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“Types of Portfolio”

(A Written Report)

• Define the Different types of Portfolio
• Explain each type of portfolio
• Identify the types of portfolios

I. Introduction

Portfolio is a collection of student work consisting of written works or finished products. It

can also contain academic accomplishments, written teacher evaluations, and selfreflections.
Portfolios can be used to assess students in an authentic way that show a more accurate
picture of what students have learned, what they are able to do, and what they are currently
learning compared to traditional test assessments which only measures what students know
at a specific point of time (Glossary of Education Reform, 2016). Therefore, there is what we
call Portfolio Assessment where teachers evaluate or assess coursework quality, learning
progress, and academic achievement of a student through a collection of academic work and
other forms of education evidences. Teachers can also determine using portfolio assessment
whether students have met the leaning standards (Glossary of Education Reform, 2016). As
teachers, it’s important for us to know how to implement this kind of assessment method.
Thus, it’s also important for us to know the different type of portfolio so that we can be aware
of what type of portfolio will be appropriate to use in what we want to measure or evaluate. In
this report we will only be tackling about the types of portfolio which include working portfolios,
showcase portfolios, progress portfolios, process portfolios, and E-portfolios. Hence, this topic
aims to let the audience understand and be aware of the different types of portfolios.

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