Lab 05

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Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

Lab 05
Introduction to Packet Tracer

Objectives of the Lab:


In this lab we will cover the following

 Introduction to Packet tracer Software

 Creating a Star topology Network using switch.

 Creating two different networks and their interconnection.

 Ping the nodes of different networks to check their connectivity.

Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

As shown in the diagram, this network has to be established. Its procedure is

given below

Packet tracer is a software of Cisco, the network device vendors. Cisco packet tracer is
a comprehensive, networking technology teaching and learning program that offers a
unique combination of realistic simulation and visualization experiences, assessment
and activity authoring capabilities, and opportunities for multi user collaboration and

This software can be used to model and simulate LAN, different topologies, wide area
networks. We can simulate and study the behavior of different routing protocols using
packet tracer. The IDE of packet tracer is as follow

Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

Different Networking tools are available that can be used to create a network.
These tools are usually provided in the bottom tool bar of main window. In
order to create any network scenario, we select the required tools from that
section and then configure it according to network requirement. Available
tools are:
 Switches (of variable range )
 Routers
 Cables (straight, Cross, TP, Roll over, Fiber optic etc.)
 Bridges
 Personal Computers ( of variable range )
 Wireless devises and many more.

First of all we will create a star network in which three PC’s will be connected
to a central switch. For this purpose place three PC’s and a generic layer 2
switch in the physical space. Next step is to select a straight cable and
connect all the PC’s (their Ethernet port) to 3 ports (Fast Ethernet) of switch.

When both the lights on all the links get green, then network has been connected. Next
step is to give IP address to each PC and create a network. We will be using Class C IP
addresses for this purpose. Click on any PC, a configuration window will appear, Select
Desktop, then IP configuration and give a static IP address and subnet mask to each

Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

After assigning IP address to every PC to having same Network ID, a network will be
established and you can check it by pinging the PC’s. For that again click on any
computer, then from desktop select the command prompt and just ping the ant other
PC on that network. If it replies successfully than out network is complete.

Create another network similar to this in the same window and assign IP addresses to
the PC’s connected in that network. Now we have two different networks let say A and
B. If we Connect Switches of A and B with a trunk cable (Cross over a) and ping B from
Network A or vice versa, It won’t work because both networks are different. In order for
successful communication, either all PC’s should be on one same network or we have to
connect a Router between two networks in order to have internetwork communication.

So the next step is to place a generic router in the work space and connect Switch A to
F 0/0 (Fast Ethernet port) and Switch B to F 1/0 of router. Next step is to establish a
network between router interface and Switch. Thus click on the router and select CLI
tab to configure it using command mode. IOS of router will be loaded and after that it
will ask to continue in configuration dialogue box, so your option should be no.

Press Enter so you will get the prompt which will show the host name of router. Router
has different configuration modes in which it allows certain permissions. To get to the
enable mode, type enable – Enter. You will see a # sign in the prompt so you are now
in the prevelidge mode of router. Next step is to get into the global configuration mode
in order to configure the interfaces, so type Configure terminal – Enter. Now you can
configure any interface of router for example to configure FA 0/0, type

Interface Fast Ethernet 0/0 – enter

Prompt is now showing (Config If) which means you are configuring an interface.

Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

Next step is to give IP address and subnet mask to FA 0/0 of router, for this type

IP address – Enter

And by default ports are disabled so in order to enable it type no shut – Enter so an
interface will be configured.

Use CTRL + Z to get out of this mode and in similar way configure FA 1/0 of router that
is connected to Switch B. After establishing two separate networks (Between FA 0/0
and Switch A, Between FA 1/0 and Switch B) , next step is to provide gateway address
to every PC which will be the address of router interface to which it is connected . After
doing this all, network will take some time for ARP process and then you can check the
connectivity by pinging any system on Network B from Network A. If ping is successful
then internetwork communication has been established.

Computer Networks Lab 05 By Muhammad Hammad

Final Network


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