Specialized Finals Lecture

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It is defined as an art which deals with the identity and location of the offender and provides

evidence of his guilt through criminal proceedings.

-Criminal investigation
In sending out letters and relevant papers, the documents should be arranged in a certain
manner. What do you call the act of arranging the document?
This provides a record of incidents requiring police response and includes criminal offenses,
arrest and general information.
-Police Report
In testing a suspected intoxicated driver, which one of the ff. tests should be given last?
- Hand writing
One of the qualities of a good investigation report states that it must short but concise,
meaning, the report must be –
- Brief
This is classification of the investigative report which is used as a way of determining if the
officer is working on his case or not.
B. Progress report
This is the tying up of all loose ends pertinent to the investigation so as to form a clear and
composite picture of the crime committed, to the mind of the reader, for prosecutorial and
judicial action.
-final report
Physical or personal appearance is important when testifying in court because -
- it will determine the quality of your testimony
In the conduct of custodial investigation, one of the rights provided for by the law is protection
against self-incrimination and right is found on the grounds of-
-public policy and humanity
This method or technique of criminal identification is more convenient than other methods or
techniques since the element of suggestion is avoided in the identification process.
His methods made popular the logic of employing a thief to catch a thief
Jonathan Wild
It is considered as a patient, step by step inquiry or observation, a careful examination, a
recording of evidence or legal inquiry
- investigation
It is the art of suspect’s surveillance, and this was pioneered by Allan Pinkerton.
Being an investigator able to solve cases, he must possess the ability to be patient to obtain
accurate and complete information, especially with uncooperative subjects is-
- perseverance
The fact that no physical evidence was found at the scene of the crime will most likely mean
A. the victim cleaned up before the police arrived.
B. the suspect was professional
C. the suspect was juvenile
D. the police probably did not conduct a complete search for evidence.
There are 2 types of standards to be obtained in the investigation of a questioned documents:
1 is collected and the other is -
A. photographed
B. replicated
C. dictated
D. all of the foregoing
Ans. B
A case decided in USA in the year 1920 that established the “ Doctrine of the Fruit of the
Poisonous Tree”.
B. MAPP vs. Ohio
C. USA vs. Ohio
D. Silverthorne Lumber Co. vs. US
Ans. D
This report is one which is routinary act it is submitted daily by any duty inspector.
A. spot report
B. special report
C. beat inspection report
D. after patrol report
Ans. C
Police report which requires deals with ordinary, miscellaneous, day-to-day memorandum,
letter or form accomplished by any member of a unit.
 A. basic report
 B. formal report
 C. spot report
 D. special report
 Ans. B
The first responsibility of a police officer assigned to investigate a reported homicide is-
 A. arrest the offender
 B. administer first aid to the victim
 C. promptly respond to the assignment with reasonable and safe speed.
 D. protect the crime scene.
 Ans. C
Known as the simplest and the most effective way of showing actual measurement and of
identifying significant items of evidence in their location at the scene is-
 A. photograph
 B. sketch
 C. graphing
 D. all of the above
 Ans. B

It is best to interrogate a suspect in a “foreign Territory” such as the investigator room at the
police station because the place –
a. Is comfortable to the suspect
b. Is familiar to the suspect
c. Provides food and cigarette to the investigator
d. Intimidates the suspect
Ans. D
The collection of photographs of criminals taken by the police for identification purposes is
technically called?
a. Cartographic files
b. Identification kit
c. Mug File
d. Criminal Record
Ans. C
Julia Roberts gives information to the police without waiting for reward or payment because
she considered herself as –
a. Ex-convict
b. Informant
c. Defendant
d. Accused
Ans. B
This is the lifeblood of investigation and hence to be considered seriously and also to be
followed up. Once it dries you have nowhere to go.
a. Information
b. Intelligence
c. Interview
d. Instrumentation
Ans. A
Fernando Jose is testifying in court to disprove the criminal charge filed against him. Thus, he
is the –
a. Suspect
b. Accused
c. Criminal
d. Respondent
Ans. D
When a police officer finds a tool at the crime scene, he should first of all –
a. Pick it up for a closer examination, taking care not to jar
b. Wait until the crime scene has been sketched or photographed and measurements
taken before he collects the evidence
c. Immediately collect it and always send it to the Crime Laboratory for specific
d. Compare the following edge of the tool with impression to determine if this was the tool
used in crime.
Ans. B
Edralin is an alleged thief. He is being accused of stealing personal property but he is not yet
under the custody of the police. Therefore, he is legally addressed as –
a. Suspect
b. Accused
c. Accomplice
d. Accessory
Ans. A
This inquiry begins with a general reexamination of all facts, leads and other types of
information secured during the initial investigation.
a. Preliminary investigation
b. In Depth investigation
c. Follow-up investigation
d. In Depth investigation or Follow-up investigation
Ans. D
If proof is the outcome of evidence, what is evidence?
a. Measurement of guilt
b. Means of social control
c. Instrument of proof
d. All of the foregoing
Ans. D
A burned body found was subjected to autopsy, however, examination of lungs and blood
showed no abnormal quantity of carbon monoxide or dioxide. What will be your interpretation
under this circumstances?
a. The person is died because of burning
b. The person is died due to asphyxia
c. The person was killed before he was burned
d. The person died not of fire bur because of suffocation
Ans. C
This may be applicable to a crime scene which approximately circular or oval. The searchers
gather at the center and proceed outward along a radii or spokes.
a. Wheel method
b. Zone method
c. Spiral method
d. Strip method
Ans. A
This signifies the ways and means device by a peace officer to apprehend a person who has
committed a crime; with or without the said device or means, the crime has already been
committed –
a. Entrapment
b. Treachery
c. Instigation
d. None of the foregoing
Ans. A
All of the following are generally accepted rules of behavior that should be followed by police
officer first arriving at the crime scene of a murder committed indoors, EXCEPT –
a. Try to keep the witnesses separated
b. Record the time of discovery of the crime
c. Discuss the crime with persons who witness the incident
d. Notify the superior officer as quickly as possible but do not leave the scene unguarded
while doing so
Ans. C
The “whom”, “where”, or “which” information are derived and developed refers to the –
a. Traces of information
b. Testimony
c. Evidence
d. Sources of information
Ans. D
The primary reason for conducting a search in the crime scene is to –
a. Obtain obvious physical evidence
b. Ascertain the reasons for the crime
c. Undercover hidden evidence
d. Determine the criminals method of operation
Ans. A
Marking of evidence, as far as practicable, should be made on the item itself upon collection, in
a place least likely to affect the appearance of its –
a. Monetary value
b. Monetary and evidentiary
c. Evidentiary value
d. Integrity and identity
Ans. C
This situation takes place when a police officer induce a person to commit a crime and arrest
him after the commission of the crime.
a. Instigation
b. Recidivism
c. Voluntary surrender
d. Entrapment
Ans. A
It is the accomplishment of the act, and which must be proved where it is an element of the
offense charged.
a. Motive
b. Intent
c. Modus operandi
d. Background interview
Ans. A
The investigator who collects physical evidence should take it to the laboratory by himself
whenever this is possible, otherwise, he should obtain a receipt from each person to whom he
gives or receives evidence. This statement is applicable to –
a. Chain of custody of evidence
b. Cardinal rules in investigation
c. Three tools in investigation
d. To established the guilt of the accused.
Ans. A
It is the duty of the officer who first arrived at the crime scene.
a. Locate and apprehend the accused
b. Protection of the crime scene
c. Collect evidence
d. Present evidence of guilt
Ans. B
The most likely place to look for fingerprints of the thief in an automobile which has been
stolen and abandoned is on –
a. Door handles
b. Steering wheel
c. Rear view mirror
d. Dashboard
Ans. A
It is defined as maybe a self-incriminatory statement by the subject falling short of an
acknowledgement of guilt.
a. Confession
b. Admission
c. Deposition
d. Information
Ans. B
Articles and materials found in connection with investigation and which aides in establishing
the identity of the perpetrator or circumstances under which the crime was committed or
which in general, assist in the prosecution of the criminal.
a. Corpus delicti
b. Fruits of the crime
c. Physical evidence
d. Chain of custody of evidence
Ans. C
A former convict who became a Paris investigator and founder of the Brigade De la Surete and
the forerunner of our credit card system.
a. Henry Fielding
b. Jonathan Wild
c. Eugene Vidocq
d. Sir Robert Peel
Ans. C
In police stations, It is the record
of all crimes and complaints.
a. Police Blotter
b. Police Arrest
c. Booking Report
d. None of the foregoing
Ans. A
If the accident has resulted to serious physical injury, the most important thing for the
investigator to do in regard to the injured person if no doctor at hand is –
a. Move him to a place where he may be comfortable
b. Bring him to the hospital as quickly as possible
c. Give him first aid as necessary and call for an ambulance
d. Ignore him, because medical care is not part of the work of the investigator
Ans. C
These are personalities that do not exist in reality because they are only creations of writers
who focus inventing detectives stories that may help entertain and/or educate readers.
a. Private detectives
b. Government Investigators
c. Fictitious Investigators
d. None of the foregoing
Ans. C
For competent investigator, it is the key to freedom from bondage of ignorance.
a. Training
b. Tools
c. Technique
d. Principle
Ans. A
In conducting an interview to a subject, the interviewer always ask the subject with a question
answerable by yes or no, this statement is –
a. Absolutely True
b. Absolutely False
c. Partly True
d. Partly false
Ans. B

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