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Introduction to Electronics Laboratory

Experiment 4
Linear Applications of Operational Amplifiers

Note: In this experiment you can use LT1001 from LTSpice OPAMP library instead of 741 as you
don’t have the model for that in LTSpice. The results are not going to change; thus you can be
comfortable with using LT1001. Use 15V for VCC and -15V for –VEE.

Experiment 2.1.

An inverting amplifier circuit shown in Figure-1. Apply a sinusoidal signal for Vin with 100 mV amplitude
and 1 kHz frequency. Instead of variable resistor R2 in Figure-1, use normal resistor for simulation
purpose. You are free to choose your resistor values but you have to obtain a gain larger than 10.

a) Show your transient simulation results for Vin and Vout during 5 ms.
b) Explain the circuit and simulation result.
c) What is the maximum input voltage amplitude for your amplifier without any clipping at the

Figure 1: Inverting Amplifier

Experiment 2.2.

Repeat the exact same things (for the same input amplitude, frequency etc.) for the non-inverting
amplifier which given in Figure-2. Again use a normal resistor, instead of variable resistor R2. Explain
the difference between the amplifiers in Figure-1 and Figure-2 based on your simulation results.

Figure 2: Non-Inverting Amplifier

Introduction to Electronics Laboratory
Experiment 4
Linear Applications of Operational Amplifiers

Experiment 2.3.

For the summing amplifier circuit in Figure-3, implement the function Vout= -(aV1+bV2). You are free
the choose a and b (using appropriate resistor ratios, you can easily set a and b). V1 and V2 are the
sinusoidal signals and have the amplitudes 100 mV and 200 mV, respectively. Set the both frequency
to 1 kHz.

a) Show your transient simulation results for Vin1, Vin2 and Vout during 5 ms.
b) Explain the circuit and simulation result.

Figure 3: Summing Amplifier

Experiment 2.4.

For the difference amplifier circuit in Figure-4, implement the function Vout= (aV2-bV1). You are free
the choose a and b (using appropriate resistor ratios, you can easily set a and b). V 1 and V2 are the
sinusoidal signals and have the amplitudes 100 mV and 200 mV, respectively. Set the both frequency
to 1 kHz.

a) Show your transient simulation results for Vin1, Vin2 and Vout during 5 ms.
b) Explain the circuit and simulation result.

Figure 4: Difference Amplifier

Introduction to Electronics Laboratory
Experiment 4
Linear Applications of Operational Amplifiers

Experiment 2.5.

For the integrator circuit in Figure 5, and differentiator circuit in Figure 6, C=10 nF, R1=Req=10k, R2=100k
values are given.

Figure 5: Integrator

Figure 6: Differentiator

a) Apply square pulse with 500 mV amplitude and 1 kHz frequency for integrator circuit. Do the
transient simulation during 5 ms. Show Vi and Vo. Discuss if the circuit operates as an

b) Connect the output of the integrator to the input of differentiator. Repeat the transient
simulation, do not change the input signal that you use in a. Show the output of differentiator.
Explain your result and discuss if the circuit operates as a differentiator.

Last Update: 01.01.2022

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