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Level of Attitudes of SHS STEM students toward plagiarism.

Sop 1 Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree disagree
4 3 2 1
1. Sometimes one cannot avoid using other people’s words
without citing the source, because there are only so
many ways to describe something.
2. It is justified to use previous descriptions of a method
because the method itself remains the same.
3. Self-plagiarism is not punishable because it is not harmful
(one cannot steal from oneself).
4. Plagiarized parts of a paper may be ignored if the paper is
of great scientific value.
5. If one cannot write well in a foreign language (eg, English,
it is justified to copy parts of a similar paper already
published in that language
6. Short deadlines give me the right to plagiarize a bit.
7. When I do not know what to write, I translate a part of a
paper from a foreign language.
8. It is justified to use one’s own previously published work
without providing citation in order to complete the
current work
9. Since plagiarism is taking other people’s words rather
than tangible assets: it should NOT be considered as a
serious offense.
10. Sometimes I’m tempted to plagiarize, because everyone
else is doing it (students, researchers, physicians).
11. I work (study) in a plagiarism free environment.
12. Sometimes I copy a sentence or two just to become
inspired for further writing.
13. I don’t feel guilty for copying verbatim a sentence or two
from my previous papers.
14. Plagiarism is justified if I currently have more important
obligations or tasks to do.
15. Sometimes, it is necessary to plagiarize.
Level of writing strategies of SHS STEM students towards plagiarism.

Sop 2 Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree Disagree
4 3 2 1
1. I like to write a draft in my native language first and then translate
it into English.
2. I use my background knowledge (world) knowledge to help me
develop my ideas.
3. I review my class notes, handouts, and assignment requirements
before beginning to write.
4. I can use my own independent thinking in my writing.
5. I read the feedback from my previous writing and use this
feedback in my next writing.
6. I plan my schedule so that I have enough time to study and
improve my English.
7. I encourage myself to use English even when I am afraid of making
8. I go back to my writing to revise the content and make my ideas
9. I make up new words if I do not know the right ones in English
when I am writing.
10. I can edit my writing to improve the wording grammar,
punctuation, and spelling.
11. I can use appropriate strategies to fix problems with my writing.
12. I can write a good conclusion for an English essay.
13. I can write a good introduction for an English essay.
14. I can use a variety of sentence structures.
15. I use grammar book to check things I am not sure before I write.
Relationship between the level of attitudes and writing strategies of SHS STEN students.

Sop 3
Correlational Size Interpretation
±.90 to ±1.0 Very High
±.70 to ±.90 High
±.50 to ±.70 Moderate
±.30 to ±.50 Low
±.00 to ±.30 Negligible

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