Document (1) Introduction

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Math subject is not easy to understand, especially to those students can’t fucos to their study., as a
student I can say that mathematics is very hard because I don’t know sometimes the topics all about .
Furthermore, math involves using plenty of multi-step processes to solve problems, being able to master
it takes a lot more practice than other subjects. Having to repeat a process over and over again can
quickly bore some children and this may make them become impatient with math.One of the common
reasons why students are Scared for Mathematics and why they fail in the subject is because of the peer
pressure which they are not able to handle. They have self-doubt on their abilities and are unable to
cope with the pressure of performance at school and other levels. We are now conducting our research
intittled >"the scores of grade 10 einstein in taking the first summative test in fourth grading in

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