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Project Workflow

Checkout and pay

Example/ illustration of the ‘Application’ page has been shown on the next page.

Application page: Displays Application page: Application page:

Website Home page: Application page:
text informing user that Images received Short description and
User enters site User types in
“Your request has been from python “Add to Basket” and Basket page
and clicks ‘Try it’ their input on a
submitted, please wait while displayed below “Checkout” buttons next
button form
we process the output” input to python output images

Separate server
hosting python User input
submitted to
back-end python server
returns 3-5 jpg
Python Processes

Please read notes below, important.

1. Preferred option for website development is using Wordpress. If you’re proposing alternatives, please let me know what and why.
2. The Python application has been developed, however the REST API which can talk to the website is still to be developed. This will be done
through the Python Flask module.
3. The Python application itself is proprietary and has sensitive data so cannot be shared, however a more representative version can be shared if
required to help with development.
4. Functionality for login/memberships is not yet required, however it will be soon. Please keep this in mind while creating the website.
Application Page ‘Submit’ button for
Before form submission After receiving data back from python application
Website Header Website Header

Form input area

Results text appears


‘Loading’ popup-style
icon shown when Unique images ‘Add to Basket’ and
form submitted to received from the ‘Checkout’ buttons
python. python application
will be displayed here.
(Shown in green)

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