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Book 6 - Vocabulary Unit 2

1 abandon to leave someone or something behind

2 able-bodied fit, strong, and not disabled
3 accountable being responsible to another person; having someone else have power over you
4 another level the improvement or development of something that is already successful
5 average having qualities that are typical of most people or things; ordinary
6 awareness knowledge or perception of a situation or fact; consciousness
7 curious eager to know or learn something; inquisitive
8 defeated beaten, overcome by
9 devastated extremely sad or shocked
10 a diagnosis an identification of what illness a person has
11 exalted held in high regard; placed at a high level; noble
12 free able to act or be done as one wishes
13 give up to stop doing something because it is difficult
14 go far beyond to exceed the expected or usual boundary or limit
15 a hardship something that makes your life difficult
16 hopelessness being without hope
feeling ashamed, embarrassed, or mortified because someone else makes you feel
17 humiliated
this way
18 inquisitive having or showing an interest in learning things; curious
19 inspiring causing someone to want to do something
20 keep (someone) going to give hope and encouragement
21 laborious requiring considerable time and effort; difficult
make (something) look
22 to make something seem fashionable, attractive, interesting, etc. (informal)
23 meager poor, sparse; lacking in quantity or quality
24 a misconception an idea that is wrong or untrue, but that people still believe
25 misery a feeling of great sadness
26 an obstacle a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress
27 open someone's eyes to cause someone to notice or be aware of something important
28 persevere to continue trying to do something difficult in a determined way
29 poverty having little money or few material things
30 pride feeling pleasure and satisfaction because of your achievements
31 push the boundaries to exceed limits or overcome obstacles
32 reach a high point to experience the most exciting part of an event
33 reach deep down to try very hard to accomplish something
34 reach new heights to improve or succeed more
35 rebound to recover in value, amount, or strength after a decrease
reliance on one's owns powers and resources rather than on someone else's;
36 self-reliance
a painful feeling of embarrassment or distress caused by an awareness of wrong or
37 shame
foolish behavior
38 stereotypical widely held but sometimes, incorrect opinion
39 struggle to have difficulty handling or dealing with something
40 This is it It is now the time; it is happening
41 tormented experiencing severe physical or mental suffering; painful
42 transition to go through the process of change
43 yearn for to strongly desire, want
Book 6 - Vocabulary Unit 2
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
abandonment abandon abandoned
accountability, an account account accountable
curiosity curious curiously
defeat defeat defeated, defeating
devastation devastate devastated, devastating devastatingly
a diagnosis diagnose diagnosed, diagnostic
exaltation exalted, exalting
freedom free
a hardship
hopelessness hope hopeless, hopeful hopelessly, hopefully
humiliation humiliate humiliated
inquire inquisitive
an inspiration inspire inspirational, inspiring inspirationally
labor laborious
meagerness meager meagerly
a misconception misconceive misconceived
misery miserable miserably
an obstacle
perseverance persevere persevering
poverty impoverished
pride proud, prideful proudly
ashamed, shameful,
shame shame shameless shamefully, shamelessly
self-reliance rely on (oneself) self-reliant
a stereotype stereotype stereotypical stereotypically
a struggle struggle struggling
torment tormented
a transformation transition transformational, transformed
a yearning yearn for

Other Expressions
another level
This is it
give up
go far beyond
keep (someone) going
make (something) look cool
open someone's eyes
push the boundaries
reach a high point
reach deep down
reach new heights

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