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Partner Registration Form

(International Student Recruitment)


Company Details

Registered Company Name

(Agency Name in Full)
Registered in Malaysia Registered Overseas

Company Registration Number

Company Establishment Date

Main Contact Person

(Name as per IC / Passport)

Identity Card No (Malaysian)

Passport No (Non-Malaysian)

Official Company Address

Postcode: Country:

Branch Office(s)
(State City & Country)

Main Contact Number


Total number of students

recruited for Malaysia since
your establishment

Area of Recruitment Activities


Yes No

Do you charge any counselling

fee or other fees to your If Yes, please provide details on fees chargeable:
prospects / parents?

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Commission Payment Details

Telegraph Transfer (Foreign Bank Account)

Payment Mode
Bank Transfer (for Malaysian Bank Account)

Beneficiary’s Name

Identity Card No (Malaysian)

Passport No (Non-Malaysian)

Beneficiary’s Bank

Correspondence Bank
(If Any)

Bank Account Number

Banker’s Address

Postcode: Country:

Bank’s Contact Number +

Swift Code



IC / Passport No

Company Stamp

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Pl ea s e ti ck i f y o u hav e pr ov i de d t he b e lo w as t he co mp l et e su p p o rt in g do c um en t s f or
imm ed i at e pr oc es s in g:

Completed and signed form

Copy of company regis tration certificate SSM / trade license(s)

Owner’s Identity Card (Malaysian) / Passport Details Page (Non -Malaysian)

Company Profile

Please ensure that Registered Company Name MUST be the same as Registered
Benefic iary’s Bank Name

For Office Use Only



Proposed by: Assessed and Recommended by:

___________________ ___________________________
Name: Name:
International Counsellor Position
Date Date

Approved by:

Choo Boon Han, Eddy
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)

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