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D = Daniel; A = Alex; J = Jessica; B = Beata

D: Hi, I’m Daniel Smith. I’m heading up the Diabsenor project here at
Evromed. It’s a new treatment for type 1 diabetes.

There’s a lot of excitement about it, which I love. There’s also a lot of work to
do, which means a lot of stress. So I’m putting together a small team of our
trainee graduates. Hopefully, none of them will be as nervous on their first day
as Alex was.

A: I heard that!
Is that Beeta? Batta? Barta?

D: Beata. She’s Polish. I spoke to her on the phone. Great CV. Very
promising. Business school in Krakow, five years’ experience in Japan.
Confident ... but not too confident.

A: Ah. Good. Hopefully she’ll get on with Jessica then.

J: I’m Jessica Scott. Evromed is a small family- owned business dealing in the
pharmaceutical sector.

 As CEO, I’m looking for the right attitude in an employee.

 Confident, but not arrogant.

 And sometimes I feel that overconfidence can come across as arrogance.

B: Hello. Daniel, isn’t it?

D: That’s me. And this is Alex. He’s been here just over a year.

A: A year already? That’s hard to believe. Twelve months in this crazy place!
B: Sorry?

D: Don’t worry, Beata. Alex is just a bit of a joker, that’s all.

Task 1. Watch the video 1.3.1 and find out the positions of the following
1) Daniel is heading up the Diabsenor project at Evromed.
2) Jessica is a CEO of Evromed company
3) Alex serves as an Account Manager and is a youthful employee.
4) Beata is a recent addition to the Evromed company's workforce.

Task 2. Answer the questions:

1) What company does Jessica run?
Jessica runs Evromed company.
2) What project is Daniel Smith heading up?
Daniel Smith is leading the Diabsenor project
3) Who is Daniel putting together? A compact group comprising our trainee
4) Will Beata get on with Jessica? Certainly, she will get along well with Jessica
5) What company is “Evromed”? Evromed is a small family- owned business
6) What does Evromed deal with? With the pharmaceutical sector.
7) Describe Beata’s CV. Great and very promising.
8) Characterise Beata in one word. Confident.
9) What is “CEO”? This is the Chief Executive Officer, the primary individual
responsible for overseeing company management.
10) What is Jessica looking for in an employee? Jessica is seeking the
appropriate attitude in an employee—confident yet not arrogant.

Task 3. Write down all the highlighted words, translate them and learn their
pronunciation. To do this task correctly, watch the video and repeat the
pronunciation after the speakers
"Excitement" - вагомий ентузіазм або хвилювання.
"Putting together" - об'єднання чи складання разом.
"CEO" - головний виконавчий директор.
"Looking for" - шукає.
"Right attitude" - правильне ставлення.
"Confident, but not arrogant" - впевнений, але не зарозумілий.
"Come across as arrogance" - сприймається як зарозумілість.


B = Beata; J = Jessica

B: That’s OK. I was just confused for a moment. Nice to meet you.
A: You, too. I hear you lived in Tokyo. Where exactly did you live?
B: Suidobashi. Do you know it?
A: Ah, yes, near the baseball park. I lived there myself for a while. Loved it. How long were
you in Japan for?
B: Five years. When were you in Tokyo?
A: 2013 to 2015. About eighteen months.
B: What did you do there?
A: Teaching English, mainly.
B: Teaching. Interesting. What did you like best about it?
A: Mainly the food!
D: This is Jessica Scott. She’s our CEO.
B: Hello, Ms Scott. Beata Kowalska. Nice to meet you.
J: Please, call me Jessica. I hear you worked with one of our main competitors in Tokyo?
B: You mean MEDilink?
J: You must have learnt a lot while you were there.

B: Absolutely. But I’m very keen to learn even more here.

J: Well, you’re going to be working with a great team. Daniel and Alex really know their
stuff. How about we chat in a couple of weeks’ time?
B: Sounds great. Thank you, Jessica.
J: Nice to have you on board.
I was very impressed with Beata. Confident but not arrogant. Just the right balance.
D: Beata made a great first impression. I’m sure she and Alex will have lots of Tokyo stories
to share. And even Jessica liked her!


B = Beata ; J = Jessica; D = Daniel

B: Oh. Right. So I’m working on the Diabsensor project, yes? What will I be doing exactly?
Hello, Ms Scott. Beata Kowalska. Very nice to meet you. Let me tell you about myself. I
have lots of experience working in project management, and have recently completed an
internship in another medical supplies company in Japan- MEDilink. I’m sure you know

J: I’m aware of our biggest competitor, yes.

B: How is the Diabsensor project coming along? I’d like to discuss my ideas, if possible.
J: Well ... it’s probably best if you get to know the product and the company first. Daniel
and Alex will look after you for the next few days.
B: Yes. Of course.

J: Welcome to Evromed.
Beata? Hmm. Honestly, I’m not sure. I love her enthusiasm, but ... she seemed a little
arrogant with it.

D: Beata meant well, I’m sure. But Jessica didn’t respond well to her, which is a shame.
Perhaps she needs to work on her communication skills a little more.


 Basically building rapport is about getting on well with people, individually or in a

group.Once you build rapport, you generally find communication flows more
easily and it’s usually more effective too.

 Sometimes rapport just happens naturally, but other times you need to use simple
techniques to develop a link with the other person.

 If we observe Beata in Option A, she doesn’t have any problems building rapport
with Alex. They both have an interest in Japan and rapport seems to come naturally.
It’s not the same with Jessica. In Option A Beata comes across as confident, which
Jessica seems to appreciate, and this way the two create a bond.

 It’s quite different in Option B, where Beata tries too hard to show how much she
knows. There are different ways of building rapport.

a)One way is to find out what you have in common with the other person. It’s not
difficult – start by asking simple questions; business travel is often a good place to

b)There are also simple non-verbal techniques you can use. Try to keep an open
posture when you’re speaking and smile. And eye contact will help you develop
rapport in most cultural contexts, but make sure it’s not too intense.

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