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Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

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A systematic review of the life cycle environmental performance of cotton

textile products

Shuang Chen a, Lisha Zhu b, , Lirong Sun c, Qianwen Huang a, Ying Zhang a, Xin Li a, Xiangyu Ye d,
Yi Li f,g, Laili Wang a,e,f,
School of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
College of Textile Science and Engineering (International Institute of Silk), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
Office for Social Responsibility, China, National Textile and Apparel Council, Beijing 100027
Zhejiang Light Industrial Products Inspection and Research Institute, Hangzhou 310018, China
Zhejiang Provincial Innovation Center of Advanced Textile Technology, Shaoxing 312000, China
Green and low-carbon technology and industrialization of modern logistics, Zhejiang Engineering Research Center, Wenzhou 325100, China
Fashion Department, Collaborative Innovation Center of Port Economy, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211, China


• Systematically reviewed environment im-

pacts of cotton textiles.
• Modular method improves comparability
of environment impacts of cotton textiles.
• Returning carbonized cotton straw to the
field can retain about 50 % of carbon.
• Economic allocation is mostly used to
assess environment impacts of cotton
• Environment credits of recycling relate to
recycling rate and recycling quality.


Editor: Deyi Hou The production of cotton textiles involves cotton cultivation, ginning, spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, finishing, cut-
ting and sewing. It consumes large quantities of freshwater, energy and chemicals, causing serious environmental im-
Keywords: pacts. The environmental impacts of cotton textiles have been studied extensively through various methods. However,
Cotton textiles
little literature comprehensively summarizes current status of researches on environmental impact of cotton clothing
System boundary
comprehensively and identifies common problems to further study. To fill this gap, this study collates published results
Allocation methods
Carbon storage
on the environmental performance of cotton clothing based on different environmental impact assessment methods,
Recycling i.e., life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, and water footprint. Apart from the environmental impact results, this
study also discusses the key issues when assessing the environmental impact of cotton textiles, such as data collection,
carbon storage, allocation methods, and the environment benefits brought by recycling. In the production process of
cotton textile products, there will be other co-products with economic value so that the environmental impact should
be allocated. The economic allocation method is the most widely used method in the existing researches. In the future,
considerable efforts are required to construct the accounting modules which consist of multiple modules, each represent-
ing a production process of cotton clothing and including an inventory of inputs under that process, such as cotton
cultivation (water, fertilizer, pesticides), and spinning (electricity). It can ultimately be used to flexibly invoke one or
more modules to calculate the environmental impact of cotton textiles. Moreover, returning carbonized cotton straw to
the field can retain about 50 % of carbon, thus having a certain potential for carbon sequestration.

⁎ Corresponding author.
⁎⁎ Correspondence to: Laili Wang, School of Fashion Design & Engineering, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
E-mail addresses: (L. Zhu), (L. Wang).
Received 29 December 2022; Received in revised form 12 April 2023; Accepted 18 April 2023
Available online 24 April 2023
0048-9697/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1. Search strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Study selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Data extraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.1. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on life cycle assessment method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
3.2. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on carbon footprint method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on water footprint method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.1. Accounting system boundary and data collection of cotton textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4.2. Allocation method of environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.3. Carbon storage of cotton textiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.4. Environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles at the end of life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5. Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
CRediT authorship contribution statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Data availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Declaration of competing interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Appendix A. Supplementary data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1. Introduction concerning inputs (such as water, energy, chemicals and raw materials),
and outputs (such as releases to air, land, and water) that arise at all stages
Global production of fiber reached 113 million tons in 2021 (Textile of the life cycle of clothing. Chen et al. (2021) selected relevant papers ac-
Exchanges, 2022) due to the massive consumption. In global fiber produc- cording to two criteria: life cycle assessment of cotton textiles and footprint
tion, cotton fiber is the second most produced fiber after polyester in 2021, of cotton textiles, and analyzed some key features, i.e. functional unit, sys-
accounting for 22 %, while recycled cotton accounts for 1 % and organic cot- tem boundary, data sources and geographic location, and impact assess-
ton for 1.4 % (Textile Exchanges, 2022). As clothing consumption increases, ment methods and impact categories. However, there is a lack of
the environmental impact caused by fashion industry also becomes greater comprehensive analysis of the environmental impact of cotton textiles. In
(Stone et al., 2020). For example, if fashion industry continues to produce particularly, specific key issues that exist in the whole life cycle of cotton
as usual, it is estimated that carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions could reach textiles, such as the carbon storage path during the cotton planting stage
2791 million tons in 2030 (Kerr and Landry, 2017). In the process of conven- and the allocation principle of environmental impact results between
tional cotton cultivation, intensive water, energy, pesticides and fertilizers main and by-products, as well as the calculation of environmental credits
are consumed, and large amounts of land are occupied, all of which have neg- during the waste recycling stage of cotton textiles, have not been systema-
ative impacts on the environment and human health (Bevilacqua et al., 2014; tically summarized.
Chapagain et al., 2006; La Rosa and Grammatikos, 2019). This review aims to provide a phased summary of all research papers on
To date, quantitative environmental impacts assessment tools such as environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles up to now. On the one
life cycle assessment, environmental footprint, and eco-efficiency indica- hand, through a systematic literature review, this study synthesizes pub-
tors have been widely used to manage product-related human activities, lished results on the environmental performance of cotton clothing. These
with carbon footprint (CF) and water footprint (WF) being two of the data are analyzed according to different environmental impact assessment
most commonly used indicators in the textile sector (Luo et al., 2021). A methods, i.e., life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, and water footprint.
great number of scholars have studied the environmental impacts of cotton On the other hand, the key issues when assessing the environmental impact
textiles based on different methods. Karthik and Murugan (2017) calcu- of cotton textiles are discussed, i.e. data collection, carbon storage, alloca-
lated the carbon footprint of denim manufacturing from cotton fiber to con- tion methods, and the environment benefits brought by recycling. All of
sumer use, and they also identified the manufacturing processes that the above will be useful for practitioners to use as a basis for decision
contribute most to greenhouse gas emissions. Vos (2019) performed a making to improve the sustainability of the fashion industry. The discussion
water footprint assessment on a pair of blue jeans, with spatial variation of key issues can be conducive to guiding enterprises in energy conserva-
in scarcity taken into consideration. The results revealed that raw materials tion and carbon reduction, and promoting green development of fashion
(64 %) and consumer washing (32 %) dominated the blue water footprint. industry. Furthermore, this study is expected to point out the direction for
Qian et al. (2020) assessed the chemical footprint (ChF) of 1 kg cotton in-depth research by experts and scholars on environmental impact assess-
woven fabric from yarn to finished fabric. The results showed that the ment of cotton textiles and clothing.
total ChF associated with ecotoxicity in the calculation boundary was ap- To make existing environmental assessment methods more targeted and
proximately 41,526.10 PAF·m3·d. The largest ChF of cotton woven fabrics more precisely represent the production and processing characteristics of
mainly came from the weaving process, followed by the cultivation and cotton clothing.
harvesting, and fabric processing phases. The study is structured as follows: Section 2, i.e. methodology chapter,
To further study, some literature which reviewed the environment im- explains the criteria for searching for and selecting publications, as well as
pacts of fashion industry was published. For example, Niinim¨aki et al. what information were extracted from the selected publications. Section 3
(2020) identified the environmental impacts at critical points in the textile describes the results of the environmental performance assessment of cotton
and fashion value chain, from production to consumption, focusing on textiles. Section 4 discusses the key issues, i.e., accounting system boundary
water use, chemical pollution, CO2 emissions and textile waste. and data collection, allocation methods of environmental impact results, car-
Munasinghe et al. (2021) collated data through a systematic literature re- bon storage and environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles at the
view and meta-analysis, to provide detailed life cycle inventory data end of life, and Section 5 presents conclusions and recommendations.

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

Fig. 1. The criteria for searching for and selecting publications.

2. Methodology 2.3. Data extraction

2.1. Search strategy The 16 research articles filtered were scrutinized carefully and relative
information in those studies was then extracted to Microsoft Excel. On the
The literature was searched using online databases Web of Science Core one hand, general information, such as title of the article, journal, published
Collection. The search was conducted during the months from August to year, authors, and country of the study were extracted in order to identify
October 2022 with the search restricted to academic articles published the context of each study. On the other hand, calculation-related informa-
2009–2022 to obtain the most up-to-date. The review used a set of tion, such as evaluation methods, functional units, accounting system
keywords for the literature search. The keywords were categorized into boundaries, impact categories, and evaluation results, was extracted for
three areas: environment impact assessment methods, cotton, and textiles subsequent analysis. After careful review, based on the three environmental
categories. Specifically, the following search terms were used: “life cycle impact assessment methods, i.e. life cycle assessment, carbon footprint, and
assessment”, “carbon footprint”, “water footprint”, “chemical footprint”, water footprint, the 16 articles ultimately filtered were divided into three
“cotton”, “fiber”, “yarn”, “fabric”, “clothing”, “garment”, “apparel”, categories, as is shown in Fig. 1.
“product”, “textiles”. We also sought additional relevant articles from the
references of studies identified in the search process. 3. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles

2.2. Study selection 3.1. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on life cycle assessment
All the selected articles were initially filtered by eliminating meeting,
thesis and reviews, only keeping research articles, which referred to articles LCA is used internationally by industrial enterprises, government ad-
containing data, methods, and results of the environmental impact assess- ministrations and service industries, but its most prominent contribution
ment of cotton textiles. The second round of filtration focused on the rele- is in the area of environmental management. The technical framework of
vancy of the papers, and those were not related to cotton textiles or LCA is divided into four parts: determination of purpose and scope, inven-
environmental impact assessment methods such as life cycle assessment, tory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation of results. LCA
carbon footprint, and water footprint chemical footprint were excluded. methods can be divided into midpoint method and endpoint method. The
The final round of filtration was conducted by screening through the full former mainly includes EDPI, CML2001, EPS, TRACI, and LUCAS, while
papers. Eliminations at this stage were based on the quality and clarity of the latter mainly includes Eco indicator 95, Eco indicator 99, IMPACT
data, and transparency of the numerical calculations, i.e. whether the 2002 + and ReCiPe (Duan and Cheng, 2008).In this paper, the environ-
data sources, data collection methods, and life cycle inventory data in the mental impact results of cotton textiles assessed by the life cycle assessment
literature were clear, whether the accounting system boundary and func- method in the existing literature are summarized, and the results are shown
tional unit were described clearly. in Table 1.
The initial search results gave 543 journal articles, with the first and sec- Table 1 contains information on functional units, system boundaries,
ond filtration processes giving 526 and 77 articles respectively, as shown in data sources, impact categories, and impact assessment results. Nine impact
Fig. 1. The final filtration process yielded 16 papers. categories that were most selected when evaluating cotton textiles are

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

shown, in Table 1, and the other impact categories shown in the supple-

(La Rosa and Grammatikos, 2019) (Moazzem et al., 2021)

mentary materials.
It can be seen from Table 1 that when studying the environmental per-

formance of cotton textiles over their life cycle, impact indicators those are
1 kg cotton used the most frequently can be categorized into 5 areas: climate change

(global warming potential), acidification potential, water consumption,


toxicity and eutrophication potential. This is because large amounts of
water are consumed during the cotton cultivation, bleaching and dying pro-
cesses. In addition, the fertilizers and pesticides used in cotton cultivation
and the chemicals applied in cotton textile production can release toxic
chemicals into the environment, causing harm to ecosystems and humans.
Cradle-to-(yarn) gate

Besides, the energy consumed throughout the life cycle of cotton textiles,
1000 pieces of shirts(from 1 piece of 100 % cotton 1 kg dyed yarn

such as diesel, electricity, and natural gas, serves as the largest contributor
0.1 × 10−3

to climate change.
It can be seen from Table 1 that the influence of organic cotton is gener-


ally smaller than that of conventional cotton in the existing studies. How-
ever, Sphera (formerly known as Thinkstep, a leading commercial
provider of LCAs and impact data) conducted a simultaneous life cycle as-
short-sleeved T-shirt

(Zhang et al., 2015)

sessment of cotton fiber produced under different cultivation systems in


the same place, and the results revealed that blue (irrigation) water con-
sumption per ton of seed cotton production is 1.71 × 106 kg for conven-
tional cotton, 1.88 × 106 kg for organic cotton and 1.75 × 106 kg for



better cotton (Laudes Foundation, 2018). In other words, organic cotton

consumes 10 % more water per ton of seed cotton than conventional pro-
Cradle-to-(clothing) gate Cradle-to-(clothing) gate

duction, which means that the irrigation water requirements of crops are
mainly determined by climatic conditions, and the actual usage is also influ-
(Kazan et al., 2020)

enced by irrigation techniques(Textile Exchange, 2014). In addition, the

organic cotton)

use of synthetic fertilizers is prohibited in organic farming, which relies

mainly on farmyard manure to provide essential soil nutrients (Ozlu



et al., 2019), and the impact of manure production is generally excluded


from LCAs of organic cotton (Kassatly, 2019). However, organic fertilizer

requires a certain amount of energy and materials to be consumed, from
1000 pieces of shirts

manure to fertilizer. In addition, manure, if it enters the water supply, can

(Kazan et al., 2020)
(from conventional

be both a major source of eutrophication, and toxic to both humans and an-
1.50 × 10−10

imals (Strokal et al., 2016). Thus, to exclude the upstream impact of manure
is to underestimate the impact of organic cotton cultivation.


In the LCA assessment of cotton textiles, the selected impact category in-


dicators such as global warming potential (GWP), acidification potential

(AP), eutrophication potential (EP) are midpoint indicators, and the impact
End of life -to- (yarn) gate

of pollutants is assessed by using the equivalence of reference substances.

For the impact assessment of acidification and eutrophication of cotton tex-
(Liu et al., 2020)
Environmental impacts results of cotton textiles base on life cycle assessment method.

tiles, the impact categories may include freshwater acidification/eutrophi-

(from recycled

4.35 × 10−8

19.8 × 10−3
1000 kg yarn

cation or terrestrial acidification/eutrophication, depending on the


characterization method used and the issues to be addressed. In addition,




the reference substance varies from different evaluation methods. For ex-
ample, in terms of acidification, kg SO2 eq is used in CML 2001, IMPACT
Cradle-to-(yarn) gate

2002+, ReCiPe and acidification EDIP, while H+ eq is used in EPS. For eu-
(Liu et al., 2020)

trophication, CML and kg PO3− 4 eq is used in IMPACT 2002+, kg P eq is

2.47 × 10−8
1000 kg yarn

used in ReCiPe, and kg NO−

2.8 × 10−3
(from virgin

3 eq is used in EDIP. In terms of photochemical

oxidant formation, ReCiPe uses kg NOx eq, while IMPACT 2002+ and




CML2001 use kg ethylene(Duan and Cheng, 2008; Dreyer et al., 2003;

Huijbregts et al., 2017). This makes it difficult to form consistent conclu-
Marine ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DCB eq①; kg DCB eq②)
Freshwater eutrophication (kg P eq to freshwater)

sions about which factor contributes most to the overall environmental bur-
Human toxicity (kg 1,4-DCB eq①; kg DCB eq②)

den under a nonuniform LCA methods.

Freshwater ecotoxicity (kg 1,4-DCB eq)

3.2. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on carbon footprint

Water depletion (m3 water eq①;kg②)
Terrestrial acidification (kg SO2 eq)

Abiotic depletion-fossil (MJ)
Climate Change (kg CO2 eq)

As many countries or organizations have developed and launched car-

bon footprint accounting standards at different system levels, there are
many types of carbon footprint standards. According to the system level
Reference sources
System boundary

Ozone depletion
(kg CFC-11 eq)

of the assessment object, the carbon footprint standard can be broadly clas-
Function unit

sified into three levels: national, sectoral or regional level. Firstly, the IPCC
Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories and the ICLEI Guidelines for
Table 1

Urban Greenhouse Gas Inventories are commonly used. Secondly, at the level
of enterprise and organization activity levels, it mainly includes the

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

Table 2
Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on carbon footprint method.
Function unit System boundary CF value (kg CO2 eq) Reference resource

1 piece of cotton jeans Cradle-to-grave 90.37 (Luo et al., 2022)

1 piece of denim jacket From cutting to sewing and finishing 1.75 (Cheng and Liang, 2021)
1 kg cotton fiber Cradle to ginning gate 4.43 (Günther et al., 2017)
1 piece of pure cotton shirt (0.28 kg) Cradle-to-use 8.771 (Wang et al., 2015)
1 kg cotton lint Cradle-to-port 1.06 (Hedayati et al., 2019)
1 kg cotton T-shirt Form clothing inspection to T-shirt baling 1.34 (Li et al., 2019)
1 kg cotton lint Cradle-to-port 1.42 (Visser et al., 2015)
1 piece of trouser jeans Cradle-to-(clothing) gate 7.86 (Morita et al., 2020)
1 kg cotton fabric Gate-to-(fabric) gate 11.17–34.90 (Van der Velden et al., 2014)

Greenhouse Gas Accounting System: Enterprise Accounting and Reporting footprint values of cotton clothing range from 1.34 to 90.37 kg CO2 eq/
Standards and ISO 14064 Standard Series. Thirdly, at the product level, piece. It can be seen that the carbon footprint values of cotton textiles can
there are three main international standards, namely, the PAS 2050: 2011 be dozens of times larger/smaller than the counterparts with the same func-
Specification for Assessent of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Life Cycle of tional unit. In addition to functional units, the reason for the large differ-
Products and Services, the GHG Protocol and the ISO14067 Technical ence in carbon footprint of cotton textiles lies in the difference in system
Specification for Requirements and Guidance of Quantification and Communica- boundaries, production processes and so on(Van der Velden et al., 2014).
tion of Product Carbon Footprint. Among them, the most widely used are PAS Further, this study screened out articles that had calculated the carbon
2050, GHG Protocol and ISO14067 (Li, 2019). The results of the existing footprint values of cotton textiles' specific life cycle phases, and summa-
literature on the assessment of the environmental impact of cotton textiles rized the carbon footprint values of each specific life cycle phases in differ-
using the CF method are summarized, and the results are presented in ent studies. The extracted data of carbon footprint value were graphed
Table 2. according to specific life cycle phases, as shown in Fig. 2. Data sources of
Table 2 contains information of functional units, system boundaries, Fig. 2 can be seen in Supplementary Materials (Tables 4, 5).
data sources, and carbon footprint assessment results. In terms of functional It can be seen from Fig. 2 that most carbon footprint studies have fo-
units, when a functional unit is converted from 1 t to 1 kg, the correspond- cused on the raw material extraction of cotton textiles, while little attention
ing carbon footprint value is also reduced by 1000 times. The conversion of has been paid to the use and end of life of cotton textiles. In general, the in-
other functional units is the same. The converted functional units are shown dustrial production stage, especially the weaving and making-up stage, con-
in Table 2. For cotton textiles other than clothing, such as fibers, yarns, and tributes the most to the carbon footprint value, while cotton textile products
fabrics, the functional units are all 1 kg, and for clothing, the functional have a greater potential for carbon storage during the raw material extrac-
units are all 1 piece. In addition, the selected system boundaries for calcu- tion stage. However, it can also be seen from Fig. 2 that the carbon footprint
lating the carbon footprint of cotton textile products and final carbon foot- values calculated by different articles at the same specific life cycle stage are
print values were shown in Table 2. quite different, mainly due to the differences in functional units, process
As shown in Table 2, when the functional units of various cotton textiles conditions, input energy or materials. For example, during the making-up
are converted into 1 kg or 1 piece, the carbon footprint values of cotton phase, T-shirts generally do not require washing after sewing, while jeans
fiber range from 1.42 to 4.430 kg CO2 eq/kg, the carbon footprint values require washing, which means jeans usually consume additional water,
of cotton fabric ranged from 11.17 to 34.90 kg CO2 eq/kg, the carbon electricity, and especially chemical additives. In addition, during the

Fig. 2. Carbon footprint of cotton textiles in specific life cycle phases.

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

spinning process, when working efficiency of the same type of equipment is

different, the electricity consumed is also different, resulting in different
final carbon footprint results.

3.3. Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on water footprint


So far, many studies on the water footprint of cotton textiles have been
conducted in the literature. It is worth noting that the emphasis of each re-
search and the methods used are different over time. In terms of previous
researches on water footprint of cotton textiles, they mainly focused on
the impact of cotton trade on the country's water resource deprivation
(Chapagain et al., 2006). Additionally, due to the large water consumption
in the cotton agricultural stage, water footprint in the cotton agricultural
stage is also the focus (Mekonnen and Hoekstra, 2011). After 2010, the
water footprint of typical cotton textiles began to be noticed, including
jeans, cotton knitwear and process water footprint (Naqvi et al., 2018;
Wang et al., 2012; Zhang et al., 2021). As described in Methodology, this
paper selected researches that assess the environmental impact of cotton Fig. 3. System boundary of environmental impacts assessment of cotton textiles.
textiles based on water footprint method, and the results of the environ-
mental impact of cotton textiles using the water footprint method are sum- mainly includes yarn clearing, carding, drawing and winding, and so on.
marized, as presented in Table 3. To identify system boundaries those commonly selected in research litera-
Table 3 contains information of functional units, system boundaries, ture, the system boundaries employed in the 16 pieces of literature to assess
data sources, and water footprint assessment results. The WF calculation the environmental impacts of cotton textiles are shown in Fig. 3. Data
of cotton textiles can be carried out by two methods, the Water Footprint source can be seen in Supplementary Material (Table 6).
Network (WFN) method and the ISO 14046 method (Luo et al., 2021). As The color of the arrow represents the number of papers applying the
can be seen from Table 2, studies in earlier years have used the former corresponding system boundary, and the starting and ending of the arrows
method, while studies in recent years have used the latter method for represent the starting and ending of the system boundary used in the 16
water footprint assessment. In the WFN method, water footprint is a com- pieces of literature, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the number
prehensive evaluation index to measure the direct and indirect water re- of articles with “raw material extraction” as system boundary accounts for
sources occupied by human activities, including blue water, green water the highest proportion of about 25.00 %, followed by “raw material extrac-
consumed and grey water footprint caused by pollution load. In addition, tion to end of life” and “raw material extraction to making-up”, which
the ISO 14046 method categorizes water footprint into water scarcity foot- accounts for 18.75 %. It can also be seen from Fig. 3 that the system bound-
print and water degradation footprint, which are employed to measure the aries chosen by different studies usually remain subjective and do not have
potential environmental impacts associated with negative changes in water a uniform standard. More importantly, for the same system boundary se-
quantity and water quality, respectively (ISO, 2014). However, the WFN lected by different studies, the inputs are not actually identical, which
method mainly focuses on the assessment of water consumption, while leads to the fact that the current studies remain independent of each
ISO 14046 method combined with LCA can realize the quantification of other and difficult to compare directly or analyze in an integrated manner.
environmental impact. Considering the specificity and complexity of textile Data collection during the industrial manufacturing stage is particularly
chemicals used in the production of cotton textiles, the adoption of ISO challenging due to the wide variety of materials and complicated processes
14046 method has a higher interpretability for the specific pollution flows (Zhang et al., 2018). Specifically, the whole life cycle phase of cotton
situation of the water environment and is also more instructive for environ- textiles contains a variety of subdivision processes, such as the raw material
mental pollution control. extraction stage can be subdivided into land preparation, sowing, harvest-
ing, and ginning, the spinning stage can be subdivided into opening and
4. Discussion cleaning, carding, drawing, etc. And most subdivision processes involve
multiple technology alternatives, such as the fineness requirements of the
4.1. Accounting system boundary and data collection of cotton textiles yarn produced, whether the fabric is twill or plain, and each different pro-
cess requires different materials (dyes, bleach, packaging materials etc.),
The whole life cycle process of cotton textiles can be categorized into 7 electricity and water consumption. Besides, the primary data required for
stages: raw material extraction, spinning, weaving, finishing, making-up, the CF and WF assessment needs to be collected through on-site inspec-
consumer use, and end of life. and each stage can be subdivided into tions, it is quite time-consuming and labor-intensive (Hackett, 2015;
multiple segments. For example, the raw material extraction stage mainly Wang et al., 2015). However, almost all existing cotton textiles are pro-
includes land preparation, sowing, harvesting, and the spinning stage duced in series. For example, most of the grey fabrics in the printing and

Table 3
Environmental impact results of cotton textiles based on water footprint method.
Function unit 1 piece of cotton jeans 1 piece of jeans trousers 1 t cotton fiber

System boundary Cradle-to-grave Gate to (fabric) gate From tilling to harvesting

Data source (Luo et al., 2022) (Chico et al., 2013) (Zhang et al., 2021)
Impact category The ISO 14046 method Water scarcity footprint(m3 H2O eq) 90.37 1.44 × 103
Water eutrophication footprint(kg PO3−
4 eq) 1.67 × 10−2 2.16
Water acidification footprint(kg SO2 eq) 21.6
Water ecotoxicity footprint(m H2O eq) 112.41 2.25 × 104
The WFN method Green water footprint(m3) 263
Blue water footprint(m3) 2767
Grey water footprint(m3) 203

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

dyeing stage need to go through production processes such as grey fabric in- between lint and cotton seed, some studies have considered not only the
spection, printing and dyeing, and finishing, and the energy and materials price factor. For example, Jewell (2016) proposed the allocation proportion
consumed per unit of time can be considered constant during normal oper- of environmental impact of lint and cottonseed, in combination with the re-
ation. In view of this, the modular theory was proposed. Modularization spective yield and market price of lint and cottonseed. They established the
means that decomposing a system into several modules, and each module average ratio of cottonseed to cotton lint production in the United States
can be further decomposed into several small modules. Finally, the complex from 2010 to 2014, i.e.1.4. They also provided that the price of cottonseed
system is decomposed into small modules with clear structure (Zhang et al., was $0.11 per pound and cotton lint was $0.80 per pound for the same time
2023). For cotton textiles, a modular database can be constructed based on period. Finally, the environmental impact allocation ratio of cotton lint and
the whole life cycle (Zheng et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2013). Specifically, it cottonseed was calculated based on the yield and market price, i.e. 16 % for
can be divided into three levels: the life cycle phases of cotton textiles are cottonseed and 84 % for cotton lint. In addition, Li et al. (2014) proposed
at the first level, i.e. the raw material extraction stage, the industrial that the price of noil is 40 % of the price of raw cotton, and assumed that
production stage, the consumption and use stage, and the end of life when 1.08 t of raw cotton is used for spinning, 0.08 t of noil will be pro-
stage. The various process flows of cotton textiles are at the second level, duced. Combining the amount of noil and the price of noil, they calculated
such as spinning, weaving, finishing, and making-up in the industrial the amount of environmental impact that noil needs to be allocated.
production stage. The subdivided process flows of the cotton textiles pro-
duction process are at the third level, such as cotton opening, cleaning, 4.3. Carbon storage of cotton textiles
carding, and drawing under spinning. Sharing and reusing cotton textile
production data can be achieved by clarifying the input and output of During growth, the cotton plant can absorb carbon dioxide and releases
each module, such as dyes, bleach, packaging materials, and wastewater oxygen through photosynthesis, which means that cotton has a certain
discharge. Ultimately by matching the process flows and technical amount of carbon storage at this stage. There are two carbon storage
parameters, these modules can be reused directly or partially modified for paths for cotton textiles. One path is to store carbon during the cotton grow-
environmental impact assessment of the same category of cotton textiles ing stage by returning cotton straw to the field, and another path is to pro-
throughout their life cycle. In this context, not only can data be checked, re- long the release of carbon contained in cotton fibers by extending the use
viewed, but also modular units can be directly or partially modified to time of cotton clothing.
quickly calculate the environmental impact results of the same type of cot- The carbon sequestration during the cotton planting stage involved in
ton textiles. soil carbon storage and cotton plant carbon storage. Soil carbon storage is
realized through the increase of soil organic carbon content during cotton
4.2. Allocation method of environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles planting. The influencing factors of soil organic carbon include land-use
change type, management regime, and input of organic matter. IPCC
In actual production activities, there are often co-products produced, (2003) provided a detailed calculation method for soil organic carbon
forming a multi-output system. When it is necessary to evaluate the envi- change. Combined with the actual soil type, management regime and
ronmental impact of the main and co-products separately, the first consid- input of organic matter, the amount of soil carbon sequestration per unit
eration should be to avoid allocation (ISO 14040, 1997). There are two cotton field can be calculated.
methods to avoid allocation. One is to divide processes flows into multiple As for carbon sequestration in cotton plants, during the planting stage,
sub-processes, and then collect the input and output data of each sub- cotton synthesizes water and carbon dioxide into biomass through photo-
process. The second is the system expansion method, which is to find an al- synthesis, which is achieved by absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and
ternative production process equivalent to the target production process. If converting it into biomass within the cotton plant. Part of these biomass
allocation cannot be avoided, according to ISO (ISO, 2012), it needs to be is consumed by the respiration process of cotton itself, while the other
based on the physical relationships between products, such as the yield, vol- part is converted into cotton, cotton leaves, cotton stems, cotton roots,
ume, quality, and energy of the products. Finally, if a purely physical rela- etc. At the end of the cotton planting stage, i.e. cotton harvest stage, on
tionship cannot complete the allocation, it is necessary to utilize other the one hand, residual cotton straw can be heated without oxygen (a pro-
relationships of the product, such as economic value, for allocation. cess known as low-temperature pyrolysis), ultimately converted into bio-
In the existing literature on the environmental impact assessment of cot- char (Lehmann, 2007). Biochar contain twofold higher carbon than
ton textiles, the allocation of carbon footprint values is rarely considered ordinary biomass. Conversion of biomass C to biochar C leads to storage
(Feng et al., 2014). The allocation of environmental impact is usually con- of about 50 % of the initial C compared to the low amounts retained after
sidered at the raw material extraction stage and spinning stage. In the burning (3 %) and biological decomposition (10–20 %) (Lehmann et al.,
raw material extraction stage, there are two kinds of product outputs: cot- 2006). Huo et al. (2022) also found that the soil organic carbon was
ton fiber and cottonseed. In the spinning stage, in addition to the main 33.28–36.43 % higher in the direct straw return treatment and
product of cotton yarn, cotton comber noil is the main co-product and it 58.56–63.25 % higher in the charred straw return treatment than in the
is mainly used as a raw material for open-end spinning for the manufacture unreturned soil through a seven-year experiment. Moreover, biochar
of coarser yarns (Muthu Kumar et al., 2022). Normally, the combing noil locks up rapidly decomposing carbon in plant biomass in a much more du-
rate of semi combed yarn is <12 %, the noil rate of ordinary combed yarn rable form. Biochar is mainly composed of aromatic carbon and alkyl car-
is 12 %–18 %, and the noil rate of high-end combed yarn is 18 %–22 % bon, which has higher chemical stability, thermal stability and biological
(Liu and Xiao, 2020). In terms of cotton textiles, there is no way to avoid al- stability than other carbon sources, and can be stored stably in soil for thou-
location by identifying a process with only produces lint, because lint and sands of years (Yang et al., 2020). Therefore, biochar returning to the field
cotton seed are made from the same series of process, and the same applies can increase the amount of root and residue returning to the field, form
to comber noil. more soil organic carbon, reduce global warming potential, and slow
Specifically, during raw material extraction stage, Hedayati et al. down climate warming (Han et al., 2022).
(2019) proposed the allocation ratio of environmental impact of lint and On the other hand, as cotton fiber is the raw material of cotton textiles,
cottonseed purely based on their market prices. They applied an average the biomass contained in the cotton fiber remains in the cotton textile along
cotton lint price from 2011 to 2014 of $2070/t and average cottonseed with the cotton fiber. In view of this, PAS 2050:2011 (BSI, 2011) states that
price of $300/t, allocating approximately 86 % of the life cycle climate if some or all of the carbon removed will not be emitted to the atmosphere
change impact to lint. Similarly, Shen et al. (2010) and Avadí et al. within the 100-year assessment period, then this portion of carbon that is
(2020) proposed their environmental impact allocation ratios based purely not emitted to the atmosphere shall be treated as stored carbon. Carbon
on the market prices of lint and cottonseed, with lint accounting for 85 % storage can occur if biogenic carbon forms part or all of a product, such
and 86 % respectively However, when allocating environmental impacts as cotton fibers in cotton textiles. PAS 2050:2011 also provides the

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

corresponding method for calculating carbon storage. Carbon storage credit in the existing literature research. One approach allocates all the environ-
for a product is calculated from the total amount of carbon stored in the mental credits of renewable raw materials directly to the former life cycle
product, by applying a weighting factor. Given that the weighting factor de- of cotton textiles, so that products generate renewable waste have higher
pends on the duration of the storage, PAS 2050 provides two calculation environmental credits (Luo et al., 2022). The second method considers
methods based on long- and short-time horizon. In cases where the full that renewable raw materials have no negative impact on the environment
amount of carbon is stored for a shorter period between 2 and 25 years and allocates all the environmental credits of renewable raw materials to
after formation of the product, followed by total release of the stored car- the subsequent life cycle of cotton textiles, so that products using renewable
bon, the weighting factor was calculated according to: raw materials have higher environmental credits (Fidan et al., 2021). How-
ever, when both methods are used simultaneously, it is inevitably to lead to
100  ð0:76  t0 Þ double counting of the environmental benefits of recycling waste cotton
FW ¼
100 textiles, so it is necessary to determine an allocating ratio to share the envi-
ronmental credits between the two life cycles (Zampori and Pant, 2019). In
where t 0 = the number of years between the formation of the product and view of this, the European Union Product Environmental Footprint Guide
the single release of the emissions. (Zampori and Pant, 2019) proposes a set of methods to calculate the
In cases where the full amount of carbon is stored for a longer period recycling environmental footprint based on the third method, which stipu-
within 100 years after formation of the product, the weighting factor was lates that the sharing coefficient of environmental credits between recycled
calculated according to: material providers and users should be in the range of 0.2 ≤ 0.8. The refer-
ence values of the apportionment coefficients of some common materials
∑ xi  ð100  iÞ (such as PET, aramid, glass fiber, etc.) are also given.
FW ¼
5. Conclusion
wherei = each year in which emissions occur.x = the proportion of total
emissions occurring in any year i. This study presents a systematic literature review and collates data on
The total amount of use phase emissions, released during the 100-year the environmental impacts based on LCA, carbon footprint, and water foot-
quantification period would be multiplied by the weighting factor to reflect print, which occur throughout the life cycle of cotton textiles. The collated
the weighted average time these emissions are present in the atmosphere data will be useful for researchers who need LCI data on greenhouse gas
during the 100-year quantification period. emissions, energy and water use. In addition, based on the results extracted
from the existing literature, four key issues concerning the environmental
4.4. Environmental impact assessment of cotton textiles at the end of life impact assessment of cotton clothing are identified and further discussed.
Since the water consumption of cotton is largely determined by the geo-
The changes in consumer attitudes and consumption modes have short- graphical location and local climate conditions, when comparing the
ened the life cycle of textiles and clothing, which, combined with the con- water consumption of organic cotton and conventional cotton, it is impor-
tinuous expansion of the production capacity of the textile industry, has tant to ensure that they are planted in the same geographical location. Be-
generated large quantities of waste textiles and clothing. The disposal sides, the environmental impact from the production of organic fertilizers
methods for waste textiles and clothing usually include landfill and and the environmental impact of organic fertilizer application during or-
recycling. Approximately 92 million tons of textile wastes are generated an- ganic cotton planting should be consideration into environmental impacts
nually around the world, 85 % of which ends up in landfills or incineration assessment of organic cotton.
(Sun et al., 2021). Landfill not only causes waste of resources but also has an The advantages of the modular method are the flexibility and efficiency
impact on the environment, while the recycling of waste cotton textiles can of the assessment process, as well as the repeatability and comparability of
realize resource recycling and has received wide attention. The impact of the assessment results. When a process produces multiple value outputs,
recycling process on the environment has also attracted more concerns. different products need to share the environmental impact of the process.
There are two key issues that need to be addressed in the existing stud- Cotton clothing involves two main life cycle stages pertaining to allocation:
ies on the environmental impacts assessment of recycled waste cotton tex- the cotton fiber extraction stage and the yarn production stage, the alloca-
tiles. The first is to calculate the environmental impacts of the cotton tion method based on economic relation is mostly chosen. There are two
textiles waste during recycling process. The second is to consider how to al- carbon storage paths during the production of cotton textiles: One is to
locate the environmental impacts and credits generated by the recycling of make carbon elements stably stored in soil by carbonizing cotton stalks
waste cotton textiles between the former life cycle (where produced waste and returning them to the field. The second carbon storage method depends
cotton textiles) and the subsequent life cycle (where used recycling mate- on the service life of the clothing. The environmental benefits of the
rials made from waste cotton textiles). On the one hand, the environmental recycling cycle of waste textiles and clothing can be calculated by the ex-
impacts of the recycling process is usually calculated according to the con- tended system boundary method. The replacement rate and quality of the
ventional life cycle assessment method, while the environmental credits recycled raw materials directly affect the environmental net benefits of
need to be calculated by the extended system boundary method the recycling cycle.
(Azapagica and Cliftb, 1999). Recycling waste cotton textiles can avoid In the future, the allocation method, carbon storage model and impact
the environmental impacts during production of raw materials, as well as calculation model of the recycling stage can be incorporated into the mod-
the environmental impacts from landfill or incineration of waste cotton tex- ular accounting method to form a systematic parametric accounting model.
tiles. The avoided environmental impact is the environmental credits of the When assessing environment impact of cotton clothing, the corresponding
recycled materials. The more recycled materials contended in the raw ma- modules can be directly called to provide convenience and accuracy of
terials, the more environmental credits are gained from the recycling pro- the impact accounting. However, although it is promising to apply the mod-
cess. In other words, when the raw materials are composed entirely of ular method in modeling, evaluation, and scenario analysis, a prerequisite
recycled materials, the environmental credits reach their peaks. Therefore, for its widespread application is the completion of process unit databases,
the selection of the replacement rate for recycled materials is crucial. which remains an arduous task to be accomplished continuously. In this re-
On the other hand, to reflect market realities, the burdens (i.e. negative gard, it is suggested that before engaging in first-hand data collection, the
environmental impacts) and credits (positive environmental impacts) of process flows of products should be carefully sorted out, and the modules
recycling material production shall be allocated between two life cycles, decomposed on this basis should be as specific as possible to ensure the ac-
i.e. the former life cycle which output recycled material and the subsequent curacy and traceability of data. The diversity of cotton textiles categories
life cycle which input recycled material. There are three allocation methods and the complexity of the processes and technologies will inevitably lead

S. Chen et al. Science of the Total Environment 883 (2023) 163659

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