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Research Article

Examining Multiple Parenting Behaviors

on Young Children’s Dietary Fat Consumption
Christina M. Eisenberg, MPH, ATC1; Guadalupe X. Ayala, PhD, MPH1;
Noe C. Crespo, PhD, MPH, MS1; Nanette V. Lopez, MS1; Michelle Murphy Zive, MS, RD2;
Kirsten Corder, PhD3; Christine Wood, MD, CLE4; John P. Elder, PhD, MPH1

Objective: To understand the association between parenting and children’s dietary fat consumption, this
study tested a comprehensive model of parenting that included parent household rules, parent modeling of
rules, parent mediated behaviors, and parent support.
Design: Cross-sectional.
Setting: Baseline data from the MOVE/me Muevo project, a recreation site-based obesity prevention and
control intervention trial.
Participants: Five hundred forty-one parents of children between the ages of 5 and 8 years and living in
San Diego County.
Main Outcome Measure: Children’s fat consumption based on parent report using a short food fre-
quency questionnaire.
Analysis: A hierarchical linear regression was conducted. In exploratory analyses, a stepwise backward
elimination approach was used.
Results: Children’s fat consumption was positively associated with parent household rules (P < .01) and
negatively associated with parent modeling of rules (P < .01).
Conclusions and Implications: Controlling parenting behaviors, such as rule setting, are associated
with more frequent fat consumption, whereas role modeling healthful behaviors is associated with less fre-
quent fat consumption. Changing parenting behaviors with regard to how they feed their children is a log-
ical avenue for improving eating behaviors.
Key Words: parents, social support, fat, child, family (J Nutr Educ Behav. 2012;44:302-309.)

INTRODUCTION behaviors are important sources of intakes of particular food items and
information for the development of potentially lead to increased
Parental influences are key determi- children’s food preferences.3 Pressur- consumption of energy-dense food
nants of children’s eating habits,1 in ing the child to eat, restricting access and beverages.1,8 Children may
part because young children are de- to certain food items, and specific prefer food items that have been
pendent on their parents for food.2 household rules about eating are also restricted and eat more of them
Parents influence their children’s diets associated with unhealthful eating compared to unrestricted food items.1
through modeling,3 household rules behaviors in children,1,2 although Children who view TV during 2 or
related to eating and mealtime the evidence is mixed.6,7 Higher more daily meals consume 5% more
(RREM),3 parent-mediated behaviors,4 levels of parental pressure can result of their total energy intake from pizza,
and social support.5 Parents’ eating in a stronger dislike for and lower salty snacks, and soda and 5% less
from fruits, vegetables, and juices
compared to children who view TV
Institute for Behavioral and Community Health (IBACH), San Diego State University, during fewer than 2 meals per day.9
San Diego, CA Eating away from home at restaurants
Division of Child Development and Community Health, University of California, San and/or at the homes of family and
Diego, CA friends at least once per week is also
Centre for Diet and Activity Research, Institute of Public Health, University of Cam- associated with unhealthful eating be-
bridge, UK haviors.10 However, parent-mediated
El Camino Pediatrics, Del Mar, CA family behaviors such as frequency
Address for correspondence: Christina M. Eisenberg, MPH, ATC, Institute for Behavioral of eating family meals together are
and Community Health (IBACH), San Diego State University, 9245 Sky Park Ct, Suite associated with children’s reduced
221, San Diego, CA 92123; Phone: (619) 594-5568; Fax: (619) 594-2998; E-mail: fast-food consumption and greater fruit, vegetable, and fiber-rich food
Ó2012 SOCIETY FOR NUTRITION EDUCATION AND BEHAVIOR consumption.11 In addition, greater
doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2011.10.004 parental support for healthful eating

302 Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012 Eisenberg et al 303

is associated with lower snack intake domly assigned to the control or inter- Dinner (evening)?’’19 The original scale
in children.5 vention conditions, and ability to was taken from the Aventuras para
Parenting practices are influenced speak, read, and understand either En- Nin~ os study,20 a predominantly Latino
by cultural norms and sociocultural glish or Spanish. Parents were the par- sample, and modified to obtain weekly
factors, which in turn can influence ticipating child’s legal guardian or frequency. Only responses to dinner
children’s eating behaviors.12 Latino primary caregiver. Children were ex- were used in the present study given
parents may be more inclined to cluded if they had a medical and/or the age of these children (school age).
pressure a child to eat, expect hearty psychological condition that affected Response options ranged from # 1
appetites, and have different defini- their diet, physical activity, or weight. time/week to 5-7 times/week. These
tions of ideal child body weight.13 Families were recruited through tar- were recoded to represent average
Parents who are unemployed and geted phone calls and at public loca- times per week (eg, ‘‘3-4 times/week’’
less acculturated tend to engage in tions, such as libraries, schools, and was coded as ‘‘3.5 times/week’’). To
more controlling and authoritarian the 30 participating recreation cen- approximate equal distribution and
parenting styles with regard to their ters, as well as community events, based on its relationship to obesity in
child’s eating.12 such as street fairs and special gather- youth,21 ‘‘less than once a week’’ and
The 2010 Dietary Guidelines ings. ‘‘1-2 times a week’’ were combined,
for Americans recommend 4 to resulting in 3 response categories:
18-year-olds limit their total fat intake ‘‘# 1.5 times a week,’’ ‘‘3.5 times
to 25%-35% and saturated fats to Procedures a week,’’ or ‘‘6 times a week.’’
<10% of total caloric intake.14,15 Eating away-from-home meals was
According to data from the National Parents completed a self-administered assessed by asking a series of ques-
Health and Nutrition Examination paper survey (English or Spanish) at tions, also developed in Aventuras,20
Study 2001-2006, children 2 years the recreation center. Some parents on how often the family goes out to
old and older exceeded these daily completed the survey at their homes eat or brings home ready-to-eat food
allowances for fat intake, and high- or over the telephone. from (a) relatives’ or friends’ homes,
fat food items were considered among Children’s dietary fat consumption (b) fast-food restaurants, and (c) other
the top sources of their total daily was assessed using a 21-item fat restaurants. Responses were recoded
energy intake.16,17 Studies have screener from the Patient-Centered as ‘‘never/less than once a week’’ or
identified 1 or 2 components of Assessment and Counseling for Exer- ‘‘once a week or more,’’ given that at
parenting related to children’s cise Plus (PACEþ) Nutrition Health least weekly consumption of food
dietary fat consumption,1,5,13 yet few and Environment Survey.18 PACEþ eaten outside the home is associated
studies have simultaneously tested assessed an adolescent sample that with poorer diet quality for
several parenting variables. This was 59% nonwhite. The internal con- children.10
study tested a parent feeding model sistency and test-retest reliability of Television-related behaviors during
associated with young children’s this screener were a ¼ .88 and intra- meals were assessed using questions
dietary fat consumption and class correlation (ICC) ¼ 0.64, respec- from the Study of Child Activity and
examined whether the model tively. The screener was validated Nutrition,22 which included a diverse
differed by ethnicity. and significantly correlated with per- sample of young children and their
centage of calories from fat as mea- mothers and examined total energy
sured by a 3-day food record (r ¼ intake and energy from fat. Questions
METHODS 0.36, P < .01). Examples of food items asked how frequently, during a typical
Study Design were fried chicken, chicken nuggets, week, the family and/or child engaged
fish sticks, bacon, chorizo (spicy sau- in the following behaviors: eating
Data were taken from baseline mea- sage), French fries, onion rings, potato dinner with the TV on, child snacking
sures of the MOVE/me Muevo (MOVE) chips, tortilla chips, and buttered in front of the TV, and child eating
study. The MOVE study was a recrea- popcorn. Response options for each meals in front of the TV. Responses
tion site-based childhood obesity in- item were: 0 ¼ did not eat it this were recoded as average days per
tervention conducted in San Diego week, 1 ¼ once this week, 2 ¼ 2-3 week. A higher mean score (possible
County, CA. The San Diego State Uni- times this week, 3 ¼ 4-6 times this range 0-21) indicated a greater num-
versity Institutional Review Board ap- week, 4 ¼ once or twice each day, ber of days per week engaged in
proved this study. and 5 ¼ more than twice each day. TV-related behaviors (a ¼ .70).
Consistent with PACEþ coding proce- Consistent with protocols used in
Participants dures, responses were summed for the ‘‘Active Where?’’ study,23 total
each participant, and a higher score daily screen time was assessed by
The MOVE study recruited 541 fami- represented more frequent intake of asking how much time on a typical
lies with children between the ages fatty food (possible range 0-105). weekday the child engages in the
of 5 and 8 years and living in San Eating dinner as a family was as- following activities: watching TV/
Diego County, CA. Eligibility criteria sessed by asking 3 questions developed videos/DVDs, playing computer or
included: living within 2 miles of 1 in a previous study: ‘‘In a typical week, video games, and using the Internet,
of 30 participating recreation centers, how often does your family eat the e-mail, or other electronic media for
willingness to participate in the study following meals together: Breakfast leisure. Test-retest reliabilities were as
for 3½ years, willingness to be ran- (morning), Lunch (afternoon), and follows: watching TV/videos/DVDs
304 Eisenberg et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012

(intraclass correlation coefficient more days of parent support in a typi- dren’s eating behaviors and were en-
[ICC] ¼ 0.67), playing computer or cal week (a ¼ .68). tered in Blocks 3 and 4,
video games (ICC ¼ 0.73), and using Parent/primary caregiver demo- respectively.27,28 Parent support was
the Internet, e-mail, or other elec- graphics included age, sex, education, entered into Block 5. In exploratory
tronic media for leisure (ICC ¼ monthly family income before taxes analyses, each significant association
0.72).24 Responses were recoded into from all sources, and ethnicity. Educa- was tested for interaction by parent
minutes per day, and a higher sum tion was dummy coded and the ‘‘mid- ethnicity. Because of missing data, the
score reflected more minutes of screen dle school or less’’ response option was final analytic sample was 532.
time (a ¼ .49). the reference category. Total monthly Additional exploratory analyses
The parenting rules, that is, RREM, family income was coded into the examined an item-specific model of
were modified from the ‘‘Active following 4 groups: ‘‘$0-$2,000,’’ parenting given the heterogeneity
Where?’’ study,23 which examined ‘‘$2,001-$3,500,’’ ‘‘$3,501-$5,000,’’ observed among items in the bivariate
factors associated with the physical and ‘‘$5,001 or more.’’ Ethnicity was analyses (ie, direction of associations
activity and diets of ethnically diverse assessed by asking the parent whether varied among items in the same con-
youth. Test-retest reliabilities were as or not he/she considered himself/her- struct). A stepwise backward elimina-
follows: limited portion sizes at meals self Latino, Hispanic, Mexican/Mexi- tion process was used to achieve
(ICC ¼ 0.61), no meals while watch- can American, or of Spanish origin a final model, which consisted of the
ing TV/DVDs (ICC ¼ 0.69), no fried (yes vs no). Race was assessed by asking strongest variables associated with
snacks at home (ICC ¼ 0.74), must the participant to indicate which children’s dietary fat consumption.
eat dinner with family (ICC ¼ 0.62), race(s) applied to him/her. Racial Backward elimination was also pre-
and limited fast food (ICC ¼ 0.70).24 groups were: white, black or African ferred given the potential collinearity
Two questions were added: ‘‘No sug- American, Asian, Native Hawaiian or between items. Block 1 (confounders)
ary beverages’’ and ‘‘Must finish all other Pacific, American Indian or Alas- remained consistent throughout the
food on plate,’’ modeled after those kan Native, mixed race, or unknown. model-testing process. For each subse-
from the ‘‘Active Where?’’ study. Re- Child demographics included age, quent block, individual items that
sponse options were ‘‘No,’’ ‘‘Yes,’’ or sex, and ethnicity. made up each construct were entered
‘‘Sometimes.’’ ‘‘Yes’’ and ‘‘Sometimes’’ into the model as a group. Items
responses were combined to a single were subsequently excluded from
response of ‘‘Yes’’ given the assump- Data Analysis each block that had P > .10 and
tion that sometimes having the rule removed in order of largest P value.
is likely to affect the child’s eating Descriptive statistics included means After the exclusion of each individual
habits. In addition, combining these for continuous data and frequencies item, the model was rerun with the
response options created more even for categorical data. Bivariate analyses remaining items in the respective
distributions between categories. All examined correlations between indi- block, and the exclusion criteria were
‘‘Yes’’ responses were summed with vidual scales and children’s dietary applied until all items that remained
a possible range of 0-7 (a ¼ .68). fat consumption, and the latter met in the given block were P < .10.
Parents reported on the extent to the assumptions for parametric tests.
which they followed the same 7 rules Hierarchical linear regression analy-
set for their children (as a proxy indi- sis was used to examine the indepen- RESULTS
cator of parent modeling). Coding dent associations and the variance
procedures were identical to those explained by several variable groups Caregiver and child sociodemo-
for the child (a ¼ .66). (blocks) to the outcome variable of graphics are described in Table 1.
Parent support was assessed using child's dietary fat consumption. The Most caregivers were white (84%);
a scale developed for PACEþ.25 Par- blocks were chosen based on their rela- very few were African American, Asian,
ents were asked how often, during tive contribution to children’s dietary Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander,
a typical week, they engaged in the fat consumption, ordered from most American Indian/Alaskan Native, and
following 5 activities: encouraged the to least influential based on current lit- mixed race (13% nonwhite). Most chil-
child to eat fruits and vegetables, pro- erature.26 Child sex and parent educa- dren were also white (83%), and only
vided fruits or vegetables for the child tion were included in Block 1 as 17% were African American, Asian,
as a snack or as part of a meal, ate potential confounders given that boys Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander,
fruits and vegetables with the child, showed greater mean screen time American Indian/Alaskan Native, and
encouraged the child not to drink sug- than girls (P < .05). Parent education mixed race.
ary beverages, and talked with the was negatively associated with RREM The mean fat consumption score
child about correct portion sizes. (P < .05), TV on during meals (P < was 20 (ranging from 4 to 54). The
Two questions were added similar to .05), eating away from home at sit- PACEþ validation study determined
the original scale: encouraged the down restaurants (P < .01), and screen through receiver operator characteris-
child not to drink sugary beverages time (P < .05). Parent-mediated behav- tic analyses that scores # 16 were con-
and talked with the child about the iors were deemed most proximal to sidered low fat consumption (# 30%
correct portion sizes. Responses were children’s dietary fat consumption calories from fat) and scores >16
recoded as days per week (eg, ‘‘1-2 and were entered into Block 2. Parent were considered high fat consump-
days’’ was recoded to ‘‘1.5 days’’), modeling of rules and having these tion (> 30% calories from fat), sug-
and a higher mean score indicated rules for their children shape their chil- gesting that, on average, children in
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012 Eisenberg et al 305

‘‘Must finish all food on plate’’ (46%).

Table 1. Caregiver and Child Sociodemographics, Children’s Fat Consumption,
The most common rules the parents
and Parental Influences (n ¼ 541)
had for their children were ‘‘Limited
fast food’’ (87%), and the least com-
n (%) Mean ± SD mon rule was ‘‘Limited portion sizes
Caregiver demographics at meals’’ (49%). During a typical
Age (y) 37.6  6.5 week, parents encouraged their chil-
Female 506 (93.5) dren to eat fruits and vegetables
Monthly income ($) (71%), provided fruits and vegetables
0-2,000 115 (22.7) for their children to eat (67%), ate
2,001-3,500 106 (20.9) fruits and vegetables with their chil-
3,501-5,000 101 (20.0) dren (59%), and did not encourage
5,001 or more 184 (36.4) their children to drink sugary bever-
Education ages (52%) every day. However, dur-
Middle school or less 80 (14.8) ing a typical week, 32% of the
High school 83 (15.3) parents never talked with their chil-
Some college, not graduate 145 (26.8) dren about appropriate portion sizes.
College graduate 133 (24.6)
Postgraduate work 100 (18.5)
Latino ethnicity 222 (41.0) Regression Analysis
Child demographics After adjusting for confounders, par-
Age (y) 6.7  0.7 ents who had more rules for their chil-
Female 298 (55.1) dren had children who consumed
Latino ethnicity 249 (46.0) fatty food more frequently (P < .01).
Mean fat consumptiona 20.4  7.0 However, parents who modeled more
(range 4.0-54.0) rules had children who consumed
these food items less frequently
Parenting influences
(P < .01), which explained 8% of the
Parent-mediated dietary behaviorsb
variance (Table 2). Except for parent
Eating dinner together (3.5 times/wk 100 (18.5)
education, no other variables were
vs # 1.5 times/wk)
significantly related to children’s
Eating dinner together (6 times/wk 394 (72.8)
dietary fat consumption and there
vs # 1.5 times/wk)
were no significant interactions with
TV on during snacks or 2.3  1.8
parent ethnicity.
meals (times/wk)
Weekly eating away from home: 76 (14.0)
family and friends Exploratory Regression
Weekly eating away from home: 214 (39.6) Analysis
fast-food restaurants
Weekly eating away from home: 164 (30.3) After adjusting for confounders, more
sit-down restaurants weekly screen time was associated
Total screen time (min/d) 108  86.2 with more frequent dietary fat con-
Parent modeling of food rulesc 5.2  1.7 sumption (P < .01; Block 2; Table 3).
RREMd 4.7  1.8 Similarly, more frequent consump-
Parent support of healthful eatinge 5.2  1.5 tion of away-from-home food from
a fast-food restaurants and family and
Fat consumption score refers to the sum score of the fatty food items consumed
friends’ homes were associated with
by children; bParent-mediated behaviors refer to the behaviors listed here that
more frequent dietary fat consump-
parents facilitate for their children; cParent modeling of rules refers to the food
tion (P < .05; Block 2). Parents who
rules that parents have for themselves (possible range 0-7); dRREM refers to
had the ‘‘Limited portion sizes at
the food rules that parents have at home for their children (possible range 0-7);
e meals’’ (P < .05) and ‘‘No fried snacks
Parent support refers to behaviors parents use to encourage healthful eating
(such as potato chips) at home’’ (P <
behaviors or discourage unhealthful eating behaviors (possible range 0-7).
.01; Block 3) rules for themselves had
children who consumed fatty food
less frequently. In terms of rules for
their children, parents who had the
this study had a high-fat diet.18 In homes (49%), fast-food restaurants ‘‘No meals while watching TV/
a typical week, 42% of children never (53%), or sit-down restaurants (59%) DVDs’’ and ‘‘Must finish all food on
ate meals in front of the TV and about less than once a week. The most com- plate’’ rules had children who more
half of the families ate away-from- mon rule parents had for themselves frequently consumed fatty food
home food or brought ready-to-eat was ‘‘Must eat dinner with the family’’ (both P < .01; Block 4). Parent support
food home from relatives’ or friends’ (90%), and the least common rule was was not related to children’s dietary
306 Eisenberg et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012

Table 2. Hierarchical Linear Regression of Parental Correlates of Children’s Fat Consumption (n ¼ 532)

Standardized b

R2 Change Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5

Demographics (R ¼ 0.02)

Child sex 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02

High school educationa 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
Some college educationa 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.12 0.12
College graduatea 0.16** 0.16* 0.15* 0.17** 0.17**
Postgraduate educationa 0.08 0.09 0.09 0.13* 0.13*
Parent-mediated behaviors (R2 ¼ 0.05) 0.03
Eating dinner together (3.5 times/wk vs #1.5 times/wk) 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01
Eating dinner together (6 times/wk vs #1.5 times/wk) 0.04 0.06 0.05 0.04
TV on during meals/snacks (a ¼ .71 [0.66, 0.74]) 0.05 0.04 0.07 0.07
Weekly eating away from home at family and friends’ houses 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06
Weekly eating away from home at fast-food restaurants 0.07 0.06 0.07 0.07
Weekly eating away from home at sit-down restaurants 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02
Screen time 0.09 0.08 0.09 0.09
Parent modeling (R2 ¼ 0.06) 0.01
Parent modeling of food rules 0.10* 0.22** 0.22**
Parent household rules (R2 ¼ 0.08) 0.02
RREM 0.21** 0.20**
Parent support (R2 ¼ 0.08) 0.00
Parent support for healthful eating 0.01
RREM indicates the food rules that parents have at home for their children.
*P < .05; **P < .01; aMiddle school or less is the reference category.

fat consumption (Block 5). The full sumed fat more frequently than their more frequent fat consumption,
model explained 11% of the variance counterparts. These 2 rules are exam- a known risk factor for childhood obe-
in child dietary fat consumption. ples of how restricting and controlling sity.32 In addition, children who ate
parenting styles may be associated fast food at least once per week more
with an increased frequency of frequently consumed fat. This finding
DISCUSSION unhealthful food consumption.12 is consistent with current literature.10
Similarly, children whose parents Surprisingly, there were no interac-
This study examined a model of par- pressure them to finish all of the tions with ethnicity. This finding con-
enting related to feeding on children’s food on their plates consume more tradicts what has been shown in other
dietary fat consumption. Parents who high-fat snack food per week.8 Finally, research.12,13 When compared to their
modeled healthful portion control at in contrast to the results of previous non-Latino counterparts, Latino par-
mealtime and who controlled access research,30 having a college education ents tend to be more authoritarian.33
to fried snacks by not bringing them was positively associated with chil- One explanation for these contradic-
home had children who less fre- dren’s fat consumption. More edu- tory findings could be that the Latino
quently consumed fat. These findings cated parents may have more sample was more acculturated, result-
are consistent with previous stud- demanding jobs, which gives them ing in little difference between the 2
ies.1,3,13 Older children are more less time to prepare food at home ethnic groups. However, after testing
influenced by portion size and compared with the types of jobs held this assumption (data not shown),
external cues rather than internal by less educated parents. This inter- the Latino sample was found to
and physiologic cues for hunger and pretation is supported by exploratory be less acculturated than the non-
satiety.30 In addition, home accessi- analyses (data not shown), in which Latino sample (ie, greater use of a lan-
bility and availability of food affects the authors found a positive associa- guage other than English), which
the types of food that children con- tion between college education and suggests that acculturation may not
sume. For example, having unhealth- eating away from home at sit-down explain this finding.
ful food at home can be a barrier to restaurants (P < .01). More frequent This study was cross-sectional,
choosing fruits and vegetables.29 Fur- consumption of food obtained out- which limits inference of causality.34
thermore, parents who had rules side the home is associated with All data were collected from the par-
about not watching TV during meals higher fat consumption.31 ents via self-report, which may have
and finishing all of one’s food on Exploratory analysis revealed that introduced self-report bias,34 such as
one’s plate had children who con- more screen time was associated with socially desirable responses.35 Using
Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012 Eisenberg et al 307

Table 3. Hierarchical Linear Regression of Parental Correlates of Children’s Fat Consumption Using a Stepwise Backward
Elimination Approach (n ¼ 532)

Standardized b

R2 Change Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 Block 4 Block 5

Demographics (R ¼ 0.02)

Child sex 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.00

High school educationa 0.11 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.10
Some college educationa 0.12 0.10 0.14* 0.15* 0.15*
College graduatea 0.16** 0.15* 0.20** 0.19** 0.19**
Postgraduate educationa 0.08 0.09 0.14* 0.14* 0.14*
Parent-mediated behaviors (R2 ¼ 0.04) 0.03
Weekly eating away from home at family and friends’ homes 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08*
Weekly eating away from home at fast-food restaurants 0.07 0.06 0.08 0.09*
Total weekly screen time 0.10* 0.10* 0.11** 0.12**
Parent modeling (R2 ¼ 0.07) 0.03
Limited portion sizes at meals 0.08 0.09* 0.10*
No fried snacks (such as potato chips) at home 0.13** 0.15** 0.16**
Must finish all food on plate 0.11* 0.02 0.02
RREM (R2 ¼ 0.11) 0.03
TV on during meals/snacks 0.14** 0.14**
Must finish all food on plate 0.15** 0.16**
Parent support (R2 ¼ 0.11) 0.00
Parent support for healthful eating 0.04
RREM indicates the food rules that parents have at home for their children.
*P < .05; **P < .01; aMiddle school or less is the reference category.

a food frequency questionnaire to col- plete the same feeding and mealtime but enforcement may be inconsistent,
lect dietary fat consumption data is questionnaire for themselves that as was evident by the number of par-
relatively inexpensive and reduces they completed for their children.37 ents who reported sometimes having
participant burden compared to other This study’s investigators argue that a rule. Finally, research should deter-
approaches. However, there is evi- if parents have mealtime and feeding mine whether children respond dif-
dence for low levels of agreement rules for themselves, it will reinforce ferently to paternal versus maternal
between child and parent reports, be- these behaviors in their children and parenting styles and modeling. It is
cause compared to their parents, chil- support their healthful eating behav- unknown whether study findings
dren overestimate their levels of iors. Parental perception of children’s generalize to fathers, as 94% of the
vegetable intake.36 In this study, chil- weight has implications for parental caregivers were female. Studies have
dren were too young to provide a valid feeding practices, which was not shown that children may perceive
self-report of their dietary intake. The taken into account in the present different parenting styles between
fat consumption questionnaire was study.38 Study strengths include the their parents and that these parenting
validated for use with adolescents heterogeneity of races/ethnicities, styles may be associated with certain
without a parent proxy, thus results the sample size, and the multiple eating behaviors, such as eating fam-
should be interpreted with caution. operationalizations of parenting. ily meals together.39
Nevertheless, the questionnaire was The study results, along with results
previously evaluated with a similar from previous research,1,4 support the
population.5 The scale used to mea- IMPLICATIONS FOR roles parents play in children’s dietary
sure parent modeling may not mea- RESEARCH AND intake. Attempts to change parents’
sure the parents’ actual behavior. To PRACTICE knowledge, attitudes, and practices
the authors’ knowledge, no study about how they feed their children
has examined whether parents follow Given the importance of parental in- are logical avenues for changing
the same rules they set for their chil- fluence on children’s dietary intake, children’s fat intake, which may
dren as an indicator of modeling. more research is needed to under- ultimately have implications for
However, it has been shown that par- stand these associations, including obesity prevention.40 Children need
ent modeling, in general, is associated longitudinal studies to provide evi- guidance and a certain degree of pa-
with healthful eating behaviors.3 A dence of causality. Studies should rental control when choosing which
study by Hendy et al assessed parent consider examining enforcement of food to eat and how often to eat it.7
modeling by asking parents to com- RREM, since rules may be present The results suggest that parents should
308 Eisenberg et al Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior  Volume 44, Number 4, 2012

avoid over-controlling and restricting development of children eating behav- intake among adolescents. Prev Med.
their children’s eating to avoid excess iour. Br J Nutr. 2008;99(suppl 1):S22-S25. 2001;33:699-706.
consumption of dietary fat. 8. Campbell KJ, Crawford DA, Ball K. 19. Andaya AA, Arredondo EM,
Health care professionals have Family food environment and dietary Alcaraz JE, Lindsay SP, Elder JP. The
many opportunities to discuss family behaviors likely to promote fatness in association between family meals, TV
behaviors to decrease the risk for 5-6 year-old children. Int J Obes. 2006; viewing during meals, and fruit, vege-
childhood obesity.40 Therefore, a pos- 30:1272-1280. tables, soda, and chips intake among
sible avenue for intervention might be 9. Coon KA, Goldberg J, Rogers BL, Latino children. J Nutr Educ Behav.
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