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Engineering Design

Dr. Timothy Minton

Assignment Brief – Design Process for Machine Elements, Manufacturing Processes, Materials
and CAD (ME2611)

Signed: Fynn Starkie Date: 23/11/2023

Name: Fynn Starkie Student ID: 2224985 Assignment: Individual Report – Repeatable Vehicle

Concept Design

The axle pulley torque is the motor pulley/pulley diameter ratio. The ratio is 2:3
respectively. 10mm:15mm. The centre distance to either pulley is 38.193195 mm and the
belt length is 115.82 mm.
All components that were not 3D printed were found on RS components. The product
codes of each component are listed in the BOM.
Name: Fynn Starkie Student ID: 2224985 Assignment: Individual Report – Repeatable Vehicle

Design Process Tools

Function diagram

The primary objective of a function diagram is to depict the processes within a system,
balancing simplicity with detail. This graphical representation illuminates the decisions
orchestrated by the Arduino, triggered by the signals emitted by each sensor. The energy
and signal transfers are shown by block and dotted lines, respectively. The transfers
display how the vehicle transmits energy throughout the system, how it is made into
electrical signals, and how it turns back into energy.

Morphological chart

Red – original morphological path

Black – final morphological path
The change was made from distance timing to colour sensor detection because it was
thought to be more effective. It is expected that choosing colour sensing over distance
time will be less demanding and complicated. The calculations required in the first method
were quite theoretical and were thought to be less likely to match up exactly with actual
situations. As such, it would be necessary to conduct a significant number of trials in order
to verify that the system functions as intended.
Name: Fynn Starkie Student ID: 2224985 Assignment: Individual Report – Repeatable Vehicle

Detail Design

Instead of modelling the batteries I used a model of a battery holder, to show the rough
size of the batteries (, 2014)1. The Arduino was taken from RS components
(A000073, n.d.)2. The rest of the components were made on the CAD software and their
weights from RS components’ data sheets (RS, 2019)3.

1 (2014). Free CAD Designs, Files & 3D Models | The GrabCAD Community Library. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2023].
2 (n.d.). A000073 | Arduino Uno Rev 3 SMD | RS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2023].
RS (2019). RS. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Nov. 2023].
Name: Fynn Starkie Student ID: 2224985 Assignment: Individual Report – Repeatable Vehicle

Design Analysis
Using the BOM in the total cost of the vehicle shall be £73.33, which is well within the
allotted £100. The values in figure 2 correspond to the values in the BOM. The total mass
is: 0.421 Kg (3 d.p.).
The fuse weight is insignificant as it is so small. The 3D prints are calculated as 1 gram of
PLA equals £0.1 (imechedesignchallenge, 2023)4.

Figure 1 - Table showing the transpose of the BOM lists’ components showing their weights in grams.
1 𝐷−𝑑 𝐷−𝑑
The equation 𝐿 = √4𝐶 2 − (𝐷 − 𝑑)2 + 2 (𝐷 (𝜋 − 2sin−1 ) + 𝑑 (𝜋 + 2sin−1 )) is
2𝐶 2𝐶
impossible to rearrange without unknown calculus. So, using trial and error to 6 d.p. to
calculate C. L = 115.82 the length of the pulley; D and d are the diameters of the shaft
pulley and the motor pulley, 30 mm and 20 mm respectively.
To calculate the required linear velocity and RPM: Time taken for the whole task to be
completed is 90 seconds – 10 (for stopping time at the target) – 5 (for acceleration time at
the targets and at the wall) = 75 seconds.
Distance/time = linear velocity = 11.5/75 = 0.16 ms-1.
The vehicle will carry on accelerating so the time of the whole task is not an issue.
To calculate the required rpm of the motor:
Time of one rotation = 2*pi/angular velocity = 2*pi/(velocity/wheel radius) =
2*pi/(0.16/0.035) = 1.37445 s.
RPM of the wheels = 60/time of one rotation = 60/1.37445 = 43.6539.
Necessary RPM of the motor = RPM of the wheels/Pulley ratio = 43.6539/0.667 = 65.4809
rpm. The motor I have chosen has a maximum of 293 so it can revolve enough.
The dynamic frictional coefficient: µ = 0.35 (INEOS, no date)5.
FA = ma = 0.4033*0.26667 = 0.10755 N. F A is the force exerted on the vehicle as it
accelerates. a is the acceleration of the vehicle.
FR = µmg. 1.424336 N = 0.36*0.4033*9.81. m is the mass of the vehicle. g is the
acceleration due to gravity. FR is the force as a result of friction.
Therefore, the total force to overcome frictional loss is F T = FA + FR = = 0.10755 +
1.424336 = 1.531885 N.
The torque required to overcome this force is T T = FTR = 0.053616 Nm.
The motor torque required to overcome the frictional forces = T T x pulley ratio = 0.052204
x 0.667 = 0.035744 Nm.
Comparing to the maximum torque of 0.0382459Nm, the maximum torque will be enough
to overcome the frictional forces and drive the vehicle to the specified speed/acceleration.
If the motor’s maximum power is 1.71W due to it’s 65% efficiency, the supplied power to
the motor must be total power*efficiency = power used =1.71/0.65 = 2.631W. As there is
6V of voltage supplied by the batteries to calculate the current needed: P=IV => I = P/V =
2.631/6 = 0.4385 A.

IMechE Design Challenge -General Specification 2024 V1 1. (2023). Available at:
2024-V1.pdf [Accessed 27 Nov. 2023].
INEOS Olefins & Polymers USA. (n.d.) [online] Available at:
olefins-polymers-usa/. [Accessed 27 Nov. 2023].

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