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Chapter 2: Double-Entry Book-keeping and the Trial Balance ......................................................... 1

Chapter 3: Profit Measurement and Balance Sheet Preparation ........................................................ 5
Chapter 4: Value Added Tax and Statutory Deductions..................................................................... 8
Chapter 5: Accruals, Prepayments, Bad Debts, Provisions and Bad Debts Recovered..................... 12
Chapter 6: Depreciation and Revaluation .......................................................................................... 15
Chapter 8: Final Accounts of a Sole Trader with Adjustments .......................................................... 29
Chapter 9: Bank Reconciliation Statements....................................................................................... 44
Chapter 10: Control Accounts.............................................................................................................. 48
Chapter 11: Correction of Errors – Suspense Account ........................................................................ 53
Chapter 12: The Conceptual Framework of Accounting ..................................................................... 66
Chapter 14: Limited Companies .......................................................................................................... 67
Chapter 15: Final Accounts of a Limited Company with Adjustments ............................................... 73
Chapter 16: Manufacturing Accounts .................................................................................................. 96
Chapter 17: Departmental Accounts .................................................................................................... 113
Chapter 18: Published Accounts (Higher Level Only) ........................................................................ 126
Chapter 19: Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements........................................................ 148
Chapter 20: Cash Flow Statements ...................................................................................................... 168
Chapter 21: Club Accounts and Accounts of Service Firms................................................................ 181
Chapter 22: Incomplete Records I ....................................................................................................... 206
Chapter 23: Incomplete Records II ...................................................................................................... 232
Chapter 24: Farm Accounts.................................................................................................................. 259
Chapter 25: Tabular Statements ........................................................................................................... 272
Chapter 26: Introduction to Management Accounting......................................................................... 275
Chapter 27: Cost Classification............................................................................................................ 276
Chapter 28: Product Costing ................................................................................................................ 278
Chapter 29: Cost Volume Profit Analysis (Marginal Costing) ............................................................. 288
Chapter 30: Budgeting and Budgetary Control.................................................................................... 299

© Kevin O Riordan 2000

ISBN 1841 31 3750

Folens Publishers, Hibernian Industrial Estate, Greenhills Road. Tallaght, Dublin 24.

The Publisher reserves the right to change, without notice, at any time the specification of this
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Double-Entry Book-keeping and
the Trial Balance: Solutions

Bank Account
July 1 Capital 35,000 July 12 Creditor 10,500
July 25 Sales 4,000 July 15 Wages 2,000
July 21 Advertising 1,000
July 28 Machinery 15,000
July 31 Balance c/d 10,500
39,000 39,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 10,500
Capital Account (Peter Howard)
July 31 Balance c/d 35,000 July 1 Bank 35,000
35,000 35,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 35,000
Purchases Account
July 5 Creditor 12,000
July 20 Creditor 8,000 July 31 Balance c/d 20,000
20,000 20,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 20,000
Creditor Account
July 12 Bank 10,500 July 5 Purchases 12,000
July 12 Discount Received 1,500 July 20 Purchases 8,000
July 22 Purchases Returns 1,000
July 31 Balance c/d 7,000
20,000 20,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 7,000
Discount Received Account
July 31 Balance c/d 1,500 July 12 Creditor 1,500
1,500 1,500
Aug 1 Balance b/d 1,500
Purchases Returns Account
July 31 Balance c/d 1,000 July 22 Creditor 1,000
1,000 1,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 1,000
Sales Account
July 17 Debtor 16,000
July 25 Bank 4,000
July 31 Balance c/d 21,500 July 31 Debtor 1,500
21,500 21,500
Aug 1 Balance b/d 21,500

Debtor Account
July 7 Sales 16,000 July 8 Sales Returns 3,000
July 31 Sales 1,500 July 31 Balance c/d 14,500
17,500 17,500
Aug 1 Balance b/d 14,500

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Sales Returns Account

July 8 Debtor 3,000 July 31 Balance c/d 3,000
3,000 3,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 3,000
Wages Account
July 15 Bank 2,000 July 31 Balance c/d 2,000
2,000 2,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 2,000
Advertising Account
July 21 Bank 1,000 July 31 Balance c/d 1,000
1,000 1,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 1,000
Machinery Account
July 28 Bank 15,000 July 31 Balance c/d 15,000
15,000 15,000
Aug 1 Balance b/d 15,000
Trial Balance as at 31 July € €
Name of Account Debit Credit
Bank............................................................ 10,500
Capital......................................................... 35,000
Purchases .................................................... 20,000
Creditors ..................................................... 7,000
Discount Received........................................ 1,500
Purchases Returns........................................ 1,000
Sales............................................................ 21,500
Debtor......................................................... 14,500
Sales Returns ............................................... 3,000
Wages ......................................................... 2,000
Advertising .................................................. 1,000
Machinery ................................................... 15,000
66,000 66,000

Bank Account
Mar 1 Capital 12,000 Mar 3 Rent 150
Mar 30 Cash 4,800 Mar 8 Wages 100
Mar 11 Creditor 2,900
Mar 16 Wages 100
Mar 20 Rates 50
Mar 22 Motor Vehicle 5,000
Mar 23 Wages 100
Mar 25 Rent 150
Mar 31 Wages 120
Mar 31 Balance c/d 8,130
16,800 16,800
Apr 1 Balance b/d 8,130


Rent Account
Mar 3 Bank 150
Mar 25 Bank 150 Mar 31 Balance c/d 300
300 300
Apr 1 Balance b/d 300
Creditor Account
Mar 11 Bank 2,900 Mar 7 Purchases 3,000
Mar 11 Discount Received 100 Mar 24 Purchases 2,000
Mar 26 Purchases Returns 300
Mar 31 Balance c/d 1,700
5,000 5,000
Apr 1 Balance b/d 1,700
Purchases Account
Mar 7 Creditor 3,000 Mar 29 Drawings 600
Mar 24 Creditor 2,000 Mar 31 Balance c/d 4,400
5,000 5,000
Apr 1 Balance b/d 4,400
Discount Received Account
Mar 31 Balance c/d 100 Mar 11 Creditor 100
100 100
Apr 1 Balance b/d 100
Purchases Returns Account
Mar 31 Balance c/d 300 Mar 26 Creditor 300
300 300
Apr 1 Balance b/d 300
Wages Account
Mar 8 Bank 100
Mar 16 Bank 100
Mar 23 Bank 100
Mar 31 Bank 120 Mar 31 Balance c/d 420
420 420
Apr 1 Balance b/d 420
Sales Account
Mar 10 Cash 2,000
Mar 19 Debtor 4,000
Mar 27 Debtor 2,700
Mar 31 Balance c/d 13,200 Mar 28 Cash 4,500
13,200 13,200
Apr 1 Balance b/d 13,200
Cash Account
Mar 10 Sales 2,000 Mar 15 Advertising 750
Mar 28 Sales 4,500 Mar 30 Bank 4,800
Mar 31 Balance c/d 950
6,500 6,500
Apr 1 Balance b/d 950
Advertising Account
Mar 15 Cash 750 Mar 31 Balance c/d 750
750 750
Apr 1 Balance b/d 750

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Debtor Account
Mar 19 Sales 4,000 Mar 21 Sales Returns 500
Mar 27 Sales 2,700 Mar 31 Balance c/d 6,200
6,700 6,700
Apr 1 Balance b/d 6,200

Sales Returns Account

Mar 21 Debtor 500 Mar 31 Balance c/d 500
500 500
Apr 1 Balance b/d 500

Rates Account
Mar 20 Bank 50 Mar 31 Balance c/d 50
50 50
Apr 1 Balance b/d 50

Motor Vehicle Account

Mar 21 Bank 5,000 Mar 31 Balance c/d 5,000
5,000 5,000
Apr 1 Balance b/d 5,000

Drawings Account
Mar 29 Purchases 600 Mar 31 Balance c/d 600
600 600
Apr 1 Balance b/d 600

Capital Account
Mar 31 Balance c/d 12,000 Mar 1 Bank 12,000
12,000 12,000
Apr 1 Balance b/d 12,000

Trial Balance as at 31 March € €

Name of Account Debit Credit
Bank............................................................. 8,130
Rent ............................................................. 300
Creditor........................................................ 1,700
Purchases ..................................................... 4,400
Discount Received ........................................ 100
Purchases Returns......................................... 300
Wages .......................................................... 420
Sales............................................................. 13,200
Cash............................................................. 950
Advertising ................................................... 750
Debtor.......................................................... 6,200
Sales Returns ................................................ 500
Rates ............................................................ 50
Motor Vehicles ............................................. 5,000
Drawings...................................................... 600
Capital ......................................................... 12,000
27,300 27,300

Profit Measurement and Balance
Sheet Preparation: Solutions

(a) Revenue (b) Capital (c) Revenue (d) Capital

(e) Capital (f) Revenue (g) Revenue (h) Capital
(i) Revenue (j) Capital (k) Capital

(a) Trading Account (b) Profit and Loss Account (c) Balance Sheet (d) Balance Sheet
(e) Trading account (f) Profit and Loss Account (g) Profit and Loss Account (h) Profit and Loss Account
(i) Balance Sheet (j) Balance Sheet (k) Balance Sheet


Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
€ € €
Sales 89,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 4,000
Add Purchases 42,000
Less Purchases Returns (700)
Less closing stock (5,000)
Gross profit 48,700
Add income
Discount received 400
Less expenses
Wages 10,000
Discount allowed 600
Insurance 1,500
Carriage outwards 890
Postage and stationery 110
Light and heat 1,700
Net profit 34,300

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

€ € €
Fixed Assets
Premises 80,000
Furniture and fittings 12,000
Current Assets
Stock 5,000
Debtors 8,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 4,000
Bank Overdraft 2,000
Financed by
Capital 71,700
Add Net Profit 34,300
Less Drawings (7,000)


Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30/6/-9
€ €
Sales 151,000
Less sales returns (1,000)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 20,000
Add Purchases 107,000
Add carriage inwards 3,000
Add custom duties 4,500
Less closing stock (30,000)
Gross profit 45,500
Add income
Rent received 7,500
Less expenses
Wages 19,000
Light and heat 2,000
Advertising 3,000
Insurance 7,000
General expenses 6,000
Net profit 16,000


Balance Sheet as at 30/6/-9

€ € €
Fixed Assets
Land and buildings 100,000
Furniture and equipment 20,000
Motor vehicles 12,000
Current Assets
Stock 30,000
Debtors 20,000
Cash 1,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 25,000
Bank Overdraft 16,000
Financed by
Capital 136,000
Add Net Profit 16,000
Less Drawings (10,000)

Value Added Tax and Statutory
Deductions: Solutions

Purchases Account
May 1 Creditor 15,000
May 19 Creditor 5,000 May 31 Balance c/d 20,000
20,000 20,000
June 1 Balance c/d 20,000
VAT Account
May 1 Creditor (Purchases) 1,500 May 3 Debtor (Sales) 2,500
May 15 Bank (Eircom) 4 May 4 Creditor (Purchases returns) 100
May 19 Creditors (Purchases) 500 May 11 Debtor (Sales) 700
May 20 Debtors (Sales returns) 50 May 28 Debtor (Sales) 400
May 27 Bank (Stationery) 10
May 31 Balance c/d 1,636
3,700 3,700
June 1 Balance b/d 1,636
Creditor Account
May 4 Purchases returns 1,100 May 1 Purchases 16,500
May 22 Bank 15,400 May 19 Purchases 5,500
May 31 Balance b/d 5,500
22,000 22,000
June 1 Balance b/d 5,500
Sales Account
May 3 Debtor 25,000
May 11 Debtor 7,000
May 7 Balance c/d 36,000 May 28 Debtor 4,000
36,000 36,000
June 1 Balance b/d 36,000
Debtor Account
May 3 Sales 27,500 May 10 Bank 27,500
May 11 Sales 7,700 May 20 Sales returns 550
May 28 Sales 4,400 May 31 Balance c/d 11,550
39,600 39,600
June 1 Balance b/d 11,550
Purchases Returns Account
May 31 Balance b/d 1,000 May 4 Creditor 1,000
1,000 1,000
June 1 Balance b/d 1,000
Bank Account
May 10 Debtor 27,500 May 15 Telephone expenses 44
May 17 Entertainment expenses 330
May 22 Creditor 15,400
May 25 Motor vehicles 6,600
May 27 Stationery 110
May 28 Balance c/d 5,016
27,500 27,500
June 1 Balance b/d 5,016


Telephone Expenses Account

May 15 Bank 40 May 31 Balance c/d 40
40 40
June 1 Balance b/d 40
Entertainment Expenses Account
May 17 Bank 330 May 31 Balance c/d 330
330 330
June 1 Balance b/d 330
Sales Returns Account
May 20 Debtor 500 May 31 Balance c/d 500
500 500
June 1 Balance b/d 500
Motor Vehicles Account
May 25 Bank 6,600 May 31 Balance c/d 6,600
6,600 6,600
June 1 Balance b/d 6,600
Stationery Account
May 27 Bank 100 May 31 Balance c/d 100
100 100
June 1 Balance b/d 100

The Trading Account for the month will show the following entries:
Sales €36,000
Less sales returns (500)
Purchases €20,000
Less purchases returns (1,000)
The Profit and Loss Account at the end of the month will show the following expenses:
Telephone €40
Entertainment €330
Stationery €100
The Balance Sheet at the end of the month will show the following:
Fixed assets
Motor vehicle €6,600
Current assets
Debtor €11,550
Bank €5,016
Current liabilities
Creditors €5,500
VAT €1,636

Wages Account
Nov 30 Bank 16,020
PAYE 10,320
PRSI (EE) 2,310
VHI 350
Savings club 4,000
PRSI (ER) 4,950 Nov 30 Balance c/d 37,950
37,950 37,950
Dec 1 Balance b/d 37,950

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Bank Account
Nov 30 Wages 16,020

Nov 30 Wages 10,320
Wages (EE) 2,310
Nov 30 Balance c/d 17,580 Wages (ER) 4,950
17,580 17,580
Dec 1 Balance b/d 17,580
VHI Account
Nov 30 Balance c/d 350 Nov 30 Wages 350
350 350
Dec 1 Balance b/d 350
Savings Club Account
Nov 30 Balance c/d 4,000 Nov 30 Wages 4,000
4,000 4,000
Dec 1 Balance b/d 4,000
The Profit and Loss Account for the year will show the following expense:
Wages €37,950
The Balance Sheet at the end of the month will show the following:
Current liabilities
PAYE/PRSI €17,580
VHI €350
Savings club €4,000

Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
€ € €
Sales 45,000
Less Returns In (1,000)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 2,000
Add Purchases 21,000
Less Returns Out (500)
Add Carriage In 500
Less Closing Stock (4,000)
Gross Profit 25,000
Add Income
Discount Received 500
Rent Received 2,000
Less Expenses 27,500
Rates 14,000
Insurance 600
Discount allowed 1,400
Light and Heat 300
Postage and Stationery 600
Net Profit 9,900


Balance Sheet As At 31/12/-0

€ € €
Fixed Assets
Premises 60,000
Motor Vehicles 20,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 4,000
Debtors 14,000
Cash 1,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 8,000
Bank Overdraft 2,000
VAT 1,800
Financed by
Capital 78,800
Add Net Profit 9,900
Less Drawings (4,000)

Accruals, Prepayments, Bad Debts, Provisions
and Bad Debts Recovered: Solutions

Car Tax Account

1/1/-6 Balance b/d 72
1/4/-6 Bank 168 31/12/-6 Profit and Loss Account 324
1/10/-6 Bank 168 31/12/-6 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 84
408 408
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 84
1/4/-7 Bank 210 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 399
1/10/-7 Bank 210 31/12/-7 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 105
504 504
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 105

(a) Bad Debts Account
1/10/-7 Debtors 440
31/12/-7 Debtors 100 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 540
540 540

(b) Provision for Bad Debts Account

1/1/-8 Balance b/d 620
31/12/-7 Balance c/d (5% of 14,000) 700 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 80
700 700
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 700

Car Insurance Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 200 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 920
1/4/-8 Bank 960 31/12/-8 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 240
1,160 1,160
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 240 31/12/-9 Profit and Loss Account 1,140
1/4/-9 Bank 1,200 31/12/-9 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 300
1,440 1,440
1/1/-0 Balance b/d 300

Rent Receivable Account
31/12/-5 Profit and Loss Account 1,350 1/1/-5 Balance b/d 600
31/12/-5 Balance c/d (six months prepaid) 750 1/7/-5 Bank 1,500
2,100 2,100
31/12/-6 Profit and Loss Account 1,650 1/1/-6 Balance b/d 750
31/12/-6 Balance c/d (six months prepaid) 900 1/7/-6 Bank 1,800
2,550 2,550
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 900


Motor Vehicles Tax Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 240
1/4/-7 Bank 520 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 1,020
1/10/-7 Bank 520 31/12/-7 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 260
1,280 1,280
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 260
1/4/-8 Bank 600 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 1,160
1/10/-8 Bank 600 31/12/-8 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 300
1,460 1,460
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 300

(a) Bad Debts Account
1/5/-8 Debtors 550 1/5/-8 Provision for Bad Debts 550
31/12/-8 Debtors 200 31/12/-8 Provision for Bad Debts 200
750 750

(b) Provision for Bad Debts Account

1/5/-8 Bad Debts 550 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 800
31/12/-8 Bad Debts 200
31/12/-8 Balance c/d (5% of 18,000) 900 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 850
1,650 1,650
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 900

(a) Bad Debts Account
1/6/-6 Debtors 480
31/12/-8 Debtors 400 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 880
880 880

(b) Provision for Bad Debts Account

1/1/-6 Balance b/d 940
31/12/-6 Balance c/d (5% of 19,600) 980 31/12/-6 Profit and Loss Account 40
980 980
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 980

Rent Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 150
1/4/-7 Bank 360 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 690
1/10/-7 Bank 360 31/12/-7 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 180
870 870
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 180
1/4/-8 Bank 420 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 810
1/10/-8 Bank 420 31/12/-8 Balance c/d (three months prepaid) 210
1,020 1,020
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 210

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Bad Debts Account
1/6/-8 Debtors 640 1/6/-8 Provision for Bad Debts 640
31/12/-8 Debtors 500 31/12/-8 Provision for Bad Debts 500
1,140 1,140

(b) Provision for Bad Debts Account

1/6/-8 Bad Debts 640 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 1,680
31/12/-8 Bad Debts 500
31/12/-8 Balance c/d (5% of 24,000) 1,200 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 660
2,340 2,340
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 1,200

(a) Bad Debts Account
Debtors 900 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 900
900 900

(b) Provision for Bad Debts Account

1/1/-8 Balance b/d 800
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 1,400 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account 600
1,400 1,400
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 1,400

(c) Provision for Discount Allowed Account

31/12/-8 Profit and Loss Account
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 392 (2% of 20,000 – 400) 392
392 392
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 392

(d) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 (Extract)
Bad Debts 900
Provision for Bad Debts Increase 600
Provision for Discount Allowed Increase 392

(e) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8 (Extract)

Current Assets
Debtors 26,000
Less Provision for Bad Debts (1,400)
Less Provision for Discount Allowed (392) 24,208

Rent and Rates Account
3/1/-7 Bank 1,800 1/1/-7 Balance c/d (three months rates due) 420
7/1/-7 Bank 840
20/6/-7 Bank 1,800
4/9/-7 Bank 960
6/9/-7 Bank 1,800
30/12/-7 Bank 960 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss Account 9,060
31/12/-7 Balance c/d (three months rent due) 1,800 31/12/-7 Balance c/d (three rates prepaid) 480
9,960 9,960
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 480 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 1,800

Depreciation and
Revaluation: Solutions

(a) Buses Account

1/1/-3 Balance b/d 80,000
1/7/-3 Bank 25,000 31/12/-3 Balance c/d 105,000
105,000 105,000
1/1/-4 Balance b/d 105,000 1/1/-4 Disposal 20,000
31/12/-4 Balance c/d 85,000
105,000 105,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/1/-3 Balance b/d 25,000
31/12/-3 Balance c/d 35,000 31/12/-3 Profit and loss 10,000
35,000 35,000
1/1/-4 Disposal 12,500 1/1/-4 Balance b/d 35,000
31/12/-4 Balance c/d 31,000 31/12/-4 Profit and Loss 8,500
43,500 43,500
(c) Bus Disposal Account
1/1/-4 Bus 20,000 1/1/-4 Depreciation 12,500
1/1/-4 Bank 7,000
31/12/-4 Loss 500
20,000 20,000

(a) Buses Account
1/1/-5 Balance b/d 95,000
1/7/-5 Bank 35,000 31/12/-5 Balance c/d 130,000
130,000 130,000
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 130,000 1/7/-6 Disposal 28,000
31/12/-6 Balance c/d 102,000
130,000 130,000
(b) Provision for Depreciation Account
1/1/-5 Balance b/d 40,000
31/12/-5 Balance c/d 64,000 31/12/-5 Profit and Loss 24,000
64,000 64,000
1/7/-6 Disposal 24,100 1/1/-6 Balance b/d 64,000
31/12/-6 Balance c/d 60,900 31/12/-6 Profit and Loss 21,000
85,000 85,000
(c) Bus Disposal Account
1/7/-6 Bus 28,000 1/7/-6 Depreciation 24,100
31/12/-6 Profit 700 1/7/-6 Bank 4,600
28,700 28,700

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Lorries Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 150,000
1/4/-7 Bank 60,000 31/12/-7 Balance c/d 210,000
210,000 210,000
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 210,000 1/9/-8 Disposal 40,000
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 170,000
210,000 210,000
(b) Provision for Depreciation Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 45,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 66,000 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss 21,000
66,000 66,000
1/9/-8 Disposal 28,500 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 66,000
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 56,500 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss 19,000
85,000 85,000

(c) Lorry Disposal Account

1/9/-8 Lorries 40,000 1/9/-8 Depreciation 28,500
1/9/-8 Bank 9,000
31/12/-8 Loss 2,500
40,000 40,000

(a) Buses Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 175,000 1/4/-8 Disposal 45,000
1/4/-8 Bank 70,000 31/12/-8 Balance c/d 200,000
245,000 245,000
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 200,000 31/12/-9 Balance c/d 200,000
200,000 200,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/4/-8 Disposal 27,000 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 54,000
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 43,500 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss 17,500
71,500 71,500
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 43,500
31/12/-9 Balance c/d 63,500 31/12/-9 Profit and Loss 20,000
63,500 63,500

(c) Bus Disposal Account

1/4/-8 Bus 45,000 1/4/-8 Depreciation 27,000
31/12/-8 Profit 1,000 1/4/-8 Bank 19,000
46,000 46,000

(a) Truck Account
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 160,000 1/12/-6 Disposal 25,000
1/10/-6 Bank 54,000 31/12/-6 Balance c/d 189,000
214,000 214,000
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 189,000 1/9/-7 Disposal 30,000
1/7/-7 Bank 36,000 31/12/-7 Balance c/d 195,000
225,000 225,000


(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/12/-6 Disposal 14,000 1/1/-6 Balance b/d 46,000
31/12/-6 Balance c/d 51,000 31/12/-6 Profit and loss 19,000
65,000 65,000
1/9/-7 Disposal 20,000 1/1/-7 Balance b/d 51,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 58,000 31/12/-7 Profit and loss 27,000
78,000 78,000

(c) Truck Disposal Account

1/12/-6 Truck 25,000 1/12/-6 Depreciation 14,000
31/12/-6 Profit 5,000 1/12/-6 Bank 16,000
30,000 30,000
1/9/-7 Truck 30,000 1/9/-7 Depreciation 20,000
31/12/-7 Profit 2,000 1/9/-7 Bank 12,000
32,000 32,000

Bus Account
1/1/-8 Buses at cost amounted to €145,000
1/7/-8 Bus which cost €40,000 was sold
31/12/-8 Buses at cost amounted to €105,000
1/9/-9 Bus purchased for €25,000
1/12/-9 Bus purchased on credit for €27,000
31/12/-9 Buses at cost amounted to €157,000

Provision for Depreciation Account

1/1/-8 Accumulated balance on depreciation was €30,000
1/7/-8 Bus sold on 1/7/-8 had accumulated depreciation of €10,000
31/12/-8 Annual depreciation charge was €11,000
31/12/-8 Accumulated balance on depreciation was €31,000
31/12/-9 Annual depreciation charge was €23,000
31/12/-9 Accumulated balance on depreciation was €54,000

Disposal Account
1/7/-8 Bus sold cost €40,000
1/7/-8 Accumulated depreciation on bus sold was €10,000
1/7/-8 Bus was sold for €28,000
31/12/-8 Loss on disposal of bus was €2,000

QUESTION 6.7 (HIGHER LEVEL) (Reference to Calculations in Brackets).

(a) Vehicles Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d (1) 80,000 1/4/-8 Disposal 26,000
1/4/-8 Trade-in 15,000
Bank 20,000 31/12/-8 Balance c/d 89,000
115,000 115,000
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 89,000 1/10/-9 Disposal 32,000
1/10/-9 Bank 44,000 31/12/-9 Balance c/d 101,000
133,000 133,000
1/1/00 Balance b/d 101,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/4/-8 Disposal (3) 13,000 1/1/-8 Balance b/d (2) 42,400
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 44,550 31/12/-8 Profit and loss (4) 15,150
57,550 57,550
1/10/-9 Disposal (5) 22,100 1/1/-9 Balance b/d 44,550
31/12/-9 Balance c/d 36,450 31/12/-9 Profit and loss (6) 14,000
58,550 58,550
1/1/00 Balance b/d 36,450
(c) Vehicles Disposal Account
1/4/-8 Vehicle 26,000 1/4/-8 Depreciation (3) 13,000
31/12/-8 Profit and loss 2,000 1/4/-8 Trade-in 15,000
28,000 28,000
1/10/-9 Vehicle 32,000 1/10/-9 Depreciation (5) 22,100
1/10/-9 Bank 500
31/12/-9 Profit and loss 9,400
32,000 32,000

1. Opening balance on Vehicles Account as 1/1/-8
No. 1 – 22,000
No. 2 – 26,000
No. 3 – 30,000
Tachograph 2,000
2. Opening balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-8
No. 1 – (1/7/-3 – 1/1/-8) = 4 years, 6 months (4 1--- ) x 20% of 22,000 = ...................................... 19,800

No. 2 – (1/10/-5 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years, 3 months (2 1--- ) x 20% of 26,000 = ................................... 11,700

No. 3 – (1/4/-6 – 1/1/-8) = 1 year, 9 months (1 3--- ) x 20% of 30,000 = ....................................... 10,500
Tachograph – (1/1/-7 – 1/1/-8) = 1 year x 20% of 2,000 = ......................................................... 400
Total = ............................................................................................................................. 42,400

3. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 2

1/10/-5 – 1/4/-8 = 2 years, 6 months (2 1--- ) x 20% of 26,000 =.................................................... 13,000

4. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-8

No. 1 – 1 year x 20% of 22,000 (N.B. – only 1--- year remaining) = ........................................... 2,200

No. 2 – 3 months ( 1--- ) of 20% of 26,000...................................................................................... 1,300

No. 3 – 1 year x 20% of 32,000 = .............................................................................................. 6,400
No. 4 – 9 months ( 3--- ) x 20% of 35,000 = ................................................................................... 5,250
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 15,150
5. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 3
Vehicle – (1/4/-6 – 1/10/-9) = 3 years, 6 months (3 1--- ) x 20% of 30,000 = ................................ 21,000

Tachograph – (1/1/-7 – 1/10/-9) = 2 years, 9 months (2 3--- ) x 20% of 2,000 = ........................... 1,100
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 22,100


6. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-9

No. 1 – Fully depreciated = ........................................................................................................ Nil
No. 3 – 9 months ( 3--- ) x 20% of 32,000 =.................................................................................... 4,800
No. 4 – 1 year x 20% of 35,000 = ............................................................................................... 7,000
No. 5 – 3 months ( 1--- ) x 20% of 44,000 = ................................................................................... 2,200
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 14,000

QUESTION 6.8 (HIGHER LEVEL) (Reference to Calculations in Brackets)

(a) Vehicles Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d (1) 80,000 1/10/-8 Disposal 20,000
1/10/-8 Bank 31,000
Trade-in 9,000 31/12/-8 Balance c/d 100,000
120,000 120,000
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 100,000 1/7/-9 Disposal 36,000
1/8/-9 Bank 48,000 31/12/-9 Balance c/d 112,000
148,000 148,000
1/1/-0 Balance b/d 112,000
(b) Provision for Depreciation Account
1/10/-8 Disposal (3) 20,000 1/1/-8 Balance b/d (2) 47,750
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 36,500 31/12/-8 Profit and loss (4) 8,750
56,500 56,500
1/7/-9 Disposal (5) 18,750 1/1/-9 Balance b/d 36,500
31/12/-9 Balance b/d 30,500 31/12/-9 Profit and loss (6) 12,750
49,250 49,250
1/1/-0 Balance b/d 30,500
(c) Vehicles Disposal Account
1/10/-8 Vehicles 20,000 1/10/-8 Depreciation (3) 20,000
31/12/-8 Profit and Loss 9,000 1/10/-8 Trade-in 9,000
29,000 29,000
1/7/-9 Vehicles 36,000 1/7/-9 Depreciation (5) 18,750
31/12/-9 Profit and Loss 1,250 1/7/-9 Bank 2,500
1/7/-9 Bank (Insurance) 16,000
37,250 37,250

1. Opening balance on Vehicles Account as at 1/1/-8
No. 1 – 20,000
No. 2 – 24,000
No. 3 – 32,000
Tachograph 4,000

2. Opening balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-9

No. 1 – (1/7/-9 – 1/1/-8) = 8 years, 6 months, i.e. fully depreciated =........................................ 20,000
No. 2 – (1/10/-2 – 1/1/-8) = 5 years, 3 months (5 1--- ) x 12 1--- % of 24,000 = ................................ 15,750
4 2

No. 3 – (1/4/-5 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years, 9 months 2( 3--- ) x 12 1--- % of 32,000 = .................................. 11,000
4 2

Tachograph – (1/1/-6 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years x 12 1--- % of 4,000 =..................................................... 1,000


Total = ............................................................................................................................. 47,750

Leaving Certificate Accounting

3. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 1

1/7/-9 – 1/10/-8 = Fully Depreciated = ....................................................................................... 20,000

4. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-8

No. 1 – Fully Depreciated = ....................................................................................................... Nil
No. 2 – 1 year x 12 1--- % of 24,000................................................................................................ 3,000

No. 3 – 1 year x 12 1--- % of 36,000 = ........................................................................................... 4,500


No. 4 – 3 months ( --- ) x 12 1--- % of 40,000 = ................................................................................

4 2
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 8,750

5. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 3

Vehicle – (1/4/-5 – 1/7/-9) = 4 years, 3 months (4 1--- ) x 12 1--- % of 32,000 = ............................... 17,000
4 2

Tachograph – (1/1/-6 – 1/7/-9) = 3 years, 6 months (3 1--- ) x 12 1--- % of 4,000 = ........................... 1,750
2 2
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 18,750

6. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-9

No. 2 – 1 year x 12 1--- % of 24,000 = ........................................................................................... 3,000

No. 3 – 6 months ( 1--- ) x 12 1--- % of 36,000 =................................................................................. 2,250

2 2
No. 4 – 1 year x 12 --- % of 40,000 = ............................................................................................ 5,000
5 1
No. 5 – 5 months ( -----
- ) x 12 --- % of 48,000 = ............................................................................. 2,500
12 2
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 12,750
QUESTION 6.9 (HIGHER LEVEL) (Reference to Calculations in Brackets)
(a) Vehicles Account
1/1/-0 Balance b/d (1) 128,000 1/9/-0 Disposal 48,000
1/9/-0 Bank 36,000
Trade-in 18,000 31/12/-0 Balance c/d 134,000
182,000 182,000
1/1/-1 Balance b/d 134,000 1/4/-1 Disposal 44,000
1/4/-1 Bank 35,000
Trade-in 23,000 31/12/-1 Balance c/d 148,000
192,000 192,000
1/1/-2 Balance b/d 148,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/9/-0 Disposal (3) 28,800 1/1/-0 Balance b/d (2) 50,400
31/12/200 Balance c/d 47,600 31/12/-0 Profit and Loss (4) 26,000
76,400 76,400
1/4/-1 Disposal (5) 13,200 1/1/-1 Balance b/d 47,600
31/12/-1 Balance b/d 59,100 31/12/-1 Profit and Loss (5) 24,700
72,300 72,300
1/1/-2 Balance b/d 59,100


(c) Vehicles Disposal Account

1/9/200 Vehicles 48,000 1/9/-0 Depreciation (3) 28,800
1/9/-0 Trade-in 18,000
31/8/-0 Profit and Loss 1,200
48,000 48,000
1/4/-1 Vehicles 44,000 1/4/-1 Depreciation (5) 13,200
1/4/-1 Trade-in 23,000
1/4/-1 Bank (insurance) 4,000
31/12/-1 Profit and Loss 3,800
44,000 44,000
1. Opening balance on Vehicles Account as at 1/1/-0
No. 1 – 36,000
No. 2 – 42,000
No. 3 – 44,000
Tachograph 6,000
2. Opening balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-0
No. 1 – (1/6/-6 – 1/1/-0) = 3 years, 7 months (3-----
-) x 20% of 36,000 = ..................................... 25,800
No. 2 – (1/8/-7 – 1/1/-0) = 2 years, 5 months (2------) x 20% of 42,000 = ..................................... 20,300
No. 3 – (1/10/-9 – 1/1/-0) = 3 months ( 1--- ) x 20% of 44,000 = ................................................... 2,200

Tachograph – (1/4/-8 – 1/1/-0) = 1 year, 9 months (1 3--- ) x 20% of 6,000 = ............................... 2,100

Total = ............................................................................................................................. 50,400

3. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 2

Vehicle – (1/8/-7 – 1/9/-0) = 3 years, 1 months (3-----
-) x 20% of 42,000 = .................................. 25,900
Tachograph – (1/4/-8 – 1/9/-0) = 2 years, 5 months (2-----
-) x 20% of 6,000 = ............................. 2,900
Total = ............................................................................................................................. 28,800

4. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-0

No. 1 – 1 year x 20% of 36,000 .................................................................................................. =7,200
No. 2 – 8 months ( 2--- ) x 20% of 48,000 ....................................................................................... =6,400
No. 3 – 1 year x 20% of 44,000 = .............................................................................................. 8,800
No. 4 – 4 months ( 1--- ) x 20% of 54,000 = ................................................................................... 3,600
Total = ................................................................................................................................ 26,000
5. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 3
1/10/-9 – 1/4/-1 = 1 year, 6 months (1 1--- ) x 20% of 44,000 = ..................................................... 13,200

6. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-1

No. 1 – 1 year (only 5 months chargeable) (-----
-) x 20% of 36,000 =......................................... 3,000
No. 3 – 3 months ( 1--- ) x 20% of 44,000 =.................................................................................... 2,200
No. 4 – 1 year x 20% of 54,000 = ............................................................................................... 10,800
No. 5 – 9 months ( 3--- ) x 20% of 58,000 = .................................................................................. 8,700
................................................................................................................................ 24,700

Leaving Certificate Accounting

QUESTION 6.10 (HIGHER LEVEL) (Reference to Calculations in Brackets)

(a) Vehicles Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d (1) 127,000 1/9/-8 Disposal 46,000
1/9/-8 Bank 38,000
Trade-in 16,000 31/12/-8 Balance c/d 135,000
181,000 181,000
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 135,000 1/4/-9 Disposal 42,000
1/4/-9 Bank 53,000 157,000
Trade-in 11,000 31/12/-9 Balance c/d
199,000 199,000
1/1/-0 Balance b/d 157,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/9/-8 Disposal (3) 24,923 1/1/-8 Balance b/d (2) 44,120
31/12/-8 Balance c/d 37,752 31/12/-8 Profit and Loss (4) 18,555
62,675 62,675
1/4/-9 Disposal (5) 16,464 1/1/-9 Balance b/d 37,752
31/12/-9 Balance c/d 46,306 31/12/-9 Profit and Loss (6) 25,018
62,770 62,770
1/1/-0 Balance b/d 46,306

(c) Vehicles Disposal Account

1/9/-8 Vehicles 46,000 1/9/-8 Depreciation (3) 24,923
1/9/-8 Trade-in 16,000
31/12/-8 Profit and Loss 5,077
46,000 46,000
1/4/-9 Vehicles 42,000 1/4/-9 Depreciation (5) 16,464
1/4/-9 Trade-in 11,000
1/4/-9 Bank (Insurance) 8,000
31/12/-9 Profit and Loss 6,536
42,000 42,000

1. Opening balance on Vehicles Account as at 1/1/-8
No. 1 – 40,000
No. 2 – 39,000
No. 3 – 42,000
Tachograph 6,000
2. Opening balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-0
No. 1 – (1/1/-5 – 1/1/-8) = 3 years
Year 1 – 40,000 x 20% = ............................................................. 8,000
Year 2 – (40,000 – 8,000) = 32,000 x 20% =............................... 6,400
Year 3 – (32,000 – 6,400) = 25,600 x 20% =............................. 5,120 ................19,520
No. 2 – (1/1/-6 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years
Year 1 – 39,000 x 20% = ............................................................ 7,800
Year 2 – (39,000 – 7,800) = 31,200 x 20% = ............................. 6,240 ................14,040
No. 3 – (1/1/-7 – 1/1/-8) = 1 year
Year 1 – 42,000 x 20% = ........................................................... 8,400 ..................8,400
Tachograph – (1/1/-6 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years,
Year 1 – 6,000 x 20% = ............................................................... 1,200
Year 2 – (6,000 – 1,200) = 4,800 x 20%..................................... 960 ..................2,160
Total = .................................................................................................................... 44,120


3. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 1

Vehicle – (1/1/-5 – 1/9/-8) = 3 years, 8 months (3 2--- )
Years 1, 2 and 3 (as above calculation 2) = .............................. 19,520
Year 4 (25,600 – 5,120) = 20,480 x 20% x ( 2--- ) = .................... 2,731 ................22,251

Tachograph – (1/1/-6 – 1/9/-8) = 2 years, 8 months (2 2--- )

Years 1 and 2 (as above calculation 2) = ..................................... 2,160
Year 3 (4,800 – 960) = 3,840 x 20% x ( 2--- ) = .............................. 512 ..................2,672

Total = .....................................................................................................................24,923

4. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-8

No. 1 – 2--- year (as above calculation 3) .............................................................................3,243
No. 2 – 1 year x 20% of (31,200 – 6,240) = 24,960 = .......................................................4,992
No. 3 – 1 year x 20% of (42,000 – 8,400) = 33,600 = ......................................................6,720
No. 4 – 1--- year x 20% of 54,000 = ....................................................................................3,600
Total = .................................................................................................................... 18,555

5. Depreciation to date of Sale Vehicle No. 3

(1/1/-7 – 1/4/-9) = 2 years, 3 months (2 1--- )
Year 1 Calculation 2 = .................................................................. 8,400
Year 2 Calculation 4 = .................................................................. 6,720
Year 3 – 1--- year x 20% of (33,600 – 6,720 = 26,880) ............................. 1,344
Total = ........................................................................................ 16,464

6. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-9

No. 2 – 1 year x 20% of (24,960 – 4,992) = 19,968 = .................................... ..................3,994
No. 3 – 1--- year (as above calculation 5) .......................................................... ..................1,344
No. 4 – 1 year x 20% of (54,000 – 3,600) = 50,400 = .................................... ................10,080
No. 5 – 3--- year x 20% of 64,000 = ................................................................. ..................9,600
Total = .................................................................................................... ................25,018

QUESTION 6.11 (HIGHER LEVEL) (Reference to Calculations in Brackets)

(a) Trucks Account
1/1/-4 Balance b/d (1) 170,500 1/8/-4 Disposal 55,500
1/8/-4 Bank 48,000
Trade-in 17,000 31/12/-4 Balance c/d 180,000
235,500 235,500
1/1/-5 Balance b/d 180,000 1/5/-4 Disposal 60,000
1/4/-5 Bank 42,000
Trade-in 26,000 31/12/-4 Balance c/d
248,000 248,000
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 188,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/8/-4 Disposal (3) 34,300 1/1/-4 Balance b/d (2) 79,940
31/12/-4 Balance c/d 67,169 31/12/-4 Profit and Loss (4) 21,529
101,469 101,469
1/5/-5 Disposal (5) 31,328 1/1/-5 Balance b/d 67,169
31/12/-5 Balance c/d 63,379 31/12/-5 Profit and Loss (6) 27,538
94,707 94,707
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 63,379
(c) Trucks Disposal Account
1/8/-4 Trucks 55,500 1/8/-4 Depreciation (3) 34,300
1/8/-4 Trade-in 17,000
31/12/-4 Profit and Loss 4,200
55,500 55,500
1/5/-5 Trucks 60,000 1/5/-5 Depreciation (5) 31,328
1/5/-5 Trade-in 26,000
31/12/-5 Profit and Loss 7,328 1/5/-5 Bank (Insurance) 10,000
67,328 67,328

1. Opening balance on Trucks Account as at 1/1/-4
No. 1 – 50,000
No. 2 – 55,000
No. 3 – 60,000
Tachograph 5,500
2. Opening balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-4
No. 1 – (1/1/-0 – 1/1/-4) = 4 years
Year 1 – 50,000 x 20% = ........................................................... 10,000
Year 2 – (50,000 – 10,000) = 40,000 x 20% =............................. 8,000
Year 3 – (40,000 – 8,000) = 32,000 x 20% =............................... 6,400
Year 4 – (32,000 – 6,400) = 25,600 x 20% =.............................. 5,120 ................29,520
No. 2 – (1/1/-1 – 1/1/-4) = 3 years
Year 1 – 55,000 x 20% = .......................................................... 11,000
Year 2 – (55,000 – 11,000) = 44,000 x 20% =............................. 8,800
Year 3 – (44,000 – 8,800) = 35,200 x 20% = ............................ 7,040 ................26,840
No. 3 – (1/1/-2 – 1/1/-4) = 2 years
Year 1 – 60,000 x 20% = .......................................................... 12,000
Year 2 – (60,000 – 12,000) = 48,000 x 20% =........................... 9,600 ................21,600
Tachograph – (1/1/-6 – 1/1/-8) = 2 years,
Year 1 – 5,500 x 20% = ............................................................... 1,100
Year 2 (5,500 – 1,100) = 4,400 x 20%............................................ 880 ..................1,980
Total = .................................................................................................... ................79,940
3. Depreciation to date of Sale: Truck No. 1
Vehicle – (1/1/-0 – 1/8/-4) = 3 years, 7 months (3 -----
Years 1, 2 and 3 (as above calculation 2) = .............................. 29,520
Year 4 (25,600 – 5,120) = 20,480 x 20% x ( -----
- ) = .................. 2,389 ................31,909
Tachograph – (1/1/-2 – 1/8/-4) = 2 years, 7 months (2 -----
Years 1 and 2 (as above calculation 2) = ..................................... 1,980
Year 3 (4,400 – 880) = 3,520 x 20% x ( -----
- ) = ............................ 411 ..................2,391
Total = .................................................................................................... ................34,300


4. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-4

No. 1 – -----
- year (as above calculation 3) = ....................................................... ..................2,800
No. 2 – 1 year x 20% of (35,200 – 7,040) = 28,160 = .................................... ..................5,632
No. 3 – 1 year x 20% of (48,000 – 9,600) = 38,400 = ................................... ..................7,680
No. 4 – -----
- year x 20% of 65,000 = ................................................................. ..................5,417
Total = .................................................................................................... ................21,529
5. Depreciation to date of Sale Truck No. 3
(1/1/-2 – 1/5/-5) = 3 years, 4 months (3 1--- )
Year 1 and 2 – Calculation 2 =............................................................. ................21,600
Year 3 – Calculation 4 = ....................................................................... ..................7,680
Year 4 – 1--- year x 20% of (38,400 – 7,680) = 30,720 = ........................ ..................2,048
Total = .................................................................................................... ................31,328

6. Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-5

No. 2 – 1 year x 20% of (28,160 – 5,632) = 22,528 = .................................... ..................4,506
No. 3 – 1--- year (as above calculation 5) .......................................................... ..................2,048
No. 4 – 1 year x 20% of (65,000 – 5,417) = 59,583 = .................................... ................11,917
No. 5 – 2--- year x 20% of 68,000 = ................................................................. ..................9,067
Total = .................................................................................................... ................27,538


(a) Land and Buildings Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 800,000 1/1/-7 Disposal 200,000
1/1/-7 Revaluation reserve 614,000 31/12/-7 Balance c/d 1,214,000
1,414,000 1,414,000
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 1,214,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/1/-7 Disposal (2) 15,000 1/1/-7 Balance b/d (1) 37,500
1/1/-7 Revaluation Reserve 22,500 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss (3) 22,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 22,000
59,500 59,500
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 22,000

(c) Buildings Disposal Account

1/1/-7 Land and Buildings 200,000 1/1/-7 Depreciation (2) 15,000
31/12/-7 Profit and Loss 265,000 1/1/-7 Bank 450,000
465,000 465,000

(d) Revaluation Reserve Account

1/1/-7 Land and Buildings 614,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 636,500 1/1/-7 Depreciation 22,500
636,500 636,500
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 636,500

Leaving Certificate Accounting

1. Opening Balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-7
1/1/-4 – 1/1/-7 = 3 years x ------------------- = .......................................................................................37,500
2. Depreciation to date of Sale of buildings on 1/1/-7
1/1/-4 – 1/1/-7 = 3 years x ------------------- = .......................................................................................15,000
3. Annual Depreciation charge for the year ended 31/12/-7
1 year x ------------------- = ....................................................................................................................22,000
(a) Land and Buildings Account
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 1,300,000 1/1/-7 Disposal 200,000
1/1/-7 Revaluation reserve 1,225,000 31/12/-7 Balance c/d 2,325,000
2,525,000 2,525,000
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 2,325,000

(b) Provision for Depreciation Account

1/1/-7 Disposal (2) 20,000 1/1/-7 Balance b/d (1) 80,000
1/1/-7 Revaluation Reserve 60,000 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss (3) 35,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 35,000
115,000 115,000
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 35,000

(c) Buildings Disposal Account

1/1/-7 Land and Buildings 200,000 1/1/-7 Depreciation (2) 20,000
31/12/-7 Profit and Loss 50,000 1/1/-7 Bank 230,000
250,000 250,000

(d) Revaluation Reserve Account

1/1/-7 Land and Buildings 1,225,00
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 1,285,000 1/1/-7 Depreciation 60,000
1,285,000 1,285,000
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 1,285,000

1. Opening Balance on Provision for Depreciation Account as at 1/1/-7
1/1/-2 – 1/1/-7 = 5 years x ------------------- = .......................................................................................80,000
2. Depreciation to date of sale of buildings on 1/1/-7
1/1/-2 – 1/1/-7 = 5 years x ------------------- = .......................................................................................20,000
3. Annual Depreciation charge for the year ended 31/12/-7
2, 325,000 – 750,000
1 year x --------------------------------------------------- = ................................................................................................35,000



Land and Buildings Account
1/1/-4 Balance b/d 250,000
1/1/-4 Revaluation reserve 230,000 31/12/-4 Balance c/d 480,000
480,000 480,000
1/1/-5 Balance b/d 480,000
1/1/-5 Bank 200,000 31/12/-5 Balance c/d 680,000
680,000 680,000
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 680,000
1/1/-6 Revaluation reserve (4) 140,000 31/12/-6 Balance c/d 820,000
820,000 820,000
1/1/-7 Balance b/d 820,000 1/1/-7 Disposal (7) 450,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 370,000
820,000 820,000

Depreciation Land and Buildings Account

1/1/-4 Revaluation Reserve 36,000 1/1/-4 Balance b/d (1) 36,000
31/12/-4 Balance c/d 7,200 31/121/-4 Profit and Loss (2) 7,200
43,200 43,200
1/1/-5 Balance b/d 7,200
31/12/-5 Balance c/d 18,400 31/12/-5 Profit and Loss (3) 11,200
18,400 18,400
1/1/-6 Revaluation reserve 18,400 1/1/-6 Balance b/d 18,400
31/12/-6 Balance c/d 14,000 31/12/-6 Profit and Loss (5) 14,000
32,400 32,400
1/1/-7 Disposal (6) 9,000 1/1/-7 Balance b/d 14,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 10,000 31/12/-7 Profit and Loss (8) 5,000
19,000 19,000

Revaluation Reserve Account

1/1/-4 Land and Buildings 230,000
31/12/-4 Balance c/d 266,00 1/1/-4 Depreciation 36,000
266,000 266,000
31/12/-5 Balance b/d 266,000 1/1/-5 Balance b/d 266,000
266,000 266,000
1/1/-6 Balance b/d 266,000
1/1/-6 Land and Buildings 140,000
31/12/-6 Balance c/d 424,400 1/1/-6 Depreciation 18,400
424,400 424,000
31/12/-7 Profit and Loss (9) 300,400 1/1/-7 Balance b/d 424,000
31/12/-7 Balance c/d 124,000
424,400 424,400
Disposal Account
1/1/-7 Land and Buildings 450,000 1/1/-7 Depreciation 9,000
31/12/-7 Profit and Loss 79,000 1/1/-7 Bank 520,000
529,000 529,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

1. Accumulated Depreciation to date on 1/1/-4
9 years at 2% of €200,000 = ........................................................................................ €36,000
2. Annual Depreciation charge for year ended 31/12/-4
1 year at 2% of €360,000 =............................................................................................ €7,200
3. Annual Depreciation charge for year ended 31/12/-4
1 year at 2% of €560,000 =.......................................................................................... €11,200
4. Revaluation on 1/1/-6
25% on €560,000 =.................................................................................................... €140,000
5. Annual Depreciation charge for year ended 31/12/-6
1 year at 2% of €700,000 =............................................................................................ €9,000
6. Accumulated depreciation on buildings sold on 1/1/-7
1 year at 2% of €450,000 =............................................................................................ €9,000
7. Revalued value of buildings sold on 1/1/-7
Purchased 1/1/-5 = €200,000
Revalued 1/1/-4 = €160,000
Revalued 1/1/-6 = 90,000

8. Annual Depreciation charge for year ended 31/12/-7

1 year at 2% of €250,000 =............................................................................................ €5,000

9. Revalued amount of buildings disposed of on 1/1/-7 transferred to Profit and Loss Account.
Revaluation 1/1/-4 = 160,000
Accumulated depreciation on 1/1/-4 = 36,000
Revaluation 1/1/-6 (25% of 360,000) = 90,000
Accumulated depreciation on 1/1/-6
(2 years at 2% of 360,000) = 14,400

Final Accounts of a Sole Trader
with Adjustments: Solutions

Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Trading Account P+L Account Balance Sheet
1. Closing Stock 15,000 15,000 – 15,000
2. Light and Heat 6,000 + 410 – 6,410 410
3. Rent and Rates 12,000 + 12,000 – 24,000 12,000
4. Insurance 9,000 – 3,000 – 6,000 3,000
5. Advertising 10,000 + 3,000 – 13,000 3,000
6. Carriage Out 5,000 + 1,500 – 6,500 1,500
7. Depreciation Land and Buildings 12,000 + 3,600 – 3,600 15,600
8. Depreciation Motor Vehicles 40,000 + 16,000 – 16,000 56,000
9. Depreciation Furniture and Equipment 6,000 + 1,000 – 1,000 7,000

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Sales 8. 400,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 12,000
Add Purchases 210,000
– Returns Out (400)
Add Carriage In 6,000
Less Closing Stock 1. (15,000)
Gross Profit 187,400
Add Income –
Less Expenses
Light and Heat 2. 6,410
Rent and Rates 3. 24,000
Insurance 4. 6,000
Advertising 5. 13,000
Carriage Out 6. 6,500
Depreciation Land and Buildings 7. 3,600
Depreciation Motor Vehicles 8. 16,000
Depreciation Furniture and Equipment 9. 1,000
Wages 24,000
Net Profit 86,890

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings 7. 180,000 15,600 164,400
Motor Vehicles 8. 80,000 56,000 24,000
Furniture and Equipment 9. 10,000 7,000 3,000
270,000 78,600 191,400
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 15,000
Insurance Prepaid 4. 3,000
Debtors 40,000
Less Current Liabilities
Light and Heat Due 2. 410
Rent and Rates Due 3. 12,000
Advertising Due 5. 3,000
Carriage Out Due 6. 1,500
Creditors 18,000
Bank 5,600
Financed By
Capital 120,000
Add Net Profit 86,890
Less Drawings (18,000)
Long-Term Liabilities
15-Year Loan 20,000

Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading a/c P+L a/c Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 100,000 100,000 – 100,000
2. Rates 6,800 – 3,400 – 3,400 3,400
3. Postage and Stationery 4,500 – 500 – 4,000 500
4. Bad Debts 500 – 500 –
5. Debtors 70,000 – 500 – – 69,500
6. Provision for Bad Debts 3,475 – 3,475 3,475
7. Depreciation on Buildings 4,000 – 4,000 4,000
8. Depreciation on Delivery Vans 24,000 + 12,000 – 12,000 36,000
9. Fixtures and Fittings 24,000 + 12,000 – 12,000 36,000


(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Sales 520,000
– Returns In (4,000)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 90,000
Add Purchases 300,000
– Returns Out (5,000)
Less Closing Stock 1. (100,000)
Gross Profit 231,000
Add Income
Rent Received 18,000
Discount Received 3,800
Less Expenses
Rates 2. 3,400
Postage and Stationery 3. 4,000
Bad Debts 4. 500
Provision for Bad Debts 6. 3,475
Depreciation on Buildings 7. 4,000
Depreciation on Delivery Vans 8. 12,000
Depreciation on Fixtures, Fittings 9. 12,000
Discount Allowed 2,500
Loan Interest 1,920
General Expenses 8,000
Insurance 11,200
Net Profit 189,805

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 7. 200,000 4,000 196,000
Delivery Vans 8. 120,000 36,000 84,000
Fixtures and Fittings 9. 80,000 36,000 44,000
400,000 76,000 324,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 100,000
Rates Prepaid 2. 3,400
Stock of Stationery 3. 500
Debtors 5. 69,500
Less Provision for Bad Debts 6. (3,475)
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 28,200
Bank 27,000
VAT 16,000
Financed By
Capital 250,000
Add Net Profit 189,805
Less Drawings (33,080)
Long-Term Liabilities
15 Year Loan 16,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 12,000 12,000 – 12,000
2. Advertising 14,000 – 3,500 – 10,500 3,500
3. Carriage In 2,400 – 960 1,440 – –
4. Drawings 17,000 + 960 – – 17,960
5. Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 20,000 + 12,000 – 12,000 32,000
6. Depreciation on Furniture and Equipment 18,000 + 2,800 – 2,800 20,800
7. Loan Interest 1,000 + 1,000 – 2,000 1,000
8. Provision for Bad Debts 1,000 + 200 – 200 1,200

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Sales 190,000
– Returns In (600)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 21,000
Add Purchases 74,000
– Returns Out (500)
Add Carriage In 3. 1,440
Less Closing Stock 1. (12,000)
Gross Profit 105,460
Add Income
Discount Received 4,200
Rent Received 9,000
Patent Royalties 7,000
Less Expenses
Advertising 2. 10,500
Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 5. 12,000
Depreciation on Fixtures + Fittings 6. 2,800
Loan Interest 7. 2,000
Provision for Bad Debts 8. 200
Discount Allowed 3,000
Rent 6,500
Wages and Salaries 20,000
Light and Heat 7,000
General Expenses 6,000
Net Profit 55,660


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Motor Vehicles 5. 60,000 32,000 28,000
Furniture and Equipment 6. 46,000 20,800 25,200
106,000 52,800 53,200
Patents 40,000
Current Assets 93,200
Closing Stock 1. 12,000
Advertising Prepaid 2. 3,500
Debtors 20,000
Less Provision for Bad Debts 8. (1,200)
Bank 18,800
Less Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due 7. 1,000
VAT 9,000
PRSI 2,800
Creditors 30,000
Financed By
Capital 34,000
Add Net Profit 55,660
Less Drawings 4. (17,960)
Long-Term Liabilities
10 Year Loan 20,000

Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 6,000 6,000 – 6,000
2. Rent, Rates, Insurance 12,000 – 1,000 – 600 – 10,400 1,600
3. Postage and Stationery 6,200 – 400 – 5,800 400
4. Advertising 3,000 – 750 – 2,250 750
5. Commission 33,000 + 3,000 – 36,000 3,000
6. Bad Debts 400 + 600 – 1,000 –
7. Debtors 16,000 – 600 – – 15,400
8. Provision for Bad Debts 800 + 124 – 124 924
9. Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 30,000 + 5,000 – 5,000 35,000
10. Carriage 12,000 – 8,400 3,600 8,400 –
11. Wages and Salaries 24,000 – 2,400 – 21,600 –
12. Drawings 29,100 + 2,400 – – 31,500
13. Loan Interest 18,000 – 18,000 18,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30/6/-9
Sales 225,000
– Returns In (500)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 7,000
Add Purchases 115,000
– Returns Out (1,100)
Add Carriage In 10. 3,600
Less Closing Stock 1. (6,000)
Gross Profit 106,000
Add Income
Commission 5. 36,000
Discount Received 1,200
Investment Interest Received 4,000
Less Expenses
Rent, Rates, Insurance 2. 10,400
Postage and Stationery 3. 5,800
Advertising 4. 2,250
Bad Debts 6. 1,000
Provision for Bad Debts 8. 124
Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 9. 5,000
Carriage Out 10. 8,400
Wages and Salaries 11. 21,600
Loan Interest 13. 18,000
Discount Allowed 900
Light and Heat 7,400
Showroom Expenses 4,000
Telephone 900
Net Profit 61,426


(b) Balance Sheet as at 30/6/-9

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 200,000 – 200,000
Motor Vehicles 9. 50,000 35,000 15,000
250,000 35,000 215,000
10% Investments 40,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 6,000
Rent, Rates Insurance Prepaid 2. 1,600
Stock of Stationery 3. 400
Advertising Prepaid 4 750
Commission Due 5. 3,000
Debtors 7. 15,400
Less Provision for Bad Debts 8. (924)
Petty Cash 100
Bank 3,200
Less Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due 13. 18,000
Creditors 14,000
VAT 1,900
PRSI 700
Financed By
Capital 100,000
Add Net Profit 61,426
Less Drawings 12. 31,500
Long-Term Liabilities
15% Loan 120,000

Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 65,000 65,000 – 65,000
2. Stationery 1,400 – 300 – 1,100 300
3. Carriage 8,000 – 4,800 3,200 4,800 –
4. Wages and Salaries 74,000 – 14,800 – 59,200 –
5. Drawings 12,000 + 14,800 – – 26,800
6. Depreciation on Buildings 5,000 – 5,000 5,000
7. Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 44,000 + 22,000 – 22,000 66,000
8. Depreciation on Office Equipment 5,000 + 1,300 – 1,300 6,300
9. Loan Interest 3,000 + 3,000 – 6,000 3,000
10. Advertising 3,600 – 1,200 – 2,400 1,200
11. Provision for Bad Debts 1,500 – 100 – 100 1,400

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Sales 520,000
– Returns In (6,000)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 48,000
Add Purchases 398,000
– Returns Out (1,200)
Add Carriage In 3. 3,200
Less Closing Stock 1. (65,000)
Gross Profit 131,000
Add Income
Commission 6,700
Discount Received 2,100
Reduction in Provision for Bad Debts 11. 100
Less Expenses
Stationery 2. 1,100
Carriage Out 3. 4,800
Wages and Salaries 4. 59,200
Depreciation on Buildings 6. 5,000
Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 7. 22,000
Depreciation on Office Equipment 8. 1,300
Loan Interest 9. 6,000
Advertising 10. 2,400
General Expenses 14,000
Showroom Expenses 4,000
Net Profit 20,100


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 6. 250,000 5,000 245,000
Motor Vehicles 7. 110,000 66,000 44,000
Office Equipment 8. 18,000 6,300 11,700
378,000 77,300 300,700
Patents 30,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 65,000
Stock of Stationery 2. 300
Advertising Prepaid 10. 1,200
Debtors 28,000
Less Provision for Bad Debts 11. (1,400)
VAT 1,600
Less Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due 9. 3,000
Creditors 30,000
PRSI 2,900
Bank 26,200
Financed By
Capital 280,000
Add Net Profit 20,100
Less Drawings 5. (26,800)
Long-Term Liabilities
Term Loan 90,000

Schedule of Adjustments
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 83,000 83,000 – 83,000
2. Investment Interest 4,000 – 4,000 4,000
3. Provision for Bad Debts 600 – 100 – 100 500
4. Repairs 20,000 – 15,000 – 5,000 –
5. Buildings 100,000 + 15,000 – – 115,000
6. Loan Interest 200 + 200 – 400 200
7. Depreciation on Buildings 20,000 + 3,450 – 3,450 23,450
8. Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 16,000 + 6,000 – 6,000 22,000
9. Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings 3,000 + 700 – 700 3,700
10. Wages 58,000 – 18,000 – 40,000 –
11. Drawings 49,300 + 18,000 – – 67,300
12. Light and Heat 4,100 + 900 – 5,000 900
13. Insurance 5,600 – 1,400 – 4,200 1,400

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/5/-0
Sales 825,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 80,000
Add Purchases 615,000
Less Closing Stock 1. (83,000)
Gross Profit 213,000
Add Income
Investment Interest 2. 4,000
Provision for Bad Debts 3. 100
Less Expenses
Repairs 4. 5,000
Loan Interest 6. 400
Depreciation on Buildings 7. 3,450
Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 8. 6,000
Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings 9. 700
Wages 10. 40,000
Light and Heat 12. 5,000
Insurance 13. 4,200
Distribution Expenses 5,000
Bad Debts 800
Net Profit 146,550


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/5/-0

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 5.7. 115,000 23,450 91,550
Motor Vehicles 8. 30,000 22,000 8,000
Fixtures and Fittings 9. 10,000 3,700 6,300
155,000 49,150 105,850
Investments 50,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 83,000
Investment Interest Due 2. 4,000
Debtors 10,000
Less Provision for Bad Debts 3. (500)
Insurance Prepaid 13. 1,400
Petty Cash 100
Less Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due 6. 200
Light and Heat Due 12. 900
Creditors 9,000
Bank 3,000
Loan (Repayable in eight months) 4,000
VAT 1,900
PAYE 3,500
PRSI 2,100
Financed By
Capital 150,000
Add Net Profit 146,550
Less Drawings 11. (67,300)

Schedule of Adjustments
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 62,000 62,000 – 62,000
2. Postage and Stationery 7,200 – 400 – 6,800 400
3. Repairs 25,000 – 20,000 – 5,000 –
4. Drawings 27,000 + 20,000 + 5,000 – – 52,000
5. Loan Interest 4,000 (2/3 year) – 4,000 4,000
6. Bad Debts 1,000 – 1,000 –
7. Debtors 40,000 – 1,000 – – 39,000
8. Provision for Bad Debts 1,500 + 450 – 450 1,950
9. Carriage 6,700 – 2,680 = 4,020 2,680 4,020 –
10. Rates 6,000 – 2,000 – 4,000 2,000
11. Wages and Salaries 75,000 – 5,000 – 70,000 –
12. Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 30,000 + 30,000 – 30,000 60,000
13. Depreciation on Office Equipment 30,000 + 8,000 – 8,000 38,000
14. Rent Received 18,000 – 3,000 – 15,000 3,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Sales 543,550
– Returns In (5,000)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 84,000
Add Purchases 289,000
– Returns Out (6,300)
Add Carriage In 9. 2,680
Less Closing Stock 1. (62,000)
Gross Profit 231,170
Add Income
Rent Received 14. 15,000
Commission 4,000
Discount Received 3,700
Less Expenses
Postage and Stationery 2. 6,800
Repairs 3. 5,000
Loan Interest 5. 4,000
Bad Debts 6. 1,000
Provision for Bad Debts 8. 450
Carriage Out 9. 4,020
Rates 10. 4,000
Wages and Salaries 11. 70,000
Depreciation on Motor Vehicles 12. 30,000
Depreciation on Office Equipment 13. 8,000
Discount Allowed 2,100
Rent Paid 6,000
Distribution Expenses 4,800
General Expenses 14,000
Net Profit 93,700


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Premises 150,000 – 150,000
Motor Vehicles 12. 120,000 60,000 60,000
Office Equipment 13. 70,000 38,000 32,000
340,000 98,000 242,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 62,000
Stock of Stationery 2. 400
Debtors 7. 39,000
Less Provision for Bad Debts 8. (1,950)
Rates Prepaid 10. 2,000
Petty Cash 150
VAT 1,400
Less Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due 5. 4,000
Rent Received Prepaid 14. 3,000
Creditors 30,000
Bank 22,500
PRSI 3,800
Financed By
Capital 200,000
Add Net Profit 93,700
Less Drawings 4. (52,000)
Long-Term Liabilities
10 Year Loan 40,000

Schedule of Adjustments
Trading Acc P+L Acc Bal. Sheet
1. Closing Stock 21,000 21,000 – 21,000
2. Rent 6,500 + 500 – 7,000 500
3. Depreciation on Delivery Vans 18,000 + 9,600 – 9,600 27,600
4. Depreciation on Office Equipment 11,000 + 1,950 – 1,950 12,950
5. Carriage 4,000 – 1,600 = 2,400 1,600 2,400 –
6. Wages and Salaries 40,000 – 6,000 – 34,000 –
7. Drawings 17,500 + 6,000 + 600 – – 24,100
8. Loan Interest 1,000 (5/12 year) – 1,000 1,000
9. Commission 3,000 – 750 – 2,250 750
10. Light and Heat 7,000 + 300 – 7,300 300
11. Bad Debts 700 – 700 –
12. Debtors 16,000 – 700 – – 15,300
13. Provision for Bad Debts 300 + 465 – 465 765
14. General Expenses 8,000 – 600 – 7,400 –

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/5/-2
Sales 311,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 27,000
Add Purchases 198,000
– Returns Out (400)
Add Carriage In 5. 1,600
Less Closing Stock 1. (21,000)
Gross Profit 105,800
Add Income
Commission 9. 2,250
Discount Received 1,100
Less Expenses
Rent 2. 7,000
Depreciation on Delivery Vans 3. 9,600
Depreciation on Office Equipment 4. 1,950
Carriage Out 5. 2,400
Wages and Salaries 6. 34,000
Loan Interest 8. 1,000
Light and Heat 10. 7,300
Bad Debts 11. 700
Provision for Bad Debts 13. 465
General Expenses 14. 7,400
Repairs 36,000
Distribution 11,000
Insurance 2,800
Net Loss (12,465)


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/5/-2

Cost Depreciation Value
Fixed Assets
Delivery Vans 3. 48,000 27,600 20,400
Office Equipment 4. 24,000 12,950 11,050
72,000 40,550 31,450
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 21,000
Debtors 12. 15,300
Less Provision for Bad Debts 13. (765)
Less Current Liabilities
Rent Due 2. 500
Loan Interest Due 8. 1,000
Commission Prepaid 9. 750
Light and Heat Due 10. 300
Creditors 14,000
VAT 1,300
PAYE and PRSI 1,700
Bank 20,000
(39,550) (4,015)
Financed By
Capital 40,000
Less Net Loss (12,465)
Less Drawings 7. (24,100)

Long-Term Liabilities 3,435

Term Loan 24,000

Bank Reconciliation
Statements: Solutions

(a) Adjusted Bank Account

Balance b/d 165 Standing Order 106
Dividends Received 550 Bank Charges 14
Interest Received 250 J. Brady (r/d) 205
Balance c/d 640
965 965
Balance b/d 640

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted bank account 640
Add cheques not yet presented for payment – 019415 310
– 019417 130
– 019418 290
– 019422 105 835
Less lodgements not yet credited by the bank (1,225)
Balance which should be on statement 250
Add bank error 50
Balance as per bank statement 300

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 850 R/D (iii) 410
Dividends (iv) 200 Error (ii) 296
Credit Transfer (iv) 320 Charges (iv) 40
Balance c/d 624
1,370 1,370
Balance b/d 624

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 624
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment (i) 630
Less Lodgement not yet credited by the bank (vi) (80)
Balance which should be on bank statement 1,174
Add error at Bank (v) 90
Less error at Bank (vii) (350)
Balance as per bank statement 914

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 800 Error on cheque No. 019328 27
Dividends 120 R/D 140
Charges 30
Standing Order 180
Balance c/d 543
900 920
Balance b/d 543


(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 543
Add cheques not yet presented for payment – 019326 110
– 019329 120
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank (350)
Balance which should be on bank statement 423
Less error at Bank 123
Balance as per bank statement 300

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 1,500 Error (i) 840
Interest (iii) 120 R/D (ii) 200
Charges (iii) 60
Interest (iii) 160
ATM (iii) 100
Balance c/d 260
1,620 1,620
Balance b/d 260

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 260
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment (iv) 205
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank (iv) (430)
Balance which should be on bank statement 35
Add error at bank (v) 80
Less error at Bank (vi) 115
Balance as per bank statement 230

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 1,520 R/D (i) 234
Dividends (ii) 217 Standing Order (ii) 124
Error (iv) 1,176 Charges (ii) 29
Balance c/d 2,526
2,913 2,913
Balance b/d 2,526

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 2,526
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment (vi) 312
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank 597 (iv)
450 (v)
Balance which should be on bank statement 1,791
Add error at Bank (iii) 154
Less error at Bank (vii) (140)
Balance as per bank statement 1,805

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 2,065 R/D 130
Interest 80 Charges 45
Standing Order 280
Balance c/d 1,690
2,145 2,145
Balance b/d 1,690

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 1,690
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment – 567894 120
– 567897 140
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank (750)
Balance which should be on bank statement 1,200
Less error at Bank (160)
Balance as per bank statement 1,040

(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 1,340 R/D (ii) 110
Error (i) 718 Standing Order (v) 124
Credit Transfer (v) 230 Charges (v) 22
Balance c/d 2,032
2,288 2,288
Balance b/d 2,032

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 2,032
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment (iv) 642
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank (iii) (740)
Balance which should be on bank statement 1,934
Add error at Bank (vi) 190
Less error at Bank (vii) 650
Balance as per bank statement 2,774


(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 1,868 Standing Order 140
Lodgement Error (22/9) 80 Direct Debit 284
Dividends 129 Charges 17
Credit Transfer 28 R/D 24
Balance c/d 1,640
2,105 2,105
Balance b/d 1,640


(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 1,640
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment – 000130 123
– 000133 25
– 000135 119
– 000137 402
– 000138 117
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank – 1,100
– 380
Balance which should be on bank statement 946
Add bank error (cheque No. 000134) 90
Less bank error (cheque No. 019384) (310)
Add error at Bank (c/t to be refunded) 28
Balance as per bank statement 754


(a) Adjusted Bank Account
Balance b/d 6,310 Error (i) 1,176
Credit Transfer (ii) 28 Standing Orders (ii) 118
Cancelled cheque (v) 103 Direct Debits (ii) 72
Lodgement Error (viii) 3 R/D (iv) 109
Balance c/d 4,969
6,444 6,444
Balance b/d 4,969

(b) Bank Reconciliation Statement

Balance as per adjusted Bank Account 4,969
Add Cheques not yet presented for payment (2,605 – 103) (v) 2,502
Less Lodgements not yet credited by the bank (784)
Balance which should be on bank statement 6,687
Add Bank error (ii) 300
Add Bank error (vi) 165
Balance as per bank statement 7,152

Control Accounts

Debtors Ledger Control Account

1/3/-3 Balance b/d 612 1/3/-3 Balance b/d 18
Credit Sales 3,800 Returns In 150
Cheques 2,111
Discount Allowed 29
Bad Debts 120
31/3/-3 Balance c/d 18 31/3/-3 Balance c/d 2,002
4,430 4,430
1/4/-3 Balance b/d 2,002 1/4/-3 Balance b/d 18

Creditors Ledger Control Account

1/3/-3 Balance b/d 19 1/3/-3 Balance b/d 290
Returns Out 27 Credit Purchases 2,700
Cheques 1,527
Discount Received 121
Bills Payable 300
31/3/-3 Balance c/d 1,015 31/3/-3 Balance c/d 19
3,009 3,009
1/4/-3 Balance b/d 19 1/4/-3 Balance b/d 1,015

Debtors Control Account
1/9/-6 Balance b/d 3,500 Bad Debts 50
Credit Sales (11,500 – 2,500) 9,000 Cheques 9,800
Interest Charged 30 Contras 280
Returns In 510
Discount Allowed 270
30/9/-6 Balance c/d 35 30/9/-6 Balance c/d 1,655
12,565 12,565
1/10/-6 Balance b/d 1,655 1/10/-6 Balance b/d 35

Debtors Ledger Control Account
1/1/-1 Balance b/d 8,000 1/1/-1 Balance b/d 300
Credit Sales 34,000 Discount Allowed 1,000
R/d cheques 100 Returns In 350
Bills Receivable 3,200
Cheques 24,000
Bad Debts 400
Contras 560
31/1/-1 Balance c/d 300 31/1/-1 Balance c/d 12,590
42,400 42,400
1/2/-1 Balance b/d 12,590 1/2/-1 Balance b/d 300


Creditors Ledger Control Account

1/1/-1 Balance b/d 150 1/1/-1 Balance b/d 7,000
Returns Out 700 Credit Purchases 25,000
Discount Received 300 Interest Charged 105
Bills Payable 1,510
Cheques 18,200
Contras 560
31/1/-1 Balance c/d 10,835 31/1/-1 Balance c/d 150
32,255 32,255
1/2/-1 Balance b/d 150 1/2/-1 Balance b/d 10,835

Debtors Ledger Control Account
1/1/-8 Balance b/d 1,600 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 65
Interest 40 Bills Receivable 400
Credit Sales 6,120 Returns In 210
Cheques Dishonoured 100 Discount Allowed 130
Cash 3,700
Bad Debts 60
Contras 125
31/1/-8 Balance c/d 55 31/1/-8 Balance c/d 3,225
7,915 7,915
1/2/-8 Balance b/d 3,225 1/2/-8 Balance b/d 55

Creditors Ledger Control Account

1/1/-8 Balance b/d 80 1/1/-8 Balance b/d 2,100
Returns Out 120 Credit Purchases 4,900
Discount Received 290
Payments 4,300
Contras 125
31/1/-8 Balance c/d 2,155 31/1/-8 Balance c/d 70
7,070 7,070
1/2/-8 Balance b/d 70 1/2/-8 Balance b/d 2,155

Debtors Ledger Control Account
1/1/-9 Balance b/d 4,300 Returns In 220
Cheques Dishonoured 120 Discount Allowed 370
Interest 60 Bills Receivable 1,200
Credit Sales (11,400 – 500) 10,900 Cheques 5,200
Discount Disallowed 20 Bad Debts 110
Contras 190
31/1/-9 Balance c/d 80 31/1/-9 Balance c/d 8,190
15,480 15,480
1/2/-9 Balance b/d 8,190 1/2/-9 Balance b/d 80

Creditors Ledger Control Account

Bills Payable 400 1/1/-9 Balance b/d 3,800
Discount Received 410 Credit Purchases 8,200
Returns Out 180
Cash 4,000
Contras 190
31/1/-9 Balance c/d 6,870 31/1/-9 Balance c/d 50
12,050 12,050
1/2/-9 Balance b/d 50 1/2/-9 Balance b/d 6,870

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Debtors Ledger Control Account
1/2/-3 Balance b/d 8,400 1/2/-3 Balance b/d 230
Sales 32,000 Discount Allowed 960
Interest 70 Returns In 340
Cheques Dishonoured 330 Bills Receivable 1,300
Cheques 22,780
Bad Debts 220
Contras 410
28/2/-3 Balance c/d 160 28/2/-3 Balance c/d 14,720
40,960 40,960
1/3/-3 Balance b/d 14,720 1/3/-3 Balance b/d 160

Creditors Ledger Control Account

1/2/-3 Balance b/d 120 1/2/-3 Balance b/d 9,300
Returns Out 610 Credit Purchases (24,900 – 1,800) 23,100
Discount Received 280
Bills Payable 1,320 Discount Disallowed 100
Cash 17,300
Contras 410
28/2/-3 Balance c/d 12,650 28/2/-3 Balance c/d 190
32,690 32,690
1/3/-3 Balance b/d 190 1/3/-3 Balance b/d 12,650

(a) Adjusted Creditors Ledger Control Account
Returns to P.Burke (III) 160 31/12/-5 Balance b/d 8,560
Contra (V) 220 Discount Disallowed (ii) 40
Balance c/d 8,510 Error (VII) 290
8,890 8,890
31/12/-5 Balance b/d 8,510

(b) Adjusted Schedule (List) of Creditors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 8,422
Less J. Barry (I) (60)
Less P. Burke (II) (160)
Add Interest (IV) 48
Less Dr. Balance (VI) (30)
Add Error (VII) 290
Adjusted Total 8,510


(a) Adjusted Creditors Ledger Control Account
31/12/-1 Balance b/d 190 31/12/-1 Balance b/d 11,450
Credit Note (V) 120 Returns to J. Arnold (I) 90
Capital (VI) 1,000 Discount Disallowed (II) 70
J. Barry (III) 640
Interest (IV) 30
Balance c/d 11,160 Balance c/d 190
12,470 12,400
Balance b/d 190 Balance b/d 11,160


(b) Schedule (List) of Creditors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 11,634
Add J. Arnold (I) 90
Add J. Barry (III) 640
Less Interest (IV) (34)
Less Credit Note (V) (360)
Less Capital (VI) (1,000)
Adjusted Total 10,970


(a) Adjusted Debtors Ledger Control Account
31/12/-9 Balance b/d 15,430 31/12/-9 Balance b/d 230
Error (III) 92 Error (I) 180
Discount Disallowed (VII) 46 Interest (II) 35
Credit Note (IV) 75
Balance c/d 230 Balance c/d 15,278
15,798 15,798
Balance b/d 15,278 Balance b/d 230

(b) Schedule (List) of Debtors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 14,878
Add Invoice (I) 790
Less Interest (II) (25)
Add Error (III) 92
Less Credit Note (IV) (132)
Add Cash Sales (V) 245
Less Bills Payable (VI) (800)
Adjusted Total (15,278 – 230) 15,048


(a) Adjusted Debtors Ledger Control Account
31/12/-0 Balance b/d 18,840 31/12/-0 Balance b/d 390
Discount Disallowed (II) 30 Interest (I) 10
Invoice (III) 90 Credit Note (V) 105
Credit Note (VII) 16
Balance c/d 390 Balance c/d 18,861
19,366 19,366
Balance b/d 18,861 Balance b/d 390

(b) Adjusted Schedule (List) of Debtors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 18,202
Less Interest (I) (28)
Add Invoice (III) 870
Less Bills Payable (IV) (750)
Less Credit Note (V) (120)
Add Cash Sales (VI) 425
Less Restocking (VII) (128)
Adjusted Total (18,861 – 390) 18,471

Leaving Certificate Accounting


(a) Adjusted Debtors Control Account
31/12/-9 Balance b/d 14,280 31/12/-9 Balance b/d 280
Discount Disallowed (II) 96 Credit Note (I) 123
Bills payable (V) 100
Interest (VI) 81
Balance c/d 280 Balance c/d 14,434
14,837 14,837
Balance b/d 14,434 Balance b/d 280

(b) Adjusted Schedule (List) of Debtors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 13,685
Less Credit Note (I) (444)
Less Cash Sales (III) (300)
Add Invoice (IV) 1,024
Add Interest (VI) 189
Adjusted Total 14,154


(a) Adjusted Debtors Control Account
30/6/-1 Balance b/d 48,370 30/6/-1 Balance b/d 280
Due to Debtor (V) 280 Returns In (I) 3,820
Interest (VI) 63 Contras (II) 65
Cheque Dishonoured (VII) 392
Discount Disallowed (VII) 8 Balance c/d 44,948
49,113 49,113
Balance b/d 44,948

(b) Adjusted Schedule (List) of Debtors’ Balances

Original Total of Schedule: 45,206
Less Returns In (I) (3,820)
Add Balance Omitted (IV) 45
Add Invoice (VI) 2,770
Add Cheque Dishonoured (VII) 721
Add Discount Disallowed (VII) 26
Adjusted Total 44,948

Correction of Errors –
Suspense Account: Solutions

(a) Journal Entries

Details Debit Credit
(i) Sales Returns 70
Debtor 70
(ii) Interest 16
Suspense 16
(iii) Creditors 150
Bank 150
(iv) Rent 90
Suspense 90
(v) Repairs 170
Machinery 170

(b) Suspense Account

Original Balance 106 Interest (II) 16
Rent (IV) 90
106 106

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Creditor 60
Purchases Returns 60
(ii) E. Harvey 190
E. Harley 190
(iii) Suspense 90
Rent Received 90
(iv) Debtors 9
Suspense 9
(v) Asset 3,000
Purchases 3,000

(b) Suspense Account

Rent Received (iii) 90 Original Balance 81
Debtors (iv) 9
90 90

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Suspense 19
Purchases 19
(ii) Advertising 240
Bank 240
(iii) Carriage In 63
Suspense 63
(iv) Debtor 180
Sales 180
(v) Suspense 80
Bank 80
(vi) Rent Received 23
Discount Allowed 23
(vii) Drawings 148
Repairs 148
(viii) S.King 28
S. Kidd 28
(ix) Drawings 140
Purchases 140

(b) Suspense Account

Purchases (I) 19 Original Balance 36
Bank (V) 80 Carriage In (III) 63
99 99

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 16,700
Add Purchases (I) 19
Less Advertising (II) (240)
Less Carriage In (III) (63)
Add Sales (IV) 180
Less Rent Received (VI) (23)
Add Discount Allowed (VI) 23
Add Repairs (VII) 148
Add Purchases (IX) 140
Revised Net Profit 16,884

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Suspense 168
Interest Received 168
(ii) Bad Debts 120
J. McDonagh (Debtor) 120
(iii) Equipment 250
Purchases 250
Suspense 500
J. Treacy (Creditor) 500
(iv) J. O Toole (Creditor) 176
Suspense 176
(v) Sales 89
Suspense 89
(vi) Drawings 3,000
Motor Expenses 3,000


(b) Suspense Account

Interest Received (I) 168 Balance 403
J. Treacy (III) 500 J. O Toole (IV) 176
Sales (V) 89
668 668

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Bad Debts 120
J. Agnew 120
(ii) Suspense 320
Interest Received 320
(iii) Creditor 110
Purchases Returns 110
(iv) Debtor 180
Suspense 180
(v) Suspense 92
Sales 92
(vi) Expenses 45
Suspense 45

(b) Suspense Account

Interest (II) 320 Debtor (IV) 180
Sales (V) 92 Expenses (VI) 45
Original Balance 187
412 412

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Interest 240
Suspense 240
(ii) Sales Returns 180
Debtor 180
(iii) Purchases 70
Suspense 70
(iv) Suspense 90
Creditor 90
(v) Motor Repairs 60
Motor Vehicles 60
(vi) Drawings 150
Suspense 150

(b) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 10,000
Less Interest (I) (240)
Less Sales Returns (II) (180)
Less Purchases (III) (70)
Less Motor Repairs (V) (60)
Revised Net Profit 9,450

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Sales Returns 300
Suspense 300
(ii) Equipment 230
Suspense 90
Repairs 320
(iii) Discount Allowed 180
Suspense 180
(iv) Suspense 200
Purchases 200
(v) Drawings 100
Suspense 100

(b) Suspense Account

Repairs (II) 90 Sales Returns (I) 300
Purchases (IV) 200 Discount All. (III) 180
Original Balance 290 Drawings (V) 100
580 580

(c) Ledger Accounts

Equipment Account
Correction 230
Bank Account
Original 230
Repairs Account
Original 320 Correction 230
Correction – Suspense 90

Discount Allowed Account
Correction – Suspense 180 Original 90
Debtors Account
Original 90

Purchases Account
Original 7,840 Correction – Suspense 200
Creditors Account
Original 7,640


(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Equipment 600
Purchases 600
Suspense 1,200
Creditor 1,200
(ii) Suspense 165
Rent Received 165
(iii) Creditor 90
Suspense 90
(iv) Drawings 91
General Expenses 91
(v) Bank 40
Bad Debts 120
Debtor 160
(vi) Commission Received 6,000
Capital 5,000
Suspense 1,000

(b) Suspense Account

Creditor (I) 1,200 Creditor (III) 90
Rent Recd. (II) 165 Commission (vi) 1,000
Original Balance 275
1,365 1,365

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 12,360
Add Purchases (I) 600
Add Rent Recd. (II) 165
Add Gen. Exps (IV) 91
Less Bad Debts (V) (120)
Less Commission (VI) (6,000)
Revised Net Profit 7,096


(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Creditor 320
Capital 320
(ii) Suspense 830
P. returns 40
Creditor 790
(iii) Debtor 400
Discount All. 20
Bank 380
Bad Debts 400
Debtor 400
(iv) Creditor 120
Buildings 300
Repairs 120
Drawings 300
Suspense 840
(v) Sales 2,600
Debtor 2,600
Bank 2,600
Capital 2,600

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 30,000
Add Purchases Returns (II) 40
Add Discount Allowed (III) 20
Less Bad Debts (III) (400)
Less Repairs (IV) (120)
Less Sales (V) (2,600)
Revised Net Profit 26,940


(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Purchases 8,000
Equipment 8,800
P. Wynne (Creditor) 16,000
Suspense 800
(ii) Equipment 40
Sales Returns 540
Suspense 410
Debtor 540
Purchases 450
(iii) Drawings 380
Discount Allowed 20
Debtor 400
(iv) Creditor 11,700
Purchases Returns 6,400
Creditor 6,400
Suspense 11,700
(v) Creditor 1,200
Commission 1,000
Capital 2,000
Discount Received 200

(b) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 24,000
Less Purchases (I) (8,000)
Less Sales Returns (II) (540)
Add Purchases (II) 450
Less Discount Allowed (III) (20)
Less Purchases Returns (IV) (6,400)
Less Commission (V) (1,000)
Add Discount Received (V) 200
Revised Net Profit 8,690



(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Sales 650
Loss on Sale 100
Motor Vehicles 750
J. Patten (Debtor) 1,210
Suspense 1,210
(ii) Creditor 240
Suspense 240
(iii) Premises 7,000
Capital 7,000
(iv) Drawings 140
Debtor 140
Sales 140
Purchases 140
(v) Bank 320
Interest Received 320

(b) Suspense Account

Original Balance 1,450 Debtor (I) 1,210
Creditor (II) 240
1,450 1,450

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 8,400
Less Sales (I) (650)
Less Loss on Sales (I) (100)
Less Sales (IV) (140)
Add Purchases (IV) 140
Add Interest (V) 320
Revised Net Profit 7,970

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Premises (40,000 + 7,000) 47,000
Motors (19,000 – 750) 18,250
Current Assets
Stock (10,000 – 1,450) 8,550
Debtors (4,800 + 1,210 – 140) 5,870
10% Deposit Account 3,200
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (6,400 – 240) 6,160
Bank (5,600 – 320) 5,280
Financed By
Capital (61,000 + 7,000) 68,000
Add Net Profit 7,970
Less Drawings (4,400 + 140) (4,540)

Leaving Certificate Accounting


(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Suspense 760
Purchases 760
Equipment 670
J. Delaney (Creditor) 670
(ii) Suspense 2,500
Bank 2,500
Motors 3,500
Capital 3,500
(iii) Creditor 180
Suspense 180
(iv) Repairs 80
Drawings 50
Bank 130
Creditor 130
Motors 130
Suspense 160
(v) Rent 1,000
Rent Due 1,000

(b) Suspense Account

Purchases (I) 760 Creditor (III) 180
Bank (II) 2,500 Creditor (IV) 130
Motors (IV) 130
Original Difference 2,820
3,260 3,260

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 23,000
Add Purchases (I) 760
Less Repairs (IV) (80)
Less Rent (V) (1,000)
Revised Net Profit 22,680

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Premises 30,000
Motors (5,000 + 3,500 + 130) 8,630
Equipment (9,000 + 670) 9,670
Current Assets
Stock (11,000 + 2,820) 13,820
Debtors 4,000
Bank (3,000 – 2,500 – 130) 370
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (8,000 + 670 – 180 – 130) 8,360
Rent Due 1,000
Financed By
Capital (38,000 + 3,500) 41,500
Add Net Profit 22,680
Less Drawings (7,000 + 50) (7,050)



(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) J. Collins (Debtor) 11,000
Sales 6,400
Delivery Vans 4,600
Suspense 12,800
(ii) Purchases Returns 20
Suspense 680
Creditor 700
(iii) Debtor 500
Bank 485
Discount Allowed 15
Bad Debts 500
Debtor 500
(iv) Purchases Returns 36
Creditors 428
Suspense 464
(v) Creditor 440
Capital 400
Discount Received 40

(b) Suspense Account

Creditor (II) 680 Debtor (I) 12,800
P. Returns (IV) 36
Original Balance 12,584 Creditor (IV) 428
13,264 13,264

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 9,000
Less Sales (I) (6,400)
Less Purchases Returns (II) (20)
Add Disc. Allowed (III) 15
Less Bad Debts (III) (500)
Less Purchases Returns (IV) (36)
Add Disc. Received (V) 40
Revised Net Profit 2,099

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Premises 50,000
Delivery Vans (20,000 – 4,600) 15,400
Current Assets
Stock (22,000 – 12,584) 9,416
Debtors (8,000 + 11,000 + 500 – 500) 19,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (12,000 + 700 – 428 – 440) 11,832
Bank (2,000 + 485) 2,485
Financed By
Capital (80,000 + 400) 80,400
Add Net Profit 2,099
Less Drawings (3,000)

Leaving Certificate Accounting


(a) Journal Entries
Debit Credit
(i) Motor Vehicles 2,900
Purchases 2,900
Suspense 4,800
J. Brady (Creditor) 4,800
(ii) Suspense 1,600
Bank 1,600
(iii) Returns In 700
Debtor 700
Stock (Balance Sheet) 600
Stock (Trading Account) 600
(iv) Debtors 3,600
Capital 3,600
Sales 3,600
Bank 3,600
(v) Suspense 190
Returns Out 20
Creditor 210

(b) Suspense Account

Creditor (I) 4,800 Original Balance 6,950
Bank (II) 1,600
Creditor (III) 190
6,590 6,590

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 8,400
Add Purchases (I) 2,900
Less Returns In (III) (700)
Add Stock (Trading) (III) 600
Less Sales (IV) (3,600)
Less Returns Out (V) (20)
Revised Net Profit 7,580

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Motor Vehicles (22,000 + 2,900) 24,900
Equipment 14,000
Current Assets
Stock (15,000 + 600) 15,600
Debtors (7,800 – 700 + 3,600) 10,700
Bills Receivable 3,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (11,000 – 6,590 + 4,800 + 210) 9,420
Bank (6,800 + 1,600 + 3,600) 12,000
Financed By
Capital (47,000 + 3,600) 50,600
Add Net Profit 7,580
Less Drawings (11,400)



(a) Journal Entries
Debit Credit
(i) Bank 520
Discount Received 40
Creditor 560
Creditor 300
Cash 300
(ii) Repairs 600
Drawings 360
Premises 960
Suspense 1,920
(iii) Drawings 390
Discount Allowed 10
Debtor 400
(iv) Creditor 9,200
Purchases 4,500
Capital 4,500
Discount Received 200
(v) Debtor 188
Sales Returns 127
Suspense 315

(b) Suspense Account

Original Balance 2,235 Repairs (II) 600
Drawings (II) 360
Premises (II) 960
Debtor (V) 188
Sales Returns (V) 127
2,235 2,235

(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 42,000
Less Discount Received (I) (40)
Less Repairs (II) (600)
Less Discount Allowed (III) (10)
Add Purchases (IV) 4,500
Add Discount Received (IV) 200
Less Sales Returns (V) (127)
Revised Net Profit 45,923

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Premises (165,000 + 960) 165,960
Furniture and Equipment 33,000
Current Assets
Stock 94,000
Debtors (10,600 – 400 + 188) 10,388
Cash (400 – 300) 100
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (72,000 + 2,235 + 560 – 300 – 9,200) 65,295
Bank (19,000 – 520) 18,480
Financed By
Capital (176,000 + 4,500) 180,500
Add Net Profit 45,923
Less Drawings (6,000 + 360 + 390) (6,750)


(a) Journal Entries
Details Debit Credit
(i) Bank 610
Discount Received 30
Creditor 640
Creditor 400
Cash 400
(ii) Repairs 800
Drawings 630
Premises 1,430
Suspense 2,860
(iii) Creditor 75
Capital 70
Discount Received 5
(iv) Drawings 800
Creditor 800
Purchases 1,600
(v) Sales Returns 196
Suspense 74
Debtor 122

(b) Suspense Account

Original Balance 2,934 Repairs (II) 800
Drawings (II) 630
Premises (II) 1,430
Sales Returns (V) 74
2,934 2,934


(c) Statement of Revised Profit

Original Net Profit 43,000
Less Discount Received (I) (30)
Less Repairs (II) (800)
Add Discount Received (III) 5
Add Purchases (IV) 1,600
Less Sales Returns (V) (196)
Revised Net Profit 43,579

(d) Corrected Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets
Premises (180,000 + 1,430) 181,430
Machinery 48,000
Current Assets
Stock 73,000
Debtors (12,000 – 122) 11,878
Cash (600 – 400) 200
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors (27,000 + 2,934 + 640 – 400 – 75 – 800) 29,299
Bank (24,000 – 610) 23,390
Financed By
Capital (227,600 + 70) 227,670
Add Net Profit 43,579
Less Drawings (8,000 + 630 + 800) (9,430)

The Conceptual Framework of
Accounting: Solutions

1. Concept of Going Concern – see text for explanation. Example: The accountant values assets in the balance
sheet at cost. If the liquidation of the business was imminent, the assets would have to be valued at market value.
2. Concept of Accruals – see text for explanation. Example: Rent due and unpaid for the last two months of the
financial year is included in the Profit and Loss Account as part of the Expense Rent.
3. Concept of Prudence – see text for explanation. Example: A provision for bad debts of 5% of outstanding
debtors is maintained.
4. Concept of consistency – see text for explanation. Example: Fixed assets are written off each year on a
reducing balance system.
Accounting Concept Going Concern

Accounting Base Historical Cost Basis

Accounting Policy Fixed Assets Valued at Cost

Concept – Prudence
Base – Research expenditure is not to be capitalised
Policy – Research expenditure appears as an expense in the Profit and Loss Account of the period in which it was
Consistent periods of account allow valid comparisons be made between periods.
1. Principle of realisation – see text for explanation Example: The rise in value of a fixed asset is not recorded
as profit in the period of the rise, but is recorded as profit in the period when the asset is sold.
2. Principle of double-entry – see text for explanation Example: A bank loan received to buy a new delivery van
appears as an asset (delivery vans) and a liability (bank loan due).
3. Principle of objectivity – see text for explanation Example: The valuation and ownership of fixed assets does
not depend upon the judgement of the accountant but on the receipt paid for the asset and the deeds of
An item in the accounts is considered immaterial if its omission would not effect the opinion of the users of the accounts.
No, because the accounts, under the money measurement concept, can only show the financial position of the firm.
Other factors, relevant or not to the health of the enterprise cannot be shown in the accounts.
(a) Going concern (b) Accruals (c) Consistency
(d) Prudence (e) Entity (f) Money measurement
(g) Materiality (h) Realisation (i) Accruals
(j) Accruals (k) Consistency (l) Double entry
(m) Prudence (n) Going concern

Limited Companies: Solutions

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Net Profit 103,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (24,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Proposed (15,200)
Preference Dividends
Paid 3,850
Proposed 3,850 (7,700)

Retained Profits 56,100

(b) Balance Sheet (Extracts)

Current Liabilities
Proposed Dividends 19,050
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 300,000 190,000 190,000
€1 11% Preference Shares 100,000 70,000 70,000
400,000 260,000 260,000
General Reserve 67,000
Profit and Loss Account 56,100

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Net Profit 69,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (10,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Proposed (12,000)
Preference Dividends
Paid 3,000
Proposed 9,000
Retained Profits 35,000

(b) Balance Sheet (Extracts)

Current Liabilities
Proposed Dividends 21,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
€1 12% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
500,000 300,000 300,000
General Reserves 90,000
Profit and Loss Account 35,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Net Profit before Taxation 120,000
Less Taxation (23,000)
Profit after Taxation 97,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (25,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Proposed (17,500)
Preference Dividends
Paid 3,000
Proposed 3,000
Retained Profits for the year 48,500
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 20,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 68,500

(b) Balance Sheet (Extracts)

Current Liabilities
Proposed Dividends 20,500
Taxation Due 23,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 300,000 250,000 250,000
€1 8% Preference Shares 100,000 75,000 75,000
400,000 325,000 325,000
General Reserves 90,000
Profit and Loss Account 68,500

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 €
Net Profit before Taxation 210,000
Less Taxation (25,000)
Profit after Taxation 185,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (15,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Interim 15,000
Proposed 20,000 (35,000)

Preference Dividends
Interim 7,000
Proposed 7,000
Retained Profits for the year 121,000
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 101,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 222,000


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

€ € €
Fixed Assets
Tangible 800,000 200,000 600,000
Intangible 100,000
Current Assets
Stock 120,000
Debtors less Provision for Bad Debts 100,000
Cash on Hand 5,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 70,000
Taxation Due 25,000
Proposed Dividends 27,000
Bank Overdraft 3,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 800,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 500,000 300,000 300,000
€1 7% Preference Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
800,000 500,000 500,000
Share Premium 3,000
General Reserve 25,000
Profit and Loss Account 222,000
Shareholders’ Funds 750,000
Long Term Liabilities
14% Debentures 50,000

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Net Profit before Taxation 136,000
Less Taxation (29,000)
Profit after Taxation 107,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (20,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Paid 24,000
Proposed 40,000
Preference Dividends
Paid 7,500
Proposed 7,500
Retained Profits for the year 8,000
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 35,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 43,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet (Extracts)

Current Liabilities
Proposed Dividends 47,500
Taxation Due 29,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 700,000 400,000 400,000
€1 10% Preference Shares 300,000 150,000 150,000
1,000,000 550,000 550,000
General Reserve 60,000
Profit and Loss Account 43,000

(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7 €
Net Profit before Taxation 170,000
Less Taxation (40,000)
Profit after Taxation 130,000
Less Transfer to General Reserve (10,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Interim 20,000
Proposed 30,000
Preference Dividends
Interim 6,000
Proposed 6,000
Retained Profits for the year 58,000
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 42,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 100,000


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

€ € €
Fixed Assets
Tangible 600,000 100,000 500,000
Intangible 100,000
Financial 50,000
Current Assets
Stock 70,000
Debtors less Provision for Bad Debts 40,000
Cash on Hand and at Bank 15,000
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 50,000
Taxation Due 40,000
Proposed Dividends 36,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 649,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 400,000 340,000 340,00
€1 10% Preference Shares 200,000 120,000 120,000
600,000 460,000 460,000
General Reserve 20,000
Share Premium 9,000
Profit and Loss Account 100,000
Shareholders’ Funds 129,000
Long Term Liabilities
7% Debentures 60,000
(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Net Profit before Taxation 82,500
Less Taxation (21,000)
Profit after Taxation 61,500
Less Transfer to General Reserve (10,000)
Less Ordinary Dividends
Paid 17,500
Proposed 20,000
Preference Dividends
Paid 4,500
Proposed 4,500
Retained Profits for the year 5,000
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 40,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 45,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet (Extracts)

Current Liabilities
Proposed Dividends 24,500
Taxation Duei 21,000
Financed by
Share Capital Authorised Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 400,000 250,000 250,000
€1 9% Preference Shares 150,000 100,000 100,000
550,000 350,000 350,000
General Reserve 30,000
Profit and Loss Account 45,000

Final Accounts of a Limited Company
with Adjustments: Solutions

Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 30,000 30,000 – 30,000
2. General Expenses 20,000 – 8,000 – 12,000 –
3. Debenture Interest 8,000 + 8,000 – 16,000 8,000
4. Depreciation on Delivery Vans 10,000 + 10,000 – 10,000 20,000
5. Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings 6,000 + 1,200 – 1,200 7,200
6. Directors’ Fees 6,000 – 6,000 6,000
7. Auditors’ Fees 1,000 – 1,000 1,000
8. Patents 100,000 – 10,000 – 10,000 90,000
9. Rent of Showroom 5,000 – 1,250 – 3,750 1,250
10. Preference Dividend Proposed 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
11. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
12. Corporation Tax – 27,000 27,000

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-2 (€)
Sales 385,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stocks 25,000
+ Purchases 179,000
– Closing Stock 1. (30,000)
Gross Profit 211,000
+ Income
Investment Interest 1,600
– Expenses
Rent of Showroom 9. 3,750
Depreciation on Delivery Vans 4. 10,000
General expenses 2. 12,000
Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings 5. 1,200
Directors’ Fees 6. 6,000
Auditors’ Fees 7. 1,000
Rates and Insurance 4,000
Amortisation of Patent 8. 10,000
Salaries and Wages 35,000
Debenture Interest 3. 16,000
Net Profit before Taxation 113,650
Taxation 12. (27,000)
Profit after Taxation 86,650
Less Dividends Proposed
Ordinary 11. 10,000
Preference 10. 10,000
Retained Profits 66,650
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 30,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 96,650

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Land and Buildings 300,000 – 300,000
Delivery Vans 4. 40,000 20,000 20,000
Furniture and Fittings 5. 12,000 7,200 4,800
352,000 27,200 324,800
Patents 8. 90,000
Goodwill 60,000
8% Investments 20,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 30,000
Debtors 30,000
Bank 86,600
Showroom Rent Prepaid 9. 1,250
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 18,000
VAT 6,000
Debenture Interest Due 3. 8,000
Directors’ Fees Due 6. 6,000
Auditors’ Fees Due 7. 1,000
Preference Dividend Proposed 10. 10,000
Ordinary Dividend Proposed 11. 10,000
Taxation Due 12. 27,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 556,650
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
€1 10% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
500,000 300,000 300,000
Profit and Loss Account 96,650
Long Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 160,000


Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 10,000 + 25,000 35,000 – 35,000
2. Suspense 1,000 – 250 –750 – – –
3. Interim Preference Dividend 2,000 + 250 + 2,250 4,500 2,250
4. General Expenses 22,000 + 750 – 22,750 –
5. Rent 5,000 – 2,500 – 2,500 2,500
6. Land and Buildings 250,000 + 6,000 + 10,000 – – 266,000
7. Salaries and Wages 40,000 – 6,000 – 34,000 –
8. Purchases 129,000 – 10,000 119,000 – –
9. Sales 380,000 – 30,000 350,000 – –
10. Debtors 55,000 – 30,000 – – 25,000
11. Depreciation on Land and Buildings 2,920 – 2,920 2,920
12. Depreciation on Vans 25,000 + 4,000 – 4,000 29,000
13. Depreciation on Fixtures and Fittings 7,000 + 5,000 – 5,000 12,000
14. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 15,000 – 15,000 15,000
15. Corporation Tax 60,000 – 60,000 60,000
16. General Reserve 10,000 + 10,000 – 10,000 20,000
17. Debenture Interest 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
18. Investment Income 12,100 – 12,100 12,100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)
Sales 9. 350,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 15,000
+ Purchases 8. 119,000
– Closing Stock 1. (35,000)
Gross Profit 251,000
+ Income
Rent 5. 2,500
Investment Interest 18. 12,100
– Expenses
Depreciation on Vans 12. 4,000
Salesforce Salaries 6,000
Carriage Out 2,000
General Expenses 4. 22,750
Salaries and Wages 7. 34,000
Depreciation on Buildings 11. 2,920
Depreciation on Furniture and Fittings 13. 5,000
Directors’ Fees 10,000
Auditors’ Fees 4,000
Rent, Rates and Insurance 25,000
Debenture Interest 17. 10,000
Net Profit before Taxation 139,930
– Taxation 15. (60,000)
Profit after Taxation 79,930
– Transfer to Reserve 16. (10,000)
– Dividends
– Ordinary – Proposed 14. 15,000
Preference – Paid 3. 2,250
– Proposed 3. 2,250
Retained Profits 50,430
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 42,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 92,430


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Land and Buildings 6. 11. 266,000 2,920 263,080
Delivery Vans 12. 45,000 29,000 16,000
Furniture and Fittings 13. 25,000 12,000 13,000
336,000 43,920 292,080
Goodwill 76,000
11% Investments 110,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 35,000
Debtors 10. 25,000
Bank 16,000
Investment Income Due 18. 12,100
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 45,000
VAT 4,000
Preference Dividend Due 3. 2,250
Ordinary Dividend Due 14. 15,000
Taxation Due 15. 60,000
Debenture Interest Due 17. 10,000
Rent Prepaid 5. 2,500
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 427,430
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 250,000 150,000 150,000
€1 9% Preference Shares 150,000 50,000 50,000
400,000 200,000 200,000
General Reserve 16. 20,000
Share Premium 15,000
Profit and Loss Account 92,430
Long Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 100,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Account Profit and Balance Sheet
Adjustments Loss Account
1. Closing Stock 80,000 80,000 – 80,000
2. Bank (10,000) + 1,750 – – 8,250
3. Investment Income 1,750 + 875 – 2,625 875
4. Auditors’ Fees 700 – 700 700
5. Directors’ Fees 3,000 – 3,000 3,000
6. Patents 6,000 + 2,000 – – 8,000
7. Interim Preference Dividend 10,000 – 2,000 + 8,000 – 16,000 8,000
8. Depreciation on Land and Buildings 5,000 – 5,000 5,000
9. Depreciation on Vans 20,000 + 16,000 – 16,000 36,000
10. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 8,000 – 8,000 8,000
11. Debenture Interest 3,000 + 3,000 – 6,000 3,000
12. Debtors 30,000 – 1,000 – – 29,000
13. Bad Debts 1,000 – 1,000 –
14. Provision for Bad Debts 1,450 – 1,450 1,450
15. Corporation Tax 20,000 – 20,000 20,000

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5 (€)
Sales 606,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 27,000
+ Purchases 310,000
– Closing Stock 1. (80,000)
Gross Profit 349,000
+ Income
Rent 6,000
Investment Interest 3. 2,625
– Expenses
Selling and Distribution 8,000
Depreciation on Vans 9. 16,000
Administration Expenses 138,000
Auditors’ Fees 4. 700
Directors’ Fees 5. 3,000
Depreciation Buildings 8. 5,000
Bad Debts 13. 1,000
Provision for Bad Debts 14. 1,450
Debenture Interest 11. 6,000
Net Profit before Taxation 178,475
Taxation 15. (20,000)
Profit after Taxation 158,475
– Dividends
Ordinary – Proposed 10. 8,000
Preference – Paid 7. 8,000
– Proposed 7. 8,000
Retained Profits 134,475
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year (20,000)
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 114,475


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-5

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Land and Buildings 8. 450,000 5,000 445,000
Delivery Vans 9. 100,000 36,000 64,000
550,000 41,000 509,000
Patents 6. 8,000
7% Investments 50,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 80,000
Debtors 12. 29,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 14. (1,450) 27,550
Investment Income Due 3. 875
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 10,000
Bank 2. 8,250
Auditors’ Fees Due 4. 700
Directors’ Fees Due 5. 3,000
Preference Dividends Due 7. 8,000
Ordinary Dividends Due 10. 8,000
Debenture Interest Due 11. 3,000
Taxation Due 15. 20,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 614,475
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 500,000 200,000 200,000
€1 8% Preference Shares 200,000 200,000 200,000
700,000 400,000 400,000
Share Premium 40,000
Profit and Loss Account 114,475
Long Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 60,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Account Profit and Balance Sheet
Adjustments Loss Account
1. Closing Stock 37,400 –1,500 + 7,000 42,900 – 42,900
2. Goodwill 9,500 + 3,000 – 2,500 – 2,500 10,000
3. Investment Income 3,000 + 9,000 – 12,000 9,000
4. Advertising 3,100 – 50 + 200 – 3,250 –
5. Debenture Interest 2,050 + 50 + 6,300 – 8,400 6,300
6. Debtors 27,200 – 200 – – 27,000
7. Salaries and General Expenses 97,200 – 8,500 – 88,700 –
8. Purchases 740,000 + 7,000 – 21,500 725,000 – –
9. Creditors 35,100 + 7,000 – – 42,100
10. Buildings 401,000 – 25,000 + 30,000 – – 406,000
11. Insurance Claim Due 25,000 – – 25,000
12. Preference Dividend Proposed 5,500 – 5,500 5,500
13. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 52,500 – 52,500 52,500
14. Corporation Tax 15,000 – 15,000 15,000
15. Depreciation on Vans 30,000 + 13,750 – 13,750 43,750
16. Provision for Bad Debts 1,450 – 100 – 100 1,350

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 (€)
Sales 1,020,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 35,600
+ Purchases 8. 725,500
– Closing Stock (42,900)
Gross Profit 301,800
+ Income
Investment Income 3. 12,000
Reduction in Provision 16. 100
Discount (Net) 2,100
– Expenses
Advertising 4. 3,250
Van Depreciation 15. 13,750
Salaries and General Expenses 7. 88,700
Directors’ Fees 11,000
Rent 8,600
Amount Written off Goodwill 2. 2,500
Financial 110,800
Debenture Interest
5. 8,400
Net Profit before Taxation 179,800
Taxation 14. (15,000)
Profit after Taxation 164,800
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 19,500
– Proposed 13. 52,500
Preference – Paid 12. 5,500
– Proposed 5,500
Retained Profits 81,800
– Profit and Loss Balance from last year (6,400)
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 75,400


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 10. 406,000 – 406,000
Delivery Vans 15. 140,000 43,750 96,250
546,000 43,750 502,250
Goodwill 10,000
10% Investments 120,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 42,900
Debtors 6. 27,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 16. (1,350) 25,650
Investment Income Due 3. 9,000
Insurance Claim Due 11. 25,000
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 9. 42,100
Bank 18,000
Debenture Interest Due 5. 6,300
Preference Dividends Due 12. 5,500
Ordinary Dividends Due 13. 52,500
Taxation Due 14. 15,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 595,400
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 650,000 350,000 350,000
€1 11% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
850,000 450,000 450,000
Profit and Loss Account 75,400
Long Term Liabilities
12% Debentures 70,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Account Profit and Balance Sheet
Adjustments Loss Account
1. Closing Stock 36,900 – 2,000 34,900 – 34,900
2. Goodwill 8,800 + 6,400 – 3,800 – 3,800 11,400
3. Investment Income 6,400 + 7,500 + 5,300 (A) – 19,200 5,300
4. Advertising 4,400 – 200 – 300 + 150 –2,500 – 1,550 –
5. Debenture Interest 2,000 + 200 + 8250 (B) – 10,450 8,250
6. Creditors 31,100 – 300 – – 30,800
7. Sales 932,000 + 150 932,150 – –
8. Directors Fees 24,500 + 2,500 – 27,000 –
9. Bank (17,000) + 7,500 – 300 – 1,740 – 1,200 – – 12,740
10. Debtors 26,400 + 300 – – 26,700
11. Rent 8,700 + 1,740 – 10,440 –
12. Salaries and General Expenses 99,800 + 1,200 – 101,000 –
13. Preference Dividend Proposed 9,000 – 9,000 9,000
14. Ordinary Dividend Proposed – 4,000 4,000
15. Provision for Bad Debts 1,600 – 265 – 265 1,335
16. Corporation Tax 2,000 – 2,000 2,000
17. General Reserve 4,000 – 4,000 4,000
18. Van Depreciation 38,000 + 28,000 – 28,000 66,000


(A) Investment Income = €160,000 @ 12% = €192,200 (€5,300 due)

(B) Debenture Interest = €80,000 @ 11% for 1 year = €8,800
€20,000 @ 11% for 3/4 year = €1,650
€10,450 (€8,250 due)


(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 (€)
Sales 7. 932,150
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 31,700
+ Purchases 751,000
– Closing Stock 1. (34,900)
Gross Profit 184,350
+ Income
Discount (Net) 2,700
Investment Income 3. 19,200
Provision for Bad Debts Decrease 15. 265
– Expenses
Van Depreciation 18. 28,000
Advertising 4. 1,550
Amount Written off Goodwill 2. 3,800
Directors’ Fees 8. 27,000
Rent 11. 10,440
Salaries and General Expenses 12. 101,000
Debenture Interest 5. 10,450
Net Profit before Taxation 24,275
Taxation (2,000)
Profit after Taxation 22,275
Transfer to General reserve 17. (4,000)
Retained Profits 18,275
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 22,500
– Proposed 4,000 14. (26,500)
Preference – Paid 4,500
– Proposed 9,000 13. (13,500)
Retained Profits (21,725)
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 25,900
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 4,175

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Buildings 414,000 – 414,000
Delivery Vans 18. 140,000 66,000 74,000
554,000 66,000 488,000
Goodwill 2. 11,400
12% Investments 160,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 34,900
Debtors 10. 26,700
– Provision for Bad Debts 15. (1,335) 25,365
Investment Income Due 3. 5,300
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 6. 30,800
Bank 9. 12,740
Debenture Interest Due 5. 8,250
Preference Dividends Due 13. 9,000
Ordinary Dividends Due 14. 4,000
Taxation Due 16. 2,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 658,175
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 600,000 400,000 400,000
€1 9% Preference Shares 300,000 150,000 150,000
900,000 550,000 550,000
General Reserve 17. 4,000
Profit and Loss Account 4,175
Long Term Liabilities
11% Debentures 100,000



Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 42,600 – 2,000 + 4,000 – 8,000 36,600 – 36,600
2. Goodwill 12,400 + 3,600 – 3,200 – 3,200 12,800
3. Investment Income 3,600 + 10,800 – 14,400 10,800
4. Sales 875,100 – 6,000 869,100 – –
5. Debtors 45,900 – 6,000 – – 39,900
6. Purchases 660,000 – 8,000 – 6,000 – 25,500 620,500 – –
7. Creditors 43,300 – 8,000 – – 35,300
8. Buildings 451,000 – 20,000 + 9,500 + 25,500 – – 466,000
9. Salaries and General Expenses 99,800 – 9,500 – 90,300 –
10. Insurance Claim Due 26,000 – – 26,000
11. Preference Dividend Proposed 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
12. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 40,000 – 40,000 40,000
13. Debenture Interest 2,400 + 4,800 – 7,200 4,800
14. Corporation Tax 30,000 – 30,000 30,000
15. Provision for Bad Debts 1,600 + 395 – 395 1,995
16. Van Depreciation 45,000 + 19,000 – 19,000 64,000

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 (€)
Sales 4. 869,100
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 37,600
+ Purchases 6. 620,500
– Closing Stock 1. (36,600)
Gross Profit 247,600
+ Income
Investment Income 3. 14,400
Discount (Net) 5,400
– Expenses
Depreciation on Van 16. 19,000
Advertising 7,500
Salaries and General Expenses 9. 90,300
Rent 4,800
Amount Written off Goodwill 2. 3,200
Directors Fees 24,000
Audit Fees 5,000
Provision for Bad Debts Increase 16. 395
Debenture Interest 13. 7,200
Net Profit before Taxation 106,005
Less Taxation (30,000)
Profit after Taxation 76,005
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 14,000
– Proposed 12. 40,000 (54,000)
Preference – Paid 10,000
– Proposed 11. 10,000 (20,000)
Retained Profits 2,005
– Profit and Loss Balance from last year (8,600)
= Profit and Loss Balance to next year (6,595)

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 8. 466,000 – 466,000
Delivery Vans 16. 140,000 64,000 76,000
606,000 64,000 542,000
Goodwill 2. 12,800
9% Investments 160,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 36,600
Debtors 5. 39,900
– Provision for Bad Debts 15. (1,995) 37,905
Investment Income Due 3. 10,800
Insurance Claim Due 10. 26,000
VAT 4,300
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 7. 35,300
Preference Dividends Proposed 11. 10,000
Ordinary Dividends Proposed 12. 40,000
Debenture Interest Due 13. 4,800
Taxation Due 14. 30,000
Bank 22,000
PAYE 4,900
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 683,405
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 600,000 400,000 400,000
€1 10% Preference Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
900,000 600,000 600,000
Profit and Loss Account (6,595)
Long Term Liabilities
8% Debentures 90,000



Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 50,000 – 2,000 48,000 – 48,000
2. Goodwill 12,000 + 4,800 – 8,400 – 8,400 8,400
3. Investment Income 4,800 + 9,600 – 14,400 –
4. Patents 20,000 – 4,000 – 4,000 16,000
5. Advertising 6,000 + 400 – 200 + 180 – 6,380 –
6. Debenture Interest 2,800 – 400 + 10,800 (A) – 13,200 10,800
7. Creditors 35,400 – 200 – – 35,200
8. Rent 17,000 – 180 – 340 – 16,480 340
9. Van Depreciation 66,000 + 32,400 – 32,400 98,400
10. Bank (16,000) + 9,600 + 1,500 – – 4,900
11. Debtors 31,500 – 1,500 – 5,000 – – 25,000
12. Bad Debts 5,000 – 5,000 –
13. Preference Dividend Proposed 6,000 – 6,000 6,000
14. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 15,000 – 15,000 15,000
15. Corporation Tax 40,000 – 40,000 40,000
16. Provision for Bad Debts 1,600 – 350 – 350 1,250

(A) Debenture Interest = €120,000 at 8% for 1 year = 9,600

€60,000 at 8% for 3/4 year = 3,600
€13,200 (€10,800 due)

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0 (€)
Sales 906,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 30,000
+ Purchases 595,000
– Closing Stock 1. (48,000)
Gross Profit 329,000
+ Income
Investment Income 3. 14,000
Provision for Bad Debts Decrease 16. 350
Patent Royalties 3,000
– Expenses
Advertising 5. 6,380
Van Depreciation 9. 32,400
Goodwill Written off 2. 8,400
Patents Written off 4. 4,000
Rent 8. 16,480
Bad Debts 12. 5,000
Salaries and General Expenses 102,000
Directors’ Fees 40,000
Audit Fees 6,000
Debenture Interest 6. 13,200
Net Profit before Taxation 112,890
Taxation 15. (40,000)
Profit after Taxation 72,890
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 30,000
– Proposed 14. 15,000 (45,000)
Preference – Paid 2,000
– Proposed 13. 6,000 (8,000)
Retained Profits 19,890
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 19,300
= Profit and Loss Balance to next year 39,190


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Buildings 400,000 – 400,000
Delivery Vans 9. 162,000 98,400 63,600
562,000 98,400 463,600
Goodwill 2. 8,400
Patents 4. 16,000
9% Investments 160,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 48,000
Debtors 11. 25,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 16. (1,250) 23,750
Rent Prepaid 8. 340
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 7. 35,200
Debenture Interest Due 6. 10,800
Bank 10. 4,900
Preference Dividend Due 13. 6,000
Ordinary Dividend Due 14. 15,000
Taxation 15. 40,000
VAT 5,600
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 599,190
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 600,000 300,000 300,000
€1 10% Preference Shares 400,000 80,000 80,000
1,000,000 380,000 380,000
Profit and Loss Account 39,190
Long Term Liabilities
8% Debentures 180,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 62,000 – 2,000 60,000 – 60,000
2. Purchases 670,000 – 25,000 – 4,000 641,000 – –
3. Buildings 400,000 + 25,000 + 75,000 – – 500,000
4. Van Depreciation 60,000 + 21,000 – 21,000 81,000
5. Buildings Depreciation 100,000 + 8,500 – 108,500 – 8,500 –
6. Revaluation Reserve 75,000 + 108,500 – – 183,500
7. Insurance Claim 3,000 – – 3,000
8. Loss by Fire 1,000 – 1,000 –
9. Bank 106,200 – 28,000 – – 78,200
10. Patents 28,000 – 2,800 – 2,800 25,200
11. Preference Dividend Proposed 12,000 – 12,000 12,000
12. Debenture Interest 4,800 (A) – 4,800 4,800
13. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 35,000 – 35,000 35,000
14. Corporation Tax 30,000 – 30,000 30,000
15. Goodwill 180,000 – 12,000 – 12,000 168,000
16. Provision for Bad Debts 1,400 – 85 – 85 1,315

(A) Debenture Interest

€30,000 at 8% for 1 year = 2,400
€40,000 at 8% for 3/4 year = 2,400
€4,800 (All due)


(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1 (€)
Sales 960,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 49,000
+ Purchases 2. 641,000
– Closing Stock 1. (60,000)
Gross Profit 330,000
+ Income
Rent Received 3,560
Provision for Bad Debts Decrease 16. 85
Discount (Net) 3,800
– Expenses
Van Depreciation 4. 21,000
Carriage Out 8,000
Buildings Depreciation 5. 8,500
Fire Loss 8. 1,000
Patents Amortised 10. 2,800
Goodwill Written off 15. 12,000
Salaries and General Expenses 92,000
Directors’ Fees 21,500
Debenture Interest 12. 4,800
Net Profit before Taxation 165,845
Taxation (30,000)
Profit after Taxation 135,845
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 25,000
– Proposed 13. 35,000 (60,000)
Preference – Paid –
– Proposed 11. 12,000 (12,000)
Retained Profits 63,845
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 8,140
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 71,985

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1 € € €

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Buildings 500,000 – 500,000
Delivery Vans 5. 270,000 81,000 189,000
770,000 81,000 689,000
Goodwill 15. 168,000
Patents 10. 25,200
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 60,000
Debtors 26,300
– Provision for Bad Debts 16. (1,315) 24,985
Insurance Claim Due 3,000
Bank 78,200
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 27,100
Preference Dividend Due 11. 12,000
Debenture Interest Due 12. 4,800
Ordinary Dividend Due 13. 35,000
Taxation Due 14. 30,000
VAT 2,100
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 700,000 400,000 400,000
€1 8% Preference Shares 300,000 150,000 150,000
1,000,000 550,000 550,000
Revaluation Reserve 6. 183,500
Share Premium 8,000
Debenture Redemption Reserve 50,000
Profit and Loss Account 71,985
Long Term Liabilities
8% Debentures 70,000



Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit and Balance
Adjustments Account Loss Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock 45,000 – 400 – 700 – 8,800 35,100 – 35,100
2. Salaries and General Expenses 79,000 – 400 – 700 – 1,500 76,400 1,100
3. Purchases 712,000 – 8,800 – 500 – 11,800 690,900 – –
4. Creditors 24,000 – 8,800 – – 15,200
5. Delivery Van Expenses 18,000 + 1,500 + 500 – 20,000 –
6. Rent 3,000 – 150 + 200 – 3,050 –
7. Debenture Interest 1,350 + 150 + 4,500 (A) 6,000 4,500
8. Bad Debt Recovered 200 – 200 –
9. Van 120,000 – 12,000 + 5,000 + 11,800 – – 124,800
10. Van Depreciation 20,000 – 6,500 (B) + 15,350 (C) – 15,350 28,850
11. Van Disposal 12,000 – 6,500 – 5,000 – 500 –
12. Preference Dividend Proposed 9,000 – 9,000 9,000
13. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 22,500 – 22,500 22,500
14. Corporation Tax 3,000 – 3,000 3,000
15. Goodwill 180,000 – 12,000 – 12,000 168,000
16. Provision for Bad Debts 1,100 + 765 – 765 1,865

(A) Debenture Interest €60,000 at 10% for one year = €6,000 (€4,500 due)

(B) Depreciation to Date of Disposal on 31/5/-7

1/2/-3 → 31/5/-7 = 41/3 years at 121/2% of €12,000 = €6,500

(C) Annual Depreciation Charge for the year ended 31/12/-7

(i) Van Sold - 5/12 year at 121/2% of €12,000 = €625
(ii) Van Bought - 7/12 year at 121/2% of €16,800 = €1,225
(iii) Remaining Vans – 1 year at 121/2% of (€120,000 – €12,000) = €13,500
Total = €15,350

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7 (€)
Sales 880,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 40,000
+ Purchases 3. 690,900
– Closing Stock (35,100)
Gross Profit 184,200
+ Income
Bad Debt Recovered 8. 200
– Expenses
Delivery Van Expenses 5. 20,000
Van Depreciation 10. 15,350
Loss on Van Disposal 11. 500
Advertising 1,650
Salaries and Gen. Expenses 2. 76,400
Rent 6. 3,050
Goodwill Written off 15. 12,000
Provision for Bad Debts Increase 16. 765
Discount (Net) 1,500
Audit Fees 4,000
Directors’ Fees 8,000
Debenture Interest 7. 6,000
Net Profit before Taxation 35,185
Taxation (3,000)
Profit after Taxation 32,185
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 25,600
– Proposed 22,500 (48,100)
Preference – Paid 3,000
– Proposed 9,000 (12,000)
Retained Profit (27,915)
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 30,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 2,085


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Land and Buildings 450,000 100,000 350,000
Delivery Vans 9.10. 124,800 28,850 95,950
574,800 128,850 445,950
Goodwill 15. 168,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock 1. 35,100
Debtors 37,300
– Provision for Bad Debts (1,865) 35,435
Stock of Stationery 2. 400
Stock of Fuel 2. 700
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 4. 15,200
Debenture Interest Due 7. 4,500
Preference Dividend Due 12. 9,000
Ordinary Dividend Due 13. 22,500
Taxation Due 14. 3,000
VAT 2,800
Bank 300
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 624,085
Financed By
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-Up
€1 Ordinary Shares 500,000 450,000 450,000
€1 12% Preference Shares 100,000 100,000 100,000
600,000 550,000 550,000
Share Premium 12,000
Profit and Loss Account 2,085
Long Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 60,000

Manufacturing Accounts: Solutions

Clinical Instruments Ltd

Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-2 (€)
Opening Stock Raw Materials 16,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 112,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (19,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 109,000
+ Direct Costs
Factory Wages 62,000
Hire of Special Equipment 12,000
Prime Cost 183,000
+ Indirect Costs
Factory Insurance 8,000
Factory Light and Heat 9,000
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 6,000
Supervisors’ Salaries 18,000
Opening Stock WIP 10,000
Closing Stock WIP (8,000)
Cost of Production 226,000

Bracken Fencing Ltd
Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)
Opening Stock Raw Materials 12,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 211,000
– Returns Out (4,000)
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (13,000)
Cost of Materials Used 206,000
+ Direct Costs
Royalty Fees 9,000
Manufacturing Wages 94,000
Prime Cost 309,000
+ Indirect Costs
Factory Rent 7,000
Factory Supervisor’s Salary 30,000
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 12,000
Factory Light and Heat 7,000
Factory Insurance 8,000
Factory Rates 6,000
Repairs to Plant and Machinery 5,000
Opening Stock WIP 18,000
Closing Stock WIP (16,000)
Cost of Production 386,000


Curtis Cables Ltd
Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-4 (€)
Opening Stock Raw Materials 22,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 316,000
– Returns Out (4,000)
+ Carriage In 2,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (24,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 312,000
+ Direct Costs
Factory Direct Wages 125,000
Prime Cost 437,000
+ Indirect Costs
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 13,000
Depreciation on Factory Buildings 6,000
Factory Indirect Wages 24,000
Factory Insurance 12,000
Factory Rent and Rates 8,000
Factory Light and Heat 17,000
Opening Stock Work in Progress 15,000
Closing Stock Work in Progress (17,000)
Cost of Production 515,000

Trading Account for the Year Ended 31/12/-4 (€)

Sales of Finished Goods 728,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 17,000
+ Cost of Production 515,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (21,000)
Gross Profit 217,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Clemence Tiles Ltd
Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Opening Stock Raw Materials 12,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 285,000
+ Carriage In 3,000
+ Customs Duty 13,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (29,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 297,000
+ Direct Costs
Factory Direct Wages 120,000
Hire of Special Equipment 10,000
Royalty Fees 12,000
Prime Cost 439,000
+ Indirect Costs
Factory Light and Heat 8,000
Factory Supervisor’s Salary 25,000
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 20,000
Depreciation on Factory Buildings 2,000
Factory Insurance 8,000
Opening Stock WIP 24,000
Closing Stock WIP (25,000)
– Sales of Scrap Materials (13,000)
Cost of Production 488,000

Trading Account for the Year Ended 31/12/-6 (€)

Sales of Finished Goods 627,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 11,000
+ Cost of Production 488,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (9,000)
Gross Profit 137,000


Barlow Engineering Limited
Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 (€)
Opening Stock Raw Materials 12,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 97,000
+ Carriage In 7,200
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (14,200)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 102,000
+ Direct Costs
Factory Wages 51,000
Prime Cost 153,000
+ Indirect Costs
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 10,000
Factory Rent 19,100
Factory Insurance 7,300
Factory Rates 3,400
Indirect Wages 11,500
Indirect Materials 17,700
Opening Stock WIP 19,000
Closing Stock WIP (15,000)
– Sales of Scrap Materials (6,500)
Cost of Production 219,500
Gross Manufacturing Profit 10,500
Current Market Value 230,000

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 (€)

Sales of Finished Goods 272,400
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 11,000
+ Current Market Value 230,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (14,100)
Gross Trading Profit 45,500
Gross Manufacturing Profit 10,500
Total Gross Profit 56,000
Polymer Fabrications Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading/ Profit and Loss Balance Sheet
Manufacturing Account
Adjustments Account
1. Carriage 6,000 4,500 1,500 –
2. Wages 48,000 32,000 16,000 –
3. Insurance 5,000 4,000 1,000 –
4. Rates 2,000 1,600 400 –
5. Debenture Interest 7200 – 7,200 7,200
6. P+M Depreciation 10,000+4,500 20,000 – 60,000
7. Office Equipment Depreciation 10,000+4,500 4,500 14,500
8. Advertising 5,000–1,250 3,750 1,250

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)

Opening Stock Raw Materials 27,000

+ Purchases Raw Materials 230,000
+ Carriage In 1. 4,500
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (31,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 230,500
+ Direct Costs
Direct Wages 2. 32,000
Hire of Special Equipment 10,000
Prime Cost 272,500
+ Indirect Costs
Factory Insurance 3. 4,000
Factory Rates 4. 1,600
P+M Depreciation 6. 20,000
Factory Light and Heat 6,000
Opening Stock WIP 14,000
Closing Stock WIP (18,000)
– Sales of Scrap Materials (6,600)
Cost of Production 293,500
Gross Manufacturing Loss (43,500)
Current Market Value 250,000

(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)

Sales of Finished Goods 340,000

Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 12,000
+ Current Market Value 250,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (14,000)
Gross Trading Profit 92,000
– Gross Manufacturing Loss (43,500)
Total Gross Profit 48,500
+ Income
Rent Received 5,000
– Expenses
Carriage Out 1. 1,500
Advertising 8. 3,750
Showroom Expenses 3,000
Administration Wages 2. 16,000
Office Insurance 3. 1,000
Office Rates 4. 400
Equipment Depreciation 7. 4,500
Discount Allowed 2,900
Stationery 800
Directors Fees 30,000
5. 55,600
Debenture Interest 7,200
Net Profit Before Taxation (17,550)
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 4,500
= Profit and Loss Balance to next year (13,050)


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 190,000 – 190,000
Plant And Machinery 6. 140,000 60,000 80,000
Office Equipment 7. 30,000 14,500 15,500
360,000 74,500 285,500
Goodwill 25,000
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Raw Materials 31,000
– Work-in-Progress 18,000
– Finished Goods 14,000
Debtors 18,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 1,000 17,000
Advertising Prepaid 8. 1,250
VAT 700
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 26,000
Bank 11,500
Debenture Interest Due 5. 7,200
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 346,950
Financed By

Share Capital Auth Issued Paid-up

€1 Ordinary Shares 450,000 300,000 300,000

Profit and Loss Account (13,050)

Long-Term Liabilities
12% Debenture 60,000
(d) The company should cease production and concentrate on retailing only, as its trading profit would be
€92,000 if it bought in finished goods at current market value of €250,000
O’Hara Extrusions Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Adjustments Trading/ Profit and Loss Balance Sheet

Manufacturing Account
1. Bank (2,000)+2,500+120+660 – – 1,280
2. Creditors 14,000+2500 – – 16,500
3. Debtors 28,000–120–180 – – 27,700
4. Bad Debts 180 – 180 –
5. Investment Income 1,320+660 – 1,980 –
6. P+M Depreciation 40,000+36,000 36,000 – 76,000
7. Office Equip. Depreciation 30,000+6,000 – 6,000 36,000
8. Buildings Depreciation 80,000+15,000 8,250 6,750 95,000
9. Preference Dividend Proposed 9,000 – 9,000 9,000
10. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
11. Corporation Tax – 45,000 45,000
12. Debenture Interest 6,000 – 6,000 6,000
13. Provision for Bad Debts 1,500–115 – 115 1,385

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)

Opening Stock Raw Materials 28,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 184,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (29,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 183,000
+ Direct Costs
Manufacturing Wages 42,000
Hire of Special Equipment 14,000
Opening Stock WIP 32,000
Closing Stock WIP (34,000)
Prime Cost 237,000
+ Indirect Costs
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 6. 36,000
Factory Buildings Depreciation 8. 8,250
Factory Light and Heat 1,800
Factory Insurance 2,700
Factory Supervisor’s Salary 22,000
– Sales of Scrap Materials (2,800)

Cost of Production 304,950

Gross Manufacturing Profit 45,050
Current Market Value 350,000

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-2 (€)

Sales of Finished Goods 466,680

Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 37,000
+ Current Market Value 350,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (36,000)
Gross Trading Profit 115,680
+ Gross Manufacturing Profit 45,050
Total Gross Profit 160,730
+ Income
Investment Income 5. 1,980
Reduction in Provision 13. 115 2,095
– Expenses
Distribution Expenses 8,400
Administration Expenses 2,800
Bad Debts 180
Office Equipment 7. 6,000
Office Buildings Depreciation 8. 6,750
Debenture Interest 12. 6,000
Net Profit Before Taxation 107,495
Taxation (45,000)
Profit After Taxation 62,495
– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid –
– Proposed 10. 10,000 (10,000)
Preference – Paid –
– Proposed 9,000 (9,000)
Retained Profits 43,495
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 20,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 63,495


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 8. 300,000 95,000 205,000
Plant and Machinery 6. 220,000 76,000 144,000
Office Equipment 7. 60,000 36,020 24,000
580,000 207,000 373,000
Goodwill 35,000
11% Investments 24,000
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Raw Materials 29,000
– Work-in-Progress 34,000
– Finished Goods 36,000
Debtors 3. 27,700
– Provision for Bad Debts 13. (1,385) 26,315
Bank 1. 1,280
VAT 1,400
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 2. 16,500
Preference Dividend Due 9. 9,000
Ordinary Dividend Due 10. 10,000
Taxation Due 11. 45,000
Debenture Interest Due 12. 6,000
PAYE/PRSI 10,000
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 463,495
Financed by
Share Capital Auth Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
€1 9% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
500,000 300,000 300,000
General Reserve 50,000
Profit and Loss Account 63,495
Long-Term Liabilities
12% Debenture 50,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Boxel Plastics Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Adjustments Trading/ Profit and Loss Balance Sheet

Manufacturing Account
1. Sales of Scrap 6,500–4,000 2,500 – –
2. Office Equipment 63,000–6,000 – – 57,000
3. Office Equipment Depreciation 26,000–1,650+6,300 – 6,300 30,650
4. Disposal 6,000–1,650–4,000 – 350 –
5. Land and Building Depreciation 100,000+15,000–115,000 15,000 – –
6. Plant and Machinery Depreciation 60,000+40,000 40,000 – 100,000
7. Rent Recd. 6,000–200+7,000+5,000–8,000 – 9,800 –
8. Debenture Interest Paid 4,700–200+4,500 – 9,000 4,500
9. Debtors 30,000+7,000 – – 37,000
10. Purchases Finished Goods 5,000 5,000 – –
11. VAT 3,000+8,000 – – 11,000
12. Land and Buildings 400,000+200,000 – – 600,000
13. Revaluation Reserve 200,000+115,000 – – 315,000
14. Preference Dividend Proposed 4,500 – 4,500 4,500
15. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 9,500 – 9,500 9,500
16. Corporation Tax – 1,500 1,500
17. Provision for Bad Debts 900+950 – 950 1850
18. General Reserve 28,000–20,000 – 20,000 8,000

(a) Manufacturing Accounts for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)

Opening Stock Raw Materials 22,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 170,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (24,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 168,000
+ Direct Costs
Manufacturing Wages 80,500
Hire of Special Equipment 3,100
Prime Cost 251,600
+ Indirect Costs
Land and Buildings Depreciation 5. 15,000
Plant and Machinery Depreciation 6. 40,000
Factory Supervisor’s Salary 10,000
Factory General Expenses 4,400
Opening Stock WIP 13,500
Closing Stock WIP (14,000)
– Sales of Scrap Materials (2,500)
Cost of Production 318,000


Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-3 (€)
Sales of Finished Goods 360,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 21,000
Cost of Production 318,000
Purchases of Finished Goods 10. 5,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods (23,000)
Gross Profit 39,000
+ Income
Rent Received 7. 9,800
– Expenses
Distribution Expenses 11,200
Administration Expenses 13,700
Depreciation Office Equipment 3. 6,300
Loss on Disposal 4. 350
Increase in Provision for Bad Debts 17. 950
Debenture Interest 8. 9,000
Net Profit Before Taxation 7,300
Taxation 16. (1,500)
Profits After Taxation 5,800
+ Transfer from General Reserve 18. 20,000

Ordinary – Paid 18,500

– Proposed 15. 9,500 (28,000)
Preference – Paid 1,500
– Proposed 14. 4,500 (6,000)
Retained Profits (8,200)
+ Profit and Loss Balance from last year 10,500
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 2,300

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Land and Buildings 5.12. 600,000 – 600,000
Plant and Machinery 6. 260,000 100,000 160,000
Office Equipment 2.3. 57,000 30,650 26,350
917,000 130,650 786,350
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Raw Materials 24,000
– Work-in-Progress 14,000
– Finished Goods 23,000
Debtors 9. 37,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 17. (1,850) 35,150
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 44,700
Bank 9,000
Debenture Interest Due 8. 4,500
VAT 11. 11,000
Preference Dividend Due 14. 4,500
Ordinary Dividend Due 15. 1,500
Taxation Due 16. 1,500
PAYE / PRSI 2,500
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 795,300
Financed by
Share Capital Auth Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 400,000 280,000 280,000
€1 6% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
600,000 380,000 380,000
General Reserve 18. 8,000
Revaluation Reserve 13. 315,000
Profit and Loss Account 2,300
Long-Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 90,000


Cameron Engineering Ltd.
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Adjustments Trading/ Profit Balance Sheet
Manufacturing and Loss
Account Account
1. Closing Stock Finished Goods 14,000 – 2,400 11,600 – 11,600
2. Goodwill 11,500 + 1800 – 2660 – 2,660 10,640
3. Vans 60,000 – 12,000 + 6,000 + 24,000 – – 78,000
4. Van Depreciation 21,000 – 7,600 + 14,700
B – 14,700 28,100
5. Disposal 12,000 – 7,600 – 6,000 – 1,600 –
6. Purchases 100,000 – 24,000 – 7,000 – 7,000 62,000 – –
7. Buildings 295,000 – 30,000 + 18,000 + 7,000 – – 290,000
8. Manufacturing Wages 67,000 – 18,000 49,000 – –
9. Insurance Claim Due 35,000 – – 35,000
10. Loss by Fire 2,000 – 2,000
11. Preference Dividend Proposed 5,000 – 5,000 5,000
12. Ordinary Dividend Proposed 5,000 – 5,000 5,000
13. Investment Income 1,800 + 5,400 – 7,200 5,400
14. Administration Expenses 14,900 – 2,400 – 12,500 –
15. Debenture Interest 2,400 + 7,200 – 9,600 7,200
16. Provision for Bad Debts 700 + 750 – 750 1,450
17. Plan and Mach. Depr. 25,000 + 10,000 10,000 – 35,000
18. Corporation Tax – 50,000 50,000


A Depreciation to Date of Sale

1/2/-1 → 31/ /-4 = 3 1/6 yrs. at 20% of €12,000 =7,600
B Annual Depreciation Charge
Van sold – 1/4 year at 20% of €12,000 = 600
Van bought – 3/4 year at 20%of €30,000 = 4,500
Remaining vans – 1 year at 20% of €30,000 = 9,600
Total =14,700

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-4 (€)

Opening Stock Raw Materials 12,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 6. 62,000
– Closing Stock Raw Materials (15,000)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 59,000
Direct Costs
Manufacturing Wages 8. 49,000
Direct Factory Expenses 14,600
Opening Stock WIP 20,000
Closing Stock WIP (25,000)
Prime Cost 117,600
+ Indirect Expenses
Depreciation on Plant and Machinery 17. 10,000
Indirect Factory Expenses 4,800
– Sales of Scrap Materials (4,300)
Cost of Production 128,100

Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4 (€)
Sales of Finished Goods 379,000

Less Cost of Sales

Opening Stock Finished Goods 11,000
Cost of Production 128,100
Purchases of Finished Goods 6,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods 1. (11,600)
Gross Profit 245,500
+ Income
Profit on Disposal 5. 1,600
Investment Income 13. 7,200
Discount (Net) 600
– Expenses
Distribution Expenses 8,730
Van Depreciation 4. 14,700
Administration Expenses 14. 12,500
Amount Written off Goodwill 2. 2,660
Loss by Fire 10. 2,000
Provision for Bad Debts 16. 750
Debenture Interest 15. 9,600
Net Profit Before Taxation 203,960
Taxation (50,000)
Profits After Taxation 153,960

– Dividends
Ordinary – Paid 10,000
– Proposed 12. 5,000 (15,000)
Preference – Paid 5,000
– Proposed 11. 5,000 (10,000) (25,000)
Retained Profits 128,960
Profit and Loss Balance from last year 20,900
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 149,860


(b) Balance Sheet at 31/12/-4

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 7. 290,000 – 290,000
Plant and Machinery 17. 100,000 35,000 65,000
Delivery Vans 3.4. 78,000 28,100 49,900
486,000 63,100 404,900
Goodwill 2. 10,640
16% Investment 45,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock – Raw Materials 15,000
– Work-in-Progress 25,000
– Finished Goods 1. 11,600
Debtors 29,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 16. (1,450) 27,550
Insurance Claim Due 9. 35,000
Investment Income Due 13. 5,400
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 47,000
Bank 10,030
VAT 6,000
PAYE/ PRSI 3,000
Preference Dividend Due 11. 5,000
Ordinary Dividend Due 12. 5,000
Debenture Interest Due 15. 7,200
Taxation Due 18. 50,000
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 446,860

Financed by
Share Capital Auth Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
€1 10% Preference Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
400,000 200,000 200,000
General Reserve 17,000
Profit and Loss Account 149,860
Long-Term Liabilities
12% Debenture 80,000

(c) Unit Cost of Production

Opening Stock 26
+ Production commenced 307
– Closing Stock (33)
= Units Produced 300

Cost of Production 128,100

Unit Cost = ------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €427
Number of Units Produced 300

Leaving Certificate Accounting
Garfield Pumps Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Adjustments Trading/ Profit and Balance Sheet

Manufacturing Loss
Account Account
1. Purchases Raw Materials 270,000+5,600 275,600 – –
2. Creditors 24,200+5,600 – – 29,800
3. Stock Raw Materials 17,500+5,600 23,100 – 23,100
4. Sales Finished Goods 495,000–10,000 485,000 – –
5. Debtors 22,800–10,000 – – 12,800
6. Stock Finished Goods 18,200+8,000 26,200 – 26,200
7. Plant and Machinery 160,000–8,000 – – 152,000
8. Repairs to Plant and Machinery 8,000 8,000 – –
9. Rent 6,800+400+3,240–2,250 – 8,190 –
10. Discount 900–400 – 500 –
11. Factory Rates 5,000+3,240 8,240 – –
12. Preference Dividend 4,500–2,250+2,250 – 4,500 2,250
13. Plant and Machinery Depreciation 40,000+30,400 30,400 – 70,400
14. Office Furniture Depreciation 6,000+3,000 – 10,000 4,500
15. Buildings Depreciation 40,000+10,000 6,000 4,000 50,,000
16. Ordinary Dividend 5,500+4,500 – 10,000 4,500
17. Debenture Interest 3,250 – 3,250 3,250
18. Corporation Tax – 12,000 12,000
19. Provision for Bad Debts 400+240 – 240 640

(a) Manufacturing Account for the year ended 31/12/-6 (€)

Opening Stock Raw Materials 16,000
+ Purchases Raw Materials 1. 275,600
– Closing Stock Raw Materials 3. (23,100)
Cost of Raw Materials Used 268,500
+ Direct Costs
Direct Wages 62,000
Hire of Special Equipment 13,600
Opening Stock WIP 16,000
Closing Stock WIP (21,000)
Prime Cost 339,100
+ Indirect Costs
Factory Rates 11. 8,240
Factory Insurance 8,000
Indirect Wages 18,000
Depreciation Plant and Machinery 13. 30,400
Depreciation Factory Buildings 15. 6,000
Repairs Plant and Machinery 8. 8,000
Factory Light and Heat 14,100
– Sales of Scrap (13,500)
Cost of Production 418,340
Gross Manufacturing Profit 11,660
Current Market Value 430,000


Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6 (€)
Sales of Finished Goods 4. 485,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stock Finished Goods 19,400
+ Current Market Value 430,000
– Closing Stock Finished Goods 6. (26,200)
Gross Trading Profit 61,880
+ Gross Manufacturing Profit 11,660
Total Gross Profit 73,460
+ Income
Rent Received 8,190
Discount(Net) 500
– Expenses
Distribution 10,900
Expenses 15,600
Depreciation Office Furniture 14. 3,000
Depreciation Office Buildings 15. 4,000
Provision for Bad Debts 19. 240
Debenture Interest 17. 3,250
Net Profit Before Taxation 45,160
Taxation (12,000)
Profit After Taxation 33,160
– Dividends
Ordinary 16. 10,000
Preference 12. 4,500
Retained Profits 18,660
+ Profit and Lass Balance from last year 13,000
Profit and Loss Balance to next year 31,660

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet at 31/12/-6

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 15. 200,000 50,000 150,000
Plant and Machinery 7.13. 152,000 70,400 81,600
Office Furniture 14. 30,000 9,000 21,000
382,000 129,400 252,600
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Raw Materials 3. 23,100
– Work-in-Progress 21,000
– Finished Goods 6. 26,200
Debtors 5. 12,800
Provisions for Bad Debts 19. (640)
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 2. 29,800
VAT 4,000
Bank 7,600
Preference Dividend Due 12. 2,250
Ordinary Dividend Due 16. 4,500
Debenture Interest Due 17. 3,250
Taxation Due 18. 12,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 271,660
Financed by
Share Capital Auth Issued Paid–up
€1 Ordinary Shares 200,000 100,000 100,000
€2 9% Preference Shares 200,000 50,000 50,000
400,000 150,000 150,000
Revaluation Reserve 25,000
Profit and Loss Account 31,660
Long-Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 65,000

Departmental Accounts: Solutions

P. Ganley Ltd
Trading Account for the year ended ... (€)
Grocery Hardware Total Grocery Hardware Total
Sales 150,000 275,000 425,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 22,000 31,000 53,000
+ Purchases 80,000 110,000 190,000
+ Carriage In – 8,000 8,000
+ Import Duty 10,000 – 10,000
112,000 149,000 261,000
– Closing Stock (19,000) (33,000) (52,000)
(93,000) (116,000) (209,000)
Gross Profit 57,000 159,000 216,000

T. Printle Ltd
Trading Account for the year ended ... (€)
Footwear Sportswear Total Footwear Sportswear Total
Sales 56,000 70,000 126,000
– Returns In (3,000) (2,000) (5,000)
53,000 68,000 121,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 11,000 25,000 36,000
+ Purchases 42,000 49,000 91,000
– Returns Out (200) (800) (1,000)
+ Carriage In 2,000 5,000 7,000
54,800 78,200 133,000
– Closing Stock (9,000) (21,000) (30,000)
(45,800) (57,200) (103,000)
7,200 10,800 18,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Younge Ltd
(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Grocery Drapery Total Grocery Drapery Total
Sales 180,000 180,000 360,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 25,000 14,200 39,200
+ Purchases 140,000 130,000 270,000
165,000 144,200 309,200
– Closing Stock (23,000) (12,500) (35,500)
(142,000) (131,700) (273,700)
Gross Profit 38,000 48,300 86,300
– Expenses
Tailoring Expenses – 200 200
Advertising (Sales 1:1) 650 650 1,300
Van Depreciation (Sales 1:1) 9,000 9,000 18,000
Rent and Rates (Fl. Space 4:1) 420 1,680 2,100
Stationery (Sales 1:1) 450 450 900
Cleaning / Repairs (Fl. Space 4:1) 680 2,720 3,400
Insurance (Fl. Space 4:1) 152 608 760
Light / Heat (Fl. Space 4:1) 640 2,560 3,200
Salaries (Sales 1:1) 20,300 20,300 40,600
Equipment Depr. (Fl. Space 4:1) 160 640 800
Overdraft Int. (Sales 1:1) 150 150 300
Term Loan Int. (Sales 1:1) 1,850 1,850 3,700
(34,452) (40,808) (75,260)
Net Profit 3,548 7,492 11,040
+ P+L Balance From Last Year 1,200
= P+L Balance To Next Year 12,240


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

€ € €
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Delivery Vans 72,000 28,000 44,000
Equipment 8,000 2,800 5,200
80,000 30,000 49,200
Goodwill 20,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock – Grocery 23,000
– Drapery 12,500
Debtors 22,800
– Provision for Bed Debts (200) 22,600
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 7,600
VAT 2,600
PAYE / PRSI 1,400
Bank 3,460
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 112,240
Financed By

Share Capital Auth Issued Paid-up

€1 Ordinary Shares 100,000 50,000 50,000

Profit and Loss Account 12,240

Long-Term Liabilities
Bank Term Loan 50,000

Berri Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit / Loss Balance
Adjustments Account Account Sheet
1. Van Depreciation 30,000 + 14,000 – 14,000 44,000
2. Equipment Depreciation 9,000 + 5,200 – 5,200 14,200
3. Debenture Interest 5,600 – 5,600 5,600
4. Advertising 2,100 – 700 – 1,400 700
5. Stationery 1,800 – 400 – 1,400 400

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Footwear Sportswear Total Footwear Sportswear Total
Sales 210,000 280,000 490,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 17,500 21,500 39,000
+ Purchases 155,000 167,000 322,000
+ Carriage In 1,300 – 1,300
+ Import Duty – 1,700 1,700
173,800 190,200 364,000
– Closing Stock (17,000) (18,500) (35,500)
(156,800) (171,700) (328,500)
Gross Profit 53,200 108,300 161,500
+ Income – Equipment Repairs – 490 490
53,200 108,790 161,990
– Expenses
Advertising (Sales 3:4) 4 600 800 1,400
Van Depreciation (Sales 3:4) 1 6,000 8,000 14,000
General Expenses (Sales 3:4) 9,000 12,000 21,000
Salaries (Sales 3:4) 21,000 28,000 49,000
Repairs to Buildings (Fl. Space 3:2) 2,100 1,400 3,500
Insurance (Fl. Space 3:2) 1,680 1,120 2,800
Bad Debts (Sales 3:4) 180 240 420
Stationery (Sales 3:4) 5 600 800 1,400
Equipment Depr. (Fl. Space 3:2) 2 3,120 2,080 5,200
Debenture Interest (Sales 3:4) 3 2,400 3,200 5,600
(46,680) (57,640) (104,320)
Net Profit 6,520 51,150 57,670
– P+L Balance From Last Year (14,480)
= P+L Balance To Next Year 43,190


Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9 € € €

Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Delivery Vans 1. 142,000 44,000 98,000
Equipment 2. 35,000 14,200 20,800
177,000 58,200 118,800
Goodwill 44,000
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Footwear 17,000
– Sportswear 18,500
Debtors 23,400
Advertising Prepaid 4. 700
Stationery 5. 500
- Current Liabilities
Creditors 29,000
Bank 8,010
Debenture Interest Due 3. 5,600
VAT 1,600
PAYE / PRSI 1,400
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 177,190
Financed by
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 150,000 80,000 80,000
General Reserve 14,000
Profit and Loss Account 43,190
Long-Term Liabilities
14% Debentures 40,000

Smith Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)

Trading Profit and Loss Balance

Adjustments Account Account Sheet
1. Provision for Bad Debts 780 – 300 – 300 480
2. Purchases – Grocery 75,000 – 4,000 71,000 – –
3. Purchases – Drapery 150,000 + 4,000 154,000 – –
4. Debenture Interest 6,000 – 6,000 6,000
5. Investment Income 8,200 – 8,200 8,200
6. Rent and Rates 4,000 – 1,000 – 3,000 1,000
7. Van Depreciation 20,000 + 12,000 – 16,000 32,000
8. Equipment Depreciation 4,000 + 1,200 – 1,200 5,200

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-2 (€)
Drapery Grocery Total Drapery Grocery Total
Sales 200,000 100,000 300,000
– Returns In (400) (200) (600)
199,600 99,800 299,400
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 29,000 24,000 53,000
+ Purchases 2. 154,000 71,000 225,000
+ Import Duty 1,000 1,300 2,300
184,000 96,300 280,300
– Closing Stock (27,000) (21,000) (48,000)
(157,000) (75,300) (232,300)
Gross Profit 42,600 24,500 67,100
+ Income
Provision / Bad Debts (Sales 2:1) 1. 200 100 300
42,800 24,600 67,400
– Expenses
Van Depreciation (Sales 2:1) 7. 8,000 4,000 12,000
Advertising (Sales 2:1) 1,600 800 2,400
Rent and Rates (Sales 3:1) 6. 2,250 750 3,000
Cleaning (Fl. Space 3:1) 900 300 1,200
Discount (Sales 2:1) 1,000 500 1,500
Equipment Depr. (Fl. Space 3:1) 8. 900 300 1,200
Interest on Loan (Sales 2:1) 1,000 500 1,500
Overdraft Interest (Sales 2:1) 200 100 300
Debenture Interest (Sales 2:1) 4. 2,000 4,000 6,000
(17,850) (11,250) (29,100)
Net Profit 24,950 13,350 38,300
+ Investment Income 5. 8,200
– Dividends (7,000)
Retained Profits 39,500


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

€ € €
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Delivery Vans 7 80,000 32,000 48,000
Equipment 8 16,000 5,200 10,800
96,000 37,200 58,800
Goodwill 8,000
10% Investments 82,000
Current Assets
Closing Stocks – Drapery 27,000
– Grocery 21,000
Debtors 12,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 1 (480) 11,520
Investment Income Due 5 8,200
Rent and Rates Prepaid 6 1,000
- Current Liabilities
Creditors 15,000
Bank 3,020
VAT 4,000
PAYE / PRSI 3,000
Debenture Interest Due 4 6,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 186,500
Financed by
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 150,000 70,000 70,000
General Reserve 12,000
Profit and Loss Account 39,500
Long-Term Liabilities
Term Loan 15,000
12% Debentures 50,000
Modern Fashions Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit/Loss Balance Sheet
Adjustments Account Account
1. Buildings Depreciation 20,000 + 7,000 – 7,000 27,000
2. Vans Depreciation 18,000 + 20,000 – 20,000 38,000
3. Equipment Depreciation 10,000 + 1,600 – 1,600 11,600
4. Debenture Interest 2,000 – 2,000 2,000
5. Rates 500 + 500 – 1,000 500
6. Provision for Bad Debts 1,800 + 600 – 600 2,400
7. Purchases Childrenswear 140,000 – 10,000 130,000 – –
8. Purchases Ladieswear 88,000 + 10,000 – 6,000 92,000 – –
9. Repairs to Equipment 6,000 – 6,000 –
10. Stationery 1,620 – 100 – 1,520 100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4 (€)
Ladies Childrens Total Ladies Childrens Total
Wear Wear Wear Wear
Sales 180,000 270,000 450,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 19,000 20,000 39,000
+ Purchases 7. 92,000 130,000 222,000
+ Import Duty 1,100 1,500 2,600
112,100 151,500 263,600
– Closing Stock (21,000) (16,000) (37,000)
(91,100) (135,500) (226,600)
Gross Profit 88,900 134,500 223,400
+ Income – Alteration Fees 1,000 – 1,000
89,900 134,500 224,400
– Expenses
Van Depreciation (Sales 2:3) 2. 8,000 12,000 20,000
Advertising (Sales 2:3) 1,200 1,800 3,000
Buildings Depreciation (Fl Space 3:1) 1. 5,250 1,750 7,000
Equipment Depr. (Fl. Space 3:1) 3. 1,200 400 1,600
Rates (Fl. Space 3:1) 5. 750 250 1,000
Provision for Bad Debts (Sales 2:3) 6. 240 360 600
Equipment Repairs 9. 6,000 – 6,000
Stationery (Sales 2:3) 10. 608 912 1,520
Salaries (Employees 7:3) 58,660 25,140 83,800
Building Repairs (Fl. Space 3:1) 3,375 1,125 4,500
Insurance (Fl. Space 3:1) 4,350 1,450 5,800

Debenture Interest (Sales 2:3) 4. 800 1,200 2,000
(90,433) (46,387) (136,820)
Net Profit (Loss) (533) 88,113 87,580
– Dividends (10,000)
Retained Profits 77,580
+ P+L Balance From Last Year 5,000
= P+L Balance To Next Year 82,580


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

€ € €
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 1. 140,000 27,000 113,000
Delivery Vans 2. 100,000 38,000 62,000
Equipment 3. 26,000 11,600 14,400
266,000 76,600 189,400
Goodwill 18,000
Current Assets
Closing Stock – Ladieswear 21,000
– Childrenswear 16,000
Debtors 48,000
– Provision for Bad Debts 6. (2,400) 45,600
Stock of Stationery 100
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 35,400
VAT 1,500
Bank 120
Debenture Interest Due 4. 2,000
Rates Due 5. 500
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 247,580
Financed by
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 100,000 65,000 65,000
General Reserve 20,000
Profit and Loss Account 82,580
Long-Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 80,000
O’Driscolls Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit/Loss Balance
Adjustments Account Account Sheet
1. Closing Stock – Paint 23,000 – 1,600 21,400 – 21,400
2. Bank 5,000 – 20 – 500 – 800 + 540 – – 4,220
3. Bank charges 20 – 20 –
4. Insurance 2,500 + 500 – 3,000 –
5. Rent and Rates 5,200 + 800 – 6,000 –
6. Creditors 22,200 + 540 – – 22,740
7. Advertising 3,600 – 1,350 – 2,250 1,350
8. Van Depreciation 26,000 + 40,000 – 40,000 66,000
9. Equipment Depreciation 14,000 + 3,600 – 3,600 17,600
10. Debenture Interest 10,000 + 1,200 – 11,200 1,200
11. Preference Dividend 3,500 – 3,500 3,500
12. Ordinary Dividend 2,500 – 2,500 2,500
13. Goodwill 40,000 + 2,100 – – 42,100
14. Discount Received 2,100 – 2,100 –

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 (€)
Hardware Paint Total Hardware Paint Total
Sales 350,000 350,000 700,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 48,000 24,000 72,000
+ Purchases 280,000 210,000 490,000
Carriage In 3,000 3,400 6,400
331,000 237,400 568,400
– Closing Stock 1. (42,000) (21,400) (63,400)
(289,000) (216,000) (505,000)
Gross Profit 61,000 134,000 195,000
+ Income
Disc. Recd. (Purchases 4:3) 14. 1,200 900 2,100
Key Cutting 2,400 – 2,400
64,600 134,900 199,500
– Expenses
Advertising (Sales 1:1) 7. 1,125 1,125 2,250
Van Depreciation (Sales 1:1) 20,000 20,000 40,000
Bank Charges (Sales 1:1) 3. 10 10 20
Insurance (Fl. Space 4:1) 4. 2,400 600 3,000
Rent and Rates (Fl. Space 4:1) 5. 4,800 1,200 6,000
Equipment Depr. (Bk. Value 2:3) 9. 1,440 2,160 3,600
Equipment Repairs (Bk. Value 2:3) 3,120 4,680 7,800
Stationery (Sales 1:1) 1,400 1,400 2,800
Hire of Paint Mixer – 1,400 1,400
Wages (Employees 3:1) 61,650 20,550 82,200
Light and Heat (Fl. Space 4:1) 5,920 1,480 7,400
Debenture Interest (Sales 1:1) 10. 5,600 5,600 11,200
(107,465) (60,205) (167,670)
Net Profit(Loss) (42,865) 74,695 31,830
– Dividends
Ordinary 12. (2,500)
Preference 11. (3,500)
Retained Profits 25,830
+ P+L Balance From Last Year 6,900
= P+L Balance To Next Year 32,730


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

€ € €
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Delivery Vans 8. 160,000 66,000 94,000
Equipment 9. 36,000 17,600 18,400
196,000 83,600 112,400
Goodwill 13. 42,100
Current Assets
Closing Stock – Hardware 42,000
– Paint 1. 21,400
Debtors 47,600
– Provision for Bad Debts (300) 47,300
Bank 3. 4,220
Advertising Prepaid 7. 1,350
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 6. 22,740
Debenture Interest Due 10. 1,200
Preference Dividend Due 11. 3,500
Ordinary Dividend Due 12. 2,500
VAT 1,700
PAYE / PRSI 1,400
Financed by
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 200,000 50,000 50,000
€1 7% Preference Shares 200,000 50,000 50,000
400,000 100,000 100,000
General Reserve 25,000
Profit and Loss Account 32,730
Long-Term Liabilities
14% Debentures 80,000

(c) Report on the Advisability of Closing Down the Hardware Department

The Hardware Department is suffering a loss of €42,865 on its operations. In accounting terms the net profit on the
firm as a whole would rise to €74,695 if the department was shut down but other factors must be considered:
(i) Has the Hardware Department consistently made losses over a number of trading periods or was this just a
‘once-off’ loss?
(ii) Can the floor space of the closed department be utilised by the other department or rented out to another
(iii) Can the staff of the closed department be successfully redeployed within the firm?
(iv) What, if any, redundancy costs will arise?
(v) The closing down of the Hardware Department will not affect the fixed expenses which must be paid, e.g.
debenture interest, rent and rates etc.

Leaving Certificate Accounting


O’Reilly and Sons Ltd
Schedule of Adjustments (€)
Trading Profit/Loss Balance
Adjustments Account Account Sheet
1. Stock of Footwear 43,000 – 4,000 39,000 – 39,000
2. Buildings 400,000 + 5,000 – – 405,000
3. Wages 50,000 – 3,000 – 47,000 –
4. Purchases Drapery 232,000 – 2,000 230,000 – –
5. Advertising 11,500 – 250 – 200 – 11,050 –
6. Debenture Interest 1000 +250 + 1,250 – 2,500 1,250
7. Bad Debts 200 – 200 –
8. Buildings Depreciation 40,000 + 8,100 – 8,100 48,100
9. Equipment Depreciation 12,000 + 4,800 – 4,800 16,800
10. Vans Depreciation 22,000 + 11,600 – 11,600 33,600
11. Preference Dividend 10,000 – 10,000 10,000
12. Ordinary Dividend 15,000 – 15,000 15,000
13. Investment Income 1,200 – 1,200 1,200
14. Corporation Tax – 12,000 12,000
(a) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 (€)
Footwear Drapery Total Footwear Drapery Total
Sales 200,000 300,000 500,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 40,000 39,000 79,000
+ Purchases 4. 108,500 230,000 338,500
148,500 269,000 417,500
– Closing Stock 1. (39,000) (42,000) (81,000)
(109,500) (227,000) (336,500)
Gross Profit 90,500 73,000 163,500
– Expenses
Advertising (Sales 2:3) 5. 4,420 6,630 11,050
Van Depreciation (Sales 2:3) 10. 4,640 6,960 11,600
Wages (Employees 3:2) 3. 28,200 18,800 47,000
Bad Debts (Sales 2:3) 7. 80 120 200
Buildings Depr. (Fl. Space 1:3) 8. 2,025 6,075 8,100
Equipment Depr. (Bk. Value 4:1) 9. 3,840 960 4,800
Equipment Repairs (Bk. Value 4:1) 1,520 380 1,900
Tailoring Expenses – 2,000 2,000
Rent and Rates (Fl. Space 1:3) 1,800 5,400 7,200
Stationery (Sales 2:3) 320 480 800
Insurance (Fl. Space 1:3) 450 1,350 1,800
Directors’ Fees (Sales 2:3) 3,200 4,800 8,000
Debenture Interest (Sales 2:3) 6. 1,000 1,500 2,500
(51,495) (55,455) (106,950)
Net Profit 39,005 17,545 56,550
+ Investment Income 13. 1,200
Net Profit Before Taxation 57,750
– Taxation 14. (12,000)
– Dividends
Preference 11. (10,000)
Ordinary 12. (15,000)
Retained Profits 20,750
+ P+L Balance From Last Year 4,000
= P+L Balance To Next Year 24,750


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

€ € €
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Buildings 2.8. 405,000 48,100 356,900
Equipment 9. 60,000 16,800 43,200
Delivery Vans 10. 116,000 33,600 82,400
581,000 98,500 482,500
6% Investments 502,500

Current Assets
Closing Stock – Footwear 1 39,000
– Drapery 42,000
Debtors 40,000
– Provision for Bad Debts (700) 39,300
Investment Income Due 13 1,200
– Current Liabilities
Creditors 11,000
VAT 3,600
Bank 11,000
Debenture Interest Due 6. 1,250
Preference Dividend Due 11. 10,000
Ordinary Dividend Due 12. 15,000
Taxation Due 14. 12,000
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 559,750
Financed by
Share Capital Auth. Issued Paid-up
€1 Ordinary Shares 400,000 300,000 300,000
€1 5% Preference Shares 300,000 200,000 200,000
700,000 500,000 500,000
General Reserve 10,000
Profit and Loss Account 24,750
Long-Term Liabilities
10% Debentures 25,000

Published Accounts
(Higher Level Only): Solutions

Published Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31/12/-9
Turnover 932
Cost of Sales (748)
Gross Profit 184
Distribution Costs (30)
Administration Expenses (142)
Other Operating Income 3
Operating Profit 15
Interest Receivable 19
Interest Payable (10)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 24
Taxation on Profit on Ordinary Activities (4)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 20
Dividends Paid (7)
Dividends Proposed (9)
Retained Profits 4
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 4
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 8

Published Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

Fixed Assets
Intangible 12
Tangible 488
Financial 160
Current Assets 660
Stocks 34
Debtors 30
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (66)
Net Current Assets (Liabilities) (2)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 658
Financed by
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 100
Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital 550
Profit and Loss Account 8



Published Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ended 31/12/-1
Note €’000
Turnover 869
Cost of Sales (621)
Gross Profit 248
Distribution Costs (26)
Administration Expenses (123)
Operating Profit (1) 99
Interest Receivable 16
Interest Payable (12)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 103
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (20)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 83
Dividends Paid (2) (24)
Dividends Proposed (2) (50)
Retained Profits 9
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 21
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 30

Published Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Note €’000
Fixed Assets
Intangible 13
Tangible (3) 542
Financial 160
Current Assets 715

Stocks 36
Debtors 60
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (91)
Net Current Assets (Liabilities) 5
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 720
Financed by
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 90
Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital 600
Profit and Loss Account 30

Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The Operating Profit is arrived at after charging:
Depreciation €19,000
Amortisation of Goodwill €3,000
Directors’ Remuneration €24,000
Auditors’ Remuneration €5,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

2. Dividends
Ordinary Dividends – Interim Paid (3.5 cent per share) €14,000
– Proposed (10 cent per share) €40,000
Preference Dividends – Interim Paid (5 cent per share) €10,000
– Proposed (5 cent per share) €10,000
3. Tangible Fixed Assets
Buildings Vans Total
Cost or Valuation
1/1/-1 466,000 140,000 606,000
Disposals/Acquisitions – – –
Revaluations – – –
31/12/-1 466,000 140,000 606,000
1/1/-1 – 45,000 45,000
Charge for the year – 19,000 19,000
Revaluation – – –
31/12/-1 – 64,000 64,000
Net Book Value
31/12/-1 466,000 76,000 542,000

Palace Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 25
Purchases (Trial Balance) 179
Patents Written Off (Note v) 10
Closing Stock (Note i) (30)
(B) Distribution Costs
Rent of Showroom (Trial Balance) 5
Depreciation on Vans (Note iii) 10
(C) Administration Expenses
Salaries and Wages (Trial Balance) 35
General Expenses (Trial Balance) 20
Rates and Insurance (Trial Balance) 4
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note iii) 3
Directors’ Fees (Note iv) 6
Auditors’ Fees (Note iv) 1
Goodwill written off (Note vi) 3
Damages Provision (Note viii) 6
(D) Interest Payable
Debenture Interest Due (Note iv) 16

(E) Dividends Proposed

Ordinary Dividends (Note vii) 10
Preference Dividends (Note vii) 10


(F) Intangible Fixed Assets

Patents (Trial Balance) 100
Written Off (Note v) (10)
Goodwill (Trial Balance) 60
Written Off (Note vi) (3)
(G) Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings (Trial Balance) 300
Revaluation (Note ii) 150 450
Delivery Vans (Trial Balance) 40
Depreciation Vans (Trial Balance) (10)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iii) (10) 20
Fixtures and Fittings (Trial Balance) (12)
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (6)
Profit and Loss Charge (3) 3
(H) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 18
VAT (Trial Balance) 6
Taxation Due (Note iv) 27
Debenture Interest Due (Note iv) 16
Directors’ Fees Due (Note iv) 6
Auditors’ Fees Due (Note iv) 1
Proposed Dividends (Note vii) 20

Published Profit and Loss Account of Palace Plc for the year ended 31/12/-2
Note: €’000 Workings
Turnover 385
Cost of Sales (184) (A)
Gross Profit 201
Distribution Costs (15) (B)
Administration Expenses (78) (C)
Operating Profit (1) 108
Interest Receivable 3
Interest Payable (16) (D)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 95
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (27)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 68
Dividends Proposed (2) (20) (E)
Retained Profits 48
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 30
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 78

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Balance Sheet of Palace Plc as at 31/12/-2

Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 147 (F)
Tangible (3) 473 (G)
Financial 20
Current Assets
Stocks 30
Debtors 30
Bank 88
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (94) (H)
Net Current Assets 54
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 694
Financed by
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 160
Provisions for liabilities and charges 6
Capital and Reserves
Called up Capital 300
Revaluation Reserve 150
Profit and Loss Account 78
(a) Accounting Policy Notes
Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value.
Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO).
(b) Notes to the Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:
Depreciation €13,000
Patent Amortised €10,000
Goodwill Amortised €3,000
Directors’ Remuneration €6,000
Advisors’ Remuneration €1,000
2. Dividends
Ordinary Dividends – Proposed (5 cent per share) €10,000
Preference Dividends – Proposed (10 cent per share) €10,000
3. Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Delivery Fixtures and Total
Buildings Vans Fittings
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-2 300,000 40,000 12,000 352,000
Disposals/Acquisitions – – – –
Revaluations 150,000 – – 150,000
31/12/-2 450,000 40,000 12,000 502,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-2 – 10,000 6,000 16,000
Charge for the year – 10,000 3,000 13,000
Revaluation – – – –
31/12/-2 – 20,000 9,000 29,000
Net Book Value (€)
31/12/-2 450,000 20,000 3,000 473,000
The Land and Buildings were revalued on 31/12/-2 to €450,000
4. Provisions for Liabilities and Charges
The company is being sued for breach of contract by one of its customers. The company’s legal advisors consider
the company to be liable for damages of €6,000. Consequently, a provision has been made for this amount.


Pallisade Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 15
Purchases (Trial Balance) 130
Closing Stock (Note i) (10)
(B) Distribution Costs
Salesforce Salaries (Trial Balance) 16
Carriage Out (Trial Balance) 2
Depreciation Vans (Note ii) 4
(C) Administration Expenses
Rent, Rates and Insurance (Trial Balance) 25
Directors’ Fees (Trial Balance) 10
Auditors’ Fees (Trial Balance) 4
Salaries and Wages (Trial Balance) 40
General Expenses (Trial Balance) 22
Depreciation Buildings (Note ii) 4
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note ii) 5
Goodwill written off (Note v) 10
(D) Dividends Proposed
Ordinary Dividends (Note vi) 6
Preference Dividends (Note v) 3
(E) Intangible Fixed Assets
Goodwill (Trial Balance) 76
Written Off (Note v) (10)
(F) Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings (Trial Balance) 300
Revaluation (Note iv) 200
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (50)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (4)
Revaluation (Note iv) 54 500
Delivery Vans (Trial Balance) 45
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (25)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (4) 16
Fixtures and Fittings (Trial Balance) 25
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (7)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (5) 13
(G) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 45
VAT (Trial Balance) 7
Taxation Due (Note iii) 60
Debenture Interest Due (Note iii) 10
Dividends Due (Note vi) 9
(H) Revaluation Reserve
Land and Buildings (Note iv) 200
Depreciation (Note iv) 54

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Published Profit and Loss Account of Pallisade Plc for the year ended 31/12/-3
Note €’000 Workings
Turnover 380
Cost of Sales (135) (A)
Gross Profit 245
Distribution Costs (22) (B)
Administration Expenses (120) (C)
Other Operating Income 5
Operating Profit (1) 108
Interest Payable (10)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 98
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (60)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 38
Dividends Paid (2) (15)
Dividends Proposed (2) (9) (D)
Retained Profits 14
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 42
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 56

Published Balance Sheet of Pallisade Plc as at 31/12/-3

Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 66 (E)
Tangible (3) 529 (F)
Financial 110
Current Assets
Stocks 10
Debtors 55
Bank 6
Creditors: Amount falling due within one year (131) (G)
Net Current Assets (Liabilities) (60)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 645
Financed by
Creditors: Amount falling due after more than one year 100
Capital and Reserves
Called up Capital 210
Revaluation Reserve 254 (H)
General Reserve 10
Share Premium 15
Profit and Loss Account 56
(a) Accounting Policy Notes
Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO).

Tangible Fixed Assets

Freehold land is not depreciated. Other tangible fixed assets are depreciated at the following rates:

Buildings – 2% on cost
Vans – 20% on reduced value
Fixtures and fittings – 20% on cost.


(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €13,000
Goodwill amortised €10,000
Directors’ remuneration €10,000
Auditors’ remuneration €4,000

2. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (8 cent per share) €12,000
– Proposed (4 cent per share) €6,000
Preference dividends – Paid (5 cent per share) €3,000
– Proposed (5 cent per share) €3,000
3. Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Delivery Fixtures and Total
Buildings Vans Fittings
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-3 300,000 45,000 25,000 370,000
Disposals/Acquisitions – – – –
Revaluations 200,000 – – 200,000
31/12/-3 500,000 45,000 25,000 570,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-3 50,000 25,000 7,000 82,000
Charge for the year 4,000 4,000 5,000 13,000
Revaluation (54,000) – – (54,000)
31/12/-3 – 29,000 12,000 41,000
Net Book Value (€)
31/12/-3 500,000 16,000 13,000 529,000
The Land and Buildings were valued by Selby, Auctioneers and Valuers on 31/12/-3 on an
existing use, open market basis.
4. Contingent Liabilities
There exists a liability not provided for in the accounts. The company is being sued for €30,000 but the company’s
legal advisors believe the suit will be unsuccessful.

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Plimpton Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 1,600
Purchases (Trial Balance) 17,000
Amortisation of Patent (Note v) 10
Closing Stock (Note i) (1,800)
(B) Administration Expenses
Administration Expenses (Trial Balance) 1,800
Depreciation Buildings (Note ii) 10
Depreciation Equipment (Note ii) 56
Goodwill Written Off (Note vi) 18
Directors’ Remuneration (Note iv) 50
Auditors’ Remuneration (Note iv) 15
(C) Interest Payable
Debenture Interest Paid (Trial Balance) 16
Debenture Interest Due (Note iv) 16
(D) Intangible Fixed Assets
Patents (Trial Balance) 100
Written Off (Note v) 10 90
Goodwill (Trial Balance) 180
Written Off (Note vi) (18) 162
(E) Tangible Fixed Assets
Buildings (Trial Balance) 200
Revaluation (Note iii) 150
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (100)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (10)
Revaluation (Note iii) 110 350
Equipment (Trial Balance) 280
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (100)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (56) 124
(F) Debtors
Debtors (Trial Balance) 1,700
Provision for Bad Debts (Trial Balance) (60)
VAT (Trial Balance) 9
(G) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 1,000
PAYE / PRSI (Trial Balance) 7
Directors’ Remuneration Due (Note iv) 50
Auditors’ Remuneration Due (Note iv) 15
Taxation Due (Note iv) 190
Debenture Interest Due (Note iv) 16
Dividends Due (Note vii) 22
(H) Revaluation Reserve
Buildings (Note iii) 150
Depreciation (Note iii) 110


Published Profit and Loss Account of Plimpton Plc for the year ended 31/12/-4
Note €’000 Workings
Turnover 22,000
Cost of Sales (16,810) (A)
Gross Profit 5,190
Distribution Costs (2,000)
Administration Expenses (1,949) (B)
Other Operating Income 190
Operating Profit (1) 1,431
Interest Payable (32) (C)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 1,399
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (190)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 1,209
Dividends Paid (2) (24)
Dividends Proposed (2) (22)
Retained Profits 1,163
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 400
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 1,563

Published Balance Sheet of Plimpton plc as at 31/12/-4

Note: €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 252 (D)
Tangible (3) 474 (E)
Financial (4) 80
Current Assets
Stocks 1,800
Debtors 1,649 (F)
Bank 12
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (1,300) (G)
Net Current Assets 2,161
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 2,967
Financed by
Creditors: Amount falling due after more than one year 400
Capital and Reserves
Called up Capital 500
General Reserve 44
Share Premium 200
Revaluation Reserve 260 (H)
Profit and Loss Account 1,563

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Accounting Policy Notes

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO)

Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible Fixed Assets are depreciated at the following rates:

Buildings – 5% on cost
Equipment – 20% on cost.

(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €66,000
Intangible assets amortised €28,000
Directors’ remuneration €50,000
Auditors’ remuneration €15,000
2. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (4.75p per share) €19,000
– Proposed (4.25p per share) €17,000
Preference dividends – Paid (5p per share) €5,000
– Proposed (5p per share) €5,000
3. Tangible Fixed Assets
Buildings Equipment Total
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-4 200,000 280,000 480,000
Disposals/Acquisitions – – –
Revaluation 150,000 – 150,000
31/12/-4 350,000 280,000 630,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-4 100,000 100,000 200,000
Charge for the year 10,000 56,000 66,000
Revaluation (110,000) – (110,000)
31/12/-4 – 156,000 156,000
Net Book Value (€)
31/12/-4 350,000 124,000 474,000
4. Listed Investments
Investments held are quoted on the Irish Stock Exchange.
The market value of these investments at 31/12/-4 was €95,000.
(At 31/12/-3: €92,000)


Proofrock Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 70
Purchases (Trial Balance) 2,100
Closing Stock (Note i) (90)
(B) Administration Expenses
Administration Expenses (Trial Balance) 700
Depreciation Buildings (Note ii) 26
Depreciation Equipment (Note ii) 40
Auditors’ Remuneration (Note iv) 10
Directors’ Remuneration (Note iv) 40
Goodwill Written Off (Note v) 8
Provision for Damages (Note viii) 12
(C) Dividends Proposed
Ordinary Dividends (Note vi) 30
Preference Dividends (Note vi) 4
(D) Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings (Trial Balance) 1,600
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (400)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (26) 1,174
Equipment (Trial Balance) 400
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (200)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note ii) (40) 160
(E) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 120
Bank (Trial Balance) 30
VAT (Trial Balance) 12
PAYE/PRSI (Trial Balance) 18
Taxation Due (Note iv) 150
Auditors’ Remuneration Due (Note iv) 10
Directors’ Remuneration Due (Note iv) 40
Dividends Due (Note vi) 34

Published Profit and Loss Account of Proofrock Plc for the year ended 31/12/-5
Note €’000 Workings
Turnover 3,900
Cost of Sales (2,080) (A)
Gross Profit 1,820
Distribution Costs (50)
Administration Expenses (836) (B)
Operating Profit (1) 934
Profit on Sale of Land 20
Interest Payable (10)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 944
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (150)
Profit on Ordinary Activities After Taxation 794
Dividends Paid (2) (40)
Dividends Proposed (2) (34) (C)
Retained Profits 720
Profit and Loss Balance brought forward 210
Profit and Loss Balance to be carried forward 930

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Published Balance Sheet of Proofrock as at 31/12/-5

Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 72
Tangible (3) 1,334 (D)
Financial (4) 120
Current Assets
Stocks 90
Debtors 240
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (414) (E)
Net Current Assets (Liabilities) (84)
Total Assets less Current Liabilities 1,442
Financed by
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 100
Provisions for Liabilities and Charges (5) 12
Capital and Reserves
Called up Capital 400
Profit and Loss Account 930
(a) Accounting Policy Notes
Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO)

Tangible Fixed Assets

Freehold land is not depreciated. Other tangible assets are depreciated at the following rates:
Buildings – 2% on cost
Equipment – 10% on cost.

(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €66,000
Directors’ remuneration €40,000
Auditors’ remuneration €10,000
Goodwill amortised €8,000
2. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (12 cent per share) €36,000
– Proposed (10 cent per share) €30,000
Preference dividends – Paid (4 cent per share) €4,000
– Proposed (4 cent per share) €4,000

3. Tangible Fixed Assets

Land and
Buildings Equipment Total
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-5 1,620,000 400,000 2,020,000
Disposals/Acquisitions (20,000) – (20,000)
Revaluation – – –
31/12/-5 1,600,000 400,000 2,000,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-5 400,000 200,000 600,000
Charge for the year 26,000 40,000 66,000
Revaluation – – –
31/12/-5 426,000 240,000 666,000
Net Book Value (€)
31/12/-5 1,174,000 160,000 1,334,000


4. Financial Fixed Assets

Listed investments, cost €75,000, have an Irish Stock Exchange market value of
€94,000 at 31/12/-5 (31/12/-4: €78,000)
Unlisted investments, cost €45,000, are valued by the directors at €51,000 at
31/12/-5 (31/12/-4: €50,000)
There were no purchases or sales of investments during the year.

5. Provisions for Liabilities and Charges

A claim for breach of contract of €12,000 has been made against the company by one of its customers. Our legal
advisors believe the company to be liable, so a provision has been made in this year’s accounts.

Principals Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 1,936
Purchases (Trial Balance) 20,000
Amortisation of Patent (Note v) 25
Closing Stock (Note i) (1,998)
(B) Distribution Costs
Distribution Costs (Trial Balance) 1,660
Buildings Depreciation (Note iii) 6
Machinery Depreciation (Note iii) 4
(C) Administration Expenses
Administration Expenses (Trial Balance) 1,000
Buildings Depreciation (Note iii) 24
Machinery Depreciation (Note iii) 36
Directors’ Remuneration (Note vi) 60
Auditors’ Remuneration (Note vi) 20
(D) Interest Payable
Debenture Interest Paid (Trial Balance) 35
Debenture Interest Due (Note vi) 35
(E) Dividends Proposed
Ordinary Dividends (Note vii) 36
Preference Dividends (Note vii) 18
(F) Intangible Fixed Assets
Patents (Trial Balance) 250
Amortised (Note v) (25)
(G) Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings (Trial Balance) 400
Revaluation (Note iv) 250
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (50)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iii) (30)
Revaluation (Note iv) 80 650
Machinery (Trial Balance) 200
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (60)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iii) (40) 100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(H) Debtors
Debtors (Trial Balance) 3,500
Provision for Bad Debts (Trial Balance) (60)
VAT (Trial Balance) 42
(I) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 1,851
Directors’ Remuneration Due (Note vi) 60
Auditors’ Remuneration Due (Note vi) 20
Taxation Due (Note vi) 400
Debenture Interest Due (Note vi) 35
Dividends Due (Note vii) 54
(J) Revaluation Reserve
Land and Buildings (Note iv) 250
Depreciation (Note iv) 80

Published Profit and Loss Account for Principals Plc for the year ended 31/12/-6
Note €’000 Workings
Turnover 25,000
Cost of Sales (19,963) (A)
Gross Profit 5,037
Distribution Costs (1,670) (B)
Administration Expenses (1,140) (C)
Other Operating Income 76
Operating Profit (1) 2,303
Interest Payable (70) (D)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 2,233
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (400)
Profit on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 1,833
Dividends Paid (2) (42)
Dividends Proposed (2) (54) (E)
Retained Profits 1,737
Profit and Loss Balance Brought Forward 708
Profit and Loss Balance to be Carried Forward 2,445

Published Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 225 (F)
Tangible (3) 750 (G)
Financial 180
Current Assets
Stocks 1,998
Debtors 3,482 (H)
Bank 260
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (2,420) (I)
Net Current Assets 3,320
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 4,475
Financed By 700
Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year 1,000
Capital and Reserves 330
Called up Share Capital 2,445
Revaluation Reserve (J)
Profit and Loss Account


(a) Accounting Policy Notes

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO)

Tangible Fixed Assets

Freehold land is not depreciated. Other tangible fixed assets are depreciated at the following rates:

Buildings – 10% on cost

Machinery – 20% on cost.

(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €70,000
Directors’ remuneration €60,000
Auditors’ remuneration €20,000
An exceptional bad debt of €300,000 was incurred during the year as one of the company’s debtors went into

2. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (2 cent per share) €24,000
– Proposed (3 cent per share) €36,000
Preference dividends – Paid (4.5 cent per share) €18,000
– Proposed (4.5 cent per share) €18,000

3. Tangible Fixed Assets

Land and
Buildings Machinery Total
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-6 400 200 600
Disposals/Acquisitions – – –
Revaluation 250 – 250
31/12/-6 650 200 850
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-6 50 60 110
Charge for the year 30 40 70
Revaluation (80) – (80)
31/12/-6 – 100 100
Net Book Value
31/12/-6 650 100 750

4. Capital Commitments
The following capital commitments, authorised by the directors have not been provided for in the financial
Contracted for €300,000
Not contracted for €400,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Shore Plc
Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 1,280
Purchases (Trial Balance) 5,800
Closing Stock (Note i) (1,340)
(B) Distribution Costs
Distribution Costs (Trial Balance) 2,900
Depreciation Buildings (Note iv) 3
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note iv) 44
(C) Administration Expenses
Administration Expenses (Trial Balance) 1,442
Directors’ Remuneration (Note ii) 20
Auditors’ Remuneration (Note ii) 5
Depreciation Buildings (Note iv) 7
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note iv) 11
Goodwill Written Off (Note v) 24
Provision for Liability (Note viii) 40
(D) Interest Payable
Debenture Interest Paid (Trial Balance) 18
Debenture Interest Due (Note ii) 18
(E) Dividends Proposed
Ordinary Dividends (Note vi) 24
Preference Dividends (Note vi) 5
(F) Tangible Fixed Assets
Buildings (Trial Balance) 300
Revaluation (Note iii) 200
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (50)
Revaluation (Note iii) 50
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iv) (10) 490
Fixtures and Fittings (Trial Balance) 260
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (40)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iv) (55) 165
(G) Debtors
Debtors (Trial Balance) 2,400
Provision for Bad Debts (Trial Balance) (115)
(H) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 1,510
VAT (Trial Balance) 91
Directors’ Remuneration Due (Note ii) 20
Auditors’ Remuneration Due (Note ii) 5
Taxation Due (Note ii) 300
Debenture Interest Due (Note ii) 18
Dividends Proposed (Note vi) 29
(I) Revaluation Reserve
Buildings (Note iii) 200
Depreciation (Note iii) 50


Published Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6

Note €’000 Workings

Turnover 11,900
Cost of Sales (5,740) (A)
Gross Profit 6,160
Distribution Costs (2,947) (B)
Administration Expenses (1,549) (C)
Operating Income 55
Operating Profit (1) 1,719
Interest Payable (36) (D)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 1,683
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (300)
Profit on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 1,383
Dividends Paid (2) (23)
Dividends Proposed (2) (29) (E)
Retained Profits 1,331
Profit and Loss Balance Brought Forward 340
Profit and Loss Balance to be Carried Forward 1,671

Published Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 216
Tangible (3) 655 (F)
Financial (4) 200
Current Assets
Stocks 1,340
Debtors 2,285 (G)
Bank 78
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (1,973) (H)
Net Current Assets 1,730
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 2,801
Financed By
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year 300
Provision for Liabilities and Charges (5) 40
Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital 500
Share Premium 40
Revaluation Reserve 250 (I)
Profit and Loss Account 1,671

(a) Accounting Policy Notes

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO).

Tangible Fixed Assets

Tangible assets are depreciated at the following rates:
Buildings – 2% on cost
Fixtures and Fittings – 25% on the reduced value
Buildings were revalued on 1/1/-6 by Gant Properties on an open market, existing use basis.

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
The operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €65,000
Directors’ remuneration €20,000
Auditors’ remuneration €5,000
Goodwill Amortised €24,000

2. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (4.5 cent per share) €18,000
– Proposed (6 cent per share) €24,000
Preference dividends – Paid (5 cent per share) €5,000
– Proposed (5 cent per share) €5,000
3. Tangible Fixed Assets
Buildings and Fittings Total
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-6 300,000 260,000 560,000
Disposals/Acquisitions – – –
Revaluation 200,000 – 200,000
31/12/-6 500,000 260,000 760,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-6 50,000 40,000 90,000
Revaluation (50,000) – (50,000)
Charge for the year 55,000 65,000
31/12/-6 – 95,000 105,000
Net Book Value
31/12/-6 490,000 165,000 655,000

4. Financial Fixed Assets

These are in listed companies on the Irish Stock Exchange. They are shown at cost. Their market value on 31/12/-6
is €280,000

5. Provisions for Liabilities and Charges

A claim has been made against the company by an employee for damages as a result of an accident at work. The
company’s legal advisors believe the company to be liable for damages of €40,000. A provision for this amount is
included in this year’s accounts.


Workings (Sources given in Brackets)
(A) Cost of Sales
Opening Stock (Trial Balance) 1,320
Purchases (Trial Balance) 14,120
Patent Amortised (Note vii) 20
Closing Stock (Note i) (1,438)
(B) Distribution Costs
Distribution Costs (Trial Balance) 1,137
Depreciation Buildings (Note iv) 1
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note iv) 18

(C) Administration Expenses

Administration Expenses (Trial Balance) 689
Bad Debts (Trial Balance) 120
Directors’ Remuneration (Note iii) 15
Auditors’ Remuneration (Note iii) 3
Depreciation Buildings (Note iv) 4
Depreciation Fixtures and Fittings (Note iv) 42
Provision for Liability (Note viii) 65
(D) Interest Payable
Debenture Interest Paid (Trial Balance) 18
Debenture Interest Due (Note iii) 18
(E) Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings (Trial Balance) 250
Revaluation (Note vi) 250
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (46)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iv) (5)
Revaluation (Note vi) 51 500
Fixtures and Fittings (Trial Balance) 560
Depreciation (Trial Balance) (260)
Profit and Loss Charge (Note iv) (60) 240
(F) Debtors
Debtors (Trial Balance) 1,953
Provision for Bad Debts (Trial Balance) (39)
VAT (Trial Balance) 22
(G) Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year
Creditors (Trial Balance) 1,645
Directors’ Remuneration Due (Note iii) 15
Auditors’ Remuneration Due (Note iii) 3
Taxation Due (Note iii) 355
Debenture Interest Due (Note iii) 18
Dividends Proposed (Note x) 51
(H) Revaluation Reserve
Land and Buildings (Note v) 250
Depreciation (Note v) 51

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Published Profit and Loss Account of DOR Plc for the year ended 31/12/-3

Note €’000 Workings

Turnover 16,950
Cost of Sales (14,022) (A)
Gross Profit 2,928
Distribution Costs (1,156) (B)
Administration Expenses (938) (C)
Other Operating Income 31
Operating Profit (1) 865
Profit on Sale of Land 110
Interest Receivable 15
Interest Payable (2) (36) (D)
Profit on Ordinary Activities Before Taxation 954
Tax on Profit on Ordinary Activities (355)
Profit on Ordinary Activities after Taxation 599
Transfer to Reserve (589)
Dividends Paid (3) (12)
Dividends Proposed (3) (51)
Retained Profit 526
Profit and Loss Balance Brought Forward 500
Profit and Loss Balance to be Carried Forward 1,026
Balance Sheet of DOR Plc as at 31/12/-3
Note €’000 Workings
Fixed Assets
Intangible 140
Tangible (4) 740 (E)
Financial (5) 350
Current Assets
Stocks 1,438
Debtors 1,936 (F)
Bank 55
Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (2,087) (G)
Net Current Assets 1,342
Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 2,572
Financed By
Creditors: Amounts falling due after more than one year (6) 300
Provision for Liabilities and Charges 65
Capital and Reserves
Called up Share Capital (7) 700
Share Premium 170
Revaluation Reserve 301 (H)
General Reserve 10
Profit and Loss Account 1,026

(a) Accounting Policy Notes

Stocks are valued at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Stocks are valued using First In First Out (FIFO).

Tangible Fixed Assets

Freehold Land is not depreciated. Other tangible assets are depreciated at the following rates:
Buildings – 2% on cost
Fixtures and Fittings – 20% on the reduced value


(b) Notes To The Financial Statements

1. Operating Profit
Operating profit is arrived at after charging:

Depreciation €65,000
Patent Amortised €20,000
Directors’ remuneration €15,000
Auditors’ remuneration €3,000
There was an exceptional bad debt of €120,000 because a customer was declared bankrupt.

2. Interest Payable
This is payable on debentures repayable within five years.

3. Dividends
Ordinary dividends – Paid (.75 cent per share) €9,000
– Proposed (4 cent per share) €48,000
Preference dividends – Paid (3 cent per share) €3,000
– Proposed (3 cent per share) €3,000
4. Tangible Fixed Assets
Land and Fixtures
Buildings and Fittings Total
Cost or Valuation (€)
1/1/-3 275,000 560,000 835,000
Disposals/Acquisitions (25,000) – (25,000)
Revaluation 250,000 – 250,000
31/12/-3 500,000 560,000 1,060,000
Depreciation (€)
1/1/-3 46,000 260,000 306,000
Charge for the year 5,000 60,000 65,000
Revaluation (51,000) – (51,000)
31/12/-3 – 320,000 320,000
Net Book Value
31/12/-3 500,000 240,000 740,000
5. Financial Fixed Assets
Listed Investments, cost €350,000, have a market value of €370,000 at 31/12/-3.
There were no purchases or sales of investments during the year.
6. Debentures
12% Debentures of €300,000 are secured by a fixed charge over the company’s tangible fixed assets. They are
repayable within five years at the company’s option.
7. Called up Share Capital
Authorised Issued Paid-up
Ordinary Shares at 50 cent 600,000 600,000 600,000
6% Preference Shares at €1 100,000 100,000 100,000
700,000 700,000 700,000
Capital Commitments
The following capital commitments, authorised by the directors have not been provided for in the financial
Contracted for €550,000
Not contracted for €350,000
8. Contingent Liability
The company is being sued by a customer for late delivery of goods. The company’s legal advisors believe the
company is unlikely to be liable under the terms of the sales contract. They estimate the maximum liability at

Analysis and Interpretation of
Financial Statements: Solutions

Finn Ltd

Sales 516,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 22,000
+ Purchases 434,000
– Closing Stock (26,000)
Gross Profit 86,000
– Expenses (51,000)
Net Profit 35,000
+ Balance b/f 21,000
Balance c/f 56,000

(a) (i) Return on Capital Employed

Profit (Before interest and Tax
- × 100 = 35,000 + 12,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------- = 23.5%
Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 200,000
(ii) Purchases = 434,000
(iii) Period of Credit allowed to Debtors
= ------------------------- × 365 = 30 Days
Credit sales
(iv) Interest Cover
Operating Profit 35,000 + 12,000
= ------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------ = 3.9 times
Interest 12,000

(b) (i) Liquid Assets

Liquid Assets are the current assets which are readily convertible into cash. They comprise bank, cash,
debtors, short-term investments etc.
(ii) Gearing
This is concerned with finance of limited companies. A highly geared company is mainly financed by
fixed interest debt (debenture loans and preference shares). a lowly geared company is mainly financed
by equity (ordinary shareholders and reserves).
(iii) Rate of Stock Turnover
Rate of Stock Turnover measures the frequency with which stock is sold during the trading period. It is
given by the formula:
Cost of Sales
Average Stock
For Finn Ltd the rate is given by ------------------------------------
( 22,000 + 26,000 ) ÷ 2
- = 18 times
If stock turns over 18 times a year then stock is on the shelves for 365/18, or 20 days, on average,
between purchase and sale.


(iv) Intangible Assets

Intangible Assets are assets which have value but no physical presence, e.g. goodwill, patents and
trademarks, copyrights and capitalised development costs. Trademarks and Copyrights are known as
Intellectual Property. Intangible assets have a finite life, in most cases, so they are written off, or
amortised, in the Profit and Loss Account in much the same way as tangible assets are depreciated.

(c) Interests of Shareholders

Shareholders are interested in:
(i) Profitability
Profit (After Tax and Preference Dividends) 35,000
Return on Shareholders’ funds = --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = ----------------- × 100 = 29%
Ordinary Shares+Reserves 120,000
This rate is compared to the rates of interest offered by risk-free investments, i.e. banks, building
societies, etc.
(ii) Liquidity
Current Ratio = Current Assets: Current Liabilities = 1.68:1
Acid Test = Liquid Assets: Current Liabilities = 1.24:1

Both of these ratios are satisfactory as norms are 1.5:1 and 1:1 for current and liquid ratios respectively.
Finn Ltd can meet its short-term debts as they become due.

McCool Ltd

Sales 310,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 36,000
Purchases on credit 260,000
– Closing Stock (46,000)
Gross Profit 60,000

(a) (i) Percentage Mark-up on Cost

Gross Profit 60,000
= ---------------------------- × 100 = ----------------- × 100 = 24%
Cost of Sales 250,000
(ii) Closing Stock = €46,000
(iii) Period of Credit received from Creditors
Creditors 50,000
= ------------------------------------- × 365 = ----------------- × 365 = 70 days
Credit Purchases 260,000
(iv) Return on Capital Employed
Profit (Before Interest and Tax) 18,000 + 7,000
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = -------------------------------- × 100 =10.9%
Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 230,000

(b) (i) Intangible Assets (See solution to question 19.1)

(ii) Dividends
Dividends is the portion of company profit given to shareholders. It is the return on their investment in
the company. Preference shareholders get a fixed return and ordinary shareholders’ dividend depends on
the level of profits available in any year.
(iii) Shareholders’ funds
Shareholders’ funds is the total investment by shareholders in a company. It is made up of issued share
capital plus reserves.
(iv) Rate of Stock Turnover (see solution to question 19.1)

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(c) Liquidity
This year’s liquidity ratios are:
Current ratio = Current assets : Current liabilities
= 104,000 : 68,000
= 1.5 : 1
Acid Test = Current assets less Stock : Current Liabilities
= 58,000 : 68,000
= .85 :1
Liquidity has disimproved since the previous year. The company is less able to meet its short-term debts as they fall

Calley Ltd

Sales 492,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 26,000
+ Purchases 406,000
– Closing Stock (22,000)
Gross Profit 82,000

(a) (i) Sales = €492,000

(ii) Return on Capital Employed
Profit (Before Interest and Tax) 7,000 + 9,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = --------------------------------------------- = 5.7%
Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 280,000
(iii) Mark-up on Cost
Gross Profit 82,000
= ---------------------------- × 100 = ----------------- × 100 = 20%
Cost of Sales 410,000
(iv) Interest Cover
Operating Profit 7,000 + 9,000
= ------------------------------------
- = ----------------------------- = 1.7 times

(b) (i) Liquid Assets

Liquid assets are the current assets which are readily convertible into cash. They comprise bank, cash,
debtors, short-term investments etc.
(ii) Gearing
Gearing is concerned with finance of limited companies. A highly geared company is mainly financed
by fixed interest debt (debenture loans and preference shares). A lowly geared company is mainly
financed by equity (ordinary shares and reserves).
(iii) Rate of Stock Turnover
Rate of stock turnover measures the frequency with which stock is sold during the trading period. It is
given by the formula:
Cost of Sales
Average Stock
For Calley Ltd, the rate is given by (-----------------------------------------------
26,000 + 22,000 ) ÷ 2
- = 17 times
If stock turns over 17 times a year then stock is on the shelves for 365/17 or 21 days, on average,
between purchase and sale.


(iv) Intangible Assets

Intangible assets are assets which have value but no physical presence, e.g. goodwill, patents and
trademarks, copyrights and capitalised development costs. Trademarks and copyrights are known as
intellectual property. Intangible assets have a finite life, in most cases, so they are written off, or
amortised, in the Profit and Loss Account in much the same way as tangible assets are depreciated.

(c) Interests of Shareholders

Shareholders are interested in:
(i) Profitability
Return on shareholders’ funds
Profit (After Interest and Tax)
= ------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100
Ordinary Shares + Reserves
7,000 + 9,000
= ----------------------------- × 100 = 7.2%
This rate is compared to the rates of interest offered by risk-free investments, i.e. banks, building
societies etc.
(ii) Liquidity
Current ratio = Current assets : Current liabilities
= 74,000 : 67,000
= 1.1 : 1
Acid Test = Current assets less Stock : Current Liabilities
= (74,000 – 22,000) : 67,000
= 0.77 :1
Both of these rates are unsatisfactory as norms are 1.5:1 and 1:1 for Current Ratio and Acid Test
respectively. Calley Ltd cannot meet its short-term debts as they fall due.

Raltherm Ltd
Sales 145,000 Fixed Assets 168,000
– Cost of sales Current Assets 55,000
Opening Stock 17,000 Current Liabilities (25,000)
+ Purchases 116,000 30,000
133,000 198,000
– Closing Stock (23,000) Financed By
(110,000) Share Capital 130,000
Gross Profit 35,000 Reserves – Profit and Loss Account 18,000
– Expenses 15,000 Long Term Liabilities
Net Profit for year 20,000 6% Debentures 50,000
– Dividends Proposed (6,500) 198,000
Retained Profits 13,500
Profit and Loss Balance B/F 4,500
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 18,000

(a) (i) Purchases

Purchases = €116,000
(ii) Period of Credit given to Debtors
Debtors 29,000
= -------------------------- × 365 = ----------------- × 365 = 73 days
Credit Sales 145,000
(iii) Return on Capital Employed
Profit (Before Interest and Tax) 20,000 + 3,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = ------------------------------------------------ = 11.6%
Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 198,000
(iv) Rate of Stock Turnover
Cost of Sales 110,000 110,000
= -------------------------------- = ------------------------------------------------ = ----------------- = 5.5 times
Average Stock ( 17,000 + 23,000 ) ÷ 2 20,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) (i) Auditors

Auditors are independent experts who give their opinion on whether the accounts give a ‘true and fair
view’ of the financial position of the company. They are independent accountants appointed by the
(ii) Gearing (See solution to question 19.1)
(iii) Liquid Assets (See solution to question 19.1)
(iv) Shareholders’ funds (See solution to question 19.2)

(c) Gearing
The gearing ratio is given by:
Equity capital : Fixed Interest Debt = 148,000 : 50,000
= 2.96:1, i.e. a lowly geared company as the majority of its finance comes from equity capital.

Moriarty Ltd
Sales 250,000
Less Cost of sales
Opening Stock 66,000
+ Purchases 140,000
– Closing Stock (18,000)
Gross Profit 62,000

(a) (i) Purchases

Purchases = €140,000
(ii) Return on capital employed
Profit (Before Interest and Tax) 40,000 + 3,600 × 100
- × 100 = ------------------------------------------------ = 27.25%
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 160,000
(iii) Period of Credit given to Debtors
Debtors 15,000
= -------------------------- × 365 = ----------------- × 365 = 27 days
Credit Sales 200,000
(iv) Gross Margin
Gross Profit 62,000
= -------------------------- × 100 = ----------------- × 100 = 25%
Sales 250,000

(b) (i) Rate of stock turnover (See solution to question 19.1)

(ii) Memorandum of Association
A Memorandum of Association is a document which governs a company’s dealings with the outside
world. It states the company name, its objects, its limited liability and its authorised share capital.
(iii) Capital Employed
Capital Employed is the total invested in a company. It is made up of shareholders’ funds (capital and
reserves) plus long-term liabilities.
(iv) 8% Cumulative Preference Shares
This is a share entitled to a fixed return of 8% per annum. The return is payable before any payment to
ordinary shareholders. If dividends are unpaid, due to insufficient profits, the dividend is carried forward
(or accumulated) to a future date.

(c) Liquidity Ratios

The liquidity ratios are:
(i) Current Ratio = Current Assets : Current liabilities = 1.6:1
(ii) Acid Test = Current Assets less Stock : Current Liabilities = .88:1
The firm has liquidity problems as it cannot meet its short-term debts as they fall due.


Durie Ltd
Sales 29000 Fixed Assets 337,000
– Cost of sales Current Assets 82,000
Opening Stock 21,000 Current Liabilities (39,000)
+ Purchases 156,000 43,000
177,000 380,000
– Closing Stock (23,000) Financed By
(154,000) Share Capital 250,000
Gross Profit 136,000 Reserves – Profit and Loss Account 90,000
– Expenses (36,000) Long-Term Liabilities
Net Profit for year 100,000 6% Debentures 40,000
– Dividends Proposed (25,000) 380,000
Retained Profits 75,000
Profit and Loss Balance B/F 15,000
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 90,000

(a) (i) Cost of Sales = €154,000

(ii) Rate of Stock Turnover
Cost of Sales 154,000
= ----------------------------------- = ----------------------------------------------------- = 7 times
Average Stock ( 21,000 + 23,000 ) ÷ 2
(iii) Acid Test Ratio
= Current Assets minus stock : Current Liabilities
(82,000 – 23,00) : 39,000
1.5 : 1

(iv) Total Expenses to Sales Ratio

Total Expenses 36,000
= --------------------------------- × 100 = ----------------- × 100 = 12.4%
Sales 290,000

(b) (i) Articles of Association

The Articles of Association is a document which governs the internal conditions of a company. It states
the rights of shareholders, the procedure for meetings and any other internal regulations.
(ii) Debenture (See solution to question 19.3)
(iii) Shareholders’ funds (See solution to question 19.2)
(iv) Gearing (See solution to question 19.1)
(c) Return on Shareholders’ Funds
Profit (After Tax and Preference Dividends) × 100
The return on shareholders’ funds = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ordinary Shares + Reserves
100,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------- = 29% This is far better than the 13% earned by an investment in the financial
250,000 + 90,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Avril Ltd

Sales 150,000
– Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 25,000
+ Purchases 120,000
– Closing Stock (35,000)
Gross Profit 40,000

(a) (i) Closing Stock = €35,000

(ii) Period of Credit given to Debtors
Debtors 12,000
= -------------------------- × 365 = ----------------- × 365 = 35 days
Credit Sales 125,000
(iii) Period of Credit Received from Creditors
Creditors 22,000
= ------------------------------------- × 365 = ----------------- × 365 = 66 days
Credit Purchases 120,000
(iv) Return on Shareholders’ Funds
Profit (After Tax and Preference Dividends) 15,000
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = --------------- × 100 = 18.75%
Ordinary shares+Reserves 80,000

(b) (i) Debt / Total Capital Percentage

This shows what percentage of total capital invested in a company is represented by debt capital, i.e.
Borrowings. For Avril Ltd it is ----------------- × 100 = 56%
(ii) Auditor (See solution to question 19.4)
(iii) Liquid Assets (See solution to question 19.1)
(iv) Intangible Assets (See solution to question 19.1)

(c) Interest Cover for Year Ended 31/12/-1

Operating Profit 25,000 + 5,000
= ------------------------------------- = -------------------------------- = 6 times
Interest 5,000
The interest cover, which measures a firm’s ability to meet its interest payments has dropped from the
previous year. Thus Avril Ltd is less able to meet its interest repayments this year.

James Ltd
31/12/-2 31/12/-3 31/12/-2 31/12/-3
Sales 140,000 135,000 Fixed Assets 153,000 170,000
– Cost of Sales Current Assets 30,000 36,000
Opening Stock 14,000 16,000 Current Liabilities (18,000) 23,000
+ Purchases 106,000 102,000 12,000 13,000
120,000 118,000 165,000 183,000
– Closing Stock (15,000) (19,000)
(105,000) (99,000) Financed By
Gross Profit 35,000 36,000 Share Capital 100,000 100,000
– Expenses (20,000) (18,000) Reserves 25,000 43,000
Net Profit 15,000 18,000 Long-Term Liabilities 40,000 40,000
+ P+L Balance b/f 10,000 25,000 165,000 183,000
P+L Balance c/f 25,000 43,000

(a) (i) Purchases

Purchases for year ended 31/12/-2 = €106,000
Purchases for year ended 31/12/-3 = €102,000


(ii) Fixed Assets

Fixed Assets as at 31/12/-2 = €153,000
Fixed Assets as at 31/12/-3 = €170,000
Gross Profit
(iii) Mark-up = ---------------------------- × 100
Cost of Sales
for year ended 31/12/-2 = ----------------- × 100 = 33.3%

for year ended 31/12/-3 = --------------- × 100 = 36.3%
(iv) Acid Test Ratio = Current Assets minus stock : Current Liabilities
for year ended 31/12/-2 = 30,000 – 15,000 : 18,000 = .83:1
for year ended 31/12/-3 = 36,000 – 19,000 : 23,000 = .74:1

(b) (i) Dividend

Dividend is the portion of company profits which is given to shareholders. It is the return on their
investment in the company. Preference shareholders get a fixed return and ordinary shareholders
dividend depends on the level of profits available in any year.
(ii) Shareholders' funds
Shareholders’ funds is the total investment by shareholders in a company. It is made up of issued share
capital plus reserves.
(iii) Rate of Stock Turnover
Rate of Stock Turnover measures the frequency with which stock is sold during the trading period. It is
given by the formula:
Cost of Sales
Average Stock
for James Ltd. The rate is given as:
for year ended 31/12/-2 = (-----------------------------------------------
14,000 + 15,000 ) ÷ 2
- = 7.2 times
for year ended 31/12/-3 = (-----------------------------------------------
16,000 + 19,000 ) ÷ 2
- = 5.6 times
(iv) Auditors
Auditors are independent experts who give their opinion on whether the accounts are a ‘true and fair
view’ of the financial position of the company. They are independent accountants appointed by the

(c) Profitability
The return on capital employed is the best measure of the profitability of the company as a whole.
The return is calculated by:
Profit (Before Interest and Tax)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100
Shareholders ’ funds + Long-Term Liabilities

15,000 + 4,000
for year ended 31/12/-2 = -------------------------------- × 100 = 11.5%

18,000 + 4,000
for year ended 31/12/-3 = --------------------------------- × 100 = 12%
James Ltd was more profitable for the year ended 31/12/-3.

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Smith Plc
Sales 982,000 Fixed Assets (+ Investments) 682,000
– Cost of sales (602,000) Current Assets 212,000
Gross Profit 380,000 Current Liabilities
– Expenses (136,000) Creditors 45,000
Net Profit for year 244,000 Dividends 27,000 (72,000)
– Dividends Proposed (27,000) 140,000
Retained Profits 217,000 822,000
Profit and Loss Balance B/F (20,000) Financed By
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 197,000 Shares – Ordinary 400,000
– Preference 100,000
Reserves – Profit and Loss Account 197,000
Long Term Liabilities
8% Debentures 125,000

(a) (i) Opening Stock

Stock Turnover
Cost of Sales 602,000
-------------------------------- = ----------------- = 9
= Average Stock x

∴ 9x = 602,000
x = 68,000
∴ Opening Stock + Closing stock = 2(68,000) = 136,000
Opening Stock = 136,000 – 60,000 = 76,000

(ii) Dividend Cover

Profit (After Tax and Preference Dividend) 244,000 – 7,000
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Total Ordinary Dividend
- = ---------------------------------- = 11.85 times
(iii) Dividend Yield
Dividend per share 20,000/400,000
- = 0.05
= --------------------------------------------------- × 100 = --------------------------------- --------- × 100 = 2%
Market price per share 2.50 2.50
(iv) Earnings per share
Profit (After Tax and Preference dividend) 244,000 – 7,000
= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = ---------------------------------- = 59 cent
Number of issued ordinary shares 400,000
(v) Price Earnings Ratio
Market price per share 2.50
= ---------------------------------------------------
Earnings per share = 0.59 = 4.2 years or 4.2:1

(b) Advice to Potential Shareholders

A potential shareholder would be interested in the following:
1. Profitability of the firm compared with the borrowing rate of finance
Return on capital employed
Profit (Before Interest and Tax) × 100 244,000 + 10,000
- = -------------------------------------- × 100 = 31%
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 822,000
Return on shareholders’ funds
Profit (After Tax and Preference Dividends) 244,000 – 7,000
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100 = ---------------------------------------- × 100 = 40%
Ordinary shares + reserves 400,000 + 197,000
These rates compare very favourably with the 10% being charged for the finance.
2. Proportion of the Company Owned after the Purchase
The holder of 230,000 of the 400,000 ordinary shares issued would have a controlling interest in the
company. Thus the holder could change any company policy such as dividend payment etc.


3. Present Dividend Policy

EPS : DPS = 59 cent : 5 cent
The ordinary shareholders only received 5 cent out of 59 cent they have earned. This represents only
8% of their earnings. This is a very poor payout ratio.
4. Profit Trends
Last year’s Profit and Loss balance was €20,000 loss and this has been turned around into a
€197,000 profit. Good trend.
5. Investment Policy
A good investment policy as they have gained 80% in value.
6. Liquidity
Current Ratio = 212,000 : 72,000 = 3:1
Acid Test = 152,000 : 72,000 = 2:1
These are both above acceptable norms of 1.5:1 and 1:1
7. Sector
Leisurewear is a growth sector.
8. Share Price
Share price is 20 cent below market price offering a discount of €46,000 on the purchase.
9. Gearing
The Debt/Total capital percentage is 27% making this a low-geared firm which would suit an ordinary
shareholder as interest commitments are not high.

Overall I would advise my friend to buy the shares.


Sales 950,000 Fixed Assets 666,000
– Cost of sales (600,000) Investments 178,000
Gross Profit 350,000 Current Assets 270,000
– Total Expenses (160,000) Current Liabilities (179,000)
Net Profit before tax 190,000 91,000
Taxation (50,000) 935,000
Profit after tax 140,000 Financed By
– Proposed Dividends (86,000) Shares – Ordinary 450,000
54,000 – Preference 200,000
– Transfer to Reserve (24,000) Reserves – General Reserve 125,000
Retained Profits 30,000 – Profit and Loss Account 50,000
Profit and Loss Balance B/F 20,000 Long Term Liabilities
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 50,000 9% Debentures 110,000

(a) (i) Return on Shareholders’ Funds

Profit (After Tax and Preference dividends)
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- × 100
Ordinary shares + reserves

14,000 – 16,000
= ---------------------------------------- × 100 = 19.8%
450,000 + 175,000
(ii) General Reserve
General Reserve at 31/12/-8 was €125,000
(iii) Stock Turnover
Cost of sales 600,000
= -------------------------------- = ----------------- = 8 ∴ 8x = 600,000
Average stock x
x = 75,000
Opening stock + closing stock = 2(75,000) = 150,000
Opening stock = 150,000 – closing stock
= 150,000 – 80,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

= 70,000
(iv) Dividend Yield
Dividend per share × 100 70,000/450,000 × 100 0.156 × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------
Market price per share =
- ------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------- = 8.9%
1.75 1.75
(v) Price Earnings Ratio
Market Price per Share 1.75 1.75
= ---------------------------------------------------
Earnings per share
- = ------------------------------------- = --------- = 6.25 years
140,000 – 16,000 0.28
(b) Report
For: Bank requested for loan €300,000
By whom prepared: S. Omebody
Subject matter: Advisability of granting the loan
Body of report:
1. Gearing
The debt / total capital percentage of the company is 33%. Thus it is a low geared company. If the loan is
granted the gearing will become high at 65%, making the fixed interest payment on the loan a greater burden
on company profits. The interest cover now is 20 times but this will fall to five times if the loan is granted,
unless profits increase.
2. Security
Collateral is provided by the fixed assets. At the moment the book value of fixed assets available for
collateral is €556,000 (666,000-110,000). The nature of, and depreciation policy on these fixed assets must
be ascertained.
3. Purpose of the loan
The loan is for productive purposes. This would suit the bank as it is interested in lending for profit-
enhancing projects.
4. Sector
Further investigations are necessary to see if Pendrive Plc is performing comparably well with its
competitors in the pharmaceutical industry. The area of Research and Development is very important.
5. Liquidity
Current Ratio = 1.51:1
Acid Test = 1.06:1
These compare favourably with norms of 1.5:1 and 1:1 respectively.
6. Profitability
The return on shareholders’ funds is 19.8%
The return on capital employed is 21%
Both compare favourably with the 11% charged on the loan.
7. Investment policy – Investments have risen in value by 11%. Good policy.

Grant the loan provided the market value of tangible fixed assets can provide enough collateral for the loan.
With increased profits generated by the new machinery, the loan interest should be easily covered.



Watson Plc
(a) 31/12/-2 31/12/-1
(i) Interest Cover
Operating Profit 33,500 – 11,000 39,500 + 11,000
= ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Interest Charges 11,000 11,000
= 4 times = 4.6 times
(ii) Earnings per Share
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 23,500 – 13,500 27,500 – 13,500
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Number of issued ordinary shares 400,000 400,000
= 2.5p = 3.5p
(iii) Dividend Yield
Dividend per Share 20,000/400,000 20,000/400,000
= ---------------------------------------------------- × 100 ----------------------------------
Market Price per Share
= 6.7% = 5.6%
(b) Interests of Debenture Holders
Debenture holders would be interested in:
1. Repayment date
Debenture loan is due for repayment on 31/12/-6. This is four years hence and there are no
reserves set aside for this repayment.
2. Security
The security for the debentures is provided by the fixed assets in the year ended 31/12/-1. The
security cover was 460,000:100,000 (or 4.6:1) and in the year ended 31/12/-2 the cover has
improved to 487,000:100,000 (or 4.9:1). Security cover is satisfactory provided the assets’ book
value is a true reflection of their market value.
3. Interest Cover
Interest cover has fallen from 4.6 times to four times. This is a drop in cover of 13% in one year. A
very poor trend.
4. Liquidity
Current ratio fell from 1.25:1 to 1.04:1
Acid test ratio fell from .9:1 to .39:1
The firm has severe liquidity problems. It is below the norms of 1.5:1 and 1:1 respectively in both
years and the situation is worsening.
5. Return on Capital Employed 31/12/-2 31/12/-1
Profit (Before interest and tax)
= -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- 6.7% 7.6%
Shareholders funds + Long-term liabilities
The downward trend in profitability is an unhealthy development.
6. Dividend Policy (EPS:DPS)
In the year ended 31/12/-1 the company paid each ordinary shareholder a dividend of 5 cent
despite earnings per share of only 3.5 cent. In the year ended 31/12/-2, the situation has worsened
to where ordinary shareholders are still receiving a dividend per share of 5 cent despite earnings
per share of only 2.5 cent. The company is using profits and reserves to pay dividends, which
would better suit debenture holders if they were retained as reserves.
7. Gearing
The firm is low geared but any possible advantage to the debenture holders is offset by the poor,
and worsening, profit performance.
8. Sector
The construction industry is cyclical. If the industry is heading into the downward part of the
cycle, the debenture holders can see no end to the poor profit performance.
The debenture holders would be worried about their loan repayment in four years time. If the
present trends in profitability and liquidity continue, they may consider calling in a receiver.

Leaving Certificate Accounting


McMillan Plc
Sales 545,000 Fixed Assets
Cost of sales (218,500) Tangible 500,000
Gross Profit 326,500 Intangible 100,000
Operating Expenses (160,000) Investments 100,000
Operating Profit 166,500 700,000
Interest (16,500) Current Assets 190,000
Net Profit for year 150,000 Current Liabilities
Dividends Proposed (74,000) Creditors 41,000
76,000 Dividends due 74,000 (115,000)
Transfer to Reserve (40,000) 75,000
Retained Profits 36,000 775,000
Profit and Loss Balance B/F (11,000) Financed By
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 25,000 Shares – Ordinary 200,000
– Preference 300,000
Reserves – General Reserve 100,000
– Profit and Loss Account 25,000
Long Term Liabilities
11% Debentures 150,000

(a) (i) Cash Sales

Period of Credit allowed to Debtors
Debtors × 12 53,000 × 12
= ----------------------------
Credit Sales =
- -------------------------- = 2
∴2x = 636,000
∴ x = 318,000

Total Sales = 545,000

Cash Sales = Total Sales – Credit Sales
= 545,000 – 318,000
= 227,000
(ii) Earnings per Share
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 150,000 – 24,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------- = 63 cent
Number of issued ordinary shares 200,000
(iii) Dividend Cover
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 150,000 – 24,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------------ = 2.5 times
Total ordinary dividend 50,000
(iv) Interest Cover
Operating profit 166,500
= ------------------------------------- = ----------------- = 10 times
Interest charges 16,500
(v) Market Value of Shares
Dividend Yield
Dividend per share × 100
= ---------------------------------------------------------
Market price per share

50,000/200,000 0.25 × 100

= ---------------------------------- × 100 = 10% = ------------------------ = 10
x x
∴10x = 25
= 2.50
The market value of one ordinary share is €2.50


(b) Interests of Potential Shareholder

A potential shareholder would be interested in the following:
1. Profitability of the firm Compared with Borrowing Rate of Finance
Return on capital employed
Profit (Before interest and tax) × 100 166,500
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ----------------- × 100 = 21%
Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities 775,000

Return on Shareholders’ Funds

Profit (After tax and preference dividends) × 100 150,000 – 24,000
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------- × 100 = 39%
Ordinary shares and reserves 325,000

These rates compare favourably with the 13% being charged for finance. Borrowings will amount
to €250,000 with annual interest of €32,500.
2. Proportion of the Company Owned after the Purchase
The holder of 100,000 ordinary shares would be a major, if not the major shareholder in the
company. As such he/she would exert great influence over dividend policies and policies in
3. Present Dividend Policy
EPS:DPS = 63 cent : 25 cent
The ordinary shareholders are 25 cent out of the 63 cent they earned. This is a payout rate of 40%.
Shareholders would be satisfied with these figures.
4. Profit Trends
McMillan Plc. increased its reserves (€11,000) last year to a positive balance of €25,000 this year.
This is an improving trend.
5. Investment policy
A good investment policy as they have risen 10% in value.
6. Liquidity
Current ratio = 1.6:1
Acid test = 0.8:1
Current ratio is acceptable but the acid test ratio is below the accepted norm of 1:1.
7. Contingent Liability
If this materialises, then an already poor liquidity situation will worsen.
8. Sector
Computer software is a successful but highly mobile industry. Unless the Research and
Development function is located in Ireland, the company could lose out to lower wage economies
in Eastern Europe or Asia.
9. Debentures
Debentures are repayable in two years time but there are reserves built up and there is enough time
to meet the €150,000 payout.
Overall, this is a sound investment, the only worrying point being the liquidity and the contingent
liability. As long as the licence is guaranteed, I would advise my friend to buy the shares.


Tinn Plc
(a) 31/12/-6 31/12/-5
(i) Return on Shareholders’ Funds
Profit (After tax and preference dividend)
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 74,000 – 8,000 × 100 24,000 – 8,000 × 100
( Shareholders funds + Long-Term Liabilities )
’ ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
750,000 708,000
= 8.8% = 2.25%

Leaving Certificate Accounting
(ii) Dividend Yield
Dividend per Share 32,000 – 8,000/500,000 18,000 – 8,000/500,000
= ---------------------------------------------------- × 100 ----------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------
Market Price per Share 1.85 1.50
0.048 × 100 0.02 × 100
= -------------------------- = ------------------------
1.85 1.50
= 2.6% = 1.3%
(iii) Interest Cover
Net profit + Interest 94,000 + 8,100 29,000 + 8,100
= ----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Interest 8,100 8,100

= 12.6 times = 4.6 times

(b) Interests of Ordinary Shareholders
Ordinary shareholders would be interested in:
1. Profit trends
Return on shareholders’ funds has improved from 2.25% to 8.8%. This is a healthy trend.
The return on capital employed has risen from 5.2% to 13.6% which compares favourably
with returns from risk free investments.
2. Dividends
Dividend cover has improved from 1.6 times to 2.75 times. The cover is low but improving.
Dividend Policy (EPS:DPS) in the year ended 31/12/-5 was to give 62% of earnings to
ordinary shareholders as dividends. This dropped to 36% for the year ended 31/12/-6. The
company is retaining more profits as reserves.
Dividend yield has doubled from 1.3% to 2.6%. The yield is low by comparison with yields
from risk-free investments but the trend is good.
3. Liquidity
Current ratio has improved from 1.03:1 to 2:1
Acid test ratio has improved from 0.3:1 to 1.4:1
The liquidity position is much healthier and the trend is good.
4. Sector
The current economic health of the industrial sector would be of interest to shareholders.
This is linked directly to the health of the economy as a whole.
5. Gearing
Gearing is low at around 25%. This suits ordinary shareholders as less profit is devoted to
fixed interest repayments.
6. Interest cover
This has improved from 4.6 times to 12.6 times. This is a healthy trend.
7. Security
The book value of fixed assets has fallen, probably due to depreciation charges. The shareholders
would need to know the nature of and depreciation policy for, all fixed assets.
8. Market Price
The stock market price may be a guide to the general health of the company. The price has
risen by 23% in the last year. Coupled with a rising P/E ratio, the indications are that the
market has confidence in the company. However share prices are prone to movement due to
rumours of takeover bids, general economic conditions, political events and many other
factors which have little to do with the company itself.
(c) Limitations of Ratio Analysis
1. Ratios deal with figures only. Figures in isolation do not give a full picture of the company.
2. Comparisons of the company over time may be misleading if conditions have changed.
3. Changes in the value of money due to inflation will distort the ratios.
4. Comparisons of different companies must take into consideration different accounting
policies adopted by different firms.



Fryere Plc
31/12/-7 31/12/-6 31/12/-7 31/12/-6
Sales 1,072,000 806,000 Fixed Assets 898,000 728,000
Cost of Sales (692,000) (430,000) Current Assets 210,000 200,000
Gross Profit 380,000 376,000 Current Liabilities
Operating Expenses (190,000) (170,000) Creditors (93,200) (136,600)
Operating Profit 190,000 206,000 Dividends due (64,000) (57,000)
Interest (9,600) (9,600) 950,800 734,400
Net Profit 180,400 196,400 Financed by
Dividends (64,000) (57,000) 8% Debentures 120,000 120,000
Retained 116,400 139,400 Shares – Ordinary 500,000 500,000
P+L Balance B/F 14,400 (125,000) Shares – Preference 200,000 100,000
P+L Balance C/F 130,800 14,400 Reserves 130,800 14,400
950,800 734,400

(a) 31/12/-7 31/12/-6

(i) Earnings per Share
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 180,400 – 14,000 196,400 – 7,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Number of issued ordinary shares 500,000 500,000
= 33 cent = 38 cent
(ii) Return on Shareholders’ Funds x 100
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 180,400 – 14,000 196,400 – 7,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Ordinary shares + Reserves 500,000 + 130,800 500,000 + 14,000
= 26% = 37%
(iii) Interest Cover
Operating profit 190,000 206,000
= ------------------------------------- ----------------- -----------------
Interest 9,600 9,600

= 20 times = 21 times
(iv) Debt/Total Capital Percentage
Debt capital 120,000 + 200,000 120,000 + 100, 000
---------------------------- × 100 ----------------------------------------
Total capital
= 34% = 30%
(b) Would the Bank grant the Loan?
A bank which has been asked for a loan would be interested in:
1. Gearing
The firm is low geared but the rate is rising from 30% to 34%. If the loan is granted, the gearing
would rise to 65% making it a highly geared firm. This would make fixed interest repayments a
greater burden on company profits. The interest cover is good at 20 times but this would fall if the
loan is granted, unless profits increase.
2. Purpose of the Loan
The loan is for productive purposes. This would suit the bank as it is interested in lending for profit
generating projects.
3. Collateral
Collateral is provided by the fixed assets. At the moment, the book value of fixed assets available
for collateral is €778,000 (898,000 – 120,000). The nature of, and depreciation policy for, these
fixed assets must be ascertained.
4. Liquidity
Current ratio has improved from 1.03:1 to 1.3:1
Acid test ratio has improved from .6:1 to 1.1:1
These are healthy trends.

Leaving Certificate Accounting

5. Sector
The fast food sector is bouyant and with increased leisure time will probably expand.
6. Profitability
Return on capital employed has dropped from 28% to 19%.
Return on shareholders funds has dropped from 37% to 26%.
While the rates of profitability are high, the falling trend is unhealthy.

The bank would grant the loan after careful examination of the security available.


Clodagh Fashions Plc
(a) 31/12/-3 31/12/-2
(i) Dividend Yield
Dividend per share × 100 68,000 – 18,000/250,000 43,000 – 18,000/250,000
= --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
Market price per share 1.65 1.50

0.2 × 100 0.1 × 100

= --------------------- = ---------------------
1.65 1.50
= 12% = 6.7%
(ii) Return on Shareholders’ Funds
Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 97,000 – 18,000 69,000 – 18,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Ordinary shares + reserves 250,000 + 43,000 250,000 + 14,000
= 12% = 6.7%
(iii) Calculation of Purchases
Purchases = Cost of sales 579,000 527,000
+ Closing Stock 78,000 63,000
– Opening stock (63,000) (58,000)
594,000 532,000
(iv) Cash Purchase Figures
Average Period of Credit Received
Creditors × 12 20,000 × 12 108,000 × 12
------------------------------------- -------------------------- = 2 ----------------------------- = 2.5
Credit purchases x x
x = 120,000 x = 518,400
Cash purchases = Total purchases 594,000 532,000
– Credit purchases (120,000) (518,400)
474,000 13,600

(b) Interests of Ordinary Shareholders

Ordinary shareholders would be interested in the following:
1. Profit trends
Return on shareholders’ funds has improved from 19% to 27%. This is a very healthy trend .
Return on capital employed has improved from 18% to 24% which compares favourably with risk-
free investments.
2. Dividends
Dividend cover has dropped slightly from 2 times to 1.58 times. This is low cover.
Dividend Policy/(EPS:DPS) in the year ended 31/12/-2 was to give 49% of earnings to
shareholders in the form of dividends. This rose to 63% in the year ended 31/12/-3. Shareholders
would be happy with this trend.
Dividend yield has risen from 6.7% to 12%. This is a good yield by comparison with most risk-
free investments. The trend is rising.


3. Liquidity
Current ratio has improved from 1.05 to 1.48:1
Acid test ratio has improved from .7:1 to .9:1
Liquidity is improving but still remains below the norms of 2:1 and 1:1 for current ratio and acid
test ratio respectively.
4. Debenture Repayment Date
Debenture loan is repayable in five years time. Reserves are increasing.
5. Sector
High quality women’s clothing is a profitable but volatile market. The huge increase in cash
purchases (€13,600 in year ended 31/12/-2 to €474,000 in the year ended 31/12-3) shows a
reluctance amongst suppliers to grant credit to Clodagh Fashions Plc. What has caused this?
6. Gearing
Gearing has moved from 53% to 50%, i.e. neutral gearing.
7. Interest Cover
The cover has improved from 10.4 times to 14.5 times. This is a healthy trend.
8. Security
The book value of fixed assets has fallen, probably due to depreciation charges. The shareholders
would need to know the nature of, and depreciation policy for, these fixed assets.
9. Market Price
See solution to question 19.13


Penn Plc
Sales 870,000 Fixed Assets 715,000
Cost of Sales (710,000) Current Assets 190,000
Gross Profit 160,000 Current Liabilities (158,000)
Operating Expenses (95,600) 32,000
Operating Profit 64,400 747,000
Interest Charges (14,400) Financed By
Net Profit before Taxation 50,000 Long Term Liabilities
Taxation (25,000) 12% Debentures 120,000
Profit after Taxation 25,000 Share Capital –Ordinary 350,000
Proposed Dividends (25,000) – Preference 200,000
Retained Profits – Reserves
Profit and Loss Balance B/F 60,000 Revaluation Reserve 17,000
Profit and Loss Balance C/F 60,000 Profit and Loss Account 60,000

(a) (i) Interest Cover

Operating profit 64,400
= ------------------------------------- = --------------- = 4.47 times
Interest 14,400

(ii) Return on Shareholders’ Funds

Profit (After tax and preference dividend) × 100 25,000 – 18,000
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------- = 1.6%
Ordinary shares + Reserves 350,000 + 77,000

(iii) Opening Stock

Stock Turnover
Cost of sales 710,000
= -------------------------------- = ----------------- = 10 ∴x = 71,000
Average stock x
Opening Stock + Closing Stock = 2(71,000) = 142,000
Opening stock = 142,000 – Closing Stock
= 142,000 – 112,000
= 30,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(iv) Earnings per Share

Profit (After tax and preference dividend) 25,000 – 18,000
= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------------------------- = 2 cent
Number of issued ordinary shares 350,000

(v) Price Earnings Ratio

Market price per share 2.00
= ------------------------------------------------------ = ---------- = 100
Earnings per share 0.02
(b) Report

For: Bank requested for loan €200,000

By whom prepared: A. Student
Subject matter: Advisability of granting the loan

Body of report:
1. Gearing
The debt/total capital percentage of the company is 16%. Thus it is a low geared company. If the loan is
granted, the gearing will rise to 43% which is still low. The interest cover is 4.47 times at the moment but at
the present profit level, the €26,000 annual interest would reduce the cover to 2.2 times, which is too low for
2. Security
Collateral is provided by the fixed assets. At the moment, the book value of the fixed assets available for
collateral is €595,000 (715,000 – 120,000). The nature of and depreciation policy for these fixed assets must
be ascertained. The presence of a revaluation reserve in the Balance Sheet shows assets have been revalued
in the past and they may need to be revalued again.
3. Purpose of the Loan
The loan is to finance new technology. The bank would be interested in lending for profit-generating
4. Profitability
The return on shareholders’ funds is 1.6%
The return on capital employed is 8.6%
These compare unfavourably with the 13% being charged on the loan. If the profit trend is falling, the loan
interest would become an increasing burden on the company, eventually becoming unsustainable. Projected
profit figures would be required from the company.
5. Liquidity
The current ratio is 1.2:1 and the acid test is 0.5:1. These are poor when compared with norms of 2:1 and 1:1
6. Sector
The ice-cream market is seasonal and dependent on good summer weather. The fact that closing stock is
nearly four times greater than opening stock suggests that the company may have had a poor year and that it
is producing goods that are not selling and being stored. The closing stock may be overvalued.

Recommendation: Refuse the loan.


Foldups Plc
(a) 31/12/-7 31/12/-6
(i) Dividend Yield
Dividend per share × 100 27,500/275,000 × 100 16,500/275,000 × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------
Market price per share 2.10 1.95
0.10 × 100 0.06 × 100
= ------------------------ = ------------------------
2.10 1.95
= 4.76% = 3.08%
(ii) Return on Shareholders’ Funds
Profit (After tax and preference dividends) × 100 159,500 – 12,000 × 100 105,000 – 12,000 × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------
Ordinary shares + Reserves 275,000 + 345,000 275,000 + 165,000
147,500 × 100 93,000 × 100
= -------------------------------- = -----------------------------
620,000 440,000
= 24% = 21%
(iii) Price Earnings Ratio
Market price per share 2.10 1.95
= --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Earnings per share 147,500/275,000 93,000/275,000
2.10 1.95
= --------- = ---------
0.54 0.34
= 3.9:1 = 5.7:1
(iv) Interest Cover
Operating profit 209.500 + 18,000 145,000 + 18,000
= ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
Interest charges 18,000 18,000
= 12.6 times = 9 times
(b) Interests of Ordinary Shareholders
Ordinary shareholders would be interested in the following:
1. Profit Trends
Return on shareholders’ funds has improved from 21% to 24%. This is a healthy trend. Return on
capital employed has improved from 24.6% to 27%. This is a healthy trend and compares
favourably with returns from risk-free investments.
2. Dividends
Dividend cover has dropped slightly from 5.6 times to 5.3 times. Dividend policy (EPS:DPS) in
the year ended 31/12/-6 was to give 18% of earnings to shareholders in the form of dividends. This
has remained fairly constant at 18.5% in the year ended 31/12/-7. Shareholders would be satisfied
with this policy. Dividend yield has risen from 3.08% to 4.76%. The trend is positive.
3. Liquidity
Current ratio has improved from 1.3:1 to 1.4:1
Acid test has improved from 0.8:1 to 1.04:1
The current ratio is below the accepted norm of 1.5:1 minimum
The acid test is above the accepted norm of 1:1
Both ratios have a positive trend.
4. Revaluation Reserve
The revaluation reserve increased by €60,000 over the year. This indicates that a fixed asset,
probably land, had a market value in excess of its book value. The increase in the value of the asset
represents unrealised profits for the shareholders. They would be satisfied with this.
5. Sector
Foldups Plc serves the computer industry. This is a growth sector.
6. Gearing
The debt/total capital has fallen from 33 1/3% to 26%.
The gearing is becoming lower. Coupled with the rising interest cover, this is a healthy trend.
7. Market Price
See solution to question 19.13
(c) Ratio Comparison
Ratios may be compared with the same ratios for 1) a budgeted period, 2) competitors and 3) industry norms
or averages.

Cash Flow Statements

Mayhope Ltd
(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow
Operating Profit 79,000
Depreciation 40,000
Stock Decrease 30,000
Debtors Increase (20,000)
Creditors Increase 21,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 150,000

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 150,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (27,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (41,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets (100,000)
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (18,000)
Shares Issued 20,000
Increase in Cash 2,000
Opening Bank Balance 5,000
Closing Bank Balance 7,000
Increase in Cash 2,000

Grimm Ltd
(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow
Operating Profit 91,000
Depreciation 11,000
Stock Increase (12,000)
Debtors Increase (7,000)
Creditors Increase 21,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 104,000


(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 104,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (37,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (31,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Fixed Assets (70,000)
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (34,000)
Shares Issued 20,000
Decrease in Cash (14,000)
Opening Bank Balance 16,000
Closing Bank Balance 2,000
Decrease in Cash (14,000)

Firestal Ltd
(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow
Operating Profit 430,000
Depreciation 30,000
Stock Decrease (30,000)
Debtors Increase (20,000)
Creditors Increase (40,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 370,000

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 370,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (140,000)
Interest Paid (10,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (150,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Fixed Assets (100,000)
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (30,000)
Loans Repaid (30,000)
Shares Issued 100,000
Increase in Cash 40,000
Opening Bank Balance 20,000
Closing Bank Balance 60,000
Increase in Cash 40,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Sliotar Ltd
(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow
Operating Profit 44,000
Depreciation 27,000
Stock Decrease 18,000
Debtors Decrease 5,000
Creditors Increase 21,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 115,000

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 115,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (35,000)
Corporation Tax Paid (53,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Fixed Assets (70,000)
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (43,000)
Shares Issued 50,000
Increase in Cash 7,000
Opening Bank Balance 16,000
Closing Bank Balance 23,000
Increase in Cash 7,000


Tuxedo Plc
Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items marked with Asterisk
Note 1 Land and Buildings Account Note 4 Plant and Machinery Account
Balance b/d 320 Disposal 100 Balance b/d 290
Bank * 80 Balance c/d 300 Bank * 120 Balance c/d 410
400 400 410 410

Note 2 Depreciation Account Note 5 Depreciation Account

Disposal * 70 Balance b/d 79 Balance b/d 150
Balance c/d 75 Profit and Loss 66 Balance c/d 190 Profit and Loss 40
145 145 190 190

Note 3 Disposal Account Note 6 Taxation Account

Buildings 100 Bank 45 Bank * 210 Balance b/d 190
Profit * 15 Depreciation * 70 Balance c/d 180 Profit and Loss 200
115 115 390 390

Note 7 Dividends Account

Bank * 100 Balance b/d 30
Balance c/d 40 Profit and Loss 110
140 140


(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 408,000
Depreciation (Notes 2 and 5) 106,000
Profit on Disposal (Note 3) (15,000)
Stock Increase (30,000)
Debtors Increase (30,000)
Creditors Decrease
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 429,000
(b) Cash Flow Statement
Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 429,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 7) (100,000)
Interest Paid (15,000)
Corporation Tax Paid (Note 6) (210,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets
– Land and Buildings (Note 1)
– Plant and Machinery (Note 4)
Quoted Investments (120,000)
Cash on Disposal (Note 3) (50,000)
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (101,000)
Loan Borrowed 50,000
Shares Issued 50,000
Decrease in Cash (1,000)
Opening Bank Balance 30,000
Closing Bank Balance 29,000
Decrease in Cash (1,000)

Lapwing Plc
Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Land and Buildings Account Note 4 Plant and Machinery Account
Balance b/d 480 Disposal 120 Balance b/d 300 Disposal 100
Bank * 150 Balance c/d 510 Bank * 50 Balance c/d 250
630 630 350 350

Note 2 Depreciation Account Note 5 Depreciation Account

Disposal * 70 Balance b/d 110 Disposal * 30 Balance b/d 90
Balance c/d 150 Profit and Loss 110 Balance c/d 100 Profit and Loss 40
220 220 130 130

Note 3 Disposal Account Note 6 Disposal Account

Land and Buildings 120 Bank 60 Plant and Machinery 100 Loss 5
Profit * 10 Depreciation * 70 Depreciation 30
130 30 Bank * 65
100 100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 7 Motor Vehicles Note 8 Depreciation Account

Balance b/d 70 Balance b/d 30
Bank * 50 Balance c/d 120 Balance c/d 60 Profit and Loss 30
120 120 60 60

(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 126,000
Depreciation (110 + 40 + 30) 180,000
Loss on Disposal 5,000
Profit on Disposal (10,000)
Stock Increase (30,000)
Debtors Decrease 20,000
Creditors Decrease (60,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 231,000

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 231,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (70,000)
Interest Paid (9,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (25,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets
(150 + 50 + 50) (250,000)
Cash on Disposal (60 + 65) 125,000
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing 2,000
Debenture Loan 30,000
Increase in Cash 32,000
Opening Bank Balance (17,000)
Closing Bank Balance 15,000
Decrease in Cash 32,000


Jaycee Plc
Preparatory Notes Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Debenture Interest Account Note 2 Investment Interest Account
Bank * 26,800 Balance b/d 15,000 Balance b/d 10,000 Bank * 18,000
Balance c/d 5,000 Profit and Loss 16,800 Profit and Loss 10,000 Balance c/d 2,000
31,800 31,800 20,000 20,000

Calculation of Debenture Interest Payable Note 5 Calculation of Investment Interest Receivable

€150,000 at 12% for 2/
3 year 12,000 €100,000 at 10% for 1 year = 10,000

€120,000 at 12% for 1/3 year 4,800



Note 3 Land and Buildings Account Note 6 Plant and Machinery Account
Balance b/d 400,000 Disposal 120,000 Balance b/d 300,000 Disposal 100,000
Bank * 312,000 Balance c/d 600,000 Balance c/d 200,000
712,000 712,000 300,000 300,000

Note 4 Depreciation Account Note 7 Depreciation Account

Disposal * 20,000 Profit and Loss 150,000 Disposal * 40,000 Balance b/d 110,000
Balance c/d 190,000 Balance b/d * 60,000 Balance c/d 140,000 Profit and Loss 70,000
210,000 210,000 180,000 180,000

Note 5 Disposal Account Note 8 Disposal Account

Buildings 112,000 Bank 90,000 Machinery 100,000 Depreciation * 40,000
Depreciation * 20,000 Loss 6,000
Loss * 2,000 Bank * 54,000
112,000 112,000 100,000 100,000

Note 9 Dividends Account Note 10 Taxation Account

Bank * 160,000 Balance b/d 70,000 Balance b/d 20,000 Profit and Loss 90,000
Balance c/d 39,000 Profit and Loss 129,000 Balance c/d 90,000 Bank * 20,000
199,000 199,000 110,000 110,000

(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 231,800
Depreciation 130,000
Loss on Disposal (Notes 5 and 8) 8,000
Stock Increase (30,000)
Debtors Increase (18,000)
Creditors Increase 21,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 342,800

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 342,800
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 9) (160,000)
Interest Paid (Note 1) (26,800)
Interest Received (Note 2) 18,000
Tax Rebate (Note 10) 20,000
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets – (Note 3) (312,000)
Cash on Disposal (Notes 5 and 8) 144,000
Net Cash Inflow Before Financing 26,000
Loan Repaid (30,000)
Shares Issued 10,000
Increase in Cash 6,000
Opening Bank Balance 21,000
Closing Bank Balance 27,000
Increase in Cash 6,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Manimex Plc
(a) Abridged Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Profit and Loss Balance c/f 29,000
Profit and Loss Balance b/f 21,000
Retained Profits 8,000
Dividends (600,000 at 5 cent) 30,000
Profit after Taxation 38,000
Taxation (Note 7) 42,000
Profit before Taxation 80,000
Interest Paid (10% on 100,000 for 6 months) 5,000
Operating Profit 85,000

Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Land and Buildings Account Note 4 Equipment Account
Balance b/d 350 Disposal 130 Balance b/d 190 Disposal * 40
Bank * 190 Balance c/d 410 Bank * 90 Balance c/d 240
540 540 280 280

Note 2 Depreciation Account Note 5 Depreciation Account

Disposal * 20 Balance b/d 60 Disposal * 10 Balance b/d 75
Balance c/d 70 Profit and Loss 30 Balance c/d 92 Profit and Loss 27
90 90 102 102

Note 3 Disposal Account Note 6 Disposal Account

Buildings 130 Bank 160 Equipment * 40 Loss 10
Profit 50 Depreciation * 20 Depreciation * 10
180 180 Bank * 20
40 40

Note 7 Taxation Account Note 8 Dividends Account

Bank 29 Balance b/d 54 Bank * 27 Balance b/d 19
Balance c/d 67 Profit and Loss * 42 Balance c/d 22 Profit and Loss 30
96 96 49 49

(b) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 85,000
Depreciation (30 + 27 + 20) 77,000
Loss on Disposal (Note 6) 10,000
Profit on Disposal (Note 3) (50,000)
Stock Increase (19,000)
Debtors Decrease 30,000
Creditors Decrease (16,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 117,000


(c) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 117,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 8) (27,000)
Interest Paid (5,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (Note 7) (29,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets (Note 1) (190,000)
(Note 2) (90,000)
Cash on Disposal (Notes 3 and 6) 180,000
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (44,000)
Shares Issued 110,000
Repayment of Loan (100,000)
Decrease in Cash (34,000)
Opening Cash and Bank Balance 4,000
Closing Cash and Bank Balance (30,000)
Decrease in Cash (34,000)


Ark Plc

Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Tangible Fixed Assets Account Note 2 Disposal Account
Balance b/d 290 Disposal 43 Fixed Assets 43 Bank 49
Bank 47 Depreciation * 17 Profit * 6
Revaluation 33 Balance c/d 310 49 49
370 370

Note 3 Interest Receivable Account Note 4 Interest Payable Account

Balance b/d 4 Bank * 6 Bank * 18 Balance b/d 14
Profit and Loss 5 Balance c/d 3 Balance c/d 12 Profit and Loss 16
9 9 30 30

Note 5 Dividends Account Note 6 Taxation Account

Bank * 74 Balance b/d 60 Bank * 40 Balance b/d 33
Balance c/d 70 Profit and Loss 84 Balance c/d 38 Profit and Loss 45
144 144 78 78

(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 198,000
Amounts Written Off Intangible Assets 10,000
Depreciation (Note 1) 17,000
Profit on Disposal (Note 2) (6,000)
Stock Increase (18,000)
Debtors Decrease 4,000
Creditors Decrease (13,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 192,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 192,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 5) (74,000)
Interest Paid (Note 4) (18,000)
Interest Received (Note 3) 6,000
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (Note 6) (40,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets – (Note 1) (47,000)
Payments to Acquire Financial Fixed Assets (30,000)
Cash on Disposal 49,000
Net Cash Inflow Before Financing 38,000
Loan Repaid (119,000)
Shares Issued 50,000
Decrease in Cash (31,000)
Opening Bank Balance 12,000
Closing Bank Balance (19,000)
Decrease in Cash (31,000)


Cain Plc

Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Tangible Fixed Assets Note 2 Disposal Account
Balance b/d 1,384 Disposal 110 Assets 110 Bank 130
Revaluation 400 Depreciation 152 Profit * 20
Bank * 455 Balance c/d 1,977 130 130
2,239 2,239

Note 3 Interest Account Note 4 Calculation of Interest Payable

Bank * 65 Balance b/d 30 300 at 10% for 1 year = 30
Profit and Loss (Note 4) 35 1
100 at 10% for /2 year = 5
65 65 35

Note 5 Dividends Account Note 6 Taxation Account

Bank * 105 Balance b/d 60 Bank * 259 Balance b/d 117
Balance c/d 45 Profit and Loss 90 Balance c/d 148 Profit and Loss 290
150 150 407 407


(a) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Profit before Taxation 411,000
Add Interest Payable (Note 4) 35,000
Operating Profit 446,000
Depreciation 152,000
Amounts Written Off Intangible Assets 20,000
Profit on Disposal (Note 1) (20,000)
Stock Increase (69,000)
Debtors Increase (15,000)
Creditors Decrease (81,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 433,000

(b) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 433,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 5) (105,000)
Interest Paid (Note 4) (65,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (Note 6) (259,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets (Note 1) (455,000)
Payments to Acquire Financial Fixed Assets (40,000)
Cash on Disposal (Notes 5 and 8) 130,000
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (361,000)
Loan Borrowed 100,000
Shares Issued 300,000
Increase in Cash 39,000
Opening Bank Balance 73,000
Closing Bank Balance 112,000
Increase in Cash 39,000

(c) See textbook page 281.


Abel Plc
(a) Abridged Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Profit and Loss Balance c/f 314,000
Profit and Loss Balance b/f 290,000
Retained Profits 24,000
Dividends (400,000 x 10 cent) 40,000
Profit after Taxation 64,000
Taxation (Note 10) 85,000
Profit before Taxation 149,000
Interest Payable (Note 12) 10,000
Operating Profit 159,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items are marked with an Asterisk
Note 1 Land and Buildings Account Note 7 Vehicles Account
Balance b/d 380 Disposal 20 Balance b/d 112 Disposal 20
Revaluation 60 Balance c/d 92
Bank * 40 Balance c/d 460 112 112
480 480

Note 2 Depreciation Account Note 8 Depreciation Account

Disposal * 5 Balance b/d 40 Balance b/d 22
Balance c/d 70 Profit and Loss 35 Balance c/d 42 Profit and Loss 20
75 75 42 42

Note 3 Disposal Account (Buildings) Note 9 Disposal Account (Vehicles)

Buildings 20 Bank 25 Vehicles 20 Loss 12
Profit * 10 Depreciation * 5 Bank * 8
30 30 20 20

Note 4 Equipment Account Note 10 Taxation Account

Balance b/d 210 Disposal 30 Bank 75 Balance b/d 75
Bank * 120 Balance c/d 300 Balance c/d 85 Profit and Loss * 85
330 330 160 160

Note 5 Depreciation Account Note 11 Dividends Account

Disposal 25 Balance b/d 90 Bank * 30 Balance b/d 40
Balance c/d 80 Profit and Loss * 15 Balance c/d 50 Profit and Loss 40
105 105 80 80

Note 6 Disposal Account (Equipment) Note 12 Interest Account

Equipment 30 Depreciation 25 Bank * 9 Balance b/d 5
Profit 15 Bank * 20 Balance c/d 6 Profit and Loss 10
45 45 15 15

(b) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 159,000
Depreciation (Note 2, 5, 8) 70,000
Amount Written off Goodwill 20,000
Profit on Disposal (Note 3, 6) (25,000)
Loss on Disposal (Note 9) 12,000
Stock Decrease 40,000
Debtors Decrease 35,000
Creditors Increase 10,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 321,000


(c) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 321,000
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Dividends Paid (Note 11) (30,000)
Interest Paid (Note 12) (9,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (Note 10) (75,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets – (Notes 1, 4) (160,000)
Cash on Disposal (Notes 3, 6, 9) 53,000
Net Cash Inflow Before Financing 100,000
Loan Repaid (100,000)
Shares Issued 100,000

Net Cash Increase 100,000
Opening Bank Balance (25,000)
Closing Bank Balance 75,000
Increase in Cash 100,000


Lerner Plc
(a) Abridged Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Profit and Loss Balance c/f 237,000
Profit and Loss Balance b/f 150,000
Retained Profits 87,000
Dividends 43,000
Profit after Taxation 130,000
Taxation (Note 10) 41,000
Profit before Taxation 171,000
Interest Paid €200,000 at 12% 24,000
Operating Profit 195,000

Preparatory Notes (in €’000s) Discovered Items marked with Asterisk

Note 1 Fixed Assets Account
Balance b/d 510 Disposal 60
Bank * 200 Balance c/d 650
710 710

Note 2 Depreciation Account

Disposal 40 Balance b/d 130
Balance c/d 150 Profit and Loss Account * 60
190 190

Note 3 Disposal Account (Buildings)

Fixed Assets 60 Depreciation 40
Bank 15
Loss * 5
60 60

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Reconciliation of Operating Profit to Net Cash Flow

Operating Profit 195,000
Depreciation (Note 2) 60,000
Loss on Disposal (Note 3) 5,000
Stock Decrease 3,000
Debtors Increase (99,000)
Creditors Decrease (21,000)
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities 143,000

(c) Cash Flow Statement

Operating Activities 143,000
Net Cash Inflow from Operating Activities
Returns on Investments and Servicing of Finance
Interest Paid (24,000)
Dividends Paid (50,000)
Corporation Profits Tax Paid (33,000)
Investing Activities
Payments to Acquire Tangible Fixed Assets (Note 1) (200,000)
Cash on Disposal (Note 3) 15,000
Net Cash Outflow Before Financing (149,000)
Issue of Shares – 100,000
At a Premium – 50,000
Debentures Issued 50,000
Increase in Cash 51,000
Bank Balance on 31/12/-4 (63,000)
Bank Balance on 31/12/-5 (12,000)
Increase in Cash 51,000

Club Accounts and Accounts of
Service Firms: Solutions

Artane Residents Association

Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Balance b/d 800 Rent of Parish Hall 240
Subscriptions 2,400 Printing Costs 250
Golf Classic Receipts 1,100 Stationery 150
Bingo Receipts 10,800 Bingo Prizes 2,900
Sale of Work Receipts 820 Advertising Costs 310
Golf Classics Expenses 410
Furniture 2,500
Ladders 900
Balance c/d 8,260
15,920 15,920

Donegal Musical Society
(a) Receipts and Payments Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Balance b/d 350 Hire of Parish Hall 300
Subscriptions 1,680 Hire of Costumes 1,500
Gate Receipts 3,820 Hire of Musicians 1,700
Raffle Ticket Sales 5,000 Raffle Prizes 3,000
Church Gate Collection 525 Royalties 300
Donation 2,000 Advertising 4,000
Insurance 800
Purchase of Props. 1,400
Balance c/d 375
13,375 13,375

(b) Limitations of a Receipts and Payments Account

(i) Does not take accruals and prepayments into account.
(ii) Does not distinguish between capital and revenue payments and receipts.
(iii) Does not record depreciation on assets held
(iv) Cannot reveal if activities which should generate profits are, in fact, generating profits.

Tralee Tennis Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-4
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Land 120,000 Sundry Expenses Due 120
Equipment 19,000
Investments 8,000
Bar Stock 2,000
Subscriptions Due 300
Bank 4,120 Accumulated Fund 153,300
153,420 153,420

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Notes 1. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 2,000 Bar Sales 41,000
Bar Purchases 21,000
Closing Stock 23,000
Cost of Sales 20,900
Profit on Bar 20,100
41,000 41,000

2. Subscriptions Account
Balance b/d 300 Receipts and Payments 24,500
Income and Expenditure 23,000
Balance c/d 1,200
24,500 24,500

3. Sundry Expenses Account

Receipts and Payments 5,000 Balance b/d 120
Balance c/d 180 Income and Expenditure 5,060
5,180 5,180

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Sundry Expenses (Note 3) 5,060 Profit on Bar (Note 1) 20,100
Depreciation on Equipment Subscriptions (Note 2) 23,000
(20% of 19,000 + 6,000) 5,000 Interest 1,600
Profit on Competition (2,500 – 300) 2,200
Surplus 37,440 Profit on Raffle (1,500 – 900) 600
47,500 47,500

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Land (120,000 + 30,000) 150,000 – 150,000
Equipment (19,000 + 6,000) 25,000 5,000 20,000
175,000 5,000 170,000
Investments 8,000
Current Assets 178,000
Bar Stock 2,100
Bank 12,020
Current Liabilities
Sundry Expenses Due 180
Subscriptions Prepaid 1,200
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 153,300
+ Surplus 37,440


Nenagh Golf Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-6
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse 150,000 Expenses Due 420
Equipment 20,000 Bar Creditors 1,700
Investments 16,000
Bar Stock 2,900
Subscriptions Due 530
Cash 1,540 Accumulated Fund 188,850
190,970 190,970

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 530 Receipts and Payments 26,250
Income and Expenditure 25,550
Balance c/d 170
26,250 26,250

2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 2,900 Bar Sales 24,800
Bar Purchases (Note 2a) 14,800
Closing Stock (2,300)
Cost of Sales 15,400
Profit on Restaurant 9,400
24,800 24,800

2. a Bar Creditors Control Account

Receipts and Payments 14,700 Balance b/d 1,700
Balance c/d 1,800 Income and Expenditure 14,800
16,500 16,500

3. General Expenses Account

Receipts and Payments 27,500 Balance b/d 420
Income and Expenditure 26,800
Balance c/d 280
27,500 27,500

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
General Expenses (Note 3) 26,800 Subscriptions (Note 1) 25,550
Loss on Competitions 1,120 Profit on Bar (Note 2) 9,400
Depreciation on Equipment Interest 1,600
(20% of 20,000 + 6,300) 5,260
Depreciation on Clubhouse 3,000
Surplus 370
36,550 36,550

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse 150,000 3,000 147,000
Equipment (20,000 + 6,300) 26,300 5,260 21,040
176,300 8,260 168,040
Investments 16,000
Building Society 3,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 2,300
Expenses Prepaid 280
Cash 1,570
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 1,800
Subscriptions Prepaid 170
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 188,850
+ Surplus 370

Ballina Football Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-7
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Land 120,000 Bar Creditors 2,700
Equipment 22,000
Bar Stock 4,600
Investments 15,000
Bar Debtors 200
Subscriptions Due 420
Expenses Prepaid 120
Cash in Hand 410
Cash at Bank 3,200 Accumulated Fund 163,250
165,950 165,950

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 420 Receipts and Payments 26,000
Income and Expenditure 25,850 Balance c/d 270
26,270 26,270

2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 4,600 Sales (Note 2a) 28,680
Bar Purchases (Note 2b) 18,500
Closing Stock (5,100)
Cost of Sales 18,000
Profit on Bar 10,680
28,680 28,680


2. a Bar Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 200 Receipts and Payments 28,600
Sales 28,680 Balance c/d 280
28,880 28,880

2. b Bar Creditors Control Account

Receipts and Payments 18,900 Balance b/d 2,700
Balance c/d 2,300 Purchases 18,500
21,200 21,200

3. General Expenses Account

Balance b/d 120
Receipts and Payments 24,800
Balance c/d 290 Income and Expenditure 25,210
25,210 25,210

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
General Expenses (Note 3) 25,210 Subscriptions (Note 1) 25,850
Depreciation on Equipment Profit on Bar (Note 2) 10,680
(10% of 22,000 + 12,000) 3,400 Interest 1,800
Surplus 10,220 Profit on Disco 500
38,830 38,830

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Land 120,000 – 120,000
Equipment (22,000 + 12,000) 34,000 3,400 30,600
154,000 3,400 150,600
Investments 15,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 5,100
Bar Debtors 280
Subscriptions Due 270
Cash 710
Bank 4,100
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 2,300
Expenses Due 290
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 163,250
+ Surplus 10,220
(d) Differences between an Income and Expenditure Account and a Receipts and Payments Account
A Receipts and Payments Account is a cash book. It shows opening cash/bank balances, all monies received,
all monies paid out and a closing cash/bank balance.
An Income and Expenditure Account is a Profit and Loss Account. It shows all revenue receipts and
payments, it includes all prepayments and accruals, it shows all non-cash expenditure, e.g. depreciation and
it shows the surplus or deficit of income for the period.

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Clare Kayak Club

(a) Subscriptions Account for the year ended 31/12/-3

1/1/-3 Balance b/d 1/1/-3 Balance c/d
(6 x 120 + 10 x 80) 1,520 (7 x 120 + 2 x 80) 1,000
31/12/-3 Income and Expenditure
(45 x 120 + 160 x 80) 18,200 31/12/-3 Receipts and Payments 18,440
Balance c/d
(4 x 120 + 12 x 80) 1,440 Balance c/d 1,720
21,160 21,160
1/1/-4 Balance b/d 1,720 1/1/-4 Balance b/d 1,440

(b) Calculation of Unpaid Summer Members

Unpaid members at 31/12/-3 1,720
– Unpaid all-year members (3 x 120) (360)
= Unpaid summer members 1,360
Unpaid summer members
---------------------------------------------------------------------- = Number of unpaid summer members
Summer members subscription
⇒ ------------ = 17 members

Malahide Bowling Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-8
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse 230,000 Bar Creditors 1,400
Equipment 54,000 Subscriptions Prepaid 190
Investments 18,000 Expenses Due 380
Bar Stock 3,400 Life Membership 5,000
Bar Debtors 160
Cash 380 Accumulated Fund 298,970
305,940 305,940

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 190
Income and Expenditure 29,670 Receipts and Payments 29,350
Balance c/d 170 Balance c/d 300
29,840 29,840

2. Life Members Account

Income and Expenditure 700 Balance b/d 5,000
Balance c/d 6,300 Receipts and Payments 2,000
7,000 7,000

3. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 3,400 Sales (Note 3a) 48,070
Bar Purchases (Note 3b) 29,000
Closing Stock (4,200)
Cost of Sales 28,200
Profit on Bar 19,870
48,070 48,070


3. a Bar Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 160 Receipts and Payments 48,000
Sales 48,070 Balance c/d 230
48,230 48,230

3. b Bar Creditors Control Account

Receipts and Payments 29,300 Balance b/d 1,400
Balance c/d 1,100 Purchases 29,000
30,400 30,400

4. General Expenses Account

Receipts and Payments 27,100 Balance b/d 380
Income and Expenditure 26,720
27,100 27,100

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
General Expenses (Note 4) 26,720 Subscriptions (Note 1) 29,670
Depreciation on Equipment Life Membership (Note 2) 700
(54,000 + 16,000 – 62,000) 8,000 Profit on Bar (Note 3) 19,870
Profit on Poker Classic 4,300
Surplus 20,720 Interest 900
55,440 55,440

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse 230,000 – 230,000
Equipment (54,000 + 16,000) 70,000 8,000 62,000
300,000 8,000 292,000
Investments 18,000
Prize Bonds 3,000
Building Society 14,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 4,200
Bar Debtors 230
Subscriptions Due 300
Cash 530
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 1,100
Subscriptions Prepaid 170
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 298,970
+ Surplus 20,720
Donation 5,000
Life Membership (Note 2) 6,300

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Sligo Leisure and Recreation Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-9
Assets 500,000 Liabilities 2,900
Clubhouse and Land 200,000 Bar Creditors 200
Equipment 20,000 Subscriptions Prepaid 16,000
Investments 2,500 Life Membership 920
Bar Stock 1,200 Expenses Due
Coffee Shop Stock 140
Bar Debtors 500
Subscriptions Due 150
Cash 2,950 707,420
Bank Accumulated Fund
727,440 727,440

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 500 Balance b/d 200
Income and Expenditure 27,750 Receipts and Payments 27,300
Balance c/d 150 Balance c/d 900
28,400 28,400

2. Life Members Account

Income and Expenditure 1,900 Balance b/d 16,000
Balance c/d 17,100 Receipts and Payments 3,000
19,000 19,000

3. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 2,500 Sales (Note 3a) 38,060
Bar Purchases (Note 3b) 31,200
Closing Stock 33,700
Cost of Sales (3,900)
Profit on Bar 29,800
38,060 38,060

3. a Bar Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 140 Receipts and Payments 38,000
Sales 38,060 Balance c/d 200
38,200 38,200

3. b Bar Creditors Control Account

Receipts and Payments 31,000 Balance b/d 2,900
Balance c/d 3,100 Purchases 31,200
34,100 34,100

4. Coffee Shop Trading Account

Opening Stock 1,200 Sales 12,000
Purchases 8,000
Closing Stock (800)
Cost of Sales 8,400
Profit on Coffee Shop 3,600
12,000 12,000

5. Wages Account
Receipts and Payments 20,000
Balance c/d 1,500 Income and Expenditure 21,500
21,500 21,500


6. General Expenses Account

Receipts and Payments 18,710 Balance b/d 920
Income and Expenditure 17,790
18,710 18,710

7. Interest Receivable Account

Receipts and Payments 2,000
Income and Expenditure 2,500 Balance c/d 500
2,500 2,500

8. Interest Receivable Account

Receipts and Payments 2,000
Income and Expenditure 2,500 Balance c/d 500
2,500 2,500

9. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 200,000 Income and Expenditure (Depr.) 13,000
Receipts and Payments 29,000 Balance c/d 216,000
229,000 229,000
(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Wages (Note 5) 21,500 Subscriptions (Note 1) 27,750
General Expenses (Note 4) 17,790 Life Membership (Note 2) 1,900
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 8) 13,000 Profit on Bar (Note 3) 8,260
Profit on Coffee Shop (Note 4) 3,600
Interest Receivable (Note 7) 2,500
Locker Rents 4,000
Advertising Receipts 16,000
Surplus 11,720
64,010 64,010
(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Land 500,000 – 500,000
Equipment (Note 8) 229,000 13,000 216,000
729,000 13,000 716,000
Investments 20,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 3,900
Coffee Shop Stock 800
Subscriptions Due 900
Bar Debtors 200
Interest Due 500
Cash 280
Current Liabilities
Subscriptions Prepaid 150
Bar Creditors 3,100
Wages Due 1,500
Bank Overdraft 1,590
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 707,420
+ Surplus 11,720
Life Memberships (Note 2) 17,100

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Ballaghaderreen Cricket Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-9
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Land 220,000 Levy Reserve Fund 2,800
Equipment 80,000 Life Members 6,000
Bar Stock 1,300 Bar Creditors 3,200
Bar Debtors 190 Wages Due 98
Subscriptions Due 300 Loan 10,000
Bank Current Account 2,900 Loan Interest Due
(12,000 – 10,000 = 2,000)
2,000 Interest = 2 years
1 year = 1,000 1,000
Accumulated Fund 281,592
304,690 304,690

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 300 Receipts and Payments 8,250
Income and Expenditure 8,700 Balance c/d 750
9,000 9,000

2. Life Members Account

Income and Expenditure 700 Balance b/d 6,000
Balance c/d 6,300 Receipts and Payments 1,000
7,000 7,000

3. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 1,300 Sales (54,002 – 190 + 320) 54,132
Purchases (31,600 – 3,200 + 2,900) 31,300
Closing Stock (2,700)
Cost of Sales 29,900
Profit on Bar 24,232
54,132 54,132

4. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 80,000 Receipts and Payments 5,000
Receipts and Payments 6,000 Depreciation 5,000
Balance c/d 76,000
86,000 86,000

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 4) 5,000 Subscriptions (Note 1) 8,700
Groundsman’s Wages (15,602 – 98) 15,504 Life Members (Note 2) 700
Sundry Expenses 10,500 Profit on Bar (Note 3) 24,232
Loan Interest 1,000
Surplus 1,628
33,632 33,632


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Land 220,000 – 220,000
Equipment (Note 4) 81,000 5,000 76,000
301,000 5,000 296,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 2,700
Subscriptions Due 750
Bar Debtors 320
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 2,900
Bank Overdraft 3,150

Financed By
Accumulated Fund 281,592
Surplus 1,628
Entrance Fees 200
Donations 1,200
Levy Reserve Fund 2,800
Life Memberships (Note 2) 6,300


Carndonagh Golf Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Land 500,000 Life Members 8,000
Machinery 25,000 Bar Creditors 2,540
Equipment 65,000 Subscriptions Prepaid 750
Bar Stock 3,500 Loan 6,000
Bar Debtors 720 Loan Interest Due
6% Investments 20,000 (7,440 – 6,000 = 1,440)
Bank Current Account 900 2 years = 1,440 Interest
11/2 years = 1,080 1,080
Accumulated Fund 596,750
615,120 615,120

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Life Member 500 Balance b/d 750
Levy Reserve Fund 6,500 Receipts and Payments 24,800
Income and Expenditure 18,200
Balance c/d 350
25,550 25,550

Leaving Certificate Accounting

2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 3,500 Sales (58,200 – 720 + 290) 57,770
Purchases (37,000 – 2,540 + 3,800) 38,260
Closing Stock (5,800)
Cost of Sales 35,960
Profit on Bar 21,810
57,770 57,770

3. Investment Interest Account

Income and Expenditure 1,200 Receipts and Payments 800
Balance c/d 400
1,200 1,200

4. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 65,000 Disposal 17,000
Receipts and Payments 28,000 Depreciation 6,000
Balance c/d 70,000
93,000 93,000

5. Equipment Disposal Account

Equipment 17,000 Receipts and Payments 6,000
Loss on Disposal 11,000
17,000 17,000

6. Machinery Account
Balance b/d 25,000 Depreciation 2,000
Balance c/d 23,000
25,000 25,000

7. Loan Account
Receipts and Payments 6,000 Balance b/d 6,000

8. Loan Interest Account

Receipts and Payments 1,440 Balance b/d 1,080
Income and Expenditure 360
1,440 1,440

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 4) 6,000 Subscriptions (Note 1) 18,200
Depreciation on Machinery (Note 6) 2,000 Profit on Bar (Note 2) 21,810
Loss on Disposal (Note 5) 11,000 Investment Interest (Note 3) 1,200
Loan Interest (Note 8) 360 Profit on Competition (2,540 – 1,980) 560
Sundry Expenses 15,800 Locker Rents 2,800
Green Fees 11,200
Surplus 20,610
55,770 55,770


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Land 500,000 – 500,000
Machinery (Note 6) 25,000 2,000 23,000
Equipment (Note 4) 76,000 6,000 70,000
601,000 8,000 593,000
6% Investments 20,000
Building Society 15,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 5,800
Bar Debtors 290
Investment Interest Due (Note 3) 400
Bank 2,020
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 3,800
Subscriptions Prepaid 350
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 596,750
Surplus 20,610
Levy Reserve 6,500
Life Memberships (Note 2) 8,500
(d) Advice to Club
The club may dispense with the imposition of the levy on its members. The €20,000 extension can be
financed by withdrawing the money invested in the building society and cashing in some of the 6%
investments held.

Portarlington Tennis Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-2
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Grounds 230,000 Life Membership 20,000
Bar Stock 12,000 Bar Creditors 9,300
Equipment 15,000 Levy Reserve Fund 24,000
Bar Debtors 220 Bank 6,120
8% Investments 20,000 Loan 30,000
Investment Interest Due 400 Loan Interest Due
Levies Due (11 x 40) 440 (35,400 – 3,000 = 5,400)
Subscriptions Due 1,860 11/2 years = 5,400 Interest
5,400 10
10 months = ------------- × ------
1 1/2 12
= 3,000 3,000
Accumulated Fund 187,500
279,920 279,920

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 1,860 Receipts and Payments 65,300
Levy Reserve Fund 12,000
Levies Due 440
Income and Expenditure 51,000
65,300 65,300

2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 12,000 Sales (85,000 – 220 + 310) 85,090
Purchases (67,400 – 9,300 + 6,600) 64,700
Closing Stock (15,200)
Cost of Sales 61,500
Profit on Bar 23,590
85,090 85,090

3. Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d 400 Receipts and Payments 2,000
Income and Expenditure 1,600
2,000 2,000

4. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 15,000 Depreciation 4,000
Receipts and Payments 17,000 Balance c/d 28,000
32,000 32,000

5. Loan Account
Receipts and Payments 30,000 Balance b/d 30,000

6. Loan Interest Account

Receipts and Payments 5,400 Balance b/d 3,000
Income and Expenditure 2,400
5,400 5,400

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-2
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 4) 4,000 Subscriptions (Note 1) 51,000
Loan Interest (Note 6) 2,400 Profit on Bar (Note 2) 23,590
Loss on Catering (3,700 – 4,100) 400 Investment Interest (Note 3) 1,600
General Expenses 28,700 Annual Grant 10,000
Surplus 51,590 Profit on Competition (2,800 – 1,900) 900
87,090 87,090


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Grounds 230,000 – 230,000
Equipment 32,000 4,000 28,000
262,000 4,000 258,000
8% Investments 20,000
Prize Bonds 2,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 15,200
Bar Debtors 310
Bank 6,180
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors (6,600)
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 187,500
Surplus 51,590
Life Memberships 20,000
Levy Reserve Fund (24,000 + 12,000) 36,000
(d) Advice to the Treasurer:
(i) Get outside caterers to come in on a fee-per-job basis. Cease the internal catering as it is running at a loss.
(ii) Get rid of the levy as it is no longer required. The club is cash-rich. It has turned an overdraft of €6,120
into a bank balance of €6,180 after paying off a €30,000 loan plus interest accrued.


Kinvara Golf Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-3
Assets Liabilities
Equipment 25,000 Life Membership 10,000
Bar Debtors 610 Bar Creditors 4,900
Investment Interest Due 350 Levy Reserve Fund 15,000
Rent Prepaid 4,000 Bank Current Account 9,350
Prize Bonds 5,000 Loan 5,000
Bar Stock 7,000 Loan Interest Due
11% Investments (6,392 – 5,000 = 1,392)
(2,550 – 350 = 2,200) 2 years = 1,392
11% = 2,200 1,392
20 months = ------------- × 20
100% = 20,000 20,000 24 1,160
= 1,160
Subscriptions Due 1,500 Accumulated Fund 18,050
63,460 63,460

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 1,500 Receipts and Payments 57,500
Levy Reserve Fund 15,000
Life Membership 5,000
Income and Expenditure 36,000
57,500 57,500

Leaving Certificate Accounting

2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 7,000 Sales (85,000 – 610 + 380) 84,770
Purchases (72,380 – 4,900 + 9,600) 77,080
* 84,080
Closing Stock (9,000)
Cost of Sales 75,080
Profit on Bar 9,690
84,770 84,770

3. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 25,000 Disposal 8,000
Depreciation 2,000
Balance c/d 15,000
25,000 25,000

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-3
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 3) 2,000 Subscriptions (Note 1) 36,000
Loss on Catering (2,600 – 4,700) 2,100 Profit on Bar (Note 2) 9,690
Loss on Disposal 4,000 Investment Interest 2,200
Rent (30,000 + 4,000 – 5,000) 29,000
General Expenses 25,300
Loan Interest (1,392 – 1,160) 232 Deficit 14,742
62,632 62,632

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Equipment 17,000 2,000 15,000
11% Investments 20,000
Prize Bonds 5,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 9,000
Bar Debtors 380
Rent Prepaid (2 months) 5,000
Bank 18,528
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors (9,600)
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 18,050
Deficit (14,742)
Prize Bond Prize 10,000
Lotto Grant 5,000
Levy Reserve Fund (15,000 + 15,000) 30,000
Life Membership (10,000 + 5,000) 15,000


(d) Advice to the Treasurer:

(i) The levy should be continued as the purchase of the land will enable the club to reduce or discontinue
paying rent which is its main expense.
(ii) The deficit of income must be addressed by
a) Discontinuing the catering.
b) Investigating the bar profit which is only 11% of sales, far below the norm for the pub industry.
c) Increase subscriptions (at present they are €120 per member).
d) Sell more life memberships.
(iii) The capital receipts cannot be expected to recur. The investments may have to be liquidated to provide
working capital next year.
Newbridge Basketball Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-4
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Arena 300,000 Life Membership 16,000
Equipment 17,000 Levy Reserve Fund 15,000
Bar Stock 6,000 Bar Creditors 3,500
7% Government Investments 10,000 Wages Due 500
Bar Debtors 110 Loan 20,000
Bank 12,000 Loan Interest Due
Investment Interest Due 200 (23,780 – 20,000 = 3,780)
Levies Due (14 x 50) 700 11/2 years = 3,780
1 year = 2,520 2,520
Subscriptions Due 1,050 Accumulated Fund 289,540
347,060 347,060

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 1,050 Receipts and Payments 56,000
Life Members 4,000
Levy Reserve Fund 7,500
Levies Due 700
Income and Expenditure 42,750
56,000 56,000

2. Life Membership Account

Income and Expenditure 2,500 Balance b/d 16,000
Balance c/d 17,500 Subscriptions 4,000
20,000 20,000

3. 7% Government Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d 200 Receipts and Payments 900
Income and Expenditure 700
900 900
4. Bar Trading Account
Opening Stock 6,000 Sales (76,000 – 110 + 240) 76,130
Purchases (49,000 – 3,500 + 4,800) 50,300
* 56,300
Closing Stock (6,400)
Cost of Sales 49,900
Barman’s Wages (16,500 – 500) 16,000
* 65,900
Profit on Bar 10,230
76,130 76,130

Leaving Certificate Accounting

5. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 17,000 Disposal 4,000
Receipts and Payments 11,000 Depreciation (20% of 24,000) 4,800
Balance c/d 19,200
28,000 28,000

6. 9% Investment Bonds Interest Account

Income and Expenditure 540 Balance c/d 540
540 540
7. Loan Account
Receipts and Payments 20,000 Balance b/d 20,000

8. Loan Interest Account

Receipts and Payments 3,780 Balance b/d 2,520
Income and Expenditure 1,260
3,780 3,780

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 5) 4,800 Subscriptions (Note 1) 42,750
Loan Interest (Note 8) 1,260 Life Membership (Note 2) 2,500
Loss on Disposal (4,000 – 3,000) 1,000 7% Interest (Note 3) 700
Sundry Expenses 39,720 Profit on Bar (Note 4) 10,230
9% Interest (Note 6) 540
Sponsorship 20,000
Surplus 31,540 Profit on Catering (2,800 – 1,200) 1,600
78,320 78,320
(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Arena 300,000 – 300,000
Equipment (Note 5) 24,000 4,800 19,200
324,000 4,800 319,200
7% Government Investments 10,000
9% Investments Bonds 12,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 6,400
Bar Debtors 240
9% Investment Interest Due 540
Bank 17,500
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors (4,800)
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 289,540
Surplus 31,540
Levy Reserve Fund (15,000 + 7,500) 22,500
Life Membership (Note 2) 17,500
(d) Advice to the Treasurer
(i) Renegotiate a sponsorship agreement with the existing sponsor or seek a new sponsor.
(ii) With new sponsorship in place, the levy may be discontinued as there are funds available within the
club (Investments and bank balance) to finance the extension.



Merrion Bowling Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-5
Assets Liabilities
Clubhouse and Greens 300,000 Bar Creditors 3,500
Bar Stock 12,000 Life Memberships 24,000
Equipment 16,000 Subscriptions Prepaid 300
Bar Debtors 200 Greenkeeper’s Wages Due 150
Subscriptions Due 400 Loan 16,000
Investment Interest Due 280 Loan Interest Due
Bank 2,800 (20,800 – 16,000 = 4,800)
7% Government Investments 21/2 years = 4,800
(1,120 – 280 = 840) 4,800
21 months = --------------- × 21
7% = 840 30
100% = 12,000 12,000 = 3,360 3,360
Accumulated Fund 296,370
343,680 343,680

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 400 Balance b/d 300
Life Members 4,000 Receipts and Payments 23,700
Income and Expenditure 20,000
Balance c/d 400 Balance c/d 800
24,800 24,800

2. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 16,000 Depreciation 3,000
Receipts and Payments 12,000 Balance c/d 25,000
28,000 28,000

3. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 12,000 Sales (29,300 – 200 + 350) 29,450
Purchases (17,200 – 3,500 + 2,700) 16,400
Closing Stock (10,000)
Cost of Sales 18,400
Profit on Bar 11,050
29,450 29,450

4. Greenkeeper’s Wages Account

Receipts and Payments 15,000 Balance b/d 150
Balance c/d 170 Income and Expenditure 15,020
15,170 15,170

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 2) 3,000 Subscriptions (Note 1) 20,000
Greenkeeper’s Wages (Note 4) 15,020 Profit on Bar (Note 3) 11,050
Loan Interest (4,800 – 3,360) 1,440 Investment Interest 840
Honorarium to Treasurer 200 Profit on Coffee Morning 3,500
Surplus 15,730
35,390 35,390

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-5

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Clubhouse and Greens 300,000 – 300,000
Equipment (Note 2) 28,000 3,000 25,000
328,000 3,000 325,000
7% Government Investments 12,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 10,000
Bar Debtors 350
Subscriptions Due 800
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 2,700
Subscriptions Prepaid 400
Bank Overdraft 4,580
Wages Due 170
Honorarium Due 200
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 296,370
Surplus 15,730
Life Membership (24,000 + 4,000) 28,000


Blackheath Sport and Fitness Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-6
Assets Liabilities
Equipment 56,000 Levy Reserve 22,750
Bar Stock 2,100 Bar Creditors 3,800
Rent Prepaid 600 Subscriptions Prepaid 300
Bar Debtors 150 General Expenses Due 420
8% Government Investments 15,000 Bank Overdraft 3,500
Prize Bonds 2,000 Loan 10,000
Subscriptions Due 400 Loan Interest Due
Investment Interest Due (11,800 – 10,000 = 1,800)
(1,800 – 1,200 = 600) 600 3 years = 1,800
21/2 years = 1,500 1,500
Accumulated Fund 34,580
76,850 76,850

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d 400 Balance b/d 300
Levy Reserve 22,750 Receipts and Payments 55,550
Income and Expenditure 32,500
Balance c/d 200
55,850 55,850


2. Bar Trading Account

Opening Stock 2,100 Sales (52,900 – 150 + 180) 52,930
Purchases (37,200 – 3,800 + 2,500) 35,900
Closing Stock (3,800)
Cost of Sales 34,200
Profit on Bar 18,730
52,930 52,930
3. Equipment Account
Balance b/d 56,000 Disposal 11,000
Receipts and Payments 24,000 Balance c/d 69,000
80,000 80,000

4. Rent Account
Balance b/d 4 year) 600 Income and Expenditure 2,850
Receipts and Payments (1 year) 3,000 Balance c/d (1/ 4 of 3,000) 750
3,600 3,600

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Depreciation on Equipment (20% of 69,000) 13,800 Subscriptions (Note 1) 32,500
Rent (Note 4) 2,850 Profit on Bar (Note 2) 18,730
Loss on Creche (2,900 – 5,000) 2,100 Annual Grant 4,000
Loss on Disposal (11,000 – 7,000) 4,000 Profit on Raffle (2,800 – 800) 2,000
General Expenses (4,600 – 420) 4,180 Investment Interest 1,200
Loan Interest (1,800 – 1,500) 300
Surplus 31,200
58,430 58,430

(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Equipment (Note 2) 69,000 13,800 55,200
8% Government Investments 15,000
Prize Bonds (2,000 + 1,000) 3,000
Current Assets
Bar Stock 3,800
Bar Debtors 180
Bank 36,050
Rent Prepaid (Note 4) 750
Current Liabilities
Bar Creditors 2,500
Subscriptions Prepaid 200
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 34,580
Surplus 31,200
Levy Reserve (22,750 + 22,750) 45,500
(d) Advice on Five-Year Levy
The levy should continue as the club’s liquid assets (Investments €15,000, prize bonds €3,000 and bank
account €36,050) total €54,050 which is short of the €115,000 required to build the premises.

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Poseidon Swimming Club
(a) Calculation of Accumulated Fund on 1/1/-7
Assets Liabilities
Motor Van 6,000 Life Membership 4,000
Equipment 3,000 Subscriptions Prepaid 210
Building Society 5,000 Loan 4,000
Investment Interest Due 140 Loan Interest Due
Pool Rental Prepaid 200 (4,864 – 4,000 = 864)
Stock of Swim Gear 280 11/2 years = 864
Bank Account 1,800
7% Government Investments 8 months = 864
-------- × 8
(560 – 140 = 420) = 384 384
7% = 420
100% = 6,000 6,000
Subscriptions Due (Note 1) 105 Accumulated Fund 13,931
22,525 22,525

Notes 1. Subscriptions Account

Balance b/d (Discovered Figure) 105 Balance b/d 210
Income and Expenditure (54 x 35) 1,890 Receipts and Payments 2,135
Balance c/d (12 x 35) 420 Balance c/d (2 x 35) 70
2,415 2,415

2. Swimming Gear Trading Account

Opening Stock 280 Sales 3,260
Purchases 1,900
Closing Stock (310)
Cost of Sales 1,870
Profit on Bar 1,390
3,260 3,260

3. Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d 140 Receipts and Payments 560
Income and Expenditure 420
560 560
4. Life Membership Account
Income and Expenditure 1,200 Balance b/d 4,000
Balance c/d 4,800 Receipts and Payments 2,000
6,000 6,000

5. Pool Rental Account

Balance b/d 6 year) 200 Income and Expenditure 1,700
Receipts and Payments (1 year) 1,800 Balance c/d (1/6 of 1,800) 300
2,000 2,000

(b) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Pool Rental (Note 5) 1,700 Subscriptions (Note 1) 1,890
Coach’s Wages (7,000 + 300) 7,300 Profit on Swim Gear Sales (Note 2) 1,390
Motor and Travel Expenses 1,100 Investment Interest (Note 3) 420
Loan Interest (864 – 384) 480 Life Membership (Note 4) 1,200
General Expenses 2,226 Profit on Gala 1,850
Depreciation Sponsorship 10,000
Equipment (3,000 + 2,000 – 4,600) 400 Building Society Interest 510
Motors (6,000 – 4,800) 1,200
Surplus 2,854
17,260 17,260


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Motor Van 6,000 1,200 4,800
Equipment 5,000 400 4,600
11,000 1,600 9,400
7% Government Investments 6,000
Building Society Deposit Account (5,000 + 4,000 + 510) 9,510
Current Assets 24,910
Stock of Swimming Gear
Subscriptions Due 310
Pool Rental Prepaid 70
Bank 300
Current Liabilities
Wages Due 300
Subscriptions Prepaid 420
Financed By
Accumulated Fund 13,931
Surplus 2,854
Lotto Grant 6,000
Life Membership (Note 4) 4,800

Red Pole Barbers Ltd
(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Insurance (1,100 – 275) 825 Fee Income 17,550
Rent (8,000 – 2,000) 6,000
Loan Interest 2,160
Light and Heat (800 + 170) 970
Rates (300 + 150) 450
Advertising (3,500 + 500) 4,000
Wages 9,000
Depreciation on Equipment 1,800 Net Loss 7,655
25,205 25,205

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Equipment 18,000 1,800 16,200
Current Assets
Bank 850
Insurance Prepaid 275
Rent Prepaid 2,000
Current Liabilities
ESB Bill Due 170
Advertising Due 500
Rates Due 150
Financed By
Share Capital Authorised and Issued
€1 Ordinary Shares 10,000
Reserves Profit and Loss Account (7,655)
Long-Term Liabilities
Bank Loan (20,000 – 3,840) 16,160


Oriona Ltd

Notes 1. Bank Loan Account

Bank (10 x 80) 800 Bank 10,000
Balance c/d 9,200
10,000 10,000

2. Interest on Bank Loan Account

Bank (10 x 220) 2,200 Profit and Loss (11 x 220) 2,420
Balance c/d 220
2,420 2,420

3. Fees Account
Profit and Loss 23,000 Bank (VAT Exclusive) 23,000
23,000 23,000

4. Beauty Products Trading Account

Purchases 2,700 Sales (VAT Exclusive) 4,703
Closing Stock (500)
Cost of Sales 2,200
Profit 2,503
4,703 4,703

5. VAT Account
Bank 3,800 Bank (VAT on Sales) 987
Balance c/d 2,017 Bank (VAT on Fees) 4,830
5,817 5,817


(a) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Interest on Loan (Note 2) 2,420 Fees Charged (Note 3) 23,000
Insurance (840 – 70) 770 Profit on Beauty Products (Note 4) 2,503
Equipment Rental 1,700
Premises Rental 7,000
Beauty Products (3,800 – 700) 3,100
Light and Heat 1,200
Wages 5,000
Advertising 800
Postage and Stationery 400
Rates (600 + 300) 900
Depreciation Equipment (11,000 – 9,500) 1,500
Net Profit 713
25,503 25,503

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets
Equipment 11,000 1,500 9,500
Current Assets
Closing Stock – Beauty Products Shop Stock 700
– For Resale 500
Bank 1,880
Insurance Prepaid 70
Current Liabilities
Loan Interest Due (Note 2) 220
VAT Due (Note 5) 2,017
Rates Due 300
Financed By
Share Capital (€1 Shares) 200
Reserves – Profit and Loss Account 713
Long Term Liabilities
Bank Loan (Note 1) 9,200

Incomplete Records I
(Cash Book Method): Solutions

D. Jarvis (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 1 Calculation of Opening Capital 1/1/-0
Assets Liabilities
Premises 65,000 General Expenses Due 450
Motors 27,000 Creditors 4,700
Stock 7,000
Debtors 3,400
Cash 1,420 Capital * 98,670
103,820 103,820

Note 2 Cash Account

Balance b/d 1,420 Payments 92,900
Receipts 92,800 Balance c/d 1,320
94,220 94,220

Note 3 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 3,400 Cash 24,300
Credit Sales * 24,800 Balance c/d 3,900
28,200 28,200

Note 4 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 3) 24,800
Trading Account * 93,300 Cash 68,500
93,300 93,300

Note 5 Creditors Control Account

Cash 27,000 Balance b/d 4,700
Balance c/d 6,300 Credit Purchases * 28,600
33,300 33,300

Note 6 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 5) 28,600
Cash 39,400 Trading Account * 68,000
68,000 68,000

Note 7 General Expenses Account

Cash 14,700 Balance b/d 450
Balance c/d 350 Profit and Loss Account * 14,600
15,050 15,050

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Sales (Note 4) 93,300
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 7,000
Purchases (Note 6) 68,000
Closing Stock (8,000)
Gross Profit 26,300
– Expenses
General Expenses (Note 7) (14,600)
Net Profit 11,700


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Fixed Assets
Premises 65,000
Motors 27,000
Equipment 6,000
Current Assets
Stock 8,000
Debtors 3,900
Cash (Note 2) 1,320
‘ 13,220
Current Liabilities
Creditors 6,300
General Expenses Due 350
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 98,670
Net Profit 11,700
Drawings (5,800)

N. Purdy (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Calculation of Opening Capital 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 43,000 Creditors 3,700
Furniture and Fittings 3,400 General Expenses Due 300
Debtors 2,800
Stock 6,400
Cash 1,700 Capital * 53,300
57,300 57,300

Note 2 Cash Account

Balance b/d 1,700 Payments 67,300
Receipts 66,600 Balance c/d * 1,000
68,300 68,300
Note 3 Debtors Control Account
Balance b/d 2,800 Cash 26,900
Credit Sales * 27,800 Balance c/d 3,700
30,600 30,600

Note 4 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 3) 27,800
Trading Account * 67,500 Cash 39,700
67,500 67,500

Note 5 Creditors Control Account

Cash 27,000 Balance b/d 3,700
Balance c/d 3,100 Credit Purchases * 26,400
30,100 30,100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 6 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 5) 26,400
Cash 19,400 Trading Account * 45,800
45,800 45,800

Note 7 General Expenses Account

Cash 8,100 Balance b/d 300
Balance c/d 400 Profit and Loss Account 8,200
8,500 8,500

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Sales (Note 4) 67,500
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 6,400
Purchases (Note 6) 45,800
Closing Stock (6,700)
Gross Profit 22,000
– Expenses
General Expenses (Note 7) (8,200)
Net Profit 13,800

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Fixed Assets
Buildings 43,000
Furniture and Fittings 3,400
Motor Van 4,300
Current Assets
Stock 6,700
Debtors 3,700
Cash (Note 2) 1,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors 3,100
General Expenses Due 400
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 53,300
Net Profit 13,800
Drawings (8,500)


P. Yardley (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Calculation of Opening Capital 1/1/-3
Assets Liabilities
Premises 125,000 Creditors 2,700
Equipment 18,000
Debtors 8,700
Stock 7,200
Commission Due 600
Bank 1,800 Capital 158,600
161,300 161,300

Note 2 Bank Account

Balance b/d 1,800 Cheque Payments 80,100
Receipts Lodged 69,100
Balance c/d * 9,200
80,100 80,100

Note 3 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 8,700 Bank 28,200
Credit Sales * 27,300 Balance c/d 7,800
36,000 36,000

Note 4 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 3) 27,300
Trading Account * 67,000 Bank 39,700
67,000 67,000

Note 5 Creditors Control Account

Bank 21,600 Balance b/d 2,700
Balance c/d 2,900 Credit Purchases * 21,800
24,500 24,500

Note 6 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 5) 21,800
Bank 27,800 Trading Account * 49,600
49,600 49,600

Note 7 Commission Receivable Account

Balance b/d 600 Bank 1,200
Profit and Loss Account * 600
1,200 1,200

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 19,600
Balance c/d 300 Profit and Loss Account * 19,900
19,900 19,900

Note 9 Equipment Account

Balance b/d 18,000 Depreciation * 2,000
Balance c/d 16,000
18,000 18,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-3
Sales (Note 4) 67,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 7,200
Purchases (Note 6) 49,600
Closing Stock (6,520)
Gross Profit 16,720
+ Income
Commission (Note 7) 600
– Expenses
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 19,900
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 9) 2,000
Net Loss (4,580)
(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3
Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Premises 125,000 – 125,000
Equipment (Note 9) 18,000 2,000 16,000
Delivery Van 6,900 – 6,900
149,900 2,000 147,900
Current Assets
Stock 6,520
Debtors 7,800
Current Liabilities
Creditors 2,900
Wages Due 300
Bank Overdraft (Note 2) 9,200
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 158,600
Net Loss (4,580)
Drawings (4,200)
C. O Reilly (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Calculation of Opening Capital 1/1/-4
Assets Liabilities
Premises 90,000 Advertising Due 400
Vans 15,000 Creditors 6,900
Furniture 18,800
Stock 8,500
Debtors 5,200
Bank 2,600 Capital * 132,800
140,100 140,100

Note 2 Bank Account

Balance b/d 2,600 Cheque Payments 113,600
Receipts Lodged 116,100 Balance c/d * 5,100
118,700 118,700


Note 3 Debtors Control Account

Bal b/d 5,200 Bank 21,600
Credit Sales * 21,700 Balance c/d 5,300
26,900 26,900

Note 4 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 3) 21,700
Trading Account * 109,000 Bank 87,300
109,000 109,000

Note 5 Creditors Control Account

Bank 24,100 Balance b/d 6,900
Balance c/d 7,100 Credit Purchases * 24,300
31,200 31,200

Note 6 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 5) 24,300
Bank 49,200 Trading Account * 73,500
73,500 73,500

Note 7 Rent Receivable Account

Profit and Loss Account * 6,600 Bank 7,200
Balance b/d 600
7,200 7,200

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 21,400 Balance b/d 400
Balance c/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 21,500
21,900 21,900

Note 9 Furniture Account

Balance b/d 18,800 Depreciation * 3,000
Bank 12,200 Balance c/d 28,000
31,000 31,000

Note 10 Vans Account

Balance b/d 15,000 Depreciation * 1,000
Balance c/d 14,000
15,000 15,000

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Sales (Note 4) 109,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 8,500
Purchases (Note 6) 73,500
Closing Stock (9,200)
Gross Profit 36,200
+ Income
Rent (Note 7) 6,600
– Expenses
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 21,500
Depreciation on Furniture (Note 9) 3,000
Depreciation on Vans (Note 10) 1,000
Net Profit 17,300

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Premises 90,000 – 90,000
Equipment (Note 10) 15,000 1,000 14,000
Furniture (Note 9) 31,000 3,000 28,000
136,000 4,000 132,000
Current Assets
Stock 9,200
Debtors 5,300
Bank (Note 2) 5,100
Current Liabilities
Creditors 7,100
Wages Due 500
Rent Receivable Prepaid 600
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 132,800
Net Profit 17,300
Drawings (6,700)

D. Keane (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Calculation of Opening Capital 1/1/-5
Assets Liabilities
Premises 110,000 Wages Due 1,000
Vans 25,000 Creditors 7,400
Equipment 24,000
Rates Prepaid 300
Debtors 4,600
Stock 9,400
Bank 860 Capital * 165,760
174,160 174,160

Note 2 Bank Account

Balance b/d 860 Cheque Payments 115,960
Receipts Lodged 109,100
Balance c/d 6,000
115,960 115,960

Note 3 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 4,600 Bank 14,800
Credit Sales * 15,400 Balance c/d 5,200
20,000 20,000

Note 4 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 3) 15,400
Trading Account * 105,100 Bank 89,700
105,100 105,100


Note 5 Creditors Control Account

Bank 27,060 Balance b/d 7,400
Balance c/d 6,600 Credit Purchases * 26,260
33,660 33,660

Note 6 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 5) 26,260
Bank 15,200 Trading Account * 41,460
41,460 41,460

Note 8 Rent Receivable Account

Bank 3,500
Profit and Loss Account * 4,000 Balance c/d 500
4,000 4,000

Note 9 Wages and General Expenses Account

Balance b/d 300 Balance b/d 1,000
Bank 24,000 Profit and Loss Account * 23,300
24,300 24,300

Note 10 Equipment Account

Balance b/d 24,000 Depreciation * 4,000
Bank 40,000 Balance c/d 60,000
64,000 64,000

Note 11 Vans Account

Balance b/d 25,000 Depreciation * 2,000
Balance c/d 23,000
25,000 25,000

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Sales (Note 4) 105,100
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 9,400
Purchases (Note 6) 41,460
Closing Stock (10,700)
Gross Profit 64,940
+ Income
Rent (Note 8) 4,000
Commission 1,100
– Expenses
Wages and General Expenses (Note 9) 23,300
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 10) 4,000
Depreciation on Vans (Note 11) 2,000
Net Profit 40,740

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-5

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Premises 110,000 – 110,000
Vans (Note 11) 25,000 2,000 23,000
Equipment (Note 10) 64,000 4,000 60,000
199,000 6,000 193,000
Current Assets
Stock 10,700
Debtors 5,200
Rent Receivable Due 500
Current Liabilities
Creditors 6,600
Bank Overdraft (Note 2) 6,000
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 165,760
Net Profit 40,740
Drawings (9,700)


P. Wilson (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet 1/1/-6
Assets Liabilities
Premises 41,000 Creditors 3,800
Stock 4,500 Wages Due 400
Debtors 9,500 Rent Prepaid 800
Capital * 50,000
55,000 55,000

Note 2 Cash Account

Cash Sales * 72,570 Purchases 20,400
Salaries and Wages 17,600
Lodgements 31,000
Drawings (60 x 52) 3,120
Balance c/d 450
72,570 72,570

Note 3 Bank Account

Cash 31,000 Equipment 15,000
Loan 24,000 Motor Van 19,000
Debtors 14,300 Creditors 14,100
Rent 1,600 Insurance 1,200
Drawings 3,500
Light and Heat 3,800
Balance c/d * 14,300
70,900 70,900

Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 9,500 Bank 14,300
Credit Sales * 14,900 Balance c/d 10,100
24,400 24,400


Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 14,900
Trading Account * 87,470 Cash (Note 2) 72,570
87,470 87,470

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Bank 14,100 Balance b/d 3,800
Balance c/d 3,700 Credit Purchases * 14,000
17,800 17,800

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 14,000 Drawings (50 x 52) 2,600
Cash 20,400 Trading Account * 31,800
34,400 34,400

Note 8 Rent Receivable Account

Balance b/d 800
Profit and Loss Account * 2,400 Bank 1,600
2,400 2,400

Note 9 Salaries and Wages Account

Cash 17,600 Balance b/d 400
Profit and Loss Account * 17,200
17,600 17,600

Note 10 Insurance Account

Bank 1,200 Drawings (1/4 of 1,200) 300
Profit and Loss Account * 600
Balance c/d 300
1,200 1,200

Note 11 Light and Heat Account

Bank 3,800 Drawings (1/5 of 4,000) 800
Balance c/d 200 Profit and Loss Account * 3,200
4,000 4,000

Note 12 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 3,120
Bank (Note 3) 3,500
Stock (Note 7) 2,600
Insurance (Note 10) 300
Light and Heat (Note 11) 800 Capital * 10,320
10,320 10,320
(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Sales (Note 5) 87,470
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 4,500
Purchases (Note 7) 31,800
Closing Stock (3,900)
Gross Profit 55,070
+ Income
Rent Receivable (Note 8) 2,400
– Expenses
Salaries and Wages (Note 9) 17,200
Insurance (Note 10) 600
Light and Heat (Note 11) 3,200
Loan Interest (1/4 of 10% of 24,000) 600
Net Profit 35,870

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Fixed Assets
Premises 41,000
Equipment 15,000
Motor Van 19,000
Current Assets
Stock 3,900
Debtors 10,100
Bank (Note 3) 14,300
Cash 450
Insurance Prepaid 300
Current Liabilities
Creditors 3,700
ESB Bill Due 200
Loan Interest Due 600
Loan Instalment Due 3,000
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 50,000
+ Net Profit 35,870
– Drawings (Note 11) (10,320)
Long Term Liabilities
Loan (24,000 – 3,000) 21,000
P. Ronaldo (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Balance Sheet as at 1/1/-7
Assets Liabilities
Premises 85,000 Creditors 16,300
Stock 12,200 ESB Bill Due 270
Debtors 18,000 Capital 102,000
Insurance Prepaid 500
Goodwill * 2,870
118,570 118,570

Note 2 Cash Account

Cash Sales * 136,900 Salaries and Wages 31,700
Lodgements 65,000
Purchases 37,480
Drawings 2,000
Balance c/d 720
136,900 136,900

Note 3 Bank Account

Cash 65,000 Creditors 36,200
Debtors 19,600 Insurance 1,200
Capital 2,800 Van 21,000
Loan 80,000 Light and Heat 4,830
Interest 4,000
Drawings 3,900
Premises 80,000
Investment Fund 7,200
Balance c/d * 9,070
167,400 167,400


Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 18,000 Bank 19,600
Credit Sales * 12,900 Balance c/d 11,300
30,900 30,900
Note 5 Sales Account
Debtors (Note 4) 12,900
Trading Account * 149,800 Cash (Note 2) 136,900
149,800 149,800
Note 6 Creditors Control Account
Bank 36,200 Balance b/d 16,300
Balance c/d 16,400 Credit Purchases * 36,300
52,600 52,600
Note 7 Purchases Account
Creditors (Note 6) 36,300 Drawings 3,000
Cash 37,480 Trading Account * 70,780
73,780 73,780
Note 8 Insurance Account
Balance b/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 1,100
Bank 1,200 Balance c/d 600
1,700 1,700
Note 9 Light and Heat Account
Bank 4,830 Balance b/d 270
Balance c/d 240 Drawings (1/5 of 4,800) 960
Profit and Loss Account * 3,840
5,070 5,070
Note 10 Interest Account
Bank 4,000 Drawings (1/4 of 4,800) 1,200
Balance c/d 800 Profit and Loss Account * 3,600
4,800 4,800
Note 11 Drawings Account
Cash (Note 2) 2,000
Stock (Note 7) 3,000
Bank (Note 3) 3,900
Light and Heat (Note 9) 960
Interest (Note 10) 1,200 Capital * 11,060
11,060 11,060
(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Sales (Note 5) 149,800
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 12,200
Purchases (Note 7) 70,780
Closing Stock (12,700)
Gross Profit 79,520
+ Income
Interest on Investment Fund 72
– Expenses
Insurance (Note 8) 1,100
Light and Heat (Note 9) 3,840
Interest (Note 10) 3,600
Salaries and Wages 31,700
Net Profit 39,352

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

Fixed Assets
Premises (85,000 + 80,000) 165,000
Van 21,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 2,870
Investment Fund (7,200 + 72) 7,272
Current Assets
Stock 12,700
Debtors 11,300
Cash 720
Insurance Prepaid 600
Bank (Note 3) 9,070
Current Liabilities
Creditors 16,400
ESB Bill Due 240
Interest Due (Note 10) 800
Financed By
Capital (102,000 + 2,800) 104,800
Net Profit 39,352
Drawings (Note 11) 144,152
Long-Term Liabilities
Loan (12%) 80,000


J. Mooney (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Balance Sheet 1/1/-8
Assets Liabilities
Premises 115,200 Creditors 4,000
Stock 12,600 Wages Due 1,000
Rates Prepaid 400
Debtors 6,500
Cash 300 Capital 130,000
135,000 135,000

Note 2 Cash Account

Balance b/d 300 Purchases 38,500
Cash Sales * 107,880 Wages and General Expenses 24,200
Lodgements 43,000
Drawings (40 x 52) 2,080
Balance c/d 400
108,180 108,180

Note 3 Bank Account

Cash 43,000 Van 48,000
Debtors 27,100 Rates 3,600
Capital 5,000 Creditors 18,900
Term Loan 48,000 Insurance 3,800
Term Loan Repayment 8,400
Balance c/d * 40,400
123,100 123,100


Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 6,500 Bank 27,100
Credit Sales * 29,200 Balance c/d 8,600
35,700 35,700

Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 29,200
Trading Account * 137,080 Cash (Note 2) 107,880
137,080 137,080

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Bank 18,900 Balance b/d 4,000
Balance c/d 3,800 Credit Purchases * 18,700
22,700 22,700

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 18,700 Drawings (70 x 52) 3,640
Cash 38,500 Trading Account * 53,560
57,200 57,200

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Cash 24,200 Balance b/d 1,000
Profit and Loss Account * 23,200
24,200 24,200

Note 9 Rates Account

Balance b/d 400 Profit and Loss Account * 3,400
Bank 3,600 Balance c/d 600
4,000 4,000

Note 10 Insurance Account

Bank 3,800 Drawings 1,400
Profit and Loss Account * 1,800
Balance c/d (1/4 of 2,400) 600
3,800 3,800

Note 11 Term Loan Account

Bank (8 x 800) 6,400 Bank 48,000
Balance c/d * 41,600
48,000 48,000

Note 12 Loan Instalment Account

Bank (7 x 800) 5,600 Term Loan (8 x 800) 6,400
Balance c/d * 800
6,400 6,400

Note 13 Loan Interest Account

Bank (7 x 400) 2,800 Profit and Loss Account (8 x 400) 3,200
Balance c/d * 400
3,200 3,200

Note 14 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 2,080
Stock (Note 7) 3,640
Insurance (Note 10) 1,400 Capital 7,120
7,120 7,120

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Sales (Note 5) 137,080
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 12,600
Purchases (Note 7) 53,560
Closing Stock (13,000)
Gross Profit 83,920
– Expenses
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 23,200
Rates (Note 9) 3,400
Insurance (Note 10) 1,800
Loan Interest (Note 13) 3,200
Net Profit 52,320

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Fixed Assets
Premises 115,200
Vans 48,000
Current Assets
Stock 13,000
Debtors 8,600
Cash 400
Bank (Note 3) 40,400
Rates Prepaid 600
Insurance Prepaid (Note 10) 600
Current Liabilities
Creditors 3,800
Loan Instalment Due (Note 12) 800
Loan Interest Due (Note 13) 400
Financed By
Capital (130,000 + 5,000) 135,000
Net Profit 52,320
Drawings (Note 14) (7,120)
Long-Term Liabilities
10% Term Loan (Note 11) 41,600



J. Cremen (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet 1/1/-9
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 80,000 Wages Due 500
Stock 16,500
Debtors 13,000
Stock of Oil 250
Cash 350
Creditor 60 Capital * 109,660
110,160 110,160

Note 2 Cash Account

Balance b/d 350 Purchases 26,500
Cash Sales * 92,600 Wages and General Expenses 29,300
Lodgements 34,000
Drawings (50 x 52) 2,600
Balance c/d 550
92,950 92,950

Note 3 Bank Account

Debtors 19,300 Vans 30,000
Dividends (Capital) 1,200 Creditors 18,700
Cash 34,000 Interest 5,625
Rent 600 Light, Heat and Fuel 2,620
Loan 50,000 Drawings 2,800
Premises 45,000
Balance c/d * 7,645 Investment Fund (800 x 10) 8,000
112,745 112,745

Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 13,000 Bank 19,300
Credit Sales * 13,200 Balance c/d 6,900
26,200 26,200

Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 13,200
Trading Account * 105,800 Cash (Note 2) 92,600
105,800 105,800

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Balance b/d 60
Bank 18,700
Balance c/d 2,800 Credit Purchases * 21,560
21,560 21,560

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 21,560 Drawings (80 x 52) 4,160
Cash 26,500 Trading Account * 43,900
48,060 48,060

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Cash 29,300 Balance b/d 500
Profit and Loss Account * 28,800
29,300 29,300

Note 9 Interest Account

Bank 5,625 Drawings (1/5 of 6,250) 1,250
Balance c/d 625 Profit and Loss Account * 5,000
6,250 6,250

Note 10 Light, Heat and Fuel Account

Balance b/d 250 Drawings (1/3 of 2,760) 920
Bank 2,620 Profit and Loss Account * 1,840
Balance c/d 200 Balance c/d 310
3,070 3,070

Note 11 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 2,600
Stock (Note 7) 4,160
Bank (Note 3) 2,800
Interest (Note 9) 1,250
Light, Heat, Fuel (Note 10) 920 Capital * 11,730
11,730 11,730

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Sales (Note 5) 105,800
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 16,500
Purchases (Note 7) 43,900
Closing Stock (18,200)
Gross Profit 63,600
+ Income
Rent receivable 600
Investment Income 760
– Expenses
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 28,800
Interest (Note 9) 5,000
Light, Heat, Fuel (note 10) 1,840
Net Profit 29,320


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

Fixed Assets
Buildings (80,000 + 45,000) 125,000
Vans 30,000
Investment Fund 8,760
Current Assets
Stock 18,200
Stock of Oil 310
Debtors 6,900
Cash 550
Current Liabilities
Creditors 2,800
ESB Bill Due 200
Interest (Note 9) 625
Bank Overdraft (Note 3) 7,645
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 109,660
Capital Introduced 1,200
Net Profit 29,320
Drawings (Note 11) (11,730)
Long Term Liabilities
15% Loan 50,000

P. Cleary (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet on 1/1/-0
Assets Liabilities
Premises 160,000 Creditors 12,900
Stock 14,200 Rent Prepaid 250
Debtors 12,000 Wages Due 500
7% Investments 6,000 Capital 195,000
Investment Interest Due 140
Goodwill * 16,310
208,650 208,650

Note 2 Cash Account

Cash Sales * 171,780 Lodgements 98,000
Wages and General Expenses 23,700
Purchases 47,500
Drawings (40 x 52) 2,080
Balance c/d 500
171,780 171,780

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 3 Bank Account

Debtors 37,000 Vans 22,000
Cash 98,000 Creditors 33,100
Investment Interest 560 Light and Heat 6,500
Rent 1,200 Loan Payment 3,200
Loan 60,000 Advertising 6,000
Furniture 12,000
Drawings 2,700
6% Investments 50,000
Premises 50,000
Balance c/d * 11,260
196,760 196,760

Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 12,000 Bank 37,000
Credit Sales * 40,900 Balance c/d 15,900
52,900 52,900

Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 40,900
Trading Account * 212,680 Cash (Note 2) 171,780
212,680 212,680

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Bank 33,100 Balance b/d 12,900
Balance c/d 11,200 Credit Purchases * 31,400
44,300 44,300

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 31,400 Drawings (70 x 52) 3,640
Cash 47,500 Trading Account * 75,260
78,900 78,900

Note 8 7% Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d * 140 Bank 560
Profit and Loss Account 420
560 560

Note 9 6% Investment Interest Account

Profit and Loss Account 1,500 Balance c/d * 1,500
1,500 1,500

Note 10 Rent Received Account

Profit and Loss Account * 1,150 Balance b/d 250
Balance c/d 300 Bank 1,200
1,450 1,450

Note 11 Wages and General Expenses Account

Cash 23,700 Balance b/d 500
Profit and Loss Account * 23,200
23,700 23,700

Note 12 Light and Heat Account

Bank 6,500 Drawings (1/4 of 6,900) 1,725
Balance c/d 400 Profit and Loss Account * 5,175
6,900 6,900


Note 13 Loan Instalment Account

Bank (2 x 1,000) 2,000 Loan Account (3 x 1,000) 3,000
Balance c/d 1,000
3,000 3,000

Note 14 Loan Interest Account

Bank (2 x 600) 1,200 Drawings (1/5 of 1,800) 360
Balance c/d 600 Profit and Loss Account * 1,440
1,800 1,800

Note 15 Advertising Account

Bank 6,000 Profit and Loss Account * 5,000
Balance c/d 1,000
6,000 6,000

Note 16 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 2,080
Bank (Note 3) 2,700
Stock (Note 7) 3,640
Light and Heat (Note 12) 1,725
Loan Interest (Note 14) 360
Furniture 4,000 Capital * 14,505
14,505 14,505

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Sales (Note 5) 212,680
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 14,200
Purchases (Note 7) 75,260
Closing Stock (17,600)
Gross Profit 140,820
+ Income
7% Investment Interest (Note 8) 420
6% Investment Interest (Note 9) 1,500
Rent Receivable (Note 10) 1,150
– Expenses 143,890
Wages and General Expenses (Note 11) 23,200
Light and Heat (Note 12) 5,175
Loan Interest (Note 14) 1,440
Advertising (note 15) 5,000
Net Profit 109,075

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Fixed Assets
Premises (160,000 + 50,000) 210,000
Vans 22,000
Furniture (12,000 – 4,000) 8,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 16,310
7% Investments 6,000
6% Government Investments 50,000
Current Assets
Stock 17,600
Debtors 15,900
Cash 500
Advertising Prepaid 1,000
6% Investment Interest Due (Note 9) 1,500
Bank (Note 3) 11,260
Current Liabilities
Creditors 11,200
ESB Bill Due 400
Rent Receivable Prepaid 300
Loan Instalment Due (Note 13) 1,000
Loan Interest Due (Note 14) 600
Financed By
Capital 195,000
Net Profit 109,075
Drawings (Note 16) (14,505)
Loan (60,000 – 3,000) 57,000


O. Connaughton (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet on 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 90,000 Advertising Due 200
Stock 20,000 Creditors 12,000
Debtors 14,000
Insurance Prepaid 600
Cash 100 Capital * 112,500
124,700 124,700

Note 2 Cash Account

Balance b/d 100 Lodgements 73,000
Cash Sales * 161,740 Purchases 43,700
Advertising 800
General Expenses 37,200
Rates 1,800
Drawings (100 x 52) 5,200
Balance c/d 140
161,840 161,840


Note 3 Bank Account

Cash 73,000 Light and Heat 4,620
Debtors 56,900 Insurance (Annual Premium) 2,800
Lotto Win (Capital) 5,000 Loan Interest 1,400
Loan 70,000 Creditors 43,800
Motor Vehicles 45,000
Drawings 1,200
Buildings 65,000
Rent 4,380
Balance c/d * 36,700
204,900 204,900

Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 14,000 Bank 56,900
Credit Sales * 65,900 Balance c/d 23,000
79,900 79,900

Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 65,900
Trading Account * 227,640 Cash (Note 2) 161,740
227,640 227,640

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Bank 43,800 Balance b/d 12,000
Balance c/d 11,000 Credit Purchases * 42,800
54,800 54,800

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 42,800 Drawings (50 x 52) 2,600
Cash 43,700 Trading Account * 83,900
86,500 86,500

Note 8 Advertising Account

Cash 800 Balance b/d 200
Balance c/d 700 Profit and Loss Account * 1,300
1,500 1,500

Note 9 Light and Heat Account

Bank 4,620 Drawings (1/5 of 5,145) 1,029
Balance c/d 525 Profit and Loss Account * 4,116
5,145 5,145

Note 10 Insurance Account

Balance b/d 600 Profit and Loss Account * 2,700
Bank 2,800 Balance c/d (1/4 of 2,800) 700
3,400 3,400

Note 11 Loan Interest Account

Bank 1,400 Profit and Loss Account * 2,800
Balance c/d 1,400
2,800 2,800

Note 12 Rent Account

Bank 4,380 Drawings (1/5 of 4,380) 876
Profit and Loss Account * 584
Balance c/d (10/12 of 3,504) 2,920
4,380 4,380

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 13 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 5,200
Bank (Note 3) 1,200
Stock (Note 7) 2,600
Light and Heat (Note 9) 1,029
Rent (Note 12) 876 Capital * 10,905
10,905 10,905

(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Sales (Note 5) 227,640
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 20,000
Purchases (Note 7) 83,900
Closing Stock (19,000)
Gross Profit 142,740
– Expenses
Advertising (Note 8) 1,300
Light and Heat (Note 9) 4,116
Insurance (Note 10) 2,700
Loan Interest (Note 11) 2,800
Rent (Note 12) 584
General Expenses 37,200
Rates 1,800
Net Profit 92,240

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Fixed Assets
Buildings (90,000 + 65,000) 155,000
Motor Vehicles 45,000
Current Assets
Stock 19,000
Debtors 23,000
Cash 140
Bank (Note 3) 36,700
Insurance Prepaid (Note 10) 700
Rent Prepaid (Note 12) 2,920
Current Liabilities
Creditors 11,000
ESB Bill Due 525
Advertising Due 700
Loan Interest Due (Note 11) 1,400
Loan Instalment Due 3,500
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 112,500
Additional Capital 5,000
Net Profit 92,240
Drawings (Note 13) (10,905)
Long-term Liabilities
Loan (70,000 – 3,500) 66,500



T. Healy (Items marked * are discovered items)
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet 1/10/-2
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 100,000 Debtor 1,200
Motors 16,000 Creditors 3,700
Stock 10,000 Wages Due 1,100
Stock of Fuel 200
Rates Prepaid 150
11% Investments 10,000 Capital * 130,350
136,350 136,350

Note 2 Cash Account

Cash Sales * 54,450 Lodgements 23,000
Purchases 21,000
Wages 8,000
Drawings (200 x 12) 2,400
Balance c/d 50
54,450 54,450

Note 3 Bank Account

Cash 23,000 Light, Heat and Fuel 1,740
Debtors 17,000 Creditors 17,500
Investment Interest 1,000 Interest 2,500
Loan 50,000 Rates 660
Drawings (Car Repairs) 300
Wages 4,000
Van 12,000
Drawings (Holidays) 10,000
Buildings 30,000
Investment Fund 1,800
Balance c/d * 10,500
91,000 91,000

Note 4 Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 1,200
Bank 17,000
Credit Sales * 40,200 Balance c/d 22,000
40,200 40,200

Note 5 Sales Account

Debtors (Note 4) 40,200
Trading Account * 94,650 Cash (Note 2) 54,450
94,650 94,650

Note 6 Creditors Control Account

Bank 17,500 Balance b/d 3,700
Balance c/d 2,800 Credit Purchases * 16,600
20,300 20,300

Note 7 Purchases Account

Creditors (Note 6) 16,600 Drawings (50 x 52) 2,600
Cash 21,000 Trading Account * 35,000
37,600 37,600

Note 8 11% Investment Account

Profit and Loss Account 1,100 Bank 1,000
Balance c/d 100
1,100 1,100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 9 Wages Account

Cash 8,000 Balance b/d 1,100
Bank 4,000 Drawings (1/4 of 12,000) 3,000
Balance c/d 900 Profit and Loss Account * 8,800
12,900 12,900

Note 10 Light, Heat and Fuel Account

Balance b/d 200 Drawings (1/3 of 1,710) 570
Bank 1,740 Profit and Loss Account * 1,140
Balance c/d 230
1,940 1,940

Note 11 Loan Interest Account

Bank 2,500 Profit and Loss Account * 3,000
Balance c/d 500
3,000 3,000

Note 12 Rates Account

Balance b/d 150 Profit and Loss Account 645
Bank 660 Balance c/d (1/4 of 660) 165
810 810

Note 13 Motors Account

Balance b/d 16,000 Profit and Loss Account (Depreciation) * 3,000
Bank 12,000 Balance c/d 25,000
28,000 28,000

Note 14 Drawings Account

Cash (Note 2) 2,400
Bank (Note 3) 300
Bank (Note 3) 10,000
Stock (Note 7) 2,600
Wages (Note 9) 3,000
Light, Heat and Fuel (Note 10) 570 Capital * 18,870
18,870 18,870
(a) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30/9/-2
Sales (Note 5) 94,650
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 10,000
Purchases (Note 7) 35,000
Closing Stock (15,000)
+ Income
11% Investment Interest (Note 8) 1,100
Investment Fund Interest 10
– Expenses
Wages (Note 9) 8,800
Light, Heat and Fuel (Note 10) 1,140
Loan Interest (Note 11) 3,000
Rates (Note 12) 645
Depreciation on Motors (Note 13) 3,000
Net Profit 49,175


(b) Balance Sheet as at 30/9/-2

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Buildings (100,000 + 30,000) 130,000 – 130,000
Motors (Note 13) 28,000 3,000 25,000
11% Investments 10,000
Investment Fund (1,800 +10) 1,810

Current Assets
Stock 15,000
Debtors 22,000
Bank 10,500
Stock of Fuel 230
Investment Interest Due (Note 8) 100
Rates Prepaid (Note 12) 165
Cash 50
Current Liabilities
Creditors 2,800
Wages Due 900
Loan Interest Due (Note 11) 500
Financed By
Capital (Note 1) 130,350
Net Profit 49,175
Drawings (Note 14) (18,870)
Long-Term Liabilities
12% Loan 50,000

Incomplete Records II
(Balance Sheet Method): Solutions

O. Thomas
(a) Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-0
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 61,000 Bank Overdraft 2,500
Motor Vehicles 17,000 Wages Due 400
Equipment 8,000 Creditors 9,500
Stock 9,000
Debtors 13,000
Rates Prepaid 250 Capital (Net Worth) 95,850
108,250 108,250

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Assets 127,000
Less Liabilities (13,700)
Net Worth 31/12/-0 113,300
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-0 95,850
+ Capital Introduced 4,000
– Drawings (700 + 5,200) (5,900)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 17,350

R. Brown
(a) Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Buildings 72,000 Bank Overdraft 2,700
Motor Vehicles 41,000 Wages Due 200
Equipment 10,000 Creditors 6,400
Stock 11,000
Debtors 12,500
Rates Prepaid 400 Capital (Net Worth) 137,600
146,900 146,900


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Assets 178,500
– Depreciation on Motor Vehicles (8,200)
Less Liabilities (10,300)
Net Worth 31/12/-1 160,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-1 137,600
+ Capital Introduced 2,800
– Drawings (5,000 + 5,600) (10,600)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 30,200

R. Cash
(a) Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-2
Assets Liabilities
Premises 94,000 Creditors 17,900
Fixtures and Fittings 19,000 Expenses Due 700
Motor Vehicles 27,000 Bank Overdraft 3,400
Stock 17,200
Debtors 14,300
Advertising Prepaid 1,200 Capital (Net Worth) 150,700
172,700 172,700

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

Assets 210,400
– Depreciation on Motor Vehicles (5,400)
Less Liabilities 24,500
+ Expenses Due 500
Net Worth 31/12/-2 180,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-2 150,700
+ Capital Introduced 6,000
– Drawings (600 + 2,600) (3,200)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 26,500

Leaving Certificate Accounting

K. Moon
Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3
Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Premises 82,000 – 82,000
Motor Vehicles 46,000 18,400 27,600
128,000 18,400 109,600
Current Assets
Stock 14,000
Debtors 19,000
Rates Prepaid 300
Current Liabilities
Creditors 13,500
Bank Overdraft 3,000
Expenses Due 500
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-3 90,000
+ Capital Introduced 5,000
– Drawings (2,080 + 2,600 + 3,000) (7,680)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 38,580

L. Todd
(a) Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-4
Assets Liabilities
Stock 13,400 Creditors 14,000
Debtors 16,500 Expenses Due 900
Advertising Prepaid 1,100
Bank 2,400
Premises 79,000
Fixtures and Fittings 24,000
Vans (50,000 – 20,000) 30,000 Capital (Net Worth) 151,500
166,400 166,400


(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

Assets 186,580
– Depreciation on Fixtures and Fittings 4,800
– Depreciation on Vans 10,000 (14,800)
+ Rates Prepaid 220
Less Liabilities (32,000)
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-4 151,500
+ Capital Introduced 9,000
– Drawings (6,000 + 5,200) (11,200)
Net Loss (Balancing Figure) (9,300)

W. Boyer
(a) Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-5
Assets Liabilities
Stock 18,000 Creditors 24,300
Debtors 23,200 Wages Due 700
Rates Prepaid 1,900 Bank Overdraft 3,500
Premises 110,000
Equipment (14,000 – 4,000) 10,000
Delivery Vans 30,000 Capital (Net Worth) 164,600
193,100 193,100

(b) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-5

Assets 221,600
– Depreciation on Equipment 2,800
– Depreciation on Vans 3,000
+ Rates Prepaid 2,200
Less Liabilities 32,700
+ Interest Due on Overdraft 300
Net Worth 31/12/-5 185,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-5 164,600
+ Capital Introduced 6,000
– Drawings (3,000 + 2,600 + 2,400) (8,000)
Net Loss (Balancing Figure) 22,400

Leaving Certificate Accounting

F. Woolworth

Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Buildings 180,000 – 180,000
Equipment 60,000 15,000 45,000
Vans 60,000 30,000 30,000
300,000 45,000 255,000
Goodwill 9,000
10% Investments 10,000
Current Assets
Stock 21,000
Debtors 19,500
Bank 3,800
Rates Prepaid 150
Current Liabilities
Creditors 14,000
ESB Bill Due 200
Loan Interest Due 250
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-6 271,000
+ Capital Introduced 5,000
– Drawings (3,800 + 3,120 + 4,160) (11,080)
15% Loan 12,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 27,080


F. Devitt
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-7
Assets Liabilities
Premises 53,000 Creditors 11,900
Stock 15,000 Expenses Due 1,100
Debtors 18,400
Cash 900
Insurance Prepaid 700
Equipment 25,000 Capital 100,000
113,000 113,000


(a) Closing Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

Fixed Assets
Premises 53,000
Equipment 25,000
Vans 17,000
Current Assets
Stock 17,000
Debtors 17,200
Cash 1,200
Bank 5,200
Insurance Prepaid 800
Advertising Prepaid 400
Current Liabilities
Creditors 12,300
ESB Bill Due 280
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-7 100,000
+ Capital Introduced 10,000
– Drawings (Note 2) (14,050)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 28,270
Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Drawings Account

Stock (90 x 52) 4,680
Cash (50 x 52) 2,600
Holiday 3,000
Light and Heat (Note 3) 2,170
Insurance (Note 4) 1,600 Capital * 14,050
14,050 14,050

Note 3 Light and Heat Account

Bank 8,400 Drawings (1/4 of 8,680) 2,170
Balance c/d 280 Profit and Loss Account * 6,510
8,680 8,680

Note 4 Insurance Account

Balance b/d 700 Drawings (1/3 of 4,800) 1,600
Bank 4,800 Profit and Loss Account * 3,100
Balance c/d 800
5,500 5,500

Note 5 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 27,000 Balance b/d 1,100
Profit and Loss Account * 25,900
27,000 27,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 6 Advertising Account

Bank 1,600 Profit and Loss Account * 1,200
Balance c/d 400
1,600 1,600

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses) 64,980
Light and Heat (Note 3) 6,510
Insurance (Note 4) 3,100
Wages and General Expenses (Note 5) 25,900
Advertising (Note 6) 1,200
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 28,270

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-7

Sales 259,920 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 15,000
Purchases (201,620 – 4,680) 196,940
Closing Stock (17,000)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 64,980 (25%)
(c) Statement of Advice for Devitt
Devitt should keep an analysed cash book and a ledger, supported by appropriate books of first entry. This
would allow for more accurate record-keeping and less reliance on estimates.


T. Barr
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-8
Assets Liabilities
Premises 120,000 Creditors 12,000
Stock 21,000 Wages Due 1,800
Debtors 18,000 Capital 150,000
Insurance Prepaid 600
Advertising Prepaid 300
Goodwill * 3,900
163,800 163,800


(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Fixed Assets
Premises (120,000 + 50,000) 170,000
Equipment (24,000 – 8,000) 16,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 3,900
Current Assets
Stock 24,000
Debtors 16,000
Bank 4,000
Cash 300
Insurance Prepaid 700
Advertising Prepaid 400
Current Liabilities
Creditors 9,000
ESB Bill Due 300
Loan Interest Due (Note 2) 500
Loan Instalment Due (Note 2) 1,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-9 150,000
+ Capital Introduced 5,000
– Drawings (Note 2) (20,375)
Loan (60,000 – 8,000) 52,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 37,875
Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Loan Interest Account

Bank (500 x 7) 3,500 Drawings (1/5 of 4,000) 800
Balance c/d * 500 Profit and Loss Account * 3,200
Interest Payable (500 x 8) 4,000 4,000

Note 3 Loan Instalment Account

Bank (1,000 x 7) 7,000 Loan Account (1,000 x 8) 8,000
Balance c/d * 1,000
8,000 8,000

Note 4 Drawings Account

Holiday 4,000
Cash (200 x 12) 2,400
Stock (300 x 12) 3,600
Light and Heat (Note 5) 1,575
Equipment 8,000
Loan Interest (Note 2) 800 Capital * 20,375
20,375 20,375

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 5 Light and Heat Account

Bank 6,000 Drawings (1/4 of 6,300) 1,575
Balance c/d 300 Profit and Loss Account * 4,725
6,300 6,300

Note 6 Insurance Account

Balance b/d 600 Profit and Loss Account * 4,100
Bank 4,200 Balance c/d 400
4,800 4,800

Note 7 Advertising Account

Balance b/d 300 Profit and Loss 2,600
Bank 2,700 Balance c/d 400
3,000 3,000

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 28,000 Balance b/d 1,800
Profit and Loss Account * 26,200
28,000 28,000

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Gross Profit (Gross Profit + Expenses) 78,700
Loan Interest (Note 2) 3,200
Light and Heat (Note 5) 4,725
Insurance (Note 6) 4,100
Advertising (Note 7) 2,600
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 26,200
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 37,875

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-8

Sales 196,750 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 21,000
Purchases (124,650 – 3,600) 121,050
Closing Stock (24,000)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 78,700 (40%)


B. Dack
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-9
Assets Liabilities
Premises 100,000 Wages Due 500
Stock 1,000 Creditors 13,000
Debtors 12,000 Capital 120,000
Bank (120,000 – 110,000) 10,000
Goodwill * 10,500
133,500 133,500


(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Premises 100,000 – 100,000
Machinery 18,000 1,000 17,000
Motor Van 5,000 500 4,500
Computer (11,000 – 2,200) 8,800 – 8,800
131,800 130,300
Goodwill (Note 1) 10,500
Current Assets
Stock 1,500
Debtors 13,500
Bank 8,000
Rates Prepaid 100
Current Liabilities
Creditors 12,000
ESB Bill Due 300
Loan Interest Due (Note 2) 200
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-9 120,000
+ Capital Introduced 10,000
– Drawings (Note 3) (14,240)
Loan (20,000 – 2,000) 18,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 17,640

Note 2 Loan Interest Account

Bank 300 Drawings (1/5 of 500) 100
Balance c/d 200 Profit and Loss Account * 400
500 500

Note 3 Drawings Account

Stock (500 x 12) 6,000
Cash (300 x 12) 3,600
Holiday 2,000
Light and Heat (Note 4) 340
Interest (Note 2) 100
Computer 2,200 Capital * 14,240
14,240 14,240

Note 4 Light and Heat Account

Bank 1,400 Drawings (1/5 of 1,700) 340
Balance c/d 300 Profit and Loss Account * 1,360
1,700 1,700

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 5 Rates Account

Bank 600 Profit and Loss Account * 500
Balance c/d 100
600 600

Note 6 Wages Account

Bank 12,000 Balance b/d 500
Profit and Loss Account * 11,500
12,000 12,000

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses) 32,900
Loan Interest (Note 2) 400
Light and Heat (Note 4) 1,360
Rates (Note 5) 500
Wages (Note 6) 11,500
Depreciation – Machinery 1,000
– Motor Van 500
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 17,640

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-9

Sales (Gross Profit + Cost of Sales) 115,150
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 1,000
Purchases (88,750 – 6,000) 82,750
Closing Stock (1,500)
(82,250) (100%)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 32,900 (40%)
(c) Statement of Advice for Dack
Dack should keep an analysed cash book and a ledger, supported by appropriate books of first entry. This
would enable Dack to prepare final accounts accurately and avoid relying on estimates.


J. Bolton
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-0
Assets Liabilities
Premises 90,000 Creditors 15,900
Motors 20,000 Advertising Due 1,000
Rates Prepaid 500 Capital 160,000
Debtors 24,100
Stock 10,500
Bank (160,000 – 140,000) 20,000
Goodwill * 11,800
176,900 176,900


(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Fixed Assets
Premises (90,000 + 45,000) 135,000
Motors 20,000
Equipment (12,000 – 4,000) 8,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 11,800
Investment Fund (2,000 + 120) 2,120
Current Assets
Stock 16,400
Debtors 23,800
Bank 27,200
Rates Prepaid (Note 2) 600
Current Liabilities
Creditors 12,200
ESB Bill Due 650
Advertising Due 500
Interest Due (Note 3) 500
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-0 160,000
+ Capital Introduced 4,000
– Drawings (Note 4) (19,665)
Loan 60,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 26,735
Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Rates Account

Balance b/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 2,300
Bank 2,400 Balance c/d (1/4 of 2,400) 600
2,900 2,900

Note 3 Loan Interest Account

Bank 2,000 Drawings (1/4 of 2,500) 625
Balance c/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 1,875
2,500 2,500

Note 4 Drawings Account

Stock (90 x 52) 4,680
Cash (70 x 52) 3,640
Light and Heat (Note 5) 1,470
Equipment 4,000
Interest (Note 3) 625
Education Fees (Note 6) 5,250 Capital * 19,665
19,665 19,665

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 5 Light and Heat Account

Bank 6,700 Drawings (1/5 of 7,350) 1,470
Balance c/d 650 Profit and Loss Account * 5,880
7,350 7,350

Note 6 Education Fees Account

Bank 7,000 Drawings (3/4 of 7,000) 5,250
Profit and Loss Account * 1,750
7,000 7,000

Note 7 Advertising Account

Bank 3,000 Balance b/d 1,000
Balance c/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 2,500
3,500 3,500

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses – Income) 91,920
Investment Fund Interest 120
Rates (Note 2) 2,300
Loan Interest (Note 3) 1,875
Light and Heat (Note 5) 5,880
Education Fees (Note 6) 1,750
Advertising (Note 7) 2,500
Wages and General Expenses 51,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 26,735

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-0

Sales 306,400 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 10,500
Purchases (225,060 – 4,680) 220,380
Closing Stock (16,400)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 91,920 (30%)
(c) Statement of Advice for Bolton
Bolton should keep an analysed cash book and a ledger, supported by appropriate books of first entry. This
would facilitate the preparation of final accounts and do away with the need for estimates.



M. Nevin
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Premises 80,000 Creditors 12,500
Stock 11,200 Wages Due 300
Debtors 19,000 Bank Overdraft 9,800
Motor Vehicles 24,000
11% Investments 10,000
Investment Interest Due 150
Rates Prepaid 250
Cash 100 Capital * 122,100
144,700 144,700

(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Premises 80,000 – 80,000
Motor Vehicles 24,000 3,000 21,000
Equipment (16,000 – 12,000) 4,000 – 4,000
108,000 3,000 105,000
11% Investments 10,000
Current Assets
Stock 12,100
Debtors 18,400
Rates Prepaid 300
Bank 12,900
Cash 100
Insurance Prepaid 600
Investment Interest Due (Note 2) 500
Current Liabilities
Creditors 13,200
Wages Due 200
ESB Bill Due 200
Rent Receivable Prepaid (Note 3) 4,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-1 (Note 1) 122,100
– Drawings (Note 4) (22,470)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 42,670

Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 11% Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d 150 Bank 750
Profit and Loss Account 1,100 Balance c/d * 500
1,250 1,250

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 3 Rent Receivable Account

Profit and Loss Account (2/12) 800 Bank 4,800
Balance c/d (10/12) * 4,000
4,800 4,800

Note 4 Drawings Account

Stock (60 x 52) 3,120
Cash (40 x 52) 2,080
Light and Heat (Note 5) 1,250
College Fees (Note 6) 3,500
Insurance (Note 7) 520
Equipment 12,000 Capital * 22,470
22,470 22,470

Note 5 Light and Heat Account

Bank 4,800 Drawings (1/4 of 5,000) 1,250
Balance c/d 200 Profit and Loss Account * 3,750
5,000 5,000

Note 6 College Fees Account

Bank 7,000 Drawings (1/2 of 7,000) 3,500
Profit and Loss Account * 3,500
7,000 7,000

Note 7 Insurance Account

Bank 2,600 Drawings (1/5 of 2,600) 520
Profit and Loss Account * 1,480
Balance b/d 600
2,600 2,600

Note 8 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 19,600 Balance b/d 300
Balance c/d 200 Proift and Loss Account * 19,500
19,800 19,800

Note 9 Rates Account

Balance b/d 250 Profit and Loss Account * 3,550
Bank 3,600 Balance c/d 300
3,850 3,850


(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses – Income) 75,550
11% Investment Interest (Note 2) 1,100
Rent Receivable (Note 3) 800
Light and Heat (Note 5) 3,750
College Fees (Note 6) 3,500
Insurance (Note 7) 1,480
Wages and General Expenses (Note 8) 19,500
Rates (Note 9) 3,550
Depreciation on Motors 3,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 42,670

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-1

Sales 302,200 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 11,200
Purchases (230,670 – 3,120) 227,550
Closing Stock (12,100)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 75,550 (25%)


S. Healy
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-2
Assets Liabilities
Premises 80,000 Creditors 11,000
Motor Van 10,000 AIB Loan 5,000
Equipment 19,000 ESB Bill Due 400
8% Investments 12,000 Wages Due 1,500
Stock 15,000
Debtors 10,000
Rates Prepaid 684
Insurance Prepaid 300 Capital * 129,084
146,984 146,984

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-2

Fixed Assets
Premises 80,000
Motor Van (10,000 + 10,000) 20,000
Equipment (19,000 + 40,000) 59,000
Furniture (6,000 – 1,200) 4,800
8% Investments 12,000
Investment Fund (4,200 + 125) 4,325
Current Assets
Stock 12,000
Debtors 6,000
Bank 7,000
Rates Prepaid (Note 2) 744
Insurance Prepaid (Note 3) 375
Current Liabilities
Creditors 9,000
ESB Bill Due 500
Wages Due 600
Loan Interest Due (Note 4) 1,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-2 129,084
– Drawings (Note 5) (12,940)
National Irish Bank Loan 50,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 29,000
Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Rates Account

Balance b/d (1/2 year) 684 Profit and Loss Account * 1,428
Bank (Full Year) 1,488 Balance c/d * 744
2,172 2,172

Note 3 Insurance Account

Profit and Loss Account (1/4 year) 300 Drawings (1/5 of 1,500) 300
Bank (Full Year) 1,500 Profit and Loss Account * 1,125
Balance c/d (1/4 of 1,500) 375
1,800 1,800

Note 4 Loan Interest (National Irish Bank) Account

Bank 2,000 Profit and Loss Account * 3,000
Balance b/d 1,000
3,000 3,000


Note 5 Drawings Account

Family Holiday 4,400
Light and Heat (Note 6) 920
Insurance (Note 3) 300
Furniture 1,200
Cash (60 x 52) 3,120
Stock 3,000 Capital * 12,940
12,940 12,940

Note 6 Light and Heat Account

Bank 4,600 Balance b/d 400
Drawings (1/5 of 4,600) 920
Balance c/d 500 Profit and Loss Account * 3,780
5,100 5,100

Note 7 AIB Loan Account

Bank 5,600 Balance b/d 5,000
Profit and Loss Account * 600
5,600 5,600

Note 8 Wages Account

Bank 38,000 Balance b/d 1,500
Balance c/d 600 Profit and Loss Account * 37,100
38,600 38,600

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-2
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses – Income) 86,948
Investment Fund Interest 125
8% Investment Interest 960
Rates (Note 2) 1,428
Insurance (Note 3) 1,125
Loan Interest National Irish Bank (Note 4) 3,000
Light and Heat (Note 6) 3,780
Loan Interest AIB (Note 7) 600
Wages (Note 8) 37,100
Advertising 12,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 29,000

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-2

Sales 217,370 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 15,000
Purchases (130,422 – 3,000) 127,422
Closing Stock (12,000)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 86,948 (40%)

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(c) Record Keeping

Healy’s record keeping is unsatisfactory because it relies on estimates. A better system would be to keep an
analysed cash book and ledger, supported by appropriate books of first entry.


S. O’Rourke
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-3
Assets Liabilities
Premises 104,000 Wages Due 500
Stock 14,400 ESB Bill Due 200
Insurance Prepaid 240 Creditors 11,400
Debtors 14,700 Capital 140,000
Bank (140,000 – 130,000) 10,000
Goodwill 8,760
152,100 152,100

(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-3

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Premises (104,000 + 70,000) 174,000 – 174,000
Furniture (12,000 – 6,000) 6,000 6,000
Equipment 20,000 2,000 18,000
200,000 2,000 198,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 8,760
Investment Fund (6,000 + 470) 6,470
Current Assets
Stock 12,300
Debtors 17,500
Bank 26,500
Rates Prepaid 200
Insurance Prepaid (Note 2) 270
Current Liabilities
Creditors 14,200
ESB Bill Due 160
Interest Due (Note 3) 800
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-3 140,000
+ Capital Introduced (650 + 2,000) 2,650
– Drawings (Note 4) (15,032)
Loan 80,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 47,222


Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Insurance Account

Balance b/d (1/4 year) 240 Profit and Loss Account * 1,050
Bank (full year) 1,080 Balance c/d (
/4 of 1,080) 270
1,320 1,320

Note 3 Loan Interest Account

Bank 3,200 Drawings (1/4 of 4,000) 1,000
Balance c/d 800 Profit and Loss Account * 3,000
4,000 4,000

Note 4 Drawings Account

Stock (70 x 52) 3,640
Cash (65 x 52) 3,380
Light and Heat (Note 5) 412
Interest (Note 3) 1,000
Furniture 6,000
Rates (note 6) 600 Capital * 15,032
15,032 15,032

Note 5 Light and Heat Account

Bank 2,100 Balance b/d 200
Drawings (1/5 of 2,060) 412
Balance c/d 160 Profit and Loss Account * 1,648
2,260 2,260

Note 6 Rates Account

Bank 1,800 Drawings (1/3 of 1,800) 600
Profit and Loss Account * 1,000
Balance c/d 200
1,800 1,800

Note 7 Wages and General Expenses Account

Bank 38,500 Balance b/d 500
Profit and Loss Account * 38,000
38,500 38,500

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-3
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses – Income) 93,450
Investment Interest 470
Insurance (Note 2) 1,050
Loan Interest (Note 3) 3,000
Light and Heat (Note 5) 1,648
Rates (Note 6) 1,000
Wages and General Expenses (Note 7) 38,000
Depreciation on Equipment 2,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 47,222

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-3

Sales (Gross Profit + Cost of Sales) 327,075
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 14,400
Purchases (235,165 – 3,640) 231,525
Closing Stock (12,300)
(233,625) (100%)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 93,450 (40%)


R. Foster
Note 1 Opening Balance Sheet (Statement of Affairs) on 1/1/-4
Assets Liabilities
Land 200,000 Creditors 14,000
Stock 9,000 Wages Due 1,200
Rates Prepaid 375 Capital 250,000
Debtors 16,000
Investment Interest Due 700
8% Investments 17,500
Bank (250,000 – 237,375) 12,625
Goodwill * 9,000
265,200 265,200


(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-4

Fixed Assets Cost Depr. Value
Land and Buildings (200,000 + 50,000) 250,000 – 250,000
Equipment (Note 2) 80,000 8,000 72,000
330,000 8,000 322,000
Goodwill (Note 1) 9,000
8% Investments 17,500
Current Assets
Stock 8,000
Debtors 14,000
Advertising Prepaid 2,000
Rates Prepaid (Note 3) 405
Investment Interest Due (Note 4) 900
Current Liabilities
Creditors (15,000 – 1,000) 14,000
Loan Interest Due (Note 5) 1,000
Wages Due 1,800
ESB Bill Due 460
Bank Overdraft 40,287
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-4 250,000
– Drawings (Note 6) (25,717)
Loan (80,000 – 4,000) 76,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 15,975
Notes (Items marked * are discovered items)

Note 2 Equipment Account

Loan 65,000 Profit and Loss Account (Depreciation)* 8,000
Bank 15,000 Balance c/d 72,000
80,000 80,000

Note 3 Rates Account

Balance b/d (1/4 year) 375 Profit and Loss Account * 1,590
Bank (full year) 1,620 Balance c/d (
/4 of 1,620) 405
1,995 1,995

Note 4 8% Investment Interest Account

Balance b/d 700 Bank 1,200
Profit and Loss Account * 1,400 Balance c/d * 900
2,100 2,100

Note 5 Loan Interest Account

Bank 4,000 Drawings (1/4 of 5,000) 1,250
Balance c/d 1,000 Profit and Loss Account * 3,750
5,000 5,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Note 6 Drawings Account

Boat 12,000
Stock (500 x 12) 6,000
Cash (50 x 52) 2,600
Light and Heat (Note 7) 1,742
Interest (Note 5) 1,250
General Expenses (Note 8) 2,125 Capital * 25,717
25,717 25,717

Note 7 Light and Heat Account

Bank 8,250 Drawings (1/5 of 8,710) 1,742
Balance c/d 460 Profit and Loss Account * 6,968
8,710 8,710

Note 8 General Expenses Account

Bank 17,000 Drawings (1/8 of 8,710) 2,125
Profit and Loss Account * 14,875
17,000 17,000

(b) Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-4
Gross Profit (Net Profit + Expenses – Income) 74,358
Investment Interest 1,400
Depreciation on Equipment (Note 2) 8,000
Rates (Note 3) 1,590
Loan Interest (Note 5) 3,750
Light and Heat (Note 7) 6,968
General Expenses (Note 8) 14,875
Wages (20,000 – 1,200 + 1,800) 20,600
Advertising (6,000 – 2,000) 4,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 15,975

Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-4

Sales (Gross Profit + Cost of Sales) 260,253
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 9,000
Purchases (190,895 – 6,000) 184,895
Closing Stock (8,000)
(185,895) (100%)
Gross Profit (From Profit and Loss Account) 74,358 (40%)



R. Savage
(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-5
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets 280,000 28,000 252,000
Current Assets
Stock 30,000
Debtors (300,000 ÷ 12) x 1 25,000
Bank 5,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors 30,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-5 265,000
– Drawings (15,000)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 32,000

(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Sales (Cash Sales €148,000, Credit Sales €300,000) 448,000 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Purchases 366,000
Closing Stock (30,000)
Gross Profit 112,000 (25%)
Depreciation 28,000
Sundry Other Expenses 52,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 32,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


M. Ryan
(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-6
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets 120,000 6,000 114,000
Current Assets
Stock 45,000
Debtors (282,000 ÷ 12) x 1 23,500
Bank 6,500
Current Liabilities
Creditors 20,000
Bank Overdraft 10,000
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-6 118,000
– Drawings (14,000)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 55,000

(b) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Sales (Cash Sales €38,000, Credit Sales €282,000) 320,000 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Purchases (291,000 – 6,000) 285,000
Closing Stock (45,000)
Gross Profit 80,000 (25%)
Depreciation 6,000
Sundry Other Expenses 19,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 55,000



M. Lyle
(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets 140,000 7,000 133,000
Current Assets
Stock 20,000
Debtors (270,000 ÷ 12) x 2 45,000
Bank 15,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors 28,000
Bills Payable 12,000
Financed By
Capital 142,000
Capital Introduced 15,000
– Drawings (18,000)
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 34,000

(b) Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Sales (Cash Sales €30,000, Credit Sales €270,000) 300,000
Less Cost of Sales
Purchases (267,200 – 7,200) 260,000
Closing Stock (20,000)
240,000 (100%)
Gross Profit 60,000 (25%)
+ Income
Discount Received 1,000
– Expenses
Depreciation 7,000
Sundry Other Expenses 20,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 34,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting


R. Daly
(a) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8
Cost Depr. Value
Fixed Assets 100,000 10,000 90,000
Current Assets
Stock 7,500
Debtors (240,000 ÷ 12) x 11/2 30,000
Bank 7,500
Current Liabilities
Creditors (175,500 ÷ 12) x 1 14,625
Loan Interest Due 375
Financed By
Capital 1/1/-8 42,500
– Drawings (12,500)
5 year loan 50,000
Net Profit (Balancing Figure) 40,000

(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8
Sales (All on Credit) 240,000 (100%)
Less Cost of Sales
Purchases (All on Credit) 177,500
Closing Stock (7,500)
Gross Profit 72,000 (30%)
+ Income
Rent Received 1,000
– Expenses
Depreciation 10,000
Sundry Other Expenses 23,000
Net Profit (From Closing Balance Sheet) 40,000

Farm Accounts: Solutions

Analysed Receipts and Payments Account R. Beatty

Details Total Cattle and Milk Sales Sheep Sales Government
Balance b/d 1,200 – – –
Milk Sales 17,000 17,000 – –
Beef Premium 2,100 – – 2,100
Sheep Sales 14,000 – 14,000 –
Cattle Sales 25,000 25,000
Ewe Premium 6,000 – – 6,000
Wool Sales 1,500 1,500
Total Receipts 66,800 42,000 15,500 8,100

Details Total Cattle and Milk Sheep Sundry Drawings
Dairy Wages 4,000 4,000 – – –
General Wages 12,000 – – 12,000 –
Light and Heat 700 – – 700 –
Cattle Feed 5,000 5,000 – – –
Sheep Feed 2,000 – 2,000 – –
Conacre 1,200 1,200
Cattle 9,000 9,000 – – –
Drawings 5,500 – – – 5,500
Sheep 4,000 – 4,000 – –
Repairs 300 – – 300 –
Fertilizer 1,200 – – 1,200 –
Total Payments 44,900 18,000 6,000 15,400 5,500
Balance c/d 21,900


N. Power: Analysed Receipts and Payments Account

Details Total Cattle Sales Poultry Sales Grain Sales Government
Balance b/d 3,500 – – – –
Cattle 21,000 21,000 – – –
Poultry 14,000 – 14,000 – –
Grain 6,500 – – 6,500 –
Beef Premium 3,000 – – – 3,000
Headage 4,000 – – – 4,000
Total Receipts 52,000 21,000 14,000 6,500 7,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Details Total Cattle Poultry Grain Sundry Drawings
Cattle 9,000 9,000 – – – –
Poultry 7,000 – 7,000 – – –
Seed 1,500 – – 1,500 – –
Wages 6,000 – – 6,000 – –
Wages 13,500 – – – 13,500 –
Drawings 7,000 – – – – 7,000
Feed 1,500 1,500 – – – –
Feed 300 – 300 – – –
Fencing 900 – – – 900 –
Repairs 100 – – – 100 –
Fertilizer 1,200 – – – 1,200 –
Light and Heat 700 – – – 700 –
Insurance 900 – – – 900 –
Total Payments 49,600 10,500 7,300 7,500 17,300 7,000
Balance c/d 2,400

The McMahon Family
(a) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-5 – Cattle and Milk
Sales – Milk 17,000
– Cattle 26,000
Drawings (700 + 2,500) 3,200
Beef Premium 4,500
Closing Stock of Cattle 21,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 22,000
Purchases 9,000
Feed 3,000
Dairy Wages 6,500
General Wages (1/2 of 15,000) 7,500
Haulage (1/2 of 2,000) 1,000
Gross Profit (Contribution) 22,700

Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-5 – Grain Crops
Sales 13,500
Closing Stock 8,500
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 4,000
Seeds 1,200
Sowing Wages 3,800
Reaping Wages 4,200
General Wages (1/2 of 15,000) 7,500
Haulage (1/2 of 2,000) 1,000
Gross Profit (Contribution) 300


(a) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-5
Contribution from Cattle and Milk 22,700
Contribution from Grain Crops 300
Conacre 1,200
Less Expenses
Fencing 200
Light and Heat 1,700
Repairs 2,500
Insurance 700
Net Profit 19,100

The O’Reilly Family
(a) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-6 – Cattle and Milk
Sales – Milk 140,000
– Cattle 280,000
Drawings (700 + 3,800) 4,500
Closing Stock of Cattle 85,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 90,000
Purchases 210,000
Feedstuffs 25,000
Dairy Wages 14,000
Veterinary Fees 5,700
Milking Parlour Repairs 2,100
Fertilizer Costs (1/2 of 1,500 + 4,800 – 2,400) 1,950
General Wages (1/2 of 24,000) 12,000
Haulage (1/2 of 6,000) 3,000
Gross Profit (Contribution) 145,750

Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-6 – Grain Crops
Sales 62,600
Closing Stock 15,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 12,000
Purchases of Seed 13,000
Pesticides (700 + 5,300 – 300) 5,700
Sowing Wages 5,500
Reaping Wages 8,200
Fertilizer Costs (1/2 of 1,500 + 4,800 – 2,400) 1,950
General Wages (1/2 of 24,000) 12,000
Haulage (1/2 of 6,000) 3,000
Gross Profit (Contribution) 16,250

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-6
Contribution from Cattle and Milk 145,750
Contribution from Grain Crops 16,250
Less Expenses
Electricity and Diesel Oil (300 + 3,200 – 400) 3,100
Insurance 700
Bank Charges 200
General Expenses 2,200
Net Profit 155,800

The Doyle Family

(a) Enterprise Analysis Accounts for the year ended 31/12/-7

Cattle Sheep Pigs
Sales 301,000 74,000 94,000
Premium 12,000 4,000 –
Drawings 2,700 1,700 900
Closing Stocks 95,000 32,000 23,000
410,700 111,700 117,900
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 98,000 28,000 21,000
Purchases 212,000 39,000 72,000
Wages (1/3 of 65,000 + 1,000) 22,000 22,000 22,000

Haulage (1/3 of 19,000 + 2,000) 7,000 7,000 7,000

Veterinary Fees (1/3 of 3,500 + 400) 1,300 1,300 1,300

(340,300) (97,300) (123,300)
Gross Profit (Contribution) 70,400 144,400 (5,400)

(b) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-7
Contribution from Cattle 70,400
Contribution from Sheep 14,400
Contribution from Pigs (5,400)
Conacre 9,000
Less Expenses
Light and Heat (7,000 – 1,400) 5,600
Bank Charges 500
Accountancy Fees 2,000
Insurance (7,000 – 1,400) 5,600
Repairs (4,000 – 800) 3,200
Bank Interest 1,500
General Expenses (6,500 – 1,300) 5,200
Depreciation – Farm Machinery 7,000
– Tractors 10,000
Net Profit 47,800


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-7

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings 300,000 – 300,000
Farm Machinery 70,000 7,000 63,000
Tractors 50,000 10,000 40,000
420,000 17,000 403,000
Current Assets
Stock – Cattle 95,000
– Sheep 32,000
– Pigs 23,000
Debtors 17,000
Current Liabilities
Creditors 21,000
Bank Overdraft 15,000
Vet Fees Due 400
Haulage Due 2,000
Wages Due 1,000

Financed by
Capital 500,000
+ Net Profit 47,800
– Drawings (7,000 + 2,700 + 1,700 + 900 + 1,400 + 1,400 + 800 + 1,300) (17,200)

The Galvin Family
(a) Statement of Capital on 1/1/-1
Assets Liabilities
Farm Land and Buildings 400,000 ESB Bill Due 320
Equipment 120,000 Due to Vet. 4,500
Cattle Stock 70,000 Loan 10,000
Pigs Stock 40,000 Loan Interest Due 1,890
Horses Stock 65,000 21/2 year = 2,700
Diesel Oil Stock 700 13/4 year = 1,890
Due from Goffs 14,700
Due from Creamery 5,600
Insurance Prepaid 480
Bank 3,800 Capital on 1/1/- 703,570
720,280 720,280

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-1 – Cattle and Milk
Sales to Creamery (84,000 – 5,600 + 6,500) 84,900
Cattle Sales 127,000
Beef Premium 13,000
Drawings 500
Closing Stock of Cattle 60,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 70,000
Dairy Wages 17,000
Cattle Purchases 82,000
Vet. Fees (40% of 19,500 – 4,500) 6,000
Farm Repairs (40% of 11,000) 4,400
General Farm Expenses (40% of 6,500) 2,600
Depreciation on Equipment
(1/3 of 120,000 + 95,000 – 15,000 – 191,000) 3,000
Insurance (1/3 of 4,800 + 1,800 – 600 – 336) 448
Light Heat and Fuel
(20% of 700 + 3,000 – 320 – 600 – 695) 417

Gross Profit (Contribution) 99,535
Enterprise Analysis Account – Pigs
Pig Sales 76,000
Closing Stock of Pigs 7,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Pigs 40,000
Pig Purchases 29,000
Vet. Fees (20% of 19,500 – 4,500) 3,000
Farm Repairs (20% of 11,000) 2,200
General Farm Expenses (20% of 6,500) 1,300
Depreciation on Equipment
(1/3 of 120,000 + 95,000 – 15,000 – 191,000) 3,000
Insurance (1/3 of 4,800 + 1,800 – 600 – 336) 448
Light Heat and Fuel
(40% of 700 + 3,000 – 320 – 600 – 695) 834
Gross Profit (Contribution) 3,218

Enterprise Analysis Account – Horses

Horse Sales (26,250 – 14,700) 11,550
Annual Grant from Bord na gCapaill 12,000
Closing Stock of Horses 18,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Horses 65,000
Horse Purchases 21,000
Vet. Fees (40% of 19,500 – 4,500) 6,000
Farm Repairs (40% of 11,000) 4,400
General Farm Expenses (40% of 6,500) 2,600
Depreciation on Equipment
(1/3 of 120,000 + 95,000 – 15,000 – 191,000) 3,000
Insurance (1/3 of 4,800 + 1,800 – 600 – 336) 448
Light Heat and Fuel
(40% of 700 + 3,000 – 320 – 600 – 695) 834
Gross Profit (Contribution) (61,732)


(c) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-1
Contribution from Cattle and Milk 99,535
Contribution from Pigs 3,218
Contribution from Horses (61,732)
Profit on Model Farm Exhibition (24,000 – 15,000) 9,000
Less Expenses
Loss on Disposal 7,000
Loan interest (2,700 – 1,890) 810
Bank Charges 500
Net Profit 41,711

(d) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-1

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Land and Buildings 400,000 – 400,000
Equipment 200,000 9,000 191,000
600,000 9,000 591,000
Current Assets
Stock – Cattle 60,000
– Pigs 7,000
– Horses 18,000
– Diesel Fuel 600
Due from Creamery 6,500
Insurance Prepaid (4 months) 600
Deposit Account 40,000
Current Account 12,050
Financed by
Capital 1/1/-1 703,570
+ Net Profit 41,711
– Drawings (8,000 + 336 + 695 + 500) (9,531)
(e) Advice for the Galvins
The margin on cattle and milk is 47%, on pigs 4%, and there is a loss on horses. Depending on the acreage
devoted to each enterprise, it would appear that Galvin should specialise in cattle and milk and end the other
two enterprises. There may be expensive shut down costs involved. The farm’s liquidity situation is such that
the money that is presently tied up in current assets, especially stocks and cash, could be more profitably
utilised in fixed assets which would generate profits.

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Brian and Mary McArdle
(a) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 – Cattle and Milk

Sales – Cattle 43,000

– Milk (29,500 + 1,800) 31,300
Beef Premium 4,500
Drawings (600 + 2,100) 2,700
Closing Stock of Cattle 79,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 75,000
Purchases 29,000
Feedstuffs 9,000
Dairy Wages 5,300
Veterinary Fees (1,200 – 240) 960
Barley Fed to Cattle 1,900
Repairs to Milking Parlour 2,800
Haulage (70% of 5,800) 4,060
Depreciation – Machinery (70% of 3,000) 2,100
– Equipment (70% of 9,000) 6,300
Diesel Oil (70% of 200 + 1,800 – 500) 1,050
Gross Profit (Contribution) 23,030

Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-9 – Barley

Sales – Barley 19,000
– Straw 2,600
EU Barley Subsidies (1,300 + 1,200) 2,500
Barley fed to Cattle 1,900
Closing Stock 6,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 7,000
Seeds 900
Pesticides 3,000
Crop Spraying 2,000
Sowing and Harvesting Wages 5,600
Fertiliser (2,500 + 4,500 – 3,000) 4,000
Haulage (30% of 5,800) 1,740
Depreciation – Machinery (30% of 3,000) 900
– Equipment (30% of 9,000) 2,700
Diesel Oil (30% of 200 + 1,800 – 500) 450
Gross Profit (Contribution) 3,710

(b) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-9

Contribution from Cattle and Milk 23,030

Contribution from Barley 3,710
Conacre 1,800
Less Expenses
Insurance (700 – 140) 560
Light and Heat (1,300 – 260) 1,040
Loan Interest 2,000
Net Profit 24,940


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-9

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Farm Land and Buildings 450,000 – 450,000
Farm Machinery 55,000 28,000 27,000
Farm Equipment 45,000 26,000 19,000
550,000 54,000 496,000
Current Assets
Stock – Cattle 79,000
– Fertiliser 3,000
– Barley 6,000
– Diesel Oil 500
Debtors (1,900 + 1,800 + 1,200) 4,900
Cash 100
Current Liabilities
Creditors 16,400
Bank 1,700
Financed by
Capital (524,800 + 2,800) 527,600
+ Net Profit 24,940
– Drawings (2,800 + 600 + 2,100 + 240 + 140 + 260) (6,140)
ACC Loan 25,000
(d) Advice to the McArdle Family
The farm made a profit of €24,940 during the year. This represents a return on capital employed of just
under 5%. This would have to be compared with previous years and returns from similar enterprises. The per
acreage contribution of cattle and milk was €164.50 per acre (23,030/140) and the per acreage contribution
of barley was €61.83 per acre (3,710/60).
The return on the cattle and milk enterprise is superior to that on barley so a higher concentration on cattle
and milk is desirable but may not be possible due to suitability of land, milk quotas available etc.


The Lynch Family
(a) Statement of Capital on 1/1/-0
Assets Liabilities
Farm Land and Buildings 200,000 Creditors for Cattle 12,000
Farm Equipment 15,000
Farm Machinery 25,000
Due from Creamery 1,500
Stock of Cattle 29,000
Stock of Grain 4,000
Prize Bonds 5,000
Due from Meat Factory 9,500
Insurance Prepaid 320
Bank 3,500 Capital on 1/1/-0 280,820
292,280 292,820

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-0 – Cattle and Milk
Sales to Meat Factory (23,800 – 9,500 + 10,800) 25,100
Sales at Market 19,000
Sales of Milk (27,200 – 1,500 + 2,800) 28,500
Beef Premium 3,900
Drawings (1,000 + 3,000) 4,000
Closing Stock 32,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 29,000
Purchases (23,000 – 12,000 + 11,500) 22,500
Feedstuffs 11,100
Grain Fed to Cattle 1,900
Veterinary Fees (3,000 – 600) 2,400
Dairy Wages 11,700
General Farm Expenses (1/2 of 2,300) 1,150
Machinery Repairs (1/2 of 3,200) 1,600
Haulage (1/2 of 5,500) 2,750
Gross Profit (Contribution) 28,400

Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-0 – Grain Crops

Sales 15,300
Grain Subsidy 2,800
Grain fed to Cattle 1,900
Closing Stock 7,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 4,000
Seeds 2,900
Sowing and Harvesting 3,900
Pesticides 2,500
Crop Spraying 2,900
General Farm Expenses (1/2 of 2,300) 1,150
Machinery Repairs (1/2 of 3,200) 1,600
Haulage (1/2 of 5,500) 2,750
Gross Profit (Contribution) 5,300

(c) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-0

Contribution from Cattle and Milk 28,400

Contribution from Grain Crops 5,300
Conacre 3,500
Less Expenses
Insurance (320 + 2,040 – 340) 2,020
Water Rates (160 – 32) 128
Depreciation – Equipment (15,000 + 17,000 – 30,000) 2,000
– Machinery (25,000 – 21,000) 4,000
Net Profit 29,052


(d) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-0

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Farm Land and Buildings 200,000 – 200,000
Farm Equipment 32,000 2,000 30,000
Farm Machinery 25,000 4,000 21,000
257,000 6,000 251,000
Prize Bonds 5,000
Current Assets
Stock – Cattle 32,000
– Grain 7,000
Debtors – Creamery 2,800
– Meat Factory 10,800
Bank 1,800
Insurance Prepaid (two months) 340
Current Liabilities
Creditors for Cattle (11,500)
Financed by
Capital 1/1/-0 280,820
+ Net Profit 29,052
– Drawings (6,000 + 1,000 + 3,000 + 600 + 32) 10,632

The McGimpsey Family
(a) Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 – Cattle and Milk

Sales – Cows 190,000

– Calves 45,000
– Milk (118,000 + 5,000) 123,000
Beef Premium 4,000
Drawings (2,200 + 800) 3,000
Closing Stock of Cattle 102,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock of Cattle 98,000
Purchases 140,000
Feedstuffs 11,000
Dairy Wages (24,000 + 1,000) 25,000
Repairs to Milking Parlour 1,500
Veterinary Fees (7,000 + 300) ÷ 2 3,650
Haulage (5,000 + 2,500) ÷ 3 2,500
Cattle Pen Repairs 3,000
Gross Profit (Contribution) 182,350

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Enterprise Analysis Account for the year ended 31/12/-8 – Sheep

Sales – Sheep 124,000

– Wool 3,000
Ewe Premium 5,000
Drawings 1,900
Closing Stock 33,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 37,000
Purchases 101,000
Feedstuffs 3,000
Sheep Dip Expenses 700
Sheep Shearing 700
Veterinary Fees (7,000 + 300) ÷ 2 3,650
Haulage (5,000 + 2,500) 2,500
Gross Profit (Contribution) 18,350

Enterprise Analysis Account – Grain Crops

Sales – Grain 21,000

Closing Stock 18,000
Less Expenses
Opening Stock 10,000
Pesticides (1,500 + 4,000 – 2,000) 3,500
Purchases of Seeds 9,000
Repairs to Harvester 1,200
Sowing Wages 5,000
Harvesting Wages 7,000
Crop Spraying 2,000
Haulage (5,000 + 2,500) ÷ 3 2,500
Gross Profit (Contribution) (1,200)
(b) General Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31/12/-8

Contribution from Cattle and Milk 182,350

Contribution from Sheep 18,350
Contribution from Grain Crops (1,200)
Conacre 12,000
Rent of Land for Annual Ploughing Championships 39,000
Less Expenses
Diesel Oil (2,000 + 5,000 – 1,800 – 1,300) 3,900
Light and Heat (4,000 + 200 – 1,050) 3,150
General Wages (40,000 – 10,000) 30,000
Depreciation – Farm Machinery 27,000
– Farm Equipment 14,000
– Tractors 13,500
Bank Interest 1,000
Accountancy Fees 3,000
Net Profit 154,950


(c) Balance Sheet as at 31/12/-8

Cost Depr Value
Fixed Assets
Farm Land and Buildings 450,000 – 450,000
Farm Machinery 120,000 57,000 63,000
Farm Equipment 70,000 44,000 36,000
Tractors 90,000 43,500 46,500
730,000 144,500 585,500
Current Assets
Stock – Pesticides 2,000
– Diesel Oil 1,800
– Cattle 102,000
– Sheep 33,000
– Grain 18,000
Debtors (27,100 + 5,000) 32,100
Cash 500
Less Current Liabilities
Creditors 35,000
Bank 3,000
Dairy Wages Due 1,000
Haulage Due 2,500
ESB Bill Due 200
Vet Fees Due 300
Financed by
Capital 600,000
+ Net Profit 154,950
– Drawings (4,800 + 2,200 + 1,900 + 800 + 1,300 + 1,050 + 10,000) (22,050)

Tabular Statements: Solutions

Lassiter Ltd
1/1/-4 Jan Feb Mar Apr June July Aug 31/12/-4
Buildings 120,000 20,000 140,000
Machinery 25,000 5,000 30,000
Stock 35,000 (10,000) 8,000 33,000
Debtors 21,000 (1,000) 12,000 32,000
Bills Receivable 10,000 10,000
211,000 – – (1,000) 20,000 2,000 8,000 5,000 245,000
Share Capital 130,000 70,000 200,000
General Reserve 20,000 20,000
Profit and Loss Account 38,000 100 (700) 2,000 (3,000) 36,400
Creditors 18,000 (1,100) 8,000 24,900
Bank Overdraft 5,000 1,000 (70,000) (300) 8,000 (56,300)
TSB Loan 20,000 20,000
211,000 – – (1,000) 20,000 2,000 8,000 5,000 245,000

Mitchell Ltd
1/1/-5 Jan Feb Mar May July Oct Dec 31/12/-5
Buildings 60,000 40,000 100,000
Equipment 40,000 6,000 46,000
Motor Vans 20,000 20,000
Stock 44,000 (8,000) 1,000 37,000
Debtors 21,000 (3,000) 4,800 (1,200) 21,600
Bills Receivable 8,000 8,000
193,000 – – (3,000) (3,200) 6,000 40,000 (200) 232,600
Share Capital 150,000 50,000 200,000
Share Premium 10,000 10,000 20,000
Profit and Loss 12,000 300 (1,800) 1,600 (2,000) (200) 9,900
Creditors 17,500 (2,800) 14,700
Bank Overdraft 3,500 (60,000) 2,500 (1,200) (4,800) 8,000 (52,000)
Revaluation Reserve 40,000 40,000
193,000 – – (3,000) (3,200) 6,000 40,000 (200) 232,600



Quantum Ltd
1/1/-6 Jan Feb March April May June1 July Aug Oct Dec 31/12/-6
Buildings 110,000 60,000 170,000
Equipment 60,000 9,000 69,000
Stock 62,000 (12,000) 300 4,500 (800) 54,000
Debtors 27,000 14,400 (360) 1,200 42,240
Insurance Prepaid 300 60 360
259,300 60,000 2,400 (60) – 1,200 60 – 4,500 (800) 9,000 335,600
Share Capital 170,000 15,000 185,000
Share Premium 34,000 5,000 39,000
Profit and Loss Account 21,000 2,400 (60) 2,000 (1,380) 200 (80) 2,000 26,080
Creditors 29,000 4,500 (720) 32,780
Bank Overdraft 3,300 (20,000) (800) 1,440 1,800 7,000 (7,260)
Bills Payable 2,000 (2,000) –
Revaluation Reserve 60,000 60,000
259,300 60,000 2,400 (60) – 1,200 60 – 4,500 (800) 9,000 335,600

Notes (1) June – A payment of €1,440 annual premium brings insurance prepaid to 31/3/-7. Thus 3 months at
€120 per month = €360 prepaid.


Jones Ltd
1/1/-7 Jan Feb March April May June August Sept. Dec. 31/12/-7
Land and Buildings 260,000 260,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (20,000) (6,000) (26,000)
Motor Vehicles 90,000 50,000 140,000
– Accumulated Depr. (30,000) (28,000) (58,000)
Goodwill 40,000 5,000 45,000
Stock 50,000 12,000 4,900 (7,200) 688 60,388
Debtors 41,000 20,000 (2,000) 9,000 (774) 67,226
Insurance Prepaid 220 40 260
431,220 87,000 40 – – (2,000) 4,900 1,800 (86) (34,000) 488,874
Share Capital 250,000 50,000 300,000
General Reserve 50,000 50,000
Share Premium 50,000 15,000 65,000
Profit and Loss Account 28,220 (1,520) 13,800 (15,000) (1,200) 1,800 (86) (34,000) (7,986)
Creditors 35,000 22,000 4,900 61,900
Bank Overdraft 15,000 1,560 (14,400) 15,000 (800) 16,360
Rent Rec. Prepaid 3,000 600 3,600
431,220 87,000 40 – – (2,000) 4,900 1,800 (86) (34,000) 488,874

Leaving Certificate Accounting


1/1/-8 January May August Sept Dec 31/12/-8
Buildings 180,000 40,000 220,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (20,000) (5,000) (25,000)
Plant and Machinery 90,000 30,000 120,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (30,000) (4,000) (34,000)
Motors 50,000 (5,000) 45,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (10,000) 7,000 (3,000) (6,000)
Stock 28,000 16,000 (20,000) 34,000
Debtors 32,000 30,000 62,000
– Bad Debts Provision (2,000) 1,000 (1,000)
Bank 4,000 (800) (5,000) (1,800)
Insurance Prepaid 1,050 150 1,200
Goodwill 14,000 14,000
323,050 100,000 (650) (3,000) 10,000 (11,000) 418,400
Share Capital 200,000 80,000 280,000
General Reserve 60,000 60,000
Profit and Loss Account 34,200 (1,150) (3,000) 4,000 (11,000) 23,050
Creditors 25,000 25,000
VAT 3,850 6,000 9,850
Share Premium 20,000 20,000
Rent Receivable Prepaid 500 500
323,050 100,000 (650) (3,000) 10,000 (11,000) 418,400


Westward Ltd
1/1/-9 Jan Feb March May June July Dec 31/12/-9
Land and Buildings 300,000 100,000 80,000 480,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (20,000) 20,000 (7,600) (7,600)
Motor Vans 90,000 10,000 (20,000) 80,000
– Accumulated Depreciation (30,000) 11,000 (16,000) (35,000)
Stock 72,000 10,000 (3,000) 79,000
Debtors 40,000 (3,200) 36,800
– Bad Debts Provision (2,000) 160 (1,840)
Insurance Prepaid 360 30 390
Goodwill 10,000 10,000
Equipment 40,000 40,000
450,360 120,000 150,000 (3,000) (3,170) – (9,000) (23,440) 681,750
Share Capital 250,000 100,000 350,000
General Reserve 50,000 50,000
Share Premium 50,000 25,000 75,000
Profit and Loss Account 72,000 (300) (1,730) 300 2,000 (23,440) 48,830
Creditors 25,000 25,000 (2,700) (3,100) 44,200
Bank 1,360 (1,440) 2,800 (11,000) (8,280)
Bills Payable 2,000 2,000
Revaluation Reserve 120,000 120,000
450,360 120,000 150,000 (3,000) (3,170) – (9,000) (23,440) 681,750


Flagpole Ltd
1/1/-0 Jan. Feb. March April June Sept Dec 31/12/-0
Land and Buildings 200,000 100,000 300,000
– Accumulated Depr. (10,000) 10,000 (3,600) (3,600)
Motor Vans 50,000 (15,000) 35,000
– Accumulated Depr. (20,000) 8,000 (7,000) (19,000)
Goodwill 16,000 16,000
10% Investments 20,000 20,000
Stock 35,000 5,000 (7,500) (300) 32,200
Debtors 30,000 9,900 39,900
Bank 6,000 8,100 6,000 20,100
Investment Income Due 500 500
Bad Debts Provision (1,995) (1,995)
327,000 5,000 2,400 (300) 8,600 110,000 (1,000) (12,595) 439,105
Share Capital 200,000 200,000
Share Premium 50,000 50,000
Profit and Loss Account 45,000 1,500 (33) 8,400 (1,000) (12,595) 41,272
Creditors 27,000 5,500 (297) 32,203
VAT 3,000 (500) 900 30 3,430
Rent Receivable Prepaid 2,000 200 2,200
Revaluation Reserve 110,000 110,000
327,000 5,000 2,400 (300) 8,600 110,000 (1,000) (12,595) 439,105

Introduction to Management
Accounting: Solutions

(i) Management (ii) Financial (iii) Management

(iv) Financial (v) Financial (vi) Management
(vii) Financial (viii) Financial (ix) Management
(x) Management (xi) Financial (xii) Management
(xiii) Financial (xiv) Financial

See textbook page 384.

See textbook page 385.

Cost Classification: Solutions

Tabula Ltd
Manufacturing Costs Non-Manufacturing Costs
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
(i)(iv)(v)(vi)(ix)(x) (ii)(iii)(vii)(viii)

Goona Ltd
Direct Costs of Production Indirect Costs of Production
-------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------
(i)(iii)(iv)(viii)(ix) (ii)(v)(vi)(vii)(x)

Finneogue Ltd
Fixed Costs Variable Costs Mixed Costs
-------------------------- --------------------------------- ----------------------------
(ii)(iii)(vii)(ix) (i)(iv)(v)(x) (vi)(vii)

Situation Graph Number
(a) 5
(b) 1
(c) 4
(d) 3
(e) 2

Odeplex Cinema Ltd
Step 1:
Customers Costs
High 51,000 €91,500
Low 16,000 €39,000
Difference 35,000 €52,500
Variable Cost = €52,500
Step 2: Variable cost per unit = €52,500/35,000 = €1.50 per customer
Step 3:
High Low
Total Cost €91,500 €39,000
– Variable cost €76,500(51,000 x €1.50) €24,000 (16,000 x €1.50)
= Fixed cost €15,000 €15,000
Step 4: At 54,000 customers, maintenance costs will be €15,000 fixed plus €81,000 (54,000 x €1.50) = €96,000


Pelo Car Sales Ltd
Step 1:
Sales Costs
High €730,000 €85,000
Low €510,000 €63,000
Difference €220,000 €22,000
Variable Cost = €22,000
Step 2: Variable cost per unit = €22,000/€220,000 = 10%
Step 3:
High Low
Total Cost €85,000 €63,000
– Variable cost €73,000 (10% of €730,000) €51,000 (10% of €510,000)
= Fixed cost €12,000 €12,000
Step 4: At sales of €680,000, salesforce earnings will be €12,000 fixed plus €68,000 (10% of €680,000) =

Wringo Ltd
Step 1:
Spools of wire produced Costs
High 13,000 €34,890
Low 10,000 €29,550
Difference 3,000 €5,340
Variable Cost = €5,340
Step 2: Variable cost per unit = €5,340/€3,000 = €1.78
Step 3:
High Low
Total Cost €34,890 €29,550
– Variable cost €23,140 (13,000 x 1.78) €17,800 (10,000 x 1.78)
= Fixed cost €11,750 €11,750
Step 4: At production of 16,000 spools of wire, production overheads will be €11,750 fixed + €28,480 (16,000 x
€1,78) = €40,230.

Avora Ltd
Controllable by the Marketing Manager Uncontrollable by the Marketing Manager
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(i)(ii)(iii)(v)(vi)(viii)(ix)(x) (iv)(vii)

Bawbogue Ltd

Product Cost Period Cost

---------------------------------------- ---------------------------
(i)(iii)(v)(vi)(vii)(ix)(x) (i)(iv)(viii)

Product Costing: Solutions

Alpha Ltd
Overhead Analysis Sheet
Overhead Basis of Total Machining Assembly Polishing
Supervisors’ Salaries Number of Employees 42,000 7,000 21,000 14,000
Rent and Rates Floor Space 7,000 3,500 1,750 1,750
Light and Heat Floor Space 21,000 10,500 5,250 5,250
Equipment Insurance Book Value 2,500 1,000 1,000 500
Equipment Depreciation Book Value 10,000 4,000 4,000 2,000
Buildings Depreciation Book Value 7,000 3,000 2,000 2,000
Buildings Insurance Book Value 14,000 6,000 4,000 4,000
Canteen Costs Number of Employees 15,000 2,500 7,500 5,000
118,500 37,500 46,500 34,500

Beta Ltd
Overhead Analysis Sheet
Overhead Basis of Total Casting Polishing Administration Maintenance
Rent and Rates Floor Space 2,520 1,260 840 210 210
Light and Heat Floor Space 12,000 6,000 4,000 1,000 1,000
Machinery Insurance Book Value 18,000 9,600 8,400 – –
Canteen Costs No. of Employees 50,000 22,500 18,750 3,750 5,000
Buildings Depr. Book Value 4,000 1,400 1,700 500 400
Machinery Power Machine Hours 33,600 25,200 8,400 – –
Supervisors’ Salaries No. of Employees 104,000 46,800 39,000 7,800 10,400
Machine Depr. Book Value 13,500 7,200 6,300 – –
237,620 119,960 87,390 13,260 17,010
Reapportion. Admin. Machine Hours 9,945 3,315 (13,260)
Reapportion. Maint. Machine Hours 12,758 4,252 (17,010)
237,620 142,663 94,957


Gamma Ltd
(a) Overhead Analysis Sheet
Overhead Basis of Total Dept A Dept B Dept C
Supervisors’ Salaries Direct Wages 60,000 32,000 8,000 20,000
Rent and Rates Floor Space 12,000 7,200 2,400 2,400
Repairs to Building Book Value 3,150 1,350 900 900
Canteen Costs Number of employees 4,000 1,600 1,600 800
Materials Handling Direct Materials 7,000 2,800 2,800 1,400
Equipment Depreciation Book Value 4,000 1,500 1,300 1,200
Machinery Maintenance Machine Hours 9,800 1,960 5,880 1,960
Machinery Insurance Machine Hours 2,600 520 1,560 520
Buildings Insurance Book Value 4,900 2,100 1,400 1,400
Light and Heat Floor Space 8,000 4,800 1,600 1,600
Administration Costs Number of employees 15,000 6,000 6,000 3,000
130,450 61,830 33,440 35,180

(b) Overhead Absorption Rates

(i) Department A
Total Department Overheads 61,830 61,830
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------- = --------------- = € 3.86 per labour hour
Department Labour Hours 80,000/5 16,000
(ii) Department B
Total Department Overheads 33,440
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------ = €0.28 per machine hour
Department Machine Hours 120,000
(iii) Department C
Total Department Overheads 35,180 35,180
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------- = --------------- = €3.52 per labour hour
Department Labour Hours 50,000/5 10,000
Cost of Production of Job No. 73X (€).
Direct Materials 20,000
Direct Wages 1,750
Department A – 200 x €3.86 772
Department B – 4,000 x €0.28 1,120
Department C – 150 x €3.52 528
Cost of Production 24,170

Delta Ltd
(a) Overhead Absorption Rates
Department 1
Total Department Overheads 17,000
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------- = €0.85 per labour hour
Department Labour Hours 20,000
Department 2
Total Department Overheads 52,000
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €0.13 per machine hour
Department Machine Hours 400,000
Department 3
Total Department Overheads 108,000
= --------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €0.27 per machine hour
Department Machine Hours 400,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Department 4
Total Department Overheads 13,560
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------- = €1.13 per labour hour
Department Labour Hours 12,000
(b) Selling Price of Job No. 1974
Raw Materials – 3,000 kgs at €3.90 per Kg. = 11,700
Direct Wages
Dept 1 – 400 hours at €5 = 2,000
Dept 2 – 100 hours at €6 = 600
Dept 3 – 90 hours at €5 = 450
Dept 4 – 200 hours at €8 = 1,600
Dept 1 – 400 hours at €0.85 = 340
Dept 2 – 4,000 hours at €0.13 = 520
Dept 3 – 3,500 hours at €0.27 = 945
Dept 4 – 200 hours at €1.13 = 226
Cost of Production (75%) 18,381
Expected Profit (25%) 6,127
Selling Price (100%) 24,508

Epsilon Ltd
(a) Overhead Absorption Rates
(i) Cutting Department
Budgeted Overhead 27,000
= ------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €0.15 per machine hour
Budgeted Machine Hours 180,000
(ii) Assembly Department
Budgeted Overhead 84,000
= --------------------------------------------------------- = ---------------- = €1.20 per labour hour
Budgeted Labour Hours 70,000
(iii) Finishing Department
Budgeted Overhead 105,600
= --------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €1.32 per labour hour
Budgeted Labour Hours 80,000

(b) Under/over-absorption of Overheads

Cutting Assembly Finishing Total
Actual Overhead 30,000 86,000 106,000 222,000
Absorbed Overhead 28,500 (i) 87,600 (ii) 104,280 (iii) 220,380
(Under)/Over Absorbed (1,500) 1,600 (1,720) (1,620)

Notes: Absorbed overheads = actual hours at predetermined rates

(i) Cutting Department
190,000 machine hours at €0.15 = €28,500
(ii) Assembly Department
73,000 labour hours at €1.20 = €87,600
(iii) Finishing Department
79,000 labour hours at €1.32 = €104,280


Zeta Ltd
(a) Overhead Absorption Rates
(i) Department A
Fixed Variable
Overheads 126,000 146,250
= ------------------------------------ ------------------ ------------------
Machine Hours 45,000 45,000
= €2.80 = €3.25
(ii) Department B
Fixed Variable
Overheads 50,000 116,800
= ------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------
Machine Hours 40,000 40,000
= €1.25 = €2.92
(iii) Department C
Fixed Variable
Overheads 17,000 57,400
= -------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------
Labour Hours 20,000 20,000
= €0.85 = €2.87
(b) Selling price of Job No. 219
Raw Materials – 18,000 metres at €1.40 per metre = 25,200

Direct Wages
Dept A – 200 hours at €18 per hour = 3,600
Dept B – 100 hours at €16 per hour = 1,600
Dept C – 500 hours at €14 per hour = 7,000
Variable Overheads
Dept A – 900 hours at €3.25 = 2,925
Dept B – 700 hours at €2.92 = 2,044
Dept C – 500 hours at €2.87 = 1,435
Fixed Overheads
Dept A – 900 hours at €2.80 = 2,520
Dept B – 700 hours at €1.25 = 875
Dept C – 500 hours at €0.85 = 425
Cost of Production (80%) 47,624
Expected Profit (20%) 11,906
Selling Price (100%) 59,530

(c) See textbook page 393.


(a) Overhead Absorption Rates
Design Department
Fixed Variable
Overheads 1,100 1,280
= ---------------------------------- ------------- -------------
Labour Hours 400 400
= €2.75 = €3.20

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Machine Shop
Fixed Variable
Overheads 950 1,050
= ------------------------------------ -------- ------------
Machine Hours 500 500
= €1.90 = €2.10
Finishing Department
Fixed Variable
Overheads 2,800 6,720
= -------------------------------- ------------ ------------
Labour Hours 1,600 1,600
= €1.75 = €4.20

(b) General Administration Overhead Absorption Rate

Overhead 2,268
----------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------ = €1.05
Total Budgeted Labour Hours 2,160

(c) Selling price of Job No. 77R

Raw Materials – 5,200 sq. m at €0.17 per sq. m. = 884.00

Direct Wages
Design Department – 10 hours at €10= 100.00
Machine Shop – 8 hours at €8 = 64.00
Finishing Department – 24 hours at €7 = 189.00
Variable Overheads
Design Department – 10 hours at €3.20 = 32.00
Machine Shop – 20 hours at €2.10 = 42.00
Finishing Department – 24 hours at €4.20 = 100.80
Fixed Overheads
Design Department – 10 hours at €2.75 = 27.50
Machine Shop – 20 hours at €1.90 = 38.00
Finishing Department – 24 hours at €1.75 = 42.00
General Administration Overhead
42 hours at €1.05 = 44.10
Cost of Production (80%) 1,563.40
Expected Profit (20%) 390.85
Selling Price (100%) 1,954.25


Theta Ltd
(a) Overhead Analysis Sheet
Overhead Basis of Total Machining Assembly Finishing
Supervisors’ Salaries Direct labour 104,500 25,080 37,620 41,800
Machinery Maintenance Machine hours 15,400 11,550 2,310 1,540
General Administration Number of Employees 18,000 4,320 6,480 7,200
Materials Handling Direct Materials 30,000 20,000 6,000 4,000
Canteen Costs Number of Employees 27,000 6,480 9,720 10,800
Plant Insurance Plant Valuation 6,400 3,600 2,400 400
Plant Depreciation Plant Valuation 8,000 4,500 3,000 500
Light and Heat Floor Space 18,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Rent and Rates Floor Space 24,000 8,000 8,000 8,000
Employee Benefits Number of Employees 12,000 2,880 4,320 4,800
Power and Steam Kilowatt Hours 50,000 34,000 12,000 4,000
313,300 126,410 97,850 89,040


(b) Overhead Absorption Rates

(i) Machining Department
Total Overheads 126,410
= --------------------------------------- = ------------------- = €0.84 per machine hour
Machine Hours 150,000
(ii) Assembly Department
Total Overheads 97,850
= --------------------------------------- = ------------------------------ = €2.72 per labour hour
Labour Hours 342,000/9.50
(iii) Finishing Department
Total Overheads 89,040
= --------------------------------------- = ------------------------------ = €2.23 per labour hour
Labour Hours 380,000/9.50

(c) Selling Price of Job No. 819Z

Direct Materials – (70,000 + 23,000 + 5,000) = 98,000
Direct Labour (6,650 + 21,850 + 38,000) = 66,500
Machining Department – 5,000 x €0.84 = 4,200
Assembly Department – 2,300 x €2.72 = 6,256
Finishing Department – 4,000 x €2.23 = 8,920

Cost of Production (80%) 183,876

Expected Profit (20%) 45,969
Selling Price (100%) 229,845


Iota Ltd
(a) Overhead Analysis Sheet
Overhead Basis of Apportionment Total Production Departments Service Departments
1 2 1 2
Machinery Insurance Valuation 13,300 7,000 6,300 – –
Machinery Depreciation Valuation 5,890 3,100 2,790 – –
Administration No. of Employees 19,000 6,080 3,800 3,800 5,320
Supervision No. of Employees 50,000 16,000 10,000 10,000 14,000
Rent and Rates Floor Space 7,800 2,600 1,950 1,950 1,300
Light and Heat Floor Space 6,960 2,320 1,740 1,740 1,160
Canteen No. of Employees 30,000 9,600 6,000 6,000 8,400
Materials Handling Direct Materials 8,890 6,350 2,540 – –
General Repairs Floor Space 4,200 1,400 1,050 1,050 700
Buildings Insurance Floor Space 6,480 2,160 1,620 1,620 1,080
152,520 56,610 37,790 26,160 31,960
Reapportion Machine Hours 17,440 8,720 (26,160)
Reapportion Machine Hours 21,307 10,653 (31,960)
152,520 95,357 57,163

(b) Overhead Absorption Rates

(i) Production Department 1
Total Overheads 95,357
= --------------------------------------- = ------------------ = € 0.24 per machine hour
Machine Hours 400,000
(ii) Production Department 2
Total Overheads 57,163
= --------------------------------------- = ------------------- = € 0.29 per machine hour
Machine Hours 200,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(c) Selling price of Product No. 23–194

Prime Cost 16.90
Production Department 1 – 13 x €0.24 = 3.12
Production Department 2 – 18 x €0.29 = 5.22

Cost of Production (80%) 25.24

Expected Profit (20%) 6.31
(100%) 31.55
(d) Under/over-absorption of Overheads
Actual overheads 8.32 per unit
Overheads absorbed (14 x 0.24 + 17 x 0.29) = 8.29 per unit
Under absorption (0.03) per unit


Kappa Ltd
(a) High/Low method – Budgeted Overheads
Output Dept A Dept B Dept C
High 15,000 38,750 30,000 20,750
Low 9,000 25,250 19,200 13,250
Difference 6,000 13,500 10,800 7,500
13,500 10,800 7,500
Variable Cost per unit --------------- --------------- ------------
6,000 6,000 6,000
= 2.25 1.80 1.25
Fixed Costs (Total costs – Variable costs) 5,000 3,000 2,000
(b) High/Low Method – Actual Overheads
Output Dept A Dept B Dept C
High 15,000 36,500 31,500 19,250
Low 9,000 23,900 20,100 12,350
Difference 6,000 12,600 11,400 6,900
12,600 11,400 6,900
Variable Cost per unit --------------- --------------- ------------
6,000 6,000 6,000
= 2.10 1.90 1.15
Fixed Costs (Total costs – variable costs) 5,000 3,000 2,000

(c) Under/over-absorption of Variable Overheads for the First Six Months

Dept A Dept B Dept C Total
Actual 147,000 133,000 80,500 360,500
Budgeted 157,500 126,000 87,500 371,000
(Under)/Over Absorbed 10,500 (7,000) 7,000 10,500


Lambda Ltd
(a) Overhead Absorption Rates
(i) Design Department
Fixed Variable
Total Budgeted Overheads 12,000 30,000
= ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----------------
Direct Labour Hours 6,000 6,000
= €2 per hour = €5 per hour
(ii) Machining Department
Fixed Variable
Total Budgeted Overheads 60,000 75,000
= ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
Machine Hours 10,000 10,000
= €6 per hour = €7.50 per hour


(iii) Finishing Department

Fixed Variable
Total Budgeted Overheads 10,000 50,000
= ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------
Direct Labour Hours 8,000 8,000
= €1.25 per hour = €6.25 per hour

(b) Selling price of Job No. 731/T

Direct Materials
Machining Department – 3,800 metres at €25 (640,000/25,600) = 95,000
Finishing Department – 650 metres at €20 (110,000/5,500) = 13,000

Direct Labour
Design Department – 60 hours at €20 (120,000/6,000)= 1,200
Machining Department – 15 hours at €8 (20,000/2,500)= 120
Finishing Department – 12 hours at €5 (40,000/8,000) = 60
Variable Overheads
Design Department – 60 hours at €5 = 300
Machining Department – 150 hours at €7.50 = 1,125
Finishing Department – 12 hours at €6.25 = 75
Fixed Overheads
Design Department – 60 hours at €2 = 120
Machining Department – 150 hours at €6 = 900
Finishing Department – 12 hours at €1.25 = 15
Cost of Production (90%) 111,915
Expected Profit (10%) 12,435
Selling Price (100%) 124,350
(c) Actual selling price 121,241.25 (124,350 – 21/2%)
Actual cost of production 117,510.75 (111,915 + 5%)
Actual Profit 3,730.50


Mu Ltd

(a) Stores Ledger Card

Date Receipts Issued to Production Balance
Quantity Price Value Quantity Price Value Quantity Value
July 1 100 115.00
July 1 150 1.18 177.00 250 292.00
July 4 120 Note 1 138.60 130 153.40
July 9 300 1.21 363.00 430 516.40
July 15 225 Note 2 268.35 205 248.05
July 21 110 1.25 137.50 315 385.55
July 22 210 Note 3 254.30 105 131.25
July 27 300 1.27 381.00 405 512.25
July 29 70 Note 4 87.50 335 424.75
July 31 50 1.26 63.00 385 487.75
Note 1 Note 2
100 at 1.15 = 115.00 130 at 1.18 = 153.40
20 at 1.18 = 23.60 95 at 1.21 = 114.95
138.60 268.35

Note 3 Note 4
205 at 1.21 = 248.05 70 at 1.25 = 87.50
5 at 1.25 = 6.25

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Closing Stock Valuation at 31 July

35 at 1.25 = 43.75
300 at 1.27 = 381.00
50 at 1.26 = 63.00


Nu Ltd
(i) Credit Sales for the year (€) (ii) Credit purchases for the year (€)
50 at €28 = 1,400 200 at €20 = 4,000
300 at €30 = 9,000 500 at €22 = 11,000
180 at €40 = 7,200 400 at €22 = 8,800
600 at €45 = 27,000 500 at €24 = 12,000
44,600 35,800
Add V.A.T. at 10% 4,460 Add VAT at 10% 3,850
Sales to Debtors 49,060 Purch. From Creds. 39,650

(a) Debtors Control Account

Balance b/d 5,600 Bank 49,860
Sales 49,060 Balance c/d 4,800
54,660 54,660
Balance b/d 4,800

Creditors Control Account

Bank 38,580 Balance b/d 3,400
Balance c/d 4,200 Purchases 39,380
42,780 42,780
Balance b/d 4,200

(b) Stores Ledger Card

Date Receipts Issues Balance
Units Value Units Value Units Value
(€) (€) (€)
1/1/-1 55 990
15/1/-1 200 4,000 155 4,990
8/2/-1 50 900 205 4,090
7/3/-1 500 11,000 705 15,090
22/4/-1 20 390 685 14,700
1/5/-1 300 6,230 385 8,470
21/6/-1 400 8,800 785 17,270
20/7/-1 180 3,960 605 13,310
11/8/-1 40 880 565 12,430
1/9-1 100 2,200 465 10,230
12/10/-1 500 12,000 965 22,230
19/11/-1 600 13,470 365 8,760
8/2/-1 – (50 x 18) = 900
22/4/-1 – (5 x 18 + 15 x 20) = 390
1/5/-1 – (185 x 20 +115 x 22) = 6,230
20/7/-1 – (180 x 22) = 3,960
11/8/-1 – (40 x 22) = 880
1/9/-1 – (100 x 22) = 2,200
19/11/-1 – (65 x 22 + 400 x 22 + 135 x 24) = 13,470


Cash sales for the year (€)

20 at £28 = 560
40 at £28 = 1,120
100 at £30 = 3,000
100 at £40 = 4,000
Total 8,680
VAT at 10% 868
Cash Sales 9,548

(c) Trading Account for the year ended 31/12/-1 (€)

Sales – Credit 44,600
– Cash 8,680
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 990
+ Purchases 35,800
– Closing Stock 6,360
Gross Profit 22,850

(d) VAT Account

Purchases 3,580 Sales on Credit 4,460
Bank 1,248 Sales for Cash 868
Balance c/d 500
5,328 5,328
Balance b/d 500

Cost Volume Profit Analysis
(Marginal Costing): Solutions

Soprano Ltd
(a) Sales price per Unit = €18
(b) Variable cost per Unit = €12.60
(c) Contribution per Unit = 18 – 12.60 = 5.40
(d) Break-even point
Fixed Costs 135,000
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 25,000 units x €18 = €450,000
CPU 5.40

Tenor Ltd
(a) Contribution per Unit
25 – 15 = 10
(b) Break-even point
Fixed Costs 275,000
= ------------------------- = ------------------ = 27,500 units × €25 = €687,500
CPU 10

(c) Marginal Costing Statement (33,000 units)

Sales (33,000 x 25) 825,000
– Variable Costs (33,000 x 15) 495,000
= Contribution 330,000
– Fixed Costs 275,000
= Profits 55,000

Alto Ltd
(a) Break-even Point in Sales Revenue
Fixed Costs 264,600 264,600 × 100
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = -------------------------------- = £630,000
C/S Ratio 42% 42
(b) Break-even Point in Units
630,000 ÷ 45 = 14,000 units
(c) Marginal Costing Statement at 14,000 units
Sales (14,000 x 45) 630,000
– Variable Costs (58%) 365,400
= Contribution (42%) 264,600
– Fixed Costs 264,600
= Profits Nil

(d) Marginal Costing Statement at 18,000 units

Sales (18,000 x 45) 810,000
– Variable Costs (58%) 469,800
= Contribution (42%) 340,200
– Fixed Costs 264,600
= Profits 75,600


Arco Ltd
(a) Contribution per Unit
= Sales price – Variable cost
= 62 – 39.06
= €22.94
(b) Break-even Point in Units
Fixed Costs 137,640
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 6,000 units
CPU 22.9 4
(c) Break-even Point in Sales Revenue
Fixed Costs 137,640 ˜
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = €372,000
C/S Ratio 37%
(d) Target Profit
Fixed Costs + Target Profit
= ------------------------------------------------------------
137,640 + 100,000
= ---------------------------------------- = 10,360 units
(e) Margin of Safety Percentage
Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Sales
10,000 – 6,000 × 100
= ----------------------------------------------- = 40%

(f) Marginal Costing Statement (i) 4,000 (ii) 6,000 (iii) 8,000 (iv) 20,000
Sales 248,000 372,000 496,000 1,240,000
– Variable Costs 156,240 234,360 312,480 781,200
= Contribution 91,760 137,940 183,520 458,800
– Fixed Costs 137,640 137,640 137,640 137,640
= Profits (Losses) (45,88) Nil 45,880 321,160

Tremolo Ltd
(a) C/S Ratio
Contribution × 100
= -------------------------------------------
Profit + Fixed Costs × 100 34,850 + 188,190
= ------------------------------------------------------------ = --------------------------------------- × 100 = 41%
Sales 544,000
(b) Break-even point in Sales Revenue
Fixed Costs 188,190
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = €459,000
C/S Ratio 41%
(c) Target Profit
Fixed Costs + Target Profit
= ------------------------------------------------------------
C/S Ratio
188,190 + 50,000
= -------------------------------------- = €580,951

(d) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales 750,000
– Variable Costs (59%) 442,500
= Contribution (41%) 307,500
– Fixed Costs 188,190
= Profits 119,310

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Sharp Ltd
(a) Contribution per Unit
= Sales price – Variable cost
= 8.20 – 5.33
= 2.87
(b) Break-even Point
Fixed Costs 48,790
= ------------------------
- = --------------- = 17,000 units x €8.20 = €139,400
(c) Margin of Safety Percentage
Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Sales
21,000 – 17,000 × 100
= --------------------------------------------------- = 19%
(d) Target Profit
Fixed Costs + Target Profit
= ------------------------------------------------------------
48,790 + 20,000
= ----------------------------------- = 23,969 units
(e) Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
((21,000 + 2,100) x 8.20) – ((21,000 + 2,100)) x 5.33) – (48,790 + 7,000) = Profits
189,420 – 123,123 – 55,790 = €10,507.
(f) Marginal Costing Statement
Sales (16,000 x 9) 144,000
– Variable Costs (16,000 x 5.33) 85,280
= Contribution 58,720
– Fixed Costs 48,790
= Profits 9,930


Crescendo Ltd
Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Direct Materials – 210,000
Direct Labour – 195,000
Factory Overheads 15,000 60,000
Administration 59,000 –
Distribution 52,500 52,500
Totals 126,500 517,500

Marginal Costing Statement at 15,000 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 690,000 46.00
– Variable Costs 517,500 34.50
= Contribution 172,500 11.50
– Fixed Costs 126,500
= Profits 46,000

(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 126,500
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 11,000 units
CPU 11.50


Margin of Safety Percentage

Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100
= --------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Sales
15,000 – 11,000 × 100
= --------------------------------------------------- = 27%
(b) Profit Target
Fixed Costs + Profit Target
= ------------------------------------------------------------
126,500 + 55,200
= --------------------------------------
= 15,800 units
(c) Let S = Sales Price
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
15,000 S – (15,000 x 34.50) – 139,150 = 46,000
15,000 S – 517,500 – 139,150 = 46,000
15,000 S = 702,650
S = €46.84
(d) Marginal Costing Statement at 18,750 units
Sales (18,750 x 41.40) 776,250
– Variable Costs (18,750 x 34.50) 646,875
= Contribution 129,375
– Fixed Costs 151,800
= Profits 22,425


Collegno Ltd
Note: Number of units omitted from question (6,500 units)

(a) Break-even Point = 4,000 units

Margin of Safety = 2,500 units (42%)
(b) See textbook page 418

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Forzato Ltd
Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Manufacturing 24,500 45,500
Selling and Distribution 2,000 38,000
Administration 4,500 500
Totals 31,000 84,000
Marginal Costing Statement at 3,000 units
Total Per Unit
Sales 135,000 45
– Variable Costs 84,000 28
= Contribution 51,000 17
– Fixed Costs 31,000
= Profits 20,000

(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 31,000
= ------------------------
- = --------------- = 1,824 units x €45 = €82,080
(b) Profit Target
Fixed Costs + Profit Target 31,000 + 30,000
= ------------------------------------------------------------ = ----------------------------------- = 3,589 units
CPU 17
(c) Let number of units = N
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
45N – 24N – 34,100 = 40,000
21N = 74,100
N = 3,529 Units
(d) Marginal Costing Statement at 3,450 units
Sales (3,450 x 40) 138,000
– Variable Costs (3,450 x 25) 86,250
= Contribution 51,750
– Fixed Costs (31,000 + 6,200) 37,200
= Profits 14,550

(e) See textbook page 418


Fortissimo Ltd
(a) Break-even Point in Sales Revenue
Fixed Costs 170,000
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = €377,778
C/S Ratio 45%
(b) Profit Target
Fixed Costs + Profit Target 170,000 + 45,000
= ------------------------------------------------------------ = -------------------------------------- = €477,778
C/S Ratio 45%
(c) Let x = Sales Revenue
170,000 + 11%x
------------------------------------ = x
45%x = 170,000 + 11%x
34%x = 170,000
x = €500,000
(d) Variable costs are 55% of sales.
A 5% increase brings variable costs up to 57.75% of sales and the C/S ratio down to 42.25%
Fixed Costs 161,500
Break-even Point in sales revenue = ------------------------- = ----------------- = €382,249
C/S Ratio 42.25%


Rubato Ltd
Cost Fixed Variable
Direct Materials – 441,000
Direct Labour 199,920
Production Overheads 99,270 136,920
Administration Expenses 118,250 –
Distribution Costs 28,000 94,500
Totals 245,520 872,340

Marginal Costing Statement at 2,100 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 1,302,000 620.00
– Variable Costs 872,340 415.40
= Contribution 429,660 204.60
– Fixed Costs 245,520
= Profits 184,140

(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 245,520
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 1,200 units
CPU 204.60
Margin of safety Percentage
Actual Sales – Breakeven Sales × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Actual Sales
2,100 – 1,200
= ----------------------------- = 43%
(b) Profit Target
Fixed Costs + Profit Target
= ------------------------------------------------------------
245,520 + 202,554
= ----------------------------------------
= 2,190 units
(c) Let N = number of units
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
620N – 415.40N – 245,520 = 0.15(620N)
204.60N – 245,520 = 93N
111.6N = 245,520
N = 2,200 units
(d) Let S = sales price
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
3,000S – (3,000 x 415.40) – 245,520 = 184,140
3,000S – 1,246,200 – 245,520 = 184,140
3,000S = 1,246,200 + 245,520 + 184,140
S = €558.62
(e) Let N = number of units
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
(N x (620 + 62)) – (N x 425) – 245,520 = 500,000
682N – 425N – 245,520 = 500,000
257N = 500,000 + 245,520 \ N = 2,901 units
Maximum Capacity = 3,000 units
∴ ------------ × 100 = 96.7% of capacity

Leaving Certificate Accounting


Harmonic Ltd
Cost Classification – Production Overheads
Output Costs
High 16,000 65,600
Low 13,000 58,100
Difference 3,000 7,500

Variable cost per unit = ------------ = €2.50
High Low
Total Cost 65,600 58,100
– Variable Cost 40,000 32,500
= Fixed Costs 25,600 25,600

Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Direct Materials – 162,000
Direct Labour – 99,000
Production Overheads 25,600 45,000
Administration Expenses 28,000 –
Distribution Costs 96,400 54,000
150,000 360,000

Marginal Costing Statement at 18,000 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 540,000 30
– Variable Costs 360,000 20
= Contribution 180,000 10
– Fixed Costs 150,000
= Profits 30,000

(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 150,000
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 15,000 units
CPU 10
Margin of Safety Percentage
Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100 18,000 – 15,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------------------- = 17%
Actual Sales 18,000
(b) Profit Target
Fixed Costs + Profit Target 150,000 + 36,000
= ------------------------------------------------------------ = -------------------------------------- = 18,600 units
CPU 10
(c) Let N = number of units
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
30N – 20N – 150,000 = 0.2(30N)
10N – 15,000 = 6N
4N = 150,000
N = 37,500 units

(d) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (19,800 x 27) 534,600
– Variable Costs (19,800 x 21) 415,800
= Contribution 118,800
– Fixed Costs 157,500
= Profits 61,300


(e) After-tax Profit

Fixed Costs + (Target Profit ÷ 1 – Tax Rate)
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
150,000 + (45,000 ÷ 90%)
= -----------------------------------------------------------
150,000 + 50,000
= --------------------------------------
= 20,000 units


Tralagh Ltd
Cost Classification – Indirect Costs
Output Costs
High 7,000 106,000
Low 4,000 88,000
Difference 3,000 18,000

Variable cost per unit= 18,000/3,000 = €6 per hour

High Low
Total Cost 106,000 88,000
– Variable Costs 42,000 24,000
= Fixed Costs 64,000 64,000
Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Direct Costs – 300,000
Indirect Costs 64,000 36,000
Administration Expenses 12,000 48,000
Distribution Costs 20,000 60,000
96,000 444,000

Marginal Costing Statement at 6,000 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 720,000 120
– Variable Costs 444,000 74
= Contribution 276,000 46
– Fixed Costs 96,000
= Profits 180,000
(a) Break-even Point
Fixed Costs 96,000
= ------------------------- = --------------- = 2,087 units
CPU 46
Margin of Safety Percentage
6,000 – 2,087 × 100
--------------------------------------------- = 65%

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(b) Break-even Chart

(c) Profit Target

Fixed Costs + Profit Target
= ------------------------------------------------------------
96,000 + 200,000 296,000
= -------------------------------------- = ----------------- = 6,998 units
46 – 3.70 42.30

(d) Marginal Costing Statement at 5,700 units

Sales (5,700 x 140) 798,000
– Variable Costs (5,700 x 81.40) 463,980
= Contribution 334,020
– Fixed Costs (96,000 + 19,200) 115,200

(e) After-tax Profit Target

Fixed Costs + (Target Profit ÷ 1 – Tax Rate)
= -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
96,000 + (180,000 ÷ 90%)
= -----------------------------------------------------------
46 + 3
96,000 + 200,000
= --------------------------------------
= 6,041 units
(f) A constant product mix is only a valid assumption in the short term, i.e. over a very small range of output.
Most firms would vary their product mix to maximize the firm’s profits in varying market circumstances.


Ponticello Ltd
Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Manufacturing 32,564 289,560
Non-Manufacturing 42,654 36,040
Total 75,218 325,600

Marginal Costing Statement at 800 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 440,000 550
– Variable Costs 325,600 407
= Contribution 114,400 143
– Fixed Costs 75,218
= Profits 39,182


(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 75,218
= ------------------------- = --------------- = 526 units
CPU 143
Margin of Safety Percentage
Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100 800 – 526 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------- = ------------------------------------ = 34%
Actual Sales 800
(b) Let S = Sales Price
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
800S – (800 x 400) – 82,740 = 39,182
800S = 320,000 + 82,740 + 39,182
800S = 441,922
S = €552.40
(c) Let N = Number of units
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
550N – 407N – 75,218 = 0.15(550N)
143N – 75,218 = 82.5N
60.5N = 75,218
N = 1,244

(d) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (800 x 550) 440,000
– Variable Costs (800 x (407 – 20)) 309,600
= Contribution 130,400
– Fixed Costs (75,218 + 20,000) 95,218
= Profits 35,182

(e) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (880 x 525) 462,000
– Variable Costs (880 x (407 + 12)) 368,720
= Contribution 93,280
– Fixed Costs 75,218
= Profits 18,062


Pitch Ltd

Cost Classification
Cost Fixed Variable
Direct Materials – 240,000
Direct Labour – 160,000
Production Overheads 45,400 52,000
Administration Expenses 92,000 16,000
Distribution Costs 45,300 43,200
182,700 511,200

Marginal Costing Statement at 1,600 units

Total Per Unit
Sales 720,000 45.00
– Variable Costs 511,200 31.95
= Contribution 208,800 13.05
– Fixed Costs 182,700
= Profits 26,100

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(a) Break-even Point

Fixed Costs 182,700
= ------------------------- = ----------------- = 14,000 units
CPU 13.05
Margin of Safety Percentage
Actual Sales – B/E Sales × 100 16,000 – 14,000 × 100
= -------------------------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------------------- = 12.5%
Actual Sales 16,000
(b) Let S = Sales Price
Sales – Variable Costs – Fixed Costs = Profits
16,000S – (16,000 x 31.95) – 182,700 = 0.1(16,000S)
16,000S – 511,200 – 182,700 = 1,600S
14,400S = 693,900
S = €48.19

(c) Plan (A) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (19,200 x €42.75) 820,800
– Variable Costs (19,200 x €31.95) 613,440
= Contribution 207,360
– Fixed Costs 182,700
= Profits 24,660

Plan (B) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (18,400 x €45) 828,000
– Variable Costs (18,400 x €32.22) 592,848
= Contribution 235,152
– Fixed Costs 194,700
= Profits 40,452

Plan (C) Marginal Costing Statement

Sales (16,000 x €45) 720,000
– Variable Costs (16,000 x €26.95) 431,200
= Contribution 288,800
– Fixed Costs 202,700
= Profits 86,100 Optimum

Budgeting and
Budgetary Control: Solutions

Rocklom Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Super Excell
Budgeted Quantities 8,000 3,500
Expected Sales Price €20 €30
Budgeted Sales €160,000 €105,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Super Excell

Budgeted Sales 8,000 3,500
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 800 250
– Opening Stock (700) (300)
= Budgeted Production 8,100 units 3,450 units


Hiform Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Quantum Magnum
Budgeted Quantities 7,000 5,000
Expected Sales Price €15 €20
Budgeted Sales €105,000 €100,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Quantum Magnum

Budgeted Sales 7,000 5,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 1,000 500
– Opening Stock (900) (600)
= Budgeted Production 7,100 units 4,900 units

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget Material A Material B

Quantum (7,100 x 6) 42,600
(7,100 x 14) 99,400
Magnum (4,900 x 9) 44,100
(4,900 x 11) 53,900
Budgeted Materials Usage 86,700 kgs 153,300 kgs

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget Material A Material B

Budgeted Materials Usage 86,700 153,300
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 7,000 13,500
– Opening Stock (6,500) (11,000)
= Budgeted Materials Purchased (kgs) 87,200 155,800

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Inkprop Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Asterisk Comma
Budgeted Quantities 11,000 14,000
Expected Sales Price 120 130
Budgeted Sales €1,320,000 €1,820,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Asterisk Comma

Budgeted Sales 11,000 14,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 4,500 4,000
– Opening Stock (3,000) (5,500)
= Budgeted Production 12,500 units 12,500 units

(c) Direct Labour Budget Asterisk Comma

Budgeted Production 12,500 units 12,500 units
x Labour Hours per unit 4 hours 6 hours
= Budgeted Labour Hours 50,000 hours 75,000 hours
x Labour rate per hour €11 €11
= Budgeted Direct Labour Costs €550,000 €825,000

Fonplus Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Red Blue
Budgeted Quantities 4,500 3,000
Expected Sales Price €150 €180
Budgeted Sales €675,000 €540,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Red Blue

Budgeted Sales 4,500 3,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 750 800
– Opening Stock (1,000) (400)
= Budgeted Production 4,250 units 3,400 units

(c) Direct Labour Budget Dept. X Dept. Y

Red (4,250 x 7) 29,750 hours
(4,250 x 9) 38,250 hours
Blue (3,400 x 4) 13,600 hours
(3,400 x 12) 40,800 hours
Budgeted Labour Hours 43,350 hours 79,050 hours
x Labour rate per hour €9 €9
= Budgeted Direct Labour Costs €390,150 €790,500


Deprints Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Basic Deluxe
Budgeted Quantities 5,000 7,000
Expected Sales Price 150 200
Budgeted Sales €750,000 €1,400,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Basic Deluxe

Budgeted Sales 5,000 7,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 600 900
– Opening Stock (500) (7,000)
= Budgeted Production 5,100 units 7,200 units

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget Material C Material D

Basic (5,100 x 4) 20,400
(5,100 x 7) 35,700
Deluxe (7,200 x 6) 43,200
(7,200 x 6) 43,200
Budgeted Materials Usage 63,600 mtrs 78,900 mtrs

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget Material C Material D

Budgeted Materials Usage 60,300 78,900
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 12,000 14,500
– Opening Stock (10,000) (13,000)
= Budgeted Material Purchases 65,600 mtrs 80,400 mtrs
x Expected Prices €3 €5
= Budgeted Material Purchases (€) €196,800 €402,000

(e) Direct Labour Budget Basic Deluxe

Budgeted Production 5,100 units 7,200 units
x Labour Hours per unit 6 hours 10 hours
= Budgeted Labour Hours 30,600 hours 72,000 hours
x Labour Rate per hour €12 €12
= Budgeted Direct Labour Costs €367,200 €864,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Bankfort Ltd
Cash Budget
Receipts from Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Total
Debtors on 1 January 7,200 – – – – – 7,200
Jan Sales 1,600 6,400 – – – – 8,000
Feb Sales – 2,000 8,000 – – – 10,000
Mar Sales – – 2,000 8,000 – – 10,000
Apr Sales – – – 2,400 9,600 – 12,000
May Sales – – – – 2,600 10,400 13,000
June Sales – – – – – 2,800 2,800
Total Receipts = 8,800 8,400 10,000 10,400 12,200 13,200 63,000
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 3,600 – – – – – 3,600
Jan Purchases 2,400 3,600 – – – – 6,000
Feb Purchases – 2,800 4,200 – – – 7,000
Mar Purchases – – 3,600 5,400 – – 9,000
Apr Purchases – – – 3,600 5,400 – 9,000
May Purchases – – – – 3,600 5,400 9,000
Jun Purchases – – – – – 4,000 4,000
6,000 6,400 7,800 9,000 9,000 9,400 47,600
Expenses 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 19,500
Total Payments = 9,000 9,400 10,800 12,500 12,500 12,900 67,100
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (200) (1,000) (800) (2,100) (300) 300 (4,100)
Opening Balance 5,300 5,100 4,100 3,300 1,200 900 5,300
Closing Balance 5,100 4,100 3,300 1,200 900 1,200 1,200

Chinblon Ltd
Cash Budget
Receipts from Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May June Total
Nov Sales 15,200 – – – – – 15,200
Dec Sales 16,000 16,000 – – – – 32,000
Jan Sales 8,000 16,000 16,000 – – – 40,000
Feb Sales – 9,000 18,000 18,000 – – 45,000
Mar Sales – – 10,000 20,000 20,000 – 50,000
Apr Sales – – – 11,000 22,000 22,000 55,000
May Sales – – – – 12,000 24,000 36,000
Jun Sales – – – – – 14,000 14,000
Total Receipts = 39,200 41,000 44,000 49,000 54,000 60,000 287,200
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 20,000 – – – – – 20,000
Jan Purchases 16,000 16,000 – – – – 32,000
Feb Purchases – 18,000 18,000 – – – 36,000
Mar Purchases – – 20,000 20,000 – – 40,000
Apr Purchases – – – 22,000 22,000 – 44,000
May Purchases – – – – 24,000 24,000 48,000
Jun Purchases – – – – – 28,000 28,000
36,000 34,000 38,000 42,000 46,000 52,000 248,000
Expenses 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 27,000
Total Payments = 40,000 38,000 42,000 47,000 51,000 57,000 275,000
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (800) 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 12,200
Opening Balance (5,200) (6,000) (3,000) (1,000) 1,000 4,000 (5,200)
Closing Balance (6,000) (3,000) (1,000) 1,000 4,000 7,000 7,000


Rafton Ltd
Cash Budget
Receipts from Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total
Debtors on 1 January 21,000 – – – – – 21,000
Jan Sales 10,000 40,000 – – – – 50,000
Feb Sales – 12,000 48,000 – – – 60,000
Mar Sales – – 14,000 56,000 – – 70,000
Apr Sales – – – 14,000 56,000 – 70,000
May Sales – – – – 18,000 72,000 90,000
Jun Sales – – – – – 19,200 19,200
Total Receipts = 31,000 52,000 62,000 70,000 74,000 91,200 380,200
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 14,500 – – – – – 14,500
Jan Purchases 15,000 15,000 – – – – 30,000
Feb Purchases – 18,000 18,000 – – – 36,000
Mar Purchases – – 21,000 21,000 – – 42,000
Apr Purchases – – – 22,000 22,000 – 44,000
May Purchases – – – – 27,000 27,000 54,000
Jun Purchases – – – – – 28,800 28,800
29,500 33,000 39,000 43,000 49,000 55,800 249,300
Rent 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,800
Wages 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 42,000
Other Expenses 400 400 400 400 400 400 2,400
Machinery – – – – 60,000 – 60,000
Total Payments = 37,200 40,700 46,700 50,700 116,700 63,500 355,500
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (6,200) 11,300 15,300 19,300 (42,700) 27,700 24,700
Opening Balance 1,500 (4,700) 6,600 21,900 41,200 (1,500) 1,500
Closing Balance (4,700) 6,600 21,900 41,200 (1,500) 26,200 26,200

(b) Budgeted Balance Sheet as at 30 June

Fixed Assets (90,000 + 60,000) 150,000
Current Assets – Stock 13,800
– Debtors (80% of June Sales) 76,800
– Bank 26,200
Current Liabilities – Creditors (50% of June Purchases) (28,800)
Financed By:
Share Capital 110,000
Profit and Loss Balance 128,000

Leaving Certificate Accounting

Quinset Ltd
Cash Budget
Receipts from Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total
Debtors on 1 January 18,000 – – – – – 18,000
Jan Sales 16,800 25,200 – – – – 42,000
Feb Sales – 19,200 28,800 – – – 48,000
Mar Sales – – 18,400 27,600 – – 46,000
Apr Sales – – – 20,800 31,200 – 52,000
May Sales – – – – 20,000 30,000 50,000
Jun Sales – – – – – 22,400 22,400
Total Receipts = 34,800 44,400 47,200 48,400 51,200 52,400 278,400
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 16,000 – – – – – 16,000
Jan Purchases 16,800 16,800 – – – – 33,600
Feb Purchases – 19,200 19,200 – – – 38,400
Mar Purchases – – 21,600 21,600 – – 43,200
Apr Purchases – – – 23,500 23,500 – 47,000
May Purchases – – – – 23,000 23,000 46,000
Jun Purchases – – – – – 23,000 23,000
32,800 36,000 40,800 45,100 46,500 46,000 247,200
Wages 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000
Rent 400 400 400 400 400 400 2,400
Other Expenses 600 600 600 600 600 600 3,600
Delivery Van – – – 15,000 – – 15,000
Total Payments 35,800 39,000 43,800 63,100 49,500 49,000 280,200
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (1,000) 5,400 3,400 (14,700) 1,700 3,400 (1,800)
Opening Balance 9,000 8,000 13,400 16,800 2,100 3,800 9,000
Closing Balance 8,000 13,400 16,800 2,100 3,800 7,200 7,200

(b) Budgeted Trading and Profit and Loss Account for six months ended 30 June
Sales 294,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 19,000
+ Purchases 254,200
– Closing Stock (20,000)
Gross Profit 40,800
Less Expenses
Wages 12,000
Rent 2,400
Other Expenses 3,600
Net Profit 22,800


(c) Budgeted Balance Sheet as at 30 June

Fixed Assets (120,000 + 15,000) 135,000
Current Assets
Stock 20,000
Debtors (60% of June Sales) 33,600
Bank 7,200
Current Liabilities
Creditors (50% of June Purchases) (23,000)
Financed By
Share Capital 150,000
Profit and Loss Balance 22,800

Quaestor Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Product 1 Product 2
Budgeted Quantities 10,000 16,000
Expected Sales Price €440 €400
Budgeted Sales €4,400,000 €6,400,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Product 1 Product 2

Budgeted Sales 10,000 16,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 600 400
– Opening Stock (700) (500)
= Budgeted Production 9,900 units 15,900 units

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget Material A Material B Material C

Product 1 (9,900 x 4) 39,600
(9,900 x 6) 59,400
(9,900 x 10) 99,000
Product 2 (15,900 x 6) 95,400
(15,900 x 4) 63,600
(15,900 x 8) 127,200
Budgeted Materials Usage 135,000 kgs 123,000 kgs 226,000 kgs

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget Material A Material B Material C

Budgeted Usage 135,000 123,000 226,200
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 5,000 6,000 10,000
– Opening Stock (6,000) (7,000) (9,000)
134,000 kgs 122,000 kgs 227,200 kgs
x Expected Prices €3 €7 €4
= Budgeted Material Purchases €402,000 €854,000 €908,800

Leaving Certificate Accounting

(e) Direct Labour Budget Dept X Dept Y

Product 1 (9,900 x 10) 99,000 hours
(9,900 x 12) 118,800 hours
Product 2 (15,900 x 4) 63,600 hours
(15,900 x 16) 254,400 hours
Budgeted Labour Hours 162,600 hours 373,200 hours
x Labour Rate per hour €8 €10
= Budgeted Labour Costs €1,300,800 €3,732,000

(f) Variable Overhead Budget

Product 1 Product 2
Budgeted Labour Hours 162,600 373,200
x Overhead Rate per hour €2 €2
= Budgeted Variable Overheads €325,200 €746,400

(g) Budgeted Manufacturing Account for the year

€ €
Opening Stock Raw Materials
A – 6,000 kgs at €2 per kg = 12,000
B – 7,000 kgs at €6 per kg = 42,000
C – 9,000 kgs at €4 per kg = 36,000
+ Purchases of Raw Materials
A – 402,000
B – 854,000
C – 908,800 2,164,800
– Closing Stock of Raw Materials
A – 5,000 kgs at €3 per kg = 15,000
B – 6,000 kgs at €7 per kg = 42,000
C – 10,000 kgs at €4 per kg = 40,000
= Cost of Raw Materials Consumed 2,157,800
+ Direct Labour Costs
Dept X – 1,300,800
Dept Y – 3,732,000 5,032,800
= Prime Cost 7,190,600
+ Overheads
Product 1 – 325,200
Product 2 – 746,400 1,071,600
Fixed 527,000
= Cost of Production 8,789,200


(h) Budgeted Trading Account for the year

Product 1 4,400,000
Product 2 6,400,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock of Finished Goods
Product 1 – 700 units at €310 per unit = 217,000
Product 2 – 500 units at € 298 per unit = 149,000
+ Cost of Production 8,789,200
Closing Stock of Finished Goods
Product 1 – 600 units at €339 per unit = 203,400
Product 2 – 400 units at €311 per unit = 124,400
Gross Profit 1,972,600


Martella Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Regular High Spec
Budgeted Quantities 3,000 1,800
Expected Sales Price 310 450
Budgeted Sales €930,000 €810,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Regular High Spec

Budgeted Sales 3,000 1,800
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 300 144
– Opening Stock (250) (120)
= Budgeted Production 3,050 1,824

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget Material G Material H

Regular (3,050 x 3) 9,150
(3,050 x 6) 18,300
High Spec (1,824 x 5) 9,120
(1,824 x 4) 7,296
Budgeted Materials Usage 18,270 kgs 25,596 kgs

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget Material G Material H

Budgeted Usage 18,270 25,596
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 2,400 3,600
– Opening Stock (2,000) (3,000)
18,670 kgs 29,196 kgs
x Expected Prices €4 €2
= Budgeted Material Purchases €74,680 €52,392

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(e) Direct Labour Budget Regular High Spec

Budgeted Production 3,050 units 1,824 units
x Labour Hours per Unit 12 hours 18 hours
= Budgeted Labour Hours 36,600 hours 32,832 hours
x Labour Rate per hour €12 €12
= Budgeted Direct Labour Costs €439,200 €393,984

(f) Variable Production Overhead Budget

Regular High Spec
Budgeted Labour Hours 36,600 32,832
x Overhead Rate per hour €4 €4
= Budgeted Overhead Costs €146,400 €131,328

(g) Budgeted Manufacturing Account for the year

€ €
Opening Stock of Raw Materials
Material G – 2,000 kgs at €3.50 per kg = 7,000
Material H – 3,000 kgs at €1.50 per kg = 4,500 11,500
+ Purchases of Raw Materials
Material G – 74,680
Material H – 52,392 127,072
– Closing Stock of Raw Materials
Material G – 2,400 kgs at €4 per kg = 9,600
Material H – 3,600 kgs at €2 per kg = 7,200 (16,800)
= Cost of Raw Materials Consumed 121,772
+ Direct Labour Costs
Regular – 439,200
High Spec – 393,984 833,184
= Prime Cost 954,956
+ Overheads:
Regular – 146,400
High Spec – 131,328 277,728
Fixed 173,580 451,308
= Cost of Production 1,406,264

(h) Budgeted Trading Account for the year

Regular – 930,000
High Spec – 810,000 1,740,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock of Finished Goods
Regular – 250 units at €210 = 52,500
High Spec – 120 units at €315 = 37,800 90,300
+ Cost of Production 1,406,264
Closing Stock of Finished Goods (Note 1)
Regular – 300 units at €246 = 73,800
High Spec – 144 units at €361 = 51,984
Gross Profit 369,220


Note 1 Valuation of Closing Stock of Finished Goods

Regular High Spec
Material G (€4 per kg) 12 20
Material H (€2 per kg) 12 8
Direct Labour (€12 per hour) 144 216
Variable Overheads (€4 per hour) 48 72
Fixed Overheads (€2.50 per hour)* 30 45
Total Unit Cost 246 361

Total Fixed Overheads 173,580 173,580

* -------------------------------------------------- = ----------------------------------- = ----------------- = €2.50
Total Labour Hours 36,600 + 32,832 69,432


Frictex Ltd

(a) Sales Budget

Normal Extra
Budgeted Quantities 12,000 5,000
Expected Sales Price €400 €570
Budgeted Sales €4,800,000 €2,850,000

(b) Unit Production Budget Normal Extra

Budgeted Sales 12,000 5,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 1,980 540
– Opening Stock (2,200) (600)
= Budgeted Production 11,780 units 4,940 units

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget Material P Material Q

Normal (11,780 x 10) 117,800
(11,780 x 5) 58,900
Extra (4,940 x 6) 29,640
(4,940 x 12) 59,280
Budgeted Materials Usage 147,440 kgs 118,180 kgs

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget Material P Material Q

Budgeted Usage 147,440 118,180
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 27,000 21,600
– Opening Stock (30,000) (24,000)
144,440 kgs 115,780 kgs
x Expected Prices €5 €8
= Budgeted Material Purchases €722,200 €926,240

(e) Direct Labour Budget Dept. 1 Dept. 2

Normal (11,780 x 4) 47,120 hours
(11,780 x 7) 82,460 hours
Extra (4,940 x 6) 29,640 hours
(4,940 x 10) 49,400 hours
Budgeted Labour Hours 76,760 hours 131,860 hours
x Labour Rate per hour €14 €14
= Budgeted Labour Costs €1,074,640 €1,846,040

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(f) Variable Production Overhead Budget

Normal Extra
Budgeted Labour Hours 76,760 131,860
x Overhead Rate per hour €5 €5
= Budgeted Overhead Costs €383,800 €659,300

(g) Budgeted Manufacturing Account for the year

€ €
Opening Stock of Raw Materials
Material P – 30,000 kgs at €4 per kg = 120,000
Material Q – 24,000 kgs at €7 per kg = 168,000 288,000
+ Purchases of Raw Materials
Material P – 722,200
Material Q – 926,240 1,648,440
– Closing Stock of Raw Materials
Material P – 27,000 kgs at €5 per kg = 135,000
Material H – 21,600 kgs at €8 per kg = 172,800 (307,800)
= Cost of Raw Materials Consumed 1,628,640
+ Direct Labour Costs
Dept 1 – 1,074,640
Dept 2 – 1,846,040 2,920,680
= Prime Cost 4,549,320
+ Overheads:
Normal – 383,800
Extra – 659,300 1,043,100
Fixed 625,860 1,668,960
= Cost of Production 6,218,280

(h) Budgeted Trading Account for the year

Normal – 4,800,000
Extra – 2,850,000 7,650,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock of Finished Goods
Normal – 2,200 units at €298 per unit = 655,600
Extra – 600 units at €428 per unit = 256,800 912,400
+ Cost of Production 6,218,280
Closing Stock of Finished Goods (Note 1)
Normal – 1,980 units at €332 per unit = 657,360
Extra – 540 units at €478 per unit = 258,120 (915,480)
Gross Profit 1,434,800


Note 1 Valuation of Closing Stock of Finished Goods

Normal Extra
Material P (€5 per kg) 50 30
Material Q (€8 per kg) 40 96
Direct Labour (€14 per hour)
Dept. 1 56 84
Dept. 2 98 140
Variable Overheads (€5 per hour) 55 80
Fixed Overheads (€3 per hour)* 33 48
Total Unit Cost 332 478
Total Fixed Overheads 625,860 625,860
* -------------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------- = ----------------- = €3.00
Total Labour Hours 76,760 + 131,860 208,620


Famteb Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Budgeted Quantities 12,000 13,000 15,000 40,000
Expected Sales Prices 50 50 55
Budgeted Sales (€) 600,000 650,000 825,000 2,075,000

(b) Unit Production Budget

Budgeted Sales 12,000 13,000 15,000 40,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 6,500 7,500 7,500 21,500
– Opening Stock (6,000) (6,500) (7,500) (20,000)
= Budgeted Production (Units) 12,500 14,000 15,000 41,500

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget

Budgeted Production 12,500 14,000 15,000 41,500
x Usage in kgs 8 8 8 8
= Budgeted Usage (kgs) 100,000 112,000 120,000 332,000

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget

Budgeted Usage 100,000 112,000 120,000 332,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 22,400 24,000 24,800 71,200
– Opening Stock (21,000) (22,400) (24,000) (67,400)
101,400 113,600 120,800 335,800
x Expected Price €2.50 €2.50 €2.50 2.50
= Budgeted Materials Purchases (€) 253,500 284,000 302,000 839,500

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(e) Cash Budget

Receipts from Sales JAN FEB MAR TOTAL
Debtors on 1 January 290,000 – – 290,000
Jan Sales 240,000 360,000 – 600,000
Feb Sales – 260,000 390,000 650,000
Mar Sales – – 330,000 330,000
Total Receipts = 530,000 620,000 720,000 1,870,000
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 198,000 – – 198,000
Jan Purchases 48,165 202,800 – 250,965
Feb Purchases – 53,960 227,200 281,160
Mar Purchases – – 57,380 57,380
246,165 256,760 284,580 787,505
Wages 15,000 15,000 15,000 45,000
Variable Overheads 25,000 28,000 30,000 83,000
Fixed Overheads 4,000 4,000 4,000 12,000
Administration Expenses 2,000 2,000 2,000 6,000
Distribution Costs 12,000 13,000 15,000 40,000
Total Payments = 304,165 318,760 350,580 973,505
Total Cash Inflow 225,835 301,240 369,420 896,495
Opening Balance (305,645) (79,810) 221,430 (305,645)
Closing Balance (79,810) 221,430 590,850 590,850


Acrod Ltd
(a) Sales Budget
Budgeted Quantities 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 6,000 17,500
Expected Sales Prices 20 20 22 23 23 23
Budgeted Sales 10,000 20,000 44,000 69,000 115,000 138,000 396,000

(b) Unit Production Budget

Budgeted Sales 500 1,000 2,000 3,000 5,000 6,000 17,500
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 250 500 750 1,250 1,500 1,500 5,750
– Opening Stock – (250) (500) (750) (1,250) (1,500) (4,250)
= Budgeted Production 750 1,250 2,250 3,500 5,250 6,000 19,000

(c) Raw Materials Usage Budget

Budgeted Production 750 1,250 2,250 3,500 5,250 6,000 19,000
x Usage in kgs 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
= Budgeted Usage (kgs) 3,750 6,250 11,250 17,500 26,250 30,000 95,000

(d) Raw Materials Purchases Budget

Budgeted Usage 3,750 6,250 11,250 17,500 26,250 30,000 95,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 3,125 5,625 8,750 13,125 15,000 15,625 61,250
– Opening Stock – (3,125) (5,625) (8,750) (13,125) (15,000) (45,625)
6,875 8,750 14,375 21,875 28,125 30,625 110,625
x Expected Price (€) 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
= Budgeted Materials Purchases (€) 13,750 17,500 28,750 43,750 56,250 61,250 221,250


(e) Cash Budget

Jan Sales 1,900 4,000 4,000 – – – 9,900
Feb Sales – 3,800 8,000 8,000 – – 19,800
Mar Sales – – 8,360 17,600 17,600 – 43,560
Apr Sales – – – 13,110 27,600 27,600 68,310
May Sales – – – – 21,850 46,000 67,850
Jun Sales – – – – – 26,220 26,220
Total Receipts = 1,900 7,800 20,360 38,710 67,050 99,820 235,640
Payments for Purchases
Jan Purchases – 6,875 6,875 – – – 13,750
Feb Purchases – – 8,750 8,750 – – 17,500
Mar Purchases – – – 14,375 14,375 – 28,750
Apr Purchases – – – – 21,875 21,875 43,750
May Purchases – – – – – 28,125 28,125
Jun Purchases – – – – – – –
6,875 15,625 23,125 36,250 50,000 131,875
Wages 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 30,000
Variable Overheads 1,500 2,500 4,500 7,000 10,500 12,000 38,000
Fixed Overheads (– 9,000) 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000
Administration Expenses 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 6,000
Distribution Costs 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,500 3,000 8,750
Equipment – 100,000 – – – – 100,000
Loan Interest – – 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 4,000
Total Payments = 9,750 117,875 30,125 40,625 58,250 74,000 330,625
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (7,850) (110,075) (9,765) (1,915) 8,800 25,820 (94,985)
Opening Balance 5,000 (2,850) (12,925) (22,690) (24,605) (15,805) 5,000
Loan – 100,000 – – – – 100,000
Closing Balance (2,850) (12,925) (22,690) (24,605) (15,805) 10,015 10,015


Grantar Ltd
(a) Purchases Budget
Budgeted Sales (at 60%) 12,000 13,200 15,600 15,000 16,800 18,000 90,600
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 2,640 3,120 3,000 3,360 3,600 3,840 19,560
– Opening Stock – (2,640) (3,120) (3,000) (3,360) (3,600) (15,720)
= Budgeted Purchases (€) 14,460 13,680 15,480 15,360 17,040 18,240 94,440
(b) Schedule of Receipts from Sales
Jan Sales 7,600 8,000 3,600 – – – 19,200
Feb Sales – 8,360 8,800 3,960 – – 21,120
Mar Sales – – 9,880 10,400 4,680 – 24,960
Apr Sales – – – 9,500 10,000 4,500 24,000
May Sales – – – – 10,640 11,200 21,840
Jun Sales – – – – – 11,400 11,400
7,600 16,360 22,280 23,860 25,320 27,100 122,520

(c) Schedule of Payments for Purchases

Jan Purchases 1,464 10,248 2,928 – – – 14,640
Feb Purchases – 1,368 9,576 2,736 – – 13,680
Mar Purchases – – 1,548 10,836 3,096 – 15,480
Apr Purchases – – – 1,536 10,752 3,072 15,360
May Purchases – – – – 1,704 11,928 13,632
Jun Purchases – – – – – 1,824 1,824
1,464 11,616 14,052 15,108 15,552 16,824 74,616

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Blinstap Ltd
(a) Purchases Budget
Budgeted Sales (at 80%) 8,000 12,800 14,400 12,000 11,200 9,600 68,000
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 6,400 7,200 6,000 5,600 4,800 4,000 34,000
– Opening Stock (4,000) (6,400) (7,200) (6,000) (5,600) (4,800) (34,000)
= Budgeted Purchases (€) 10,400 13,600 13,200 11,600 10,400 8,800 68,000

(b) Cash Budget

Debtors on 1 January 5,000 – – – – – 5,000
Jan Sales 6,000 4,000 – – – – 10,000
Feb Sales – 9,600 6,400 – – – 16,000
Mar Sales – – 10,800 7,200 – – 18,000
Apr Sales – – – 9,000 6,000 – 15,000
May Sales – – – – 8,400 5,600 14,000
Jun Sales – – – – – 7,200 7,200
Total Receipts = 11,000 13,600 17,200 16,200 14,400 12,800 85,200
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 6,000 – – – – – 6,000
Jan Purchases 1,040 9,360 – – – – 10,400
Feb Purchases – 1,360 12,240 – – – 13,600
Mar Purchases – – 1,320 11,880 – – 13,200
Apr Purchases – – – 1,160 10,440 – 11,600
May Purchases – – – – 1,040 9,360 10,400
Jun Purchases – – – – – 880 880
7,040 10,720 13,560 13,040 11,480 10,240 66,080
Rent – 240 – 240 – 240 720
Wages 400 400 400 400 400 400 2,400
Motor Van 10,000 – – – – – 10,000
Total Payments = 17,440 11,360 13,960 13,680 11,880 10,880 79,200
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (6,440) 2,240 3,240 2,520 2,520 1,920 6,000
Opening Balance 1,800 2,360 4,600 7,840 10,360 12,880 1,800
(4,640) 4,600 7,840 10,360 12,880 14,800 7,800
Loan 7,000 – – – – – 7,000
Loan Repaid – – – – – (7,350)* (7,350)
Closing Balance 2,360 4,600 7,840 10,360 12,880 7,450 7,450

* Calculation of Interest Payable on the Loan

€7,000 at 12% for 5 months (Jan 31st⇒ June 30th) = ------------ × 5 = €350.

(c) Budgeted Trading and Profit and Loss Account for six months ended 30 June
Sales 85,000
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 4,000
+ Purchases 68,000
– Closing Stock (4,000)
= Gross Profit 17,000
– Expenses
Rent (720 + 200 – 240) 680
Wages 2,400
Loan Interest 350
Depreciation on Equipment 1,000
Depreciation on Motors 1,000
= Net Profit 11,570


(d) Budgeted Balance Sheet as at 30 June

Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Equipment 20,000 1,000 19,000
Motor Van 10,000 1,000 9,000
30,000 2,000 28,000
Current Assets
Stock 4,000
Debtors (40% of June Sales) 4,800
Bank 7,450
Rent Prepaid 240
Current Liabilities
Creditors (90% of June Purchases) (7,920)

Financed By
Share Capital 25,000
Profit and Loss Account 11,570


Corden Ltd
(a) Purchases Budget
Budgeted Sales Units 450 500 600 1,550
+ Budgeted Closing Stock 250 300 275 825
– Opening Stock (225) (250) (300) (775)
= Budgeted Purchases Units 475 550 575 1,600
x Expected Prices €25 €25 €30
= Budgeted Purchases (€) 11,875 13,750 17,250 42,875

(b) Cash Budget

Receipts from Sales JAN FEB MAR TOTAL
Debtors on 1 January 16,000 – – 16,000
Jan Sales 4,275 18,000 – 22,275
Feb Sales – 4,750 20,000 24,750
Mar Sales – – 6,840 6,840
Total Receipts = 20,275 22,750 26,840 69,865
Payments for Purchases
Creditors on 1 January 6,150 – – 6,150
Jan Purchases 4,275 7,125 – 11,400
Feb Purchases – 4,950 8,250 13,200
Mar Purchases – – 6,210 6,210
10,425 12,075 14,460 36,960
Wages 9,000 9,000 9,000 27,000
Rent 500 – – 500
Other Expenses 600 600 600 1,800
Equipment 60,000 – – 60,000
Total Payments = 80,525 21,675 24,060 126,260
Net Cash Inflow (Outflow) (60,250) 1,075 2,780 (56,395)
Opening Balance 2,000 2,750 3,825 2,000
(58,250) 3,825 6,605 (54,395)
Loan 61,000 – – 61,000
Closing Balance 2,750 3,825 6,605 6,605

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(c) Budgeted Trading and Profit and Loss Account for three months ended 31 March
Sales (450 x 50) + (500 x 50) + (600 x 60) 83,500
Less Cost of Sales
Opening Stock 4,500
+ Purchases 42,875
– Closing Stock (275 x 30) (8,250)
= Gross Profit 44,375
+ Income
Discount Received ((42,875 x .4) x .1) 1,715
– Expenses
Wages 27,000
Rates 300
Other Expenses 1,800
Discount Allowed ((83,500 x .2) x .05) 835
Depreciation on Motors 1,800
Depreciation on Equipment 3,000
Loan Interest (61,000 at 12% for two months) 1,220
Net Profit 10,135
+ Profit and Loss Balance b/f 5,850
Profit and Loss Balance c/d 15,985

(d) Budgeted Balance Sheet as at 31 March

Fixed Assets Cost Depr Value
Buildings 100,000 – 100,000
Motors 40,000 1,800 38,200
Equipment 60,000 3,000 57,000
200,000 4,800 195,200
Current Assets
Stock 8,250
Debtors (80% of March Sales) 28,800
Bank 6,605
Current Liabilities
Creditors (60% of March Purchases) 10,350
Rates Due 300
Loan Interest Due 1,220
Financed By
Share Capital 150,000
Profit and Loss Account 15,985
Loan 61,000



Slimpton Ltd
(a) Comparison of Actual Costs with Static Budget
Costs Actual Budgeted Variance
Direct Materials 320,000 300,000 20,000 Adverse
Direct Labour 231,000 220,000 11,000 Adverse
Variable Production Overheads 141,000 130,000 11,000 Adverse
Fixed Production Overheads 80,000 70,000 10,000 Adverse
772,000 720,000 52,000 Adverse

(b) Comparison of Actual Costs with Budget flexed to 22,000 units

Costs Actual Budgeted Variance
Direct Materials 320,000 330,000 10,000 Favourable
Direct Labour 231,000 242,000 11,000 Favourable
Variable Production Overheads 141,000 143,000 2,000 Favourable
Fixed Production Overheads 80,000 70,000 10,000 Adverse
772,000 785,000 13,000 Favourable


Marthan Ltd
(a) Comparison of Actual Costs with Static Budget
Costs Actual Budgeted Variance
Direct Materials 466,990 469,000 2,010 Favourable
Direct Labour 351,750 360,500 8,750 Favourable
Variable Production Overheads 261,300 269,500 8,200 Favourable
Fixed Production Overheads 158,000 159,000 1,000 Favourable
1,238,040 1,258,000 19,960 Favourable

(b) Comparison of Actual Costs with Static Budget flexed to 67,000 units
Costs Actual Budgeted Variance
Direct Materials 466,990 448,900 18,090 Adverse
Direct Labour 351,750 345,050 6,700 Adverse
Variable Production Overheads 261,300 257,950 3,350 Adverse
Fixed Production Overheads 158,000 159,000 1,000 Favourable
1,238,040 1,210,900 27,140 Adverse


Fedusa Ltd
(a) Classification of Costs
(i) Direct Materials
These are variable costs as they vary directly with activity:
56,250 81,250 100,000
--------------- = --------------- = ----------------- = €6.25 per unit
9,000 13,000 16,000
(ii) Direct Labour
These are variable costs as they vary directly with activity:
47,700 68,900 84,800
--------------- = --------------- = --------------- = €5.30 per unit
9,000 13,000 16,000
(iii) Variable production overheads are variable as they vary directly with activity:
26,100 37,700 46,400
--------------- = --------------- = --------------- = €2.90 per unit
9,000 13,000 16,000

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(iv) Fixed production overheads

Totally fixed at €13,000 regardless of activity
(v) Administrative expenses
These are mixed costs as they vary indirectly with activity:
25,650 33,050 38,600
---------------- ≠ ---------------- ≠ ----------------
9,000 13,000 16,000
Using the high-low method to separate into fixed and variable:
Activity Cost
High 16,000 38,600
Low 9,000 25,650
Difference 7,000 €12,950

Variable Cost per unit = €12,950/7,000 = €1.85 per unit

High Low
Total Cost 38,600 25,650
– Variable Cost 29,600 16,650
= Fixed Costs €9,000 €9,000
Administration expenses are €9,000 fixed and €1.85 per unit variable
(vi) Distribution costs
These are mixed costs as they vary indirectly with activity:
35,200 46,400 54,800
--------------- ≠ --------------- ≠ ---------------
9,000 13,000 16,000
Using the high-low method to separate into fixed and variable:
Activity Cost
High 16,000 54,800
Low 9,000 35,200
Difference 7,000 €19,600

Variable Cost per unit = €19,600/7,000 = €2.80 per unit

High Low
Total Cost 54,800 35,200
– Variable Cost 44,800 25,200
= Fixed Costs €10,000 €10,000
Distribution costs are €10,000 fixed and €2.80 per unit variable

(b) Budget Flexed to 14,000 units

Direct Materials (14,000 x €6.25) 87,500
Direct Labour (14,000 x €5.30) 74,200
Variable Production Overheads (14,000 x €2.90) 40,600
Fixed Production Overheads 13,000
Administration Expenses (€9,000 + 14,000 x €1.85) 34,900
Distribution Costs (€10,000 + 14,000 x €2.80) 49,200
Total Cost €299,400


Weargo Ltd
(a) Classification of Costs
Direct materials and direct labour are variable costs.
Administrative expenses are fixed costs.
Production overheads and distribution costs are mixed costs
Direct material costs are €4.50 per unit (and 1.50 per kg)
Direct labour costs are €10 per unit (and €5 per hour)
Production overheads are €45,000 fixed and €1.80 per unit variable
Administration expenses are fixed at €77,000
Distribution costs are €60,000 fixed and €0.25 per unit variable


(b) Budget Flexed to 75,000 units (€)

Direct Materials (75,000 x €4.50) 337,500
Direct Labour (75,000 x €10.00) 750,000
Production Overheads (45,000 + 75,000 x €1.80) 180,000
Administration Expenses 77,000
Distribution Costs (€60,000 + 75,000 x €0.25) 78,750
Total Cost 1,423,250
(c) Comparison of Actual Costs with Budget flexed to 75,000 units
Costs Actual Budgeted Variance
Direct Materials 435,000 337,500 97,500 Adverse
Direct Labour 618,750 750,000 131,250 Favourable
Production Overheads 195,000 180,000 15,000 Adverse
Administration Expenses 80,000 77,000 3,000 Adverse
Distribution Costs 85,250 78,750 6,500 Adverse
1,414,000 1,423,250 9,250 Favourable

(d) Direct Materials Variance = €97,500 Adverse

Price Variance = (€150 – €1.45) x 300,000 kgs. = €15,000 Favourable
Usage Variance = (225,000 kgs – 300,000 kgs) x €150 = €112,500 Adverse
Total Direct Materials variance = €97,500 Adverse
Direct Labour Variance = €131,250 Favourable
Price Variance = (€5.00 – €5.50) x 112,500 hours = €56,250 Adverse
Usage Variance = (112,500 hours – 150,000 hours) x €50 = €187,500 Favourable
Total Direct Labour variance = €131,250 Favourable


Cobstand Ltd
(a) Classification of Costs
Sales are variable at €35.15 per unit
Direct materials are variable at €15.85 per unit
Direct labour costs are variable at €7.62 per unit
Production overheads are €7,000 fixed and €3.14 variable per unit
Administration expenses are fixed at €5,000
Distribution costs are €11,000 fixed and €2.79 variable per unit
(b) Budget Flexed to 7,000 units (€)
Sales Revenue 246,050
Direct Materials (7,000 x €15.85) 110,950
Direct Labour (7,000 x €7.62) 53,340
Production Overheads (€7,000 + 7,000 x €3.14) 28,980
Administration Expenses 5,000
Distribution Costs (€11,000 + 7,000 x €2.79) 30,530
Total Cost 228,800
Profits 17,250
(c) Marginal Costing Statement at 7,000 units
Total Per unit
Sales 246,050 35.15
– Variable Costs 205,800 29.40
= Contribution 40,250 5.75
– Fixed Costs 23,000
= Profit 17,250
Break-even Point
Fixed Costs 23,000
= ------------------------------------------------- = --------------- = 4,000 units(€140,600)
Contribution per Unit 5.75


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