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ADRIAN T – BSCRIM – 2C -SGR6 (finals) October 16,2022

Mr.Christian T. Bulanadi Sunday Gospel


(Luke 18:1-18 )

“Be Brave”

The Gospel for today is Jesus used the story of the Persistent Widow to teach a lesson about the
necessity for us to always pray without becoming weary. Jesus used the image of an unjust judge to
reveal the power of persistence and to reveal the depths of God’s mercy. We learn that the woman in
the story never gave up. So with us, we must never cease to lose hope in prayer. We must pray always,
constantly, and persistently. It’s not that prayer changes God, rather, prayer changes us and disposes us
to receive the immeasurable graces from God.

The widow In this gospel never gave up in her search for justice, this should be an inspiration to
us, humans to never give up. Because even though God gives us problems and situations that
might be complex and challenging, we should continue praying to Him and to never lose faith in
Him. No matter the situation we are in, always trust God’s plan.

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