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fundomentol vights Prin plo

The fundomentol ighs ao onshwned in po of the

onsh tuhion -fhom Adiclo 1 to 3 2n this eqord, ka formors

h o constitulion denived inspio on from he Coosfrhuton


pot of the constitution s ighycle

deseribed o he

Magna Cata ofdndia. & Confains very long ond Compre-

hensive ist of justiciable. Fund amentol Kights Ou


Consthtution mora elab01ate thon h6s touned in the

bnstituhion of ony othe County inhe wodd, including

hO UsA

The Fundamental 2ighty oe quovantzed he

Constitution to all Peisons thou ong discvimin otion. They
uprold he aguality llindivduols he dignity of #he
1ndivduals, the loige public intrest and unity cf the

con Stifution povided for Aundam
iginaly, the sevon

otal Righta
ight to ogualiky Aticles 19-18)
Kighto freedom (Arheles 19-32)
3. Righ agáinst eiplo.Fation (AHcles
2s- 28)
. ight to eligion (Articles
fvaedom of
SCulal and educh-lional Bighb (oxicles29-30)
6. Pight o property (nticle 3)
Pight to Consti utionoal Pemdios (Aticle 3)
gt of equality (aiticle 14-18)
Equa lity Before law and qual protection of loa /atideu)

Prohia hion of diaimnotioo on

grounds d
algion, ace,
Coste, Sei o place of bith (Atide iS).
Euaty of
Opportunity in matters of
pubic employnent
(Aricle 16)

Aboliion of untocuhobility and prohibit on prattice

(avticlé )
Akoiton d Hei p+ militay ard atadamic

Arhde 18)
a ght to fiecdom (aicle 9-23)
Potection of six ight reqauding frecdom o
Speach of axpress o,
asse cio hion,
fesidence, ond
,pohe ssion (Asticlz 1)
*protection n aspec d Conviction fo offencos
(Aicle 20)
4protechon of ife ond pesonal baty (avhicle 2)
ducahon (Avticle a-1A)
ig+o dlementy
tProlzcion agoinsf aries and detachon
Cetaia asas-(ashicle 22
3ight agoin e1ploitokio (Agtielo 23. 2)
4Pohibion tradfic. in humon bong. ond

focad cbou(Avticle 9-)

Pohi bi ion bf cmploymeme nt- o childron
fucrciasete. ticle 2u).

yight to fraedom of raligion (nticle 2s-22),

fre edom o Conscicnce andAaa profassicn,

Prachce ond pepagotion o taligion festicle 2).

*heedom to
manoqe taligion affio.S (Aticle2(
frocdomfrom paymont oftodes for promotion
Ony c lgi on (Aticle 2-)
4 aacbm -from ottandrng ligions 1 u C tton or

tworsip in Catain educional instutton s

(Aicle 22).
5 Culusal ond cdutational iqhs (psticles 29-3).

longuage,sipt and calfu of

protection o
min outies (Asticle 29).

*ight tminbvitios +o attabish and. administtr

aducation al insh uhions (av ide >0)
6. ight to Constitu-tonal emelieslaiticle 3)

ight td ove tha supiarme Cou to he

0forcem@nofundurnootal righBs induding
ws oF
habas ' Coupu,
,rnond Cunu
, prohibiHon
N, Cevhova nd

s o100to (Artic le ) .

.Direchvo piniples o ctoto policy:

Tha diuechive principles of ttate policy ae enumeioted in

Pat o f the Consituthon Aom Ahcles 36 to S.The foume f

the constitution e
hovoed hiu idaa fiom he potish
rish Conshtuton o

934, uhich had pied fiom he Sponich Ccnstitution: D D

Ambedto descrbed hese
principles a nova -faatures of the
ndia Constiutn. The diectiva puncipleS along with the fundan.
Ontu ghs Contuuns he ph1lbsophy of th Constituthon ond is
the Soul of he constitution. Granvi lle Austn has descr.bes

tho pictiye pnciple ond he -And ameatol ight- 3

Consence of he conuttuton.
of Die cive Priniple :

Faatunas the
The phase Di0cive prin ciples ot state poliey danotes the
deals+hat tha stataa sould lCeap n mind while

Fomuabng polic1s av cn acting laas These a -th

to-the state
Constihutional nstruction o a commendattons
and adm in istrciue mattes.
loqistotive, execuive

Accoiding to Aticlel 36, the term State in pat v

hos ha Sama m@aning os in post in dealing w

fundamenol Rghtt heiefoxe,it ineludes hc laq.stahice

of the Contel and stato Goven

and exacutiug ogons
marks, all local outhorities and ell oihe public

authoshie ha Cou
The Dieclive Pinciples ve semble the inshumont of

Iniucthions eomeoed in he Goveinent of india Aci

of 195 in he 0«dds of x.B.R.Ambedka 1 the oisocive

Principles ae ike the insru m@nt- b insuchons, uhich

w eic issued o the Cnover ne- Ganerol and to the

Govenens of he colonics of India by tho Btish

Goveromeots unde he
Govaiam ent of Jndia Act
19.Hhat is called tirache ptrinciple s i meicly another

nam or he rument of inshuctions The only

instruchons to he
ditfercnce is hat he a

lagislatus@ and he ecutive

3The Direcfve principlas conshtuee a veiy Comprehensive

CCDomic social and politi cal prq0mme for a
democicic state. hey aim at ealaing 4he high ideals o
JustHe, 1erty, aquoliby and fiateroily os outlined in the
Prcamble to tha onshtutio hey ambody the Concept o
toelfar estate Ond not
that O police State ,hith
Cxisted duinghC Colonial era. In biict they saek to

in he
estoblish ecoodmic and Social demoracy

The pirecthva PrOCipll ase non-jucticiable in 0ature,+hat
is,Ahey are not lagally enforcaable by the cours -A thei

Vilotion: Theietore the govan mant (Certal state and local)

Connot be (omelled to implemaot em, NevevoileS,
he Consti tution (nsHclo.3)itse Says tha thesa principla

he Contry and
aretundamanta inhe govarnance o
ha of -Ihe tata t app hese
itshall be duty
Pinciplcs in matting lauds
The bvechve pinciples, thdugh non-Justioble innature, help
the (outs in Cxaminng ond delemining 4he Consitutional

UGhdy o law he supreme Court kas ruled many a-hmes

tot in detumin ing e Conshtuhonoly of any lao,t a toust

Ands hot he law in

queshian sceks to ive effach to

a DirecHve pincipod ay ontideY Such locw to be

ROcnableilotion -to Article tu (enual ty betoe lcu

Aticde 19 tsix heedom) and u s save [uch law-hom


clossiticotion of the pivechiva Principles

hey an be clossiied into thiae brcod Catagovies Vi2,

Secialistic I Gyendhian ond ibasal-intallectual.

Seci alistic pinciplas.

Thase peinciples raflect the ide ology ok Socialism.u

lay doon he fome uooit of a dumociatic. ocialist

Stota, aim at pioviding social and economic justic c, and
Sod the pat toucards welkare stata "hey dire c

To promota the wolfare of he
people by seCuring
social ode paimeo fad by justice -socjal, 2Conomic
ond Poiical ond to minimise inequa litie) i
ncome Status faci F has ond oppoltuni he).

(Aticle 33).
2.To Sa ura
a) the vight to adequate means »f livalt hood
for alltiizans,
(6) the equalitable distibutjon of matenal veDuIces

of he tommuny to tho cCommon 9ood,

Otwealh nnd mean
c) pie vention d (ooccotratibo
equal toork -fôr mon and oomen:

e) Piesaota hion of h e hcalh 0nd streng th of toos lt ers

and childen agoinsforcible abue and;

() opportuni ies -o haalthy devalop ment of ch ldren

(Avhicle 39).
and to
povide fiee legal did t
3To pmote equalJusico

the poo (Axticle 39A)

.To Secure he righk to cooi to educatortion and to public

assis tan (a
in Casas of unemploym ent, old age, Sickness

isablernent (Asticle y).

and humane Condihons of t
S. To make provision -fox jus
relief- ladticle y 2).
and matanity
a living waqe ,a decent ston doid df ife an d
6. To Secuve

tr all torkers (aticle us)

cultural oppcutunihes
Soval and
the paiticLtoion of wo kor in
T 0 t o t e Staps-to
indw tries (Atic
le taA
the manaqment oF
o rutition and
-the stan chid d
3. b raise -he le vel
puslic healfh
people and to imp(ove
iving of

(AtHcle u4).

Gondhian principlos
baed Gandhion 'idcology ht repieient
These prinCiples oe on
the pogamm econstiuction enuncitate by G,andhi
nationa movem ent. ln order fulfil tte dheams of
Some of his ioas wera included a Ditgclive prncip .

-tho state.
1hy @quire
them Wt)
. To
organize villaqe ponchouyats ond andocy
thom funeon
and Qufhoviky to e naislo
nesessary potoeIC
undof Solf-geveioment (orticle yo0)

To ndiv1dualOr Co-operoti
Promota Cottage industvies on an

bu sis 1Yuval avg as AvHcle u3).

3 ID promotz valunttory -fbimation, autonomous functionig

demockathc Convol and professional monagment of-

Coopeiativa socictie (oticle u>g).
T o omote he aducational and e conomic, inte (asts o

of-he socty nd
SC, ST and ohe wealce

piotzct em fiom Social injusice
eA ploi totion

(AvHcle ue)-
and drug
5 TD proh1bt the Constumption o ioxifoting dinks
tohich ara injuiousto health (Aricle u7)
Couos, Calves ond other
6.To prohit he Saughter o
milich and diaught Cattte and to Improve thev

boads- (Ahticle us).

Libenal-Sn tellectuol pincples:
intluded n his (atag4 represent he ideology
The principles

oF Libovalsm Ty divect the state

.To Serure for all cti2ans a uniform civil Code tNaughout
the Country (Avticle
childhood ore ond education for all
2. To Provide coly
he o Si yea(.
Chileen unil they Complote
(Avicle us ON

3.T0 O1gonize 0gilu Hune and animal husbandary

scientific line (Avticlg y8).
modcim and
environmeot- and
to safequ-
. To protec
and improve Hhe
asd rasts n d l d tEC (Aticle
S To piotee monumerb, ploce s ond obyects of atictic

Or histoic itvest which aie decloved to be af

national importonce (Aricde ua).

6. To Sepacate he judiciay fiom 4he 2xedutive in the

Pubic. seivices o 4he states (Article so).

T o pvomoa inta1 na fonal Peace and sacui ty aned

maintain jus and honusable Telahons setween

nafiosto faster tCspect for jntesno fional (a

andeaty oblioations, and -b nco uiage
Setricme ot of intinationldisputes aitratio
oxicle s).

Fundam@ntal duies
and duhies of he Cihzens ora Core latives
Though tha rights the
consution Centaincd nly
ond inseperutuble, the
duties Sn othe
Aundameotal ghts and not the fun damertal
did not tuel tnecessary
farmeis ef he ConsHfu
CworRds) h e
in the
fundantntad duties of 4he cifizens
o incorpoOiate the
he duti@ Of Hhe
Con>titufion Flco@ver,4ha in corpo«ated
of Dirccti ve Pincilo
Corsti u i o n 0 he tom
Stutc in th
of Stata po
cifizen of
Avticla SIA, t chall be the cluty of evey

Lndia ond insfi

by he contituton
ond (s pect k ideals
(a)to abide
and Nafio0 Anthe m;
tutionshe National -flaqs the
4he oble
deals hat inspired
l6)to chei,h and follow
for hatdom.
naionq Shugglo
Auphod ond o toc ho oueueigey, unity ond integrty

o ndio
ld 1 4o dofond tho tounty ond 1ohdo rotionol service when

Callod upon to do
o promoto
e-o promofe hoinoy and spitite iho coemon brotherhood

amonge al tte people of india yarondng vagiou,

sactional divasities 6nd-to
inguishc and rcgionoB or

the dig0ty oF uwomen:

tanonce Piacfices de ogotoiyto
4o volag Ond preseva the vich he kage tf the countys

Composite cultun,
potec ond impove the atua govirpnmental ncluding
ress la kes,ivas and wildlite ond o hour Composuion

tdr living Ciatus

h-develop ScionkC tunpey

humanism and the spiut of
quy efom
H oSafegauud pulke pioperty and io abur voience.
t Stive tocoavds excellence in all spheres of individual
ed olloc-ive acivity s0hat the nation Consfanty

higho levels oF endeavour and achie voo-ls: ind

) tt provide
pouide oppuntinikies -for educotion to his chid or weud

betuween he oge of si Od fouutten yeors .This duty

was added b he 86h Consttutional mnbmeot Act


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