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Przetłumacz na język angielski fragmenty podane w nawiasach, aby

otrzymać logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne zdania.
1. They ……………………………….. (nigdy nie byli) to Rome.
2. Why ………………………………… (wąchasz) your cheesecake? Has it gone off?
3. Don’t disturb me, please. I ………………………… (powtarzam na) exams.
4. My parents ………………………………. (idą) to the cinema on Friday.
5. This ham ……………………… (pachnie) badly.
6. We …………………………… (pomalowaliśmy) the walls in the living room.
7. You look so sad. What ……………………(myślisz) about?
8. I …………………… (uważam, myślę) this book is so boring.
9. My mum ………………………….. (podlewa) flowers once a week.
10. Mum ……………………………….. (właśnie upiekła) a cherry pie. We …………………………
(spróbowaliśmy) it and this is so delicious!

TASK 2. Wykorzystują wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami uzupełnij każde

zdanie, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego.
1. What’s the price of the tickets, Jimmy? MUCH

How ……………………………………………………………, Jimmy?

2. This is my first experience of flying alone. FLOWN

I …………………………………………………………….. alone.

3. Sarah’s not keen on team sports at all. LIKE

Sarah ……………………………………………….. team sports at all.

4. Ania’s in bathroom right now. A

Ania ………………………………………. at the moment.

5. I came to Paris on Saturday. IN

I have been ……………………………………………………. Saturday.

TASK 3. Uzupełnij zdania 1-8. Wykorzystaj w odpowiedniej formie wyrazy podane

w nawiasach.
1. Sandy………………………………………… (not / see) his sister since she went to university.
2. ………………………………….. (you / ever / meet) anyone famous?
3. Jack ………………………… (look) really happy after he ………………………. (pass) his
driving test!
4. I …………………………………… (always / want) be an artist. But I can’t paint.
5. Phil ………………………………… (think) of getting dad a CD for his birthday.
6. I ………………………………….. (not / see) this film yet. ………………………….. (be / it) a
science fiction?
7. He can’t speak now as he ……………………………………… (drive) a car.
8. How many cigarettes ……………………………………. (you / smoke) a day?
* TASK 4 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź.

There are / are being over one billion Facebook users worldwide. And this number
increases / is increasing all the time. It is clear that Facebook changes / has changes
the way we look / have looked at friendship. The word 'friend' becomes / has become
a verb, and 'friends' now include / have included people we only know / are knowing
online and who we are never meeting / have never met. One positive side to Facebook
is that friends who lose / have lost contact, often many years ago, are now able / have
now been able to get in touch again. 'More and more people connect / are connecting
with old friends via Facebook' says a spokesperson for the website. ' And Facebook
also means / has meant that friends never need / have needed to lose touch; people
can stay friends for life.'

* TASK 5. Uzupełnij tekst używając poprawnej formy czasowników z ramki.



Everyone (1) …………………………………….. about the stunning sights to see in

Moscow and St .Petersburg. The beautiful city of Omsk, one of the oldest cities in
western Siberia, (2) ……………………………… not so well-known. Unfortunately, the
2700 km journey from Moscow just ……………………. Too far for many travelers to
Russia, For those who (4) …………………. Travel there, however, there are a number
of interesting things to see and do. These (5) …………………visiting the Tobolski and
Tarskie Gates, which were the first sine buildings in Osmk, the Museum of Local Lore
and the modern shops on Lyubinsky Avenue. When you (6)………………………
Krestovoxfvizhensky Cathedral lit up in the moonlight, you (7)
…………………………………… why it’s worth making effort to come here.

Few historians (8) ……………………….. with Osmk’s historical importance – it was

even a capital of Russia for a short period at the beginning of the 20 th century. As
travelling across Russia becomes easier, it (9) …………………. Like Osmk may also
have a bright future – as a popular destination for tourists.

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