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S4 C_ What's the $to 1 Look at the pictures. Which picture(s) show(s}: 8) a miltary air base? d)_abroken table? ) a soldier with a parachute? —_e)_@ plane flying over? ©) tea, a cake and biscuits? 2 — Read the sentences, then put them into the correct speech ‘© "Tim so sorry! My parachute aldin't open on time! 3 — Study the following table, then use the verbs in the past form to complete the story below. ‘One sunny afternoon last May, my mother and |)... z (decide) to have tea in the garden. We live near a smail miliary ait base and we like to watch the planes fly over. My mother 2). (bring) out some delicious biscuits, a cake and a ot of tea. She 3) (pour) me some tea and 4). (28k) me, “Would you lke some sugar?” : (look) at him strangely, then we al (begin) to laugh. “Tm afraid there isnt any tea for (Say) cheerfully. (be) all okay. The next day, the - (come) back with @ huge box of cakes forus. We all 17) (have) tea together, but this time we 18) (sit) in the dining room! See 32 r\ STupy TiP_> i eel | # When we write a story itis important to decide on the events and write them In the order they happened. | * We can use time words (e.g. fst, then, late, affer that, |__ ne ial, below, ater, wien, etc) to ink the events. 4 ~— Reod the story again, then look at the sentences below and number them in the order they happened. 1 Asoidie: landed on the table. F) We all began to laugh. C1 Mum brought out biscuits, a cake and a pot of tea. [G1 The soldier came back with a box of cakes. [Weel off our chairs. (7) We hear a loud ery. [2 We alt had tea together in the dining room. We decided to nave tea in the garden. 5 Underline the correct words / phrases. 1. My father’s a pilot in the air force. He works at a skating club / military air base. | wateh / see TV every night. Could you put / pour me a glass of Coke, please? The police helicopter flew / blew over the city. ‘The soldier jumped out of the plane and opened his parachute / umbrella Fortunately / Unfortunately, | passed my driving test. “I's a lovely day!" Dad said anxiously / cheerfully. -\ sTuby TIP» | To start a story, we say where and when the story | {akes pace wh the people nthe story ae, and what happened first. omen 6 — Read the story in the questions below and circle the correct enswer. Ex. 3 again, then read 1. Where does the story take place? a) in the park b) in the garden, 2 How many people are there in the story? a) three b) wo 3. When does the story take place? a) one morning last May 6) one afternoon last May ( (RECT On my first night there, t What's the Story” 4 What was the weather ike? a)cold b)sunny 5. What did they decide to do? a)have tea in the garden b)have dinnerin the garden 6 What happened then? a) They saw a plane. _b) They heard a loud cry. ri 1 Last / went / a night / to / restaurant /| 2 \/an/ empty / tor / at and / down / waited / table | my friend / sat 3. Suddenly / came / my / yooddooking /@/ table / woman / towards 4 "Who / she / is?" / wondered |) B aj Read the short story below, and put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. (put on) my pyjamas and then 1 seen (Wet) into bed: Suddenly, |... .». (hear) a loud noise like (a fice alam. “Oh no! A fire!” | (think). (EL) The manager of the hotel (laugh) (say), “That wasn't a fire aur i oi was the shop alarm next door. Someone ... (press) i by mistake!” {eL! one around, 601 teapton, Eeyore Where's the fre?” 1 =~ (lump) out of bed quickly and “{@pen) the door. There (be) no (run) downstairs to the (Wook) at me strangely. ss (28K) annus. \ (OT) bast year, an no» (Qo) to Rome on Roy. (stay) at an expensive ‘hotel near the city centre, 4 oa ae] b) Put the paragraphs in the correct order end read them aloud. 33 34 What's the Story? 9 Underline the correct words. 1 After / When | walked into the kitchen, | saw a man on the floor 2 First / Then | poures the cotfee, then | made the toast. 3. He put on his coat and shut the door. Then / After, he van quickly down the street 4 When / Later, she realised all the money was gone, 5 After / When that, June immediately called the potioe 6 First, she checked that mo one else was hurt. Next / After, she climbed carelully into the back of the ambulance, Before / Finally, she put the cake in the oven to bake, | had breakfast before / later | went to work 9 After / First | drank the wine, felt quite sleepy, 10 Use the adverbial phrases in list A and the ections in list B to make sentences, as in the example. When we end a story, we write what happened in the end, We can also write how the people in the story felt. W Read the story in Ex. 3 again. How does it end? How do the people feel? 12 a} Ho 12 Choose does each person edjectives from the list below. proud, happy, surprised, angry, confused, tired, sad, scared 1b} Read the sentences and fill in the correct ‘adjective from the fist above. 1 Luckily, Jane wasn't hurt. She was very to be safe and warm ater such a terible day. 2. Ann couldn't believe her eyes, She was very to See her husband on the six o'clock news, 3. He looked at the damage to his car and started to shout He was Vary oo 4 "Who is his let om?” she said. "I don't understand” She was very 5 Boris was very The only thing the wanted to do was to go to bed. 6 Unfortunately, Sammy's dog died. Sammy was very He lost a very good friend tha day. 7 ile Jimmy reached the frishing line fist. We were all of him, 18 She saw the man take something out of his pocket. twas ‘a gunl Suddenly, she fet very WRITING ie. aS | When we write story, we divide itinto four paragraphs. + We start our story by mentioning the time, the place and the people involved. * In the second and third paragraphs, we describe | what happened, We wie the events one after the | ather, in the order they happened. | * We end our story by describing what happened in the end and how the people felt. We use the past simple and time words (ist, ater |__that, then, etc} in stories. 13 9) The following pictures show what happened to Jim when he decided to take his pet snoke, Slippy, to the vel. Look of the pictures and answer the questions. Where is Jim? What time is it? Who else is with him? Where are Jim and Slippy? Who else is with thern? How do the men feel? What is one of the men holding? What do they tell Jim to give them? Why are the two men running away? How do they feet? Where are Jim and Slippy? How does Jim feet? ‘ON THE PLATFORM ee b) Fill in the spoech bubbles in the pictures with the items below. ‘Help! A snake!” ‘Give me your bag, no look ot the pictures again. Use the fist of words below to help you tell the story using the past simple. ‘© altemoon - two weeks ago - Jim - decide - take pat snake - vet- put Slippy - sports bag - go - underground station on the train - notice - two large men - fe! frightened - come up to him - give bag! - knife in hand - give bag © take ‘bag - open tt - Sippy’s head pop out - help! - snake! - run towards door © train stop - next station -jump off train- run away -feel happy - proud 14 Use the information from Ex. 13 and the plan below to write a story (80 - 100 words) for a story competition in your school magazine. The title for your story A Hero For a Day! Begin One aftemoon, two weeks ago, wm decided 0 lake his pet snake, Slip, tothe vet. He put 2 ‘mention the time, place and peo- v pile involved, develop the story (events, 1 ‘one after the other) describe what happened in the ‘end & peopie’s feelings Bw

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