Vision L3 U7 Progress Test B AK

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The Test audio canc be downlooaded as an MP3 M file from thet Teacher’s Resource Cen ntre.

re. Note thatt the same auddio recording is

useed for all versiions of the tesst (A, B, C andd adapted for students with dyslexia).

Progresss test B 6
1 landslide
A Key 2 only a few
3 dial
4 protest
U 7 5 reach
6 incidents
Grammar 7 Earthquake es
8 Just over half
1 I asked if I could borroww her phone.
2 They asked why he wa as wearing glo
oves. Use
e of English
3 She told uus it wouldn’t take
t long. 7
4 I said I wa
as going to boook seats. 1 B
5 They said d they had hea ard the news. 2 C
6 He asked d me if I had packed waterprroofs. 3 C
7 We asked d who was takking a compasss. 4 A
8 They said d they didn’t buy a newspap per. 5 A

2 8
1 ‘Why did you call me ye esterday?’ 1 C
2 ‘I won’t be
e late tomorro
ow.’ 2 C
3 ‘We aren’’t going swimmming today.’ 3 B
4 ‘Have you u already eate
en lunch?’ 4 B
5 ‘Can you play the guitaar?’ 5 A
6 ‘We love cooking Chine ese food.’
3 Rea
1 I asked so
omeone wherre the swimmin ng pool was. 9
2 They saidd they had/’d gone/been
g to New
N Zealand the 1 F
year befo
ore. 2 A
3 I asked her if she/’d had met her neww teacher. 3 D
4 He told me
m he couldn’t play golf veryy well. 4 B
5 She said it was raining that morning.. 5 C
6 They asked us if we wo ould/’d cook dinner the E is a distra
following Friday.

4 1 C
1 injured 2 A
2 national 3 C
3 observerss 4 B
4 preventioon 5 A
5 majority
6 Nearly
7 declining
Students’ own answers.
1 on
2 got
3 of
4 number
5 message

sion 3 Tests Unit 7 Progress tesst B Answer K

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