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Social media use: Negative effects and impacts

“How does the use of Instagram and Tiktok negatively affect the academic performance of

adolescent students, and what are the impacts of its usage?”

Eva Sophia Nelwan IB21

HL Psychology

Word count:

Table of contents

Effects on academic performance
Attention span
Cognitive ability
Mental health
Positive effects

It is easy to recognise the universal impact of social media on various aspects of human

existence at a time when technology is rapidly advancing. While the digital environment is

changing, how we communicate, gain knowledge and engage with the world is too.

Education, especially at a secondary school level, is one area that has seen significant

alteration as a result of the development and rise of social media. Social media is a broad area

that consists of different platforms that allow people to share, create and communicate with

friends and strangers. Due to the rapid advancements of social media, more students have

begun using these platforms daily. As enjoyable as it can be, most adolescents are blind to its

negative impacts on their everyday lives and academic performance. In a survey conducted in

2022 by the Pew Research Center, results showed that 97% of teenagers use the internet

daily, 46% of which use it ‘almost constantly’1. Not only does the use of social media impact

academic performance but there are multiple other factors to consider, such as sleep and

mental health. The mental health take on it can be a vast topic as there are many factors, such

as depression, anxiety and low self-esteem.

Regarding academic performance, the internet and social media can affect this in numerous

ways. This has three main points: attention span, engagement and cognitive abilities,

specifically memory and logic. The increased use of social media gives students a shorter

attention span, as listening to a teacher or reading a book doesn't give us the dopamine that

social media does. The same goes for engagement. The constant messages, notifications and

updates draw students' time and attention away from their academic work2. Cognitive

abilities, memory and logic play a significant role in academics. The ability to memorise,

1 Vogels, Emily A., et al. “Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022.” PEW Research Center, 10 Aug. 2022,
2 Valentine, Sophie. “The Goldfish Effect: Social Media Shortens Our Attention Span.” MyTutor, 10 May
process information and problem-solve is essential to succeed; however, social media is

lowering those chances for adolescents. Students will rely on internet searches instead of

learning and processing necessary information, which weakens the development of their

long-term memory.

Social media has an immense effect on the learning process of adolescents, diverting their

attention to what they think is more important and worth investing their time in. As more

students begin to utilise social media in their everyday lives, the following fundamental

question arises: How does social media use affect the academic performance of adolescent

students, and what are the impacts of its usage?

Effects on academic performance

The rise of social media has brought many problems relating to adolescents' academic

performance. More specifically, exploring attention span, engagement and cognitive abilities.

As social media can introduce opportunities, it also causes challenges and problems that

interfere with how students interact with information and academic tasks. These combined

aspects result in students having lower grades in their subjects, which multiple studies and

research have shown.3

Attention span

Social media and the internet significantly impact one's alertness and absorption of things in

general; however, it can specifically be a problem when it comes to education. Students get
3Azizi, Seyyed Mohsen, et al. “The Relationship between Social Networking Addiction and Academic
Performance in Iranian Students of Medical Sciences: A Cross-Sectional Study.” BMC Psychology,
vol. 7, no. 1,
3 May 2019,
used to scrolling through short clips and photos daily, resulting in their brains adapting to that

type of content and information. Even though those short photos and videos are more

entertaining, our brains can't focus on schoolwork for long periods as most students consider

it much more boring.4 The shift in attention and focus can lead to challenges in the classroom.

Longer lessons and texts could be difficult for students to concentrate on without getting

distracted. Traditional learning methods may seem less intriguing and don’t give the

excitement that social media provides, which adolescent’s brains crave. If teachers want

students to learn and focus better, improvements might need to be made to the ways of


Social media means that there will be a constant stream of messages and notifications coming

through, which adolescents will click on and keep changing between. The constant task

switching makes it more difficult for students to concentrate on a single task for an extended

period of time. This goes the same for more in-depth assignments too. This also relates to

their patience while performing or doing specific tasks. The short videos and actions can

reduce the ability students have with assignments.5 Social media is designed to keep students

and people in general hooked and make sure that every next post is something enjoyable. In a

sense, they are rewarded, and when doing school work with no rewards, they don’t have the

motivation to start tasks.

4 Mills, Kim, and Gloria Mark. “Speaking of Psychology: Why Our Attention Spans Are Shrinking, with Gloria
Mark, PhD.”, Feb. 2023,
5 Atanasova, Aleksandra. “TikTok Is Killing Your Brain, One Short-Form Video at a Time.” Social Media
Psychology, 18 Aug. 2022,

The impact of social media goes beyond attention. Social media draws their attention away

from school work, leading to rushed assignments, likely of low quality. Moreover, it will

decrease their engagement in class discussions and an overall decrease in the quality of their

learning. Endlessly scrolling on social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram continues at

night just before students go to bed. They can stay up for hours watching these videos,

resulting in them not getting enough sleep, and it will disrupt their sleep pattern. This means

that during their school days, students will have a lot of fatigue and will disengage

themselves in class. Whether this is in class discussions or not listening to their teacher while

explaining work.

Many factors of social media lead to a decrease in sleep. One being stress and anxiety.

Students may be exposed to content that can put pressure on them or make them feel worried

about certain things, for example, academic pressures. There are lots of ways schools can put

pressure on students, but in the context of social media it can be anything from something

that reminds them of an assignment they have to do to what they will do in the future.

Making decisions about one's future is something students can be very stressed out by such as

finding universities or career options. While scrolling through all the posts there is bound to

be one that will make a student stressed about their future. The fear of making the wrong

choice or failing can lead to anxiety.6 Another factor being notifications. The constant stream

of notifications and pinging will draw students to their phone, and if they pick up their phone

every time they hear a notification while trying to sleep it will cause them to lose out on

hours of sleep. Even if students don’t pick up their phone, the anticipation of receiving and

6 Cleveland Clinic. “Fear of Failure (Atychiphobia): Causes & Treatment.” Cleveland Clinic, 23 Mar. 2022,
knowing what the notifications are can cause them to be kept awake. Adolescents can lose

hours of sleep from these factors leading to a decrease in their engagement.

The amount of knowledge students have can affect their class engagement. The more a

student knows the more likely they will participate in class. However, if a student feels they

don't know enough information about what they have learnt, their engagement might not be

as much, as they won’t know what to say. This relates to how much a student studies.

Spending an excessive amount of time on social media means less time to study.

Cognitive ability

The effect of social media on the cognitive ability of adolescents is a very broad topic, as

many factors contribute to it, such as memory, logical reasoning and processing. Memories

are a vital aspect of our life and existence. They shape the decisions we make and how we

deal with new experiences. Our ability to memorise is decreasing the more social media and

the internet is advancing, and this is heavily impacting adolescents. By relying only on the

easily accessible online sources and information that is already published could lower the

memory capacity of students. When they know that the information is available by a quick

search they won’t feel the need to retrieve and recall what they learn. This also applies to

personal memories, we feel like we only need to know where to find the memories and

information about a certain event rather than the event itself. This is referred to as the

“Google effect” where our internal memory isn’t depended on as much.7

7 Molokotos, Elena. “The Effects of Media on Memory.” Psych Central, 6 Dec. 2018,

Students will jump to topics and ideas without exploring them in more depth

Mental health

The effects of social media on mental health are complex and may occur in many different

forms. On one hand, these platforms offer useful channels for communication, building

support systems and communities. They can act as platforms for sharing enjoyable

experiences and self expression. The constant exposure to “perfect and idealised” lives, on

the other hand, might have a negative impact on one’s feelings of failure and social

comparison. One common problem on social media is cyberbullying, which can seriously

harm one’s mental health. Social media’s addictive features combined with the need to keep

up a specific online image can cause anxiety, depression and FOMO (Fear of missing out).

Stress levels can also be raised by concerns about privacy, such as worry about data security

and online tracking. When people explore the complicated world of social media and

consider how it might affect their mental health, it becomes more and more important to find

the proper balance between being engaged with a purpose, using social media intelligently

and developing digital skills.

The social network, Instagram, has a variety of effects on mental health. But there are many

disadvantages to the platform. Instagram’s format makes it easier for people to compare

themselves to others, which can lead to feelings of failure and body image issues. The appeal

of the feed and the never ending scroll can encourage addictive behaviours and give a feeling

that time is passing quickly, affecting time management which can seriously affect students’

academic performance. Furthermore, the platform creates peer pressure to live up to beauty
standards, which can be harmful to a person’s self esteem. To be able to enjoy the platform to

its fullest, users must find a balance when exploring it, enjoying its great aspects while also

being aware of its possible negatives.

Positive effects

Instagram and Tiktok don’t only have negative effects on students, there are a selection of

positive effects such as job opportunities, inspiration and gaining a better understanding of

certain topics. It offers a platform for artistic expression, develops relationships, and serves as

a source of knowledge and inspiration. Communities that offer empathy and support

particularly while coping with mental health issues, can also be found by users.


Students can learn vital communication skills and establish a strong online profile with the

help of Instagram. The platform can serve as a digital portfolio for students who want to

pursue careers in creative or design-related fields, giving their work a worldwide audience to

view. This exposure may result in significant internship and employment opportunities.

Students can also improve their presenting and communication skills, which are essential for

academic performance and future professional possibilities, by choosing to share their

academic ideas and projects. Instagram’s many uses for academic and professional

development are highlighted by its ability to help students find professional networks and job

opportunities, as well as by enhancing communication skills and showcasing work. As well

as it helps the student that is managing the account, their posts can also educate other students

across the globe.8

8 Segal, Sydney. “TikTok Resumes and Instagram Portfolios: How College Students
Are Using Social Media to Find Jobs.” CNBC, 14 Nov. 2021,

Moreover, Instagram is a flexible social media platform that has a variety of beneficial

impacts on kids’ academic achievement. One notable feature of the platform is the capacity to

promote motivation and a sense of community. Students can access a helpful virtual

environment full of study suggestions, learning tactics, and motivational content by following

academic institutions, study accounts and educational influencers9. Instagram’s visual appeal

makes it possible for students to participate in a special kind of microlearning where they

may swiftly take in and remember knowledge through eye-catching images, infographics and

brief instructional films. Even though this ‘microlearning’ by short videos can lead to a lower

attention span, it can be helpful in taking in new information. By improving understanding of

difficult subjects, this visual encouragement can make learning more approachable and



TikTok has a very similar concept to instagram and has a lot of the same uses when it comes

to improving the academic performance of adolescents. Unexpectedly, Tikok, which is well

known for its amusing content, can help students by giving them study motivation and

educational information. The site has developed into a main platform for creators to share all

sorts of videos, including quick, educational videos covering a wide range of topics. TikTok’s

educational material consists of a variety of learning methods, including everything from

mnemonics for memory to simple explanations of complex concepts. These brief videos

frequently include illustrations that are appreciated by visual learners in particular, which

9 Branded Content. “How to Benefit from Instagram as a Student.” The Collegian, 26 Aug. 2021,
improves understanding. Furthermore, TikTok acts as a source of study inspiration by sharing

the study habits, organisational and time keeping techniques, and individual academic

success of its creators. The helpful community on the site offers discussions on productive

study techniques, creating an inspiring atmosphere for students who want to achieve

academic success. Students find that TikTok is a surprisingly beneficial resource for

academic progress as they explore the combination of educational content and motivating


Beyond offering educational resources and encouraging pupils to study, TikTok helps

students improve their cultural knowledge and skill development. Students’ presenting and

communication abilities develop if they create educational films for TikTok by simplifying

complicated subjects into brief, engaging sections. The difficulty of effectively expressing

knowledge within the platform’s limitations can encourage the ability to focus on the most

essential ideas and express them in a straightforward manner, which is a useful talent in

academics and beyond. Furthermore, viewers are exposed to global opinions, languages and

cultural developments through TikTok’s diverse content. Students’ knowledge of other

cultures expands and their grasp of global concerns is expanded as a result of this cultural

submersion. Through iterating with content providers from many backgrounds, students can

gain valuable insights that enhance their learning experiences and lead to quality education.

In this approach, TikTok functions as a window into the world’s different cultures, a platform

for the development of critical skills and a source of academic support.

Positive impacts on students’ academic performance on Instagram are comparable to those

explored in the context of TikTok, including skill development, motivation to study, cultural

awareness and educational content. These platforms promote visual learning by giving users
a place to exchange educational resources through pictures and videos. Similar to TikTok,

Instagram creates a feeling of community where students can interact with friends, gain

inspiration and have conversations about their academic goal. Instagram also provides an

environment for skill development, particularly for creative industries where users can create

digital portfolios and exhibit their work. By introducing users to a variety of perspectives and

global issues, both platforms help to promote cultural awareness. These platforms have a

helpful overall impact on students’ academic experiences and performance as they can help

with learning, motivation, skill development and cultural exploration, even though their

specific characteristics and material forms vary.


Vogels, Emily A., et al. “Teens, Social Media and Technology 2022.” PEW Research


10 Aug. 2022,

Valentine, Sophie. “The Goldfish Effect: Social Media Shortens Our Attention Span.”

MyTutor, 10 May 2018,

Molokotos, Elena. “The Effects of Media on Memory.” Psych Central, 6 Dec. 2018,
Mills, Kim, and Gloria Mark. “Speaking of Psychology: Why Our Attention Spans


Shrinking, with Gloria Mark, PhD.”, Feb. 2023,

Atanasova, Aleksandra. “TikTok Is Killing Your Brain, One Short-Form Video at a


Social Media Psychology, 18 Aug. 2022,

Segal, Sydney. “TikTok Resumes and Instagram Portfolios: How College Students

Are Using Social Media to Find Jobs.” CNBC, 14 Nov. 2021,


Branded Content. “How to Benefit from Instagram as a Student.” The Collegian, 26 Aug.

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