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Purok 4 Consuelo, M


9015 Misamis Oriental

August 15, 2023


Provincial Governor

Province of Misamis Oriental

Don Apolinar Velez Street, Cagayan de Oro City

Misamis Oriental Philippines

Dear, Governor


I’m writing to express my interest to apply as Administrative Aide I (Medical equipment Technician

II) fo r the Provincial Hospital - Magsaysay vacant position. I have a great interest in this position and

w o u ld ap p reciate y o u r co n sid eratio n .

In my previous experience, I worked in Bachelor Express Inc. Company to do several duties

and responsibilities. Prior to this job, I’m currently work in Provincial Hospital - gained and

Keeping detailed accurate works.

I am tremendously organized, making things flow more smoothly an d ab le to m an ag e. A good public

serv an t an d w o rk w ell. Which I feel would be a great asset in the position of your office. I am looking

fo rw ard to b eco m e an effectiv e em p lo y ee to carry o u t th e Jo b w ith m in im al su p erv isio n .

I appreciate your time in reviewing this letter and hope to hear from you in regard to the next steps

in the hiring process.

Attached herewith is my R E S U M E for your reference and evaluation.

Thank you very much and I’ll wait for your favourable response. God bless you and more blessings to





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