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Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

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Seminars in immunology special issue: Nutrition, microbiota and immunity

The unexplored microbes in health and disease
Tamar Plitt a, Jeremiah J Faith a, b, *
Precision Immunology Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA
Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA


Keywords: Functional characterization of the microbiome’s influence on host physiology has been dominated by a few
Gut microbiota characteristic example strains that have been studied in detail. However, the extensive development of methods
Cancer for high-throughput bacterial isolation and culture over the past decade is enabling functional characterization of
In vitro
the broader microbiota that may impact human health. Characterizing the understudied majority of human
High-throughput screen
microbes and expanding our functional understanding of the diversity of the gut microbiota could enable new
Immunology insights into diseases with unknown etiology, provide disease-predictive microbiome signatures, and advance
Culturing microbial therapeutics. We summarize high-throughput culture-dependent platforms for characterizing bacterial
Effector strains strain function and host-interactions. We elaborate on the importance of these technologies in facilitating
mechanistic studies of previously unexplored microbes, highlight new opportunities for large-scale in vitro
screens of host-relevant microbial functions, and discuss the potential translational applications for microbiome

1. Introduction discoveries led to the collecting-of-parts period that we are still in the
early to middle phase of whereby laboratories with advanced methods
Previous decades of research in bacteriology focused on a few model for high-throughput culturing, found approaches to enrich rarer or
organisms and pathogens with a goal of understanding the functions that hard-to-culture microbes, and develop model communities of defined
govern bacterial survival and the factors driving pathogenesis and bacterial strains as consortia for in vivo models or in vitro screens
treatment. Despite this wealth of scientific exploration that included [9–14]. With numerous laboratories now using reference collections of
complete genome sequences [1,2], gene knockout libraries [3], and parts [15–24], the challenge becomes how to identify the functions of so
extensive transcriptional profiling [4], even the best characterized many bacteria when each strain can potentially have a different function
model bacterial strains lack functional annotation of a large proportion from other strains in a species and the number of species alone in the
of their genes [5,6]. human population for gut bacteria is likely in the thousands [25].
In the past 20 years, the microbiome field has transitioned much of Identification of highly penetrant microbial functions in the gut
the bacteriology community’s focus from a few model organisms to­ including short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production [26], regulatory T
wards the monumentally large challenge of characterizing all the or­ cell (Treg) induction [27], Th17 cell induction [28], and bile acid
ganisms in multiple ecosystems. This change was initially spurred by metabolism [29–33] is already producing functionally important dis­
advances in genome sequencing that enabled a cost-effective means of coveries with translational implications, while fecal microbiota trans­
characterizing the members of bacterial communities using culture- plantation (FMT) and defined live biotherapeutic products (LBPs)
independent approaches [7,8]. Although this cataloging-of-parts phase provide the potential to identify causal influences of bacterial strains in
continues relatively unabated, with technology advances bringing humans, quantify the transmissibility of strains, and translate new
deeper sequencing to identify rarer community members with greater functional discoveries to the clinic. There remains, however, a vast un­
resolution, this phase increased the field’s awareness of the significant explored majority of bacterial strains whose individual and collective
proportion of microbes that were completely unstudied. Such function is largely unknown despite years to centuries of co-habitation

* Corresponding author at: Precision Immunology Institute, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY 10029, USA.
E-mail address: (J.J. Faith).
Received 4 October 2022; Received in revised form 17 January 2023; Accepted 9 February 2023
Available online 27 February 2023
1044-5323/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

on our bodies. The cataloging-of-parts and the collecting-of-parts periods genomics approaches [23,43,69]. In parallel, larger collections of
of the microbiome field have now set the stage for the new era of defined, sequenced bacterial communities collected into larger consortia
characterization-of-parts whereby we seek high-throughput scalable and screening libraries also provide broad tools for functional explora­
platforms to identify the functions of the understudied majority of tion [15–24]. These collections, inspired by culture-independent dis­
strains in the microbiome. This phase will require studying enough coveries, are now some of the key resources necessary to move from
strains across the phylogenetic tree of life to identify general principles characterizing the functional impact of individual effector strains to
of function across taxa and to identify exceptions that might fuel new understanding the individual and collective role of hundreds to thou­
biological and therapeutic insights. In this review, we summarize sands of strains. We find particularly compelling the isolation and
high-throughput approaches developed to aid in more fully exploring exploration of functional potential of bacterial strains isolated from the
the functional diversity of the human microbiome, with an emphasis on stool of frequently used fecal transplant donors, as these microbes come
the human gut microbiome. We focus on the implications of these from humans that have passed important FMT safety screens. The safety
functional screens for future human translation, particularly on immune data in the resulting recipients provide at least a crude representation of
modulation and cancer. the collective influence of the strains on recipient safety, and the
tracking of strains from donors to recipients provides empirical esti­
2. Generating the microbiome strain catalog mates of the transmissibility of each strain [43].
As the microbiome field transitions from compositional descriptions
2.1. cataloging of parts and phenotypic associations towards studies aimed at mechanistic,
functional, and interventional understanding, there arises an issue of
Culture-independent sequencing transformed our ability to charac­ scale. Every individual is colonized with a unique set of bacterial strains
terize microbial consortia of the human microbiome across body sites which collectively represent enormous functional variation. Purely in
[34]. From the early phase of genus-focused 16S rRNA amplicon vivo based approaches can never approach the scale and the scope
sequencing that identified broad differences between the microbiomes required to address this complexity and so, in vitro assays implemented
of people of different health status and treatment response [35–37], we in high throughput using automation are the only realistic alternative.
have moved to the metagenomics phase of characterizing species-level To tackle questions related to functional responses across microbiota
differences between communities [36,38–42]. Most recently, meta­ derived strains, we can either ignore the complexity and focus on simple
genomics, often combined with strain genome sequencing or meta­ systems (e.g., by using model strains such as segmented filamentous
genomic assembly, is leading to numerous explorations of what defines a bacteria (SFB)) or we must use a variety of tools at different scales to try
strain, how do we track strains [43–47], how many strains exist in a to understand the entire system. The future of human microbial thera­
given species [48] or at a given anatomical location [49], and how peutics will therefore benefit from the parallel advancement of in vitro
strains evolve in their native ecosystems [50–52]. Typically, species are screening platforms, in vivo validation and discovery, and an expansion
defined as isolates that share more than 99% of their 16S rRNA sequence of the transition from FMT interventions [70] to defined bacterial strain
[53,54] while strains are defined as isolates of a given species that share consortia interventions [71–74].
more than 96% of their genome content. [43,48,55,56].
The cataloging of microbiome parts is essential for providing a 2.3. characterization of parts: unknown functions of the understudied
structural framework to build on for functional studies. For example, majority
studying the functional potential of a synthetic human gut microbial
community with mostly Firmicutes and Bacteroides and a few Actino­ Early explorations into the functional potential of human gut
bacteria and Proteobacteria is more realistic to the human gut micro­ microbiota strains, by necessity, focused on a limited number of strains.
biome ecosystem than a community of only Fusobacterium and When there is little to compare to, any significant phenotypic pertur­
Proteobacteria. These microbiome-part-catalogs also provide the vast bation causally linked to a specific bacterial strain is of interest [75] and
majority of functionally insightful microbiome observations directly in many observations ask the simplest question – what is difference be­
humans such as which bacteria engraft in an FMT for subjects with tween a germ-free or antibiotic treated mouse and a mouse colonized
recurrent Clostridium difficile infection [1], ulcerative colitis [57], or with a complex diverse microbiota? Since the goal for a clinical inter­
melanoma [58,59] that respond to FMT therapy. Similarly, enrichments vention will never be to transition someone between a germ-free and
of taxa in specific conditions such as Crohn’s disease [42,60], colorectal colonized state or to provide an antibiotic cocktail to deplete the
cancer [61,62], or wound healing [63] can focus the taxa selection microbiome for life, practical implementation of microbiome functional
process for functional studies and future therapeutics – particularly now discoveries requires identifying individual strains or groups of strains
when more opportunities are emerging for datasets to be combined to that perturb host physiology. The earliest examples of such experiments
search for consensus results across multiple human studies [41,42,60]. identified a few sample strains or consortia that could perturb a host
While the cataloging-of-parts can uncover correlations between the phenotype, for instance, through the induction of Th17 cells [28], Tregs
relative abundance of specific species/strains of bacteria and the [76], or colitis [77] (Fig. 1A). In microbiomes beyond the gut, similar
onset/progression of disease, it is not sufficient to prove causality. experiments identified skin microbiome strains that induce IL-17A+
CD8+ T cells [78] and oral microbes that induce Th1 cells [79]. The
2.2. collecting of parts challenge of these initial forays is that broad conclusions can only be
based on highly significant narrow explorations, and there are far too
Functionally relevant associations from statistical analyses of large few examples to determine how unique the results are relative to all
observational datasets often focus subsequent functional explorations possible experiments with all possible strains.
[64,65]. However, reductionist systems are typically required for broad As modest-sized functional explorations with synthetic defined mi­
functional understanding of biological systems and components. The crobial communities became possible by the advances in gnotobiotic
rise of culture-independent cataloging of the microbiome in health and caging systems and anaerobic culturing, we were able to better under­
disease was closely followed by attempts to culture gut microbial strains stand the context for earlier findings and their potential use in humans
in high-throughput [11], using diverse media and detection technolo­ (Fig. 1B). For example, among gut lamina propria Th17 cells, it appears
gies [13], and with efforts to increase the culturable fraction of the gut that potent Th17 inducing strains [28] are rare strains that are not
[9,10], skin [66], and oral microbiomes [67,68]. Lower cost genome harbored by many people or animals [15,80]. In contrast for Tregs, the
sequencing enabled high-throughput culturing efforts to be coupled microbiome is clearly fundamental to their induction in the lamina
with genome sequencing to facilitate strain tracking and comparative propria [27], and there are a multitude of individual strains and groups

T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

Fig. 1. Scalable functional characterization of gut microbiome strains. In this illustrative example, the therapeutic aim is to identify bacterial strains that induce high
proliferation in mammalian cells and whose removal or suppression could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. (A) Early functional explorations of the gut microbiota
focused on a few sample bacterial strains that influenced host physiology. The green dot corresponds to a unique bacteria strain that is present in a healthy donor and
induced low colonic carcinoma cell proliferation. The orange dot corresponds to another unique bacterial strain that is present in a CRC donor and is found to induce
high colonic carcinoma cell proliferation. Both of these bacterial strains belong to the Proteobacteria phylum. Here we might conclude that Proteobacteria in people
with CRC are uniquely capable of inducing colonic carcinoma cell proliferation. (B) Synthetic defined microbial communities enabled exploration of colonic car­
cinoma cell proliferation potential of different bacterial species across multiple taxa per phylum and disease state. Within each disease state, there exist strains that
have a wide range of colonic carcinoma cell proliferative properties. Here we might conclude that multiple phyla contain strains that can induce high colonic
carcinoma cell proliferation, but they are uniquely common in CRC patients. (C) Building on recent expansions of high-throughput culturing, functional screens are
now being performed on the population scale with hundreds of bacterial strains, often with multiple strains per species. On the population scale, we have sufficient
strains in each of our categories of interest (taxonomy and disease status) to see the underlying distributions driving our earlier observations. In this population scale
example, Actinobacteria universally induce high colonic carcinoma cell proliferation and could serve as targets for therapeutic removal or suppression to ultimately
reduced CRC risk, while only a fraction of the Proteobacteria induce high colonic carcinoma cell proliferation. While earlier sample- and consortium-scale exper­
iments showed enrichment of high proliferation-inducing strains in CRC, this effect is explained by CRC enrichment with Actinobacteria and Bacteroides. (D) A
challenge and opportunity for the field moving forward is to develop relevant in vitro and in vivo systems that are the most relevant for advancing microbiome
science towards clinical interventions using the functionally characterized strains. Abbreviation: IBD, inflammatory bowel disease; CRC, colorectal cancer; T1D, type
1 diabetes; FMT, fecal microbiota transplantation.

T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

of strains able to induce different Treg subsets [76,81,82] through a characterizing the role of the gut microbiota on the gut-brain axis
variety of mechanisms [26,30]. signaling found that metabolites produced by certain strains of Escher­
Empirical observations of strains that repeatedly engraft in fecal ichia coli activated c-Fos in the arcuate nucleus (ARC) and stimulated the
transplants, fractionated fecal transplants, and defined LBPs in subjects firing rate of proopiomelanocortin neurons in the ARC, which play a role
whose disease status is improved by a microbial therapeutic are likely in appetite control and energy expenditure [94,95]. A more recent study
the shortest route to developing minimal bacterial consortia to improve utilized high-coverage metabolomics to describe microbiota-derived
human health. In parallel, there will always be a desire to understand the metabolites implicated in the interorgan transport of gut microbial
mechanisms and general principles driving such successes so that we can metabolites and gut-brain axis [96].
determine the cause of treatment failures, improve future microbial In this review, we will emphasize the role of microbial metabolites in
therapeutics, and envision future applications that are not visible until cancer. Microbial metabolites can have a protective role against carci­
we build the basic foundations necessary to see a little further. To begin nogenesis by contributing to inflammatory tone or influencing the bal­
assembling this foundation as a scientific community will require ance between proliferation and apoptosis in tissues [97]. Several
identifying new in vitro, ex vivo, and in silico methods to bring addi­ microbial metabolites generated from dietary fiber and fats have an
tional scale beyond the animal experiments that have been foundational established effect on cancer [97,98]. Understanding the effects of these
to date and the human observations that are our motivation for explo­ metabolites on cancer growth and spread offers the potential for ther­
ration [70,83]. The microbiome field’s extensive cataloging-of-parts and apeutic interventions – either by direct transfer of strains or adminis­
growing collection-of-parts are the raw resources that were necessary to tration of bacterial products.
open this next era of characterization-of-parts that will facilitate our The intestinal fermentation of dietary fiber releases SCFAs, princi­
understanding of the functional attributes of each strain in a broader pally acetic, propionic, and butyric acids, which help maintain the
context of populations of hundreds of strains (Fig. 1C). integrity of intestinal epithelium [99] and are otherwise unavailable
Here we provide examples from this newly emerging literature in the from diet. These SCFAs have been studied in the context of intratumoral
microbiome field of scientists exploring dozens to hundreds of strains inflammation and demonstrated to have anti-inflammatory effects on
with in vitro, ex vivo, and in silico approaches. For example, larger myeloid cells [100] and colonic Tregs [101–103]. Butyrate, in partic­
explorations, facilitated by ex vivo screens that are less limited by the ular, is the principal energy source for colonic epithelial cells and has
scale of mouse experimentation, suggest that high proportions of Th17 been shown to have tumor suppressive functions [103]. Butyrate can
cells in gnotobiotic mice can be obtained by single potent effector strains inhibit histone deacetylase activity in colonocytes and immune cells,
with highly penetrant phenotype like SFB [28] and similarly high Th17 downregulating proinflammatory cytokines and inducing apoptosis in
cells can be obtained by altering microbiome composition so that it is colorectal cancer (CRC) cells [103–106]. The effects of SCFAs on colonic
composed of only moderate Th17-inducing strains and no low epithelial cells can also be calibrated by the receptors they bind, such as
Th17-inducing strains [84]. We anticipate this emerging trend will G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) [107–109]. Gpr109, for instance,
continue to expand as new assays are imagined and more laboratories is expressed on colonic epithelial cells and intestinal myeloid cells and is
have access to large cultured communities of strains. important for Treg generation [109]. Loss of this receptor increases
Ultimately, it will be important to weigh the utility of in vitro, ex susceptibility to colitis associated colorectal cancer (caCRC) [109].
vivo, in vivo, human observational, and human interventional ap­ Propionate activation of Gpr43, expressed in hematopoietic tissues and
proaches in an unbiased manner to identify the best usage of resources in the colon, reduces murine pro-B BaF3 cell proliferation in a
and time to maximize the human relevance of the microbiome field. A dose-dependent manner [110]. Compared to normal colon tissues,
continuous learning and cycling between all of these approaches Gpr43 expression is significantly reduced or lost in colorectal adeno­
(Fig. 1D) is likely necessary for us to reach the point of identifying carcinoma tissues and their corresponding lymph node metastatic ade­
minimal therapeutic sets of strains, strain metabolites, or strain proteins nocarcinomas [106]. Restored Gpr43 expression in human colonic
that cause, prevent, or treat human disease. adenocarcinoma cells led to increased apoptotic cell death upon SCFA
treatment [106].
2.4. Metabolic potential However, conflicting effects of SCFA in cancer prevention have also
been documented. Two mouse studies reported opposing effects of
Screens to understand the metabolic potential of gut microbiota butyrate on tumorigenesis. For instance, butyrate had tumor-promoting
strains and communities represent an area ripe for discovery with major effects in a mouse model of intestinal tumorigenesis driven by mutations
advantages over other types of host/microbe screens. First, the meta­ in the DNA mismatch repair gene, Msh2, and the tumor suppressor gene,
bolic potential of a bacterial strain in vitro and in vivo is likely similar Apc [111]. On the other hand, butyrate ultimately suppressed tumori­
when given the same substrates [22]. Second, there are numerous genesis in the AOM/DSS model of colitis-associated cancer by reducing
human relevant microbiota influenced metabolites to explore from cellular proliferation and increasing apoptosis [92]. The latter effects
SCFAs [85] to drug metabolism [86,87]. In addition, these approaches were explained by the fact that neoplastic colonocytes favor glycolysis
can be performed with either native microbes or in a cloned expression for cellular energy, leading to a decreased butyrate metabolism,
library to facilitate identifying causal genes, metabolites, and enzymes increased nuclear accumulation, and subsequent inhibition of histone
[88,89]. However, challenges and opportunities to the broader appli­ deacetylases. These studies highlight the wide range of effects that a
cation of microbial strain metabolic screens to therapeutics include the single microbial metabolite can elicit in tumor models, hindering the
difficulty of identifying metabolites, and the challenge of comparing translation of microbiome and diet data into practical clinical in­
results across metabolomics measurement platforms. Additionally, the terventions in the context of cancer. Thus, expanding research on the
substantial cross-feeding and metabolic redundancy that occurs in uncharacterized taxa and metabolites will allow us to identify metabo­
multi-species communities can limit the predictability of single strain in lites with more specific or complementary effects.
vitro screens for metabolic processes and compounds for more common Beyond SCFAs, high-fat diet (HFD) and obesity are also thought to be
chemicals in the gut like bile salts and SCFAs. involved in the pathogenesis of specific cancers by altering the gut
The gut microbiota plays a considerable role in host metabolism, microbiota and inducing inflammation [83,98–103,112,114–117]. In
producing active catecholamines [90], regulating serotonin biosynthesis fact, obesity is now regarded as an inflammatory state [97,118] and
[91], and generating butyrate [92]. In fact, evidence suggests that a inflammation and HFD are considered primary risk factors for hepato­
significant proportion of microbial metabolites can translocate from gut cellular carcinoma (HCC) progression [119]. Studies in obese mice
lumen to the systemic circulation influencing distant organs and the treated with an antibiotic cocktail that reduces the number of
central nervous system (CNS) [93]. For instance, studies focused on commensal intestinal bacteria showed a reduced risk of developing HCC

T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

by depleting the microbiome and the subsequent secretion of Combining in vitro metabolic screens with in vivo validation studies
pro-carcinogenic and proinflammatory metabolites and toxins [120]. already has multiple proof-of-principle demonstrations and appears to
Another mechanism by which HFD influences cancer risk is through be an area that is primed for growth in the next decade. For near term
the secretion of bile acids [97,121]. Primary bile acids are synthesized human relevance, a key will be identifying rare metabolites from gut
from cholesterol in the liver and secreted from the gall bladder into microbial strains that have important beneficial health properties and
duodenum to solubilize and digest fats. Bacteria in the distant small are absent in people with a specific disease. Moving to applications
intestine and colon can metabolize primary bile acids into various sec­ beyond singularly potent metabolite generation or drug metabolism will
ondary bile acids, which are then absorbed in the colon or returned to require understanding the complex problem of what determines the
the liver. Secondary bile acids have been shown to exert immunoregu­ average metabolic output of mixtures of strains with highly overlapping
latory functions and have been implicated in the development and metabolic potential (e.g., short chain fatty acids or secondary bile salt)
progression of liver cancers [121,122]. For instance, in 2018, Ma et al. when given diverse inputs from human diet and host metabolites.
showed that production of secondary bile acids by Clostridium species
contributed to tumor progression in various mouse models of primary or 2.5. Immunogenic potential
metastatic liver cancer [122]. The pro-tumorigenic effect was due to the
secondary bile acid-driven downregulation of CXCL16 in liver sinusoidal 2.5.1. cell mediated immunity
endothelial cells, resulting in a reduced recruitment of natural killer T Given the interconnectivity of the cells in the human immune sys­
(NKT) cells in the liver [122]. In another study, enrichment of certain tem, developing scalable models of immune function is a challenge.
Clostridium species in response to a HFD led to increased levels of the With numerous important roles identified for the microbiota in the
secondary bile acid, deoxycholic acid (DCA), a gut bacterial metabolite shaping of our immune system, it is exciting that large-scale applications
known to cause DNA damage. Accumulation of DCA in the liver led to an are beginning to emerge that take advantage of in vitro, ex vivo, and in
accelerated progression of carcinogen-induced liver cancer [113]. In silico platforms as well as tools from genomics and DNA synthesis.
addition to diet, an earlier study by Yoshimoto found that genetic sus­ Mounting evidence indicates that the microbiome may influence a
ceptibility to obesity can also increase DCA-mediated activation of myriad of immune mediated diseases including inflammatory bowel
mitogenic and proinflammatory response program in hepatic stellate disease (IBD), rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes, allergic diseases,
cells (HSCs), potentiating liver cancer in mice [120]. and cancers [128]. These data are further supported by studies
Given that the gut microbiota generate, modify, or influence these demonstrating that the gut microbiota directly modulates an antigen
host-relevant metabolites, numerous opportunities exist to broadly specific host immune response [129–131]. For example, Perez-Munoz
characterize the metabolic capacities of bacterial strains in a high- et al. colonized germ-free mice with a strain of Bacteroides thetaiotao­
throughput manner. Recently, Han, demonstrated a metab­ micron and were able to isolate an antigen specific T cell towards the
olomics pipeline to identify and characterize microbiota-dependent strain as well as identify the protein epitope that was shared across
metabolites (MDM) [123]. In a scalable in vitro platform, the team species which was largely predictive of the cross reactivity of the T cell
grew 178 individual human gut microorganisms, spanning 130 species [132]. Yang et al., demonstrated that intestinal Th17 cells in
and 6 phyla, in rich complex culture media and used mass-spectrometry SFB-colonized mice express T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) specific for
to generate a reference dataset of metabolomic profiles for each strain. SFB [133]. Similarly, tolerance to the pathobiont, Helicobacter hepaticus
This screen demonstrated that the phylogenetic relationship between (Hh), was shown to be mediated by Hh-specific Tregs [134]. Treg in­
strains can predict some of the metabolic potential of each strain, with a duction by a range of individual or groups of microbes have been re­
number of exceptions where significant differences exist between ported by multiple groups [27,81,135]. Others have shown the
metabolomic profiles of highly phylogenetically related strains. Scaling specificity of IL17A+ CD8 + T cell response to the skin commensal
this type of platform across multiple growth media and larger numbers Staphylococcus epidermidis lasts for months and is not associated with
of strains will continue to advance our knowledge of the shared and inflammation but rather induced to calibrate barrier immunity and
unique metabolite potential of strains across taxonomy and human provide heterologous protection against invasive pathogens [78].
disease. And ultimately, it may allow us to use comparative genomics to The specificity of the mucosal immune response to the gut com­
associate genomic features with metabolic outputs [123]. In related mensals has profound implications for our understanding of tissue-
work, Wong et al. used a strain-dropout strategy to show that there is specific immunity and pathologies. In accordance with this idea, Spin­
functional redundancy within the bile acid 7a-dehydroxylation niche as dler et al. recently profiled antigen-specific responses directed towards
long as Clostridium scindens or Clostridium hylemonae is present in the individual strains in the setting of a multi-strain defined community and
community [124]. However, dropping out either strain led to variations found lamina propria and mesenteric lymph node T cells specific for
in the bile acid metabolism outside the niche. These studies redefine bacterial strains at the species level, with the ability of Th17 cells to
how we think about strain-level variation in the microbiome. discriminate between some strains of the same species [84]. This spec­
Gut microorganisms are functionally differentiated by their ability to ificity of T cell responses enabled ex vivo recall assays to demonstrate
metabolize specific structurally distinct carbon sources or glycans. the in vivo Th17 contribution of individuals strains in a multi-strain
Synthetic glycans (SGs) from diverse, naturally occurring mono­ community. In addition, knowing the Th17 inducing potential of these
saccharides, or natural glycans that selectively drive the gut micro­ strains allowed for the generation of custom defined strain subsets that
biota’s generation of beneficial metabolites or the relative abundance of collectively induced predictable numbers of Th17 cells in gnotobiotic
specific strains provide one potential therapeutic strategy [125]. Using a mice.
bead-based approach combined with 16S rRNA sequencing, Patnode et. In an important recent application of a scalable in vitro pipeline
al., reported strain-specific and glycan-specific binding phenotypes designed to understand interactions between T cells and gut microbes,
among 160 Bacteroides and Parabacteroides strains [126]. In a more Nagashima et al. colonized germ-free mice with 97 bacterial strains to
recent screen of carbohydrate utilization of 354 members across 29 educate their immune system with the multi-strain consortia [69].
species of the Bacteroidetes phylum [127], Pudlo et al. found strongly Two-weeks later, T cells from the large intestine were co-cultured ex
enriched glycan utilization abilities within species demonstrating a vivo with each of the 97 strains to identify the specificity of the T cells
vertical evolution functional imprint on gut microbial strains. However, towards each strain. Although the global T cell pool was clearly being
similar to studies by Han et al., a clear mosaicism existed at the level of driven by antigen-specific T cells towards certain strains, it was also
individual strains suggesting that horizontal gene transfer or perhaps found that many T cells recognized multiple strains of bacteria. Using a
convergent evolution provide important contributions to the metabolic beautiful combination of TCR-sequencing to identify relevant T cells,
capacity of individual strains. DNA synthesis, a T cell reporter line to generate 92 T cell clonotypes,

T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

and comparative genomics across the large strain library, the authors microbiota [142]. Colonization of GF mice with bacteria from human
identified abundant TCR clonotypes that were polyspecific for 18 Fir­ IBD patients that were highly coated with IgA conferred dramatic sus­
micutes in the strain collection. In addition, the authors discovered that ceptibility to colitis. In addition, Alexander et al. characterized antibody
these 18 strains shared a conserved substrate binding protein from an reactivity in IBD patients using microbiota antigen arrays directed at
ABC transport system that turned out to be a T cell epitope. In many recombinant bacterial flagellins [143]. Compared to healthy controls, a
ways, these observations parallel prior work with small numbers of subset of patients with Crohn’s disease displayed elevated serum IgG
strains that identified a specific T cell epitope to B. thetaiotaomicron and response to multiple flagellins. The multi-flagellin reactive patients also
the shared reactivity of an antigen specific T cell towards other members exhibited elevated flagellin-specific T effector memory (TEM) cells, a
of the Bacteroidetes [132]. However, by taking advantage of more reduced ratio of flagellin-reactive Treg to effector T cells, and a high
scalable platforms and larger communities of bacterial strains, we have frequency of disease complications. Understanding the specificity of
the opportunity to pursue more interactions and to have a better un­ antibodies towards gut microbial strains is an area that is well suited for
derstanding of how such observations might extrapolate to humans high-throughput functional screening experiments. The availability of
colonized with large numbers of microbes in an ecosystem that may gain strain- and species-specific hybridomas along with the numerous
or lose strains over time. antibody-based in vitro assays currently in the literature facilitate
High-throughput screening platforms have also been developed for high-throughput screens.
identifying interactions between microbes and innate immune cells. For In addition to IgA, intestinal IgG and IgM antibodies have also been
example, a recent screen of a synthetic plant root bacterial community reported to react to the gut commensal antigens [144]. While these
identified strains that suppress MAMP-triggered immunity induced by antibodies are not as well-characterized, they share similar specificities
flg2 (a 22-amino acid epitope in bacterial flagellin). This immune sup­ to IgA. Homeostatic commensal IgG antibodies, specifically IgG2b and
pression influenced the ability of different bacteria to colonize the root IgG3, commonly bind gram-negative antigens (i.e., Proteobacteria).
and could be manipulated with subsets of the 35 strains identified to IgG2b and IgG3 are transmitted to neonates in breast milk and maternal
have suppressive effects in a monocolonization screen [136]. Another transmission of these IgG antibodies coordinates with IgA to limit
recent study explored the interactions between gut microbial strains and mucosal T cell responses, and modulates neonatal intestinal ILC3 and
toll like receptors (TLRs). TLRs are a major sub-family of pattern macrophage differentiation [146]. Zeng et al., identified murein lipo­
recognition receptors (PRRs) that are widely expressed by a variety of protein (MLP) as a major antigen that induced systemic IgG in both mice
cells. In this study, 277 commensal bacterial strains from healthy in­ and humans [145]. Administration of anti-MLP conferred protection
dividuals and individuals with IBD were co-cultured with myeloid cells against Salmonella infection.
or dendritic cells to quantify the cytokine response to each strain [23].
The cytokine responses to these 277 gut bacterial strains were found to 3. Oncogenic potential
be as strong as responses toward enteric pathogens and varied across
phyla, down to the strain level [23]. Similar to the population scale Perturbations in the composition and metabolic output of the gut
metabolomics screen [123] and the carbohydrate utilization profiles microbiota are associated with diseases ranging from autoimmune and
from a large screening library [127], a great deal of phylogenetically metabolic diseases to cancer. The mechanisms by which microbes
enriched patterns could be identified in the innate immune responses contribute to carcinogenesis fall into three broad categories: 1) pro­
towards gut bacterial strains, while numerous exceptions to these phy­ moting gastrointestinal (GI) inflammation, 2) inducing genotoxicity
logenic patterns highlight how strain diversity and horizontal gene within intestinal epithelial cells, and 3) promoting cell proliferation of
transfer allows for a great diversity of responses. Moreover, Spindler intestinal epithelial cells [97].
et al. found that myeloid cells differentially rely on toll-like receptor 2
(TLR2) or TLR4 activation to sense particular taxa, an observation that 3.1. Inflammation
predicted in vivo function. Finally, in vitro co-culture assays have also
been successfully employed to explore the functional potential of strains Although mucosal barriers maintain symbiotic relationship between
from the cervicovaginal microbiome on the cervicovaginal epithelial the gut microbiota and the host, they are susceptible to constant envi­
barrier [137] and represent one of the more generalizable and scalable ronmental insults. Cancer and inflammatory disorders arise when these
systems for exploring other microbiomes. mucosal surface barriers are breached, and microbes pass into the
lamina propria, overturning immune tolerance and inciting mucosal
2.6. Humoral immunity inflammation [97,147–149]. Upon mucosal barrier breach, proin­
flammatory pathways become activated serving as a critical component
IgA responses have been demonstrated to be influenced by the gut of tumor progression. Inflammatory factors in the tumor microenvi­
microbiome [138–141]. Yang et al. evaluated fecal IgA responses to ronment, such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen
commensal bacteria and found Bacteroides ovatus to be the most prom­ species (RNS), further contribute to tumor growth and metastasis [150].
inent IgA inducer in the colon of gnotobiotic mice [139]. Further Subsequent tumor engagement of PRRs results in further cell prolifera­
characterization of 19 unique B. ovatus strains revealed strain-specific tion by activating cell survival signaling through NF-kB, a master
IgA responses. Transplanting low-IgA mice with a multiplex cocktail regulator in cancer-associated inflammation [151–153]. For instance,
of high-IgA inducing strains, but not individual ones, led to an increase CRC-associated Fusobacterium nucleatum has been shown to activate
of fecal IgA. Follow up studies found the bulk secretory IgA antibody NF-kB signaling within the tumor microenvironment through various
repertoire tailored to recognize the “self” gut bacteria with a minor mechanisms, such as PRR engagement [154–156] or FadA binding of
fraction of IgAs displaying cross-reactivity [24]. At the same time, E-cadherin on epithelial cells [157]. NF-kB regulates the transcription of
Rollenske et al. identified a range of antigen-specific monoclonal IgAs over 100 proinflammatory, as well as anti-apoptotic, genes. Nod-like
with a diverse immunoglobulin gene repertoire targeting defined bac­ receptors (NLR), which are cytosolic PRRs, have also been linked to
terial antigens [138]. The distinct functional effects of these IgAs were cancer as mice deficient in NLRs display an enhanced susceptibility to
highly dependent on the antigen recognized. caCRC [158–161]. For instance, colons of NOD2-/- mice express signif­
In the context of disease, multiple groups found taxa specific IgA icantly higher levels of inflammatory genes and activation of inflam­
responses in relation to perturbations in the gut microbiota. For matory pathways [158].
instance, Palm et al. examined IgA coating patterns in mice with a Beyond the impact on the innate immune system, mucosal barrier
transmissible colitogenic microbiota and found high IgA coating spe­ breach also has deleterious consequences on the adaptive immune arm.
cifically marked known disease-driving members of the intestinal The inappropriate interaction between intestinal epithelium, gut

T. Plitt and J.J. Faith Seminars in Immunology 66 (2023) 101735

microbiota, and the immune cells is the major contributor to inflam­ exposed to lysates from CDT-deficient C. jejuni [178].
matory pathogenesis of the gut. Numerous studies have implicated the While insofar these genotoxic assays of cancer-associated microbes
role of the IL23/IL17 axis [162,163], TNFa [152,164,165], T follicular described above remain limited to a handful of bacterial strains, it re­
helper cells, [166] and STAT3 [167] in tumor growth and progression. mains possible to scale up these assays to evaluate and predict the
As discussed above, several in vitro and ex vivo screening platforms genotoxic (and potentially, carcinogenic) potential of additional strains.
have been developed for identifying interactions between hundreds of In an excellent recent example of such a scale-up, Cao et al., screened the
microbes and immune cells including the innate and adaptive cells genotoxicity of more than 100 phylogenetically diverse human gut
associated with cancer. The output from such screens will be important commensal bacterial strains through co-incubation of each strain with
in understanding the inflammatory contributions of bacterial strains’ plasmid DNA followed by gel electrophoresis [188]. They identified
oncogenic potential. several new genotoxic strains, a subset of which drove increased tumor
formation in susceptible mice, and the genotoxic metabolite produced
3.2. Genotoxicity by one of their top hits – a strain of Morganella morganii.

Beyond eliciting inflammation, many bacteria have evolved mech­ 3.3. Proliferation
anisms to damage DNA to confer a survival advantage over other mi­
croorganisms [168,169]. These mechanisms are important for bacterial Several cancer-associated bacteria were shown to alter signaling
ecology and evolution, with evidence that such behavior can prevent pathways involved in cell stemness and growth. The Wnt/β-catenin
competing strains from invading a niche or inhibit the growth of coex­ pathway is a pleiotropic signaling pathway commonly mutated in many
isting strains [168,170]. However, these bacterial defense strategies can cancers. This pathway regulates embryo development, cell proliferation
lead to host chromosomal instability - a hallmark of carcinogenesis. For and differentiation, and apoptosis [189]. Unsurprisingly, pathogenic
instance, E. coli (as well as other Enterobacteriaceae) expressing the bacteria have evolved strategies to hijack these processes to establish a
genomic island polyketide synthase (pks+) produces the genotoxin col­ replicative niche [190]. Bacteria such as Helicobacter pylori, F. nucleatum,
ibactin that is believed to alkylate adenine residues in DNA, causing ETBF, Salmonella typhi, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and C. difficile secrete
DNA damage [171,172]. The detection of pks+ E. coli in human CRCs, virulence factors that alter the activity of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway
along with the ability of these strains to potentiate tumorigenesis in [97,189]. For instance, oncogenic strains of H. pylori inject an exogenous
animal models of disease, generated great interest in colibactin as a cancer-promoting protein, CagA, intermittently into gastric epithelial
molecule of interest in colorectal carcinogenesis [173–176]. Cytolethal cells leading to activation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and subsequent
distending toxin (CDT) produced by several ε- and γ-proteobacteria has upregulation of genes involved in proliferation, survival, migration, and
also been shown to produce DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in angiogenesis [97,151,191–193]. On the other hand, F. nucleatum, a
mammalian cells and promote colorectal tumorigenesis in mice [177, member of the oral microbiota that is associated with human colorectal
178]. Accumulating data also support the role for enterotoxigenic Bac­ adenomas, uses its FadA adhesin to bind and invade epithelial and
teroides fragilis (ETBF), Enterococcus faecalis, and Peptostreptococcus endothelial cells [157,194–196]. FadA binds host E-cadherin, activating
anaerobius in animal and human tumorigenesis via ROS-mediated the Wnt/β-catenin pathway and stimulating the growth of cancer cells
damage of host DNA [179–182]. At high levels, ROS can lead to DNA [157]. ETBF, enriched in some human CRCs, secretes a 20-kDa metal­
damage and mutations. loprotease toxin, BFT [197–199]. This toxin cleaves host E-cadherin,
The characterization and measurement of genotoxicity may be leading to the stimulation of β-catenin-dependent cell proliferation
extremely valuable in predicting the pathogenicity of bacterial strains, [198,200]. Finally, S. typhi, overabundant in hepatobiliary cancers,
specifically those associated with increased cancer risk. Many of the activate the β-catenin pathway through its pathogenic product, AvrA
traditional DNA damage test methods, such as the bacterial reverse [201–203]. AvrA alters ubiquitination and acetylation of target proteins
mutation (Ames) test, are laborious, time-consuming and harbor a va­ to modulate epithelial proliferation and apoptosis [203,204].
riety of other methodological issues including low sample throughput Proliferation is an important part of cancer development and pro­
[183,184]. However, a number of sensitive, high-throughput genotox­ gression and so, screening bacterial strains for their ability to alter
icity platforms have been recently developed for rapid measurement of mammalian cell proliferation could identify potentially oncogenic mi­
DNA damage (single- and double-strand breaks). Most notably, the crobes. For instance, CRC-associated ETBF has been shown to stimulate
extent of DNA damage in intestinal epithelial cells has been quantified in cell proliferation through the secretion of BFT in multiple cancerous
vitro and in vivo using phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX) as a intestinal epithelial cell lines using the thymidine incorporation assay
surrogate marker of DNA damage. Immunofluorescence (IF) staining of [200]. Furthermore, immunohistochemistry evaluation of β-catenin
rat intestinal epithelial cells (IEC-6) infected with the pks+ harboring abundance in the colon of mice colonized with Citrobacter rodentium
strain of E. coli NC101 revealed γH2AX in ~30% of cells compared with revealed colonocyte hyperproliferation [205]. C. rodentium has been
γH2AX in < 5% in cells infected with isogenic pks-deficient NC101 shown to promote adenoma formation in ApcMin/+ mice [206]. Finally,
[175]. Similar results have been reported in germ-free IL10-/- mice and BrdU and XTT proliferation assays have been used to show proliferation
transparent zebrafish larva using immunohistochemistry (IHC) and and migration of pancreatic cancer cells upon F. nucleatum invasion
flow-cytometry based detection assays of γH2AX [185]. Smaller-scale IF [207]. Many of these proliferation assays can be modified to scale up the
screens using an antibody against the DNA lesion 8-oxo-7,8-dihy­ screening of pro-proliferative microbes associated with various diseases.
dro-2′ -deoxyguanosine (8-oxoG), a more general marker of oxidative
DNA damage, have also been used to demonstrate the effects of microbe 4. Challenges and opportunities
induced DNA damage in IL10-/- inflammatory CRC models [186].
The mechanism of CDT-induced DNA damage was defined using Performing functional screens at the scale of hundreds to thousands
similar, although low-throughput, genotoxic screens including IF using of microbial strains provides both advantages and disadvantages over
antibodies against a well-defined DSB markers 53BP [187] and the more common experiments on individual strains or small groups of
comet assay [178], which is another reliable method for measuring DNA strains. To practically move beyond one-hundred different strains
strand breaks. Bacterial lysates from wild-type and CDT-deficient assayed individually requires a break from individual gnotobiotic mice
Campylobacter jejuni strains were used to treat the human colon cancer and a transition to either ex vivo assays on mice previously colonized
cell line HT-29, IEC-6 cell line, and culture enteroids for 24 h. In all three with sets of strains or in vitro assays. A key feature of these large-scale
experimental models, bacterial lysates from wild-type C. jejuni promoted platforms will then be the relevance of the implemented assay for in
DNA damage, while this response was strongly attenuated in cells vivo and human biology. Furthermore, working with hundreds of

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