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Marketing Orientation

➔ Customer-centric approach
➔ Prioritises identifying the needs and desires
of consumers and creating products and
services that satisfy them.
Societal Marketing Orientation
MARKETING ➔ Green marketing
➔ Managing the customers profitably. (Kotler ➔ Prioritises society’s well-being and
and Armstrong, 2013) environment’s sustainability as much as the
➔ The process of conceptualising, creating, customer’s preferences.
developing, promoting, and sustaining
products and services by a company,
The Marketing Mix Activities and Marketing
focusing on the needs and preferences of the
➔ The activity, set of institutions, and processes Creating Product with useful and
for creating, communicating, delivering, and attractive features for the
exchanging offerings that have value for customers.
customers, clients, partners, and society at Pricing Price affordable to customers
large. Distributing Place where customers can buy
the product
The Evolution of The Marketing Process Communicating Promotion that will capture
attention of customers
1000 years - Barter system
400-500 - Traditional Marketplace
➔ Aspirations that every company would like to
years ago
pursue or the general direction that it wants
18th - 19th - Seller’s marketplace
to take.
20th century - Conventional Mass Media
➔ Specific goals that can be measured in the
21st century - Fragmented New-age
short or long term.
Recent years - Innovative internet-
enabled business models
➔ Job of the marketer is not just to find the
right customers for the product, but also to
MARKETING PHILOSOPHIES find or develop the right products for
Production Orientation customers.
➔ Company focus is on mass production and
distribution instead of meeting the customers Instigator
needs. ➔ Serve as strategists who analyse current
Product Orientation market trends to guide the action of the
➔ Company focuses on the product and its company .
innovation to attract customers. Innovator
Selling Orientation ➔ Tasked with researching the kind of product
➔ Relies on the strength of the company’s sales the customers need and ensure that the
force in convincing the customers to buy the product developed not only meet customers’
product even if they do not need it. expectations but also exceeds them.
➔ Mediates between the interests of the
company and the needs of the consumers,
ensuring that they are integrated into the
development of the product.
➔ Ensures that the marketing strategy for the ➔ Refer to the perceived benefits and results a
developed product is in place and customer expects when buying and using a
implemented effectively. product or availing of a service.
➔ Make sure that the strategies and production ➔ Increases and becomes more demanding.
processes are integrated, and all customer
insights are considered. Five Main Aspects
➔ Helps facilitate the production and selling
process and ensures that the member of the Reliability - ability to provide the expected
dept perform their assigned roles. benefit and results consistently.
Tangibles - quality of physical facilities,
personnel, and communication
Assurance - ability to convey trust and
confidence through expert
knowledge and courteous
Digital Marketing service.
➔ Use of digital technologies in presenting the Responsiveness - willingness to provide prompt
product/service. service and assistance.
Online Marketing Empathy - care and attention given to
➔ Utilises the internet to boost promotional and each customer.
marketing efforts.
Social Media Marketing
➔ Make specific use of social networking Marketing experts suggest that instead of
websites and relevant applications surpassing expectations, companies should merely
Outdoor Marketing manage them.
➔ Involves display promotional materials
Mobile Marketing
➔ Uses signs and ads mounted atop taxicabs, Strategies
product logos painted on the side of buses or
Underpromise and - Quick delivery of
vans, or product stickers attached to vehicles.
Overdeliver Strategy product/services
➔ Through unsolicited telephone calls to
Blue Ocean Strategy - Creating new value
identified potential customers
- Product differentiation
Event Marketing
and low cost
➔ Involves the hosting of a themed event that is
especially tailored for the product
➔ Adopted to appeal to consumers who are ➔ Refer to a customer’s assessment of the
cost-conscious and cannot afford to buy benefits gained from buying and using a
products in large quantities product compared to its cost as well as the
competing offers on the market.
➔ Refers to the development of strategies to
establish and sustain desirable customer
➔ Aims to maximise the exchange relationship
between the company’s investment on
customer relations and the profit generated
by customer loyalty.
- Acquiring new customers
- maintaining existing customers
- enhancing their profitability
- prolonging relationships with

➔ Type of marketing that focuses on
establishing and maintaining customer

Five Different Levels of Customer Relationships

Basic - The company salesperson sells the

product but does not follow up in
any way.
Reactive - The salesperson sells the product
and encourages the customer to call
CUSTOMER-ORIENTED FIRM whenever he/she has any questions
➔ Constantly thinks about its customer or problems.
➔ Put the customer first and regards them as Accountable - The salesperson calls the customer
“king/queen” a short time after the sale to check
whether the product is meeting the
Esteban Kolsky reveals that 13% of unhappy customers expectation.
customers will share their complaints with 15 or Proactive - The salesperson or others in the
more people, while only 1 in 25 will complain company call the customer from
directly to the company. Furthermore, most time to time with suggestions about
customers who do not voice their complaints (91%) improved product use or helpful new
stop doing business with the company products.
Partnership - The company works continuously
with the customer and with other
customers to discover ways to
deliver better value.

CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Benefits of Relationship Marketing

➔ Collection of businesses that the company
1. Understanding customer characteristics
2. Delivery and meeting expectations
➔ The collaborative view of all goods, factories,
3. Repeat business
financial position, services, and brands which
4. Prevents negative transition
a company has.
5. Word-of-mouth marketing
➔ Is important to gain competitive advantage
6. Reduced marketing cost
to achieve business goals.
7. Identification with the company
8. Product market expansion

Customer Service
➔ Refers to efforts and activities implemented
by the company which provide added value
of a product/service.


➔ Sets the stage for the rest of planning in the
firm (Kotler, 2011)
➔ Process by which the company defines the
general direction it will take and translate this
into broadly defined goals.
Situation (SWOT) Analysis
➔ For organizing information, presenting
solutions, identifying roadblock, and
emphasizing opportunities.
➔ To help organization develop a full awareness
of all the factors
➔ To add value to a company’s product and
➔ Allows the marketer to closely examine the
strong and weak points that have not been
previously considered
1. Build on the company’s strengths
Mission Statement
2. Correct a prevailing weakness
➔ Should serve as a guide for what an
3. Take advantage of an opportunity
organisation wants to accomplish.
outside the company
4. Avoid potential threats
Setting Company Objectives and Goals
➔ The company’s mission needs to be turned
Tactical Marketing
into detailed supporting objectives for each
➔ Refers to actions the company takes in order
level of management.
to market a product.
➔ Each manager should have objectives and be
➔ Identifies the means in order to reach the
responsible for reaching them.
Business Portfolio
➔ Consist of planning the actual activities that
will improve the company’s competitive
Customers - The company must study
each customer market
1. Repackaging a product
closely since each market
2. Changing the pricing scheme
has its own
3. Increasing the distribution partners
4. Placing advertisement
5. Building websites and creating
brochures and other mailings Macro Environment
6. Implementing a follow-up system ➔ Forces outside of the company which are
often beyond its control
Strategic Marketing
➔ Determine specific goals Political - Business should pay close
➔ Concerned with determining the direction of attention to the actions of
business growth in relation to the competition the government and
and the company’s own market position unfolding political events
and developments.
MARKETING: LESSON 5 Economic - Make decisions and
implement strategies that
will ensuing economic
Micro Environment
➔ Consist of actors who work closely with the
- Inflation rate, interest
company and directly affect its ability to
rate, monetary policies
serve its customers.
and foreign exchange
The Company - Top management needs Social - Sets of influences on
to assess the resources consumer behaviour.
available to the - Culture and society,
company. demographics, lifestyle,
Suppliers - Marketers should treat values, social trends.
suppliers as partners and Technological - Analyse trends and
work closely in creating developments in
and delivering customer technology and determine
value to customers. how these can be used for
Marketing - Important component of their benefit.
Intermediaries the company’s overall Legal - Marketers need to be
(reseller, delivery of customer aware of rules and
logistics, etc) value. guidelines in order to
Competitors - Marketers conduct a undertake effective and
competitive analysis by proper strategies.
identifying competitors Environment - Must have devised plans
and analysing the values and other means to
and benefits of their address the threats it
products poses.
Publics - Influence the company’s
ability to obtain funds,
thus ensure harmonious
relationships with the
question or solution to a problem, or to
Porter’s Five Forces validate or test an existing theory.
➔ used to analyse the nature and level of Business Research
competition within an industry. ➔ Research intended to solve problems or
➔ helps marketer understand the strengths of validated or test existing business theories.
the competing organisations, determine the
present status of the organisation, and Classification of Marketing Research
identify possible position that it can occupy in
- Involves exploring and understanding
the problem or issue at hand,
Porter’s Five Forces
reducing the number of options so
Supplier - How strongly can suppliers that the relevant ones are carried for
power influence the prices of further research, understanding
resources and materials? consumer behaviour through
New Entrants - How easy or difficult is it observation and interpretation, or
for new businesses to enter simply studying a company and its
Competitive the market? operations.
Rivalry - Is there strong competition
among existing players? Is Exploratory Research
there a dominant player, or - If researcher would like to
all businesses equal in gather more information
Substitutes strength? about the problem or issue
- How easily can our product being investigated or reduce
be substituted by an the available research options
existing product on the to a manageable size.
Buyer Power market?
- How strong is the influence Ethnographic Or Observational
of buyers on the company? Research
Can they work together to - done by observing consumer
drive down our prices? behaviour through various
means (simple observation)

Marketing Research Case Analysis

➔ Marketers need accurate and timely - Involves the study of a
information about the market and particular company, group, or
competitors so they can make effective person through personal
decisions regarding the proper strategies to interviews or published
implement. literature.
➔ As the function that links the consumer,
customer, and public to the marketer through 2. QUANTITATIVE MARKETING RESEARCH
information. - Involves the collection of information,
➔ In marketing, focuses on customers, statistical data, and precise
competitors, marketing activities, and the measurements through surveys.
marketing environment.
Research Descriptive Research
➔ Defined as a systematic process of collecting - Answers the questions who,
and analysing data to find an answer to a what ,when, why and how in
the problem statement. Determining the aspects of the product, which is the
4Ps, entails certain decisions, activities, and the use
Correlational and Explanatory of company resources.
- Measures the relationships
between variables to MARKETING: LESSON 6
determine their
interdependence or Consumer
dependence. ➔ anyone involved in the process of consuming,
using or buying products for personal use.
Causal Research Household Customer
- Most complicated kind of ➔ refers to purchases made by consumers not
quantitative research. Looks only benefit them individually but their
into cause-and-effect households as well.
relationships of its variables
and constructs and how one Levels of Involvement
variable/construct would
affect another 1. Low involvement
variable/construct. 2. Enduring involvement
3. High involvement
4. Situational involvement

amount of effort and thoughts to spend on each



Importance of Marketing Research to a Business BUYING DECISION
➔ The successful operation of a business is Psychological influences
largely defined by good marketing research. ➔ Consumer actions such as buying and
➔ The results of a market study can be used as consumption always have underlying
a basis by the sales department in making MOTIVATION
sales projections. ➔ PERCEPTION refers to how a person is aware
➔ Data collected from research can also be of and interprets reality
used to determine production output based - SELECTIVE ATTENTION – tendency
on market demand. of humans to filter out most of the
➔ Customer data is also important in customer information they are exposed to, only
relationship management, and companies focusing on stimuli that they need to
keep a database of customer information and pay attention to.
preferences to aid them in customer service. - SELECTIVE DISTORTION – tendency
Market Study of people to interpret information to
➔ Focuses on the target market and determines ways that support their own beliefs or
and estimates its demand relative to a ideas
particular company offering. - SELECTIVE RETENTION – tendency
Market Survey of people to remember information
➔ As a tool used to gather information about which is related to their personal
existing or potential customers in a certain interests.
market or population.
➔ LEARNING refers to change in a person’s TYPES OF BUSINESS MARKET
behaviour as a result of experience. Business Market
➔ BELIEFS refers to a person’s idea about ➔ composed of individuals, organisations, or
something and is primarily influenced by groups who purchase specific products for
learning and knowledge. various purposes related to business such as
➔ ATTITUDES refer to people’s predisposition resale, production and operations.
to act favourably or unfavourably toward a ➔ Purchasers are business customers
certain person, object, or idea. ➔ Also known as business to business market
Personal characteristics ➔ Small and highly specialised
➔ AGE AND LIFE CYCLE STAGE ➔ Deals with business products - goods and
➔ OCCUPATION materials to use to create other products
➔ ECONOMIC SITUATION ➔ Derived demand - demand for a certain good
➔ LIFESTYLE based on its ability to produce products
Help marketers develop effective marketing ➔ Businesses that purchase products used for
strategies, such as defining brand personality production or business operation.
that is attractive and suited to the target Reseller Market
market. ➔ Consist of intermediaries who buy finished
Social Influences products and sell them for profit
➔ Such as GROUPS, SOCIAL ROLES and Government Market
SOCIAL STATUS ➔ Local and national government units and
➔ Groups exert significant influence on the agencies that purchase goods and services
buying decisions of individuals for their operations and for providing citizens
- MEMBERSHIP GROUPS –direct with public goods and services
influence to a person Institutional Market
- REFERENCE GROUPS – the individual ➔ Charitable, educational, and community
is not a member, though he or she organisations which deal with non-business
strongly identifies with their behaviour goals.
or lifestyle Business Market Activities
- ASPIRATIONAL GROUPS - groups a ➔ Transactions are often formal and involve
person wishes to be part of discussions and negotiation that require
Significant tools that impact consumer considerable time and efforts
behaviour: ➔ Business buyers value service highly
on personal recommendation by
trusted people 1. New task purchase
- BUZZ MARKETING – recruits/create - Customer has no history buying the
opinion leaders whose personalities product within a given category
and characteristics give them 2. Straight rebuy
influence over many people - reorders the same products in the
➔ SOCIAL ROLES refers to the set of expected same quantity from the same supplier
behaviours and responsibilities which arise 3. Modified rebuy
from a person’s position within a group. - reorders products from an approved
➔ SOCIAL STATUS refers to the esteem vendor but wants to alter some
assigned to a certain role. elements
Cultural and Social
➔ CULTURE consists of values, views, and
behaviour imparted by groups such as the
family and social institutions. MARKETING: LESSON 7
Market Segmentation Product repositioning
➔ Enables the business to identify target ➔ By changing certain aspects of the product,
markets and position products effectively, developing a new image through promotional
ensuring that the company gains customers efforts or by aiming the product at a different
and sells their products to them. target market
➔ Process of dividing the total market into
particular groups or market segments which
consist of people, groups, or organisations
that have similar needs and wants.

Different dimensions or categories:

1. Demographic segmentation - age, gender,
education, occupation, income
2. Psychographic segmentation - lifestyle and
3. Other consideration - occasion or time
4. Behavioural segmentation - first-time vs
regular users, light users vs heavy users
5. geographic segmentation - location of
6. Geo-demographic segmentation - combines
demographic and geographic factors

Priori segmentation
- market segmentation done based on
knowledge from the marketer’s experience or
a database

Post hoc segmentation

- market segmentation based on factual and
timely data from research.

Targeting the preferred segments

1. Access to the market

2. Marketing budget
3. Company objectives
4. Potential growth and sustainability

Product or service positioning

➔ Refers to activities undertaken to create and
maintain an idea of the product in the
customers’ minds.
➔ Clearly communicate the feature and benefits
of the product
➔ Head-on against competitor
➔ Establishing an image
➔ Brand identity

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