Physics 9

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9–“ “ класс 9:25
1. The diagram shows a stopwatch, originally set at 00:00.
When a car was first seen, the stop-start button was pressed. When the car passed the observer the stopwatch
showed 01:06.

How long did the car take to reach the observer?

A 1.06 seconds
B 6 seconds
C 66 seconds
D 106 seconds
[Total: 1]

2. The same mass of four different liquids is placed in some measuring cylinders.
Which measuring cylinder contains the liquid with the greatest density?

[Total: 1]
3. The graph represents part of the journey of a car.

What distance does the car travel during this part of the journey?
A 150 m B 300 m C 600 m D 1200 m
[Total: 1]

4. The diagram shows a child’s building block. Its volume and maximum height are determined.

Which instruments are used?

to determine the to measure the
volume maximum height
A balance rule

B measuring cylinder rule

C rule balance

D rule measuring cylinder

[Total: 1]
5. A student has been told to find the density of some liquid paraffin by measuring its mass and its volume.

(a) Which piece of laboratory equipment should she use to measure the volume of the liquid
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) Which piece of laboratory equipment should she use to find the mass of the liquid paraffin?
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) Describe the procedure she would follow in order to find the mass.
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [3]
[Total: 5]
6. A motorcyclist travels from A to B along a straight road, as shown in the figure.

The motorcyclist passes over the minor crossroads at A at 15m/s and, for most of the distance between A and B, he
continues at 15m/s.
The road is flooded at one point, so he has to slow down to ride through the water. He also slows down and stops at
the major crossroads at B.
On the axes below, sketch the speed-time graph for the journey between A and B.

[Total: 5]

7. A student has been told to find the density of some liquid paraffin by measuring its mass and its volume.

These are the student’s results.

mass of liquid = 62.4 g
volume of liquid = 80 cm3
Calculate the density of the liquid paraffin.

density = ........................... [4]

[Total: 4]

8. A motorcyclist completes a journey. The speed-time graph for this journey is shown in the figure.

Use the graph to determine the distance travelled by the motorcyclist during this journey.

distance travelled = ....................................................... m [4]

[Total: 4]
9. A student wishes to determine the density of a small, irregularly shaped stone.
State the other quantity, apart from the volume, that must be measured in order to determine the density.
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [1]
[Total: 1]

10. The figure below is a simplified diagram of a balance with equal arms.

A copper block of unknown mass is placed on the left-hand pan. Six standard masses, placed on the right-hand pan,
cause the balance to be in equilibrium, with the beam horizontal.
The six standard masses on the right-hand pan are:
100 g, 100 g, 50 g, 10 g, 5g, 2g

(a) What is the mass of the copper block?

mass =........................... g [1]

(b) What will be seen to happen if the 2g mass is removed from the right-hand pan?
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [1]

(c) The volume of the copper block is 30 cm3.

Calculate the density of copper. State the unit in your answer.

density =........................... [4]

[Total: 6]
11 The graph is a speed-time graph for a car during part of a race.

(a) State the section of the graph that shows the greatest acceleration. Explain your answer.
greatest acceleration ............................................................................................................................................................
......................................................................................................................................................................................... [2]

(b) Calculate the distance travelled by the car during the first 2.5 seconds.

distance = ........................... m [3]

[Total: 5]

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