Take-Away 07

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Practice - Part 4

NSTP-CWTS Take-Away – 07

On Mental

Name: Prog./Yr./Sec.: Date:

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Watch the MMK episode entitled “Colored Pencils” (Ayie’s Life Story) via

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIlHDAEmx84 . After watching the MMK episode,

answer the questions below:

1. In 7 sentences, summarize the episode.

In MMK's Colored Pencil, the narrative revolves around Ayie and her sisters, who

experienced trauma from witnessing their violent father's mistreatment as young

children. Due to Ayie's distressing behaviors, her grandmother Nanay Alps made the

decision to take Ayie into her care. Up until the point when she was harassed by a

school, which led to her experiencing bouts of extreme anxiety and sadness, Ayie had led

a calm existence while pursuing her education. Bipolar disorder has been identified as the

cause of her worsening condition. Her previous school persisted in tormenting her until

she started working as a teacher. She faced criticism and disdain on the internet, which

caused her to experience sudden outbursts of wrath and agony that not even her family
could understand, particularly her mother Jak, who was living in denial. Despite her

illness, Ayie battled bravely to overcome her episode and live her life with the support of

her family, especially her sister Inga, who became an inspiration and source of strength.

However, Ayie was unaware that her own sister, Inga, had the same mental health issues

that ultimately caused her to commit suicide.

2. What specific mental disorder/s manifested in the movie?

Ayie and her sisters experienced trauma and grief after seeing their father mistreat them.

Second, she attempted suicide after experiencing spells of anxiety and melancholy

brought on by the bullying she was receiving from a classmate. Third, Ayie was identified

as having bipolar disorder 1 psychosis as a result of her symptoms and episodes.

3. What is the main reason of the trauma? What was the prior situation?

For the most part, the sisters' trauma and sadness stem from having witnessed their

father's abuse and bad behavior since they were young children. The sisters had seen

firsthand the aggressive behavior of their father at home.

4. What is your insight about the MMK episode in relation to Mental

Health? What is your realization about Mental Health?

I'm very happy that MMK has featured episodes on mental health. Many people

should watch this episode in order to broaden their perspectives on mental health.

The stigma associated with mental diseases may also become more apparent as a

result of this incident. With this episode, I sincerely hope that people would learn

and recognize that mental illnesses are not something that the person experiencing

them makes up. I found TheMMK's episode to be really relatable. I have also seen

my parents fight and injure each other in front of me when I was a young child. I

have experienced trauma, and like Ayie and her sister, I'm exhibiting symptoms of
anxiety and despair. However, I regrettably lack friends or family with whom I may

confide my sentiments and problems, unlike Ayie who has a sister and family to

lean on. This episode has taught me a lot about mental health. First, I understood

the weight of words when they are hurled at someone and the effect it has when it

is given carelessly. For this reason, I recall the people who experienced bullying to

the point where they attempted suicide—some of them even succeeded. It saddens

me that someone could suffer serious consequences like anxiety and despair as a

result of hearing such harsh and insensitive remarks. Second, I became aware of

how stigmatizing and discriminating society still is when it comes to mental health

issues. There are many who genuinely believe that it is only "arte" and "man-

made," and this stigma needs to end. I hope that parents and relatives would be

accepting of the fact that mental illness exists and will help those who suffer from

it with patience. More significantly, I understood that someone with a mental

condition needs a support system and a person who can give them strength. All I

can hope for is that this stigma will eventually disappear and that mental health

awareness campaigns will be put into place.

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