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Time allowed: 60 minutes

Task 1: Choose the correct answer in A, B C or D

1. The storm _________ flooding and landslides in Miami prompted the government to evacuate hundreds from
coastal towns.
A. causing B. is causing C. is being caused D. causes
2. The archaeological excavation leading to the discovery of the ancient city _________ several years.
A. lasted B. lasting C. lasts D. which last
3. There are usually a lot of job seekers _____ for one position, but only a few of them are shortlisted for an
A. applying B. apply C. who apply D. to apply
4. It was suggested that your father ______ smoking for the sake of himself.
A. gave up B. give up C. giving up D. to give up
5. There are series of large-scale wind patterns all over the Earth called ______ winds that have a direct effect on
weather and climate.
A. prevailing B. whirl C. large D. tail
6. Extreme weather conditions are affecting the ________of the railway service.
A. function B. functioning C. functions D. functional
7. The City Council had financed the new building to the ______ of over four million pounds.
A. number B. great deal C. tune D. load
8. Information is so ______ available to young people, they don't need to commit it to memory.
A. readily B. clearly C. already D. potential
9. My children never want to let me in ______ what they do in school.
A. for B. at C. x D. on
10. You ____ that book last year - it only came out two weeks ago.
A. shouldn’t have read C. mustn’t have read
B. needn’t have read D. can’t have read
11. The pork outside the fridge was ________ due to the bad weather this morning.
A. gone bad B. gone down C. broken down D. gone off
12. On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched _____ the sky.
A. to B. through C. across D. into
13. Sociologists maintain that some of the films on show today have created a generation of very ....... children.
A. frightened B. afraid C. fearful D. frightening
14. As she arrived at the theatre, she remembered that she………to meet a friend somewhere else
A. promised B. had promised C. has promised D. promised
15. The company is growing by ________ this year.
A. leaping and bounding C. leaps and bounds
B. leap and bound D. to leap and to bound
16. If I ________ you, I'd take some rest before the game tomorrow.
A. am B. could be C. were D. would be
17. Don't look at me like that, _____?
A. do you B. will you C. don’t you D. am I
18. Never before _______ in an earnest attempt to resolve their differences.
A. have the leaders of those two countries met B. the leaders of these two countries have met
C. have the leaders the two countries meet D. met the leaders of the two countries
19. The authorities have shown no signs of _______ to the kidnappers’ demands.
A. standing up B. bringing about C. getting down D. giving in
20. I love watching the children ______ play.
A. in B. on C. at D. of

Task 2: Correcting mistakes in these sentences below

21. Many family budgets are already stretched to breaking point.
A. family budgets B. already C. stretched to D. breaking
22. In fact, there are job seekers applying for one position, and only few of them are shortlisted for an interview.
A. job seekers B. applying C. few of them D. shortlisted
23. The staff, along with the boards of managers is welcoming the new CEO of the company.
A. the staff B. boards C. is D. the
24. It is primary education that establish foundations in science, geography, history, and other social sciences for
young students.
A. It is B. establish C. and D. social sciences
25. At the beginning everybody put their money into internet enterprises.
A. At B. everybody C. their D. into
26. A smile can be observed, described and reliable identified; it can also be elicited and manipulated under
experimental conditions.
A. A smile B. reliable identified C. can also D. experimental
27. The cheapest way to buy those products is offer cash.
A. cheapest B. offer C. those D. to
28. We had about ten people helping us carry our belongings to a van parked outside when there was a sudden
crash made us turn round to find the big mirror lying in pieces on the ground.
A. helping us B. parked C. made D. lying
29. I heard the director said to the boards of managers he didn’t need to agree with everything they proposed.
A. heard the director said B. he didn’t C. to agree D. they proposed.
30. He took one pair of shoes, two shirts and two trousers, but he forgot to take socks.
A. shoes B. shirts C. trousers D. socks

Task 3: Rewrite sentences with Idioms, Collocations or Expressions

31. A new wing of theatre was expected to be attractive, but it really spoils the view of the building. (landscape)
-> A new wing _____________________________________________________
32. He just wanted to marry her so as to get his hands on her money. (eye)
-> He_____________________________________________
33. She always wants everybody around to obey her all the time which makes me fed up with. (attendance)
-> I can't stand ________________________________________________
34. An’d get the project completed faster if her teammates covered the work as much as she did. (pulled)
-> An’d ______________________________________________________
35. The headmaster was in angerhot tempered when he was being criticized by the parents. (red rag)
-> That you criticize _____________________________________________
36. The poor parents tried to stop the quarrel between their two sons. (put)
-> The poor parents ______________________________________________
37. The idea you have just presented is not relevant to the questions. (beside)
-> The idea ______________________________________________________
38. There is a risk that the black rhino will become extinct. (threatened)
-> The black rhino ________________________________________________
39. Going home without saying goodbye wouldn't be right. (ought)
-> I think we really ________________________________________________
40. John lent Linda some money and gave her some advices as well. (addition)
-> John lent Linda some money ________________________________________ her some advice.

Task 4: Editing this paragraph by correcting 10 errors.

L1 Crime scene investigators are about to get assist from the land of the pharaohs. New researches has
2 shown that a pigment called Egyptian blue, formulated some 5,250 years ago, can be used for dusting
3 powder to detect fingerprints on complicated surfaces.
4 The earliest known synthetic pigment Egyptian blue is found in some of the paint that still color
5 ancient statues, coffins, and tomb walls. Modern scientists were intrigued in this long-lasting tint and
6 figured out its chemical components decades ago. More recently they discovered that it emits near-
7 infrared radiation when exposed to a certain kind of light. Researchers have now demonstrated forensic
8 potential of that rare, invisible luminescence.
9 After a crime is committed, police may dust relevant surfaces with a powder of contrasting color. The
10 powder sticks with the unique features of any fingerprints, providing visual proof that an individual
11 was there. But prints may be hard to pick out on a shiny or highly pattern surface. That’s where
12 Egyptian blue can make a difference.

1A 2A 3A 4B 5A 6B 7C (to the stated amount) 8A 9D (let sb in on =tell private info.) 10D 11A 12C (to spread over
a large area or distance) 13A 14B 15C 16C 17B 18A 19D 20C (show a state, condition, or continuous activity)
21. A >> families’ budgets
22. C >> a few
23. C >> are
24. B >> establishes
25. D >> in
26. B >> reliably
27. B >> offering / to offer
28. C >> which made
29. B >> that he …
30. C >> two pairs of trousers
31. The new wing of the theatre is a blot on the landscape and spoils the view of the building.
32. He married her with an eye to getting his hands on her money.
33. I can’t stand the way she has everybody dancing attendance on her.
34. An’d get the project completed faster if her teammates pulled their weight.
35. That the parents criticized the headmater was like a red rag to a bull.
36. … put a stop to the quarrel between their two sons.
37. … you have just presented is beside the point.
38. … is threatened with extinction.
39. I think we really ought to say goodbye before we leave.
40. John lent Linda some money in additio
n to giving her some advice.
41. L1. Assist >> an assist/ assistance
42. L1. Reasearches >> research (has >> have)
43. L2 used for >> as
44. L4 pigment Egyptian blue >> pigment, Egyptian blue
45. L4. color >> colors
46. L5. intrigued in >> by
47. L8. forensic potential >> the forensic potential
48. L9. contrasting >> a contrasting
49. L10. Sticks with >> sticks to
50. L11. highly pattern surface >> highly patterned


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