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The Publicity Rule: All actions related to

the right of other people, whose maxim is not compatible with publicity, is wrong.
That is, the behavioral rule is such that if the agent would fear the response of his
community should his actions become public, we assume that the rights of others
are unfairly, thus disproportionately, affected. One should ask oneself whether those
affected by an action would approve of it. For example, if a pharmaceutical company
conceals the side effects of a drug, the publicity rule would be violated because the patients
would not understand the dangers to their health

Transhumanism is a philosophical and intellectual movement that

advocates the enhancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available
sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity and cognition
NBIC - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information technology and Cognitive science

1.As an electrician, Jesse Sullivan accidentally touched an active cable that contained 7,000-
7,500 volts of electricity. In May 2001, he had to have both his arms amputated at the shoulder.
Seven weeks after the amputation, Jesse Sullivan received matching bionic prostheses from Dr. Todd
Kuiken of the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Originally, they were operated from neural signals at the
amputation sites, but Jesse Sullivan developed hyper-sensitivity from his skin grafts, causing great
discomfort in those areas. Jesse Sullivan underwent neural surgery to graft nerves, which originally led to
his arm, to his chest. The sensors for his bionic arms have been moved to the left side of his chest to
receive signals from the newly grafted nerve endings.
While the prototype is being strengthened, Jesse Sullivan does day-to-day tasks using an older model.


Signals that are recorded from electrodes on the cortical surface, known as electrocorticography
(ECoG), have many features that are optimal for clinical application. Although invasive in nature,
these signals may achieve the best balance of signal quality, durability, and reliability to enable a
neuroprosthetic solution for the future. Because ECoG electrodes are placed directly on the cortical
surface (Fig. 109-3B), the signals have excellent spatial and spectral resolution compared with
EEG.36 The higher signal-to-noise ratio of the signal is due in part to both physical proximity (i.e., the
electrodes are directly on the cortical surface) and to the shielding effects of the skull (reducing
ambient muscle and environmental noise). Also, because the electrodes are extraparenchymal, the
immunologic response to the implant and its concomitant inflammatory and gliotic response are
substantially reduced owing to the lack of tissue disruption. In addition to the mechanical and
structural benefits, ECoG has a long history of use in clinical neurosurgery since its initial application
in epilepsy surgery by Penfield and Jasper.37 Thus this experience favors an easy technical transition
from current methodologies to neuroprosthetic applications.

There has been a dramatic increase in the use of ECoG for neuroprosthetic research since its initial
demonstration of closed-loop BCI control by patients undergoing invasive intracranial monitoring for
epilepsy surgery.38 Applicability has been demonstrated in a wide variety of task paradigms in this
type of patient population. There have been numerous studies examining motor intentions to enable
control of external devices.25,39-43 Furthermore, studies have been performed across pediatric age
groups demonstrating that the motor physiology features that enable neuroprosthetic applications
remain consistent from a pediatric age to advanced age.44,45 An additional benefit of human
subjects implanted with intracranial electrodes is that research applications can expand beyond the
classical motor output interface.46 Although animal models have several distinct advantages in
research design, higher cognitive functions are inaccessible in nonhuman subjects. One example of
human-specific cognitive operations used for BCI applications is the use of the speech cortex for
device control. In the clinical scenario of presurgical invasive monitoring, identification of language
areas in the cortex is often of primary concern. In such a clinical research setting, ECoG signals over
the speech cortex are modulated by imagined and overt speech production by the monitored
subject. The user is then able to control the direction of a virtual cursor by saying out loud, or
imagining saying covertly, various discriminating words preassigned to the opposing direction (
Video 109-3).47

Electrocorticography Electrodes
ECoG subdural grid electrodes and strips consist of series of flat electrode contacts placed on a thin
silicone sheet that either sits on the brain surface directly under the dura or is potentially placed
within a sulcus. Like sEEG intracranial electrodes, ECoG grids and strips are used clinically for seizure
localization, though in recent years with less frequency due to the required larger craniotomy and
higher complication rates. However, ECoG electrodes offer broader coverage of the cortical surface
and recording of neuron population-level field potentials, and have been demonstrated for closed-
loop control of simple cursor movements

3.BrainGate is a technology that is developed to define the connection between the human brain
and the computer. It is a brain implant system that helps people who have lost control of their limbs
or their functions in accidents or due to disease. It is a neurotransmitter prosthetic device.
Still in development
Allows the person to control objects through their thoughts

Reciprocyte-an artificial nano-red blood vessel
An artificial mechanical red cell which measures about 1 micron in diameter and floats along in the
bloodstream. It is a spherical nanorobot made of 18 billion atoms. The reciprocyte is essentially a
tiny pressure tank that mimics the action of the natural haemoglobin-filled red blood cells.
Reciprocytes will have pressure sensors to receive acoustic signals from the doctor, who will use an
ultrasound-like transmitter device to give the reciprocytes commands to modify their behaviour
while they are still inside the patient’s body.
The Reciprocyte’s functions
The reciprocyte can be pumped full of up to 9 billion oxygen and carbon dioxide molecules. These
gases can be released from the tiny tank in a controlled manner. The gasses are stored onboard at
the pressures up to about 1000 atmospheres. What if you added 1 liter of reciprocytes into your
bloodstream? You could hold your breath for nearly 4 hours if sitting quietly at the bottom of a
swimming pool. If sprinting at top speed, you could run for at least 15 minutes before taking a

1. A powered exoskeleton differs from a passive exoskeleton, as the latter has no intrinsic
actuator and relies completely on the user's own muscles for movements, adding more
stress and making the user more prone to fatigue, although it does provide mechanical
benefits and protection to the user.[4][5] This also explains the difference of an exoskeleton
to orthotics, as orthosis mainly aims to promote the progressively increased muscle work
and, in the best case, regain and improve existing muscle functions. Currently, there are
products that can help humans reduce their energy consumption by as much as 60 percent
while carrying things.[6]
Exoskeletons are not only designed for specific body parts; the exoskeletons may be designed
more generally for only one hand, a leg, or even the complete body. Thus, the separation of
the classes demonstrates the most common body parts exoskeletons can be built for. The full-
body class refers to the exoskeletons made to assist all the limbs, or most of the body. The
upper body refers to the exoskeletons made for the upper limbs, and involving the chest,
head, back, and/or shoulders. The lower body category refers to the exoskeletons made for
the lower limbs: thighs, lower legs, and/or hips. Moreover, there are classes for specific limbs
and specific joints. These classes include exoskeletons designed for the knee, ankle, hand, arm,
foot, etc. Additionally, there is a special class for any other exoskeleton that is not included in
the previous classes.[20]

Rigid exoskeletons are those whose structural components attached to the user’s body are
made with hard materials. Such materials include metals, plastics, fibers, etc. On the other
hand, soft exoskeletons, also called exo-suits, are made with materials that allow free
movement of the structural components. Exo-suits are often made with, yet not restricted to,

The action category describes the type of help the exoskeleton gives the user, dividing
exoskeletons into active and passive action. The active class comprises exoskeletons that give
“active” aid to the user; in other words, these exoskeletons perform the movements without
the need for the user to apply energy. The energy needed to perform the movement is
supplied by an external source. On the other hand, the passive class comprises exoskeletons
that need the user to perform the movement to work; these exoskeletons do not have power
sources. Thus, the user has to perform the movement, and while doing it, the exoskeleton
facilitates the movement.[20]

The powered technologies are separated into four main classes, with one specific class for
hybrid and one for any other non-common power technology. The four main classes comprise
the electric, hydraulic, and pneumatic actuators as the active action, and the mechanical
systems as the passive action.[20]

AMA - Artificial Moral Agent

What is the singularity in technology? Most notably, the singularity would involve computer
programs becoming so advanced that artificial intelligence (AI) transcends human
intelligence, potentially erasing the boundary between humanity and computers.

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