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Follow the instructions for each

For this activity, use the curriculum guide from your specialization and other relevant
materials about the K-12.
1. Based on the two organizational dimensions, cite, or describe an example from
the K-12 Curriculum.
Organizational Dimensions Example or Description in the K-12

1. Horizontal Organization

2. Vertical Organization EN8OL-IIIb-5: Observe the use of correct

stress, pitch, and juncture when delivering
a persuasive speech.
EN9OL-Id-1.14: Use the correct pitch,
juncture, stress, intonation, rate of
speech, volume and projection when
delivering lines of poetry and prose in
dramatic and conventional speech choirs.
According to a claim, a topic studied in a
prior year may be covered again at a
higher level in the following year. In week
2 of the third quarter of grade 8, there was
connectivity to the same topic as in week
4 of the first quarter of grade 9. To be
aware of, however, each competency has
a different amount of difficulty.

2. What kind of curriculum design influenced mostly the K to 12 Curriculum? Is it

subject-centered design, learner-centered design, or problem-centered design? In the
first column for the table below, write Yes or No for your answers (more than one
design for “Yes” is allowed). For the design(s) you agreed with, justify your answer(s)
using an example.
Yes/No Types of Curriculum Justification (Example)
Design in K-12

Yes Subject-Centered Design

Yes Learner-Centered Design

Yes Problem-Centered Design

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