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About the learning curve

The concept of learning curve
A learning curve is a chart or graph that shows changes in the performance or abilities of
an individual or organization over time, especially as they learn and gain experience
Learning curve including :
• Diminishing returns
• Increasing returns
• S-curve
• Complex curve

1. Diminishing returns

Diminishing returns

This chart initially shows that there will be rapid growth at first, but will later decrease due to
performance conflicts as well as time and level of work.
For example, in the beginning, learning simple learning methods will bring high efficiency, but
later it will conflict with knowledge, high-difficulty tests, causing loss of learning performance.

2. Increasing curve

Increasing curve

This curve is used to illustrate activities that are harder to learn but performance adds
up quickly once you've mastered the basics. Increasing profit learning curve Due to
inherent physical and cognitive limitations, few activities that follow the learning curve
provide real increasing benefits in the longer term than a short time. This model is mostly
theoretical and is almost always used to describe a small part of a larger learning curve.
3. S curve

S curve

It measures an individual who has just started a task. The bottom part of the curve signifies a slow
learning curve as learners try to master the necessary skills and take longer to do so.The second half
of the curve indicates that learners now take less time to complete tasks because they have mastered
the necessary skills. Often the end of the curve begins to level off, signaling a stable level or new

4. Complex curves

Complex curves

a. The beginning of the curve indicates that initial learning is slow.

b. The second stage of the curve shows an increase, which indicates that learners are becoming
proficient in this skill.
c. The third stage of the curve indicates that the learner's level is at a stable level once the
learner feels he or she has mastered that skill.
d. The fourth stage of the curve demonstrates that learners are indeed still improving their skills.
e. The final stage of the curve represents the point at which the skill becomes automatic, muscle
memorization for the learner, often referred to as " overlearning ".
Learners in the process will encounter many peaks and stops when learning tasks with complex
learning curves.

 The learning curve will provide different views and monitoring of company performance to
identify areas for improvement. Some advantages that can be seen from this model include:
better understanding employee progress, planning to improve human resource quality,
creating a learning and working culture, and making decisions for directions future

II. The right curve for yourself

Each person has their own learning path, depending on their ability to self-study, previous
experience and other personal factors. For me, I tried many different methods such as group study,
technology-supported learning and creative teaching, but it was not until I learned about the learning
curve method that I realized it was the right method. the most effective for me.

S curve

The curve chosen here is the S-curve. Because I've seen its benefits at the same time. The knowledge
is continuously added and by the end will have results.
That is exemplified by studying each subject at the current university program:
+ In the early part of the semester, you will spend a lot of time learning new knowledge and selecting
knowledge, at this time, learning results may be slowed down.
+ However at the end of the semester or tests

In summary, applying the Learning Curve method in students' learning process can help
improve learning efficiency and optimize knowledge acquisition. By setting goals, collecting
data, and analyzing, students can shape their learning process and adjust their learning
methods effectively.
 Reference



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