Phiscis 1 Lab Exp 1.1

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Fall 2023-2024
Section:C7, Group: 5,

To determine the acceleration due to gravity applying linear least square regression
method by using a simple pendulum.

Supervised By

Submitted By
Name ID Contribution
1. MD TAHAMID UL ISLAM 23-55526-3 20%
2. MISHKAT JAHAN 23-55515-3 20%
3. OINDRILA ROY 23-55455-3 20%
4. MD SHAKAWOAT 23-55708-3 20%
5. SHADID AL NAHIN 23-55713-3 20%

Date of Submission: October 4, 2023

TOPICS Page no.

1. Title Page 1

2. Table of Content 2

3. Theory 3,4

4. Apparatus 5

5. Procedure 5

6. Experimental Data 6

7. Analysis and Calculation 8,9

8. Result 9

9. Discussion 10

10. References 10

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1. Theory

Theoretically, the time period of oscillation (T) of a pendulum is related by the equation,

T =2 π
√ L
Where L is the length (length from the point of suspension to the center of the bob) and time period
(time of one complete swing) of a simple pendulum and the acceleration, due to gravity is given as g.

The rearranged time period equation of a simple pendulum is,

2 4π
T = L

In comparison to the equation (y = mx) acceleration due to gravity (g) can be determined by,



Where m is the slope of the graph 𝑇 vs L.

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For both independent and dependent values of x and y = f(x) the linear least square
regression method can be used to plot the best fitted regression line for N number of data
points as the figure below.

The way to get the best fitted line is by finding the minimum of D = d 12 +d22+d32+d42+d52+d62+d72
according to the square regression method. The equation for the best fitted line is y = mx + c,
where m is the slope and c is the y intercept. The formula to find the gradient of the regression line
is given below.

m=∑ x i y i−¿ ¿ ¿ (Slope equation)


The intercept c = 𝑦 − 𝑚𝑥̅ where 𝑥̅ and 𝑦 are mean values of x and y

∑ x i=x 1 + x 2+ x3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 6 + x 7,

∑ yi = y 1+ y 2+ y 3+ y 4 + y 5 + y 6 + y 7,

∑ x i y i=x 1 y 1 + x 2 y 2 + x 3 y 3+ x 4 y 4+ x5 y 5 + x 6 x 6 + x 7 y 7,

( ∑ x i ) =( x 1 + x 2+ x 3 + x 4 + x 5 + x 6 + x7 )2,

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∑ x 2i =x 21 + x 22+ x23 + x 24 + x 25 + x 26 + x 27,

2. Apparatus
To construct a simple pendulum:
 Metal bob
 A piece of string
 Stand

Measurement of L & T:
 Meter scale
 Stopwatch

3. Procedure

A metal bob attached to a one end of a light string. Found the length end was fixed to fixed support.
Found the length (l) of the string with a meter stick and the radius (r) of the bob with a caliper. The
length L of the pendulum was then given by
A small angle swing was given to the pendulum which was less then 10 degrees. To experimentally
found the time period T, the total time by 20. T was, therefore, the time required for the pendulum to
made one complete oscillation. The procedure was repeated for different lengths L and recorded the
data in table 1.1.
A plot drown on a graph paper which was T2 versus L

Set: slope = 4π2/g. Solve for g. Find % difference in g.

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Experimental Data:

Table 1.1: Time periods T for different lengths L of the simple pendulum.
2 2
No. Effective Time for Time T L L.T 2 g=4
of 20 period T = ( s2 ¿ 2 L
obs. Length L π × 2
(cm) x i oscillations t/20 T
yi (cm2 ¿ (cm. s2 ¿
t (s)
(cm/ s2 ¿

1 120 44.48 2.224 4.9466 14400 592.80 958.989

2 110 42.54 2.127 4.5240 12100 497.64 959.900

3 100 40.30 2.015 4.0600 10000 406.00 972.370

4 90 37.72 1.886 3.5560 8100 320.04 999.170

5 80 36.67 1.818 3.3060 6400 264.48 955.316

6 70 33.21 1.660 2.7500 4900 192.50 1004.900

7 60 30.96 1.548 2.3900 3600 143.40 991.080

630 25.5300 59500 2416.86 6842.610

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T2 vs L graph

f(x) = 0.0426785714285714 x − 0.196785714285714


50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130


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4. Analysis and Calculation
Table 1.2: Finding the slope, c by using the linear least square regression method .
N x y xy x x m c

7 630 25.53 2416.860 396900 59500 0.0425 -0.178

Equation: T= 0.0425L − 0.178

A. The value of g using the LLSRM:


Intercept, c = 𝑥̅ = 𝑦 − 𝑚𝑥̅ = −0.178

4π −2
Acceleration due to gravity by LLSRM, gL= =928.90 cm s

B. The mean value of g from the data:

gM =g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + g 5+ g 6+ g 7 + ¿ =977.515 cm s−2 ¿


Standard deviation

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σ= = 19.1819

C. Percentage of difference between mean value and Reference value:

g M −g
% differene= ×100=0.35 %

D. Percentage of difference between LLSRM value and Reference value:

g L −g
% difference= × 100=5.31 %

5. Result

Method Value of g (m/s2) Comment

LLSRM 9.289 𝑔 is closer to reference

value but 𝑔 is not. L is
taken in 10 cm intervals
from 120 cm to 60 cm.
The difference in value
Mean 9.775 of g and 𝑔 occurred due
to reading error from the
scale and stopwatch and
the country of

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Reference 9.81 oscillations.

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6. Discussion
1. There were some instrumental error in slide calipers as a result there were some
difficulties while measuring the bob.
2. While measuring the oscillation of the bob there were some error because the bob wasn't
moving freely due to of some frictional problem.
3. There were some errors while measuring the thread.
4. By using wire instead of using rope achieved the exact value
5. The string stand was not properly straight.

7. References
1. Fundamentals of Physics (Chapter 13, 10th Edition).

2. Simple Pendulum Pictures:


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