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1. Structure 1: There is/are + Noun + (VPP) + Place
Example 1.

A. There are some chairs around the round

B. There are glasses and plates on the table.
C. Some diners are ordering in a restaurant.
D. The glasses are being filled.

2. Structure 2: S + have/has + been + Vpp + place (Bị động hiện tại hoàn thành)
Example 2.

A. A towel is hanging on a fence.

B. Some plants have been placed in pots.
C. Some chairs have been set around a table.
D. The door to a house has been left open.

3. Lưu ý cấu trúc: S + is/are + being Vpp

Cấu trúc bị động hiện tại tiếp diễn diễn tả tranh có người đang thực hiện hành động tác động lên đối
tượng khác.
Tranh tả vật sẽ loại các đáp án có cấu trúc này.
The ceiling lights have been installed
The ceiling lights are being installed => Sai
Bị động, hiện tại tiếp diễn

Exercise 1. Listen and complete the phrase. (File 1)
A. A____________________ is
B. _________________has been
C. The_________________ are
D. Some___________________ is being

A. Some________________ are
B. ___________________are being
C. Some________________ are
D. A ____________ is

3. A. Some______________ are
B. A ____________________is
C. A _______________is
D. A_________________ is being

A. Some____________________
B. ________________are
C. _______________are on a
D. Some________________ are

A. A_____________ is
B. Some_______________ are
C. All of the _________________are
D. A ______________is on a

A. A woman is _____________________
B. A man is ______________________
C. Some ________________are being
D. A ______________is ____________

Exercise 2. (File 2)
A. A_____________ is being____________.
B. Some_________ are being __________.
C. _____________are_________________.
D. Some________ are________________.

A. Some _________________are being
B. A _____________is______________.
C. A________ is __________________.
D. There are some __________________

A. A __________ is___________________.
B. Some ______________are ___________
C. Some____________________________.
D. _____________are_________________.

A. Some _____________have been
B. Some____________ are being
C. A___________________ is being
D. Some_______________ have been

A. A ____________is __________________.
B. Some ______________are __________
C. A___________ is being ___________
D. Some_______________ are_________

A. A ______________________________.
B. A ______________________________.
C. Some __________are being __________
D. A___________ is ___________________.

Exercise 3. Listen and complete the phrase. (File 3)
A. The___________ have been _________
B. There are ___________ on __________
C. There are ______________ _________
D. Some __________________________.

A. There is a ______________
B. The_______________ has__________.
C. The______________ has ________
D. The___________________________.

3. A. A____________ is being__________
B. The____________ is_______________.
C. The____________________________.
D. The____________________________.

A. Some of the__________ are ______
B. Some_____________ are___________.
C. Some of the _____________are ___
D. There is a ______________

A. The___________ are all_________
B. The_________ are_______________
C. The____________________________.
D. The_______________________________.

A. There is a _________________________
B. Some___________________________.
C. A_____________ is being____________.
D. There is a________________________.

A. Some__________________________.
B. People are________________________.
C. A man is __________________________.
D. A_____________________________.

A. The__________ is being ___________.
B. A ________is ______________________.
C. There is a _________________________.
D. Both________ are up to _____________.

Exercise 4. Common Expression (File 4)
Store & Different kinds of bread are Furniture & The table is located in front of the
Product ___________for sale. Appliance sofa
Labels have been The table is entirely covered with
_________to the bottles a _________
The items are displayed in the There is a _______ under the
____________. chair.
The bottles are _______on top Pillows are neatly _______on the
of each other. bed.
The cakes have been There are some folded
______________ __________ on the sofa.
Interior Pictures are __________the There is a television in the corner
Decoration wall near the windows. _________the room.
There is a____________ Various fruits are in the
picture next to the bookcase. __________
A_________ flower Kitchen & The ________are arranged by
arrangement is on the table. Utensil size.
There are __________ above Some of the __________is
the fireplace. broken.
The _________are filled with Cooking _________ are hanging
flowers. from a rack.
Door & There is a window Pots and pans have been
Window ___________the door. ________on the shelf.

The windows have been Lighting There is a ________on the left

____________ Equipment side of the bed.

All of the doors have been A _________hangs over the table

__________ The hall lights have all been
The lamp is _________over the
Exercise 5. Common Expression (File 5)
21. We're ___________________________________ for the _______________.
(A) ___________________?
(B) A ________________ was ____________.
(C) Harold's _____________________ isn't _______________.
22. __________ are these ___________so ______________?
(A) Thanks for coming in early today.
(B) I've asked Mark to _______________.
(C) We ______________________ for everyone.

23. _____________________ would you _____________?
(A) Let's try for mid- September.
(B) We _____________________.
(C) I _____________________________.
24. ______________ _________ the _____________________?
(A) We're ___________________.
(B) At seven o'clock on Monday
(C) _________________ hasn't been ____________.
25. ________ you ____________________ to Mr. Ito's _______________?
(A) We ______________ the ____________.
(B) I'm __________________________, too.
(C) Outside of the ______________________.
26. _________________ will the ________________________________?
(A) ____________________.
(B) There is a ____________ that goes there.
(C) _________________________________.
27. ___________________________________________.
(A) The ______________ just _____________________.
(B) On the ________________ in the ________________.
(C) _______________, stapled please
28. The ____________________________________________, should it?
(A) No, it ______________________.
(B) Yes, it was _________________.
(C) No, _________________________.
29. _____________ can I ____________________ for the _______________________?
(A) _______________________________.
(B) Yes, his ___________________.
(C) My _______________________________.
30. ___________ those ____________ been_______________?
(A) I’ll ______________, thanks.
(B) They're ____________________
(C) We _________________________
31. _______________________________ for the _____________.
(A) I __________, it'll be _________________________
(B) The ____________ has_______________________.
(C) A ________________________.

Exercise 1. (File 5)
1. 2.

3. 4.

5. 6.

Chép chính tả những gì nghe được:

(A) A_____________ has been____________________________________.
(B) A _________________has been ________________________________.
(C) There’s a_____________________________________________.
(D) Some______________ have been__________________________.

(A) Set of_________________ have been____________________________.
(B) _________________have been ________________________________.
(C) A____________________ is being_____________________________.
(D) There is a ________________________________________________.
(A) Some__________________ have been______________________.
(B) Some__________________ has been__________________________.
(C) An __________________has fallen____________________________.
(D) A__________________ has been_____________________________.
(A) There are some________________________________________.
(B) There’s a ____________________________________________.
(C) A____________________ is _____________________________.
(D) Some people are ______________________________________.
(A) Some _________have been_______________________________.
(B) A_______________________ has been________________________.
(C) Some______________ are being____________________________.
(D) Some________________ has been __________________________.
(A) A_______________________________________________.
(B) _______________are__________________________________.
(C) A________________________________________________.
(D) Some____________________________________________.
Exercise 2. (File 6)
1. 2.

3. 4.


Exercise 3 (File 7)
A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

3. A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

A. _______________________________.
B. _______________________________.
C. _______________________________.
D. _______________________________.

Exercise 3 (File 8)
7. _____________will it _____________________?
(A) Sure, I can take it.
(B) __________________________
(C) __________________________.
8. _________________________ the _______________?
(A) That ____________________.
(B) About _____________________.
(C) The _______________________.
9. _____________will the _____________________________ be ______________?
(A) ______________________________.
(B) Yes, I ________________________.
(C) The __________________________.
10. ________ the __________________________ been _________________?
(A) I'm _______________________________.
(B) There's a _________________________.
(C) The _____________________________.
11. I __________the __________________________.
(A) _____________________.
(B) Yes, _______________.
(C) It's __________________.
12 _______________has __________________________?
(A) I ________________________.
(B) Please ________________________.
(C) _______________ the _______________________________.
13. ________________you be ____________________________?
(A) Yes, he __________________.
(B) It's not ___________________.
(C) _____________________________.
14. ___________________can we ________________________?
(A) ________________________.
(B) _______________________.
(C) _________________________.
15. _____________________________________?
(A) Yes, _______________________________.
(B) ___________________________________.
(C) They're _____________________________
16. _________________________________________________
(A) ____________________________________.
(B) ______________________________________
(C) _______________________________________.

17. _____________________________________________
(A) ____________________________
(B) ____________________________
(C) ___________________________.
18. _________________________________________________________________?
(A) ___________________________
(B) ___________________________________
(C) ___________________________________
19. ________________________________________________?
(A) __________________________
(B) __________________________
(C) __________________________
20. ________________________________________________?
(A) ________________________________
(B) _______________________________
(C) ________________________________



No. Word Meaning No. Word Meaning
1 illuminate (v) chiếu sáng 34 train track đường ray tàu
2 refreshments (n) đồ ăn nhẹ 35 surround (v) bao quanh
3 armchair (n) ghế bành 36 tow a car cẩu xe đi
4 measure (v) đo đạc 37 a two - digit number con số có 2 chữ số
5 installation (n) sự lắp đặt 38 floating on the water trôi nổi trên mặt nước
6 pedestrian (n) người đi bộ 39 extend (v) kéo dài
7 at an intersection ở giao lộ 40 renovate (v) nâng cấp
8 tree branches nhánh cây 41 ramp dốc thoải
9 decorate (v) trang trí 42 performance review đánh giá năng lực
10 light fixture đồ thắp sáng 43 admit vehicles nhận phương tiện
11 a check - in counter quầy check in 44 chandelier đèn chùm
12 engine part bộ phận động cơ 45 saucepan cái chảo
13 sailing under a bridge đi thuyền dưới cầu 46 cooking utensils dụng cụ nấu bếp
14 be unoccupied không có người, trống 47 suspend (v) treo
15 Bushes bụi rậm 48 fold the blanket gập chăn
16 lamp post cột đèn 49 refrigerator (n) tủ lạnh
17 Statue bức tượng 50 tablecloth khăn trải bàn
18 Fence hàng rào 51 select (v) lựa chọn
19 in the square ở quảng trường 52 complicated (adj) phức tạp
20 approaching a station tiến vào nhà ga 53 simplify (v) đơn giản hóa
21 Memo thông báo, tin nhắn 54 performance biểu diễn dàn nhạc
be mounted on the resting arms on a
22 wall Được treo trên tường 55 railing để tay lên lan can
23 Ferry cái phà 56 balcony ban công
casting a net from a
24 boat buông lưới từ thuyền 57 hook (n) móc treo quần áo
25 pier (n) cầu cảng 58 trying on a helmet thử mũ bảo hiểm
26 Trail (n) con đường mòn 59 a paper towel khăn giấy
plugging in an
27 trim a tree cắt tỉa cây 60 appliance cắm thiết bị vào ổ
wiping off a
28 pave the road lát đường 61 countertop lau bề mặt kệ, quầy
29 terrace thềm, nền đất 62 bricks on a pathway gạch ở trên lối đi
30 shade (v) phủ bóng râm 63 paddle a kayak chèo xuồng kaiac
31 making a turn rẽ 64 canal con kênh
deadline ko thể đàm
32 nonnegotiable deadline phán 65 budget estimate ước tính ngân sách
development đề xuất phát triển phần
33 the same direction cùng hướng 66 proposal mềm
67 staple (v) dập ghim

No Word Meaning No. Word Meaning
1 floor lamp đèn cây để trên sàn 40 for sale để bán
2 a sitting area khu vực ngồi 41 lay out sắp xếp, bố trí
3 facing the paintings đối diện bức tranh 42 attach (v) đính kèm, gắn
4 carpet (n) / carpeting thảm, việc trải thảm 43 showcase tủ trưng bày
5 crossing băng qua 44 a framed picture tranh được lồng khung
6 clear (v) dọn 45 candle nến
exiting a parking
7 garage ra khỏi gara đỗ xe 46 fireplace lò sưởi
8 leaving a shop rời khỏi cửa hàng 47 vases (n) lọ (hoa)
9 repairing sửa chữa 48 be filled with được lấp đầy
10 bench ghế dài 49 entirely toàn bộ
11 in a sink ở bồn rửa 50 fairly brief tương đối ngắn gọn
12 railway đường sắt 51 fridge tủ lạnh
13 alongside a building dọc bên cạnh tòa nhà 52 hanging on a rack treo trên giá
14 platform nền tảng, bến 53 be turned off được tắt
event space địa điểm, không gian sự
15 Suitcases vali 54 (venue) kiện
16 inspecting kiểm tra 55 retirement party tiệc về hưu
17 a boat con thuyền 56 guest list danh sách khách mời
18 along the shore dọc bờ (biển, hồ..) 57 conference center trung tâm hội nghị
19 post a sign đăng biển 58 shuttle bus xe đưa đón
20 opening a cabinet mở cái tủ 59 repair person người sửa chữa
washing a dish in a
21 sink rửa cái đĩa để ở bồn rửa 60 supply closet tủ đựng đồ
22 bottle chai 61 bar (n) thanh chắn ngang, xà ngang
23 on shelves trên kệ 62 sales figures số liệu bán hàng
24 repaint a column sơn lại cái cột 63 submission việc nộp
25 flag cái cờ 64 design contest cuộc thi thiết kế
26 microwave lò vi sóng 65 make a decision đưa ra quyết định
27 unload dỡ hàng 66 entry fee phí đăng ký
be arranged in a
28 be located nằm ở đâu 67 row được xếp thành hàng
29 lead to dẫn tới 68 deck (n) boong tàu, sàn tàu
30 be tied to a pier được buộc vào cầu cảng 69 fruit basket giỏ hoa quả
31 leaves (n) (số ít: leaf) lá cây 70 empty (v) để trống
32 at a light ở chỗ đèn giao thông 71 to spill đổ ra
33 nearly gần như 72 pond (n) cái ao
34 sidewalk vỉa hè 73 curtain rèm cửa
35 waiting in line đợi xếp hành thàng 74 consider (v) cân nhắc
36 a street sign biển báo trên đường phố 75 product sample mẫu sản phẩm
37 wet (adj) ẩm ướt 76 caterer (n) nhà cung cấp thực phẩm
38 fishing in a boat câu cá ở con thuyền 77 warehouse nhà kho
39 bread bánh mỳ 78 to propose đề xuất


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