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Zombie Awareness

Water Filtration
An important skill in surviving and major natural disaster is being able to filter water for consumption. A simple and effective water filter can be built from a cut open plastic bottle, a high thread-count cloth, some charcoal, sand, and optionally gravel. Simply cut off the bottom of the bottle, attach the cloth to the top of the bottle, turn it over, and layer the gravel, sand, and charcoal as illustrated below. When done, simple pour water in the top and clean water will pour out the bottom.


Its worth noting however that this filter will only remove large scale contaminants from water, and that said water should still be boiled or sun-treated afterward to kill any traces of zombie virus or other germs that may cause illness. When boiling, the water should continue at a rolling boil for at least one minute to kill contaminants. When sun-treating, a transparent bottle should be left outside in bright UV sunlight for at least a whole day. The bottle used should be of recycling type 1 to allow UV light rays through, and it should be no larger than 3 liters in size, as the greater the distance light has to travel through the water, the less effective it will be. Other methods of water purification also exist, such as chlorine tablets, iodine treatment, and semi-permeable water filters. All these items and more should be available at your local hardware store.

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