6 Students Code of Conduct

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Online Exams Taskforce

The University of Balamand Online Proctoring Solution

Students Code of Conduct during the Exam

1. You must have the University of Balamand ID to sit for the exams.
2. Your face must be clearly shown on the camera during Moodle exams.
3. Your hands, cellphone, and face must be clearly shown on the camera during
paper written exams.
4. You are not allowed to use the cellphone under any circumstances unless
called by the instructors or TSPs.
5. You are not allowed to open WhatsApp web on the pc.
6. You are not allowed to use headphones, ear pods, etc…
7. You cannot stop streaming until receiving clear instructions to do so.
8. You are not allowed to leave the seat/desk until receiving clear instructions
to do so.
9. You are not allowed to scan the exam until receiving clear instructions to do
10. You must scan the written solution with the ID shown on top of each exam
11. You can not talk to anyone during the exam.
12. You should not have anyone in the room at any time during the exam.
13. You should focus your attention to your computer screen.
14. Brothers and sisters are not allowed to be in the same room if they are
taking the same course, and preferably not in the same house (One can be on
15. You are not allowed to smoke during the exam.

Any unprofessional misconduct by students during the exam

should be noted by the instructor(s) and the student must be
notified instantly that it will be investigated by their Dean.

Online Exams Taskforce © University of Balamand

V3 September, 2020

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