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A. Crocodile Men of Papua New Guinea

1.)My thoughts about the crocodile men of papua new guinea is that They are more of

a male centered community and symbolize the idea that Men comes from other men.It

is believed that Men in the community are called as The Crocodile Men,and able to do

the rituals once they reach the manhood stage.

2.)The strange or unusal things that I have learned is that Men are really obligated in

this community to do the rituals in order to honor their believed crocodile ancestors.

3.)I think this is acceptable by our society since we really value traditions and as long

as they have the full will to do the tradition enable for them to honor their

ancestors,and there are no rights abided it is considered to be truly acceptable.

B. Thailand’s Long Neck Women

1.)My thoughts about Thailands Long Neck Women is that Kayan Women are having neck

rings to make there necks look longer and was implied to kayan women at an early age of

5.Wearing the coils by the Long Neck Women of Thailand is beleved that the rings will make

women from becoming slaves,and making thereselves more attractive,or more distinguished

to the other culture.

2.)The strange or unsual thing that I have learned is that Women are worn this rings enable

for them to make themselves more attractive and to avoid themselves from the slavery.It is

really so distant in the Kayan culture and women at an early age is already having their turn

to obligate the culture of the Tribe or the kayan community.

3.)I think this is also acceptable by our society because despite the positive and negative

aspects of the Kayan people’s lives.It is truly to be value their view of beauty in their

tradition and no matter what challenges they face the world is still a diverse world to be able

for you to share and accept others culture,as long as it is harmless.

C. Homosexuality in Lumad Tribes

1.)My thoughts about the homosexuality in the lumad tribes is that though from the past

they really are not accepting homosexuality since it is hard because of their tradition Love

and Acceptance always win,and with that,the tribe even grow and furnished more because

they really value love more than their tradition.

2.)The strange or unusual things that I have learned is that being a lumad is quite diificult

and is much difficult if you are homosexual.

3,.)I think homosexuality is acceptable only to the society but not to those who know the

word of God because nowadays people will overturn that in the name of love they will do

anything,and considered it right because they cannot accept that they are really wrong,but

it is stated in the Bible that commiting this kind of act or love is truly a sin,where ever

you view its aspects its always wrong ,but this generation is just so dumb and considered

wrong things right because that’s what there feelings says,without knowing the fact that

they know the truth behind the sin but still denies the truth and still choose

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