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Name Sandeep Somarajan Pillai

Question 1

Lisa was disappointed on the first few weeks because;

On the first day, Linton mentioned that she does not like MBAs as they act like they know
everything even if they don’t know anything. Because of this, Lisa did not felt welcomed on the
first day.

Scoville gave Lisa menial jobs due to his improper planning and also he was very rude to her
and she felt Scoville like a condescending big brother when he took her out for lunch.

Question 2
Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High He was a very smart employee at HomeCare.

Experience He also moved from operations to marketing
which shows his competence, creativity &

Conscientiousness Low He was very unorganized. This is clear from the

copying incident where he assigned the task to
Lisa at the last minute.

Extraversion Low Scoville sometimes tries to be over smart which

is not very good display of behavior in the

Agreeableness Low He is not very cooperative with his colleagues

Neuroticism High He has a very high neuroticism as he shouted at

Lisa on the copying incident.

The two ways through which Lisa can improve her relationship with Scoville are as follows:

1. Both Lisa & Scoville are high on Openness which states that they are highly ambitious.
A possible solution for them to get together is by working on a same project and taking
responsibility of different tasks/roles which will help each other.
2. In terms of Extraversion, both portray opposite qualities. Scoville should focus on the
internal parts like operations of the project whereas Lisa should undertake activities
which include more teamwork.

Question 3

The area of the Johari window is the hidden area.

Lisa can reduce the hidden area by:

1. Lisa should take initiative and let her intentions & opinions known and also should
come out of the learning stage. This would showcase her analytical and organizational
skills to Linton.
2. As Vernon admires Lisa, she should ask him for direction which could help reduce the
conflict between her and Linton.
3. She should set her objectives that are suited to her abilities.

Question 4

1. Linton can mention how Lisa is an asset to the company and then provide inputs on
how she can improve on her weak points. Doing this will help boost Lisa’s confidence
& she will try to improve.
2. Linton should allow Lisa to express her opinions and get an insight of her perspective.
3. Linton should also advise Lisa on how to overcome her hurdles and work effectively.
Question 5

Lisa would have felt more motivated to work at Houseworld by:

1. Getting appreciation from Linton for the work done which will help her stay motivated.
2. Lisa should be in a role which suits her skills.
3. Linton should encourage Lisa by giving her an opportunity to speak without any fear
or judgement.
4. Linton should have prioritize on setting the work objective of Lisa on the first week

Question 6

Lisa can use soft skills like persuasion on Scoville which means opening up emotionally as we
can see that Scoville is open to feedback .

As per Linton’s performance review, she mentioned Lisa not being ‘assertive’. This, Lisa
should be more trustworthy and likeable by speaking up about her opinions.

1. As Lisa is in good books of Vernon who is the boss of Linton and also an Harvard
MBA, she could use hard tactic of Coalition formation to get more responsibility of the
project and show her talents to Linton.
2. Lisa can use Assertiveness with Scoville as he is just a colleague of her and not the
boss and she can say no to any menial jobs given by him.
Question 7

There are breaches in ethics by Lisa’s coworkers:

1. Scoville yelling at Lisa when they had an argument.

2. Linton being irresponsible about her subordinates’ career growth. She was supposed
to take Lisa for lunch in the first week itself. Instead she took her to lunch after 3
month on her fist performance review.

Question 8

In my opinion, Lisa should not leave her job at Houseworld because:

1. Lisa joined House World with an intention of learning marketing from an industry
leader. Leaving now would not help her achieve that objective.
2. Rather than running from problems, she should seek help from her seniors such as
Vernon as of how to strengthen her relationships with Scoville & Linton.
3. As Lisa already gets along with her peers, she is most likely to exceed in her career at

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