their ability to research and respond to signals in both the internal and external environment.

Read more about change as a key concept by clicking the link here.

This Coggle provides a brief overview of concepts and their use or purpose in the DP Business
Management course.

Examples of questions that can be used to extend students' understanding of the contents of the
syllabus using this conceptual framework are shown below.

Using the key concepts - Creativity

● Unit 1.6 - To what extent does the threat or presence of MNCs foster creativity in the host
● Unit 2.1 - What is the role of creativity in the gig economy?
● Unit 2.2 - Is there any role for creativity in bureaucratic organizations?
● Unit 2.2 - To what extent does bureaucracy discourage creativity in the workplace?
● Unit 2.3 - Do autocratic leaders necessarily suppress creativity in the workplace? Is it
possible for creative employees to thrive under a system of autocratic leadership?
● Unit 2.4 - Do autocratic leaders necessarily suppress creativity in the workplace?
● Unit 2.6 - To what extent does formal communication restrict creativity in the workplace?
● Unit 3.3 - What role does creativity have in developing the revenue streams of businesses?
● Unit 3.9 - Do budgets hinder or foster creativity in business organizations?
● Unit 4.1 - With reference to an organization of your choice, examine how creativity has
influenced its marketing practices.
● What links can students make to the CAS programme?

Using the key concepts - Ethics

● Unit 2.1 - Are human resource strategies used to deal with resistance to change (such as
manipulation and co-option or explicit and implicit coercion) ethical? Do context and
perspectives matter?
● Unit 2.1 - Is it ethical that workers in the gig economy are not generally protected by
employment laws in the same way as those who work for an employer?
● Unit 2.3 - Discuss the extent to which ethical considerations influence the most optimal
leadership style in business organizations.

Using the key concepts - Sustainability

● Unit 4.1 - With reference to an organization of your choice, examine how sustainability has
influenced its marketing strategies.
● Unit 5.1 - With reference to an organization that you have studied, examine how
sustainability has impacted on its operations management strategy.

Using the key concepts - Change

● Unit 4.1 - With reference to an organization you have studied, discuss how change has
influenced the role of marketing.
● Unit 4.5 (Product) - Discuss how change has influenced the product life cycle for an
organization or brand of your choice.
● Unit 4.5 (Promotion) - Examine how developments in social media platforms could change
an organization’s marketing strategies.
● Unit 4.6 - Discuss how international marketing strategies may evolve in response to a
change in customer preferences.
● BMT 5: Business plans - How do business plans help businesses to manage change more

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